
发布时间:2020-05-30 03:25:07









1.三个代表【答案】three representatives

2.与时俱进【答案】pace up with the times

3.自主创新能力【答案】capability of independent innovation

4.以德治国【答案】rule the country with virtue

5.科学发展观【答案】scientific outlook on development

6.房奴【答案】mortgage slave

7.“三农”问题【答案】issues on agriculture, rural areas, farmers

8.传销【答案】pyramid marketing

9.服务型政府【答案】service-oriented government

10.经济适用房【答案】economical affordable house


12.次贷危机【答案】subprime crisis

13.廉政建设【答案】the construction of a honest and clean administration

14.精神文明【答案】spiritual civilization

15.中部崛起【答案】the rise of central China

16.Normalization of diplomatic relations【答案】外交关系正常化

17.Labor dispute【答案】劳动争议;劳资纠纷

18.Irrenewable energy【答案】不可再生能源

19.Wealth gap【答案】贫富差距


21.Bubble economy【答案】泡沫经济

22.Greenhouse gases【答案】温室气体

23.Think tank【答案】智囊团

24.Intellectual property rights【答案】知识产权

25.Oil-for-food program【答案】石油换粮食计划


27.Pacific Rim【答案】环太平洋地区

28.Soft landing【答案】软着陆

29.The carrot and the stick【答案】软硬兼施

30.Multilateral negotiation【答案】多边协商


Section A English to Chinese

Lawrence lived his relatively short life during a period of social and political upheaval . His experience as a student and a teacher would not have been possible had the Education Act of 1870 not established compulsory elementary schools for children of back grounds like his. The industrialism he hated, particularly the large-scale coal mining in areas like Notting hamshire, with the accompanying blight of surrounding countryside, was reaching a peak during his childhood and early manhood.

World War I was a shock, followed by disillusionment , to many educated Europeans, who had believed that material progress, equated with the advance of civilization, had banished war forever. Lawrence had never shared the near universal faith in material progress. His horror of the war, for reasons more personal, proved socially and politically prophetic — he saw the war as the beginning of the conformism , the assault on authentic individualism that has in fact characterized the twentieth century.

Because Lawrence spent years in Italy during the fascist period, and because his “dream of leadership” often emerged in authoritarian statements or the invention of authoritarian figures , one of the many strands of adverse criticism woven around him during his life was a charge that he had fascist leanings. The charge is absurd, as insight into the essential core of the man — his hatred of conformism, insistence on singular passional being — reveals. However, it is true that Lawrence, like many artists who believe in the magic of words, sometimes expressed his yearnings for power in an idiom colored by the socialist, communist, and fascist language of the 1920s and 1930s.【参考译文】




Section B Chinese to English





He was going abroad. The news spread rapidly even before he left the Foreign Trade Bureau.

When he reached home, He found a roomful of people waiting for him.

“Brother, please bring me a computer-controlled radio cassette recorder,” said his younger brother, apparently in high spirits, as if he could get what he wanted right away.

“Bring me a set of high-grade cosmetics, brother,” said his younger sister, filled with excitement, as if the high-grade cosmetics were taking effect on her, making her more charming. “Mother, what do you want me to bring you?” he asked.

“Oh, just bring me a washing machine,” answered his mother-in-law, grinning from ear to ear. She was mighty happy.

“What about you, mom?”

“No matter what happens, please do bring yourself back home,” replied his mother, her eyes glistening with tears.

People left his room one after another.

“Zhihua, what do you want??”his asked, gently placing his hands on his wife’s shoulders. “I have the same idea as mom?” she said softly, gazing at him with affection.

At this, tears welled up in his eyes and streamed down onto her beautiful hair.




2.低保【答案】Minimum Living Standard

3.低碳经济【答案】low-carbon economy

4.人均收入【答案】average per capita income

5.节能减排【答案】energy saving and emission reduction; energy conservation and emission reduction

6.法治社会【答案】society governed by law; society ruled by law

7.赈灾扶贫【答案】Poverty and Disaster Relief; poverty alleviation and Disaster Relief

8.兴国【答案】national rejuvenation through science and education

9.知识密集型产业【答案】knowledge-intensive industry

10.信用风险防范机制【答案】prevention mechanism against credit risk

11.国际核不扩散体系【答案】the international nuclear non-proliferation regime/system

12.中东和平进程【答案】the Middle East peace process

13.世界多极化【答案】world multi-polarization; the multi-polar world

14.国家主权和领土完整【答案】national sovereignty and territorial integrity

15.农副产品加工【答案】agricultural and sideline product processing

16.disposal income【答案】可支配收入

17.value-added tax【答案】增殖税

18.sunrise industry【答案】朝阳产业

19.brain drain【答案】人才流失

20.weapon of mass destruction【答案】大规模杀伤性武器

21.vulnerable group【答案】弱势群体

22.global warming【答案】全球变暖

23.transfer of intangible assets【答案】无形资产转让

24.wholesale and retail businesses【答案】批发和零售业务

25.GDP【答案】国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product)

26.ASEAN【答案】东南亚国家联盟(Association of South East Asian Nations;东盟

27.renewable energy【答案】可再生能源

28.migrant rural laborers【答案】农民工

29.international practice【答案】国际惯例

30.good-neighborly and friendly cooperation【答案】睦邻友好合作(关系.


Section A English to Chinese

Every year, Fortune magazine celebrates women in the top echelons of corporate America by publishing a list of the 50 Most Powerful Women in Business. Their titles are impressive-CEO, chairman, president-and photos portray them as polished and confident. What an inspiration they could be to the young women following them!

But what if those young women don’t aspire to a corner office? A week after the Fortune list appeared on newsstands, a major national study of teenagers revealed a surprising finding: while 97 percent of girls polled expect to work to support themselves or their families, only 9 percent want careers in business. Among boys, the figure is 15 percent.

But why do girls shy away from business? The number of women applying to business schools has dropped off. By contrast, women make up half the students in medical and law schools.

Unlike boys in the study, who say they want to earn a lot of money, girls place great importance on helping others and improving society. But they don’t see connections between those goals and business, which they equate with finance and numbers. And they’re less confident than boys about their business-related skills.

Teen girls also place a high value on having enough time to spend with family and friends. In describing business, Professor Wilson says, “they used many images involving stress-images about dads having to make conference calls on vacation, and moms always being tired when they got home, or complaining about their bad bosses.”

As it happens, mothers are the primary source of career advice for daughters. But parents' goals are often less well defined for girls than for boys.

Wilson calls the lack of women at the top “alarming”, adding that the study doesn’t offer a lot of hope that future generations will swell the ranks of women in leadership positions.【参考译文】








Section B Chinese to English





Once a group of Chinese were visiting the home of a fairly well to do American .As they were shown around the house, they commented, you have a very nice home. It is so beautiful. The hostess smiled with obvious pleasure and replied in good American fashion Thank you -which caused surprise among some of her Chinese guests. Later, while conversing at the dinner table, the host regarded to the Chinese interpreter, a young lady who had graduated not long ago from a Chinese university, your English is excellent and really quite fluent. To this she demurred, No, no. My English is quite poor -an answer that he had not expected and found a bit puzzling.

Was the American hostess’ reply immodest, as it seemed to some of the Chinese?

Was the young Chinese interpreter s remark insincere, as it sounded to the Americans?

In both cases the answer is no. To English Speaking people, praise is to be accepted, generally with a remark like Thank you .some not unworthy achievement or thing ,Therefore ,there should however, the customary reply to a compliment would be to claim enough, or that success was more a matter of luck or some other circumstances. Acceptance of a compliment would imply conceit or lack of manners. So in the two cases above, the reason for such different reactions was differences in customs and habits. Each was interpreting what the other said according to his or her own culture.





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