
发布时间:2020-05-30 16:02:47







Unit 1


Text A

laureate [5lC:riit] adj. 戴桂冠的;荣誉的

n. 桂冠诗人;得奖者

vt. 使戴桂冠【例句】He was a Nobel laureate in physics. 他是一位诺贝尔物理学奖获得者。

economics [7i:kE5nCmiks, 7ekE-] n. 经济学;(国家的)经济情况【例句】The economics of the scheme needs to be looked at very carefully. 这项计划的经济性还需要认真考虑。【助记】来自economic(经济的,经济学的);cs结尾的多为学科。经济学。

bedridden [5bedrId(E)n] adj. 卧床不起的【例句】With two children bedridden the mother was ill at ease. 两个孩子病得躺在床上,母亲非常焦急。

Swedish [5swi:diF] n. 瑞典人,瑞典语

adj. 瑞典的【例句】Swedish industry has of late years grown with leaps and bounds. 瑞典的工业近年来飞跃增长。

revolutionary [5revE5lu:FEnEri] adj. 革命的;革新的

n. 革命者;革命党人【例句】Many revolutionaries died for the revolution before the liberation. 在解放前,许多革命者为革命而牺牲了。

postwar [5pEust5wC:] adj. 战后的【例句】During the postwar years in Germany honors were heaped upon Einstein. 战后,爱因斯坦在德国备受称颂。

recognition [7rekE^5niFEn] n. 认出,辨认;承认;赏识【例句】My recognition of him was immediate. 我立刻认出是他。【词组】in recognition of表彰,报偿

beyond recognition 面目全非;识别不出

raspy [`rB:spI] adj. (声音)刺耳的;易怒的;粗糙的【例句】My voice is raspy because I have a cold.  我的声音很刺耳,因为我感冒了。

paranoid [5pArEnCid] n. (=paranoiac)患妄想狂者

adj. 类似妄想狂的【例句】She’s getting paranoid about what other people think of her. 她越来越怀疑别人对自己有什麽看法。【搭配】be paranoid about 怀疑…

economist [i:5kCnEmist] n. 经济学者,经济家【例句】Some economists strongly believe in private enterprise. 有些经济学家非常赞成私营企业。

single out挑出;挑选【例句】His immediate superior has singled him out for a special mention. 他的顶头上司特别提到了他。

psychiatric [saIkI5AtrIk; (?@) sI-] adj. 精神病学的;治疗精神病的【例句】About 4% of the prison population have chronic psychiatric illnesses.


delusion [di5lu:VEn] n. 迷惑,欺骗;错觉;幻想【例句】He is under the delusion that he is Napoleon. 他患了妄想症,认为自己是拿破仑。【搭配】under the delusion(that)出现幻觉【助记】delude的动词,假的感觉;illusion是幻觉

phantom [5fAntEm] n. 幽灵,鬼怪【例句】The castle is said to be haunted by a phantom. 据说那座城堡时常闹鬼。【搭配】the legend of the phantom ship 鬼船的传说【助记】phan显现,tom征兆-有显现的征兆-幻觉

scribble [5skribl] v. 潦草地写,乱写,滥写【例句】The child can’t write yet but he loves to scribble with a pencil. 孩子还不会写字,但他喜欢拿着铅笔乱划。

die down逐渐消失【例句】These rumours will soon die down. 这些谣言不久就会逐渐消失。

on/at one level…(on/at another level)一方面…(另一方面…)【例句】On one level it was highly technical, beyond the ken of most laymen.


incapacitate [7inkE5pAsiteit] vt. 使无能力,使不能胜任【例句】His poor health incapacitate him for work.他健康不佳使他不能工作。【搭配】incapacitate the enemy使敌人丧失能力

incapacitate somebody from something使某人不适合做某事

play a trick on开…的玩笑;捉弄…【例句】I don’t play a trick on innocent people. 我不作弄天真老实的人。

sensation [sen5seiFEn] n. 感觉,知觉;激动,轰动;引起轰动的事件或人【例句】The scandal caused a great sensation in Paris. 这件丑闻在巴黎引起了轰动。【助记】sense 感觉,指对感官有很大震撼的,耸人听闻的【派生】sensational adj. 轰动的;耸人听闻的;非常好的;使人感动的

dimension [di5menFEn] n. [数] 维;尺寸;次元;容积

vt. 标出尺寸

adj. 规格的【例句】Time is sometimes called the fourth dimension. 时间有时被称为第四度空间。【助记】di+mens(测量)+ion→测量→尺寸【派生】dimensional adj. 空间的;尺寸的

haven [5heivn] n. 港口,避难所

vt. 为……提供避难处;安置……于港中【例句】①They have made their home a haven for the homeless orphans.


②Now they are at the beach and havened from the noises of the city.

现在,他们来到了海滩上,远离了城市的喧哗和嘈杂。【搭配】safe haven 安全港;容许幅度标准

tax haven 避税场所(税率很低的国家或地区)【助记】离天堂(heaven)差e步→庇护所(haven)

heartbreak [5hB:tbreik] v. 心碎

n. 极度伤心;令人心碎的事【例句】Her husband’s death heartbroke her greatly. 丈夫的去世让她悲痛欲绝。【派生】heartbreaking adj. 悲伤或失望到难忍程度的;令人悲伤的

heartbroken 悲伤的,伤心的

loyal [5lCiEl] adj. 忠诚的,忠心的;忠贞的

n. 效忠的臣民;忠实信徒【例句】Some of our formerly loyal members have fallen away. 我们以前的一些忠诚的成员现在已经背叛了我们。【词组】be loyal to忠诚于【助记】老友(谐音)→老友是很忠诚的【派生】loyally adv. 忠诚地;诚实地

loyalty n. 忠诚;忠心;忠实

oblique [E5bli:k] adj. 倾斜的;间接的;不坦率的,无诚意的【例句】He made oblique references to her lack of experience. 他拐弯抹角地说她缺乏经验。【词组】make an oblique reference to转弯抹角地说到…【派生】obliquely adv. 倾斜地;转弯抹角地

obliquity n. 倾斜;倾斜度;不正直

obliqueness n. 倾斜;斜度;歪斜

conference [5kCnfErEns] n. 商谈;讨论;(正式)会议【例句】The conference will be held in the Capitol in Washington. 会议将在华盛顿的国会大厦举行。【助记】con(一起)+fer(带来)+ence(名词后缀)→一起来开会

irrational [i5rAFEnEl] adj. 无理性的,失去理性的;荒谬的,毫不合理的【例句】The man’s remarks were totally irrational.那人的评论完全不合理。【派生】irrationally adv. 无理性地,不合理地

irrationality n. 不合理,无理性

mantle [5mAntl] n. 地幔;斗篷;覆盖物

vi. 覆盖;脸红

vt. 覆盖【例句】①Clouds mantled the moon.云遮住了月亮。

②The mountain was covered with a mantle of snow. 山上覆盖着一层雪。【搭配】one’s mantle falls on [descends to] sb.衣钵传给某人(《圣经》)

take over [inherit] the mantle of sb.继承某人的衣钵

the inheritor of one’s mantle某人衣钵的继承者

pass the mantle on to sb.将衣钵传给某人【助记】读:man头,能露出男人头的东西-披风

invoke [5invEuk] vt. 引起,产生;向神灵祈求保佑;行使(法权等),援引(法规、条文等);请求,恳求(援助等);【例句】①They invoked help in the desperate situation.他们在走投无路的情况下恳求援助。

②Human error invoked the disaster.人的过失带来灾难[惨剧]。【搭配】invoke sb.’s help恳求某人帮助

invoke the judge’s mercy恳求法官宽恕

invoke new problems引起一些新的问题【助记】in进入,voke喊-进门大喊-恳求

backwater [5bAk7wC:tE] n. 死水(被水坝或急流止住或往回流的水);闭塞地区(孤立的、停滞的或落后的地方)【例句】I find this town too much of a backwater. 我觉得这个城镇太闭塞。【搭配】a quiet rural backwater一处宁静的乡下偏僻之地【助记】back向后,water水-向后流的水-回水,死水

per capita人均;每人;按人口计算【例句】The per capita consumption of alcohol has dropped over the past two years.


railroad(同railway) [5reilrEud] n. 铁路

v. 由铁道运输;在…铺设铁路;强迫【例句】Railroad trains and buses are public conveyances. 火车和公共汽车是公共交通工具。

electrical [i5lektrik(E)l] adj. 电的,有关电的【例句】The cooker isn’t working because of an electrical fault. 这个炊具不能用了,因为出了电气方面的故障。

prodigy [5prCdidVi] n. 怪事;神童;奇特的象征或预兆,奇迹,奇事,奇才【例句】He was a mathematical prodigy. 他是一位数学天才。【搭配】child prodigy 神童

a prodigy of learning学识渊博的奇人


freshman [5freFmEn] n. 新生,大学一年级学生

awkward [5C:kwEd] adj. 难处理的;不熟练的,笨拙的;尴尬的【例句】The opera was marred by an awkward aria. 整部歌剧毁在咏叹调部分的不够熟练。【词组】be awkward for使人尴尬的,不便的,不合适的。【助记】音:坳口,读起来很坳口,就是笨拙不好说;原意指山坳的坳口,低处的路,走进去不好转向。【派生】awkwardness n. 尴尬;笨拙

astonishment [Es5tCniFmEnt] n. 惊讶【例句】To my utter astonishment, she said it was because it made her feel stupid.


famed [feImd] adj. 著名的,闻名的【例句】The city is famed for its scenic spots. 该市以风景优美著称。

make waves捣蛋;兴风作浪【例句】She is the wrong woman for the job; she is always trying to make waves.


doctoral [5dCktErEl] adj. 博士的;博士学位的;有博士学位的

n. [口]博士论文【例句】He wrote his doctoral thesis on electromagnetism. 他写有关电磁的博士论文。【搭配】a doctoral degree博士学位

fellowship [5felEuFip] n. 伙伴关系;交情;团体,联谊会【例句】You’re permitted to join the fellowship. 你可以加入这个社团。【词组】bear sb. fellowship与某人有交谊

arguably [5B:^juEbli] adv. 可论证地,正如可加以证明的那样【例句】They are arguably the most important band since The Rolling Stones.


charismatic [kE5rizmAtik] adj. 有魅力的【例句】Charismatic leaders are supposed to have rough edges. 人们认为有魅力的领导者都不修边幅。【助记】源近于Christmas, Christ 基督或圣诞老人是有魅力的

gauche [^EuF] adj. 笨拙的,粗鲁的【例句】When receiving a business card, it is gauche to write on the back side.

当你接到一张名片时,在名片的背面写字是一种无礼的表现。【词组】a gauche manner, person, remark 不雅的举止、人、言语.【助记】读:狗吃(屎)-会见小江摔了个gauche-不善交际的

fad [fAd] n. (流行一时的)狂热,时尚【例句】His interest in photography is only a passing fad.他对摄影的爱好仅是一时的兴致。【词组】the latest fads最新的时尚

a passing fad一时的爱好【助记】fad很短暂,所以很快就会fade( vi. 减弱下去;褪色;消失)

loner [`lEJnE(r)] n. 孤独的人;不合群的动物【例句】She’s been a loner all her life. 她一生离群索居。

talk a blue streak连珠炮似地谈话【例句】Those construction workers can sure talk a blue streak.


derive [di5raiv] vt. 源于;得自

vi. 起源【例句】Many English words are derived from Latin. 许多英语词汇源于拉丁文。【词组】derive from/be derived from sth. 从…衍生出;起源于;来自【助记】de(离开)+rive(=river河流)→支流【派生】derivation n. 引出;来历;词源

rivalry [5raIvElrI] n. 竞争,敌对,敌对状态【例句】The quarrel originated in rivalry between the two families. 这次争吵是由两家敌对引起的。【搭配】enter into rivalry with开始与…竞争

engage in deep rivalry with与……展开激烈的竞争【助记】rival + ry

elude [i5lju:d, i5lu:d] vt. 躲避(危险等),逃避(追捕等),逃脱;困惑,使迷离【例句】①The revolutionist eluded capture for weeks by hiding underground.


②The meaning eludes me. 我摸不透这意思。【词组】elude observation避人耳目

elude one’s understanding使人不解【派生】elusive adj. 难懂的;易忘的;逃避的;难捉摸的

elusion n. 逃避;回避

elusiveness n. 狡诈;易闪避;飘忽不定;巧妙逃避【助记】一路的(谐音)→大家是一路的,都要逃避

beguile [bi5^ail] vt. 诱骗,诱惑;解(闷),消磨(时间)【例句】The travelers were beguiled by the beauty of the landscapes.游客们被景色的美丽所陶醉。【搭配】beguile sb. into doing sth. 骗某人干某事

beguile him (out)of his money骗他的钱【助记】guile 使用狡诈诡计是一种罪guilt

negotiation [ni7^EuFi5eiFEn] n. 商议,谈判【例句】We are satisfied with the smoothness of the negotiation. 我们对谈判的顺利进行很满意。【词组】enter into/open/carry on/resume negotiations with sb 与某人着手[展开/进行/恢复]谈判

carry on negotiation with sb.与某人进行谈判

business negotiation商务谈判,商业谈判;交易磋商

trade negotiation贸易谈判;贸易洽谈

come alive活跃起来;看上去像真的【例句】The president came alive in the picture as the artist worked. 艺术家笔下的总统肖像栩栩如生。

doctorate [5dCktErit] n. 博士学位;博士头衔【例句】He hasn’t enough credits to get his doctorate. 他的学分不够取得博士学位。

interlude [5intE(:)7lu:d, -lju:d] n. (活动间的)暂时休息;插曲;中间时间【例句】Her time in Paris was a happy interlude in a difficult career.

她在巴黎期间是她艰辛的事业中一段愉快的插曲。【搭配】rest interlude 中场休息

a brief interlude of peace between two wars两场战争之间的短暂的和平【助记】inter(在中间),lude(玩耍)-在玩闹之间-休息

instructor [in5strQktE] n. 指导者,教员;指导书【例句】The driving instructor told me to pull up at the post office. 驾驶教练让我在邮局停车。【词组】fitness instructor 健美师;健身指导

training instructor 训练教官;训练导师

itch [itF] n. 痒;热望,渴望

v. 发痒;使不悦,(使)烦恼;渴望【例句】①The insect bite itched all night.被虫子叮咬处痒了一整夜。

②The lad’s itching to go to university.这小伙子渴望去上大学。【词组】an itch to…渴望…

have an itch for…渴望…

be itching to do sth; be itching for sth渴望(做)某事

circulate [5sE:kjuleit] v. (使)流通,(使)循环,使流传;散布,传播【例句】Rumors circulated rapidly. 谣言迅速散布开来。【助记】circul(circ1e)+ate(动词后缀)→使循环

notorious [nEu5tC:riEs] adj. 臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的【例句】He is notorious for his dirty words. 他因说脏话而臭名昭著。【词组】be notorious for 以…出名【助记】not(标识)+orious(多…的)→臭名昭著的【派生】notoriety n. 恶名;声名狼藉;丑名

insoluble [in5sCljubl] adj. 不能溶解的;不能解决的【例句】We couldn’t finish the insoluble problem given by our teacher. 我们没法解决老师给的那个不能解决的问题。【搭配】an insoluble mystery, riddle, etc无法解释的奥秘、不解之谜【助记】in不 + soluble可溶解的

worthy [5wE:Ti] adj. (of)值得…的;有价值的;可敬的;相称的

n. 杰出人物;知名人士【例句】He is worthy of our praise. 他值得我们赞许。【词组】worthy of sth./to do sth. 应得某事物;值得做某事

phenomenal [fi5nCminl] adj. 显著的,现象的,能知觉的;异常的,非凡的【例句】You have a phenomenal memory. 你的记忆力惊人。【搭配】a phenomenal success非凡的成功

a phenomenal amount of money 总额惊人的钱【派生】phenomenally adv. 现象上地;明白地;从感官认识到

phenomenon n. 现象;奇迹;杰出的人才

productive [prE5dQktiv] adj. 有生产能力的;多产的,富饶的;有构词能力的;富有成效的【例句】Training makes workers highly productive. 培训使工人们生产力很高。【助记】pro(向前)+duct(引导)+ive(形容词后缀)

graceful [5^reisful] adj. 优美的,文雅的【例句】We admired the graceful poise of the dancer. 我们很欣赏那位舞蹈演员的优美舞姿。

worship [5wE:Fip] n. & v. (做)礼拜;崇拜【例句】The Greeks used to worship several gods. 过去,希腊人崇奉好几种神。【助记】源自worth有价值 + ship关系。【派生】worshipful adj. 崇拜的,虔诚的;尊贵的;尊敬的

tenure [5tenjuE] n. (土地等的)占有,使用期限;(官职等的)保有,任期;终身职位【例句】You may have the opportunity to write early on in your tenure.

在你任职的初期,你就可能得到编写文章的机会。【搭配】land tenure 土地占有制

tenure track 可授予终生职位的聘雇制度

life tenure 终身任期;终生职

during one’s tenure of office于在职期间

one’s tenure of life 寿命【助记】ten拿,ure-拿住职位的期限-任期

depressive [di5presiv] adj. 郁闷的【例句】He’s no longer a depressive character. 他不再是一个消沉的人。

as hell非常地,极端地,可怕地【例句】She is cute as hell. 她美得一塌糊涂。

paranoia [pArE5nCiE] n. [心理] 偏执狂,[内科] 妄想狂【例句】They capitalize on panic and paranoia.他们利用恐慌和偏执狂。

intensify [in5tensifai] v. 加强,加剧,增强,强化【例句】My first failure only intensify my desire to succeed. 我的初次失败只更加强了我成功的信念。【助记】in+tens(伸展)+ify(使…)→使…伸展→(使)增强,(使)加剧

abyss [E5bis] n. 深渊,深坑=chasm【例句】One slip on this mountain and you will fall into the abyss.在这座山上一失足便会跌入万丈深渊。【搭配】the abyss of despair 绝望的深渊

an abyss of disgrace耻辱的深渊,莫大的耻辱

the abyss of time永恒【助记】音“哦必死”→我必死→掉进深渊,我必死无疑

know by sight见面认识;见过面;面熟【例句】I have never met our new neighbours; I simply know them by sight.


vacant [5veikEnt] adj. 空的,空缺的;未占用的;神情茫然的【例句】Is the toilet vacant? 厕所里没有人吧?【助记】未垦的(谐音)→无人占用的→空的【派生】vacancy n. 空缺;空位;空白;空虚

applaud [E5plC:d] vt. 赞同;称赞;向…喝采

vi. 喝彩;鼓掌欢迎【例句】Everyone applauded when the play ended. 演出结束时,大家都热烈鼓掌。【助记】ap一再,plaud鼓掌-鼓掌赞许参:applause(鼓掌欢迎)

kindness [5kaindnis] n. 仁慈,亲切;好意;友好行为【例句】I think it would be a kindness to tell him the bad news straightly.

我认为还是直接告诉他这个不幸的消息为好。【助记】kinda. 仁慈的⇒kindnessn. 亲切;仁慈的行为。

seminar [5seminB:] n. 研究会,(大学的)研究班,研讨会【例句】I had enrolled in the seminar out of sheer curiosity. 我加入研讨会纯粹是出于好奇心。

remission [ri5miFEn] n. 饶恕;(负债、处分等的) 赦免,免除,减刑;(痛苦、紧张等的)缓和,减轻【例句】He got a remission of six months.他获减了六个月的刑。【搭配】in remission缓解,缓和

get full remission from得到很好的缓解【助记】remit的名词;re + mission 再次完成使命→就能得到赦免

miraculous [mi5rAkjulEs] adj. 神奇的,不可思议的【例句】The doctor had a miraculous success in the operation.医生在手术中获得了奇迹般的成功。【派生】miraculously adv. 奇迹般地;神奇地;非凡地;出乎意料地

flourish [5flQriF] v. 繁荣,茂盛,兴旺,旺盛

n. 挥舞【例句】The dramatist flourished around 1930. 那位剧作家于一九三零年左右处于全盛时期。【助记】源于flower——花一样的开放——繁荣【派生】flourishing adj. 繁荣的;繁茂的;盛行的

announcement [E5naunsmEnt] n. 宣布,通告【例句】She made her announcement after talks with the president.她在与总统的会谈后发布了公告。【词组】official announcement正式通知;官方消息

Text B

enthusiasm [in5Wju:ziAzEm] n. 热情,热心;狂热;积极性(for)【例句】She shows boundless enthusiasm for the work. 她对工作表现出无限的热情。【词组】enthusiasm for 热爱…【助记】enthus (使充满热情)+ iasm→热爱,热情【派生】enthusiastic adj. 热情的;热心的;狂热的

triumph [5traiEmf] n. 胜利,胜利的喜悦

v. 获胜,欢欣鼓舞【例句】①The machine is a triumph of advanced technology. 这台机器是先进技术的成果。

②She was confident that she would ultimately triumph over adversity. 她相信自己最终能战胜逆境。【词组】triumph (over sb./sth.) 获得成功或胜利【助记】胜利(triumph)之后吹喇叭(trump)。【派生】triumphant adj. 成功的;得意洋洋的;狂欢的

come around造访;苏醒,恢复知觉【例句】Quite a lot of people came round to the house. 宾客盈门。

prevail [pri5veil] v. (over,against)取胜,占优势;流行;说服,劝说【例句】The East Wind prevails over the West Wind. 东风压倒了西风。【助记】pre前 + vail 有利,有用,比⋯更有利,有用【派生】prevailing adj. 流行的;一般的,最普通的;占优势的;盛行很广的

epithet [5epiWet] n. 绰号,称号【例句】Indeed,some observers fear that the antiscience epithet is in danger of becoming meaningless.

的确,一些观察者担心反科学这个词会失去意义。【词组】transferred epithet转移修饰语;转类形容词【助记】音:爱皮+ say it 爱调皮的说它→说绰号;epith 将心挖出,指说话很伤人心,用贬低的绰号。

make an effort努力,作出努力【例句】You should make an effort to improve your reading comprehension. 你应该努力提高你的阅读能力。

factual [5fAktFuEl] adj. 事实的,实际上的【例句】We cannot condemn him without factual evidence.我们不能在没有真凭实据的情况下就认为他有罪。【词组】a factual account 据实的报道

factual evidence事实的证据【助记】fact(事实)+ual(…的)→事实的

borderline [5bC:dElaIn] n. 边界线

botany [5bCtEni] n. 植物学;地区植物总称【例句】We have studied botany in our middle school. 我们在中学的时候就学过植物学。【助记】bottle + 音:泥,瓶子里的泥,种的是植物【派生】botanical adj. 植物学的

botanist n. 植物学家

astronomer [E5strRnEmE(r)] n. 天文学家【例句】An astronomer is a person who studies the stars scientifically. 天文学家就是按科学方法研究星体的人。【词组】radio astronomer 射电天文学【派生】astronomy n. 天文学

annoyance [E5nCiEns] n. 烦恼,打扰;使人烦恼的事,讨厌的东西(或人)【例句】①To her annoyance the stranger did not go away.让她厌烦的是这个陌生人没有离开。

②I felt annoyance at being teased.我恼恨别人取笑我。【词组】put sb. to annoyance使(某人)烦恼,为难,麻烦

to one’s annoyance使人为难的是…,使人烦恼的是…

supervisor [5sju:pEvaizE] n. 主管,管理人【例句】His supervisor called him down for being habitually late. 他的上司因他习惯迟到而责备他。

for the best出于好意

diagnose [5daiE^nEuz] vt. 诊断;断定

vi. 诊断;判断【例句】The soldiers were diagnosed as having flu. 这些士兵被诊断为患了流感。【词组】diagnose sb. as/with sth=diagnose sth. as sth. 诊断;判断【助记】dia 通过 + know,通过一种方法来了解→分析,诊断。【派生】diagnosis n. 诊断

assurance [E5FuErEns] n. 信心,把握;保证,担保;(人寿)保险【例句】He made an unctuous assurance. 他做了个虚请假意的承诺。【助记】as(一再)+sur(确实)+ance(名词后缀)→一再确认是否有保证。

plaster [5plB:stE] n. 熟石膏;膏药

v. 敷膏药于…;掩饰,掩盖【例句】They tried to plaster over the differences. 他们试图掩盖分歧。【词组】plaster sth. down(敷湿或黏之物)使某物平贴【助记】pl(谐音:漂亮)+aster(星星)→漂亮的星星是熟石膏。

sympathetic [7simpE5Wetik] adj. 有同情心的;同感的,共鸣的;赞同的

n. 交感神经【例句】She felt sympathetic towards the suffering of the little boy. 她对小男孩的经历深表同情。【词组】sympathetic with 对…同情【助记】sym(相同的)+pam(感情)+ic(形容词后缀)→引起相同的感情→同情的

proceeding [prE5si:diN] n. 行动,进程,过程,议程;诉讼(程序);[pl.] 会议录,学报【例句】She has begun divorce proceedings. 她已经开始了离婚诉讼。

referee [ 7refE5ri: ] n. 仲裁人,调解人,[体] 裁判员

v. 仲裁,裁判【例句】The referee counted him out in the first round. 裁判判定他在第一回合被击败。【搭配】chief referee 总裁判;主裁判;裁判长【派生】refereeing n. 裁判;审稿工作

put a strain on使…极度紧张;使经受(严峻)考验;使(极度)劳累【例句】Mum’s illness has put a strain on the whole family. 妈妈的病使全家人担忧。

galaxy [5^AlEksi] n. 星系;(the Galaxy)银河(系);一群(杰出或著名的人物)【例句】①The earth is one of the planets in the Galaxy. 地球是银河系中的星球之一。

②The company has a galaxy of talent. 该公司拥有一批优秀的人才。

density [5densiti] n. 稠密;浓度,密度【例句】The density of the forest prevented us from walking quickly. 茂密的森林使我们无法走得太快。

contract [5kCntrAkt] n. 契约,合同;婚约

v. 收缩;订约;感染(疾病);染上(恶习)【例句】①The city contracted for a library with their firm. 市政当局和他们公司订立了修建图书馆的合同。

②I’m under contract to teach here for one year. 我按照聘约要在这里教一年书。【词组】draw up a contract草拟合同

contract in承包【助记】con(共同)+tract(拉)→共同把利益拉向自己一,合同

take into account考虑;重视;体谅【例句】Unadjusted figures which do not take tourism into account showed that unemployment fell in July.


collide [kE5laid] v. (车、船、意志等以猛烈、直接的冲力)碰撞;冲突,强烈抵触【例句】As the bus turned the corner,it collided with a van. 公共汽车转过拐角时与客货车相撞。【词组】collide with 冲突【助记】col(共同)+lide(看作lie谎言)→为避免情感冲突,他们俩靠谎言度日→冲突碰撞。【派生】collisional adj. 碰撞引起的

collision n. (意见,看法)的抵触,冲突

emit [i5mit] v. 发出,散发;放射;吐露;发表;发行【例句】The tail exhaust pipe of the motor vehicle emitted poisonous smoke. 机动车的尾部排气管排出有毒的浓烟。【助记】e(出来)+mit(送)→出(声),放(光等),放射

leak [li:k] v. & n. 漏洞;泄漏,漏出;使渗漏【例句】The roof has a bad leak,and the rain is leaking in. 屋顶有个大漏洞,雨水漏进来了。【词组】leak out 泄漏;漏出【助记】立刻(谐音)→立刻漏了【派生】leaky adj. 漏的;有漏洞的

consistent [kEn5sistEnt] adj. (in)前后一致的;(with)一致,符合【例句】He is not consistent in his action. 他的行动前后不一致。【词组】consistent with 符合;与…一致【派生】consistency n. 一致性

proposal [prE5pEuzEl] n. 提议,建议;求婚【例句】He made a proposal of marriage to her. 他向她求婚。【词组】proposal for sth. 预备;提建议

finite [5fainait] adj. 有限的;[数] 有穷的,限定的

n. 有限之物【例句】Human knowledge is finite. 人类的知识是有限的。【助记】fin(结束,范围)-范围有限的final(adj 最后的;决定性的)。


Text A

1.A Beautiful Mind美丽心灵。《美丽心灵》是一部改编自同名传记而获得奥斯卡金像奖的电影。影片讲述一位患有精神分裂症但却在博弈论和微分几何学领域潜心研究以致获得诺贝尔经济学奖的数学家约翰·福布斯·纳什。小约翰•福布斯·纳什在念研究生时,便发表了著名的博弈理论,该理论虽只有短短26页,却在经济、军事等领域产生了深远的影响。但就在小约翰•福布斯·纳什蜚声国际时,他的出众直觉因为精神分裂症受到困扰,然而这并没阻止他向学术上的最高层进军的步伐,在深爱他的妻子艾丽西亚的鼓励和帮助下,他走得虽然艰缓,却始终没有停步,而最终,凭借十几年的不懈努力和顽强意志,他如愿以偿,于1994年获得诺贝尔奖。

2.The Nobel Prize诺贝尔奖。


3.John Forbes Nash. Jr小约翰·福布斯·纳什,生于1928年6月13日。任普林斯顿大学数学系教授。1950年,约翰·纳什获得美国普林斯顿高等研究院的博士学位,他那篇仅仅27页的博士论文中有一个重要发现,这就是后来被称为“纳什均衡”的博弈理论。

4.Several weeks before the 1994 Nobel prize in economics was announced on October 11, two mathematicians—Harold W. Kuhn and John Forbes Nash, Jr. —visited their old teacher, Albert W. Tucker, now almost 90 and bedridden, at Meadow Lakes, a nursing home near here. 在1994年10月11日诺贝尔经济学奖颁布前的几个星期,两位数学家——哈罗德·W·库恩和小约翰·福布斯·纳什——来到离此地不远的草甸湖一家疗养院拜访了他们年迈的老师,年近九旬、卧床不起的艾伯特·W·塔克。

句子的主干是two mathematicians visited their old teacher。Several weeks before the 1994 Nobel prize in economics was announced on October 11为时间状语,破折号中间的人名是two mathematicians的同位语,对其作具体说明;Albert W. Tucker是their old teacher的同位语,now almost 90 and bedridden作定语,修饰Albert W. Tucker。

Harold W. Kuhn哈罗德·W·库恩,普林斯顿大学数理经济学的教授,他因为与艾伯特·W·塔克(Albert W. Tucker)合作开创了“非线性规划”理论而闻名世界。1994年,在诺贝尔奖颁发之际,他组织并负责了约翰·纳什在博弈论方面的研究的研讨会;这些论文在Les Prix Nobel l994出版。

John Forbes Nash, Jr. 中的Jr.是junior的缩写,置于姓名之后,用于当父子同名时区分二人,Jr. 用于儿子的姓名之后,Sr. (senior的缩写) 用于父亲的姓名之后。

5.Unbeknownst to Mr. Nash, the Royal Swedish Academy intended to grant Mr. Nash a Nobel for work he had done as the old man’s student in 1949, work that turned out to have revolutionary implications for economics. 纳什先生本人并不知晓,瑞典皇家科学院打算为纳什先生在1949年师从老人时取得的研究成果而授予他诺贝尔奖,该成果后来对经济学产生了革命性的意义。

句子的主干是the Royal Swedish Academy intended to grant Mr. Nash a Nobel。介词短语for work he had done as the old man’s student in 1949作原因状语,he had done as the old man’s student in 1949作定语,修饰work;work that turned out to have revolutionary implications for economics是对前面内容的补充说明,定语从句that turned out to have revolutionary implications for economics用于修饰work。


例:Unbeknownst to me, she made all the arrangements. 她瞒着我把一切都安排好了。

intend打算;想要;意指。intend to do想要做;想要做某事。

Royal Swedish Academy指瑞典皇家学院,是诺贝尔奖的颁发机构。


例:France has agreed to grant him political asylum. 法国已经同意给予他政治庇护。

The magistrates granted that the charity was justified in bringing the action.


6.No sooner had fortune magazine singled him out in July 1958 as America’s brilliant young star of the “new mathematics” than the disease had devastated Mr. Nash’s personal and professional life. 1958年7月《财富》杂志刚刚评选纳什先生为“新数学”美国杰出青年新秀,这一疾病就摧毁了他的个人生活和学术生涯。

句中使用了no sooner…than…这一句式,意为“一…就…”。该句式置于句首时,句子一般用倒装结构,

例:No sooner had the football game started than it began to rain. 足球赛刚开始就下起雨来了。

single out挑出,挑选。

例:The teacher singled out one composition for class discussion. 教师挑选出一篇作文来供课堂上讨论。





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