
发布时间:2020-05-31 22:24:52














Chapter 1 Tennis 第一章 网球

Origins and Reasons for Popularity项目起源及流行探因

Tennis is a beautiful and intense movement. The origin and development of tennis can be summarized into five sentences:bred in France, was born in England, began to spread and formed the climax in the U.S.,prevalent over the world, known as the world's second popular ball games.


Its origins can be traced back to 12-13 century. French missionaries were popular with a game hitting the ball with the palm of your hand.Two men separated from a rope on the ground hit the ball made of hair which was wrapped up within cloth and played with the palm of your hand.This movement not only prevailed in the convent, but also appeared in the French court.During the reign of King of France Louis X.,the court frequently played this for pastime.From 1358 to 1360,this ancient nobility entertainment spread from France into England.United Kingdom Emperer Edward Ⅲ showed great interest and ordered the construction of an indoor stadium in the palace.The racket was converted into sheep, the ball from the cloth into leather.Its size or its weight was not well documented.In 15th century the wear strings of the racket was invented;in 16th century the ancient indoor tennis has become the national sport in France.Later, the ancient indoor tennis has its own rules, and in Europe, particularly in the UK has been carried out better.


In 1887 held the United States Lawn Tennis Women's Singles Championships. Women's doubles and mixed doubles first was held in 1890 and 1892 respectively.

In 1891,France held its first men's singles and men's doubles tournament, participants are limited to French citizens. The women's singles was held since 1897.

In 1904,the Lawn Tennis Association of Australia was established and in 1905 host the Australian Championships including the men's singles, men's doubles. In 1922 the women's singles, women's doubles and mixed doubles was added.

March 1,1913,the International Tennis Federation(ITF)was established in Paris, by the representatives of the Tennis Association of Australia and other 11 countries, in charge of the coordination of international tennis, arrangements for the annual game schedule, amendments to the tennis rules and oversees its implementation.





Held in Athens in 1896,the first modern Olympic Games tennis men's singles and doubles was anounced as an official event. Later, due to the differences on subject of amateur athletes between the IOC(International Olympic Committee)and the International Tennis Federation, Olympic Games tennis event which has been carried out for seven times was cancelled.Until the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games, tennis was held again as a demonstration event.In the 1988 Seoul Olympics, tennis was reclassified as an official event.

1896年在雅典举行的现代第一届奥运会上,男子网球单打与双打被列为正式比赛项目。后来,由于国际奥委会和国际网球联合会在“业余运动员”问题上有分歧,已经进行了连续七届的奥运会网球比赛项目被取消。直到1984年的洛杉矶奥运会上,网球才被列为表演项目。到1988年的汉城奥运会上,网球重新被列为正式比赛项目。Rules of the Game比赛规则Venue比赛场地

Tennis singles site is 23. 77 meters(78 feet)long,8.23 meters(27 feet)wide.Both ends of the network should be attached to or across the two networks;net column should be a square column with its side length less than 15 meters(6 inches),or a cylinder of 0.15 meters(6 inches)in its diameter.The posts must not exceed 0.025 meters above the top of the net rope(1 inch).The midpoint of each side of the net post should be from the site of 0.914 meters(3 feet);the vertical distance of the net post to the top of the net of rope or wire rope from the ground, should be 1.07 meters(3 feet 6 inches).


Stadium fixtures include the net, net post and singles pillar, rope or wire rope, center markers, the white network edge, the golf course around the backstop, bleachers, fixed or movable seats and its possessor;the equipment placed at the venue around, as well as the referees, associate referees, foot-fault referee, the secretary-line staff, picking-up players in their respective positions.

球场固定物包括球网、网柱、单打支柱、绳或钢丝绳、中心带、网边白布,还包括球场四周的挡网、看台,固定的或可移动的座椅;安置在场地周围上空的设备,以及在各自位置上的裁判员、助理裁判员、脚误裁判员、司线员、捡球员等。Competition Method比赛方法

The beginning score of each board is 0:0;the first point of the ball is denoted by 15,so if the service player wins the ball, the score becomes 15:0;the catcher wins the ball, the score is 0:15(scores of the service players is given in front of a colon). Service players score 30,followed by 40(in history, these figures represent 1/4 hours, namely:15,30,45 which later changed to 40). If the opponent scores, only 30 or have less than 30,then the next ball will be able to win this board.For every game, one should be at least better than the opponent more than two-point shots to end the council game.If both players have reached 40,known as the“deuce”.With the next points, the precedence of the players will try to be 2 points ahead to win the board.Opponents in hot pursuit efforts to tie the scores to deuce the precedence players.The one winning the next wins this board.


If the opponent is backward at least two innings, then the first player to win six innings is to win one game. However, if the disk is 6:5,then both sides will play one more.If preemption is won, the disk score is 7:5,sentenced precedence is to win this disk.However, if another player catches up to 6:6,then who will be the winner is decided by the deciding game(tiebreak).


In the three sets match, the first to win two sets is the winner, that is, best of the three;For five sets match, the first to win 3 sets is the winner, that is, best of the five.


Deciding game(tiebreak):the player to serve in the deciding game starts the first point shot, the opponent then makes the second and third point shot, and then the two sides in turn makes two point shot. The one at least leading the other side 2 points, then he would win the game.When comes to the 6 points for every ball and deciding game should exchange site, but there are exceptions:if competition is to take advantage set in accordance with the prior agreement, there is no tiebreaker;one has to win more than the other two games in order to win the set.


After the end of each odd-number score, both players can have a short break, and then switch sides to continue the game.


Before the ball strokes twice, unable to fight back over the net.


In fight back, the ball touches the boundaries of the ground, fixtures or other objects outside the opponent's court.


Volley fault.


Intentionally touch the ball more than once with the racket.


Athlete's body, or racket touches the net during the serve.


Hit the ball over the net.


Throw racket and hit the ball.

抛拍击球。Glossary of Terms术语词汇Venue&Equipment场地及装备篇

alley 单打与双打之间的场区

base line 底线

center mark 中点

clay courts 红土球场

court 网球场

grass court 草地球场

net-post 网柱

over-grips 护柄带

racket 网球拍

service court 发球区

service line 发球线

sideline 边线

single court 单打场区

skirt 网球裙

strings 球拍线

tennis stringer 穿弦机

vibration dampening device 避震器Staffs人员篇

amateur 业余运动员,爱好者

associate referee 辅助教练

ball boy 球童

chair-umpire 主裁判

enthusiast, fan 迷,爱好者

guide 领队

instructor 教练,技术指导

linesman 司线员

manager 经纪人

partner 伙伴

professional 职业运动员

referee 裁判

team 队Technical Terms技术篇

ace 发球直接得分(没有碰到接发球一方的球拍)

advantage 占先

advantage receiver 接发球占先

advantage server 发球占先

alternate service 换发球

attack 进攻

attacking return 攻击性回击球

back-hand 反手击球

back-hand drop shot 反手吊球

back-hand half-volley 反手半截击

back-hand volley 反手截击

ball change 换球

ball control 控制球

ball falls on line 压线球

ball sense 球感

baseline player 底线型球员

blocked return 截击

body touch 触网

bodyline ball 追身球

break point 破发点

center service line 中线

change service 换发球

change sides 换边

chip shot 削球

closed stance 关闭式站位

consistency 一致性

continental grip 大陆式握拍

cross-court shot 斜线球

depth shot 深球

deuce 平分(终局前的比分相同)

double bounces 两跳

double fault 双误

double hit 双击

doubles 双打

double-handed backhand 双反击球

down the line shot 直线球

down-the-line shot 压线球

driven return 抽球

drop shot 短球

faults 失误

fifteen 15分

fifteen all 15平

finish 随挥

first service 第一发球

flat 平击球

foot fault 脚误

footwork 步法

forehand 正手

forehand half-volley 正手半截击球

forehand volley 正手截击球

forty 40分

foul shot 技术犯规

good ball 好球

good return 有效回击

grab-punch position 截击位置

grip 手柄/握拍姿势

ground stroke 反弹球/击落地球

interference 干扰

just out 刚好出界

lob 高吊球

low volley 低截击球

mental skills 心理技巧

mixed doubles 混合双打

net 发球下网(也指球网)

net player 上网型球员

nip rotation 转体

no-man's-land 空当

one-hander backhand 单手反拍

open stance 开放式站位

out 出界

overhead 高球

overhand service 上手发球

passing shot 穿越

percentage play 沉着应战

placement 落点

place-up 抛球

point-up 击球点

progressive playing 积极调整

receiver 接发球员

receiving formation 接发球的位置

return 回击球

rules 规则

second service 第二发球

service 发球

service return 回发球

shots 球路

sidespin 侧旋球

singles 单打

smash 高压球

spin 旋转球

stamina 耐力

stance 站姿

stretching exercises 伸展运动

surprise return 突然变线

sweet spot 最有效点,最有效位置

swing 挥拍

tactics 战术

thirty 30分

through the net 过网球

throwing position 准备击球姿势

topspin 上旋球

turn 转身

under spin 下旋球

volley 截击

warming-up 热身运动

western grip 西方式握拍Competition比赛篇

advantage set 长盘制

be quiet 安静

bye 轮空

challenger 挑战赛

champion 冠军

championship 锦标赛

correction 更正

default 弃权

elimination system 淘汰制

exhibition 表演赛

favorite 可望取胜者

final 决赛

friendly match 友谊赛

futures 希望赛

game 局

game point 局点

international ranking 国际排名

invasion 意外干扰

invitational match 邀请赛

junior match 青少年赛

knock-out 淘汰赛

let 擦网重发

love game 直落四分

main draw players 正选选手

make the draw 抽签

match point 赛点

national ranking 国内排名

Olympic Games 奥运会

open 公开赛

outsider 无取胜希望者

play ball 比赛开始

player 参赛者

point 分

point penalty 罚分

postpone 延期

qualifying competition 资格赛

qualifying matches 预赛

quarterfinals 四分之一决赛

ranking 名次

record 纪录

record holder 纪录创造者

replay 重赛

rest period 休息时间



satellite 卫星赛

score 得分

seeded players 种子选手

semifinals 半决赛

set 盘

set point 盘点

suspension 暂停

the best of five 五盘三胜

the best of three 三盘两胜

the first round 第一轮

tiebreak/tiebreaker 平局决胜制,抢七局

time 开始

toss 挑边

tournament systems 赛制

two-hander backhand 双反

veterans'match 元老赛

warm-up 准备练习

warning 警告

wild card(WC)外卡

withdraw 比赛开始前弃权Organization组织机构

Association of Tennis Professional(ATP)国际男子职业网球协会

Australia Open Championships 澳大利亚网球公开赛(澳网)

Championship 锦标赛

Davis Cup 戴维斯杯网球赛

Federation Cup 联合会杯网球赛

French Open Championships 法国网球公开赛(法网)

Grand Slam 大满贯

Hopmen Cup 霍普曼杯网球赛

International Tennis Federation(ITF)国际网球联合会

U. S.Open Championships 美国网球公开赛(美网)

Wimbledon Lawn Tennis Championships 温布尔登公开赛(温网)

Women's Tennis Association(WTA)国际女子职业网球协会Conversation 1情景对话1

Augus:Yesterday I just watched a Serena Williames's game. She is so great.I wonder if she could play doubles with any male player in London, who would you choose for her?


Blair:I think I will pick Bob Bryan.




Blair:First of all, he is one of the greatest double tennis players in U. S.A..He's got a big serve, good returns too.


Augus:And I think more important, he is a very complete player, good skill, and can stay calm on any occasion.


Blair:That's what the game of tennis requires the most. I think if Serena Williames had the option to play with a male player, she would choose Bob Bryan too.


Augus:Do you know David?How did he feel after winning the first set in the tiebreaker?


Blair:I think he was feeling good. He was 3:1 and then made a couple of unforced errors and things started rolling the other way, and I think at the end he just got a bit tired and he wasn't as patient as he was at the beginning of the match.


Augus:Was he doing anything in particular?


Blair:He just didn't make any mistakes. He was just bringing the ball back and moving himself around.

布莱尔:没有,他只是没有出差错而已,而且只是把球打回去,并让他自己不断跑动。Conversation 2情景对话2

Ken:It's hard for me to understand the service of tennis. Could you explain it to me?


Bob:Yes, of course. The server stands behind his own baseline, to one side of the center mark, and then hits the ball over the net into whichever service court is diagonally opposite.


Ken:Then how about that for the first point of the game?


Bob:For the first point of each game, he stands to the center mark to serve. For the second, to the left, for the third back to the right, and so on alternately.


Ken:When I watch a tennis match on TV, I often hear“let”,and I wonder what a“let”is.


Bob:If the service ball touches the net, but still goes into the correct service court, it is called a“let”. This means that the service is taken again.


Ken:What will happen if it was the first attempt?


Bob:If it was the first attempt, the server still has two attempts to make a good service.


Ken:And the scoring system in tennis is confusing.


Bob:Yes, but in fact it is quite simple.


Ken:However, I don't know about it.


Bob:Don't worry. Let me make it clear for you.In each game, a player begins with no score, called“love”.The first point he wins in the game gives him a total score of 15.The second brings the total to 30,the third to 40.After this, the next point wins him the game unless his opponent also reaches 40,in which case, one of them has to get a two-point lead to win.


Ken:Thank you for your explanation.


Bob:Please don't stand on ceremony.

鲍勃:别客气。The Influence of the Sports Star巨星影响Li Na, the Dream Come True李娜,梦想成真

When Li Na finally rolled back over onto her side and picked herself up off the clay, the back of her white tennis shirt caked with the damp, red, top-dressing of this, the most famous clay court in the world, she ran to the net, leaving behind the racket that had served her so well this fortnight. She shook hands with the woman she had just defeated for the French Open championships, Francesca Schiavone.

The only thing missing from their damp, clay-stained palms at that moment was a baton. In this game, you're not supposed to win your first major at the age of 29.But that's just what Schiavone did last year, enchanting all who witnessed her improbable but artful and ultimately convincing drive to the victory podium.The only thing less likely this year than a successful defense by Schiavone was the prospect of someone duplicating her feat, and that's just what Li did.

Schiavone lost her French Open crown today, but the miracle-it's an overly dramatic noun, but I can't think of a better one-was passed on, and it lives on, under the stewardship of Li. Miracles are a little like snowflakes, no two are alike.And if Schiavone's triumph here last year was a tale in which the largest role was played by inspiration, Li's win at Roland Garros was one in which the dominant theme was perseverance.

“Today is the dream come true,”Li said shortly after the trophy presentation following her 6:4,7:6(0)win.“Like I was a young player, I want to be the Grand Slam Champion. But today……Someone saying I'm getting old.So, you know, the old woman like the dream come true.Not easy.”

The most difficult part for Li today, tennis-wise, occurred midway through the second set, after she set herself up beautifully to complete a crisp, air-tight destruction of the defending champion's hopes. Li broke Schiavone to start the second set and managed to hold onto that advantage until she served at 4:3.At that point, Li could just about smell the victory, which is often when a player is most vulnerable to panic.She buckled there, playing a wretched game;you could see that she even had trouble taking a free, natural swing at the ball.

Four consecutive, egregious errors by Li produced the break for Schiavone, who was back on even ground. But Li would not collapse, even though she was still slightly haunted by the way she lost her focus in the Australian Open final a few months ago-a letdown that resulted in a loss to Kim Clijsters.The break also gave Schiavone a rush of adrenaline, and she held the next game easily.But Li did a terrific job holding her next two service games, when a break in either would have given Schiavone the set.Once Li reached the safe haven of the tie-breaker, she was unstoppable, reeling off seven straight points to seal victory.

“I mean, in Melbourne I was the first time in the final,”Li said later.“Of course you didn't have any experience before. You come one time final already, and you know what to do in this time.”Switching back to that moment of crisis today, she explained,“And for tennis, like 4:3 for the serve means nothing, because the chair umpire didn't say, Game, set, match.So both players still have chance.Of course I was nervous.I mean, come to the final and so many people watching you.I mean, yeah.But is good.Finally I can win the match.”

Over time, Li has lost faith in the magic bullet, or the one-size-fits-all, rigid approach to development that was the order of the day in her youth. She now says,“In tennis every player is different, but not everyone can have the chance to a team around with you.First you have in prize money you have to pay for your team.If not you, I mean, just pay for your coach you couldn't get any money for your pocket, right?So this year I think I can play good tennis.But it's not the only way for the children(who hope to play).Oh, I should copy for her.I mean, no one can copy for another one, so you have to find which is the best way for yourself.”

Loss of interest and motivation were one obstacle, learning how to surround herself with the best team was a challenge. Overcoming the trials of injury also called for perseverance.“When I first had knee operation, I say,‘Okay, one more and I retire.'After second knee operation, I say,‘Okay, one more and I retire.'After third knee operation I say same thing……”Li laughed.“So now I say, Okay, after fourth operation I retire.”

Li has lived a rich, complex, demanding life in tennis. With the win today she completed her journey from novelty to Grand Slam champion, and she took that final, excruciatingly difficult step with style and grace.After she made those four awful errors to give back the break to Schiavone in the second set, Li knew she needed to keep her composure.She said,“She was like 5:4 up, I was like try to never give up.You need to take your chance.You never know if you can come back if you lose the chance for final.”

It's one thing that the game's newest Grand Slam champion no longer has to worry about.












Chapter 2 Basketball 第二章 篮球

Origins and Reasons for Popularity项目起源及流行探因

The world's greatest sport ever. But of course, it hasn't been around since the world began.No, somebody had to have invented it.And that somebody would be James Naismith.


Born in Almont, Ontario, Canada, this Canadian gym teacher and physician would soon be the founder of basketball. It all started in December of 1891.Naismith was teaching in Springfield, Massachusetts and was asked by Luther H.Gluck, the headmaster of the school for Christian Works to make a new sport.The main idea of the sport was mainly to be played inside when it was too cold to go outside.The new sport also had to keep athletes in their top conditions between the baseball and football season.


Naismith began to work. The first baskets were peach baskets that Naismith cleverly thought of hanging on the wall.From there, the legacy of basketball began.The first game-ball was a soccer ball.Originally, there was 9 men to each team, but the objective was still the same:to pass the ball to other players on your team and put the ball in the opposing team's net, or basket back then.From there, basketball caught on like a wildfire.


During 1885,high schools and colleges began to adopt the game, and by 1898,the first Pro. League was founded.After the first game played, Naismith drafted 13 rules and regulations, but many more were yet to come.The hoops we know today were invented in 1906.They were steel, with a net hanging from its rim.


In 1896,American Bob Gaily introduced basketball to China, basketball matches first carried out in YMCA of Tianjin, Beijing and other cities. In 1910 of old China and the first National Games, basketball for the first time was listed as a demonstration event.In 1913,basketball was listed as China's official event.Basketball since 1951 has been an official event of the Asian Games.


In 1932,International Amateur Basketball Federation was established, and men's basketball by the International Olympic Committee(IOC)recognized as an official Olympic sport. In 1946,the U.S.Professional Basketball League was started, and developed into the current NBA.


Women's basketball unfolded in the early 20th century. In 1976,women's basketball was listed as an official Olympic sport.

女子篮球运动到20世纪初才开展起来。1976年,女子篮球被列为奥运会正式比赛项目。Rules of the Game比赛规则Venue场地

Basketball venue should be a rectangular solid plane, and no obstructions. Olympic basketball game and the World Basketball Championship venues are of length of 28 meters,15 meters wide;the length of the other games can be reduced to 4 meters;width is reduced by 2 meters, requiring changes in proportion with each other.


The stadium measure from within the boundaries along the amount of starting. All new stadium should be in line with FIBA:28 meters long,15 meters wide.The height of the ceiling or the lowest obstruction shall be at least 7 meters and the long line of boundary is the sideline while the short one base line.Each line on the pitch must be very clear, and the line width is 0.05 meters(5 centimeters).Center line is a parallel line from the center of side line.

It should be extended by 0. 15 meters(15 centimeters)from both sides of edge.Center circle should be centred from the middle-point of centre line within radius of 1.80 meters(from the outer edge of its circumference).Three point shot area is the area limited by two arch lines, shooting within this area get three points.The penalty area is a restricted zone with the midpoint of the free-throw line as the center and 1.80 meters radius semicircle drawn to the restricted zone area, it is a penalty area.


A restricted area refers to the parts between the two end lines of penalty area, which is 3 meters away from base lines respectively. When the ball is under the control of the team, team member's stay in the restricted area shall not exceed 3 seconds.

从罚球线两端画两条线至距离端线中点各3米的地方(均从外沿量起)所构成的地面区域叫限制区。它的作用是:球在本队控制时,限制本队队员在对方限制区内停留的时间不得超过3秒钟。Competition Method比赛方法

A team consists of five people, one as captain and up to seven alternate players. Organizers has the deciding voice to increase the number.The competition is divided into four sessions,10 minutes for each, the NBA for 12 minutes(NBA All-Star Rookie Game and the U.S.College Basketball League for 20 minutes per session,2 sessions in all);5-minute break between sessions, for NBA 130 seconds;intermission of 10 minutes,15 minutes in the NBA;and 100 seconds rest between the fourth session and any extra time in the NBA.

一队五人,其中一人为队长,候补球员最多七人,但可依主办单位而增加人数。比赛分四节,每节各10分钟,NBA为12分钟(NBA全明星新秀赛和美国大学生篮球联赛为每节20分钟,共2节);每节之间休息5分钟,NBA为130秒;中场休息10 分钟,NBA为15分钟。另在NBA中在第4节和任何加时赛之间休息100秒。

Once there is a draw, there will be a five-minute extra time. And another five-minute extra and another again until it comes out the final score.

比赛结束两队积分相同时,则举行加时赛 5 分钟,若 5 分钟后比分仍相同,则再次进行 5 分钟加时赛,直至比出胜负为止。

The shot counts only after the referee's recognition. Shot inside three-point line only counts for 2 points, outside 3 points.Penalty shot counts 1 point and should outside the free-throw line and within five seconds after took the ball from the referee.Players should not step over the free-throw line after shot or before the ball touches the basket.


Violation includes:① violation;such as travelling, double dribbling(dual band),playing foot(football)or boxing ball.② jump ball violation;anyone but the jump-shot player can enter the jump-ball area befere he touches the ball.

大致可分为:①普通违例:如带球走步、两次运球(双带)、脚踢球(脚球)或以拳击球;②跳球违例:除了跳球球员以外的人不可在跳球者触到球之前进入中央跳球区。Glossary of Terms术语词汇Venue&Equipment场地及装备篇

backboard 篮板

backcourt 后场

court 球场

free-throw lane 罚球圈,禁区

free-throw line 罚球线

frontcourt 前场

game clock 比赛用时钟

hoop/rim basket 篮框,篮圈

net 篮网

painted area 罚球圈,禁区

rebound 篮板

restricted area near the basket 禁区内篮框下的小圆圈区域

scoring table 记分牌

shot clock 时限钟(进攻方在24秒内必须投篮,并且球必须触及篮框,否则即违例)

three-point line 三分(球)线

top of the circle 靠近禁区顶端之三分(球)线附近


assistant coach 助理教练

backup 后备球员

bench 板凳球员(指全体)

bench player 板凳球员(指个人)

center 中锋

coach 教练

forward 前锋

frontline 锋线(包括大前锋、小前锋、中锋)

GM(general manager)球队经理

guard 后卫

mascot 吉祥物

MVP 最有价值球员

point guard 控球后卫,组织后卫

power forward 大前锋(又称4号位置球员)

referee 裁判

rookie 第一年级球员,菜鸟(球员)

shooting guard 得分后卫

sixth man 第六人(第一替补)

small forward 小前锋(又称3号位置球员)

sophomore 二年级球员

starter 先发球员(指个人)

starting lineup 先发球员(指全体)

swingman 摇摆人(指兼能担任得分后卫及小前锋的球员)

trainer 球队训练员

two-guard 得分后卫

veteran 资深球员,老鸟(球员)Technics&Rules技术及规则篇(shoot)an air ball(投)三不沾(slam)dunk(强力)灌篮(throw a)baseball pass(快攻时)长传

3-point FGs 三分球命中率

assists 助攻

backdoor cut 底线进攻

bank shot 擦板球

baseball-type 大力传球

behind-the-back/behind-the-back dribble 背后运球

between-the-leg 胯下运球

block out 卡位

blocking foul 阻挡犯规

blocking 盖帽(火锅)

bounce 反弹传球


charging/charging foul(带球)撞人(犯规)

crossover 双手交替运球

cross-leg dribble 胯下运球

cut 切入

dead ball 死球(停止比赛进行时段)

def. Rebounds 守方篮板

defense 守方

defensive basket interference 防守方干扰投篮得分

delay of game 阻碍比赛之正常进行

disqualification 被取消资格

double dribble 两次运球(违例)

double team 双人包夹

dribbling/dribble 运球

driving to the hoop 带球上篮

eat up the clock 运球耗时战术

ejection 驱逐出场

elbowing 肘击

expiration(of game, or of the first half……)(全场比赛或上半场的比赛)时间终了

fall-away shot 后仰式跳投

fast break 快攻

field goals(FGs)投篮命中率

final 总决赛

first(second, third, fourth)period 比赛的第一(第二,第三,第四)节

first half 上半场

first round 首轮比赛

flagrant foul 恶性犯规

foul 犯规

foul out 犯满离场

foul shot 罚球

foul strategy 犯规战术

foul trouble 快要犯满离场

four-point play 打四分成功

full timeout 全时(100秒的)暂停

GB(games behind)落后战绩最领先球队的胜场场数

give and go 传切战术

goaltending 干扰投篮得分

guest team 客队

hacking 打手犯规

halftime 中场休息时间

hand-checking 阻挡犯规

held ball 持球(双方均持球不放)

holding 拉手犯规/阻挡犯规

home court 主场

home court advantage 主场优势

home game 主场比赛

home team 主队

hook shot 勾手投篮

illegal defense 防守违例

illegal offense 进攻违例

jump ball 争球,跳球

jump shot 跳投

layup 带球上篮

loose ball foul 无球犯规

losing streak 连败场数,连败纪录

make the basket 投篮得分

men-to-men defense/one-one-one defense 人盯人

mid-court 中场

monster dunk 灌篮

nothing but the net 空心入篮

off. Rebounds 攻方篮板

offense 攻方

offensive basket interference 干扰投篮得分

out of bound 球出界线

overhead 过顶传球


pass 传球

perimeter shot 外线投篮

pick and roll 挡拆战术

playoff/post season 季后赛

points in paint 内线得分

post-up play 单吃对方

pushing 推人犯规

regular season 常规赛

reverse dunk 反身扣篮

road game 客场比赛

schedule 赛程

score a basket 投篮得分

screens 卡位

second half 下半场

semifinal 半决赛

set shot 立定投篮

shot clock violation 超时犯规

spin 转身运球

standings 战绩(表)

substitute 换人(上场、下场)

suspension 停止出赛

tap in 托球入篮

technical offence(fouls)技术犯规

ten-second violation 进攻方10秒违例(未过中场)

three-point play 打三分

three-point shot 三分球

three-second violation(篮下)3秒违例

throw in 发球入场

time-out 暂停

triple team 三人包夹

turnovers 失误

twenty-second timeout 20秒暂停


winning streak 连胜场数,连胜纪录

zone defense 区域防守,区域联防List of NBA TeamNBA 球队一览表

Atlanta Hawks 亚特兰大老鹰队

Atlantic Division 大西洋区

Boston Celtics 波士顿凯尔特人队

Central Division 中央区

Charlotte Hornets 夏洛特黄蜂队

Chicago Bulls 芝加哥公牛队

Cleveland Cavaliers 克里夫兰骑士队

Dallas Mavericks 达拉斯小牛队

Denver Nuggets 丹佛掘金队

Detroit Pistons 底特律活塞队

Eastern Conference 东区

Golden State Warriors 金州勇士队

Houston Rockets 休斯敦火箭队

Indiana Pacers 印地安纳步行者队

LA Lakers 洛杉矶湖人队

Miami Heat 迈阿密热队

Midwest Division 中西部区

Milwaukee Bucks 密尔沃基雄鹿队

Minnesota Timberwolves 明尼苏达森林狼队

New Jersey Nets 新泽西网队

New York Knickerbockers(简称Knicks)纽约尼克斯队

Orlando Magic 奥兰多魔术队

Pacific Division 大西洋区

Philadelphia 76ers 费城76人队

Phoenix Suns 菲尼克斯太阳队

Portland Trail Blazers(简称Blazers)波特兰开拓者队

Sacramento Kings 萨克拉门托国王队

San Antonio Spurs 圣安东尼奥马刺队

Seattle Super Sonics(简称Sonics)西雅图超音速队

Utah Jazz 犹他爵士队

Vancouver Grizzlies 孟菲斯灰熊队

Washington Wizards 华盛顿奇才队

Western Conference 西区NBA All Kinds of Statistical TermsNBA 各种统计术语

block shot 盖帽

defensive rebound 防守篮板球

field goal percentage 投球命中率

free throw percentage 罚球命中率

offensive rebound 进攻篮板球

rebound 篮板球

scoring 得分

steal 抢断

three-point shot percentage 三分球命中率Acronyms术语缩写


3PM 三分球成功数

3PM-A 三分球投中

APG 单场平均助攻次数

AST 助攻次数

AVG 单场平均得分

BLK 封盖次数

FG 投篮成功次数


FGM-A 投中次数

FT 罚篮成功数

FT%罚球命中率Conversation 1情景对话1

Jack:NBA games have lost its relish in recent years, if only Michael Jordan had not retired!


Peter:I don't agree with you. As I see it, Kobe has carried on the value of the Jordan.


Jack:So you like Kobe?They should not be mentioned in the same breath!


Peter:Different views.

皮特:各有各的看法吧。Conversation 2情景对话2

Benjamin:Nathan, did you watch the basketball game between the Rockets and the Bulls?


Nathan:Certainly. What a terrific game it was!


Benjamin:Can you tell me the result?Which team won?


Nathan:You didn't watch it?


Benjamin:I was working overtime last night. So I missed the game.


Nathan:That's a pity. The Bulls beat the Rocket by 8 points.


Benjamin:How was Thomas's play?


Nathan:Thomas had 16 points and seven rebounds.


Benjamin:That sounds not bad.

本杰明:还不错呢。The Influence of the Sports Star巨星影响Yao's Contribution姚明的贡献

Now looked back as early as December 16,2010,the moment again when Yao Ming was injured in the last comeback game, and the left big toe fractures was announced, his performances on the basketball court has ended. Today, eight months later, when retirement—this reality—has finally been put aside the veil, everything is very calm, not to say flustered.Yao in recent years frequently injured in the process, our subconscious has long been filled with a message that the era of Yao is rapidly running up to the end.The irrefutable fact is that everyone will grow old, like the youth forever like the thief on the roof, once it be found, youth disappears as faster as the speed of anything free fall to the ground.

Not to mention the killing left toe, which has been an Achilles'heel, along with his NBA career. Compared to his success on the pitch, from another point of view, Yao's NBA career is less than a decade, or even less than half that of O'Neill.Yao can adhere to today, as good as another real miracle, for whom eight years to pay for something in the NBA is far from that we can imagine.Perhaps, only Yao Ming can do.With a wisdom of the heart, under the great culture shock between China and the United States, the two largest hedge culture, Yao seeks a moderate easy road and to create a magical and great achievement.

The contributions of Yao Ming to Chinese basketball is far beyond words. When this flag is slowly lowered from the mast, we suddenly found that his departure left a huge fissures to the Chinese Basketball.Because he lead the Chinese Basketball to a higher stage with greater achievement, there is no any person or thing can replace him after his departure.

We also clearly remembered, in the 2004 Athens, World Championships in 2006,and in 2008 the Wuke Song Basketball Stadium, he, Yao Ming, took the Chinese basketball upon his shoulders, by giving his team the vigor, courage, wisdom and luck. No one can completely ignore his contribution.He reached a height beyond all

imagination, gave a keynote of the Chinese basketball in“decade”,left the Chinese sports a fabulous dream. However, when Yao Ming down the last one to wrap the child in his career on the board, we are faced with chess cannot be copied.In short, Yao Ming can not be replicated.

In this sense, Yao Ming's“decade”means only the strength he gave to the Chinese basketball, but did not leave any technology to heritage. This perhaps is his only regret, but also powerless.If we must look for the things of tradition, the only way is our recycling out the next Yao Ming.As a result, the moment he left, the Chinese basketball is bound to go back to the former road.If we must discuss what can compensate for the losses caused by his leave, that perhaps only Yao Ming in a different way to nurture Chinese basketball.No one believes that Yao Ming will quit basketball career, he has been destined to become an inalienable part of Chinese basketball, and will play the role of any other individual cannot be compared.






Chapter 3 Football 第三章 足球

Origins and Reasons for Popularity项目起源及流行探因

Football is the world sports community's most influential individual sports;it is the world's largest sports reputation!Football is an old sports activity, having a long history. The first originated in ancient China, a ball game“Cuju”,later spread to Europe, later the Arabs developed it into modern football.


The establishment of the England Football Association was in 1863.

Later, it stipulated unified rules and gradually modified and improved. In 1872,it witnessed the first football match between England and Scotland.Over thousands of people watched women's football tournament held in England in 1890.Women's Football Club was founded in 1894.The foundation of International Football Federation in 1904 marked the flourishment of football over the whole world.

1863年成立英格兰足球协会,统一了竞赛规则,以后不断修改补充,逐渐完善。1872年英格兰与苏格兰之间举行了足球史上第一次协会间的正式比赛,1890年英格兰举办有万人观看的女子足球赛,1894年成立女子足球俱乐部。1904年国际足球联合会成立,从此足球日益发展,遍布全球。Rules of the Game比赛规则Venue and the Ball场地及用球

Courts for international football match take the length of 100 meters to 120 meters, width 64 meters to 75 meters. For World Cup, the playing field should be 105 meters long and 65 meters wide, with turf.The official international competitions must be held on natural turf instead of artificial one.There are goal line, sideline, center line, the penalty area, goals, corner arc, center mark and center circle.Corner flags standing at four corners should not exceed 1.5 meters high.Football gate is 7.32 meters wide,2.44 meters high.Perimeter of the ball is 68~71 centimeters, weight at the beginning of the game for the 396~453g, the inflation pressure is 0.6 to 1.1 atm.The color of the ball should be a clear distinction with the court, usually white, night lights game requires the use of black and white ball.Without the referee's permits shall not replace the game ball.

标准的国际比赛场长度为100~120米,宽度为64~75米。世界杯决赛时所用球场的标准为:长度105米,宽度65米,并铺有草皮。正式国际比赛必须在天然草皮球场进行,不得在人造草皮球场进行。足球场内划有球门线、边线、中线、罚球区、球门、角球区、中点、中圈、罚球弧。球场四角各竖一面高度不超过1.5米的角旗。足球门的宽度为7.32米,高度为2.44米。标准的国际比赛用球,其周长为68~71厘米,重量在比赛开始时为396~453克,充气后的压力为0.6~1.1个大气压。球的颜色应与球场有明显的区别,一般为白色,晚间用灯光比赛时,须使用黑、白两色球。比赛中未经裁判允许,不得更换比赛用球。Competition Method比赛方法

For regular football game, each team has playing number of 11,one of whmo must be a goalkeeper, every game can replace the three. Once a team has less than seven players, the game should be suspended.Each regular football game should have a referee, two assistant referees and a substitute referee.Once the ball scroll for a loop after the whistle of the referee marks the beginning of the game.There are 2 halves, each half takes 45 minutes,15 minutes for half-time interval.Once there is a draw after 90 minutes, there need to be extra time for 30 minutes.Two halves take 15 minutes without a break but switching sides.If the overtime is still a draw, there will be a penalty kick showdown to decide the winner.A winning makes 3 points, draw for 1 point, negative 0.


In modern football, the most common violation is the offside foul and a personal foul. Offside penalty foul should be based on the following three conditions.(1)A passing moment of the offensive players, members in the other half is closer to the other end line than the ball.(2)Less than two defensive players between the ball player and the end line of the court.(3)Attempt to gain or distraction from an offside position.

在现代足球比赛中,最多、最常见就是越位犯规和侵人犯规。判罚越位犯规应根据以下三个条件。(1)进攻队员传球一刹那,同队队员在对方半场内所处的位置比球更接近对方端线。(2)接球队员与对方端线之间少于两名防守队员。(3)企图从越位位置获得利益或干扰比赛,也应判罚越位犯规。Glossary of Terms术语词汇Venue场地篇

backfield 后场

end line 底线

field/pitch 足球场

goal area 小禁区(球门区)

goal line 球门线

goals 球门

halfway line 中线

kickoff circle/center circle 中圈

midfield 中场

penalty area 禁区(罚球区)

penalty mark(点球)罚球点

touchline/sideline 边线Team球队篇

attacking midfielder 攻击型前卫(前腰)

captain/leader 队长

center back 中后卫

center forward 中锋

cheer team 拉拉队

coach 教练

defending midfielder 防守型前卫(后腰)

football player 足球运动员

forward/striker/attacker 前锋

fullback/defender/back 后卫

goalkeeper/goalie 守门员

head coach 主教练

left back 左后卫

left midfielder 左前卫

lineman/assistant referee 巡边员

midfielder/half back 前卫

referee 裁判

right back 右后卫

right midfielder 右前卫

sweeper 清道夫,拖后中卫Technical Terms技术篇

bicycle kick/overhead kick 倒钩球

block tackle 正面抢截

body check 阻挡

break through 突破

chest-high ball 半高球

clean catching(守门员)接高球

clearance kick 解围

close-range shot 近射

consecutive passes 连续传球

corner ball/corner 角球

cross pass 横传

deceptive movement/feinting 假动作

direct free kick 直接任意球

diving header 鱼跃顶球

dribbling 盘球,带球

fair charge 合理冲撞

finger-tip save(守门员)托救球

flank pass 边线传球

flying header 跳起顶球

free kick 任意球

goal kick 球门球

handball 手球

hat-trick 帽子戏法

header 头球

indirect free kick 间接任意球

kick-off 开球

kick-out 踢出界

lobbing pass 高吊传球

long pass 长传

long shot 远射

offside 越位

offside 越位

own goal 乌龙球

pass 传球

penalty kick 点球

place kick 定位球

rolling pass/ground pass 地滚球

shoot 射门

short pass 短传

slide tackle 铲球

spot pass 球传到位

stopping 停球

take a pass 接球

throw-in/long throws 掷界外球

triangular pass 三角传球

volley pass 凌空传球Tactics战术篇

4-3-3 formation 433阵型

4-4-2 formation 442阵型

beat the offside trap 反越位成功

break loose 摆脱防守

break up an attack 破坏进攻

close-marking defense 盯人防守

control the midfield 控制中场

foul 犯规

offside trap 越位战术

open football 拉开的足球战术

set a wall 筑人墙

set the pace 掌握进攻节奏

technical foul 技术犯规

time wasting tactics 拖延战术

total football 全攻全守足球战术

ward off an assault 击退一次攻势

wing play 边锋战术Style of Play比赛方式篇

competition regulations 比赛条例

disqualification 取消比赛资格

doping test 药检

draw 平局

draw/sortation 抽签

eighth-final 八分之一决赛

elimination match 淘汰赛

extra time 加时赛

final match 决赛

goal drought 进球荒

goal 球门

golden goal/sudden death 金球制,突然死亡法

group round robin 小组循环赛

half-time interval 中场休息

injury time 伤停补时

match ban 禁赛命令

one-sided game 一边倒的比赛

preliminary match 预赛

quarterfinal 四分之一决赛

ranking 排名(名次)

red card 红牌

round robin 循环赛

semifinal 半决赛

send a player off 判罚出场

yellow card 黄牌Conversation 1情景对话1

Robert:We lost a game last night, what a pity!


Jacob:What went wrong?


Robert:Because they made too many bad passes.


Jacob:Bad passes?Can you be more specific?


Robert:They were passing when trapped.


Jacob:Too bad. The defense would know where your limited pass options were.


Robert:Right. What can I do to motivate them to be better passers?


Jacob:What do you want to do about this?


Robert:Should we run suicides for making bad passes?


Jacob:I don't think punishment will help bad passes. The best way is to let them understand the importance of making a good pass, let them know that good passes are more important than elegant dribbling.If you can do that, it's much better than any punishment.






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