
发布时间:2020-06-01 10:09:02















































Always Fly


Standing upon the cloud,

Ma Wenxiao shoots the most wonderful city in the world and its growing prosperity.

He feels pity in the marvel.

He feels compassion in the compliment.

The life and world are the products of time and history.

When people read Ma Wenxiao one hundred years later,

Spectacular views speak for themselves.

Deep feelings are noticeable.

By then, old Beijing does not exist any more,

Slides of pictures by Ma Wenxiao are the best episodes in the future that tell the days and culture we are making.

By then,

People will thank the photographer.

By then,

The name of Ma Wenxiao will become a shining name.One

Everytime I fly in a plane, I always pray for a safe landing. But someone just can’t leave the sky. Ma Wenxiao is such a person. He feels at home when he is flying in the sky.

I don’t know if Ma Wenxiao sees himself as a bird when he is in the sky. As not fond of flying, how can he be upon the air for so long?

Someone says aerial photographers allow us a God angle to see the world. In this way, those who are reluctant to part from the sky find their true happiness.Two

Over a century ago, Neubronner, a German pharmacist, trained pigeons to be couriers as patients were in badly need of medicine.Once, a pigeon came back a month later, which made Neubronner curious about where it had been to. He then put a mini video camera on the pigeon to record its journey.

In 1907, Neubronner applied for a patent of the pigeon-portable camera set. The patent office didn’t approve this application until Neubronner showed photos taken by pigeons and the camera.

In 1909, Neubronner began to promote his invention by holding exhibitions. At the exhibition, he released pigeons with camera to take photos of the exhibition, which were then made into postcards for sale. Although the pigeon photograph was popular for a while and even used by military agencies for espionage technology, it quickly faded out with the development of aerial photography.

The earliest aerial photograph was known and found in a French photo album published in 1902. In 1900, the Allied Forces of Eight-Power attacked into Beijing. Among the troops, the French expeditionary forces took along with a hot-air balloon for investigation in Beijing and Tianjin. Over ten aerial photos were left. Its preface said that the photo album was specially published by the French expeditionary forces to memory the war. It collected 272 photos in total, respectively taken by Captain Plaisant, Captain Calmel, and Captain Tissier. All photos were of gravure printing with descriptions. All 12 aerial photos in the album were taken by Captain Plaisant.

These photos present not only the construction layout of the western Beijing city and Beijing Legation Quarter in the beginning of20th century, but also a ravaged city, including dried Central lake in the drought of 1900, Ziguangge at the west bank, the discarded royaltrain for Dowager Empress, relocated Canchikou Church, and the ruins of houses to the north of the church. The layout of Beijing city was directly and clearly perceived through the photos.Three

Someone are lucky to be gifted from the God opportunities to make their dreams come true. What is luckier is to make connections between one’s job and the nature.

Photographer Ma Wenxiao is such a lucky guy.

The autumn of 2001 saw the early formation of the Fifth ring-road in Beijing. The authority decided to record the ring-road through aerial photograph. Ma Wenxiao then got his lucky gift.

It never occurs to Ma Wenxiao that he would linger upon the sky. Since then, the destiny was changed. He pursues the infinite curiosity as if he immerse with the sky and earth. The world is immense and time is infinite while human becomes small. He cherishes this amazing gift. The higher he flies, the more sacred the reverence he hold for the earth, rivers, prairies, forests and cities. He wish he could have a pair of eyes of birds to discover the extraordinary from the ordinary. He also wish his works could live up to every flight, worthy of all the hardship upon the air.

In the sky, Ma Wenxiao feels content, proud, confident and comfortable. His pulse beats with the nature.Four

Ma Wenxiao says that he admires most Liu Tong and Yu Yizheng,the literatues who living in Beijing in late Ming Dynasty.

Liu Tong and Yu Yizheng wrote the book Scenery and Events in the Capital together. The book was an encyclopedia about social and cultural life in Beijing in Ming Dynasty. Yu Yizheng collected stories while Liu Tong wrote them into articles. All the folk tales, local customs and places, garden architectures, implements and folk adages and the stories behind were collected in the book. The book was an essential reading if one wants to learn about Beijing in Ming Dynasty. Afterwards, the book became a major reference for all books that described the history, customs and scenery of Beijing.

Liu Tong and Yu Yizheng spent 20 years setting foot in every corner of Beijing, just to achieve one thing. In 1636, when he was47 years old, Liu Tong was accused of“Wen Qi”, and demoted to be magistrate of Wu County. He died on his way to this post. On the same year,Yu Yizheng died of a serious disease at the age of 45. In 1635, Scenery and Events in the Capital was printed and published.

Mostly,sincerity matters more than wisdom and patience more than talent. Being grateful brings the good luck. Ma Wenxiao appreciates that he is able to do something with his soul and passion completely in his life. If he can stick to aerial photographing Beijing without losing himself in the chaotic social and impetuous and wasting energy on other things, he will be very grateful to the destiny.

“When would you stop to fly and shoot?” Someone asks Ma Wenxiao .

“Until I can’t fly and I can’t shoot.” He replies.Five

Standing upon the cloud, Ma Wenxiao witnesses all the radical changes in Beijing. He records the growing prosperity of the most wonderful city in the world. He feels pitiful in the marvel and the deep sympathy in the compliment.

The city of Beijing is branded with the mark of every decision and change made by each government.

The life and world are products of time and history. I have imagined that later generations may not need to mention the spectacular views or express deep feelings when they read Ma Wenxiao as his work just speaks all. By then, Beijing is no longer what it was before.But Ma Wenxiao’s work will present people how Beijing develops and the price it has paid for, as an episode telling the future the days and culture we are making.

By then, later generations, without exception, will thank Ma Wenxiao,who shows us the birdeye view. And people will have to admit that Ma Wenxiao is one of the most outstanding aerial photographer of his time.

By then, the name of Ma Wenxiao will become a shining name.Chen XiaoboMar, 6th,2016


北京,简称京,中国的政治、文化、国际交往和科技创新中心。北京总面积16000平方千米,位于华北平原北部,背靠燕山,西依太行山,下辖16个行政区,常住人口2000多万。北京是一座有着3000余年建城史、860余年建都史的历史文化名城,拥有7项世界遗产和众多名胜古迹、人文景观。2008年8月,第29届夏季奥运会在北京成功举办。2015年7月31日,北京携手张家口获得2022年冬季奥林匹克运动会的举办权,由此,北京成为全球首个既举办过夏季奥运会又即将举办冬季奥运会的城市。Beijing, simplified as Jing, is the center of China politics, culture, international communication and sci-tech innovation. Beijing coversa total geographic area of 16,000 square kilometers. It is located in the north of North China Plain, backed by Yan Mountain and west toTaihang Mountain. There is 16 districts in Beijing with a permanent resident population of over 20 million.Beijing is a famous historical city with a city history of over 3,000 years and capital history of over 860 years. There are 7 worldheritages and a number of places of interest and cultural attractions in the city.In August 2008, the 29th Olympic Games was successfully held in Beijing.On July 31, 2015, together with Zhangjiakou, Beijing has won the hosting right of 2022 Winter Olympics. Therefrom, Beijing hasbecome world’s first city, which has both held Summer Olympics and will hold Winter Olympics.天安门广场天安门广场位于北京的正中心,南北长880米,东西宽500米,面积达44万平方米,是当今世界上最大的城市中心广场,可同时容纳100万人集会。天安门广场宏伟壮观,整齐对称,浑然一体,气势磅礴。Tian’anmen Square is located in the center of Beijing, with880-meter-long from north to south, 500-meter-long from west toeast and a total area of 440,000 square meters. It is the largest citysquare in the world of today. The Square, with great momentum andintegrated mass, is majestic, orderly and symmetrical, which can ac-commodate the assembly of 1000,000 people.故宫故宫,旧称为紫禁城,是中国明清两代24位皇帝的皇宫。它是中国古代宫殿建筑艺术集大成之作,也是世界范围内现存规模最大、保存最为完整的木质结构的古建筑群。北京故宫由明成祖朱棣于永乐四年(1406年)开始建设,到明代永乐十八年(1420年)建成。故宫宫殿建筑均为木结构、黄琉璃瓦顶、青白石底座,饰以金碧辉煌的彩画。故宫位于北京中轴线的中心,占地面积约为72万平方米,建筑面积约为15万平方米,是世界文化遗产。The Imperial Palace, formerly called The Forbidden City, is the palace for 24emperors within Chinese Ming and Ching Dynasty. It is a comprehensive integrationof ancient Chinese palace architecture arts, while it is also the biggest scale ancientarchitecture group in the world with the best-preserved wood structure.Emperor Zhu Di started the construction of the Palace in 1406 and finished in 1420.With the roofs of yellow glass and bases of greenish white marble, the structure of thePalace is all made of wood, decorated with magnificent color paintings.As world’s culture heritage, the Palace is located in the center of axis in Beijing,with a total area of 720,000 square meters and a construction area of 150,000 squaremeters.





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