
发布时间:2020-06-02 11:21:34














由于作者水平有限,书中内容涉及面较广,可供学习、参考、借鉴的资料不多,所以书中难免出现不足之处,敬请专家和读者批评指正。丛书主编:吴松林 江淑娟2014年3月Chapter 1 Oil and Economy1.1 Natural Resource Wealth and Poor Economic Development

Guidance to Reading

The resource curse literature focuses on the tendency of natural resource abundant countries to suffer from low economic growth and disappointing development outcomes.Dutch Disease theory further highlights the need to integrate economic and political explanations into the analysis of resource exporters.Despite the common Dutch Disease experience, many critics have argued that this ailment affects developed economies far more than it affects under-developed ones and that its effects vary greatly by country.


The oldest branch of the resource curse literature focuses on the tendency of natural resource abundant countries to suffer from low economic growth and disappointing development outcomes.Latin American economists Hans Singer and Raul Prebisch were two of the first scholars to address the issue.They argued that primary commodity exporters suffer declining terms of trade over the long run.Prices for commodity exports on the world market will,they claimed,fall relative to prices for manufactured goods,leaving commodity exporters with balance of payment problems and slow economic growth.Evidence to support their claim has proven mixed,with some studies showing declines and others showing steadier terms of trade.Cuddington and Wei,for instance,found no support for the Prebisch-Singer hypothesis in a statistical analysis.Sapsford and Balasubramanyan,on the other hand,found evidence to support Prebisch and Singer.Since the 1980s,however,terms of trade have declined worldwide for primary commodities and greater consensus has arisen that,at least for this time period,declining terms of trade have presented a problem for many countries.While declining terms of trade have not yet affected EquatorialGuinea's oil industry,the economy is becoming centered around oil production to such a degree that future declines in the terms of trade would prove devastating to the Equato-Guinean economy.

Economists have argued that natural resource wealth may have other negative affects on economies.Some have suspected that rapid fluctuations in commodity markets might make commodity-dependent economies especially prone to boom and bust cycles and discourage private investment.In volatile markets,such as oil,this may prove especially problematic.We will have to wait for the next fluctuation in oil prices,however,to see if this will affect Equatorial Guinea in any meaningful way,but every indication suggests that a dramatic reduction in oil prices would devastate the country's economy,as ninety percent of all exports come from oil.The very volatile nature of oil markets since 1971 suggests that future fluctuations are likely and that they may prove dangerous for Equatorial Guinea in the future unless the country's leaders can adopt effective policies to counter these effects.

Another aspect of resource-led development that has received scholarly attention addresses the minimal linkages between the booming sector and the rest of the economy.So far this problem has bedeviled Equatorial Guinea greatly.Since most of the inputs needed for the oil industry come from abroad, indigenous industry has not benefited from the boom,and even the service industry relies mostly on imports.The oil industry in Equatorial Guinea remains,essentially,an enclave with little impact on the rest of the economy.If enclave economies properly invest their resource rents in other parts of the economy as well as in infrastructure and human development,however,they can create growth in other sectors or,improve the quality of health and education services.Theoretically,Equatorial Guinea's enormous per-capita oil revenues should make either of these options far easier than in countries with much lower per-capita resource exports.Equatorial Guinea,however,like most oil producers,has failed to act in this direction,leaving the lack of linkages between the oil and non-oil sectors as a fundamental economic problem for the country.

The most well-known and best-studied variant of the resource curse literature,Dutch Disease theory,further highlights the need to integrate economic and political explanations into the analysis of resource exporters.The DutchDisease gets its name from the effects of oil discoveries on the economy of the Netherlands in the 1960s and 1970s.The newfound oil created an export boom,but the domestic economy soon suffered from inflation and a decline in manufacturing exports that led to lower economic growth and rising unemployment.The oil boom of the 1970s and 1980s produced similar outcomes in countries as varied as Saudi Arabia,Nigeria,and Mexico.This seemingly paradoxical phenomenon occurs when the export boom leads to inflation and a consequent appreciation of the real exchange rate.This makes domestic producers in fields other than the commodity sector less competitive and, hence,less profitable.This decline in the strength of other sectors in the economy is the crux of the Dutch Disease.

Corde and Neary have found ample support for the hypotheses of Dutch Disease in their theoretical analyses.Other studies confirm the influence of Dutch Disease on economic outcomes empirically.In a comprehensive statistical study,Sachs and Warner examine ninety-seven countries over a nineteen-year period and show that states with a high ratio of natural resource exports to GDP in 1971 had unusually slow growth rates between 1971 and 1989.They explain this phenomenon largely through a Dutch Disease effect.Case studies also provide ample support for Dutch Disease.Gelb,for instance,documents six cases of Dutch Disease:Algeria,Ecuador,Indonesia,Nigeria,Trinidad and Tobago,and Venezuela.One of his case studies shows how Nigeria suffered from an extreme instance of the"Disease"in the 1980s.Spikes in oil prices in 1973-1974 and 1979-1980 led to a large oil windfall for the government,but this windfall and its concomitant spending increases spurred inflation,an exchange rate hike and,consequently,a ninety percent decline in the non-mining sector.Gabon,Equatorial Guinea's neighbor in the Gulf of Guinea,has also suffered from Dutch Disease.While the country has developed a prosperous oil industry,other sectors of the economy,most notably agriculture,have crumbled while inequality and poverty persist.Economic growth has stagnated.The rapidly approaching end to the country's oil reserves has prompted many to fear almost total economic collapse in the near future unless new reserves are found.

Despite the common Dutch Disease experience,many critics have argued that this ailment affects developed economies far more than it affects under-developed ones and that its effects vary greatly by country.Benjamin et al.,forinstance,show that in Cameroon Dutch Disease affected agriculture but not manufacturing.Ross further argues that thoughtful policies can counteract most Dutch Disease effects.In the words of Terry Karl,"The Dutch Disease is not automatic.The extent to which it takes effect is largely the result of decision-making in the public realm."Furthermore,as Chaudhry points out,the pursuit of substantively different sectoral and industrial strategies in different oil producers"belies the uniform outcomes posited by the Dutch Disease".Some countries,including Iraq,Malaysia,Iran and Algeria,have"countered the pressures against investment in tradeables by initiating industrialization programs".

Words and Expressions

curse  诅咒,咒骂

abundant  丰富的,充裕的

claim  主张,声称,断言

manufacture  制造,生产

hypothesis  假说,假设,前提,猜测 hypotheses(pl.)

statistical  统计的,统计学的

devastate  毁坏,使荒芜,使震惊

negative  否定的,消极的,负面的

suspect  怀疑,猜想

prone  易于……的,有……倾向的

discourage  阻碍

counter  反对,反击

minimal  最小的,最低限度的

linkage  联系,连合,连锁,结合

bedevil  搞糟,搅扰;使苦恼

indigenous  土生土长的,本地的,天生的

enclave  飞地(较大区域内一小块不同民族或人群的聚居地),被包围的领土

enormous  巨大的,庞大的

variant  变体

integrate  整合,结合

inflation  通货膨胀

paradoxical  似是而非的,矛盾的

occur  发生,存在,出现

consequent  作为结果的,随之发生的,合乎逻辑的

appreciation  增值

hence  因此,从此以后

crux  关键,难题

ample  丰富的,充足的

empirically  经验主义地

windfall  风吹落的果实,意外的收获,侥幸所得

concomitant  相伴的,附随的,共存的

hike  提高

crumble  崩溃,弄碎,破灭

stagnate  停止,停滞不前,不景气

ailment  小病,疾病

thoughtful  深思的

counteract  抵制,清除,中和,对抗

extent  广度,宽度,长度,大小,范围,程度

realm  领域

pursuit  追求,追赶

sectoral  (尤指一国经济)领域的

belie  掩饰,与……不符,使……失望

posit  安置,假定

tradeable  可交换的

initiate  开始,创始

Phrases and Expressions

center around  围绕,以……为中心

Proper Names

boom and bust cycles  经济繁荣与萧条的交替循环

Language Focus

1.Prices for commodity exports on the world market will,they claimed,fall relative to prices for manufactured goods,leaving commodity exporters withbalance of payment problems and slow economic growth.(参考译文:他们声称,世界市场上出口商品的价格相对于制成品的价格下降了,使商品出口国出现了支付和经济增长放缓之间的平衡问题。)

本句中they claimed为插入语;for commodity exports on the world market 为price的后置定语;主语price,谓语will fall;relative to...进行比较,为状语;随后的leaving...分词短语为结果状语,修饰全句。

2.Since the 1980s,however,terms of trade have declined worldwide for primary commodities and greater consensus has arisen that,at least for this time period,declining terms of trade have presented a problem for many countries.(参考译文:然而,20世纪80年代以来,全球主要商品的贸易条件恶化了,更多共识产生了:至少在这段时间内,贸易条件恶化使许多国家出现了问题。)

本句中terms of trade have declined...与declining terms of trade have presented...为并列分句。

3.Some have suspected that rapid fluctuations in commodity markets might make commodity-dependent economies especially prone to boom and bust cycles and discourage private investment.(参考译文:有些人怀疑,商品市场的快速波动可能使依赖商品的经济体容易出现繁荣萧条周期,阻碍私人投资。)

本句基本结构为:might make...and discourage...;其中prone to sth./to do sth.易于……,有……倾向。

4.The very volatile nature of oil markets since 1971 suggests that future fluctuations are likely and that they may prove dangerous for Equatorial Guinea in the future unless the country's leaders can adopt effective policies to counter these effects.(参考译文:自1971年以来石油市场的极不稳定性表明,石油价格未来的波动是可能的,而且它们可能对未来的赤道几内亚很危险,除非该国的领导人可以采取有效的政策来抵御这些影响。)


5....the pursuit of substantively different sectoral and industrial strategies in different oil producers"belies the uniform outcomes posited by the Dutch Disease".(参考译文:各石油生产国的不同性质的部门战略和工业战略都是为了“掩盖‘荷兰病'假定的相同结果”。)

本句中the pursuit为主语;谓语belies,宾语the uniform outcomes;分词短语posited by the Dutch Disease为后置定语,修饰the uniform outcomes。

Reinforced Learning

Ⅰ.Answer the following questions for a comprehension of the text.

1.What does the oldest branch of the resource curse literature emphasize?

2.What would prove devastating to the Equato-Guinean economy?

3.What does Dutch Disease theory stress?

4.What do Sachs and Warner'examinations conclude?

5.Between the impact on developed economy and undeveloped economy of Dutch disease,which one is greater?

Ⅱ.Multiple choice: choose the correct one from the alternative answers to give the exact meaning of the words.

1.The oldest branch of the resource curse literature focuses on the tendency of natural resource abundant countries to suffer from low economic growth and disappointing development outcomes.


2.Prices for commodity exports on the world market will,they claimed,fall relative to prices for manufactured goods.

A.processed B.advertised C.man-made D.produced

3.Some have suspected that rapid fluctuations in commodity markets might make commodity-dependent economies especially prone to boom and bust cycles and discourage private investment.

A.delay B.speculate on C.stimulate D.prevent

4.The country's leaders can adopt effective policies to counter these effects.


C.ruinD.lessen or counteract

5.So far this problem has bedeviled Equatorial Guinea greatly.

A.puzzled B.relieved C.arisen D.worsened

6.Equatorial Guinea's enormous per-capita oil revenues should make either of these options far easier than in countries with much lower per-capitaresource exports.

A.national B.regional C.large D.rich

7.Corde and Neary have found ample support for the hypotheses of Dutch Disease in their theoretical analyses.

A.sufficient B.insufficient C.enthusiastic D.consistent

8.Economic growth has stagnated.

A.decreasedB.been staggering

C.stoodD.been feeble

9.Ross further argues that thoughtful policies can counteract most Dutch Disease effects.

A.positive B.considerate C.negative D.persistent

10.Some countries have countered the pressures against investment in tradeables by initiating industrialization programs.

A.imitating B.coordinating C.undertaking D.starting up

Ⅲ.Multiple choice: read the four suggested translations and choose the best answer.

1.Economists have argued that natural resource wealth may have other negative affects on economies.

A.主导性的  B.片面的  C.消极的  D.积极的

2.The domestic economy soon suffered from inflation and a decline in manufacturing exports that led to lower economic growth and rising unemployment.

A.重创  B.萧条  C.破坏  D.通货膨胀

3.This seemingly paradoxical phenomenon occurs when the export boom leads to inflation and a consequent appreciation of the real exchange rate.

A.连续的  B.随之发生的

C.按次序的  D.间接的

4.This ailment affects developed economies far more than it affects under-developed ones.

A.病痛  B.隐藏  C.缩短  D.措施

5.The extent to which is takes effect is largely the result of decision-making in the public realm.

A.事业  B.场所  C.工程  D.领域

Ⅳ.Put the following sentences into Chinese.

1.They argued that primary commodity exporters suffer declining terms of trade over the long run.

2.The newfound oil created an export boom,but the domestic economy soon suffered from inflation and a decline in manufacturing exports that led to lower economic growth and rising unemployment.

3.Some have suspected that rapid fluctuations in commodity markets might make commodity-dependent economies especially prone to boom and bust cycles and discourage private investment.

4.Since most of the inputs needed for the oil industry come from abroad,indigenous industry has not benefited from the boom,and even the service industry relies mostly on imports.

5.Despite the common Dutch Disease experience,many critics have argued that this ailment affects developed economies far more than it affects under-developed ones and that its effects vary greatly by country.

Ⅴ.Put the following paragraphs into Chinese.

1.In economics,the Dutch disease is a concept that explains the apparent relationship between the increase in exploitation of natural resources and a decline in the manufacturing sector.The mechanism is that an increase in revenues from natural resources(or inflows of foreign aid)will make a given nation’s currency stronger compared to that of other nations in an exchange rate,resulting in the nation’s other exports becoming more expensive for other countries to buy,making the manufacturing sector less competitive.While it most often refers to natural resource discovery,it can also refer to“any development that results in a large inflow of foreign currency,including a sharp surge(激增)in natural resource prices,foreign assistance,and foreign direct investment”.

2.It is rather difficult to definitively say that a country has Dutch Disease because it is difficult to prove the relationship between an increase in natural resource revenues,the real-exchange rate,and a decline in the lagging(滞后的)sector.There are a number of different things that could be causing this appreciation(增值)of the real exchange rate.1.2 High Oil Prices and Economic Development in Africa

Guidance to Reading

For the median oil-importing countries in Africa, cumulative output loss resulting from a doubling in the price of oil can be as large as 23 percent in the past five years.However, Africa as a whole has in recent years been enjoying gains from macroeconomic management.This text analyzes in detail the challenges and opportunities of different countries and regions in Africa.


High oil prices can have very harmful effects on the economy of African oil-importing countries,especially those that are heavily debt-burdened.They lead to a decrease in output and consumption,and to a worsening of the net foreign asset position.For the median oil-importing country,the five-year cumulative output loss resulting from a doubling in the price of oil can be as large as 23 percent under a fixed exchange rate regime,as per the model applied.However,this recessionary effect can be cushioned through government intervention in of shocks,such as productivity shocks, monetary-policy shocks,and world-interest-rate shocks.

Africa as a whole has in recent years been enjoying gains from macroeconomic management,improved political stability and governance,easing of regional conflicts,strengthening of regional economic blocks,and increased agricultural,mineral,and oil production.Before the financial crisis,many African economies were moving towards fast and steady economic growth.Their performance over 1995-2007 reversed the collapses over 1975-1985 and the stagnations over 1985-1995.And,for the first time in three decades,African economies were growing at the same rate as the rest of the world economies.The following is about the challenges and problems which main Africa countries have to face.

Net Oil-Importing Countries in Africa

High oil and gas prices have a dramatic impact on net oil-importing countries(NOICs)in Africa.High commodity prices have already been a motive forriots and demonstrations in many African countries(for example,in Mozambique on February 5,2008).The main reason for the public outcry is the more than 50 percent rise in public transport costs as a consequence of the increase in the pump prices for diesel and petrol.The rise in the pump price of fuel results in an increase in the general cost of living.The scenario is even worse for poor households that depend on kerosene for lighting and cooking.

Coping with high oil prices,worsened by lack of resources to establish stabilization mechanisms and price smoothing,is one of the major challenges facing NOICs.Most countries have opted to either partially or completely pass through the international oil prices;Net Oil-Exporting Countries in Africa with others have introduced subsidies.All these mechanisms have proved inefficient in coping with high oil prices in Africa.

Managing Oil Wealth

Oil and gas exploitation have caused major economic,social,political,and environmental problems in some net oil-exporting countries.Oil wealth has not supported sustained economic growth and development in most countries.The major challenge is to translate oil wealth into sustained economic growth and development.

Particular challenges faced by oil-rich countries include weak governance,low accountability,low capacity for proper budgeting and accounting,and lack of transparency in the oil and gas industry.These lead to high investment uncertainty,and,in some cases,may fuel social conflicts.The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative(EITI)offers an opportunity to address the issue of transparency.

Equitable allocation of the proceeds from oil is the key to reducing the risk of social tensions in oil-rich countries.In Nigeria,for example,the federal government passes 13 percent of oil revenues to the nine oil-producing states,primarily to reduce conflict and promote local development.Although this may not fully satisfy the local stakeholders in the Niger Delta,it is a step in the right direction.





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