
发布时间:2020-06-02 19:17:39







版权信息书名:商务英语口语作者:刘延平,董亮排版:上官雅弘出版社:浙江大学出版社出版时间:2010-04-01ISBN:9787308074568本书由浙江大学出版社有限责任公司 授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。—·版权所有 侵权必究·—part 1Daily Business日常Unit 1preparing for Meetings会前准备Key Expression and Sentence patterns关键

1.Would you please check on the availability of the conference room for that day? 你负责去查一下那天会议室的使用情况。

2.Where do you prefer to meet the guests before the meeting starts?会议开始前在哪里迎接客人?

3.Do you think it necessary to add this item to the agenda?你认为有必要在议程里增加这一项吗?

4.Good idea! In that case, everybody could pay attention to it.好主意!这样每个人都会注意它。

5.I'd like to keep each item to twenty minutes; other- wise we'll never get through.我打算每项讨论20分钟,否则我们永远也讨论不完。

6.how about the microphone and speakers?麦克风和喇叭准备得怎么样?

7.have you prepared some paper and pencils for the attendants?你为与会者准备了纸和铅笔吗?

8.I come to tell you about a meeting scheduled from ten o'clock this morning.我来告诉您今天从上午10点开始的会议议程。

9.The general manager asked me to report on the company's sales for last year at the meeting.总经理让我在会上做一个关于公司去年销售额的报告。

10.I've put the minute-book and some paper copies of the agenda on the table.我已将会议记录本和一些会议事项的复印件放在桌子上。

11.I've come to tell you that you'll have to take the minutes this afternoon.我是来告诉你,今天下午由你做会议记录。

12.That's very difficult and hardly ever necessary.那样太难,并且没有必要。

13.You just make a note of the topics that are discussed and the result of the discussion.你只要记录一下讨论的题目和结果就够了。pop Conversations热门Conversation

Manager: Would you please check on the availability of the conference room for that day?

Liu Yang: OK. If that time slot is open, I'll reserve it.

Manager:Where do you prefer to meet the guests before the meeting starts?

Liu Yang: Let me see, in the next office. 经理:你负责去查一下那天会议室的使用情况。




Liu he:Do you think it necessary to add this item to the agenda?

Shang Li:Yes. It's really important.

Liu he:how about placing it at the beginning?

Shang Li:Good idea! In that case, everybody could pay attention to it.

Liu he:So there're altogether five items on the agenda. I'd like to keep each item to twenty minutes; otherwise we'll never get through.

Shang Li:Fine. Then the meeting is due to finish at four o'clock. 刘贺:你认为有必要在议程里增加这一项吗?






Mr. Dickens:Is the room ready for the meeting, Miss Chen?

Miss Chen:Yes, Mr. Dickens. Everything is ready.

Mr. Dickens:how about the microphone and speakers?

Miss Chen:I also have got them ready for the meeting.

Mr. Dickens:Good. have you prepared some paper and pencils for the attendants?

Miss Chen:Yes, paper and pencils have been laid out by their name cards on the con- ference table for each attendant. 迪更斯先生:陈小姐,会场布置好了吗?






Liu Shan:Mr. White, I come to tell you about a meeting scheduled from ten o'clock this morning.

Mr. White:Oh, that's right. And the general manager asked me to report on the company's sales for last year at the meeting.

Liu Shan:By the way, the meeting will be held in your office, not in the conference room.

Mr. White: OK, thank you very much.

Liu Shan:Not at all. That's what I should do. 刘姗:怀特先生,我来告诉您今天从上午10点开始的会议议程。





Jack:Is the room ready for the meeting, Miss Zhou?

Miss Zhou:Yes. I've put the minute-book and some paper copies of the agenda on the table. And paper and pencils have been laid by their name cards on the conference table for each attendant.

Jack:Thank you. how about the microphone and speakers?

Miss Zhou:I also have got them ready.

Jack:Good. I've come to tell you that you'll have to take the minutes this afternoon.

Miss Zhou:Should I write down every word that everyone says?

Jack:No, you needn't. That's very difficult and hardly ever necessary. You just make a note of the topics that are discussed and the result of the discussion.

Miss Zhou:And should I type out the minutes from the notes?

Jack:Yes, of course.杰克:周小姐,会议室准备好了吗?








杰克:当然了。Word Service Station词语加agenda议程availability可用性,实用性;有conference会议,讨论会,协商会item项目,microphone扩音器,麦克风reserve预定;储备;schedule时间表;进度表slot硬币投币口;狭通道;Jackal and Li

There is a story about a jackal that was going to be eaten by a lion. The jackal said to the lion, "No, please, you can't eat me! You can't eat me! This will be a great mistake. If you eat me, that will be terrible, that will be a disaster, that will be the end of the world!" The lion was very puzzled and said, "how come? how come if I eat you, the world will end?" The jackal said, "Because if you eat me that will be the end of the world for me!"豺和

有个故事说,一只豺快被狮子吃掉了。豺对狮子说:"别,别!你不能吃我!你不能吃我!这是一个天大的错误!如果你吃了我,那就惨了,会有灾难,会是世界末日!"狮子满脸疑惑地问:"为什么把你吃掉就会是世界末日?"豺回答:"如果你吃了我,就是我的世界末日啊!"Unit 2Speaking at Meetings会议发言Key Expression and Sentence patterns关键

1.I would like to get everyone's opinion on the issues.有关这些问题,我希望能获得每个人的意见。

2.It's my honor to start the ball rolling.我很荣幸第一个发言。

3.I assume everybody has previewed the profit and loss statement.我想大家都已经看过损益表了。

4.Why doesn't it include the payment by BCD company?为什么上面没有BCD公司的货款?

5.My presentation will show you how we can work together and achieve the win-win situation.我的发言会表示我们如何合作并达到双赢的效果。

6.There are three parts in my presentation: people, processes, and products.我的发言分三部分:人员、流程和产品。

7.I wanted to know whether this problem is a general one or not.我想弄清楚这个问题是不是一般性的。

8.They regard it more as an inconvenience than as a serious production problem.他们认为只是麻烦,但并没有把它看作是重大的生产问题。

9.May I suggest that we proceed in order and take a look at the proposed campaign first?我建议,我们是不是按程序继续进行,先研究一下所提出的宣传计划呢?pop Conversations热门Conversation

Manager:I would like to get everyone's opinion on the issues.

Mr. Smith:We all expect to have the chance.

Manager:Really, Mr. Smith? Then the floor is yours.

Mr. Smith:Certainly. It's my honor to start the ball rolling. In my opinion... 经理:有关这些问题,我希望能获得每个人的意见。




paul:The next item is the financial report. Now the treasurer has the floor.

Susan:Thank you. I assume everybody has previewed the profit and loss statement. Then I'll make an explanation.

paul:Why doesn't it include the payment by BCD company?

Susan:The statement is made at the end of the month and their check was a few days late, so it missed the cutoff point.

paul:Will the payment be shown in the next month report?

Susan:Yes. 保罗:下一项是财务报告。现在由财务主管发言。






Rena:My presentation will show you how we can work together and achieve the win-win situation.

peter:That's what we would like to hear.

Rena:There are three parts in my presentation: people, processes, and products.

peter:Sounds good. please go ahead. 丽娜:我的发言会表示我们如何合作并达到双赢的效果。




Manager:Well, gentlemen, as you know, the purpose of this meeting is to make a preliminary evaluation of product Cp21. At this stage we have three main points to consider- you have them on your agenda. The first one is: potential market. Tom, what can you say about that?

Tom:I asked the four regional managers to do two things. Firstly, to make a rough estimate of the number of customers in their territory who might be interested, and secondly, to sound out one or two of these-very diploma- tically of course-and find out their reactions. Basically, I wanted to know whether this problem is a general one or not.

Manager:And what were their findings?

Tom:Well, it seems the problem is more general than we realized. But most people just accept it, they regard it more as an inconvenience than as a serious production problem.

Manager:Do you think the idea has sales potential?

Tom:Yes, I do. The results obtained by Jones Electronics are quite impressive.

Manager:Thank you. Now, the next item to consider is the probable cost of going into production. Bill, can you give us some idea of the investment required?经理:喂,先生们,你们都知道,本次会议的目的是对新产品Cp21作投产前的预估。在现阶段,我们要考虑的主要有三点--这三点在你们的议事日程上都有了。第一点是潜在的市场。汤姆,关于这一点你能谈谈吗?







Manager:Shall we begin, ladies and gentlemen? I believe you've all had a chance to read the minutes of our last meeting. Shall we accept them as written?

pat:I make a motion to accept them.

Mary:I second the motion.

Manager:All in favor? ... Accepted unanimously. Now, to the business of the day: our new line of screwdrivers and wrenches. It seems that we're about to take the market by storm. Mary, why don't you take it from here?

Mary:Thank you, Mr. Smith. Our research shows there's a great potential market for our new products. As a matter of fact, all we need now is a good promotional push. I under- stand that Mr. Milton has worked out an impressive advertising campaign for us.

pat:(he interrupts) I'd like to make a suggestion. Since we're introducing something com- pletely new, I think we need completely new names. We have to show that we're modern, up-to-date, progressive.

Mary:May I suggest that we proceed in order and take a look at the proposed campaign first?

Manager:Certainly. If there are no objections, Mr. Milton will proceed to outline the campaign. 经理:女士们,先生们,我们现在开始开会吧?我想你们都已经看过上次会议的会议记录了。我们是不是同意呢?







经理:当然。如果没有反对意见的话,就请弥尔顿先生开始大概地谈一下这个计划。Word Service Station词语加assume采取;呈现financial财政的,金floor (大会)发言权inconvenience麻烦,不方便issue问题;结果potential可能的;潜preliminary预备的;初步的profit利润;益处,roll滚动,滚转;(使)摇摆treasurer财务员,出Save Much Mo

"You will be pleased with me today, mother," said Dick to his mother, coming home from school. "I saved on fares. I didn't go to school by bus, I ran all the way after it."

"Well," said his mother laughing, "next time you should run after a taxi, you will save much more."省下


"哦,"他妈妈笑着说,"下次你跟在出租汽车后面跑,那会省得更多。"Unit 3Discussion at Meetings会议讨论Key Expression and Sentence patterns关键

1.Is there any objection to the proposal?有人反对这个提议吗?

2.We will now proceed to the panel discussion.我们现在将开始小组讨论。

3.We'll discuss the first question on the agenda which is how to increase our sales.我们将讨论的第一个问题就是怎样提高我们的销售量。

4.I think we'd better change the package of our product.我认为我们最好改变产品的包装。

5.I think we should shake up our sales department.我认为我们应该重组销售部。

6.We only care about achievements rather than seniority, and there has been little new business coming in for a long time.我们只关心业绩,而不是资历,我们已经很久没有新生意上门了。

7.I'm happy that we've finally cleared up some problems.真高兴我们最终解决了一些问题。

8.Is there anything else to discuss?还有别的事情要讨论吗?

9.We've agreed that we should set up a task force to reconsider the whole "check-in" process.我们大家都已同意,应该成立一个特别工作组,来重新审视整个"登机手续"。

10.Can we set a date for another meeting in the near future where May and Jack, you can feed back your progress to us?我们是不是确定一个日期,在不久的将来再开一次会议?到时,梅和杰克,你们俩再向我们汇报工作的进展。pop Conversations热门Conversation

Mr. White:Is there any objection to the proposal?

Lucy:Not really.

Mr. White:If we are squared on this one, let's go to the next topic.

Lucy:Yes. Let's move on. We will now proceed to the panel discussion.怀特先生:有人反对这个提议吗?




Mr. Liu:I now declare the meeting open. We'll discuss the first question on the agenda which is how to increase our sales. Could we have your opinion first, Jane?

Jane:OK, I think we should improve our service. We should also reduce the price of our product.

John:Sorry to interrupt you. I'd like to put forward a proposal. I think we'd better change the package of our product.刘先生:我现在宣布会议开始。我们将讨论的第一个问题就是怎样提高我们的销售量。简,我们先听听你的意见如何?



Ms. Li:I think we should shake up our sales department.

Mr. Liu:I agree. We need a more enterprising manager to head up the sales department.

Ms. Li:I don't think it's proper to dismiss him. he has been the sales manager for several years.

Mr. Liu:We only care about achievements rather than seniority, and there has been little new business coming in for a long time.

Ms. Li:But he is industrious, responsible, and practiced in business. In addition, our sales have increased 3%.

Mr. Liu:OK. Let's give him another chance.李女士:我认为我们应该重组销售部。






Mr. Liu:This is a very good meeting, Liz.

Liz:I'm happy that we've finally cleared up some problems.

Mr. Liu:I think we have. Is there anything else to discuss?

Liz:No, that's all, I guess.

Mr. Liu:Then, let's call it a day, shall we?

Liz:All right. See you later.

Mr. Liu:After a while.刘先生:这是一个很好的会议,莉兹。







Mr. Liu:OK, can I sum up then what we've decided? Firstly, we've agreed that we're going to step up training for "check-in" staff. And we're going to focus on some of the practical skills they need in order to do their job properly. Jack, you'll see to that, will you?


Mr. Liu:Secondly, we've agreed that we should set up a task force to reconsider the whole "check-in" process. We've agreed that this task force should consist of people whose expertise is not in "check-in", so that they can look at the process with a fresh eye. May, will you coordinate that?


Mr. Liu:And can we set a date for another meeting in the near future where May and Jack, you can feed back your progress to us?

May:Ugh huh. What about this time next month?

Mr. Liu:Sounds OK to me. Oh, and Linda, why don't you write a short article in the staff magazine explaining what we're doing so that people can see that we're thinking about "check-in" problems? Do you think that would be a good idea?

Linda:Yeah. That's a good idea-I'll get it in next month's edition...刘先生:好,现在我来总结一下好吗?首先,我们大家都同意,要加紧对办理"登机手续"的员工进行培训,重点提高他们在工作中所需要的一些实用技能。杰克,这个你来负责,好吗?







琳达:好的,这主意不错。我把它刊登在下个月的那期杂志上……Word Service Station词语加coordinate同等的;并列的panel座谈小组;全体陪seniority资历squared公平的;结

Whose heart Is Better?

A man has a heart attack and is brought to the hospital. The doctor tells him that he will not live unless he has a heart transplant right away. "You're in luck, two hearts just became available, so you will get to choose which one you want. One belongs to an attorney and the other to a social worker."

The man quickly responds, "The attorney's."

"Wait! Don't you want to know a little about them before you make your decision?"

The man says, "I already know enough. Social workers have bleeding hearts and the attorney's probably never used his. So I'll take the attorney's!"





病人说:"我知道的够多了。社会工作者都是热心人,而律师可能从来都没有用过他的良心。所以我选择律师的心脏。"Unit 4Appointments预约Key Expression and Sentence patterns关键

1.I'd like to make an appointment with Miss Liu.我想和刘小姐约个时间会面。

2.Let me check Miss Liu's schedule.让我查查刘小姐的日程表。

3.I'm afraid I'll be tied up tomorrow at ten, and could we make it tomorrow at nine?恐怕明天上午10点我很忙。9点怎么样?

4.I need to make an appointment with you tonight.我想今晚与你约个会面时间。

5.I'll pick you up at your office.我去办公室接你。

6.Can I take a message?我能给您捎口信吗?

7.We have something new you may be interested in.现在我们有新产品,或许您会感兴趣。

8.This is Wang Lei of Great Eastern Development Company.我是大东开发公司的王磊。

9.She has a full schedule tomorrow and then she'll be away the following day.她明天没空,后天又要出去。pop Conversations热门Conversation

Tom:hello, my name is Tom with Steve Rogers. I'd like to make an appointment with Miss Liu.

Operator:Yes, Mr. Tom. Let me check Miss Liu's schedule. Let me see… she has an opening tomorrow at ten.

Tom:I'm afraid I'll be tied up tomorrow at ten, and could we make it tomorrow at nine?

Operator:Yes. That would be much better.

Tom:Fine. Good-bye.







Wang Ming:hello, this is Wang Ming. May I speak to Zhang Yan, please?

Zhang Yan:Oh, Wang Ming. This is she.

Wang Ming:I need to make an appointment with you tonight.

Zhang Yan:OK. What time is it?

Wang Ming:Seven o'clock. I'll pick you up at your office.

Zhang Yan:Great.王明:喂,我是王明,我可以和张艳通话吗?






Secretary:hello, Mr. Green's office.

henry:hello, could I speak to Mr. Green, please?

Secretary:Who's calling, please?

henry:Mr. henry.

Secretary:I'm sorry. he's out just now.

henry:When will he be back?

Secretary:I'm not sure. Can I take a message?

henry:OK. I'd like to make an appointment with him tomorrow.秘书:你好。这里是格林先生的办公室。








Salesman:hello, Mr. Milton. Are you free this weekend?


Salesman:I'd like to visit you. We have something new you may be interested in.


Salesman:When should we come?

Milton:At 6:30 this Saturday evening.

Salesman:OK. See you then.售货员:嗨,米尔顿先生。这周末您有空吗?







Miss Zhou:Ms. Ann Smith's office. Good morning. This is Miss Zhou speaking.

Wang Lei:hello, Miss Zhou. This is Wang Lei of Great Eastern Development Company.

Miss Zhou:hello, Mr. Wang. What can I do for you?

Wang Lei:I'd like to see Ms. Smith about an order with us. Is she free any time tomorrow?

Miss Zhou:hold the line please. I'll check her schedule... Thank you for waiting. I am sorry she has a full schedule tomorrow and then she'll be away the following day. Will Thursday be all right for you?

Wang Lei:Just a moment... Thursday morning is OK.

Miss Zhou:All right. I'll make an appointment with you at 9:30. Would that be all right?

Wang Lei:Yes, that's fine. See you at 9:30 on Thursday.

Miss Zhou:Good-bye, Mr. Wang.周小姐:这里是安·史密斯女士办公室。早上好。我是周小姐。








周小姐:再见,王先生。Word Service Station词语加appointment约会;指定pick up (车辆等)中途搭人;掘地;how Much Is Le

Mother:I told you not eat cake before supper.

Mary:But, Mum, it's part of my homework. "If you take an eighth of a cake from a whole cake, how much is left?"还能剩


玛丽:可是妈妈,这是我作业的一部分呀。"如果你从一个大蛋糕上拿走1/8,还能剩多少?"Unit 5Messages留言Key Expression and Sentence patterns关键

1.May I speak with Mr. Chen, please?可以请陈先生听电话吗?

2.how do you spell your last name?请问您的姓怎么拼呢?

3.She is with someone right now.她正在会客。

4.May I leave her a message then?那我可以留话给她吗?

5.please ask her to call me at 8386-3619.麻烦您请她打8386-3619找我。

6.Could you please ask him to call me at the Beijing hotel, Room No. 514?请转告他打电话给我,好吗?在北京饭店514号房。

7.Were there any messages while I was in the meeting?在我开会期间有留言吗?

8.Mr. James wants you to call him back, and he called at 11:00 a.m.詹姆斯先生让你给他回电话,他在上午11点打来过电话。

9.please give him a call to confirm the meeting.请替我回电确认那次会议。

10.please ask her to ring me back when she returns.她回来你让她给我回电话吧。

11.I'll be sure to give her this message.我会把你的留言转告她的。pop Conversations热门Conversation

Chao Li:May I speak with Mr. Chen, please?

Operator:Sorry. But he is out at the moment.

Chao Li:Then, please tell him that Chao Li called.

Operator:Yes. I'm sorry, but how do you spell your last name?

Chao Li:It's Chao, C-h-A-O.晁力:可以请陈先生听电话吗?








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