
发布时间:2020-06-03 12:06:31







第一部分 历年真题及详解[听力音频]





This section is designed to test your abiliry to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. There are two parts in this section, Part A and part B.

Remember while you are doing the test, you should first put down your answers in your test booklet. At the end of the listening comprehension section, you will have 3minutes to transfer your answers from your test booklet onto your ANSWER SHEET 1.

If you have any questions, you may raise your hand now as you will not be allowed to speak once the test has started.

Now look at Part A in your test booklet.

Part A

Directions: You will hear 10 short dialogues. For each dialogue, there is one question and four possible answers. Choose the correct answer—A, B, C or D, and mark it in your test booklet. You will have 15 seconds to answer the question and you will hear each dialogue only once.

1. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

[A] In a post office.

[B] In a hotel.

[C] In a bank.

[D] In a supermarket.【答案】C【解析】录音中男士问:有什么需要帮忙的?女士先回答到想兑换一点钱,之后又说道还想开一个储蓄账户,由此可以推断,此对话发生在银行。C项正确。【录音原文】

M: Good morning .May I help you?

W: I’d like to exchange some money first.

M: Anything else?

W: Then open a saving account.

2.When will the bank open on Sundays?

[A] Form 8:30 a .m. to 8:30 p.m.

[B] Form 9:30 a .m. to 6:30 p.m.

[C] Form 8:30 a .m. to 8:30 p.m.

[D] Form 9:30 a .m. to 3:30 p.m.【答案】D【解析】录音中男士问道,银行什么时候营业,女士回答说:周一至周五是从上午8:30至下午6:30,而周末是从上午9:30开到下午3:30,由此可知,D项正确。【录音原文】

M: When will the bank open?

W: It opens from 8:30 a.m.to 6:30 p.m. from Monday to Friday and it open from 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.

3.What did the man ask the woman to do?

[A] Go on diet.

[B] Have a snack.

[C] Play some tennis.

[D] Stop screaming.【答案】B【解析】录音中男士提议:看完电影何不吃点咸饼干?女士回答说自己在节食,所以不能吃。crackers“咸饼干”是生词,但根据女士回答的话可以推测出男士询问女士的是吃零食。B项正确。【录音原文】

M: Why don’t we stop for some crackers after the film?

W: I’d love to, but I am on a diet.

M: But you’re very slim.

W: Yes, girls can never be too thin.

4.Where are the two speakers?

[A] In a hotel.

[B] At a dinner table.

[C] In the street.

[D] At the man’s house.【答案】A【解析】录音中女士说自己饿了,男士回应说,让我来呼叫服务,“你好,房间服务,请送一份菜单到826房间,谢谢”,由此可知说话人是在宾馆里。A项正确。【录音原文】

W: Dear, I feel hungry now .How about you?

M: So do I. Let me call the room service. Hello, room service. Please send a menu to 826, thank you!

5.What can we assume from this conversation?

[A] The man is a judge.

[B] It’s an interviewer.

[C] The man agrees with the woman.

[D] The man believes that Jack will quit his job.【答案】D【解析】录音中女士说:杰克说他要辞职,这一定是在开玩笑,男士回答到:别那么肯定,他曾告诉我他试图卖掉他的房子。由此可以推断,男士相信杰克会辞职。D项正确。【录音原文】

W: Jack must have been joking when he said that he was going to quit his job.

M: Don’t be too sure. He told me that he was trying to sell his house

6.Why can’t they meet on Thursday?

[A] Because she wants to meet him on Wednesday.

[B] Because she has to go out of town.

[C] Because she is in charge of the project.

[D] Because she has another meeting.【答案】D【解析】录音中男士提议在周四开会讨论一下接下来的建筑工程,女士回答到:很抱歉,我这周很忙,周四一整天都要开会,而我周五的时候又要出城,周三怎么样?由此可知,他们周四不能见面的原因是女士有其他的会议要开。D项正确。【录音原文】

M: I’d like to talk to you about our next building project. Can you fix a meeting for this week? What about Thursday?

W: Well, I’m sorry. I’ve been extremely busy this week. I’ll be at a meeting all day on Thursday. And I’m going out of town on Friday. Is Wednesday all right?

7.What does the woman mean?

[A] The man should not expect her to go along.

[B] She doesn’t think she has enough money.

[C] She will go even though the movie is bad.

[D] The man should count the number of people going.【答案】A【解析】录音中男士提议去市中心看看电影,女士说:别把我算在内。男士问其原因,女士说,因为不值这些钱。由此可知,男士不应该期待她会去。A项正确。【录音原文】

M: I thought it would be fun if we all went to the movie downtown.

W: Count me out.

M: Why?

W: I’ve heard that it’s not worth the money.

8.What does the woman mean?

[A] She is asking for a higher pay.

[B] She is introducing a new friend.

[C] She is too busy.

[D] She’s got some problem.【答案】A【解析】录音中男士说到,谢谢你的到来,周五晚上很难找到一个好保姆。女士回答说,我喜欢带孩子,而且我需要额外的钱,我想跟你谈一下关于我小时费的涨价的问题。根据语境可以推断,女士是想要求更高的薪水。A项正确。【录音原文】

M: You must be Kelly. Thanks for coming. It’s hard to find a good babysitter on a Friday Night.

W: I like watching kids, and I need the extra money. I’d like to talk to you about my new rate increases.

9.Who is the man?

[A] A judge.

[B] An interviewer.

[C] A professor.

[D] A counselor.【答案】B【解析】录音中男士先问到:安德森女士,你对于已婚夫妇之间的问题一定有深入的了解吧,女士回答说,我认为是这样的,接着男士提问,那你认为最重要的问题是什么?由男士不断对女士进行的发问可以推断,他是一名采访者。B项正确。【录音原文】

M: Mrs. Anderson, you must have gained a deep insight into the problems of married couples

W: Yes, I think I have

M: What do you consider to be the most important problems?

10.What are they talking about?

[A] City is better than countryside.

[B] Changes in the city.

[C] Going camping.

[D] Life in the summer.【答案】C【解析】录音中男士说自己喜欢在夏季露营,之后女士便提议说下周要去和朋友去露营,想邀请男士同去,男士愉快地答应了。由此可知,说话人主要谈论的是露营。C项正确。【录音原文】

M: I enjoy camping out in the summer. A great change from city life, I think.

W: Yes, you said it. I went with my friends last Sunday. We really enjoyed ourselves, and we are going camping next weekend. Would you like to come along with us?

M: I’d love to, thank you.



You will hear four dialogues or monologues. Before listening to each one, you will have 5 seconds to read each of the questions which accompany it. While listening, answer each question by choosing A, B, C or D. After listening, you will have 10 seconds to check your answer to each question. You will hear the recording only once.

Questions 11—13

11.How old is Katie?

[A] 16.

[B] 17.

[C] 18.

[D] 19.

12.What kind of job is Katie for?

[A] A part-time job for a school magazine.

[B] A full-time job at a college.

[C] A permanent job at Johnson’s Imports.

[D] A short-term job in an office.

13. What qualifications does Katie have for the job?

[A] Her extra classes in sport at school.

[B] She has computer skills and used to working with people.

[C] She’s adaptable.

[D] Her work experience in the school newspaper.【答案及解析】

11.C  对话中面试官问Katie“How old are you, Katie?(Katie,你多大了?)”Katie回答到“Eighteen”,由此可知Katie的年龄是18岁。

12.D  对话中面试官说到“I hear that you’re looking for temporary office work(我听说你在找一份短期的办公室工作)”,Katie回答说“That’s right(是的)”。由此可知,Katie是在找一份短期办公室工作。D项正确。

13.B  录音中Katie说到“I took extra classes in office skills at school(我在学校上过一些关于Office操作的课程)”以及“So I’m used to working as part of a team(我习惯于团队合作工作)”,由此可知Katie对于该项工作所具备的条件有二:电脑技能和团队合作能力。B项正确。【录音原文】

M: Come in. please have a seat.

W: Thank you.

M: I’m Paul Turner. Branch Manager.

W: Katie Thomas, nice to meet you.

M: I hear that you’re looking for temporary office work.

W: That’s right.

M: How old are you, Katie?

W: Eighteen.

M: That’s rather young. What experience have you had?

W: Well, I’ve just left school, in fact, and I’m looking for a job between now and when I go to college.

M: It doesn’t sound as if we can help, Katie. You see, our clients are very demanding, especially when it comes to new office technology.

W: Oh, that’s no problem. I took extra classes in office skills at school.

M: Oh, perhaps you’d like to outline what you’ve been doing?

W: I started by learning keyboard skills. Then I went on to learn about word processing.

M: Good. You seem qualified from the technical point of view. But how well do you think you’ll get along with people in an office?

W: I think I’m quite adaptable. I belonged to the drama society. As well as working on the school magazine. And I played a bit of sports. So I’m used to working as part of a team.

M: Sounds good. Let’s see... There’s a request from Johnson’s Imports for “a bright youngster...”.

Questions 14—17

14.How long have they not met each other?

[A] Half a year.

[B] Two years.

[C] Three or four years.

[D] More then five years.

15. What’s the problem of Mr.Tim’s visiting this time?

[A] He wants to make some changes in his will.

[B] He wants to woman’s help in buying a land and building a house.

[C] He wants the woman to see the architect for him.

[D] He asks the woman to find a plot for him.

16. When did Mr. Tim go to see the plot chosen by his son?

[A] Last Friday.

[B] Last Saturday.

[C] Two days ago.

[D] Yesterday.

17. Which material should the house be built of?

[A] Stone.

[B] Brick.

[C] Cement.

[D] Wood.【答案及解析】

14.C  对话开头女士就说到:我们很长时间没有见了,男士接着说到:一定有三、四年了吧。由此可知C项正确。

15.B  对话中女士问到“So you want my help buying the land and building the house(你是想让我帮忙买块地皮,然后建造一个房子吗)”,男士回答“Yes, that’s right(对,是这样)”,由此可知,男士的此番拜访是想让女士帮忙购买土地建房子。B项正确。

16.C  对话中男士说到“Jerry was in Edinburgh last Saturday and saw a plot he likes. My wife and I went there two days ago, and we liked it, too”,由此可知,男士两天前看了儿子选的一小块地。C项正确。

17.A  对话最后女士说到“And sometimes the Authority decides that a house must be built of stone, and not of brick(有时相关部门决定房子必须由石头建成,而不是砖块)”由此可知,建造房子的材料应该是石头。A项正确。【录音原文】

W: Good morning, Mr. Tim. It’s a long time since I had the pleasure of a visit from you

M: Yes, it must be three or four years. I haven’t visited you since I called about my will. You helped me with that, you remember?

W: Yes, I remember. Do you want to make any changes in your will?

M: I don’t think that will be necessary, but you’ll tell me if it is. I left everything, you remember, to my wife, and after her death, to my son Jerry. I’ve about $15,000 in shares of industrial companies. These bring in, after paying tax, about $1,125 a year. Well, I’m earning a good salary now, and I can live fairly comfortably with this extra income. I want to buy some land and build a house for my son; he will need a house when he gets married. I’m thinking of building one and giving it to him

W: Your son’s lucky. So you want my help buying the land and building the house.

M: Yes, that’s right. As soon as you’ve done what’s necessary for buying the land, Jerry and I will see an architect.

W: Have you found a plot yet?

M: Jerry was in Edinburgh last Saturday and saw a plot he likes. My wife and I went there two days ago, and we liked it, too. I’d like you to make the necessary inquiries for me.

W: I’d be pleased to do that. I shall have to write to the Local Authority and inquire whether it is allowed to build a house on your piece of land. You’re not allowed to build a house without permission from the Planning Authority. And sometimes the Authority decides that a house must be built of stone, and not of brick, so that it doesn’t spoil the surrounding village.

Questions 18—21

18.Which city is the man going to visit ?

[A] Oxford.

[B] Paris.

[C] Shaftsbury.

[D] London.

19. Which tourist attraction is NOT mentioned in the dialogue?

[A] Buckingham Palace.

[B] shops and restaurants.

[C] Tower of London.

[D] The British museum.

20. What is Not listed on the man’s schedule?

[A] Shopping.

[B] Watching a show.

[C] Meeting friends.

[D] Visiting art galleries.

21.What can you infer form the dialogue?

[A] The visitor will see very little of the city.

[B] The visitor’s schedule is tight.

[C] The visitor will enjoy his time.

[D] The visitor will leave for another city the next day.【答案及解析】

18.D  对话开头男士便说到“I am going to see the West End(我要去伦敦西区)”由此可知,男士要去的地方是伦敦。

19.C  对话中男士提到“I want to visit museum, art galleries, Buckingham Palace, do some shopping, go to the theater”,女士提到“Yes, the British Museum.”由此可知,只有C项“Tower of London”没有提到,因此选择C项。

20.C  对话中女士建议“you can go shopping in the morning”,男士认为很好,之后男士问到博物馆,女士说可以去牛津街看博物馆,吃午餐,并提议“Yes, the British Museum. You can go there in the afternoon”,男士表示好。最后男士提到“I want to go to the theater in the evening(我想在晚上去剧院看演出)”。由此可知,只有C项“拜访一些朋友”不在计划中,因此选择C项。

21.B  根据对话内容,由20题的分析,可知,男士的行程从上午到下午再到晚上都被安排的满满的,因此可以推断,参观者的日程安排得很紧凑。B项正确。【录音原文】

W: Hello. Can I help you?

M: Yes, er…I am going to see the West End.

W: How much time do you have?

M: Just one day.

W: Well, what do you particularly want to do?

M: I want to visit museum, art galleries, Buckingham Palace, do some shopping, go to the theater…

W: But you only have one day!

M: That’s all right.

W: Well, you can go shopping in the morning.

M: Where?

W: In Oxford Street.

M: How do I get there?

W: You can walk through Hyde Park. It’s quite near.

M: Good. What time do the shops open?

W: At nine.

M: Are there any museums in Oxford Street?

W: Yes, there are. You can have lunch there.

M: Are there any museums near Oxford Street?

W: Yes, the British Museum. You can go there in the afternoon.

M: Good, what time does it close?

W: At five.

M: I want to go to the theater in the evening.

W: Well, there are many theaters near there.

M: Where?

W: In Shaftsbury Avenue. You can take a bus from the British Museum.

M: Perfect. Thanks for your help.

W: You’re welcome. Have a good time!

Questions 22—25

22. Why are so many people dependent on cigarette?

[A] Because they like the taste of tar.

[B] Because smoking makes them feel relaxed.

[C] Because smoking is fanny.

[D] Because smoking cures disease.

23. Which substance in cigarette causes cancer?

[A] Cigarette ashes.

[B] Nicotine.

[C] Tar.

[D] Not mentioned here.

24.What do experts suggest people to do?

[A] To buy cigarettes with less tar.

[B] To smoke only a few cigarette a day.

[C] To smoke only during a break.

[D] To give up smoking.

25.Why do smokers like low tar cigarettes?

[A] Because they are less harmful.

[B] Because they cost less.

[C] Because they taste better.

[D] Because they last longer.【答案及解析】

22.B  根据录音内容“The substance which people cannot resist in cigarettes is nicotine. When people smoke the nicotine goes directly into the blood stream and makes people feel relaxed”可知,人们依赖香烟的原因是因为无法抵抗尼古丁带来的放松感觉。即B项“吸烟使他们感到放松”。C项正确。

23.C  根据录音内容“However, it is the tar that causes cancer”可知,导致癌症的罪魁祸首是焦油。C项正确。

24.D  根据录音内容“While governments and health experts have tried to make people give up smoking entirely”可知,专家们正努力让人们戒烟。D项正确。

25.A  根据录音最后“cigarette manufacturers have to keep selling them by producing cigarette with less tar. Many people in western countries have welcomed these cigarettes since they find it difficult to stop smoking but want to reduce its risk”可知,人们抽焦油含量低的烟就是为了减少吸烟带来的损害。A项正确。【录音原文】

Why do people smoke? One reason is that people become dependent on cigarettes. The substance which people cannot resist in cigarettes is nicotine. When people smoke the nicotine goes directly into the blood stream and makes people feel relaxed. A smoker’s body gets accustomed to the nicotine and if he stop smoking he feels nervous. Many smokers try to stop smoking but because of their dependence on nicotine they feel so uncomfortable that they often find it too hard to stop.

Another reason is that people simply enjoy smoking and what it symbolizes. Having a cigarette for many people means taking a break. For some people smoking becomes part of certain social forms, for example, the cigarette after dinner. Many people enjoy smoking because it makes their hands busy.

Many people also like the taste of tar in cigarette. However, it is the tar that causes cancer. While governments and health experts have tried to make people give up smoking entirely, cigarette manufacturers have to keep selling them by producing cigarette with less tar. Many people in western countries have welcomed these cigarettes since they find it difficult to stop smoking but want to reduce its risk.

Now you have 3 minutes to transfer your answers from your text booklet to your ANSWER SHEET. That is the end of Listening Comprehension.


Part A


Read the following two texts. Answer the questions on each text by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.

Text 1

Five-year-old Elia arrived at school with a big box of colored pencils. Her friend, Anna, offered to exchange her set of markers for the brand-new pencils. Elia agreed, but soon discovered. that the markers were dried up. “That’s not fair!” cried Elia to her teacher. “I want my new pencils back.” After some tears and negotiation, the teacher helped the girls set things right by returning the items to their original owners.

Later that day, at story time, the teacher shared the picture book classic A Bargain for Frances. Though the conflict in the story is just over a broken tea set, the message about fair play was not lost on the children. The book was helpful in exploring a small, yet significant, life lesson.

Stories are vital to the way we process and experience life events and the feelings that surround us. The ability to create, share, and respond to stories is one of the vital characteristics of being human. In fact, the human brain is programmed to see patterns and become fascinated in the plot development of stories, finally storing them in long-term memory. As a result, the brain is a remarkably effective processor of stories, both real and fictional.

High-quality picture books are a good blend of art and literature that attracts kids’ imagination and communicates an idea in an effective way. These books are perfect teaching tools, as they deal with the powerful emotions that kids feel, model effective coping strategies, and present complex concepts in appropriate ways. In addition, according to brain research, the picture book complements words with what leaves the most permanent impression: images. The pictures in books are distinctive from the fleeting images kids see on television in that they remain on the page, ready to be revisited, touched, and commented upon.

Whether we share stories about families, historical events, or emotions, stories are away to sum up life’s memorable moments and lasting lessons. We can control the power of literature and use it to develop positive character in young kids by reading often, choosing suitable books, and enjoying stories together.

26. Elia cried “that’s not fair!” as she thought that she was _____.

[A] cheated by her friend

[B] defeated by her friend

[C] ignored by her teacher

[D] scolded by her teacher

27.A Bargain for Frances is intended to teach kids how to _____.

[A]. play fair in life

[B]. organize things

[C]. win in conflicts

[D]. write a message

28. According to the text, stories can help kids _____.

[A]. realize their potential

[B]. improve their memory

[C]. concentrate on reading

[D]. understand the human world

29. In comparison with picture in books, television images _____.

[A]. are frequently commented on

[B]. stay temporarily with children

[C]. blend art and literature vividly

[D].communicate ideas effectively

30. The power of literature can help kids develop their _____.

[A]. positive character

[B]. interest in history

[C]. passion for stories

[D]. learning strategies【答案及解析】

26.A  细节推断题。根据文章第一段第二、三“Her friend Anna, offered to exchange her set of makers for the brand-new pencil. Elia agreed, but soon discovered that the markers were dried up”可知,Elia用自己全新的彩色铅笔换来了安娜快要用完的马克笔,感觉自己被骗了,所以她觉得这不公平。A项正确。

27.A  细节理解题。根据文章第二段第二句“Though the conflict in the story is just over a broken tea set, the message about fair play was not lose on the children(尽管故事中的矛盾只是来自一个破碎的茶具,但是却传递了一个重要的信息:孩子间的公平没有丢失)”可知,这本书讲的是关于公平的故事,A项正确。

28.D  细节推断题。根据文章第三段第一、二句“Stories are vital to way we process and experience life events and the feelings that surround us. The ability to create, share, and respond to stories is one of the vital characteristics of being human”可知,故事对于我们体验生活事件和感知周围人的过程是必不可少的。由此可以推断:故事能够帮助孩子更好地了解世界。D项正确。A项“了解他们的潜能”、B项“提高他们的记忆”、C项“集中注意力阅度”在文中都没提及。

29.B  细节理解题。根据文章第四段最后一句“The pictures in books are distinctive from the fleeting image kids see on television in that they remain on the page, ready to be revisited, touched, and commented upon(书中的图片与孩子在电视上看到的飞速的画面不同。因为书中的图片印在纸张上,可以反复阅读、触摸和评论。)”可知,与图画书相比,电视画面转换快、停留时间短,B项正确。

30.A  细节理解题。根据文章最后一句“We control the power of literature and use it to develop positive character in young kids by reading often, choosing suitable books, and enjoying stories together(我们可以控制文学的力量并利用它来发展孩子积极向上的性格,比如多阅读,选择合适的书,以及一起欣赏故事)”可知,文学的力量可以帮助孩子发展积极向上的性格。A项正确。

Text 2

We have heard a lot about the health benefits of tea, especially green tea. It is high in poly-phenols, compounds with strong antioxidant activity that in test-tube and animal models show anti-cancer and heart-protective effects. Good clinical studies are few, however, and although physicians tell their patients to drink green tea, there hasn’t been any definite proof of the value of that advice.

A team of Japanese researchers was able to link green tea consumption with decreased mortality from many causes—including heart disease. The researchers tracked 40,530 healthy adults ages 40 to 79 in a region of northeastern Japan where most people drink green tea, following them for up to 11 years. Those who drank five or more





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