
发布时间:2020-06-03 23:51:34







第1章 全国大学生英语竞赛B类考试指导

1.1 考试简介

全国大学生英语竞赛(National English Contest for College Students,简称NECCS)是经教育部有关部门批准,由高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会和高等学校大学外语教学研究会联合主办,英语辅导报社承办的全国唯一的大学生英语综合能力竞赛。本竞赛是全国性大学英语学科竞赛。旨在贯彻落实教育部关于大学英语教学改革精神,促进大学生英语水平的全面提高,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,鼓励英语学习成绩优秀的大学生。这项竞赛活动,既可以展示各高校大学英语教学改革的成果,又可以有助于学生打好英语基础,提高综合运用英语的能力,推动全国大学英语教学上一个新台阶。




1.2 大纲要求










1.3 试题分析



需要说明的是,从2014年开始全国大学生英语竞赛在保持整体赛题难度不变的基础上,统一了各类别赛题的命题结构和标准,对部分竞赛题型和分值进行了适当调整,使得本竞赛能够更加科学地考查参赛者在英语运用方面的能力,凸显本竞赛的特色。2017年再次作出调整,具体调整如下:①听力理解试题Section B部分第一篇长对话由原来的选择题改为判断题;Section D部分由原来一篇的摘要填空,变为两个短篇,一篇复合式听写,一篇摘要填空;②第二部分试题原来统称为:词汇、语法和文化,现在改为词汇和语法,不再专门考查文化试题,但部分试题内容会涉及一些国家和地区的文化知识;③阅读理解第一篇判断题改为表格填空题;④汉译英翻译试题原来是单独的5个句子翻译,现在改为整段篇章中划线句子的翻译。



Ⅰ. 听力理解(Listening Comprehension)

1. 考核要求

全国大学生英语竞赛B类听力部分主要考查考生获取口头信息的能力(理解主旨大意、听懂重要的事实和细节、推断隐含的意义、判断言语的交际功能、分辨说话人的观点态度等), 要求考生在听完听力材料以后了解内容大意,抓住有关细节,并能进行综合归纳、推理,领会说话人的观点、态度、意图等。语速为每分钟150词左右(专八水平或略低于专八水平)。

2. 出题形式


短对话、长对话(第二篇)、新闻听力部分出题形式为多选题(Multiple choice),选项为四个(2014年以前为三个);第一篇长对话为判断正误题;复合式听写和摘要填空出题形式为主观题,单词或短语填空。

3. 题量分值



Ⅱ. 词汇和语法(Vocabulary & Grammar)

1. 考核要求





2. 出题形式




出题形式均为多选题(Multiple Choice)。

3. 题量分值


Ⅲ. 完形填空(Cloze)

1. 考核要求


2. 出题形式






3. 题量分值


Ⅳ. 阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)

1. 考核要求


2. 出题形式


①要求考生根据所读材料的内容,从每道题的选择项中选出一个最佳答案,出题形式为多选题(Multiple choice);

②要求考生根据所读材料的内容,对题目中含有空缺的句子补充完整,即complete statements题型;



⑤要求考生根据所读材料的内容,简要回答题目所提出的问题,即short answer questions题型;

⑥给出一篇文章的若干个句子或段落标题,要求根据每段所讲述的内容从选项中选出最适合的填入文中空缺处,即Choosing from the sentences/ headings题型(匹配题);



3. 题量分值


Ⅴ. 翻译(Translation)

1. 考核要求


2. 出题形式


3. 题量分值


Ⅵ. 改错(Error Correction)

1. 考核要求


2. 出题形式


3. 题量分值


Ⅶ. 智力测试(IQ Test)

1. 考核要求


2. 出题形式


需要注意的是,以前IQ Test试题均为客观选择题,从2008年开始,改为主观题型,难度也随之加大。另外,智力测试题是语言类竞赛特有的一种题型,考虑到其在提高本竞赛整体的知识性及趣味性的作用,本届竞赛在题目设计方面,2014年开始将更加偏重于英语语言方面进行命题。

3. 题量分值



Ⅷ. 写作(Writing)

1. 考核要求




2. 出题形式



3. 题量分值


第2章 历年真题及详解


Part Ⅰ Listening Comprehension (30 marks) 

Section A ( 5 marks )

In this section, you will hear five short conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a fifteen-second pause. During the pause, read the question and the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.

1. What kind of program is Doctor Levy describing?

A. Yoga.

B. Art.

C. Comedy.

D. Drama.【答案】C【解析】该对话谈论了医院新安排的活动项目,最后医生说“laughter speeds up the healing process”,而可以给大家带来欢笑的活动应该是喜剧,所以选择C项。【录音原文】

W: Doctor Levy, tell us about some of the more unusual services here at the hospital.

M: Well, We have yoga classes, art and music programs. And starting next month, there’s going to be a comedy night every Friday.

W: Really? Why?

M: Well, there’s been quite a lot of researches to suggest that laughter speeds up the healing process.

2. What is the woman trying to stop the man doing?

A. Smoking in a public area.

B. Taking photographs.

C. Entering the building.

D. Harassing other visitors.【答案】B【解析】该对话是关于画展里游客的不文明举止。女士阻止男士时提到闪光灯(the flash)带来的困扰,由此推论男士正用照相机照相,因此选择B项。【录音原文】

W: I’m terribly sorry, sir, but we can’t allow you to do that here.

M: But why ever not? I’ve paid my money. Now just leave me alone.

W: I’m awfully sorry, but we simply can’t allow it. You see, the flash disturbs other visitors and damages the coloring in our priceless antique paintings.

3. Why is the woman going to attend the class?

A. She can’t think of any excuse for being absent.

B. She is not interested in swimming.

C. She wants to keep up with her classmates.

D. She has been absent for two weeks.【答案】C【解析】对话中女士拒绝男士去游泳的提议而去上课,因为她不想落在其他同学的后面(I want to keep up with the rest of the class),因此选择C项。【录音原文】

M: Let’s go swimming!

W: I can’t. I have a class at three o’clock, and I can’t get out of it.

M: Can’t you say that you’re sick, or something?

W: I’d never get away with that. Everybody uses that excuse. Anyway, I have a lot of homework to do if I want to keep up with the rest of the class. I still have to make up for the time I was absent last week.

4. What do we learn about the woman?

A. She has never met the man before.

B. She knows the man’s father well.

C. She is a distant relative of the man.

D. She is one of the man’s students.【答案】A【解析】对话中女士质疑男士怎么知道她和她父亲的关系,证明她是不认识这位男士的,因此选择A项。【录音原文】

M: That really is the most incredible coincidence. I mean it must have been... oh... fifty years now. Let’s see. Ah yes, it was the winter of 1965. I distinctly remember your good father playing in the school yard.

W: So, how did you know that I was his daughter?

M: It’s the shape of your ears. Your father had them too... very distinctive ears.

5. What does the woman ask her husband to do?

A. Make less noise at night.

B. Fit new windows in the room.

C. Stop bothering the students.

D. Complain to their neighbors.【答案】D【解析】对话中女士对学生表示非常不满,因为他们制造噪音导致女士无法入眠,那么可推断这些学生住在附近,即为他们的邻居。而丈夫并不从根本解决问题,女士也提出他应该“go straight to the source of the trouble”。由此可知,女士希望丈夫去跟这些邻居理论,所以选择D项。【录音原文】

M: Morning, dear. Did you sleep well?

W: No, I didn’t, and you know very well why not.

M: Well, there’s nothing more I can do about it. I’ve already fitted new windows in our room.

W: Well, you’ll just have to go straight to the source of the trouble.

M: Look, dear, they’re students. They wouldn’t understand.

W: Well, if you don’t go round there and talk to them, I will. They’re sending me to an early grave. That’s what they’re doing.

Section B (10 marks )

In this section, you will hear two long conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a one-minute pause. During the pause, read the questions and the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.

Conversation One

6. When was the International Friendship Club established?

A. Five years ago.

B. Three years ago.

C. A month ago.

D. Three weeks ago.

7. What does a club member have to pay for?

A. Watching films.

B. Newsletter subscriptions.

C. Joining the social programme.

D. Special arranged trips.

8. What reward can an active participant get?

A. A special certificate.

B. A free newsletter.

C. A recommendation letter.

D. A golden medal.

9. How much is the membership fee?

A. £4 for a term.

B. £15 for an academic year.

C. £3 for a term.

D. £12 for an academic year.

10. What does one need to provide to become a club member?

A. Name and address.

B. Name and nationality.

C. Name and age.

D. Name and gender.【答案与解析】

6. B  女士打电话询问有关the International Friendship Club的相关事宜,第一件事即问到其建立时间,对方回答“We set up the club three years ago as a way of promoting international understanding”,由此可知选择B项。

7. D  男士为女士介绍了该社团所举办的相关活动,然后女士询问了费用问题。男士先提及了基本的会员费,但是他说special trips不算在内,由此可知该题选择D项。

8. A  男士在介绍社团活动时,谈到了社团为了鼓励大家参与活动而设立了奖励(we give special certificates as a reward for active participation),由此可知选择A项。

9. D  关于会员费,对话中涉及了两种费用,一个是每学期£5,一个是每学年£12。而男士提到£15是为了鼓励女士直接支付一个学年的费用而做的比较,并没有这一类别。因此选择D项。

10. B  对话最后,女士问加入社团需要什么信息,男士只问了其两个问题,一个是叫什么名字,一个是来自哪里。由此可知该题应选择B项。【录音原文】

M: 2466. Simon speaking.

W: Hello. Is that the right number for the International Friendship Club?

M: Yes, that’s right. How can I help?

W: I picked up a copy of your newsletter in the Students’ Union, and I was wondering if you could tell me a bit more about the club?

M: Yes, of course. We set up the club three years ago as a way of promoting international understanding. So we’ve been established for a while now. And there’re meetings every Thursday evening, during term time, that is...

W: Thursday, right?

M: Yes, we usually show a film or maybe run a competition of some kind. But mostly it’s an opportunity for people to get together, relax and make friends. And we also produce a regular newsletter—I think you said you’d seen a copy of that...

W: The newsletter? Yes, it looked interesting.

M: So, you know, it got loads of information about what’s on in the area and about living in Britain in general. We also have quite a busy social programme with outings to places of interest like London or Oxford.

W: Sounds great.

M: And one other thing to mention. We like to encourage people to attend regularly and play a real part in the club. So we give special certificates as a reward for active participation. It’s something you can put on your CV, for example.

W: I see. And I meant to ask, does it cost anything to join? Is there a fee?

M: Yes, membership costs £5 for a term but you can save a bit of money if you pay for the whole academic year. Then it’s only £12, instead of £15. That doesn’t include special trips. But they’re subsidized by the university, so they’re not too expensive.

W: Fine. How do I go about joining?

M: OK. So could I have your name, please?

W: Maria Lanzerac.

M: Right. Where are you from, Maria? I should be able to tell from your accent, but...

W: Don’t worry. Most people think I’m from Australia but I’m actually South African.

M: Fantastic. Well, I think that’s all I need for now. You should get the pack in the post tomorrow. Just give me a call if you’ve got any questions.

W: Thanks. Bye.

Conversation Two

11. Who is Jennifer Jenkins?

A. A lecturer of English Literature.

B. A lecturer of English History.

C. A lecturer of International English.

D. A lecturer of Applied Linguistics.

12. What is said to be International English?

A. English spoken by the majority of non-native speakers.

B. English widely used in academic circles.

C. English spoken by both native and non-native speakers.

D. English used in the teaching of the language.

13. Why is the sound [θ] or [ð] missed out in International English?

A. People can communicate without being able to pronounce it.

B. It is too difficult to teach such unique sounds in English.

C. Most non-native speakers aren’t used to pronouncing it.

D. Many non-native speakers don’t try to imitate native speakers.

14. What is the most important factor in International English according to Jennifer Jenkins?

A. Pronunciation.

B. Usage.

C. Grammar.

D. Spelling.

15. Why are more and more people learning International English?

A. It is gaining popularity.

B. It is much easier to learn.

C. It is more helpful in job hunting.

D. Native speakers of English accept it readily.【答案与解析】

11. D  对话第一句男士就直接指出他来的目的,并且交待出Jennifer Jenkins的身份,即“a Senior Lecturer in Applied Linguistics”,因此选择D项。

12. A  男士向女士提出的第一个问题就是希望她能广泛意义地解释一下International English的含义,女士回答到所谓的International English主要是指non-native speakers用的英语,因此答案选择A项。

13. C  男士询问International English与标准英语的区别,女士提出发音问题,并特别指出[θ]和[ð]的发音。她说到这两个音之所以常常不发,正是因为“most of the non-native speakers don’t pronounce the [θ]”,因此选择C项。

14. A  随后男士又询问了女士关于International English的背后理念问题,女士指出其中最重要的一点就是人们的发音问题,因此选择A项。

15. B  对话最后男士问到International English的优势问题,女士认为其优势主要在于人们只欲实现沟通学习国际英语比学习真正标准的英语要简单得多,因此该题选择B项。【录音原文】

M: I’ve come to Kings College, London, to talk to Dr. Jennifer Jenkins, who’s a Senior Lecturer in Applied Linguistics. Now Jennifer, you’re quite interested in the teaching and learning of International English. Can you explain in general terms what this is?

W: It’s based on the fact that nowadays the majority of people who speak English around the world are nonnative speakers of English—they’ve learnt it as a second or subsequent language. They use it to speak with each other and therefore, they’re not really learning what’s always been called English as a foreign language—English to speak to native speakers of English. They’re learning it for more international communication, and that has all sorts of implications for the sorts of things that they need to be able to do.

M: So, what would be the main differences between the kind of English that’s widely taught around the world today, and perhaps what you describe as a more international form?

W: Well, there’d be various differences. There’d be differences in what they need to be able to do when they’re pronouncing English.

M: Is there anything that’s widely taught when teaching English that would be missed out in International English?

W: Yes, I think, for example, that... there doesn’t seem to be much point in teaching learners to say the T-H, the [θ] and [ð] sounds, erm, because most of the world’s learners of English, speakers of English who are non-native speakers don’t pronounce the [θ].

M: And, what is the thinking behind the idea of International English?

W: Well, the more different groups of people round the world speak English, the more important it becomes to make sure that they have enough in common so that they can understand each other, that they’re intelligible to each other and here, pronunciation is very important because their pronunciation is the thing that will vary most, among different speakers of English.

M: So, what would you say are the advantages for students and teachers of this form of English?

W: Well, one advantage would be that they actually have rather less to do, rather less to learn because instead of trying to learn the entire way of speaking of a native speaker, which is incredibly complicated and most learners never do achieve this in any case, so they’ve got less to do, but they’re also allowed to keep something of themselves in their English.

M: Well, Dr. Jenkins, thank you for talking to me about that.

Section C (5 marks)

In this section, you will hear five short news items. After each item, which will be read only once, there will be a fifteen-second pause. During the pause, read the question and the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre.

16. What caused the boat wreck?

A. The boat leaked during the voyage.

B. There was a big storm in the Mediterranean.

C. People on the boat were frightened by a whale in the sea.

D. People crowded to one side of the boat.【答案】D【解析】本新闻是关于地中海沉船事件。报道称当时人们试图引起头顶飞机的注意而聚集在船的一边才导致悲剧的发生,因此答案选择D项。【录音原文】

Just before sunset, way out in the Mediterranean another migrant boat sank. Some reports say the people on board were trying to attract the attention of an aircraft flying overhead. They had crowded to one side of the boat and it capsized. The Italian navy had several vessels in the area. They managed to get their helicopters to the scene quickly as did Maltese forces. They began hauling people out of the water. Many were saved, many were not.

17. What is said about the 7:15 train to London?

A. It has been cancelled.

B. It will leave from a different platform.

C. It has been delayed.

D. It will arrive as scheduled.【答案】C【解析】该新闻是车站的播报。广播中要求乘坐7:15火车的乘客注意,该车晚点7分钟。因此选择C项。【录音原文】

Ladies and gentlemen, this is an announcement for all passengers awaiting the arrival of the 7:15 train for London, Victoria. This service is now running about 7 minutes late and will now depart at 7:22 from platform 3 as advertised. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. The late departure from Three Bridges Central was due to the cancellation of a connecting service.

18. What is the speaker reporting?

A. A plane crash.

B. An explosion.

C. An earthquake.

D. A car accident.【答案】B【解析】本新闻主要叙述了伤员的情况以及事故现场的状况。从播报员提供的一些关键词,包括blast(爆炸)、leaking column(泄漏管)等可以推断该事故为explosion(爆炸),因此答案为B项。【录音原文】

It’s been three hours since the first casualties were brought out and we have been informed that there are many more victims still inside the compound. Looking through the chain-link fence, I can see the head of one body lying on the ground only a hundred yards or so from where I’m standing. Even the glass at my feet was badly scorched by the blast. All the bodies so far have been taken to the nearby town of Svejbo for identification. So far, no effort has been made to cap the leaking column but we have been informed that a team of German scientists are on their way...

19. How many people were killed in the storm?

A. 200.

B. 16.

C. 25.

D. 75.【答案】B【解析】该新闻介绍了关于湖南因暴风雨的受灾情况,伤亡人数上新闻提到killed 16 people and injured about 200,因此答案选择B项。【录音原文】

A violent storm with big wind, thunder, and hail hit central China’s Hunan province last Friday evening. It killed 16 people and injured about 200 as buildings collapsed under the force of the storm. The storm lasted for about 25 minutes as the wind speed reached up to 75 kilometers per hour. The streets were filled with broken tree trunks, and electricity, telecommunications and water were cut off.

20. Why does the President Obama call for the use of more body





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