
发布时间:2020-06-04 15:38:38


作者:James Blanshard,Nancy Dickmann






The world is getting smaller and smaller, but gaps between people have always existed and will continue to exist for the foreseeable future. Different sets of cultures, belief systems and values have shaped today's world. To avoid misunderstandings, we need to learn not only other languages, but the cultures behind the languages as well.

To understand English-speaking people, we first need to understand their culture and shared history and way of life. This series will give students a good general idea of life and culture in the United Kingdom and United States, helping them to fit in quickly if they visit. The articles in this series vividly depict the fabric of Western society from the perspectives of ordinary people — and their own experiences of life. As an American living in the United Kingdom, I am in a better position to know what's best about American culture through the eyes of my British friends, which I'm glad to share with you. Actually, all the articles in this series are written by native English speakers or authors who have lived in the West for a significant period. This ensures that the text presents an accurate picture of life in the English-speaking world.

As a children's publisher, I know that young students in particular need lively lessons that will engage their curiosity and desire to learn. Therefore, topics have been carefully chosen to include those of greatest relevance to children, including games, schools, clothes and festivals. The series also provides an interesting contrast of British and American culture, which gives you an insight into the differences between them and therefore enables you to better understand the two countries. Being aware that the teacher will pass on the information to students, the authors have made sure to present the text in a light-hearted and fun way, with interesting stories inserted where appropriate. This means that the series is a perfect fit for young Chinese students.

Mention should be made that the Chinese editors worked closely with the authors to make sure that the demands of the English curriculum were met. Where necessary, articles were carefully revised to meet the needs of the Chinese market.

British and American Culture Reader is not just another series, but a reflection of our society, a script being performed by the ordinary people in the two countries. Readers of this series will shake off some of the bad stereotypes that they hold about Westerners and may be surprised to find how similar Westerners' way of life is to their own in many ways. I hope you enjoy reading the articles as much as I have enjoyed writing them.Nancy Dickmann前 言

学习英语必须了解英美文化,因为语言是文化的组成部分,是文化的载体,两者息息相关。大量事实表明,语言理解的障碍往往不在语言结构本身,而在相关文化知识的缺乏。何谓文化?从广义来说,文化是人类在社会和历史发展进程中创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和,包括文学、艺术、音乐、科学、技术、哲学、地理、建筑等。从狭义来说,文化是人们的生活方式、风俗习惯、行为准则等。所有这些,都需要用语言表达。英语有句名言: 想要掌握两种语言,必须掌握两种文化。(To be bilingual, one must be bicultural.)英美文化对于广大的英语学习者的重要性可见一斑,而对于广大的一线英语教师来说,如果能够掌握广博的英美文化,不仅能够提升自己的文化素养,能够更加准确、传神地讲述教材,取得较好的教学效果,还能够进一步激发学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性,扩展他们的国际视野。







总之,我们相信,读者通过学习这套英美文化读本,将会提高跨文化交际的能力。书中疏漏之处,敬请读者不吝指教。申 立 2010年6月1 Festivals 节日ChristmascChristine M Cafferty

What do children think about when it comes to Christmas? Many children around the world think about holidays, piles of presents under the Christmas tree and special times with the family. They think about a big Christmas lunch and singing carols (Christian songs about baby Jesus).

Christmas Day is on December 25 every year. Preparations for Christmas start many weeks before. Younger children write a letter to Santa Claus (also known as Father Christmas or Saint Nicholas) to tell him what presents they want. Saint Nicholas lived many years ago. He was a good Christian man who helped and gave gifts to poor and suffering children. Children are often extra well behaved this time of year because they are told that Santa won't visit them unless they have been good.

Children, with their parents and grandparents, decorate their home. They put up coloured paper streamers and holly and mistletoe. A Christmas tree is covered with lights, coloured balls and fake snow. Many children make their own decorations at school and are very proud to put them up at home for the whole family to enjoy.

Christmas cards arrive in the post with greetings from friends and family near and far. The fridge and food cupboards fill with Christmas treats like mince pies (sweet pies with a fruit filling), yule log (a chocolate cake in the shape of a log), mixed fruit, nuts and chocolates. A day or two before Christmas, the turkey appears in the fridge and takes up all the space. The turkey will be cooked for Christmas lunch.

Children are encouraged to give something for the less fortunate at Christmas time. They should also remember people who are lonely and do not have family. Children buy or make presents for their family members. Adults try to teach them that it is better to give than to receive.

The night before Christmas is called Christmas Eve. By then children are very excited about the gifts they hope Santa Claus will bring them. It is believed that Santa Claus will arrive by reindeer and sleigh in the middle of the night. Then he will come down the chimney with his bag of presents.

Children try very hard to stay awake during the night so that they can see Santa. But he always seems to visit just after they fall asleep and they never see him. The children bounce awake very early on Christmas morning. Parents can enjoy their children's shouts of delight as each present is unwrapped.

Once the excitement of the gift giving is over, there is the big lunch. Many families then go for a gentle walk, followed by hours of games and playing with the new toys.

Why else do children enjoy Christmas so much? It is said that Christmas is the birthday of a very special child, Jesus Christ. He was born over 2 000 years ago. His parents had nowhere to stay so he was born in a humble stable where cows would have slept. His family was not rich or important but a special star appeared over the town where he was born and angels sang in the sky telling of his birth.

Three wise men came to see this little child, bringing him gifts of gold, incense and a special perfume called myrrh. This is another reason why we give gifts on Christmas Day. Children feel special that it is a child that is getting all this attention. Sometimes they act out this story at their school or church. That is called a nativity play.

Children also love holding a candle in the church. Children are told that God sent this special boy to the world because God loves them so. The boy was to be a light to the whole world just like their candles. They can spread the light around by lighting other people's candles. On a dark and cold winter's night the whole church is lit up by the candles.

Christmas is a wonderful time that children always have fond memories of.Jesus in manger with MaryThree wise men“A Christmas tree is covered with lights, coloured balls and fake snow. Many children make their own decorations at school and are very proud to put them up at home for the whole family to enjoy."圣诞节黄菲飞 译













圣诞节是一个美好的节日,总能给孩子们带来许多美好的回忆。New Year's DaycChristine M Cafferty

New Year's Day is celebrated on January 1. That is the first day of the year according to the calendar used in the UK, America and most of the world. The night before is called New Year's Eve. This is the night that we say good-bye to the old year and wait for midnight when the New Year starts. When the church bells strike at midnight, we "ring out the old and ring in the new".

People celebrate this time in many different ways. Many capital cities hold big street parties. Thousands of people come to these parties from all over the country. The streets are very busy. At the parties one can enjoy live music performances and, of course, fireworks. The fireworks displays are shown on television across the world.

The first major country to welcome the New Year is New Zealand. New Zealand is 11 hours ahead of the UK. When it is 12 o'clock (midnight) in New Zealand it is still only 1 o'clock in the afternoon in the UK. After New Zealand comes Sydney in Australia. Sydney always has a fantastic fireworks display for the New Year from its Harbour Bridge.

Probably the most famous party in the USA is the New Year's Eve Ball held in Times Square in New York. A beautiful big crystal ball is lowered as people count the seconds till midnight. In London people gather in a place called Trafalgar Square. In Edinburgh in Scotland, one of the biggest street parties in the world takes place. The striking of midnight is marked by a wonderful fireworks display from Edinburgh Castle high over the city centre.

The big street parties are really only for older children and adults. Many American and British people celebrate New Year in a different way, at a party with friends or family at home. Younger children can enjoy the party with their families. Even better, they can stay up extra late, until at least midnight! The little ones usually fall asleep long before though.

Whether the celebrations are big or small, New Year is a time to be hopeful and to think good thoughts. New Year reminds us that time is passing and it is a chance for everyone, young and old, to think about the people who are important to them.

We all hope that next year will be better than the one that has just passed. In this hopeful mood, many people make New Year resolutions. These are promises to oneself that in the New Year one will do better. What New Year resolutions do children make? They might choose to do their homework on time, to work extra hard in their English lessons or listen to their parents more. They should not worry if they don't always keep their resolutions. We all fail sometimes, but we must keep trying!

In Scotland, the striking of midnight on New Year's Eve is called 'The Bells'. People toast 'The Bells' with a drink and sing 'Auld Lang Syne'. This song was written by Scottish poet Robert Burns and means 'Former good days and friends'. It is sung in many English-speaking countries at New Year. It calls on us all to remember and celebrate long-standing relationships and friendships—long may they last! In the UK, and particularly in Scotland, there is the tradition of 'first footing'; each household hopes their first visitor (the first to put their foot through the door) on New Year's Day will be a handsome male as this will bring good luck. It's even better if he brings a lucky gift such as a piece of coal for warmth, shortbread for food or whisky.

In Scotland people often climb the Munros on New Year's Day. A Munro is a Scottish mountain 3,000 feet (914 metres) or more in height. There are 283 of them to choose from in Scotland. It's a great way to start the New Year, and the fresh air helps to clear away the headache from the long party the night before. In Scotland, January 1 and 2 are public holidays, but in England, the USA and most of the rest of the world only January 1 is a holiday. It is said that the Scottish need the extra day of holiday because they need twice as long to recover from the terrible Scottish whisky headache.Scottish whisky"…each household hopes their first visitor (the first to put their foot through the door) on New Year's Day will be a handsome male as this will bring good luck. It's even better if he brings a lucky gift such as a piece of coal for warmth, shortbread for food or whisky."新 年张华嵩 译Robert Burns









在苏格兰,人们会在新年这天攀爬“芒罗”。“芒罗”是海拔不低于3000英尺(914米)的苏格兰山峰。在苏格兰有283座这样的山峰供人们攀登。这样开始新的一年是个不错的方式,清新的空气可以缓解前一晚参加漫长的庆祝活动而带来的头痛。在苏格兰,1月的1号和2号是公共假日,而在英格兰、美国和其他大多数国家,只在1月1号放假。据说这是因为苏格兰人需要多一天假期才能完全消除苏格兰威士忌酒导致的剧烈头痛。EastercChristine M Cafferty

Some things that children have said about Easter:

"Easter is the time when the bunny hides chocolates in the garden for us to find."

"My favourite Easter eggs are the ones that look like real eggs. They have got white candy around the chocolate."

"I like Easter because last year I found the nice bunny chocolate and my sister got the chicken."

"The Friday before Easter is a sad day because we remember when Jesus died."

"Every year our church has a pretty miniature garden that shows the place where Jesus was buried in the cave. But he is not there anymore because he is alive now."

The date of Easter depends on the lunar calendar (movements of the moon). So it changes each calendar year, and can be anytime between March 22 and April 25. Easter is another very special time of the year for children. It is also the most important Christian festival. It is first marked with sadness and then with the greatest joy. Why is that? What is Easter all about?

The Friday before Easter is called Good Friday. On this day in many places in the world, a passion play is held in the local town. A passion play is a drama that shows the death of Jesus. Remember Jesus is the boy who was born at Christmas time. He is now an adult and although he has only done good things all his life, people want to kill him. The townspeople follow the passion play through the town. One man is dressed up as Jesus. He wears a torn outfit and carries a big heavy cross. As he walks, some people shout bad things at him and he is even made to look as though he is being badly beaten. He is then tied to the cross and the cross with him bound toit is lifted up where he pretends to die. Jesus died as a punishment for all the bad things that we humans have done. This day is called Good Friday because Jesus took our punishment.

All the people in the town are then invited to come to church on Sunday to hear the rest of the story. Good Friday is a sad day, but there is good news to come.

On Easter Sunday at church the rest of the story is told. When Jesus' friends went to visit his grave, they found that he had been raised from the dead. They are told by an angel that Jesus is alive again! This is very good news and the people feel happy once more.

It is when the children get back from church that they are allowed to hunt for their chocolate Easter eggs. They are told that the Easter bunny has hidden them, usually in the garden. They have great fun hunting for the treats. Another Easter food that children like is hot cross buns. These round buns are marked with a white cross that represents the cross that Jesus died on.

Easter falls at the time that spring is starting. In spring time many animals lay their eggs. Eggs are an important part of Easter celebrations. The egg is the symbol of new life—or in the case of Jesus Christ, being brought to life again. It is traditional for children to paint eggs in bright colours at Easter. It is simple to decorate Easter eggs. You can arrange this activity for the children in your school. You need a hard-boiled egg, food colouring and some vinegar (to brighten the colour). Mix the vinegar and colouring (half and half) and put the egg in to dye it. You can wrap rubber bands around your egg. The parts of the egg covered with rubber bands will not be coloured. Once the rubber bands are removed, you can drop the egg into a different colour dye. You can also draw on the egg with crayons before putting them in the colouring. The wax will resist the dye and your picture will show through.

Egg rolling is when children roll decorated eggs down grassy hills. The biggest egg roll in the world is the one hosted by the President of the USA on the White House lawns. Over 13 000 hard-boiled eggs are rolled down the hill. For Christians the rolling eggs symbolise the rolling away of the stone from the entrance of Jesus' tomb on Easter Sunday.“Easter falls at the time that spring is starting. In spring time many animals lay their eggs. Eggs are an important part of Easter celebrations."复活节黄菲飞 译Jesus is alive again.








滚彩蛋活动指的是孩子们把装饰好的彩蛋从长满草的小山坡上滚下去。世界上最盛大的滚彩蛋活动是由美国总统主持的、在白宫的草坪上举行。在比赛中,有超过1.3万个煮熟的鸡蛋滚下山坡。对于基督徒们来说,滚动的彩蛋象征着复活节那天从耶稣坟墓入口处滚走的石头。President Obama hosts White House egg roll.





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