
发布时间:2020-06-04 16:30:14





















晋平公想要学习,却担心自己年龄已老。而师旷认为,人的一生都应该不断学习,不同时间段的学习有各自不同的意义。他形象地比喻:少年好学,恰似初升的太阳,壮年好学,恰似正午的阳光;老年好学,恰似蜡烛的光亮,虽然光线微弱,总比摸黑走路要好得多。日出之阳“少而好学,如日出之阳。”这句话出自我们众所周知的“师旷论学”(西汉刘向编《说苑·建本》)。晋平公问于师旷曰:“吾年七十,欲学,恐已暮矣。”师旷曰:“何不炳烛乎?”平公曰:“安有为人臣而戏其君乎?”师旷曰:“盲臣安敢戏其君乎?臣闻之,少而好学,如日出之阳;壮而好学,如日中之光;老而好学,如炳烛之明,炳烛之明,孰与昧行乎?”平公曰:“善哉!”晋平公想要学习,却担心自己年龄已老。而师旷认为,人的一生都应该不断学习,不同时间段的学习有各自不同的意义。他形象地比喻:少年好学,恰似初升的太阳,壮年好学,恰似正午的阳光;老年好学,恰似蜡烛的光亮,虽然光线微弱,总比摸黑走路要好得多。/ 第1单元/温情散文The Secret of Happiness阅读导引什么是幸福?获得是一种幸福,给予也是一种幸福。如同一千个人眼中有一千个哈姆雷特一样,幸福的概念在每个人的心中都不尽相同。生活中,每个人都渴望获得幸福,但在苦苦追求幸福的过程中许多人抱怨幸福距离自己太过遥远,殊不知幸福其实就在眼前。接下来,故事中的小女孩将会向你透露一个获得幸福的秘诀……

There is a wonderful fable about a young orphan girl who had no family and no one to love her. One day, feeling exceptionally sad and lonely, she was walking through a meadow when she noticed a small [1]butterfly caught unmercifully in a thornbush. The more the butterfly [2]struggled to free itself, the deeper the thorns cut into its fragile body. The young orphan girl carefully released the butterfly from its captivity. Instead of flying away, the little butterfly changed into a beautiful fairy. The young girl rubbed her eyes in disbelief.

“For your wonderful kindness,”the good fairy said to the girl,“I will grant you any wish you would like.”

The little girl thought for a moment and then replied,“I want to be happy!”

The fairy said,“Very well,”and leaned toward her and whispered in her ear. Then the good fairy vanished.

As the little girl grew up, there was no one in the land as happy as she. Everyone asked her the secret of her happiness. She would only smile and answer,“The secret of my happiness is that I listened to a good fairy when I was a little girl.”

When she was very old and on her deathbed, the neighbors all rallied around her, afraid that her fabulous secret of happiness would die with her.“Tell us, please,”they begged,“Tell us what the good fairy said.”

The lovely old woman simply smiled and said,“she told me that everyone, no matter how secure they seemed, no matter how old or young, how rich or poor, had need of me.”阅读释疑

exceptionally[ɪk'sepʃənəli]adv. 非凡地;例外地,特殊地

unmercifully[ʌn'mɜ:sɪfəlɪ]adv. 冷酷无情地 该词原形为mercy,形容词变形为merciful,副词形式为mercifully。un-为否定前缀。

thornbush['θɔ:nˌbʊʃ]n. 荆棘丛,多刺高冠丛

fabulous['fæbjələs]adj. 极好的,绝妙的

secure[sɪ'kjʊə(r)]adj. 无忧无虑的,安心的,安全的

rub one's eyes 擦眼睛

lean toward 向……倾斜,倾向于……长难句解析

[1]One day, feeling exceptionally sad and lonely, she was walking through a meadow when she noticed a small butterfly caught unmercifully in a thornbush.

feeling exceptionally sad and lonely 是由系动词feeling引导的分词短语,其逻辑主语为本句的主语“she”,表示后面动作发生的原因。

[2]The more the butterfly struggled to free itself, the deeper the thorns cut into its fragile body.







这位美丽的老妇人笑着说道,“她跟我说,所有的人,不论他们看上去多么无忧无虑,不论他们是年轻还是衰老,不论他们是富有还是贫穷,都很需要我。”The Island of Feelings阅读导引所有的财富和名誉都会被时间带走,任何的忧伤与快乐也都会被时间冲淡。在时间的雕刻下,一切都是如此的脆弱不堪,但有样东西除外,那便是爱情。唯有真爱才可抵挡时间的冲刷。

Once upon a time, there was an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness, Sadness, Knowledge, and all of others including Love. However, one day it was announced that the island would sink, so all prepared their boats and left. Love was the only one who stayed. Love wanted to stay until it started sinking.

When the island was almost sinking, he decided to ask for help. Richness was passing by Love in a beautiful boat. Love said,“Richness, can you take me with you?”

Richness answered,“No, I can't. There is much gold and silver in my boat. There is no place in here for you.”

Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by,“Vanity, please help me!”

“I can't help you, Love. You are all wet and will probably damage my boat,”Vanity answered.

Sadness was close by, so Love asked for help,“Sadness, let me go with you.”

“Oh Love, I am so sad that I prefer to go alone!”

Happiness passed by Love too, but she was so happy that she [3]did not listen when Love called her!

Suddenly, there was a voice,“Come Love, I will take you.”It was an elderly. Love became very happy that he even forgot to ask the name of the elderly.

When they arrived to the other side, Love asked Knowledge who was the elderly.

“It was Time.”

“Time? Why did Time help me?”

“Because only Time is capable of understanding how great love [4]is.”阅读释疑

happiness['hæpɪnəs]n. 幸福

sink[sɪŋk]vi. 下沉,沉没;低落

vanity['vænəti]n. 虚荣心,自负

elderly['eldəli]n. 老人,上了年纪的人

pass by 从……旁边经过,走过

prefer to 更喜欢;宁愿

go alone 独行

be capable of 有能力;能够长难句解析

[3]Happiness passed by Love too, but she was so happy that she did not listen when Love called her!


[4]Because only Time is capable of understanding how great love is.

句中词组“be capable of doing”意为“能够做某事”,强调做事的能力。情感的小岛








到达彼岸之后,爱情向知识打听那位长者是谁。“他是时间啊。”“时间?时间为什么要帮助我呢?”“因为只有时间才能理解爱情的伟大。”The Eyebrow Story阅读导引Peter Reynolds上帝对每个人都是公平的。他少给你一份美貌,就会多给你一份智慧;他少给你一份财富,就会多给你一份幸福与快乐;它少给你一份权力,就会多给你一份安宁。有失就有得,上帝给你关上了一扇门,便会给你再打开一扇窗。在接下来的故事里,我们可以看到失去眉毛的肖恩最终又因眉毛而获得了新的快乐,这又何尝不是“失之东隅,收之桑榆”呢?

Sean is a small boy; he had big fluffy eyebrows.

One day, it was very very windy. It was so windy that Sean's eyebrows blew off! They blew far away. Then a bird caught them. The bird used Sean's eyebrows to make her nest softer. A few days later the eggs hatched. Sean saw his eyebrows in the nest. He waited until the mother bird was out of sight. He climbed the tree and took his eyebrows. Sean was upset to see that his eyebrows were covered in smelly baby bird poop.

Sean ran as fast as he could to the Laundromat where he put his eyebrows in the washing machine. Then he put them in the dryer. When he took them out he found very tiny eyebrows. They had shrunk. He tried the little eyebrows on. It's too small! Too small to do anything!

Then Sean had an idea. He put his eyebrows in a jar for safekeeping while he ran. Sean tied the brows together and then to a doorknob. Sean pulled and stretched the eyebrows. Then he tied them to the end of his bicycle. Sean rode away quickly, stretching the eyebrows! Sean hopped off the bike and began collecting the long, stretched-out eyebrows. Sean's eyebrows were very very very long.“Now what will I do?”

“I have an idea!”He worked all night. The next day he wore his creation! An eyebrow hat! Everyone was jealous of Sean's eyebrow hat.“I want one!”“Cool hat, Sean.”they say. This also gave Sean an idea. Sean started a business making eyebrow hats. Sean made lots of money, which he used to buy lots of bird seed.

Sean still had no eyebrows, but he was very happy.阅读释疑

fluffy['flʌfɪ]adj. 蓬松的;柔软的

hatch[hætʃ]v. 孵出;孵化

upset[ʌp'set]vt. 使心烦;打乱;颠覆

smelly['smelɪ]adj. 难闻的,臭的

laundromat['lɔndrəmæt]n. 自助洗衣店

shrink[ʃrɪŋk](shrank; shrunk) v. 缩水,收缩

doorknob['dɔ:nɒb]n. 门把手

stretch[stretʃ]v. 伸展,延伸,张开

hop off 跳下来

be jealous of 羡慕;嫉妒眉毛的故事彼得·雷诺兹





肖恩还是没有眉毛,但是他非常快乐。A Brother Like That阅读导引Dan Clark童年时代,每当平安夜到来,孩子们都会挂好红色长筒袜,满心期待着圣诞老人的到来,盼望得到属于自己的那份独特的礼物。长大后,我们明白那只不过是个传说,圣诞老人其实就是自己的父母和亲人,我们收到的也不只是礼物而已,还有他们的爱。下面的故事就发生在圣诞前夕,小男孩对弟弟的爱已然超过了任何圣诞礼物,保罗为之感动,也扮起了称职的圣诞老人。让我们一起感受这浓浓的兄弟之情吧!

A friend of mine named Paul received an automobile from his brother as a Christmas present. On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his office, a street urchin was walking around the shiny new car, admiring it.“Is this your car, Mister?”he asked.

Paul nodded.“My brother gave it to me for Christmas.”The boy was astounded.“You mean your brother gave it to you and it didn't cost you nothing? Boy, I wish...”He hesitated.

Of course Paul knew what he was going to wish for. He was going to wish he had a brother like that. But what the lad said jarred Paul all [5]the way down to his heels.

“I wish,”the boy went on,“that I could be a brother like that.”

Paul looked at the boy in astonishment, then impulsively he added,“Would you like to take a ride in my automobile?”

“Oh yes, I'd love that.”

After a short ride, the boy turned and with his eyes aglow, said,“Mister, would you mind driving in front of my house?”

Paul smiled a little. He thought he knew what the lad wanted. He wanted to show his neighbors that he could ride home in a big automobile. But Paul was wrong again.“Will you stop where those two steps are?”the boy asked.

He ran up the steps. Then in a little while Paul heard him coming back, but he was not coming fast. He was carrying his little crippled brother. He sat him down on the bottom step, then sort of squeezed up [6]against him and pointed to the car.

“There she is, Buddy, just like I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didn't cost him a cent. And some day I'm gonna give you one just like it... then you can see for yourself all the pretty things in the Christmas windows that I've been trying to tell you about.”Paul got out and lifted the lad to the front seat of his car. The shining-eyed older brother climbed in beside him and the three of them began a memorable holiday ride.

That Christmas Eve, Paul learned what Jesus meant when he had said,“It is more blessed to give...”阅读释疑

urchin['ɜ:tʃɪn]n. 顽童,小孩

astound[ə'staʊnd]v. 使震惊,使大惊


hesitate['hezɪteɪt]v. 犹豫

impulsively[ɪm'pʌlsɪvlɪ]adv. 一时冲动

aglow[ə'gləʊ]adj. 发红光,光照融融

cripple['krɪpl]v. 使跛,使残废

squeeze[skwi:z]v. 挤压

memorable['memərəbl]adj. 值得纪念的

Christmas Eve 圣诞节前夕(12月24日)

take a ride 乘车兜风长难句解析

[5]But what the lad said jarred Paul all the way down to his heels.

本句中what引导一个主语从句,作句子的主语,句子的谓语动词为jar,意为“震惊”;“to one' heels”意为“从头到脚,彻底”。

[6]He sat him down on the bottom step, then sort of squeezed up against him and pointed to the car.

句中的词组“squeeze up against sb”意为“紧紧地挤、靠着某人”。哥哥的心愿丹·克拉克








在那个平安夜里,保罗才真正明白耶稣曾经说过的话:“施比受更有福……”/ 第2单元/童话王国The Ants and the Grasshopper阅读导引勤奋和智慧是双胞胎,懒惰和愚蠢是亲兄弟;勤奋者往往未雨绸缪,懒惰者日日得过且过。因此当冬天到来时,蚂蚁的勤劳换来了衣暖食饱,蚂蚱的懒惰却使日子难过。勤奋的人是时间的主人,而懒惰的人永远只能做时间的奴隶。

The ants were spending a fine winter's day drying grain which they had collected in the summertime. A Grasshopper, who was so hungry that he was starving, passed by and begged for a little food. The Ants asked him:

“Why did you not store up food during the summer when there [1]was plenty around?”

The Grasshopper replied:“I didn't have the time. The weather was so lovely that I spent all the days singing.”

The Ants then said in anger:“If you were foolish enough to sing all [2]the summer, you must dance supperless to bed in the winter.”阅读释疑

dry['draɪ]vt. 晾晒

grasshopper['gra:shɒpə]n. 蚂蚱;蝗虫

supperless['sʌpələs]adj. 空腹的

beg for 乞求

store up 储存;囤积长难句解析

[1]Why did you not store up food during the summer when there was plenty around?


[2]“If you were foolish enough to sing all the summer, you must dance supperless to bed in the winter.




蚂蚁们生气地说:“如果你那么傻,整个夏天都在唱歌的话,到了冬天,你就只好跳跳舞,空着肚子上床睡觉了。”The Fox and the Woodcutter阅读导引心口如一者君子,表里不一者小人。真正的君子必然是言出必行,说到做到;而言行不一,两面三刀之人也想以君子自居,岂不让人嗤之以鼻?在与人交往时我们更要认清这类虚情假意之人,因为伪装的朋友比真正的敌人更危险!

A fox who was fleeing ahead of some hunters saw a woodcutter [3]and plead with him to find a hiding-place. The woodcutter promised to hide him in his hut, and did so. Some moment later the huntsmen arrived and asked the woodcutter if he had seen a fox in the vicinity. He replied in words that he had not seen one go past, but by signaling with his hands, he indicated where the fox was hidden. The huntsmen, however, took no notice of his gestures and simply took him at his words.

After they had gone, the fox emerged from the hut without saying anything. When the woodcutter reproached him for showing no [4]gratitude for having saved him, the fox replied:

“I would thank you if your gestures and your conduct had agreed with your words.”阅读释疑

flee[fli:]v. 逃走,逃离

plead[pli:d]v. 恳求

vicinity[və'sɪnəti]n. 附近,邻近

indicate['ɪndɪkeɪt]v. 暗示

reproach[ri'prəʊtʃ]v. 责备

emerge from 出现,显现长难句解析

[3]A fox who was fleeing ahead of some hunters saw a woodcutter and plead with him to find a hiding-place.

全文句子结构为“A fox saw a woodcutter and plead with him”;关系代词“who”引导了定语从句,修饰先行词“fox”。

[4]When the woodcutter reproached him for showing no gratitude for having saved him, the fox replied.

句中词组“reproach sb for doing sth”意为“责备某人做某事”;“show gratitude for doing”意为“为某事表示感恩”;“having saved him”为动词的完成时形式,强调“救”的动作已经完成。狐狸和伐木工伊索


猎人走了之后,狐狸从小屋里钻出来,一言不发。伐木工责备狐狸说,自己救了他,他却一点感激的表示也没有。这时狐狸回答道:“如果你的手势、你的行为和你说的话一致,我就会感谢你的。”The Lion and the Mouse阅读导引Aesop助人者人恒助之,帮助别人也是在帮助自己。在面对那些需要帮助的弱小者时,请不要吝啬,因为对他们的援助有时候不过是举手之劳;当然更不要看不起他们,也许有一天你有困难时会从他们身上得到意想不到的回报。在下面的寓言故事里,我们可以看到小小的老鼠也能救出高大的狮子。

Once, a lion was asleep and a mouse ran all along his body. The lion woke up with a start, seized the mouse and was about to eat him,[5] when the mouse begged him to spare his life, promising that he would repay the favour.

The lion was so amused at this that he let the little fellow go.

Not very long afterwards, the mouse was able to return the favour. For, as a matter of fact, some hunters caught the lion and tied him to a tree with a rope. The mouse heard him groaning, ran up and gnawed [6]through the rope until the lion was free.

“You see?”squeaked the mouse.“Not long ago you mocked me when I said I would return your favour. But now you can see that even mice are grateful!”阅读释疑

spare[speə(r)]v. 宽恕;饶恕

amused[ə'mju:zd]adj. 愉快的

groan[grəʊn]v. 呻吟

squeak[skwi:k]v. 吱吱叫

mock[mɒk]v. 嘲笑

gnaw through 咬断长难句解析

[5]The lion woke up with a start, seized the mouse and was about to eat him.

句中“with a start”表示猛然间的惊吓;词组“be about to do sth”意为“准备做某事”。

[6]The mouse heard him groaning, ran up and gnawed through the rope until the lion was free.“hear sb doing”表示听见某人正在做某事;句中三个动词“hear”,“run”和“gnaw”并列使用,以示老鼠的动作之快。狮子和报恩的老鼠伊索



没过多久,老鼠报恩的机会来了。原来,几个猎人逮住了狮子,并用绳子把他捆在树上。老鼠听到了狮子的呻吟声,就跑过去咬断绳子,把狮子给放了。“你瞧,”老鼠吱吱地说,“不久前我说要报恩的时候你还嘲笑我,现在你看到了吧,即使是一只老鼠也懂得知恩图报。”Beebie and the Caterpillar阅读导引助人为快乐之本,助人者自助,乐人者乐己。当别人需要帮助时,我们应当慷慨地施以援手,因为这不仅仅是急人所难,也会带给我们内心的快乐。助人者人恒助之,当有一天我们需要帮助时,他人也会助我们一臂之力。

Beebie was sitting in a carrot field when she suddenly noticed a very sleepy looking caterpillar.

“I'm very sleepy,”yawned Caterpillar.“It's getting quite cold and what I need is a comfy bed and a cozy blanket so that I can have a good nap!”

“I'll help you, Caterpillar!”offered Beebie and she hopped off to find a comfy bed and a cozy blanket for her new friend. Very soon Beebie came to a forest, where she met Sammy the snail. She could hear the birds singing in the trees.

“Hello, Beebie,”Sammy greeted her.“You look like you have a very important task to do.”Beebie explained that she needed a comfy bed and a cozy blanket for her friend, Caterpillar.

“Hmmm,”mused Sammy,“I wonder what you could find in the forest to be a comfy bed or a cosy blanket.”As the wind whistled through the trees and the leaves fluttered Beebie had a wonderful idea.

“That's it!”exclaimed Beebie.“We can use that lovely soft leaf as a cozy blanket for Caterpillar.”Beebie picked up the leaf and waved goodbye to Sammy the snail.

Next Beebie arrived at the seaside. Beebie liked the sound of the sea lapping on the shore.

“Hello, Beebie.”a little voice said behind her. It was Michelle the hermit crab.

“Hello, Michelle,”replied Beebie.“I'm looking for a comfy bed for my friend, Caterpillar.”Michelle thought that one of the shells might be comfy. She explained that some sea shells are magical as you can [7]hear the sound of the sea whistling inside them.

“That's it!”exclaimed Beebie.“We can use that pearly shell as a comfy bed for Caterpillar.”So, Beebie picked up the shell and waved goodbye to Michelle. When Beebie returned to the carrot field with the shell and leaf Caterpillar was overjoyed!

“Oh, thank you so much for my comfy bed and cozy blanket.”said Caterpillar. In no time at all she curled up inside the shell and tucked [8]the leaf in around her.

“I think I'll have a nice long nap.”It was dark and starting to rain but Caterpillar was nice and dry in her comfy bed.

In the Spring Beebie returned to see her friend and find out how well she had slept. But, when she returned, Caterpillar was nowhere to be seen. Then, all of a sudden Beebie heard a voice from somewhere above her.“Hello, Beebie,”said the voice.“I had a wonderful sleep. In fact it was so good; look how beautiful I have become!”When Beebie looked up she didn't see a caterpillar. Instead, she saw a beautiful colourful butterfly!阅读释疑

caterpillar['kætəpɪlə]n. 毛毛虫

yawn[jɔ:n]v. 打哈欠


overjoyed[ˌəuvə'ʤɔɪd]adj. 万分高兴;欣喜若狂

tuck[tʌk]v. 塞进,掖入

whistle through (风)呼呼地穿过长难句解析

[7]She explained that some sea shells are magical as you can hear the sound of the sea whistling inside them.


[8]In no time at all she curled up inside the shell and tucked the leaf in around her.

句中词组“in no time at all”意为“立刻马上”,词组“curl up”意为“蜷缩起来”。彼比和毛毛虫







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