园会 The Garden Party and Other Stories(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

发布时间:2020-06-04 23:53:27


作者:(新西兰)凯瑟琳·曼斯菲尔德(Katherine Mansfield),(英)克尔(Rosalie Kerr)



园会 The Garden Party and Other Stories

园会 The Garden Party and Other Stories试读:




我们从巴黎一位艺术家的画室开始我们的故事,这个年轻人对于周围的女人们来说是个谜……THE GARDEN PARTY


Short stories can be like photographs, catching people at some moment in their lives and trapping the memory for ever. There they are, smiling or frowning, looking sad, happy, serious, surprised... And behind those smiles and those frowns lie all the experiences of life, the fears and delights, the hopes and the dreams.

These sensitive and delicate stories give us pictures of ordinary people, and of the small, unimportant events that shape their lives. There is a garden party and a death, a desperate search for work, a journey alone across Europe by train, a meeting with a woman who has a dangerous secret. There are children being cruel, the feelings of a young girl at her first dance, the thoughts of a lady's maid, and of a woman on a lonely farm in New Zealand.

We begin in an artist's studio in Paris, with a young man who is a mystery to the women around him...Feuille d'albume really was an impossible person. Too shy, and he had nothing Hat all to say. When he came to your studio, he just sat there, silent. When he finally went, blushing red all over his face, you wanted to scream and throw something at him.

The strange thing was that at first sight he looked most interesting. Everybody agreed about that. You saw him in a café one evening, sitting in a corner with a glass of coffee in front of him. He was a thin boy, who always wore a blue shirt and a grey jacket that was a little too small for him. He looked just like a boy who has decided to run away to sea. You expected him to get up at any moment, and walk out into the night and be drowned.

He had short black hair, grey eyes, white skin and a mouth that always looked ready for tears. Oh, just to see him did something to your heart! And he had this habit of blushing. If a waiter spoke to him, he turned red!‘Who is he, my dear? Do you know?’‘Yes. His name is Ian French. He paints. They say he's very clever. Someone I know tried to mother him. She asked him how often he had a letter from home, if he had enough blankets on his bed, how much milk he drank. Then she went to his studio to make sure he had enough clean shirts. She rang and rang the bell, but nobody came to the door, although she was sure he was there... Hopeless!’

Someone else decided he ought to fall in love. She called him to her, took his hand, and told him how wonderful life can be for those who are brave. But when she went to his studio one evening, she rang and rang... Hopeless.‘What the poor boy really needs is excitement,’a third woman said. She took him to cafés and night-clubs, dark places where the drinks cost too much and there were always stories of a shooting the night before. Once he got very drunk, but still he said nothing, and when she took him home to his studio, he just said‘goodnight’and left her outside in the street... Hopeless.

Other women tried to help him—women can be very kind—but finally they, too, were defeated. We are all busy people, and why should we spend our valuable time on someone who refuses to be helped?‘And anyway, I think there is something rather odd about him, don't you agree? He can't be as innocent as he looks. Why come to Paris if you don't intend to have any fun?’

He lived at the top of a tall, ugly building, near the river. As it was so high, the studio had a wonderful view. From the two big windows he could see boats on the river and an island covered with trees. From the side window he looked across to a smaller and uglier house, and down below there was a flower market. You could see the tops of huge umbrellas with bright flowers around them, and plants in boxes. Old women moved backwards and forwards among the flowers. Really, he didn't need to go out. There was always something to draw.

If any kind woman had been able to get into his studio, she would have had a surprise. He kept it as neat as a pin. Everything was arranged in its place, exactly like a painting—the bowl of eggs, the cups and the teapot on the shelf, the books and the lamp on the table. There was a red Indian cover on his bed, and on the wall by the bed there was a small, neatly written notice: GET UP AT ONCE.

Every day was the same. When the light was good he painted, then cooked a meal and tidied the studio. In the evenings he went to the café or sat at home reading or writing a list which began:‘What I can afford to spend’. The list ended‘I promise not to spend more this month. Signed, Ian French’.

Nothing odd about that; but the women were right. There was something else.

One evening he was sitting at the side window eating an apple and looking down on to the tops of the huge umbrellas in the empty flower market. It had been raining, the first spring rain of the year, and the air smelled of plants and wet earth. Down below in the market, the trees were covered in new green.‘What kind of trees are they?’he wondered. He stared down at the small ugly house, and suddenly two windows opened like wings and a girl came out on to the balcony, carrying a pot of daffodils. She was a strangely thin girl in a dark dress, with a pink handkerchief tied over her hair.‘Yes, it is warm enough. It will do them good,’she said, putting down the pot, and turning to someone in the room inside. As she turned, she put her hands up to her hair to tidy it, and looked down at the market and up at the sky. She did not look at the house opposite. Then she disappeared.

His heart fell out of the window and down to the balcony, where it buried itself among the green leaves of the daffodils.

The room with the balcony was the sitting-room, and next to it was the kitchen. He heard her washing the dishes after supper, saw her come to the window to shake out the tablecloth. She never sang or combed her hair or stared at the moon as young girls are said to do. She always wore the same dark dress and pink handkerchief.

Who did she live with? Nobody else came to the window, but she was always talking to someone. Her mother, he decided, was always ill. They took in sewing work. The father was dead... He had been a journalist. By working all day she and her mother just made enough money to live on, but they never went out and they had no friends.

He had to make some new notices...‘Not to go to the window before six o'clock: signed, Ian French. Not to think about her until he had finished his painting for the day: signed, Ian French.’

It was quite simple. She was the only person he wanted to know because she was, he decided, the only person alive who was exactly his age. He didn't want silly girls, and he had no use for older women. She was his age. She was—well, just like him.

He sat in his studio, staring at her windows, seeing himself in those rooms with her. She was often angry. They had terrible fights, he and she. And she rarely laughed. Only sometimes, when she told him about a funny little cat she once had, who used to scratch and pretend to be fierce when she gave it meat to eat... Things like that made her laugh. Usually, they sat together very quietly, talking in low voices, or silent and tired after the day's work. Of course, she never asked him about his pictures, and of course he painted the most wonderful pictures of her, which she hated because he made her so thin and so dark...

But how could he meet her?

Then he discovered that once a week, in the evening, she went shopping. On two Thursdays he saw her at the window in a coat, carrying a basket. The next Thursday, at the same time, he ran down the stairs. There was a lovely pink light over everything. He saw it reflected in the river, and the people walking towards him in the street had pink faces and pink hands.

Outside the house he waited for her. He had no idea what he was going to do or say.‘Here she comes,’said a voice in his head. She walked very quickly, with small, light steps... What could he do? He could only follow...

First she went to buy some bread. Then she went to a fish shop. She had to wait a long time in there. Then she went to the fruit shop and bought an orange. As he watched her, he knew more surely than ever that he must talk to her, now. Her seriousness and her loneliness, even the way she walked—separate, somehow, distant from the other people in the street—all this was so natural, so right to him.‘Yes, she is always like that,’he thought proudly.‘She and I are different from these people.’

But now she was going home, and he had not spoken to her. Then she went into another shop. Through the window, he saw her buying an egg. She took it carefully out of the basket—a brown egg, a beautiful one, the one he himself would have chosen. She came out of the shop, and he went in. A moment later he was out again, following her through the flower market, past the huge umbrellas, walking on fallen flowers.

He followed her into the house and up the stairs. She stopped at a door and took a key out of her purse. As she put the key in the lock, he ran up to her.

Blushing redder than ever, but looking straight at her, he said, almost angrily:‘Excuse me, Mademoiselle, you dropped this.’

And he gave her an egg.

Feuille d'Album n. a French expression for‘a page from an album’(perhaps a book of family photographs).(法语)画页。

studio n. a room where an artist paints, and may also live. 画室。

at first sight as soon as sb./sth. is seen. 一见之下,立即。

mother v. care for (sb./sth.) as a mother does; rear. 像母亲般关怀或照管。

innocent adj. knowing nothing of evil or wrong. 天真无邪的;单纯的。

intend v. have (a particular purpose or plan) in mind; mean. 打算;意欲;想要。

backward(s) and forward(s) first in one direction and then in the other. 来回地。

as neat as a pin very clean and tidy. 非常整洁的。

shake out open or spread sth. by shaking. 用摇动等方法打开或展开。

take in accept (work to do in one's home) for payment.(为赚钱)承揽(在家中做的工作)。

scratch v. make marks on or in (a surface) with a sharp tool, nail, claw, etc.; make a shallow wound in (the skin) in this way. 刮,划,抓。

fierce adj. violent or angry. 凶猛的;凶狠的。

reflect v. (of a surface) throw back (light, heat and sound).(指物体表面)反射(光、热、声)。

Mademoiselle n. the French word for‘Miss’(an unmarried woman).(法语)小姐(指未婚女子)。画页
























他递给她一只鸡蛋。The doll's househen dear old Mrs Hay went home after staying with the WBurnells, she sent the children a doll's house. It was so big that Pat, the hired man, could only just lift it, and they had to leave it outside in the garden. It was all right there; it was summer. And perhaps the smell of paint would go before they had to take it indoors. Really, the smell of paint (so sweet of dear, generous Mrs Hay!) — but the smell of paint was so strong that it was enough to make anyone seriously ill, or so Aunt Beryl thought. You could smell the paint even when it was wrapped up. And when they unwrapped it...

There it stood, a doll's house, painted a thick, dark, oily green. Its two solid little chimneys were painted red and white, and it had a bright yellow door and real glass windows.

It was perfect! Who cared about the smell? It was part of the wonder of the doll's house, part of the newness.‘Open it quickly, someone!’

The fastening at the side was stuck fast, and Pat had to use his knife to get it open. But then... the whole front of the house swung back and—you could see everything! The sitting-room, the kitchen, the two bedrooms. That is the way for a house to open! Why don't all houses do that? How exciting, to be able to see everything you want to see, all at once!‘Oh—oh!’The Burnell children were quite unable to speak. It was too wonderful. They had never seen anything like it in their lives. There was paper on the walls, and pictures, just like in real houses. There was red carpet on the floors, except in the kitchen; red and green chairs, beds with real covers on them, tiny plates and cups.

But what Kezia liked more than anything, what she liked most awfully, was the lamp. It stood in the middle of the table, a beautiful little gold and white lamp, all ready to be lit. Of course, you couldn't really light it, but there was something inside it that looked like oil and moved when you shook it.

The mother and father dolls sitting stiffly in their chairs and their two little children in bed upstairs were really too big for the doll's house. They didn't look quite right. But the lamp was perfect. It seemed to smile at Kezia, to say,‘I live here.’The lamp was real.* * *

The Burnell children could not walk to school fast enough the next morning. They burned to tell everybody about the doll's house.‘I shall describe it,’said Isabel,‘because I'm the eldest. You two can join in, but I must speak first.’

Lottie and Kezia said nothing. Isabel was bossy, but she was always right.‘And I shall choose who's going to come and see it first,’Isabel said.‘Mother said I could.’

Their mother had told them that they could ask the girls at school, two at a time, to come and see the doll's house. Of course, they were not invited to tea, or to come into the house, but they could come into the garden and stand there quietly, while Isabel showed them all the lovely things in the doll's house.

It was too bad that they arrived at school just as the bell was ringing, and they had no time to talk to anyone. Never mind! Isabel looked very important and mysterious, and whispered to some of her friends,‘I've got something to tell you at play-time!’

When play-time came, everyone wanted to be near Isabel. The little girls almost fought to put their arms around her, to walk beside her and be her special friend. Laughing and pushing one another, they gathered closely around her. The only two who stayed outside the circle were the two who were always outside—the Kelveys. They knew they were not wanted.

To be perfectly honest, the school the Burnell children went to was not the kind of school their parents really wanted for them. But they had no choice. It was the only school for miles. And because of this, all the children in the area, the Judge's little girls, the doctor's daughters and all the children of milkmen and farmers, were forced to mix together. And there were plenty of rude, rough little boys, too. But worst of all, there were the Kelveys. The Burnell children were not allowed to speak to them. They walked past the Kelveys with their heads in the air. And because others followed where the Burnells led, nobody spoke to the Kelveys. Even the teacher had a special voice for them, and a special smile for the other children when Lil Kelvey came up to her desk to give her some very tired-looking flowers she had picked by the side of the road.

They were the daughters of a neat, hard-working little woman, who went from house to house, doing people's washing for them. This was awful enough. But where was Mr Kelvey? Nobody knew. But everybody said he was in prison. So they were the daughters of a woman who washed people's clothes and a man who was in prison. Very nice companions for other people's children!

Then there was the way they looked. It was hard to understand why Mrs Kelvey dressed them in such an odd way. The truth was, she made their clothes from old bits and pieces which were given to her by the people she worked for. Lil, for example, who was a solid, plain child, came to school in a dress made out of an old green tablecloth of the Burnells, and a red curtain that had belonged to the Logans. Her hat came from Miss Lecky at the post office, and had a long red feather stuck in it. What a sight she looked! It was impossible not to laugh.

And her little sister,‘our Else’, as Lil always called her, wore a long white dress that looked like a night-dress, and a pair of boy's boots. But our Else would have looked strange in any clothes. She was a tiny white creature with huge eyes—just like a little bird. Nobody had ever seen her smile; she hardly ever spoke. Everywhere Lil went, our Else followed, holding a piece of Lil's skirt in her hand. In the playground or on the road to or from school, you could always see Lil, with our Else close behind her. When she wanted something, our Else pulled on Lil's skirt, and Lil stopped and turned around. The Kelveys always under stood one another.

Now they stood at the edge of the circle, outside the group of friends. You couldn't stop them listening. When the little girls turned round and gave them angry looks, Lil, as usual, smiled all over her silly red face, but our Else just stared and said nothing.

Isabel talked on, in a proud voice. She described the car pet, the beds with real covers, the kitchen with its tiny cups and plates.

When she finished, Kezia said,‘You've forgotten the lamp, Isabel.’‘Oh yes,’said Isabel.‘There's a lovely little lamp on the table. It's just like a real one.’‘The lamp's best of all,’cried Kezia. She wanted Isabel to talk for longer about the lamp, to let everyone know how special it was. But nobody was listening to Kezia. Isabel was choosing the first two who were going to come and see the doll's house. She chose Emmie Cole and Lena Logan. But all the others knew that they would have a chance to see it another day. They all wanted to be nice to Isabel. They all had a secret to whisper to her.‘Isabel's my friend.’

Only the little Kelveys were forgotten. There was nothing more for them to hear.* * *

Days passed, and more and more children were taken to see the doll's house. It was the one thing they talked about.‘Have you seen the Burnells’doll's house? Oh, isn't it lovely? Haven't you seen it yet? Oh, dear!’

The little girls talked about the doll's house at dinner-time, as they sat under the trees in the school playground, eating their thick meat sandwiches and buttered cake. The little Kelveys listened, while they ate their bread and butter out of a piece of newspaper.‘Mother,’said Kezia,‘please can I ask the Kelveys, just once?’‘Of course not, Kezia.’





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