
发布时间:2020-06-05 08:41:43










也许,您是一位想了解中医的外国朋友;也许,您是一位想学习中医英语的中医爱好者;或者,您是一位给外国学生教授中医的老师……本书详实的内容、地道的翻译、精美的图片,一定能让您的中医学习或教学之路事半功倍。Chapter 1The Common Methods of Common Acupoint Localization

Acupoint is the specific position on body surface that viscera and meridian Qi infuse. It is the reflecting point of disease and the stimulating point of treatment. Corretly finding acupoint is crucial of treatment. Several common clinical methods of acupoint localization are introduced in this chapter.第一章常用取穴定位法

穴位是人体脏腑、经络之气输注于体表的特殊部位,是疾病的反应点,也是治疗疾病的刺激点。正确取穴对疾病的治疗至关重要,本章将重点介绍现代临床中常用的几种腧穴定位与取穴方法。Localization method by anatomical landmark

Localization method by anatomical landmark can ensure the point according to a variety of surface signs in anatomy. It is divided into fixed landmarks and moveble landmarks. Fixed markers are the prominence and depression formed by skeletons and muscles such as the five sense organs, hair line, fingernails (fingertips and tiptoes), nipples, navel, etc. For example, GV29 is located between the two glabellas, CV17 is between the two nipples, and GB34 is on the inferior to the head of the fibula. Moveble landmarks are the prominence, depression, wrinkles and tips presenting in the movement of joints, tendons and muscles. For example, LI11 can be found in the depression on the lateral end of transverse cubital crease when flexing elbow and SI19 can be found in the depression in front of the tragus when opening mouth.体表解剖标志定位法

体表解剖标志定位法以解剖学的各种体表标志为依据来确定穴位,可分为固定标志和活动标志两种。固定标志是骨骼、肌肉所形成的凸起及凹陷,五官、发际、爪甲(指、趾尖)、乳头、肚脐等都是,如两眉间取印堂,两乳头间取膻中,腓骨头前下方取阳陵泉;活动标志是关节、肌腱、肌肉在活动过程中出现的隆起、凹陷、皱纹、尖端,如屈肘时在肘横纹外侧端凹陷处取曲池,张口时在耳屏前的凹陷处取听宫。Finger Measurement手指同身寸定位法

Finger Measurement is a simple selection method, namely the length and width of the patient's finger(s) are taken as a standard for point location.


Thumb measurement, the width of the interphalangeal joint of the patient's thumb is taken as one cun. The method is employed for measuring the distance to locate the points on the limbs.


Transverse finger measurement, also known as “finger breadth measurement”, index, middle, ring and little fingers close together, based on the interphalangeal crease of the middle finger. The width of the four fingers is taken as three cun. It is used to locate the points on the limb and in the abdominal and back region.


Middle finger measurement, the distance between the two medial ends of the crease of the interphalangeal joints is taken as one cun. This method is employed for measuring the distance to locate the points on the waist and back.

中指同身寸,以中指中节桡侧两端纹头之间的距离为1寸。此法可用于腰背部和四肢等部位。Bone-Lenght Measurement

In proportional measurement, a certain standard length or width on the different parts of body is determined to locate the points no matter of the sex, age, body height and body size of the patient.骨度折量定位法

骨度折量定位是指将全身各部以骨节为主要标志,规定其长短,并依其比例折算作为定穴的标准。此种方法,不论男女、老少、高矮、胖瘦都适用,从而解决了在不同人身上定穴的难题。Convencent Localization Method简便取穴法

Convencent method of locating acu-point is commonly used in clinical acupoint as a simple selection method.


Fengshi, in attention position, the point is right under the tip of middle finger.


Lieque, when the index fingers and thumbs of both hands are crossed with the index finger of one hand placed on the styloid process of the radius of the other, the point is in the depression right under the tip of the index finger.


Baihui, on the midpoint of the line connecting the apexes of both ears, in the depression.


Laogong, in a hollow fist, under the tipe of the middle finger, on the first transverse crease on the palm.


Hegu, place in coincident position the transverse crease of the interphalangeal joint of the thumb with the margin of the web between the thumb and the index finger of the other hand. The point is where the tip of the thumb touches.


Xuehai, when the patient's knee is flexed to an angle of 90°, cup your right palm to the left knee, with the other four fingers directed proximally, and the thumb forming an angle of 45°, the point is where the tip of your thumb rests.

血海,屈膝90°,手掌伏于膝盖上,拇指与其他四指成45°,拇指尖处即是。Chapter 2Lung Meridian of Hand-Taiyin

There are 11 points in this meridian, 9 of them are distributed in the upper limbs, two in the upper chest. It has 22 points bilaterally. The first point is LU1 and the last one is LU11. It links with stomach, lung, throat and large intestine so that the disorders of these internal organs and the disorders on the running course of the meridian can be treated.第二章手太阴肺经经穴

手太阴肺经一侧11个穴位,其中9个分布于上肢,2个在前胸上部,左右共22个穴位。首穴中府,末穴少商。联系的脏腑器官有胃、肺、咽、大肠,所以能够治疗这些脏腑器官及经脉循行部位的疾病。肺经 LUZhongfu 中府 LU1

[Indication]cough, asthma, pain in the chest, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchiectasis.

[Location]On the anterior thoracic region, at the same level as the first intercostal space, lateral to the infraclavicular fossa, 6 cun lateral to the anterior median line.

[Simple location]In standing posture, hands on the hips, one finger width below the depression inferior to the laterial side of the clavicle.【主  治】咳嗽、哮喘、胸痛、肺结核、支气管扩张。【位  置】在胸部,横平第1肋间隙,锁骨下窝外侧,前正中线旁开6寸。【快速取穴】正立,双手叉腰,锁骨外侧端下方有一凹陷,该处再向下1横指即是。Yunmen 云门 LU2

[Indication]cough, asthma, pain in the chest, pain in the shoulder.

[Location]On the anterior thoracic region, in the depression of the infraclavicular fossa, medial to the coracoid process of the scapula, 6 cun lateral to the anterior median line.

[Simple location]Hands on the hips, in the triangular depression inferior to the lateral side of the clavicle.【主  治】咳嗽、气喘、胸痛、肩痛。【位  置】在胸部,锁骨下窝凹陷中,肩胛骨喙突内缘,前正中线旁开6寸。【快速取穴】双手叉腰,锁骨外侧端下方的三角形凹陷处。Tianfu 天府 LU3

[Indication]cough, asthma, epistaxis, upper arm pain.

[Location]On the anterolateral aspect of the arm, just lateral to the border of the biceps brachii muscle, 3 cun inferior to the anterior axillary fold.

[Simple location]Arm extending forward, head lowing, on the medial side of the upper limb where the nose touches.【主  治】咳嗽、气喘、鼻塞、上臂内侧疼痛。【位  置】在臂前部,腋前纹头下3寸,肱二头肌桡侧缘处。【快速取穴】臂向前平举,俯头,鼻尖接触上臂内侧处即是。Xiabai 侠白 LU4

[Indication]cough, asthma, nausea, Intercostals neuralgia.

[Location]On the anterolateral aspect of the arm, just lateral to the border of the biceps brachii muscle, 4 cun inferior to the anterior axillary fold.

[Simple location]1 finger breadth inferior to LU3.【主  治】咳嗽、气喘、干呕、肋间神经痛。【位  置】在臂前部,腋前纹头下4寸,肱二头肌桡侧缘处。【快速取穴】先找到天府,向下1横指处即是。Chize 尺泽 LU5

[Indication]bronchitis, cough, hemoptysis, swollen sore throat, allergy, elbow pain spasm, knee pain.

[Location]On the anterior aspect of the elbow, at the cubital crease, in the depression lateral to the biceps brachii tendon.

[Simple location]Elbow flexed, on the lateral border of the tendon.【主  治】气管炎、咳嗽、咯血、咽喉肿痛、过敏、湿疹、肘臂痉挛疼痛、膝关节疼痛。【位  置】在肘部,肘横纹上,肱二头肌肌腱桡侧缘凹陷中。【快速取穴】屈肘时,触及肌腱,其外侧缘即是。Kongzui 孔最 LU6

[Indication]bronchitis, cough, hemoptysis, swollen sore throat, elbow pain, hemorrhoids.

[Location]On the anterolateral aspect of the forearm, on the line connecting LU5 with LU9, 7 cun superior to the palmar wrist crease.

[Simple location]Arm extending forward with palm up, on the line from LU5 and LU9, 1 finger breadth superior to the midpoint.【主  治】气管炎、咳嗽、咯血、咽喉肿痛、肘臂痛、痔疮。【位  置】在前臂内侧面,腕掌侧远端横纹上7寸,尺泽与太渊连线上。【快速取穴】手臂向前,仰掌向上,找到太渊和尺泽,二者连线中点上1横指即是。Lieque 列缺 LU7

[Indication]cough, asthma, migraine and headache, stiff neck.

[Location]On the radial aspect of the forearm, between the tendons of the abductor pollicis longus and the extensor pollicis brevis muscles, in the groove for the abductor pollicis longus tendon, 1.5 cun superior to the palmar wrist crease.

[Simple location]When the index fingers and thumbs of both hands are crossed with the index finger of one hand placed on the styloid process of the radius of the other, the point is in the depression right under the tip of the index finger.【主  治】咳嗽、气喘、偏正头痛、落枕。【位  置】腕掌侧远端横纹上1.5寸,拇短伸肌肌腱与拇长展肌肌腱之间。【快速取穴】两手虎口相交,一手食指压在另一手桡骨茎突上,食指指尖到达处即是。Jingqu 经渠 LU8

[Indication]cough, asthma, swollen sore throat, toothache, pulsless disease.

[Location]On the anterolateral aspect of the forearm, between the radial styloid process and the radial artery, 1 cun superior to the palmar wrist crease.

[Simple location]Palm up, between the radial styloid process and the radial artery,1 finger breadth superior to the palmar wrist crease.【主  治】咳嗽、气喘、咽喉肿痛、牙痛、无脉症。【位  置】在前臂内侧面,腕掌侧远端横纹上1寸,桡骨茎突与桡动脉之间。【快速取穴】伸手,掌心向上,腕掌侧远端横纹上1横指,桡骨茎突与桡动脉之间。Taiyuan 太渊 LU9

[Indication]vasculitis, pneumonia, tachycardia, neurodermatitis.

[Location]On the anterolateral aspect of the wrist, between the radial styloid process and the scaphoid bone, in the depression ulnar to the abductor pollicis longus tendon.

[Simple location]Palm up, on the lateral side of the radial artery lateral to the wrist crease.【主  治】脉管炎、肺炎、心动过速、神经性皮炎。【位  置】在腕部,桡骨茎突与舟状骨之间,拇长展肌肌腱尺侧凹陷中。【快速取穴】掌心向上,腕横纹外侧摸到桡动脉,其外侧即是。Yuji 鱼际 LU10

[Indication]cough, asthma, hemoptysis, fever, sore swollen throat, aphonia, diarrhea, thumb root pain, palpitation.

[Location]On the palm, radial to the midpoint of the first metacarpal bone, at the border between the red and white flesh.

[Simple location]On the lateral side of the hand, at the midpoint of the junction between the red and white skin, on the radial side of the first mentacarpal bone.【主  治】咳嗽、哮喘、咯血、发热、咽喉肿痛、失音、腹泻、拇指根部疼痛、心悸。【位  置】在手外侧,第1掌骨桡侧中点赤白肉际处。【快速取穴】手外侧,第1掌骨桡侧中点赤白肉际处即是。Shaoshang 少商 LU11

[Indication]cough, sore swollen throat, chronic pharyngitis, tonsillitis, coma apoplectic, infantile convulsion, pyreticosis, common cold.

[Location]On the thumb, radial to the distal phalanx,0.1 cun proximal-lateral to the radial corner of the thumb nail, at the intersection of the vertical line of the radial order and the horizontal line of the base of the thumb nail.

[Simple location]The crossing point of the longitudinal line along the radial side of thumb nail and a transverse line on the lower border of nail.【主  治】咳嗽、咽喉肿痛、慢性咽炎、扁桃体炎、中风昏迷、小儿惊风、热病、感冒。【位  置】在手指,拇指末节桡侧,指甲根角旁开0.1寸(指寸)。【快速取穴】伸拇指,沿拇指指甲桡侧缘和下缘各做一切线,两线交点处即是。Chapter 3Large Intestine Meridian of Hand-Yangming

There are 20 points in one side meridian an 40 totally. The first point is LI1,and the last point is LI20.This meridian connects with organs such as lung, large intestine, mouth, the upper teeth, nose and so on. Points on this meridian can expell heat, subside swelling and kill pain effectciely.第三章手阳明大肠经经穴

手阳明大肠经一侧20个穴位,左右共40个穴位。首穴商阳,末穴迎香。联系的脏腑器官有肺、大肠、口、上齿、鼻等,大肠经经穴清热、消肿、止痛的效果极佳。大肠经 LIShangyang 商阳 LI1

[Indication]sore swollen throat, faint, vomiting, tonsillitis, constipation.

[Location]On the index finger, radial to the distal phalanx, 0.1 cun proximal-lateral to the radial corner of the index fingernail, at the intersection of the vertical line of the radial border of the fingernail and the horizontal line of the base of the index fingernail.

[Simple location]At the corner of the index finger nail, on the thumb side.【主  治】咽喉肿痛、昏厥、呕吐、扁桃体炎、便秘。【位  置】在食指末节桡侧,指甲根角旁开0.1寸。【快速取穴】食指末节指甲根角,靠拇指侧的位置。Erjian 二间 LI2

[Indication]toothache, sore swollen throat, epistaxis, eye pain, abdominal distention.

[Location]On the index finger, in the depression distal to the radial side of the second metacarpophalangeal joint, at the border between the red and white flesh.

[Simple location]On the anterior border of the second metacarpophalangeal joint of the index finger, the point is where the depression is touched closed to the thumb.【主  治】牙痛、咽喉肿痛、鼻出血、目痛、腹胀。【位  置】在手指,第2掌指关节桡侧远端赤白肉际处。【快速取穴】食指第2掌指关节前缘,靠拇指侧,触之有凹陷处即是。Sanjian 三间 LI3

[Indication]sore swollen throat, body heat and chest tightness.

[Location]On the dorsum of the hand, in the depression radial and proximal to the second metacarpophalangeal joint.

[Simple location]At the posterior border of the second metacarpophalangeal joint of the index finger, the point is where the depression is touched.【主  治】咽喉肿痛、身热胸闷。【位  置】在手背,第2掌指关节桡侧近端凹陷中。【快速取穴】食指第2掌指关节后缘,触之有凹陷处即是。Hegu 合谷 LI4

[Indication]fevers no sweat, headache, vertigo, nasal obstruction, nasosinusitis, deaf, tinnitus, sore red swollen eyes, toothache, caries gumswollen, sore throat, ulcerinthe mouth, deviated eyes and mouth, abdominal pain, contipation.

[Location]On the dorsum of the hand, radial to the midpoint of the second metacarpal bone.

[Simple location]Clossing the index finger and thumb, on the top of the muscle.【主  治】热病无汗、头痛目眩、鼻塞、鼻渊、耳聋、耳鸣、目赤肿痛、牙痛、龋肿、咽喉肿痛、口疮、口眼歪斜、腹痛、便秘。【位  置】在手背,第2掌骨桡侧的中点处。【快速取穴】食指、拇指并拢,肌肉最高点即是。Yangxi 阳溪 LI5

[Indication]redness, swelling and pain of eye, febrile disease, irritability.

[Location]On the posterolateral aspect of the wrist, at the radial side of the dorsal rist crease, distal to the radial styloid process, in the depression of the anatomical snuffbox.

[Simple location]Tilt the thumb, in the depression on the radial side of the wrist.【主  治】目赤肿痛、热病心烦。【位  置】在腕区,腕背侧远端横纹桡侧,桡骨茎突远端,解剖学“鼻烟窝”凹陷中。【快速取穴】手掌侧放,拇指伸直向上翘起,腕背桡侧有一凹陷处即是。Pianli 偏历 LI6

[Indication]deafness, tinnitus, epistaxis, bowel sound, abdominal pain.

[Location]On the posterolateral aspect of the forearm, on the line connecting LI5 with LI11, 3 cun superior to the dorsal wrist crease.

[Simple location]4 fingers breadth directly above LI5.【主  治】耳聋、耳鸣、鼻出血、肠鸣腹痛。【位  置】在前臂,腕背侧远端横纹上3寸,阳溪与曲池连线上。【快速取穴】先找到阳溪,其直上4横指处即是。Wenliu 温溜 LI7

[Indication]fever, headache, red and swollen face, mouth and tongue pain.

[Location]On the posterolateral aspect of the forearm, on the line connecting LI5 with LI11, 5 cun superior to the dorsal wrist crease.

[Simple location]Elbow flexed, 1 finger breadth anterior to the midpoint of the line between the LI5 and LI11.【主  治】寒热头痛、面赤面肿、口舌痛。【位  置】在前臂,腕横纹上5寸,阳溪与曲池连线上。【快速取穴】侧腕屈肘,阳溪与曲池连线中点的前1横指处。Xialian 下廉 LI8

[Indication]abdominalache, abdominal distention, upper limb paralysis.

[Location]On the posterolateral aspect of the forearm, on the line connecting LI5 with LI11, 4 cun inferior to the cubital crease.【主  治】腹痛、腹胀、上肢不遂、手肘肩无力。【位  置】在前臂,肘横纹下4寸,阳溪与曲池连线上。





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