
发布时间:2020-06-06 02:23:34













我曾经获得得克萨斯大学跨文化交流学的博士学位,并具有38年ESL(English as Second Language,英语作为第二语言)以及其他语言的教学经验。由于职业的缘故我能够遇到来自世界各地的学生,并帮助他们流利地使用母语以外的另一门语言。良好的跨文化沟通技巧和扎实的语言功底造就了我的职业生涯。




莎伦·福斯特女士获波士顿大学文科硕士学位和得克萨斯大学跨文化交流学的博士学位。她执教于得克萨斯大学,是一位语言学教授。在执教得克萨斯大学之前,她是西班牙语和葡萄牙语系有关课程的协调人。她曾在西班牙的塞维利亚担任跨文化研究中心的主任。在那里,她教过ESL (英语作为第二语言)和外国语言方法学等课程。作为中心的创始人之一和国际学术计划的学术顾问,她一直在国外从事相关研究。她于2001年从得克萨斯大学退休,随后继续在美国佛蒙特州的米德尔伯里学院极负盛名的夏季语言学校授课。她是七部本科专业语言教科书的合著者,它们均在著名的McGraw-Hill出版公司出版。她目前仍继续参加国内外的专业学术会议。








莫莉·麦克唐纳女士是一位具有12年丰富经验的职业作家和编辑。她为公共设施、保险公司和能源公司撰写文章并提供技术资料。莫莉女士编辑了两本书,并曾在美国得克萨斯州奥斯汀的圣·爱得华大学教授商务写作和传播学。她目前担任一家媒体训练中心的总裁。A    NARRATIVES OF EVENTS写事类记叙文[1]1   Christmas in Remembrance

Christmas brings to mind a chubby, white-bearded old fellow [2]wearing a red suit and hat, giving out warm presents to children on the frigid night. Christmas is one of the favorite holidays of Americans, like the Spring Festival of China.

I remember the first Christmas in the United States. I was barely six. It was a whole new custom, and, naturally, I had no idea of what was going on. All I know is that when Mom brought home the plastic Christmas tree, she also brought home a night of unforgettable joy.

At first the tree looked decrepit, just a product of some remote, unnamed company. It sat there, quite quietly, naively content with its nudity. But as Dad started to heap tangles of lights upon the trunk, upon the thicker branches—lights of all colors conceivable that could be made of glass—and as Mom judgmentally tacked onto the tree pristine greeting cards with her woman's fashion sense; as I carefully placed onto branch tips, the tree started to undergo a transformation. It was no longer a docile, out of place creature, but a seemingly familiar, spectacularly scintillating old friend. Mom placed now much-anticipated presents under the tree and stepped back to admire.

As if this wasn't enough, Dad took a power cord and fit it into an [3]electric outlet.


Suddenly the lights on the tree lit up, exploding the room into rainbow daylight. The effect was amazingly realistic, as if the tree had caught our holiday infection and decided to do a dance. The lustrous moving lights were too much for a tiny child to forget, and, to this day, a decade later, this memory still persists in my mind.

Another year, on Christmas Eve, my parents, to strengthen my Chinese writing ability, made me write Santa Claus a letter for presents. They also said that Santa Claus knew Chinese. Though I must admit I never believed in the myth of Santa, at the bottom of the letter I drew a map of a nearby store where Santa Claus could buy my long-desired present (maybe this was because I was too keen on getting the present).

Another Christmas, my parents designed for me a treasure hunt. Christmas morning, I traditionally put on my red Santa hat and ran downstairs to open presents. My parents, however, told me to open their present first.

But where was it? Dad pointed at the phone without saying a word. I shot over to it, fumbling about the receiver and found a sheet of paper. Upon reading a Chinese poem written on it, I figured out that the first words of every line made up the location of the next destination: the tip-top of a tree.

The question was, exactly which tree was it? Maybe I was still groggy from just waking up, but my first thought was to check the trees in our backyard. I opened the door and stood in the frosty wind, eyes squinted, searching the treetops desperately for a clue.

My parents laughed. "Are there any other trees?" they asked.

I suddenly realized: wasn't there a Christmas tree in our house? Without another word, I slammed the back door shut and ran into the living room, hoping to reach the note on the top of the tree. Darn! This wasn't my present, but a math problem. The answer would be the number of the stair, counting from bottom up, on which the next puzzle would be found.

This…this was really unthinkable. In my hurry downstairs, I didn't notice the blazingly obvious note that contrasted so sharply with the brown carpet of the stairs.

What made me even more frustrated was the contents of that note: Dear son, your present is in your hat.

I hurriedly reached up, took off my hat and pulled out a red envelope, containing fresh green currency, my Christmas present from my parents.

The Christmases in my memory are full of love, warmth, and fun, and even to today this day I cannot forget them.Comments

The title "Christmas in Remembrance" immediately suggests to the reader that the following passage will be about one particular Christmas.  In reality, Jackie reiterates several of his most memorable Christmases.  Possibly change the title, or limit the passage to just one specific Christmas.  However, the writer stayed with the topic nicely.[1] This article won the second place of the "World-wide Chinese Students Essay Written Competition" organized by People's Daily Oversea Edition in 2006; published in a local Chinese journal, Texas Capital News, Volume 189 in Dec, 2006.本文曾获得由《人民日报(海外版)》在2006年举办的“世界华人学生作文大赛”二等奖;曾于2006年12月发表在当地中文杂志《得州首府新闻》第189期上。[2] 表示被指导老师删除,后同[3] 该字体表示指导老师增加的单词,后同记忆中的圣诞节

















评语:读者看见《记忆中的圣诞节》这个题目会立刻想到:接下来的文章将会与一个特别的圣诞节有关。而事实上,吴越着墨于他的几个印象最深刻的圣诞节。也许可将题目改一下,或者将文章局限于某一个特别的圣诞节。但尽管如此,作者仍出色地紧扣了主题。2   School: An Easy Breeze

If you were to attend elementary school in the US, you'd be greatly surprised. You'd wonder if you were in the wrong place, perhaps a kindergarten: the rooms all have twenty or so little desks, not neatly arranged in rows but placed in groups of three to five, to allow better student-to-student communication. Walls are taped full of pictures students drew in schoolwork. There's no podium in the room; rather, the teacher sits like the students, except at a much larger desk. Near a corner is a wooden cupboard, with slots for plastic tubs containing the curriculum books, colored pencils, colored construction paper, and other school supplies of all the students in that class. Students aren't allowed to take the tubs or the materials home because the school firmly believes in leaving work at the workplace. This annoys a few Chinese parents.

The American teachers are exceptionally nice though, criticizing students very rarely to avoid decreasing their confidence. Once, a teacher asked our class a math question, and I immediately answered "five." The teacher replied, "Good job, that is correct." Another student came up with the answer "four," to which the teacher replied, "Good job, great try." I was a bit irritated, feeling that this teacher wasn't very fair. It seemed she had no right or wrong to base her judgments on. But after some time, I began to understand the teacher's kind heart.

American education really stresses the equality of students. In a class there is no class leader, no supervisor, and of course no honors students the teacher would willingly name in front of others. When classmates discuss what they want to be when they grow up, some avidly want to be garbage men, because, in their minds, driving that large truck with the spiffy lift seems very cool. Some students want to work at a nursing home to care for old people. Certainly there's nothing wrong with these jobs, but compared to the dreams of being rich businessmen, they are very different. Students voluntarily enter competitive events without the teacher's urging or recommendation. The audience of giving out awards and trophies is usually only limited to others of the same activity, as in that the teacher would not announce to the whole class one student's achievements. Because there isn't much mental pressure, it seems to most students that there isn't a natural tendency to compete.

Of course, the teachers still do give out awards. For example, in second grade, every few weeks the teacher would give out various prizes, not only to the students with the best grades but also to those who had improved the most, among other reasons. I knew a classmate whose grades weren't particularly good but helped tie a fellow classmate's shoe in gym class. That month he was awarded a "Helping Others Award." At the end of the school year, nearly all of the students for some reason or other received a prize.

Teachers usually try to make class time very active, frequently telling engaging stories to keep the students' attention. I especially liked art class because the teacher allowed us to draw whatever we wanted. Math was also okay because the material covered there I had learned a few years ago, in perhaps pre-school, and no matter what the test I always easily breezed past them.

Seeing that I was bored during my free time after classes, my parents wondered if the public school system was to blame. So, from third to fifth grade, I was sent to a private school where the workload was marginally greater, but for the most part the difficulty remained the same.

In elementary school I occasionally called my friends up in Chengdu. I heard them talk about how the school assigned them tremendous loads of work, and how sometimes they couldn't finish by 11 p.m. In addition to Math Olympic events on weekends, many of them played musical instruments, such as piano or flute. I was very glad I didn't have such a rigorously difficult schedule. At home, when I goofed off too much, my dad would threaten me to send me back to China to study. This usually shut me up pretty fast and kept me on task, because no way did I want to go back to those kinds of schools! But really, I knew, in some ways I already couldn't keep up with my friends in China.

Education was perhaps the reason adults called America the "Children's Heaven."Comments

A viewpoint expressed from an exceptionally gifted student or a self-motivated individual.  However, Jackie did take note of differences in individuals which is an important aspect of learning.  Nice punctuation and expression of his feeling.轻轻松松上学去









评语:表达的观点出自一位非常有天赋的学生或者说一位具有内在动力的人。不过,吴越的确注意到人与人之间的不同,这是关于学习的一个重要方面。对标点符号的使用和对自身感受的表达均非常得当。3   Blessings of a Retired General

I've liked math since I was very little, adding and subtracting with my fingers. If those weren't enough, I'd use my toes. A bit after I was two, I walked around the dining room, counting four legs on the table and four legs on each chair. Dad saw me concentrate on this seemingly simple task to him and joked that maybe I was going to invent a new way of counting tables and chairs, where I'd count the number of legs and divide by four instead of counting the objects outright.

Jokes aside, I had a preference for math, and this carried over into my scholastic career. At Brentwood Elementary there was a mathematics competition called "Math Command," where every two weeks for part of the school year teachers would give fourth and fifth graders a short amount of time to complete arithmetic problems. There was no preparation, no reviewing before the quizzes. Every time that a student successfully completed a test, they he would get a star and move up a rank, and with a certain number of stars they he would win the competition; however, no one in the history of Brentwood had ever completed this. But in my opinion the tests weren't particularly difficult, and at the end of my first year taking this competition, I had beaten it. At the ceremony, I was formally recognized by Mr. Richard Smith.

Mr. Smith was a Major General in the United States Army. He used to be the director of logistics at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio. In his thirty-year military career, he had won numerous awards and recognitions. The letter he wrote to me said: " I have been informed of your exceptional achievement of the rank of 'General' in the Math Command Program at Brentwood. I commend you and congratulate you for that effort," along with "Mathematics is, in my opinion, the most important skill set that you can develop in your education. With proficiency in math, all possible occupations are open to you. You obviously have made a great start in developing that proficiency." As he read this speech in front of my parents, I could not help but feel a rising feeling of pride.

In fifth grade I entered Texas private school interscholastic league math competitions. I was on the official school team and left for Dallas for a meet one weekend. After a night at a hotel, a few other students and I went to the competition. At the end of the day I had won a first and third place in different mathematics events against the best students of private schools across the state. My parents were delighted and congratulated me thoroughly.

In the summer of 7th grade I enlisted enrolled in a math camp that had its long roots in Austin. I learned math alongside some of the brightest students, and lived in a dorm away from my parents. When I came home two weeks later, I brought back seven packets of Ramen—which had sustained me throughout the camp.

In eighth grade I competed in MathCounts against other middle school students. After practicing with our school's coach for a few weeks, we went to District to compete. The hall at the University of Texas was enormous, and a few hundred people came. That day it rained, and the competition didn't end until late afternoon. I placed third in our entire district, allowing me a chance to go onto State.

At State it was a completely different story, as the 200 or so two hundred of the brightest minds in the field of mathematics from all of Texas were assembled together to compete. We were invited to a five star hotel for the contest and got received various merchandise including a T-shirt, lights, mousepads, and more , for free. At this meet I really felt the competition and did not place well enough to go to Nationals.

Doing math has paid off in my life. Just last summer I graded papers for a math teacher. I guess you could count math as the start of my working career.Comments

Nice piece. Stayed on topic—mathematics.  Possibly word choice could be better in some cases.





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