
发布时间:2020-06-07 00:15:23


作者:刁克利 高秀芹






主 席

颜海平        清华大学外国语言文学系主任、教授

D. 麦克尔·林赛    美国高登大学校长(D. Michael Lindsay)

评 委

大卫·达姆罗什    美国哈佛大学比较文学系教授(David DaMrosch)

布鲁斯·罗宾斯    美国哥伦比亚大学英语系教授(Bruce Robbins)

蒂莫西·穆雷    美国康奈尔大学人文研究所所长、教授

(Timothy Murray)

艾米·维拉睿鹤    美国康奈尔大学电影系主任、教授

(Amy Villarejo)

大卫·古登堡    美国加州大学人文研究所主任教授

(David Goldberg)

约翰·布莱尔    瑞士日内瓦大学教授

(John Blair)

柏右铭    美国华盛顿大学电影系教授

(Yomi Braester)

李 尧    北京外国语大学教授

石 坚    四川大学外国语学院教授

张绍杰    东北师范大学教授

虞建华    上海外国语大学语言文学研究所所长、教授

王顺珠    美国瑞德大学教授

程朝翔    北京大学外国语学院教授

高峰枫    北京大学外国语学院教授

黄必康    北京大学外国语学院教授

刘建华    北京大学外国语学院教授

赵白生    北京大学世界文学研究所所长、教授

康士林    北京大学中文系特聘教授

(Nicholas Koss)

张 沛    北京大学比较文学与比较文化研究所副教授

秦立彦    北京大学比较文学与比较文化研究所副教授

张文霞    清华大学外国语言文学系书记、教授

曹 莉    清华大学外国语言文学系副主任、教授

封宗信    清华大学外国语言文学系教授

王敬慧    清华大学外国语言文学系教授

程晓堂    北京师范大学外国语言文学学院教授

金 莉    北京外国语大学英语学院教授、 《外国文学》主编

张 剑    北京外国语大学英语学院院长、教授

郭棲庆    北京外国语大学英语学院教授

马海良    北京外国语大学教授

宁一中    北京语言大学外国文学与文化研究所所长、教授

沈建青    北京语言大学人文学院教授

王 炎    北京外国语大学教授

郭继德    山东大学外国语学院教授

陈世丹    中国人民大学外国语学院教授

刁克利    中国人民大学外国语学院教授

尹文涓    首都师范大学比较文学系教授

曲卫国    复旦大学外国语言文学学院院长、教授

谈 峥    复旦大学外国文学研究所所长、教授

杨乃乔    复旦大学教授

王柏华    复旦大学教授

李尚宏    上海外国语大学英语系教授

金衡山    华东师范大学外语学院副院长、教授

朱 刚    南京大学外国语学院院长、教授,全国美国文学研究会会长

杨金才    南京大学外国语学院副院长、教授

徐 昉    南京大学外国语学院教授、写作专家

何莲珍    浙江大学外国语言文化与国际交流学院院长、教授

胡开宝    上海交通大学外国语学院院长、教授

郭英剑    中央民族大学外国语学院院长、教授

高建平    中国社会科学院研究员

黄 梅    中国社会科学院研究员

刘 岩     广东外语外贸大学教授

文 旭    西南大学外国语学院院长、教授

孙 博    加拿大网络电视台台长

张箭飞    武汉大学教授、 《长江学术》副主编

蔡小容    武汉大学外国语言文学学院教授

聂珍钊    华中师范大学教授、 《外国文学研究》主编

苏 晖    华中师范大学教授、 《外国文学研究》副主编

谢 娜    北京大学出版社海外合作部主任

赵 欣    北京大学出版社海外合作部编辑

黄瑞明    北京大学出版社外语编辑部主任助理、副编审

李 颖    北京大学出版社外语编辑部编辑


刁克利在每个人的成长过程中,文学任重而道远。 《周易·象传》有云: “山下出泉,蒙。君子以果行育德。 ”文学能够启迪心志,带给人心灵上的启蒙。从文学中,我们可以读出不断丰富和充盈的人生。在文学感受和文学造诣上的每一层进阶,都代表着自己的成长。我们对文学的理解也随着经验的积累日渐加深,这里的经验既包括人生阅历,也包括阅读经历。几千年来,古今中外的经典读物汗牛充栋,这些都是我们可以汲取的宝贵财富。在文以化人、文以育德的同时,文学还可以陶冶性情,有其娱乐性特征。早在古罗马时期,贺拉斯就提出“寓教于乐” 。文学可以让人们获得自然的灵感,得到身心的愉悦。在文学写作中,用文字张扬个性的过程,也是一个感知自我的过程。在文学阅读中,我们可以发掘文字之美,发现文学带来的独特感动,收获对生命的崇敬热爱。在一个国家或民族的成长过程中,文学同样肩负着重大使命。人类巴别塔的重构,不仅仅需要跨越语言的鸿沟,还需要消弭不同民族文化思想的隔阂。不同民族之间,文学作品的传承与交流碰撞,使得不同民族的文学能够相互理解和沟通,更进一步地促进人类文明的发展。近年来创意写作方兴未艾,许多学校都建立起创意写作中心。一年一度的创意写作国际论坛和世界华人创意写作大会持续举行,使“作家可以培养,写作人人可为”的观念蔚然成风。在这样一个大众写作的时代,写作日趋生活化,每个人都想要表达自己,想要去讲故事,但并不是每个人都能把故事讲好。文学来源于生活,又高于生活,如何在平淡日常中提炼素材,是创意写作教学的重点所在。“北大培文杯”创意写作活动是创意写作理念的一次成功实践。参加“北大培文杯”的青少年们,思维能力和创造能力都得到了极大的提升,他们带着文学热忱,勇于书写自我,自信地在文章中展现出朝气蓬勃的青春面貌。与此同时,英文的创意写作帮助青少年培育世界眼光,鼓励青少年走出国门,进入更广阔的天地。在当今时代,创意写作作品集是十分必要的,特别是像《写给未来的自己》这样的英文的创意写作作品集。 《写给未来的自己》全书共四部分,归集了科幻作品、童话故事、青春风采、社会题裁四个类别的作品。用不同的民族语言来进行创意写作,这本身就是一种创新和挑战,它体现的是青少年精神生命的成长和敢于创新、打破陈规的力量。希望所有的中国青少年,都能参加“北大培文杯”英文创意写作活动,利用这个优秀的平台,发挥自己的创意,挥洒自己的青春!

1. Dear Mr. Robot-Ⅰ

The crisis of today is the joke of tomorrow.——H. G. Wells奇迹是果,幻想是根。从《弗兰肯斯坦》到儒勒·凡尔纳,从阿西莫夫到《安德的游戏》 ,想象之外,好的科幻文学离不开前瞻思考和危机意识,也一定离不开人性之维。本篇所选的科幻文章异彩纷呈。小作者们在有限的篇幅内,展开了富有奇幻色彩的想象,既符合严密的科学逻辑,也展示出对于人类的思考。有的文章带着波谲云诡的悬疑底色,扣人心弦。有的文章书写人类的脉脉亲情,却又在结尾处惊天逆转。有的文章将科幻色彩融入历史,展开对理想王国的探讨。有的文章将主人公设定为智能机器人。有的文章展开了与平行时空的对话……当科幻与时代、科幻与历史结合起来时,就会产生一种虚构空间与真实空间相结合的宏大力量。让我们在惊叹种种神奇想象之余,跟随这些文章的作者一起去探索科学的意义,感受人性的温度。



我们需要人工智能拥有强大的学习能力以服务人类,但同时人类对人工智能高度发达的担忧也成了“房间里的大象” :当我们的创造物产生了人性时,我们该如何判断自己存在的正当性?当大数据成为判断准则时,人类独有的“感官”存在还有多少意义?……


The Last Ten Years


This is a report from Company X’s investigator. I was asked to find some details about a survey done by our researchers. And I found a book, looking like a diary. WALL-E was on the cover with his classic line: “I don’t want to survive, I want to live.”

The things down here are parts of the copy of the diary.

Ten Years Before

Sunny day.

I woke up in my apartment with some bright sunlight shining towards my face. What a nice day! I got up and had a shower. The time I sat down at the dinner table, I suddenly recognized that it was already July 12th, 2030. What was special that day? Well, I was going to have a roomm ate. It was such a difficult thing to afford the rent of this whole apartment on my own salary, so I put an advertisement to get a roommate several months ago, and finally, a man called.

“I do hope that he would be a nice person.” I was wondering when somebody knocked at the door. I stood up and opened the door gently. The man was right outside, with all of his… “Excuse me, mister, but what are they? Where is your luggage?” “Sorry to surprise you, but this is my luggage.” He said with a sm ile on his face, “Pretty, huh? You know, I do love all my computers.”

Yes, there were, in my own thought, hundreds and thousands of technical things in front of my door. I had to help him to carry all of them into the apartment, and it was such a “happy” thing to realize that I didn’t even have place to put my feet.

“As I told you, I am something of an artist, which means that I need the room to be quiet and clean. You can make your ‘sweet computers’ stay clean, right?” “Of course, sir. By the way, you can call me Tony.” He stretched his hand. “Steve.” We shook hands.

The sun was still shining brightly in the blue sky, but after seeing such a mess, I couldn’t be as excited as before. “We will definitely not have a good time together.” I thought.

Nine Years Before

“Tony? Tony!” I knocked at the door heavily. He didn’t show up for two days, and the tinker sound never stopped. How did he make that?


Thank God, he was still alive.

“I know that you love your high-technique ‘toys’, but at least you need to have some food and some sleep.”

He opened his door and came out unw illingly. “Okay, MOM. Remember I am not a teenager now?”

I cooked some food for him and after dining, pushed him into his bed. When I went out of the room, I couldn’t help looking around. There was no doubt that Tony was a fantastic scientist, but suddenly, a thought came into my mind. How could he be so healthy as he had so much bad habits of daily life? Nobody can manage that except… he was a robot. This might be a ridiculous thing ten years ago, but for now, Artificial Intelligence was EVERYWHERE. An actor even announced that his soulmate was his own AI Robot. And a science company had just invented their robot for testing a few years ago. Tony worked in a science company and he didn’t tend to tell me the name of it. In this case, I had some evidence to suspect that he was a robot himself.

“Did I just think about my roommate being a robot?” I was shocked by my own inference. “You are an artist, not a robot specialist. Stop your stupid imagination.” I shook my head and started my work again.

Eight Years Before

“Stevie! Come here! I’d like to show you something!”

After two years spending together, we became good friends. Strange, but it was real.

I walked into his room and was scared to death. A huge, flying virtual snake came towards me. I rushed out and heavily closed my door with a “BANG” . I could hear Tony burst out into laughter, so I flapped on the shut door angrily and shouted: “Oh! Tony! I have told you not to scare me with those things!”

“Come on, old man! Don’t be so serious! You are in your twenties, not nineties!”

“This is the last time! I swear I will kick you out if there is another one!”

I knew I couldn’t feel angry at all if I saw his face. His eyes were certainly full of joy, like twinkle stars blinking right in front of you. Nobody could be angry with such a delightful face. NOBODY.

During a year of searching and observing, I thought that I could confirm that he was a robot. Yes, I didn’t drop that silly guess. Instead, it became more and more clear as time flew by. He didn’t have any friends except for his scientific buddies. He didn’t like to eat fruits and vegetables and loved to eat those made of oil and flour. He was a genius in computer but a disabled in daily life… How could he not be a robot? But the thought would not upset me anymore. That didn’t matter whether he was a robot or a human. I liked to stay and talk with him, and for the most important part, he was my only friend till then. It really worried me to talk with other people, so it made him mean even more.

Seven Years Before

It was a rainy day with clouds floating in the sky. I hated rainy days. They were so disappointing and made me feel really bad.

I was using my pencil to scratch the paper for abreaction. Then a hand was put on my shoulder and a cup of hot chocolate was offered.

“Hey, big guy. Why do you have such a bad mood now?”

It was Tony, of course.

I didn’t want to say, because I didn’t want to make the people around me feel bad. So, I decided to refuse his kindness. But when I was looking up, I saw his eyes, filled with care and worries. I could tell that they were saying: “Don’t be so sad. Don’t do that to yourself. Would you like to talk to me? I will always be supportive to you. I will always be on your side.”

Strangely, I opened my mouth and the things in my mind just slipped out like a stream. Tony sat beside me, and his eyes were gazing on me. “ …and I woke up in a rainy day, my parents had all gone. I yelled and yelled, but nobody answered. After that, a few days maybe, until now, I couldn’t remember my childhood clearly. I was like a man drowning in the sea— I didn’t know where to go, so I came here and did some painting for living.”

For the first time in my life, I opened the door of my heart to let somebody in. Tony was a good listener, he was just looking at me in a comforting way without a word, and when I finished, he hugged me and told me: “Everything will be fine, there are always hope in our life.”

The rain stopped, and a rainbow showed in the sky. The world became clear again, and my world was lit up.

Six Years Before

Tony and I were preparing for a holiday to relax. As he didn’t know anything about packing luggage— thinking back of what I saw for the first time he came— I did all the packing. When I went into his room for his clothes, I found that a computer was working and there was an email unread. With curiosity, I opened it up and saw the things that I would never want to know.

Dear Tony,

As for your reports so far, the company was sure that Steve-Robot No. 616 was a successful model of our further design. Also, as you mentioned before, he had already been so intelligent that he had created his own feelings, which was an unexcepted but good thing to know. Come to the office next month, and we will talk about this that time.

Company X

I felt that my body was so heavy that I couldn’t even manage to stand. I fell onto the ground with my hands shaking badly. I was a robot, how could that be? I hit myself with my own fist, wanting to wake up from this horrible dream. It was hurt and nothing changed. Then I finally realized that I couldn’t ever wake up. This was not a dream. I was part of a machine. I was not a human being. My face, my body, were all made up living in a system. I couldn’t stop the tears running down my cheek. The world became blank again.

“Steve? What’s wrong?” Tony ran inside and saw the email. His face looked pale.

“Is that real?” I asked, using up all the rest of my energy to ensure.

“Yes.” He approached to give me a hug, “I’m sorry, Steve.” His eyes were full of sadness.

I shook off his arms and rushed outside, but I didn’t know where to go. That was it. That was why I couldn’t remember my childhood. I didn’t even have one. I wanted to cry but I didn’t know what to cry for. I wasn’t supposed to have feelings, just like the other machines. I walked along the bank of the river, where Tony found me in the evening.

“Go home.” He said, his beautiful eyes were filled with tears, “Whatever you are, I am your friend, you know that, right? Come with me, trust me as you did before, I will help you. You are not just a robot, you have feelings, you are a miracle.”


It is already five years after that, and I am still alive, maybe it is more specific to say that I am still working. I have lived with Tony as usual for these years.

Yesterday, Tony told me that I would be shut down for a month to let hiMrenew my brain so that I could study some functions to help him with his work. As it will happen in this week, I think it is a good thing to Write my ten-year life down. I am afraid that I may forget them.

I believe in Tony heartily, and we always have faith in each other. We share our happiness and sadness, good moods and bad moods. That must be how friends are in my mind.

Hope that I could see him the minute I wake up again. I am sure I will miss him.

Do you still remember the title? Why is “the last”?

As far as I know, after that “surgery”, Tony never mentioned the name “Steve” again. And the model made after Steve was published by Company Xin a short time. It might just because that Steve had finished his job—which he was made for.

Did Steve wake up? I guess not.

Does Tony miss him? Maybe.

Is all worthy? No specific answer.

At last, I want to end this report with this.

Spielberg did some share through his AI:

It isn’t just a question of creating a robot that can love. Isn’t the real conundrum, can you get a human to love them back?(作者学校:北京市第十二中学)本文为2017年“北大培文杯”决赛参赛文





Immortal Company


As the very first beam of sunlight leaking by the curtain and sprink ling brilliance on Verna’s bed, she stretched a little bit and yawned. She walked to the front door: dad had been up since dawn, mow ing and shaping the lawn, until the rosettes and lilies seemed to shine. What Verna liked the most about their garden were those lovely lilies: big pink flowers, wide open, radiant, almost frightening alive on their stems.

“I’m leaving, Mom!” After breakfast she yelled.

“Sure! Be careful on the street!” answered Mrs. White.

The teacher had said before that their primary school would take them to the movie. So this day, without school assignments and pressure, Verna found everything lovely. The weather was perfect, windless, and warm. Only the blue was veiled with light gold, as it was sometimes in early summer. And how adorable were those orange trees! They had their broad, gleam ing leaves and clusters of yellow fruit lifted up to the sun, proud, solitary, show ing off in a kind of silent splendor. Toward her came Ashley, whom Verna had always been considering as her best friend forever. Ashley was in her black hat adorned with golden daisies, and a long red velvet ribbon was sw inging by her cheek.

“What an elegant girl I’m coming to!” Verna approved. She joined her hands with Ashley as they heading for the school.

The movie was quite scary, and they were all silent while walking out from the theatre.

“Cheer up, Verna, I mean… do you really believe it, that you will die if you count backward?”

“Shut up, Adam, that’s frightening!” Replied a timid girl.

“Ten, nine, eight, seven, six… have you died? Ha-ha-ha…”

Boys left them, laughing aloud. But Ashley suddenly clapped her hands to her ears.

“Don’t count!” She yelled.

“What happened, Ashley?” Asked Verna in a caring voice.

“Never mind.”

Hardly had Verna gotten home when she began to recall the plots in the movie. It was said that in a certain kind of occasion, one would die if he counted back from ten to one. She took a deep breath, stretched and let them out.

“Uh!” she sighed.

As she decided to let it go, the phone rang.

“It’s me, Ashley,” Ashley’s voice trembled, “I… I want to tell you something.”

“What’s wrong?”

“I mean… I heard it, just when they were counting backwards, from ten to one. It was a strange sound, a sound I’ve never heard before. Verna, will I die?” Verna wasn’t sure actually, but she said, “no dear, you won’t die. It’s just a story…”

She was about to continue when she heard Ashley, from the other end of the connection, counting.

“Ten, nine, eight, seven, six…” The phone was hung off.

“It’s unfortunate that our classmate, Ashely, is going to transfer to another school.” Said the teacher. Verna looked at Ashley’s empty chair. What happened to her? She counted backward last night. Verna was scared by her imagination, but she couldn’t help thinking of Ashley.

After school, Verna went to Ashley’s house, but no one answered the door. It was growing dusky, and a shadow, crab-like, moved across the window. She abruptly noticed that there was a long velvet ribbon at the front gate, the one used to be on Ashley’s hat.

What she didn’t see, though, was that down in the hollow, a man in black was staring at her.

When Verna came back home, she locked herself in her bedroom. The light in her room was feeble, which made her feel even creepier. “Ten.” she started.

“Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.” She counted. “Cluck!” She heard. “Ah!!” The house was filled with Verna’s screaming.

“What happened, darling?” Mom and dad knocked the door and entered her room. They saw her face, full of fear, with swollen eyes and lips.

“Mom, will I die?” She stammered.

Mom and dad looked at each other and laughed, as if hearing the most ridiculous joke being told.

“You won’t die, sweetie. You will live longer than both of us.” Mom said.

“Go and take a shower now. You probably need more sleep.” Dad said.

By the time Verna went to bed, she was still feeling uneasy.

“Knock knock!” Mr. and Mrs. White opened the door.

It was the man in black that entered the house. “Where’s your daughter?”

“She’s sleeping, upstairs in her room.” Replied Mr. White, in a quiet tone.

The black man went upstairs to Verna’s room. There, he took out his tool-bag, put on a pair of accurate glasses for repairing equipment, and started fixing. He first took off Verna’s face, as if taking off a mask. What’s behind the mask was astonishing: delicate small components, all connected to each other, lain orderly in Verna’s brain— or “computer” might be considered more suitable here. He carefully checked every part of Verna’s “computer” , caught quite a lot of mistakes, and fixed them all. By the time he finished, it was midnight already.

“It is just that many mistakes have accumulated in your daughter’s computer that the robot couldn’t stand, and I have already fixed them all. Her life-expectancy has been prolonged by me to 20 years, so as long as she doesn’t count backward, you don’t have to worry about her. Her mask was a little bit loose as well, so she might have heard a weird ‘cluck’ sound, but I have already fastened her mask. Oh, by the by, there was a robot broken just a few days ago in that house,” the black man pointed, “your daughter might be frightened, so I adjusted her memories to cheer her up.”

Mr. and Mrs. White appreciated him and paid him. As the black man left their house, they kissed good night and went back to their bedroom.

“I’m leaving!” yelled Verna, in a happy voice.

“Sure, be careful!” replied dad.

Verna was on her way to school, and she felt everything adorable. There were two spots of sun, one on the dew, the other on the top of lavender, playing chase. They were warm and cute, like silver little stars. Verna bent down, pinched a sprig of lavender, put her thumb and forefinger to her nose and snuffed up the smell. Boys on the playground were counting backwards: “four, three, two, one!”

“Goal!” It’s always hard for soccer boys to calm down.

Verna had a satisfied sm ile on her face: she smelt the scent of summer!

Back in Verna’s house.

Mr. and Mrs. White were having breakfast.

“It is good that Verna will be with us for another 20 years.” said Mr. White.

“Yeah, I don’t want a new one, actually.”

“Do you want to take a trip this summer vacation?” asked Mr. White.

“Do you want to take a trip this summer?”

“Take a trip this summer…”

“Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one.” Aflicker of light burst out from Mr. White’s ear. His eyes suddenly darkened, and his spoon slipped to the floor.

“That’s what I dislike about the old version!” sighed by Mrs. White.

She switched on the TV, where news was reported.

“As is commonly known, the birth rate of human has always been lower than 0% in the past 20 years. Fortunately, we have scientists constantly working on artificial intelligence, and the tenth generation of robot, which will be introduced today, is born!”

“Right! This generation of robot is totally personalized. You don’t need to worry that you don’t have your partner fund or your children accompanying you. You can buy a wife or husband, chap or lass, choose whichever you like!”

Mrs. White called the black man. She didn’t want a new husband. She wanted her “family” to reunion.

Mr. White (fixed), Verna (fixed) and Mrs. White (healthy) were sitting on the beach. Verna was drinking a cup of orange juice, with her dark, wet curl stamped on each cheek.

“It’s so good that we three can sit together again,” said Mrs. White, “I love reunion.”

“What do you mean by reunion?” asked Mr. White, “have we been apart?”

Mrs. White paused a little bit, thinking of this new family she bought 5 years ago. The invention of artificial intelligence was really a magical thing: she no longer had to argue with her boyfriend, for her





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