
发布时间:2020-06-07 01:30:35









Modules 1—5


1. 来自_______________

2. 姓氏_______________

3. 名字_______________

4. 一个很大的城市_______________

5. the capital of..._______________

6. 一个小家庭_______________

7. 在……旁边_______________

8. 在……前面_______________

9. a bus driver________

10. a hotel manager________

11. 在同一家医院_______________

12. 一张……的照片_______________

13. 许多_______________

14. on the teachers' desk________

15. 一张世界地图_______________

16. in the middle of________

17. 在两者之间_______________

18.on the left________

19. 在右边_______________

20. 谈论_______________

21. 购物_______________

22. be good for________

23. 对……有害_______________

24. 保持健康_______________

25. 变胖_______________

26. 在六点半_______________

27. 在上午_______________

28. 在下午_______________

29. 在晚上_______________

30. 擅长于_______________

31. 在周一_______________

32. 在周六下午_______________

33. on weekdays________

34. 去上学_______________

35. 吃早餐_______________

36. 上课_______________

37. start lessons________

38. 课间休息_______________

39. 在操场上_______________

40. 吃中餐_______________

41. 踢足球_______________

42. 回家_______________

43. 看电视_______________

44. 吃晚饭_______________

45. 做家庭作业_______________

46. 上床睡觉_______________


1. be动词的用法

be动词是英语中非常重要的一个动词。在一般现在时中,be的形式有am,is和are三种。am用于主语是第一人称单数(I)的句子中。is用于主语是第三人称单数(he,she, it或可以用he,she, it指代的名词)的句子中。are用于主语是复数或第二人称单数(you)的句子中。如:

I am in Class 5,Grade 7. 我在七年级五班。

The girl in red is my friend Lisa. 那个穿红衣服的女孩是我的朋友丽莎。

Are they from America? 他们来自美国吗?

请用am,is are完成下列句子:

① -How old________your sister?


② -________you a doctor?

-No. I________a manager of a hotel.

③ This________my friend and those_______my brothers.

④ Amy________ from Canada and she_______in No. 1 Middle School.

⑤ -________I late for class?

-Yes, you________.

2. -Where are you from? 你是哪里的/你来自哪里? -I'm from Beijing. 我来自北京。



-—李先生来自哪里? ——他来自上海。


3. —How old are you? 你几岁?

-I am 12 years old. 我12岁。

how old“几岁”,用于问他人年龄,回答的时候可以直接用数字,years old可以省略。

翻译:——Ann几岁了? ——她11岁。



4. Welcome to Class 4 Grade 7! 欢迎来到七年级四班!

在英语中,时间、地点的表达往往和汉语相反,把小的时间和地点放在前面,大的时间和地点放在后面。如:Beijing China中国北京;January 3rd,1995 1995年1月3日。




5. His name is Tom and he is from England.









6. -Are these your grandparents? 这(两位)是你爷爷奶奶吗? -Yes,they are. 是的。(1)this“这个”、that“那个”、these“这些”和those“那些”都是指示代词。these是this的复数,those是that的复数。this和these指代离说话者较近的人或物。that和 those指代离说话者较远的人或物。如:

That's my dad. 那是我爸爸。

Those are Paul's son and daughter. 那些是保罗的子女。(2)指示代词作主语的一般疑问句要用it 或they来回答,而不能用原来的指示代词。如:

-Is this your family? 这是你家人吗?

-Yes, it is. 是的。


①——那些是他的学生吗? ——是的。


②——这是你的橡皮吗? ——不是。


7. What's your classroom in England like? 你英国的教室是什么样子的?(1)be like“像什么样”,like在这里是介词,常常用来询问一个东西的外观或一个人的外貌。如:

①一What is your bedroom like? 你的卧室什么样子?

-It is small but clean. 它虽小却干净。

②—What is your brother like? 你哥哥长得怎么样?

-He is tall and strong. 他又高又壮。(2)be like还可以用来问一个人的性格。


-What is Mr. Bush like? 布什先生性格如何?

-He is shy and kind. 他很内向但很友好。(3)like还可以作动词,表示“喜欢”。如:

I like grapes, but I don't like bananas. 我喜欢葡萄,但我不喜欢香蕉。






8. There are thirty students in my class. 我班里有30个学生。(1)there be句型常常用来描述“什么地方有什么”,表示一个地方存在的事物。如:

There is a bird in that big tree. 在那棵大树上有一只鸟。

There are many white and red flowers in the garden. 花园里有很多红白相间的花。(2)there be句型里be动词的形式遵循“就近原则”,也就是由离be动词最近的那个名词来决定。如:

There is a ruler and three pencils in the pencil-case. 铅笔盒里有一把尺子和三支铅笔。

There are two girls and an old woman in the small room. 在这个小房间里有两个女孩子和一位老妇人。(3)there be句型的一般疑问句用there be回答。如:

-Is there a map on the wall? 墙上有地图吗? -Yes,there is. 有的。

-Are there any story books on the desk? 课桌上有故事书吗?-No,there aren't. 没有。






③——你卧室里有电脑吗? ——没有。


9. How many students are there in your class? 你班里有几个学生?(1)how many表示“多少”,用来问数量,后面跟可数名词的复数形式或集体名词。如:

How many people are there in your family? 你家里有几口人?

How many pandas are there in the zoo? 动物园里有几只熊猫?(2)How much也表示“多少”,后面跟不可数名词。如:

How much water is there in the glass? 杯子里有多少水?






10. We have got lots of apples. 我们有很多苹果。(1)have got表示“拥有”,第三人称单数是“has got”。对应的否定句是haven't got和 hasn't got。如:

We haven't got any oranges. 我们没有橘子。

Ann has got a new bike. 安有一辆新自行车。

Tony hasn't got any juice. 托尼没有果汁。





________________(2)have got句型的一般疑问句是把 have或has提到最前面来构成。如:

-Have you got an English-Chinese dictionary? 你有英汉词典吗?一Yes,I have. 有的。

-Has Tony got any new notebooks? Tony有新的笔记本吗?

-No, he hasn't. 没有。

翻译:——Mike有兄弟吗? ——有的。


11. How about some tea? 喝点茶好吗?

how about用来征求别人的意见或表示某种邀请,后面跟名词或动词的-ing形式。


How about going swimming with us? 和我们一起去游泳好吗?

翻译:——要来杯咖啡吗? ——好的。


12. We have art and history, but we don't have maths.


Do you have PE on Tuesday? 你们星期二有体育课吗?

We don't have English on Wednesday. 我们星期三不上英语课。







1. -What's your name?

-My name is Wang Lingling.

-Where are you from?

-I'm from Beijing. I'm Chinese.

-How old are you?

-I'm thirteen years old.

-Are you from America?

-No,I'm not.

Welcome to Class 4 Grade 7.

2. -Is this your family?

-Yes,it is.

-Are these your grandparents?

-Yes,they are.

-Who's this?

-This is my dad.

3. -What's your classroom like?

-It's really big.

-How many students are there in your class?

-There are forty.

-What's in your classroom? Is there a lot of furniture?

-Yes,there is.

4. -Have we got any chocolate?

-No,we haven't.

-How about some orange juice?

-Yes,good idea!

5. -What are our lessons on Monday? -We have Chinese at eight and science at five to nine.

-Do you like maths?

-Yes, I do. But it's difficult.

-Do we have maths?

-No,we don't.


I. 单项选择(每小题1分,共10分)(  )1. There is________apple in the basket.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /(  )2. The girl under the tree is my sister._______name is Emma.

A. She

B. Her

C. He

D. His(  )3. Thanks________your help.

A. of

B. at

C. with

D. for(  )4. Tom Smith is my friend. And Tom is his________name.

A. favourite

B. family

C. given

D. last(  )5. —What's on the floor?

-________a book.

A. It's

B. They're

C. There is

D. There are(  )6.______teachers are there in your school? -There are 150 teachers.

A. How many

B. How much

C. What colour

D. How old(  )7. We have PE_______Tuesday afternoon.

A. in

B. on

C. at

D. for(  )8. Don't read in bed. It________your eyes.

A. is good at

B. is difficult for

C. is good for

D. is bad for(  )9. I have got________milk, but I haven't got________apple juice.

A. some; some

B. any; any

C. some; any

D. any; some(  )10._______,where is the post office? -It's next to the bank.

A. Sorry

B. Excuse me

C. Hello

D. Please help me

Ⅱ. 词汇练习(每小题1分,共15分)


1. Beijing is the c    of China.

2. I am from a________(小的)city.

3. Tom's father and uncle are________(警察).

4. I like tomatoes, but I don't like ________(牛肉).

5.I am very________(累的)and want to go to bed early.

6. On Sundays Susan likes going s    for some food with her parents.

7. Please wash your _______(脸)before breakfast.

8. It is a b    day and I have got a lot of work to do.

9. There are________(五十)students in our class.

10. Lucy usually______up(起床)at six thirty.

11. We have lunch at________(半)past twelve.

12. Li Lei is always the________(第一)one to get to school.

13. Please____(喝)eight glasses of water every day.

14. How about_____(吃)some noodles for lunch?

15.I like autumn b    it is cool in autumn.

Ⅲ. 句型练习(每小题1分,共10分)


1. 这是玲玲,她的英文名字是Lily。

_____ _____Lingling and her English name is Lily.

2. 认识你们大家很高兴。

Nice to meet_____ ____.

3. Tony边上的那个男人是我爸爸。

The man____ _____Tony is my father.

4. 她和大明的妈妈在同一家医院。

She and Darning's mother are______ ______ _____hospital.

5. 在我们教室里有一张世界地图。

_____ ______a map of the world in our classroom.

6. 图书馆在操场的左边。

The library is _______ ________ _______ ________the playground.

7. 让我们去买点食物和饮料吧。

Let's_____ ______ ______ some food and drinks.

8. 太多的糖对你没有好处。

Too much sugar ______ _______ ______you.

9. 我喜欢历史,而且我的历史很好。

I like history and I______ ________ _______it.

10. 晚上我和家人一起看电视和吃晚饭。

In the evening I watch TV and______ _______with my family.

Ⅳ. 交际板块(每小题2分,共10分)


A: Mom,there is no fruit in the fridge.  1 

B: OK. What fruit would you like?

A.  2  Apples are healthy.

B: Yes. There is a saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away."  3 

A:  4  We haven't got any drink at home.

B. But Coke isn't healthy.  5 

A. Oh, no!I don't like milk. Please get some orange juice for me. I think juice is also healthy.

A. I'd like some apples.

B. What about some milk?

C. Some Coke.

D. Let's go shopping for some fruit.

E. What else would you like?

V. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)

Where is my classroom?  1  is the library? Who are my classmates?

In a new school, you have  2  friends. And you may have a lot of questions. If you want to make friends with your  3  in the new school, here are some tips(小贴士):

When you walk in the school, don't  4  the floor. Look at your classmates. If you see your classmates, give a smile or say  5  Tell them your name and where you are  6  Tell them what you like and  7  them what they like.  8  remember(记住)that smile helps you make friends.

Say  9  words to others. Say "I like your shoes." or "Your coat is beautiful.". Join a club or a  10  . Play together after class. These are good ways to make friends.

Just be friendly to others and they will be friendly to you. Then you will have many friends.(  )1.

A. Where

B. When

C. What

D. How(  )2.

A. some

B. many

C. lots of

D. no(  )3.

A. brothers

B. sisters

C. classmates

D. cousins(  )4.

A. look for

B. look after

C. look at

D. look up(  )5.

A. sorry

B. hello

C. thanks

D. wishes(  )6.

A. at

B. with

C. for

D. from(  )7.

A ask

B. give

C. show

D. listen(  )8.

A. Always

B. Often

C. Sometimes

D. Never(  )9.

A. careful

B. good

C. bad

D. interesting(  )10.

A. meeting

B. class

C. sport

D. lesson

Ⅵ. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)(A)

Jack is a young man. He is tall and thin. He is an American worker and works in a car factory. The factory is near his house, so he goes to work by bike. He gets up at six ten in the morning. Then he has breakfast and goes to work at eight.

Now it is seven. Jack is in the kitchen. He is sitting at the table and having breakfast. He likes having breakfast at home. There is a glass of milk and some bread on the table. He is drinking the milk and reading today's newspaper. But sometimes he drinks juice. It is Saturday today. He isn't going to work.(  )1. Who is Jack?

A. An old man.

B. A young worker.

C. An American student.

D. A young teacher.(  )2. Where does Jack work?

A. On a farm.

B. In a factory.

C. In a car.

D. In a big school.( )3. What time does Jack go to work?

A. At 6:10.

B. At 7:00.

C. At 7:30.

D. At 8:00.(  )4. What does Jack have for breakfast today?

A. Milk and cake.

B. Juice and bread.

C. Milk and bread.

D. Juice and cake.(  )5. In Chinese, "newspaper" means________.

A. 报纸

B. 杂志

C. 小说

D. 传记(B)

It is Sunday afternoon. Mary goes to do some shopping with her mother. Her mother wants to buy some food for supper. Mary wants to buy a new dress and some school things. They go to a shop.

"What does your shop sell?" "A lot of things," the girl in the shop says. "You can buy food? drinks, clothes in our shop and school things, too."

Mary and her mother walk in. There are many people in the shop. Mary looks at a nice green dress.

"How much is the dress?" Mary asks.

"Eighty yuan."

"Oh,it's too expensive."

"What about the yellow one? It is very nice. And it is only fifty yuan."

"OK,I like it. Thanks a lot."

Then Mary buys some school things, too. Her mother buys a lot of food? like cake? pears, beef and fish.(  )6. Mary goes shopping with her mother on________.

A. Saturday morning

B. Saturday afternoon

C. Sunday morning

D. Sunday afternoon(  )7. Mary wants to buy________.

A. some food and clothes

B. clothes and school things

C. some food and school things

D. drinks and clothes(  )8. The yellow dress is________.

A. nice but expensive

B. not nice but cheap

C. nice and cheap

D. expensive and not nice(  )9. Her mother buys some food for________.

A. supper

B. lunch

C. picnic

D. party(  )10. In Chinese, "sell" means______.

A. 买

B. 卖

C. 展示

D. 贮存

Ⅶ. 任务型阅读(每小题1分,共5分)

把下列句子和图片配对。(  )1. My uncle is a driver.(  )2. Li Lei likes listening to music.(  )(  )3. My favourite animal is dog.(  )(  )4. -How much is the dress? -57 yuan.(  )5. The Green family are having a picnic.

Ⅷ. 书面表达(20分)



My good friend is________________








美国中小学教育,属于地方分权,学制各州并不完全一致。美国教育体系分为幼儿园、小学(1~6年级,一般附设Kindergarten)、中学(7~12年级)、专科、大学及硕士以上。其中中学教育更有细分为Middle High School 陽8年级)、Junior High School(7~9年级)、 Senior High School(9~12年级,或 10~12年级)。

早期公立小学收相当于幼儿园大班到六年级学童,初中收7~9年级学生,高中收11~12年级学生。但近来,有越来越多州的学校,小学6年级学生移至初中,9年级则并到高中,有一些小学也延伸到8年级,成为九年一贯的学校。在美国,义务教育是1~12 年级。


一般而言,美国中小学年级的课程,分为下列四类:基础能力培养:阅读、算术、Psychomotor Skill、(启发潜能);一般的学习:健康、社会、科学、语文等;探索领域的学习:社会科学、自然科学、艺术、音乐、数学、打字等;特定领域的学习:大学预备、计算机、作图、商业、分科教育、园艺等。以上四领域,依照年级逐渐增加,幼儿园到低年级以基础能力之培养为主,中高年级开始一般的学习,初中进入探索领域的学习,高中进入特定领域的学习,每一阶段逐步衔接与转换。Modules 6—10


1. 各种_______________

2. such as________

3. 来自……_______________

4. 看……_______________

5. over there________

6. a little________

7. 并且,还_______________

8. 全世界_______________

9. 独自生活_______________

10. 把……和……连接_______________

11. 打开(电器)_______________

12. 点击_______________

13. write a name for..._______________

14. 和……分享_______________

15. 玩电脑游戏_______________

16. go on the Internet________

17. 制定旅行计划_______________

18. 买票_______________

19. 听音乐_______________

20. 看电影_______________

21. every Friday night________

22. 查找信息_______________

23. 查看邮件_______________

24. would like________

25. 在生日聚会上_______________

26. 做蛋糕_______________

27. 在教师节_______________

28. 去听音乐会_______________

29. get some exercise________

30. 去购物_______________

31. 看杂志_______________

32. 在周末_______________

33. 躺在阳光下_______________

34. 站成一排_______________

35. 拍照_______________

36. 等公交车_______________

37. be on a school trip________

38. right now________

39. 出售_______________

40. 下车_______________

41. 在不同的地方_______________

42. 下班_______________

43. 喝下午茶_______________

44. 在夜里_______________

45. 因……感谢某人_______________

46. 为……作准备_______________

47. 打扫房子_______________

48. 做饭_______________

49. make lanterns________

50. 在工作_______________

51. 把……收拾好_______________

52. 努力工作_______________

53. 扫地_______________

54. learn a dragon dance_______________

55. 赶快_______________

56. 扫除_______________

57. bad luck_______________

58. on the same day_______________

59. a few_______________

60. 一种_______________


1. The zoo has many kinds of animals, such as bears,zebras? giraffes and pandas.

such as "例如",表示列举,后面跟名词或名词短语。如:

He likes sports, such as football, basketball and swimming.



2.—Do lions eat meat? 狮子吃肉吗?

-Yes, they do. 是的。(1)在一般现在时中,如果是行为动词作谓语,并且主语是复数或第二人称单数(you),可以用助动词do来帮助构成疑问句或否定句,do的第三人称单数为does。 do或does后面跟动词原形。如:

-Does the panda eat meat? 熊猫吃肉吗? —No, it doesn't. 不吃。


①Children like going out with their friends.


② We have milk and bread for breakfast.


③The tiger lives in the forest.


④Anna keeps a dog.


the lion“狮子”;the bear/a bear“熊”;the young“年轻人”;the rich “富人”。

3. It eats leaves as well as grass.

as well as“和……一样”,连接两个名词或名词短语。as well“也”,放在句子末尾。如:

He likes swimming as well as jogging.

= He likes swimming and he likes jogging as well. 他喜欢游泳,也喜欢慢跑。

用as well as或as well完成下列句子:

① My sister enjoys reading____________writing stories.

② He has a piano lesson on Sundays. He has a basketball lesson________.

4. First, open a new document. 首先,打开一个文档。


First, open your books. 首先,请打开你们的书本。

请将下列句子用first, then, next, finally进行排序:

How to make a snowman?

① Put the small ball on the big one.

② Make two small balls, one for the head and one for the body.

③ Decorate(装饰)with some vegetables for its eyes, mouth and ears.

④ Roll(滚)the snowballs to make them bigger.

First, _______________

Then, _______________

Next, _______________


5. How do I save the document?(1)how在该句子中表示方式,是how的重要用法之一。如:

How can I get to the bus stop?


________________(2)how还可以和形容词或副词连用,用来表示程度。如:how many“多少”(跟可数名词),how much“多少”(跟不可数名词),how old“多大年纪”,how far“多远……”。



How cold it is! 多么冷的天气呀!

How beautiful the park is! 多么美的公园呀!

6. I listen to music or watch movies on it every Friday night.

every Friday night “每周五晚上”。 every+时间名词,表示“每,每个……”。如:

every Saturday “每周六”,every Sunday morning “每周日早上”。




7. -Would you like to come to my birthday party? 你愿意来参加我的生日聚会吗?

-Yes, I'd love to. 当然,非常乐意。

would like to do sth.“愿意做某事,乐意做某事”,经常用在表示邀请的句子中,最常见的回答是“Yes,I'd love to.”。如:

Would you like to go to the park with me? 你愿意和我一起去公园吗?

Would you like to come for dinner this Saturday? 你周六愿意过来吃饭吗?







8. I always like parties. 我一直都喜欢聚会。


He often goes to the library to borrow books. 他经常去图书馆借书。

Tigers never eat grass. 老虎从不吃草。








9. We sing it in Chinese and English.


What's this in English? 这个用英语怎么表达?



10. She spends a lot of money. 她花了很多钱。

spend “花费(时间,金钱)”。

spend time/money on/(in)doing sth. “花费时间做某事或在某样东西上花费时间、金钱”,主语一般是人。如:

Lisa spends $20 on her glasses. 丽莎买眼镜花了20美元。

My mother spends two hours sweeping the floor every day. 我妈妈每天花两个小时清洁地板。


①Lily花了 500元买这辆绿色的自行车。




11. Darning is having lunch and lying in the sun. 大明正躺在阳光下吃午餐。

这是一个现在进行时结构的句子。现在进行时表示在说话时某件事情正在发生或某个动作正在进行。现在进行时由be+doing 构成,它常常和now,at the moment等时间连用。如:

Lingling is taking lots of photos now. 玲玲正在狂拍照片。

Listen! Who is crying in the next room? 听!谁在隔壁房间哭?

动词-ing形式的构成规则如下:(1)在单词后面直接加-ing。如:wait-waiting; enjoy-enjoying。(2)以不发音的e结尾的单词,去掉不发音的e再加-ing。如:ride—riding。(3)以字母ie结尾的单词,改ie为y,再加-ing 。如:lie——lying 。(4)以一个元音字母加一个辅音字母且重读闭音节结尾的单词,双写最后一个辅音字母再加-ing。

如:run-running;swim-swimming 。







12. They are on sale at the shop. 它们(礼物和明信片)在商店里有售。

on sale“出售”。on sale另外还有一个意思指“降价出售”。如:

These shoes are on sale these days. 现在这些鞋子特价出售。

13. Anyway, it's time to go back to school now. 总之,现在到了回校的时间了。

It's time(for sb.)to do sth.“应该(某人)做……的时候了”。如:

It's time to take a break. 应该休息一会儿了。

It's time for children to go to bed. 孩子们该上床睡觉了。






14. She is working so hard. 她干得如此卖力。(1)work hard “努力工作,努力学习”。hard是副词,意思是“努力地”,修饰动词。如:

Betty studies/works hard. 贝蒂学习很努力。



It is too hard for me to run so fast. 跑这么快,对我而言太难了。




15. Can I join them? 我能加入他们吗?(1)join sb.“加入某人”。如:

We are going to play football. Would you like to join us?(2)join还指“加入某种组织或团体”。如:join the Music Club“加入音乐倶乐部”,join the Party “入党”;join the army“参军”。

辨析:take part in意思为“参加”,后面跟活动名称。如:

Fifty-six students take part in the painting competition. 有56位学生参加了该次绘画比赛。

请用join或take part in完成下列句子:

① They are playing football in the playground. Go and________them.

② I will________the discussion(讨论).

③ Every year many young people ________the army.


1. Welcome to Beijing.

That's very funny.

-Do pandas eat plants?


2. -Would you like to come to my birthday party?

-Yes,I'd love to.

-So what would you like for your birthday?

-It's a secret.





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