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Entrance English Test for PhD Programs (2004)

Part I Listening Comprehension (20%)(略)

Part II Vocabulary and Structure (20%)

Section A

Directions: There are 20 sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

21.The pollution problem as well as several other issues ______ to be discussed when the Congress is in session next spring.

A. are going

B. were going

C. was going

D. is going【答案】D【解析】句子主语是the pollution problem,谓语动词用单数。时间状语next spring表明本句应用一般将来时。

22.Consider the frequently heard charge ______ the increase in television violence is somehow responsible for the surge in crime.

A. which

B. that

C. what

D. whether【答案】B【解析】that引导的从句作the frequently heard charge的同位语。

23.That trumpet player was certainly loud. But I wasn’t bothered ______ much by his loudness ______ by his lack of talent.

A. that.., than

B. too.., as

C. so... as

D. too.., than【答案】C【解析】not so much…as不如…那样多。

24.______ we admire Shakespeare’s comedies, we cannot agree that they are superior to the tragedies.

A. As much

B. Much as

C. Though much

D. Much although【答案】B【解析】as引导状语从句时,将从句中用以修饰谓语的副词或者表语形容词提前,表示让步。much as we admire相当于although we admire much。

25.To my surprise, not a single stamp among those you gave me ______ the ones I already have.

A. duplicated

B. poked

C. flapped

D. bolstered【答案】A【解析】句意:令我惊讶的是你给我的那些邮票中没有一张与我现有的邮票雷同的。duplicate完全一样的,重复的。poke伸出,戳出。flap拍打,飘动。bolster支持。

26.To ensure the development and exploitation of a new technology, there must be a constant ______ of several other distinct activities.

A. exploration

B. comprehending

C. improvement

D. interaction【答案】C【解析】句意:为了保证新技术的开发,必须要持续改进其他几个不同的活动。improvement改善,改进。exploration探险,探测。comprehending领会,理解。interaction交互作用。

27.Some economists believe that the best way to get a ______ economy moving again is to cut taxes.

A. sensational

B. murky

C. sheer

D. sluggish【答案】D【解析】句意:经济学家认为使停滞的经济再次发展的最好方法是减少税收。sluggish行动迟缓的。sensational引起轰动的。murky黑暗的,阴沉的。sheer纯粹的,陡峭的。

28.It is impossible to say how it will take place, because it will happen ______, and it will not be a long process.

A. spontaneously

B. simultaneously

C. principally

D. approximately【答案】A【解析】句意:不可能解释出它是怎么发生的,因为它自然发生,而且过程不会很长。spontaneously自然地,自发地。simultaneously同时发生地。principally主要地。approximately近似地,大约。

29.Due to their considerably comfortable environment and manner of self-service, people feel more relaxed and ______ at such places.

A. relentless

B. casual

C. superficial

D. fraudulent【答案】B【解析】句意:由于它舒适的环境和自助式风格,人们在那个地方感觉很放松和随意。casual随随便便的,随意的。relentless残酷的,无怜悯心的。superficial表面的,肤浅的。fraudulent欺骗性的,诈取的。

30.He ______ that without the support from the city government the program will fail.

A. alleges

B. desolates

C. interrogates

D. repeals【答案】A【解析】句意:他声称,没有市政府的支持,该计划就会失败。allege宣称,声称。desolate使荒凉,荒无人烟。interrogate审问,询问。repeal废除,撤消。

31.Microsoft has counted on driving the market forward with products, ______ by the occasional Great Leap Forward.

A. hurled

B. punctuated

C. groped

D. gleaned【答案】B【解析】句意:微软期望用产品开拓市场是因为突如其来的大跃进阻碍了其发展。punctuate不时打断。hurl投掷,大声叫骂。grope摸索,探询。glean搜集(资料、史实等)。

32.As research has been showing, genes offer much more information than disease ______.

A. vulnerability

B. intelligibility

C. amiability

D. ingenuity【答案】A【解析】句意:研究表明,基因要比疾病的脆弱性更能提供信息。vulnerability弱点,脆弱。intelligibility可理解性。amiability友好,和蔼可亲。ingenuity心灵手巧。

33.The dial of the alarm clock is ______ so that it can be seen in the dark.

A. luminous

B. transparent

C. photoelectric

D. brilliant【答案】A【解析】句意:闹钟的针盘是夜光的,因此在黑暗中也能看见。luminous发光的,夜明的。transparent透明的。photoelectric光电的。brilliant光亮的,灿烂的。

34.When the circumstances changed, you should have revised your plan ______

A. almightily

B. accessibly

C. accordingly

D. consistently【答案】C【解析】句意:环境发生变化时,你也应该相应调整计划。accordingly相应地,按照。almightily强烈地,非常地。accessibly可接近地。consistently一贯地,始终如一地。

35.I can recommend him for this position because I have always found him ______ and reliable.

A. voracious

B. veracious

C. vindictive

D. valorous【答案】B【解析】句意:我推荐他担任此职位,因为他诚实可靠。veracious诚实的。voracious贪婪的,食量大的。vindictive报复性的。valorous勇敢的,英勇的。

36.Since man has orbited into space, it has become dramatically apparent that we are all ______ of a single planet.

A. custodians

B. vindicators

C. shudders

D. impeders【答案】A【解析】句意:自从人类实现宇宙轨道运行后,很明显我们都成了行星的管理人。custodian管理人,看守人。vindicator辩护人。shudder战栗,发抖。impede阻止,妨碍。

37.The concept of ______ grouping of people with similar interests and abilities was very popular among educators.

A. segregated

B. integrated

C. heterogeneous

D. homogeneous【答案】D【解析】句意:教育家普遍赞成均一分组,也就是将有同样兴趣和能力的人分在一块。homogeneous同类的,相似的。segregated被隔离。integrated完整的,综合的。heterogeneous不同种类的。

38.The government leader used to have a good name but it has been ______ since he made a false decision.

A. blown down

B. blown off

C. blown on

D. blown out【答案】C【解析】句意:这位政府领导人曾享有盛名,但自从他作了一个错误的决定后就名誉扫地了。blow out吹熄,熄灭。blow down吹倒,炸毁。blow off吹掉,放出。blow on使走味,搞臭。

39.The need to see that justice is done ______ every decision made in the courts.

A. implants into

B. imposes on

C. impinges upon

D. imprecates upon【答案】A【解析】句意:需要看到公正判决,这种认识已经灌输到法庭作出的每项决定中去了。implant into灌输,注入。impose on强加于。impinge upon冲击,撞击,侵犯,侵害。imprecate upon诅咒,咒骂。

40.If they think they are going to win over us by obstinately ______ and refusing to make the slightest concession, they are mistaken.

A. holding out

B. holding to

C. holding over

D. holding up【答案】A【解析】句意:如果他们以为通过倔强的坚持而拒绝作出丝毫妥协就能够赢得我们的支持,那他们就错了。hold out坚持,忍住。hold to sth坚持,信守。hold over推迟,延期。hold up推迟,耽搁。

Section B

Directions: There are 20 sentences in this section. Each of the sentences has an underlined part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best keeps the meaning of the underlined part. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

41.Another change is intended to give credit card holders more protection against identity fraud.

A. disbelief

B. fake

C. barrier

D. exception【答案】B【解析】fraud欺诈,欺骗行为。fake欺骗,骗子。disbelief怀疑。barrier障碍物。exception例外,除外。

42.It is paradoxical that in such a rich country there should be so many poor people.

A. sentient

B. contradictory

C. immoral

D. eccentric【答案】B【解析】paradoxical矛盾的。contradictory矛盾的,抵触的。sentient有感觉的,有知觉的。immoral不道德的,邪恶的。eccentric古怪的,异乎寻常的。

43.Most plants depend upon their roots to anchor themselves in the soil and to absorb water and inorganic chemicals.

A. secure

B. moisten

C. reproduce

D. prosecute【答案】A【解析】anchor稳固,固定。secure关紧,使牢固。moisten使潮湿。reproduce复制,生殖,繁殖。prosecute起诉,检控。

44.It is estimated that women, on average, pull down only 66 % of their male counterparts’ wages.

A. play down

B. cut down

C. earn

D. share【答案】C【解析】pull down领取。earn挣得,获得。play down降低,减少。cut down削减,删节。share分享,共有。

45.Don’t you think today’s meeting was an utter waste of time? They didn’t achieve any agreement.

A. complete

B. concrete

C. comparable

D. continual【答案】A【解析】utter完全的,全然的。complete完全的,十足的。concrete具体的,有形的。comparable可比较的,比得上的。continual连续的,持续不断的。

46.I need to see the foreign student adviser because my passport expires in a fortnight.

A. will be over

B. will be reversed

C. becomes invalid

D. becomes entreated【答案】C【解析】expire到期,终止。invalid无效,作废。reverse颠倒,反向。entreat恳求,乞求。

47.Like those of many contemporary novelists, the works of Joyce Carol are a grim assessment of present-day society.

A. weird

B. pessimistic

C. optimistic

D. gripping【答案】B【解析】grim不愉快的,沮丧的。pessimistic悲观的,厌世的。weird怪诞的,古怪的。optimistic乐观的。gripping引人入胜的。

48.In the northeastern United States, it rains intermittently throughout the spring.

A. abundantly

B. consistently

C. steadily

D. periodically【答案】D【解析】intermittently间歇地,断断续续地。periodically周期地,定时地。abundantly丰富地,充裕地。consistently一贯地,始终如一地。steadily稳定地。

49.Little donkeys with harmoniously tinkling bells thread their way among the throngs of people entering and leaving the bazaar.

A. tunefully

B. rashly

C. magnificently

D. frankly【答案】A【解析】harmoniously和谐地,调和地。tunefully和谐地,曲调优美的。rashly轻率地。magnificently壮丽地,华丽地。frankly坦白地,真诚地。

50.It is believed that these steroids could be used to treat disorders such as acute anxiety and premenstrual syndrome.

A. diagnose

B. anomy

C. symptom

D. capacitance【答案】C【解析】syndrome综合病症。symptom症状,征候。diagnose诊断(疾病),动词。anomy社会的反常状态,混乱。capacitance容量,电容。

51.He was always intrigued with the international affairs and in particular France’s role in the world.

A. agitated

B. cowered

C. enraged

D. captivated【答案】D【解析】intrigue激起极大兴趣,迷住。captivate吸引,迷住。agitate使焦虑,鼓动,煽动。cower萎缩,退缩。enrage激怒。

52.Whatever, when the results come in, something is obviously screwed up, and then the action can begin.

A. spoiled

B. flung off

C. looked away

D. called for【答案】A【解析】screw up弄糟,把…搞糟。spoil损坏,破坏。fling off发出,使摔倒。look away转过脸。call for号召,召唤。

53.Scientists need to work out ways of visualizing the reams of numbers produced in a three-dimensional experimental space.

A. framing a mental picture

B. forming a mental picture

C. recognizing a mental picture

D. delivering a mental picture【答案】B【解析】visualize在脑中使形象化,设想。form形成。frame表达,讲出。recognize辨认。deliver传递,递送。

54.Quite a few newcomers were dependent on their parents who escorted them when they came and registered in the university.

A. accompanied

B. examined

C. protected

D. ushered【答案】A【解析】escort护送,伴随。accompany陪伴,伴随。examine检查。protect保护。usher迎接,接入。

55.If you do not yield, I am afraid the enemy will despoil the buildings.

A. detect

B. desecrate

C. plunder

D. deploy【答案】C【解析】despoil抢劫,掠夺。plunder抢劫。detect侦察,探测。desecrate亵渎,侮辱。deploy展开,配置。

56.Although his purpose was to edify and not to entertain his audience, many of his listeners were amused and not enlightened.

A. dissipate

B. instruct

C. validate

D. upbraid【答案】B【解析】edify开导,启发。instruct教导,指导。dissipate驱散,消散。validate使合法化,使生效。upbraid责备。

57.When the two colleges to which he had applied accepted him, he was in a quandary as to which one he should attend.

A. facility

B. dilemma

C. exhaustion

D. contradiction【答案】B【解析】quandary进退两难,窘境。dilemma左右为难,困境。facility设备,工具。exhaustion用完,耗尽。contradiction矛盾的说法,抵触。

58.Others contend that fiddling with nature’s clock is a perversion of reproductive medicine and perpetuates sexist views of women as baby-making machines.

A. indulging

B. yearning

C. playing

D. cylindering【答案】C【解析】fiddle乱动,乱拨弄。play玩耍。yearn向往,盼望。cylinder圆柱,柱体。indulge纵容,迁就。

59.Serious looking men spoke to another as if they were oblivious of the crowds about them.

A. unaware

B. ingenious

C. cogent

D. abortive【答案】A【解析】oblivious没有觉察到的,不在意的。unaware没有觉察到的。ingenious灵巧的,巧妙的。cogent有说服力的,令人信服的。abortive夭折的,中断的。

60.It is wise not to procrastinate; otherwise, we find ourselves bogged down in a mass of work which should have been finished long ago.

A. postpone

B. profane

C. decline

D. bolster【答案】A【解析】procrastinate延迟,耽搁。postpone推迟,延迟。profane亵渎。decline下降,衰落。bolster支持。

Part III Reading Comprehension (40%)

Passage I

Petroleum products, such as gasoline, kerosene, home heating oil, residual fuel oils, and lubricating oils, come from one source—crude oil found below the earth’s surface, as well as under large bodies of water, from a few hundred feet below the surface to as deep as 25,000 feet into the earth’s interior. Sometimes crude oil is secured by drilling a hole through the earth, but more dry holes are drilled than those producing oil. Pressure at the source or pumping forces crude oil to the surface.

Crude oil wells flow at varying rates, from ten to thousands of barrels per hour. Petroleum products are always measured in 42-gallon barrels.

Petroleum products vary greatly in physical appearance: thin, thick, transparent or opaque, but regardless of this, their chemical composition is made up of only two elements: carbon and hydrogen, which form compounds called hydrocarbons. Other chemical elements found in union with the hydrocarbons are few and are classified as impurities. Trace elements are also found, but these are of such minute quantities that they are disregarded. The combination of carbon and hydrogen forms many thousands of compounds which are possible because of the various positions and joining of these two atoms in the hydrocarbon molecule.

The various petroleum products are refined from the crude oil by heating and condensing the vapors. These products are the so-called light oils, such as gasoline, kerosene, and distillate oil. The residue remaining after the light oils are distilled is known as heavy or residual fuel oil and is used mostly for burning under boilers. Additional complicated refining processes rearrange the chemical structure of the hydrocarbons to produce other products, some of which are used to upgrade and increase the octane rating of various types of gasoline.

61.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Crude oil is found below land water.

B. Crude oil is always found a few hundred feet below the surface of the earth.

C. Pumping and pressure force crude oil to the surface.

D. A variety of petroleum products is obtained from crude oil.

62.Many thousands of hydrocarbon compounds are possible because ______.

A. the petroleum products vary greatly in physical appearance

B. complicated refining processes rearrange the chemical structure

C. the two atoms in the molecule assume many positions

D. the pressure needed to force it to the surface causes molecular transformation

63.Which of the following is true?

A. The various petroleum products are produced by filtration.

B. Heating and condensation produce the various products.

C. Chemical separation is used to produce the various products.

D. Mechanical means such as the centrifuge are used to produce the various products.

64.How is crude oil brought to the surface?

A. Expansion of the hydrocarbons.

B. Pressure and pumping.

C. Vacuum created in the drilling pipe.

D. Expansion and contraction of the earth’s surface.【答案与解析】

61.B  文中第一段说from a few hundred feet below the surface to as deep as 25,000 feet into the earth’s interior指的是在表面以下几百英尺到地球内部25,000英尺的地方,但并不是说在表面以下几百英尺的地方就能找到。

62.C  文章第三段解释了碳和氢结合能形成数千种化合物的原因是the various positions and joinings of these two atoms in the hydrocarbon molecule,选项C符合文意。

63.B  从第四段The various petroleum products are refined from the crude oil by heating and condensing the vapors.可知答案为B选项。

64.B  文章第一段Pressure at the source or pumping forces crude oil to the surface表明把原油带到表面的方法是Pressure or pumping。

Passage II

When the human genome was sequenced last year, scientists finally gained access to the full text of God’s reference manual: the 3 billion biochemical “letters” that spell out our tens of thousands of genes. These genes, strung out along the 46 chromosomes in virtually every human cell, carry the instructions for making all the tissues, organs, hormones and enzymes in our body.

Once scientists have decoded these instructions-a process already well under way—they should have a better understanding of precisely what happens, down to the molecules within individual cells, when the body malfunctions. And, says Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health’ s Human Genome Research Institute, “If you understand the genetic basis of a disease, then you can predict what protein it produces and set about developing a drug to block it.”

Here in Cambridge, a new industry is quietly taking shape that proposes to do that on a grand scale, as companies with names like Biogen, Genzyme, Genetics Institute and Millennium Pharmaceuticals prepare to change forever the way doctors fight disease. Spurred by the prospect of scientific glory and enormous profit, big pharmaceutical firms and university and government labs have been joined by scores of new companies, not just in Cambridge but in other high-tech hot spots around the United States.

The result could be a medical revolution. Until now, doctors haven’t actually been fighting illnesses like cancer, stroke and heart disease. Instead they’ve done it largely by trial and error—finding new medicines in exotic plant extracts, for example, or looking for chemical compounds that resemble existing drugs. The process is so inefficient that the drugs currently available target about only 500 different proteins in the body, out of the 30,000 or so we’ve made of.

Even when they have the drugs in hand, doctors have to guess which ones might work for a given patient. To treat high blood pressure, for example, physicians must choose from six different classes of medications with the patient working through several of them before finding a medicine that works.

But in the new era of genomic medicine, this inefficient approach should give way to something much more rational and systematic. Doctors will treat diseases like cancer and diabetes before the symptoms even begin. Using medications that boost or counteract the effects of individual proteins with exquisite precision, attacking sick cells while leaving healthy cells alone, they will know right from the start how to select the best medicine to suit each patient.

65.Scientists have been trying to decode the instructions carried in genes in order to ______.

A. gain access to the full text of God’s reference manual

B. make all the tissues, organs, hormones and enzymes in the body

C. have a better understanding of the genetic basis of a disease

D. intervene certain illnesses at the level of symptoms

66.The companies cooperate with big pharmaceutical firms and university and government labs because they wanted to ______.

A. change the way doctors fight disease.

B. make scientific breakthroughs and big money.

C. find a new cure for the deadliest disease.

D. find the way scientists discover new medicines.

67.Which of the following is NOT the advantage of genomic medicine?

A. Doctors know how to choose the best medicine to suit each person.

B. Doctors can look for chemical compounds in exotic plant extracts.

C. Some diseases will be treated even before the symptoms begin.

D. Patients’ healthy cells will not be attacked while undergoing treatment.

68.What does “this inefficient approach” in the last paragraph most likely refer to?

A. Doctors have often found new medicines by seeking compounds similar to ones they already know.

B. Doctors have been trying limit trials to those people most likely to respond to a given drug.

C. Doctors choose from several classes of medications with the patients trying all of them to find the effective ones.

D. Doctors try to find new medicines in exotic plants or seek for chemical compounds that resemble existing drugs.【答案与解析】

65.C  第二段解释了如果了解了基因所承载的东西,they should have a better understanding of precisely what happens,后文又指出如果了解了疾病的基因根源,那就可以用相应药物直接治疗。

66.B  从文中第三段Spurred by the prospect of scientific glory and enormous profit…joined by scores of new companies可以判断公司加入研究的动机是取得科学突破和牟取利润。

67.B  最后一段讲述了genomic medicine的优点:treat diseases before the symptoms even begin,attacking sick cells while leaving healthy cells alone和they will know how to select the best medicine to suit each patient.,选项B是传统医学的方式。

68.C  第五段作者说对于一种疾病有不同治疗方法,医生不得不使the patient working through several of them before finding a medicine that works,可以判断下文说的低效率的过程指的是选项C所说的内容。

Passage III

Marine biologists, studying the death of coral reefs in the Indian Ocean—stretching from South Africa to India, plus all those islands—have provided dramatic evidence of global warming. In the past, news of this kind have tended to be kept secret for fear of scaring away the tourists who pay to dive, swim and snorkel among the corals. But a study published this week, “Coral Reef Degradation in the Indian Ocean”, concludes that 50%-95% of the ocean’s coral reefs have died in the past two years.

“A large part of the most diverse ecosystem on the planet has simply tipped over,” says Olof Linden, the report’s Swedish co-editor. Coral reefs are an essential element in the food chain for coastal people, providing nurseries for fish and shallow hunting-grounds for fishing boats. In Kenya, Tanzania, the Seychelles, Sri Lanka and elsewhere, the death of the reefs has already had an economic impact. In the Maldives, reports CORDIO, it cost the economy $ 63m in 1998~99.

Tourists, who come searching for brightly colored reefs, turn away in dismay from piles of unsightly gray rubble: The coral turns white when it expels the minute organisms that live within its hard limestone 0core. These cannot tolerate a rise in sea temperature of over 1~2C for more than a few weeks. In 1998, the temperature around the 0Seychelles was 3C above seasonal norms for several weeks. Sometimes, bleached coral recovers but, in the past year, large sections of coastal reefs in the ocean have broken down and collapsed. Damage is reported widely, including off the East African coast and the Chagos archipelago.

The CORDIO study, which is supported by the World Bank, the World Wide Fund for Nature and Scandinavian governments, comes out at the same time as the world’s largest gathering of coral experts, more than 1,000 of them, meet in Bali for a symposium. One of the issues being discussed is the impact of reef destruction on coastal erosion. Some people living in western pacific islands are threatened by rising seas, a threat which will be exacerbated by reef decline. So far, corals in the Pacific have not been as severely affected as in the Indian Ocean. But this could be a matter of only of time.

69.Which of the following statement cannot be inferred from the passage?

A. There are more than 1,000 coral experts attending the symposium in Bali.

B. There are at least two associations supporting the CORDIO study.

C. There is more than one issue being discussed at the symposium in Bali.

D. There are at least two editors reporting the CORDIO study.

70.The “death of coral reefs in the Indian Ocean” is kept as a





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