
发布时间:2020-06-07 12:38:58


作者:Arthur H. Milch,Denise McCormack,E2K






®A. Information on the TOEFL iBT®

The Format of the TOEFL iBTB. Information on the Writing Section®

The Writing section of the TOEFL iBT measures test takers' ability to use writing to communicate in an academic environment. This section has two writing tasks. For the first writing task, you will read a passage and listen to a lecture and then answer a question based on what you have read and heard. For the second writing task, you will answer a question based on your own knowledge and experience.

1. Types of Writing Tasks

(1) Integrated Writing Task

● Read – You will read a short text of about 230~300 words on an academic topic for 3 minutes. You may take notes on the reading passage.

● Listen – After reading the text, you will listen to a lecture discussing the same topic from a different perspective for about 2 minutes. You may take notes on the lecture.

● Write – You will have 20 minutes to write a 150- to 225-word summary in response to the following kinds of questions:Casting Doubt

_ Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they cast doubt on specific points made in the reading passage.

_ Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they challenge specific claims/arguments made in the reading passage.

cf. This question type accounts for almost all the questions that ®have been asked on the TOEFL iBT so far.Problem–Solution

_ Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to specifically explain how they answer the problems raised in the reading passage.

(2) Integrated Writing Task

You will have 30 minutes to write an essay of at least 300 words in response to the following kinds of questions:Agree / Disagree

_ Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? [A sentence or sentences that present an issue] Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

cf. This question type accounts for almost all the essay topics that ®have been asked on the TOEFL iBT so far.Preference

_ Some people say X. Others believe Y. Which opinion do you agree with? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

_ Some people do X. Others people do Y. Which do you think is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

2. Writing Scoring Rubrics

(1) Integrated Task (Question 1)

Your response to the Integrated Task will be scored according to these criteria:

(2) Independent Task (Question 2)

Your essay for the Independent Task will be scored according to these criteria:

How to Use This Book


How to Master Skills for the TOEFL iBT Writing Intermediate is ®designed to be used either as a textbook for a TOEFL iBT writing preparation course or as a tool for individual learners who are ®preparing for the TOEFL test on their own. With a total of 16 units, this book is organized to prepare you for the test by providing you with a comprehensive understanding of the test and thorough practice of essential skills and question types to address the writing tasks on the ®TOEFL iBT. Each unit provides a step-by-step program that can enhance your writing ability as well as familiarize you with the question ®types asked on the TOEFL iBT. At the back of the book are a list of essential essay topics and two actual tests of the Writing section of the ®TOEFL iBT.1 Essential Grammar, Collocations, or Patterns & Expressions

This part presents essential grammar or lexical items you need to ®know in order to respond effectively to the writing tasks on the TOEFL iBT. Essential grammar for writing is dealt with in units 1 to 5; essential ®TOEFL collocations in units 6 to 12; and essential patterns and expressions in units 13 to 16.2 Check-Up

The purpose of this section is to ensure that you understand essential grammar points, collocations, or patterns and expressions presented at the beginning of each unit. You will be given a chance to confirm your understanding before starting on the further exercises.3 Writing Practice

This section allows you to practice writing various English sentences while using the grammar points, collocations, and patterns and expressions you have learned. In this practice section are sentence completion, sentence formation, and translation exercises.4 Writing Challengeg

Exercises in this section encourage you to make full sentences on your own, to provide some sentences to complete the given contexts, and to state your own theses with some reasons in response to the given prompts. These writing exercises will help you express your ideas in English fluently and accurately.5 Essential iBT Writing Skills

This component appears at the beginnings of units 17 to 19. It ®introduces each of several helpful writing skills for the TOEFL iBT by showing how to brainstorm, outline, take notes, paraphrase, and summarize step by step. This presentation will help you understand each skill in a simple, clear way.6 Practice with Essential iBT Skillss

This section will help you to practice brainstorming, outlining, note taking, paraphrasing, and summarizing—all skills that were introduced in the former section. You will experience enough exercises to practice those skills in response to the essay prompts and passages, which are ®very similar to those on the real TOEFL iBT.7 Actual Tests

This part offers two full practice tests that are modeled on the ®Writing section of the TOEFL iBT. These tests will familiarize you with ®the actual test format of the TOEFL iBT.PART 1Integrated WritingGrammar is what gives sense to language. It is used to increase the range of language choices when you write. Understanding and having knowledge of the uses of grammar will help you write more effectively. In this part, you will study basic grammar points and practice a lot of sentence writing skills to make well-formed English sentences. These drills are the very first step to writing your own essays.● Unit 1 Basic Sentence Structure / Gerunds / Infinitives

句子的基本结构 / 动名词 / 不定式● Unit 2 Participles / Voice

分词 / 语态● Unit 3 Parallelism / Comparison

平行结构 / 比较● Unit 4 Noun Clauses / Adjective Clauses

名词从句 / 定语从句● Unit 5 Adverb Clauses / Conditionals

状语从句 / 条件从句Unit 1Basic Sentence Structure / Gerunds / Infinitives句子的基本结构 / 动名词 / 不定式A Basic Sentence Structure Sentence1


1 Jeremy(S) wants(V) to major in chemistry in college. (完整的意思)

2 Chemistry(S) is(V) his favorite subject. (完整的意思)

* 不完整的句子 Fragment 指的是没有主语或动词,或者不能表达完整意思的词的集合。

1 Wants to major in chemistry. (没有主语)

2 Jeremy to major in chemistry. (没有动词)

3 Because Jeremy likes chemistry. (不能表达完整的意思)

→ Because Jeremy likes chemistry, he wants to major in that subject. (句子) Sentence Patterns2

1) Pattern 1:主语+动词

1 My grandparents(S) live(V) in a small town.

2 This meeting(S) will last(V) for at least three hours.

2) Pattern 2:主语+动词+补语

1 Parents(S) are(V) the best teachers(C) for their children.

2 Computers(S) have become(V) very useful tools(C) in modern life.

3) Pattern 3:主语+动词+宾语

1 Students(S) should follow(V) school rules(O).

2 Some people(S) prefer(V) to get up(O) early in the morning.

4) Pattern 4:主语+动词+间接宾语+直接宾语

1 Some schools(S) give(V) their students(I.O.) a long summer vacation(D.O.).

2 We(S) should ask(V) ourselves(I.O.) what the most important thing in our lives is(D.O.).

5) Pattern 5:主语+动词+宾语+补语

1 Good friends(S) make(V) school life(O) happy(C).

2 Watching fun movies(S) allows(V) me(O) to take a break from my busy routine(C).B Gerunds As a Subject1

1 Taking a walk is very good exercise.

2 Taking a walk is very good exercise. As a Complement2

1 One of my favorite activities is surfing the Internet.

2 Teamwork is communicating with others. As an Object3

1 I enjoy watching movies in my spare time.

2 My brother is proud of having many good friends.C Infi nitives Like a Noun1

1 To read books in English is very important for improving your vocabulary. (主语)

→ It is very important to read books in English to improve your vocabulary. (形式主语—真正的主语)

2 The main purpose of traveling is to experience new things. (补语)

3 People often like to criticize others’ behavior. (宾语) Like an Adjective2

1 People’s behavior has much to do with what clothes they wear.

2 I always need a book to read on the subway. Like an Adverb3

1 In order to earn more money in the future, people try to get accepted to good schools.

2 No one is intelligent enough to make good decisions without others’ advice.Check−UpA Mark the subject, verb, object, and complement in each sentence as shown in the example.Scientific technologies(S) have made(V) our lives(O) convenient(C).

1 Laughter improves health by lowering stress hormones.

2 Friends are one of the most important influences on young adults.

3 Our city should build a new library for our children.

4 I found it helpful to listen to others’ advice when making an important decision.

5 Every morning, I exercise.

6 A happy life requires an optimistic attitude.

7 Some people change their jobs very frequently.

8 I was a child when I lived in a different country.

9 Inexperienced workers earn less money than experienced ones.

10 I could almost not breathe because of the stuffy atmosphere.

11 Many immigrants have a hard time adjusting to a new culture.

12 Our community offers students various after-school activities.

13 Modern apartment buildings are too expensive in my town.

14 Universities give students many opportunities to learn a variety of subjects.B Correct the errors in the following sentences. Some sentences have no errors.

1 People should ask the advice of others before move to other cities.


2 It is important for students to studying history and literature.


3 Some people prefer working for a large company to work for a small company.


4 People have different ways spending their time.


5 Children love to watch television, but they dislike to watch informative programs.


6 Working for others means that you should follow their rules.


7 In order to live a healthy life, you need exercising regularly.


8 Experts recommend to take some time to laugh when you get stressed out.


9 Traveling gives us the opportunity of meeting new people.


10 Learning how to spend money is as important as to learn how to save it.


11 The government should spend more money to improve public transportation.


12People work because needing money to live.

人们工作是因为需要钱生活。Writing PracticeA Translate the following into English by putting the given words and phrases in the right order.

1 孩子们最初从家里学习社会技能。

(from their family / children / social skills / learning / start)


2 二手经验与一手经验同样重要。

(firsthand experience / as / secondhand experience / is / important / as)


3 环游世界需要大量的时间和金钱。

(a lot of / traveling / time and money / around the world / requires)


4 我们所有人都要对空气污染负责任。

(are / all of us / responsible / air pollution / for)


5 传记比小说更能激发我的兴趣。

(a novel / my interest / than / stimulates / more / a biography)


6 人们穿制服时往往表现得不同。

(people / wear uniforms / tend / when / to behave / they / differently)


7 现在,学生经常在课堂上给朋友发短信。

(their friends / nowadays / send / during their classes / frequently / text messages / students)


8 电视使我们的积极性降低,对我们的行为有消极影响。

(television / by making / has / on our behavior / less active / a negative influence / us)


9 目前的学校课程应该调整,以满足学生的各种需要。

(various needs / should change / school curriculum / to meet / the current / the students’)


10 彻底审查所有资料后,方能作出公正的判决。

(all the information / a thorough examination / can be made / after / of / an impartial judgment)

___________________________________________B Using the given words or phrases, translate the following into English.

1 人们认为金钱使人快乐。 (make happy)


2 写日记是一个好习惯。 (keep a diary)


3 我想住在宿舍,和学校的朋友们共度时光。 (live in a dormitory)


4 没有人喜欢为别人善后。 (clean up after)


5 有些人过于自大而听不进别人的话。 (too ~ to-V)


6 宇宙中有很多可以探索的东西。 (explore)


7 我们首先要考虑的是,花尽可能多的时间与家人在一起。 (spend time)


8 对名人来说,拥有隐私并不容易。 (have privacy)


9 体罚孩子无益于教育。 (punish ~ physically)


10 有些国家研制核武器来保护自己。 (defend oneself)


11 我需要几个可以信任的朋友。 (trust)


12 正确穿着韩国传统服装很难。 (Korean traditional clothes)

___________________________________________Writing ChallengeA Translate the following into English.

1 领导者应善于清晰、坦率地传达信息。


2 我从父母那里得到了最有价值的教训。


3 现代人到哪儿都带着手机。


4 热带雨林为我们提供了大量氧气。


5 学外语时,好好利用字典是很重要的。


6 大学要求学生保持好成绩。


7 现代技术使我们与住在其他国家的人能够面对面交流。


8 大自然教给我们在学校无法学到的知识。


9 要成为一名好市民,就应遵纪守法。


10 骑自行车既有益健康,又令人兴奋。


11 我想游览欧洲的所有国家。


12 比起与他人分享,内向的人更喜欢独自思考。

___________________________________________B Complete the following paragraphs in English.

1 考虑到安全因素,与其住在大城市,我宁愿在小城镇生活。在大城市里,人们既不了解住在隔壁的人,也不关心邻居的安全。

___________________________________________In a big city, people neither know who lives next door to them, nor are they concerned about their neighbors’ safety.

2 有些人更喜欢假期待在家里而不外出。因为他们可以在家看电影,度过舒适的时光,而不必外出花钱。

___________________________________________That is because they can have a more comfortable time watching movies at home than by spending money outside.

3 我们可以通过听老人讲故事了解生活。他们阅历丰富,很乐意把所学的教给我们。

___________________________________________They have gone through a lot of things, and they are ready to teach us what they have learned.

4 友谊的建立非一日之功。为了建立良好的友谊,你必须对朋友真诚,不应该批评他们。

Friendship is not built in one day.___________________________________________

5 家长不应该让孩子看电视。因为孩子缺乏明确的道德标准,他们可能会尽力模仿电视中的暴力行为。

Parents should not allow their children to watch television.___________________________________________

6 读书并非总有益于心理健康。例如,只读漫画书可能会对心理健康有害。因此,家长应该建议他们的孩子读好书,如传记、短篇小说或诗歌选集。

___________________________________________For example, if you read nothing but comic books, it may be harmful to your mental health. Therefore, parents should advise their children to read good books, such as biographies, short stories, or poetry books.Unit 2Participles / Voice分词 / 语态A Participles Present Participles1

1) 构成进行时

1 The world is trying to stop global warming.

2 Violence on television is increasing juvenile delinquency.

2) 作形容词时表主动含义

1 We should protect every living creature.

2 Not all television programs are interesting. Past Participles2

1) 构成完成时

1 We have experienced a great deal of stress in our daily lives.

2 Before the airplane was invented, people had thought that only birds could fl y.

2) 作形容词时表被动含义

1 Highly educated people may get better jobs than others.

2 Some parents are never satisfied with their children’s grades.

3 Participle Clauses

1) 种类


1 Traveling in other countries, you should follow their customs. (= When you travel…)

2 Being easily affected by the media, children should not watch television without their parents. (= Because they are…)

3 Studying with a group, you will get distracted easily. (= If you study…)

4 Hating electronic waves, I spend a lot of time in front of my computer. (= Though I hate…)

5 Wearing her glasses, my grandmother was reading a book. (= With her glasses on…)

2) 要注意的用法

1 Getting hotter, people plan outdoor activities. (X)

→ With the weather getting hotter, people plan outdoor activities. (= As the weather gets…)

2 Exploring outer space, we should solve the environmental problems on Earth. (X)

→Before exploring outer space, we should solve the environmental problems on Earth. (=Before we explore…)

3) 作为惯用语使用的分词短语

1 Generally speaking, people with good eating habits do not frequently get sick.

2 Judging from my experience, some movies are not worth watching.

3 Compared with nonfi ction, fi ction is more fun to read.B Voice The Active and Passive Voice1

1 Deforestation accelerates global warming.

→ Global warming is accelerated by deforestation.

2 Teachers should teach their students to follow the school rules.

→ Students should be taught to follow the school rules by their teachers.

3 Students should submit their homework on time.

→ Homework should be submitted on time (by students).

2 When to Use the Passive Voice

1) 与施动者相比行为或者对象更重要的时候

1 Our environment should be protected(by us).

2 Children should be taught (by their parents) to take responsibility for their actions.

2) 施动者不确定或者有意隐瞒的时候

1 Nobody is allowed (by hospital authorities) to use a mobile phone in the hospital.

2 Many soldiers were killed in the war (by other soldiers).

3) 进行客观叙述的时候

1 It was found in some research that children tend to imitate the parent who is the same sex.

2 The sample was collected from the water, and the number of germs was counted.Check−UpA Fill in each blank with the correct form of the given verb.

1 I found documentaries______________________ . (bore)


2 There is a heavy rain______________________in the countryside. (fall)


3 Some students______________________to participate in extracurricular activities. (require)


4 People______________________others’ secrets are trustworthy. (keep)


5 South Korea______________________rapidly since the Korean War. (develop)


6 Parents are now______________________that there is too much violence on television. (complain)


7 We should have______________________the food shortage. (prevent)


8 Adolescents______________________on television are often rebellious. (show)


9 The greenhouse effect will______________________many countries in danger. (put)


10 Plastic bottles should______________________. (recycle)


11 Every person______________________a knack for something. (have)


12 Ten years ago, public transportation______________________more frequently than nowadays. (use)

十年前,公共交通工具比现在使用得更频繁。B Correct the errors in the following sentences. Some sentences have no errors.

1 Usually, people live in rural areas are friendly.


2 The polluting air may cause lung cancer.


3 Nuclear weapons should not used in any circumstances.


4 In my opinion, a lecture class is more tired than a discussion class.


5 Children raising in large families usually get along well with others.


6 Many scholars have acknowledged the negative impact of the media.


7 Generally speaking, a lot of people using computers to get updated information.


8 Young children should not permitted to travel by themselves.


9 The president of our country elects every five years.


10 Addicting to the Internet, some children feel awkward when talking to others face to face.


11 It is important that foreign language classes be staffed with good teachers.


12 Natural sciences give us insight into the future as well as teaching us about the origin of the world.

自然科学除了教会我们世界的起源,还让我们对未来有所了解。Writing PracticeA Translate the following into English by putting the given words and phrases in the right order.

1 人们可以通过工作寻找生活中的目标。

(in life / people / their goals / by doing / may find / their jobs)


2 许多哲学问题遗留下来无法回答。

(are left / many / unanswered / philosophical questions)


3 通过自学,你可以练习推理。

(you / by learning / can practice / by yourself / reasoning)


4 与高中毕业生相比,高等院校毕业生或许有更多的工作机会。

(may have / compared with / college graduates / high school graduates / more job opportunities)


5 去露营之前,你应该先了解一下天气。

(check / before / the weather / you should / going camping / first)





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