
发布时间:2020-06-07 14:51:47








托福(TOEFL iBT)是全球最受赞誉的英语能力考试之一。它由四部分组成:阅读(Reading)、听力(Listening)、口语(Speaking)、写作(Writing),满分为120分。高分词汇量要求为8000~10000。其实,无论听、说、读、写,获得理想成绩的前提都是词汇。只有熟练掌握适当的词汇,才能最大限度地提高总分,向异国求学的高远目标迈进。





整套丛书采用小开本印刷,但内容非常全面,可谓“麻雀虽小,五脏俱全”。 因轻巧便携,考生可随身携带,随时翻阅,反复记忆。各分册简介:《冲托福90分核心词汇》


例如:account [əˈkaʊnt]● description, explicationn. a theory which is intended to explain or describe something 解释,说明It gives a relatively unsophisticated account of human behavior.on account of因为,由于The manager had to step down on account of poor health.《冲托福105分核心词汇》


托福阅读中有一种题型为词汇题,即选出四个选项里和文章中的某个词汇意义相同或相近的单词。比如,TPO 8中有这样一道题:

...It had over 2,000 apartment complexes, a great market, a large number of industrial workshops, an administrative center, a number of massive religious edifices, and a regular grid pattern of streets and buildings...

1.The word “massive” in the passage is closest in meaning to ________.

A. ancient

B. carefully planned

C. very large

D. carefully protected

原题中的massive一词可在此分册中找到:massive [ˈmæsɪv]● huge, enormous, immense, giant, gigantic, colossal, vast, tremendousadj. very large in size, quantity, or extent 巨大的,庞大的,厚重的,强大的Universities were ill-equipped to meet the massive intake of students.


收录词汇1485个,涵盖了TPO低频词汇、近几年托福机经中出现的低频词汇,以及具有大学英语专业八级难度的重点词汇。每个词汇均配有相应的美语音标、中英文释义和例句,其中核心词汇均以粗体形式出现在例句中,部分词汇还提供了近义词或同义词、相关词组及其释义和例句。例句均选自托福真题以及权威词典。比如,书中的penchant一词的例句(But neither the human imitative instinct nor a penchant for fantasy by itself leads to an autonomous theater.)就选自TPO 1中的The Origin of Theater原文。




我们不妨以peculiar一词为例,其贴切的英文释义为:very strange or unusual, sometimes in an unpleasant way,如果考生仅仅呆板地记住中文释义“不寻常的”,就容易忽略其“unpleasant”的负面内涵。技巧二:同、近义词联想记忆法


例如:在背诵issue一词时,可同时牢记problem, topic, theme, subject这四个词;在背诵largely一词时,可同时牢记mainly, chiefly, greatly, mostly, primarily, principally, generally等所有表达“大致上”这个概念的词汇。技巧三:例句记忆法

书中提供的经典例句生动地呈现核心词汇是如何正确运用的。考生可以通过精读、翻译和背诵例句,加深对目标词汇的印象,使其深深地刻在脑子里,即便是在气氛紧张的考场之上,也可以做到“记忆犹新”、 “信手拈来”。技巧四:造句记忆法


比如,根据下列例句:In any event, the restaurant proved quite acceptable.可以造出如下的句子:In any case/Anyhow/At any rate, the apartment/hotel/supermarket turned out to be acceptable/laudable.技巧五:构词法记忆


例如,表示否定的词缀包括:in-, im-, il-, ir-, non-, dis-, de-, mal-, mis-等;由动词派生名词的后缀包括:-al, -ment等;动词后缀包括:-nate, -ize等。



Word List 01

abrasion [əˈbreɪʒn]n. the wearing down of rock particles by friction due to water or wind or ice 磨蚀Diamonds have extreme resistance to abrasion.absenteeism [ˌæbsənˈtiːɪzəm]n. the fact or habit of frequently being away from work or school, usually without a good reason 旷工,旷课There were strict sanctions against absenteeism.absorbent [əbˈsɔːrbənt]adj. having power or capacity or tendency to absorb or soak up liquids 易吸收的,吸水的The towels are highly absorbent.abstract [ˈæbstrækt]adj. based on general ideas rather than on real things and events 抽象的,纯概念的Physics is a science which has developed strong abstract theories.acclaim [əˈkleɪm]● applaud, praise, extolv. to praise enthusiastically 称赞,赞扬He was acclaimed as the greatest modern painter.accordingly [əˈkɔːrdɪŋli]● consequently, hence, therefore, thusadv. (used especially at the beginning of a sentence)for that reason 因此,于是He was told to speak briefly. Accordingly, he cut short his remarks.accreditation [əˌkredɪˈteɪʃn]n. the act of granting credit or recognition 鉴定合格Accreditation is also hampered by several other factors.accuse [əˈkjuːz]● blame, condemn, scold, denounce, reproach, rebukev. to make a claim of wrongdoing or misbehavior against someone 指责,责难Politicians accuse the media of talking up the possibility of a riot.acidic [əˈsɪdɪk]adj. being or containing an acid 含酸的,酸性的Lead is more solvent in acidic water.acidification [əˌsɪdɪfɪˈkeɪʃn]n. the process of becoming acid or being converted into an acid 酸化The waste liquor was pretreated by acidification and flocculation.acidity [əˈsɪdəti]n. the property of being acidic 酸性Acidity in soil can be neutralized by spreading lime on it.acknowledge [əkˈnɑːlɪdʒ]● admit, confess, recognize, concedev. to accept or admit that something is true or that it exists 承认I allowed myself to acknowledge my true feelings.acreage [ˈeɪkərɪdʒ]n. a large area of farm land 大片耕地,土地面积About 70% of the cocoa acreage is treated with insecticide.acrobatic [ˌækrəˈbætɪk]adj. involving difficult physical acts such as jumping and balancing, especially in a circus 杂技的Dancing on a rope is an acrobatic feat.adaptability [əˌdæptəˈbɪləti]n. the ability to change or be changed to fit changed circumstances 适应性The adaptability of youth to new surroundings is one of their good qualities.adaptable [əˈdæptəbl]adj. able to change their ideas or behavior in order to deal with new situations 有适应能力的,适应性强的Older workers can be as adaptable and quick to learn as anyone else.adequacy [ˈædɪkwəsi]n. the quality of being good enough or great enough in amount to be acceptable 适当,恰当He doubted her adequacy for the job.adequate [ˈædɪkwət]● enough, sufficientadj. enough to meet a purpose 足够的,适当的Without adequate information, many students choose a college almost blindly.adequately [ˈædɪkwətli]adv. in an adequate manner or to an adequate degree 足够地,适当地The book is clear, readable and adequately illustrated.adherent [ədˈhɪrənt]● tacky, glutinousadj. sticking fast 黏附的The brass plate must be adherent to the steel.adjustment [əˈdʒʌstmənt]● correction, adaptationn. a small change that is made to something such as a machine or a way of doing something 调整,校正,校准Sometimes happiness is just a matter of attitude adjustment.admirable [ˈædmərəbl]● commendable, praiseworthy, respectable, creditableadj. deserving to be praised and admired 令人钦佩的,值得赞赏的Her patience is admirable.adoption [əˈdɑːpʃn]n. the decision to start using something such as an idea, a plan or a name 采用Since the adoption of the new method, production has gone up.adorn [əˈdɔːrn]● decorate, garnish, ornamentv. to make a place or an object look more beautiful 装饰,装扮Several magnificent oil paintings adorn the walls.adornment [əˈdɔːrnmənt]● decoration, enrichmentn. something that is used to make a person or thing more beautiful 装饰物Women are peculiarly sensitive to their adornment.adrift [əˈdrɪft]● afloatadj. floating on the water and not tied to anything or controlled by anyone 漂浮着的,漂流着的The fisherman cast off the rope and set the boat adrift.adventurous [ədˈventʃərəs]● dauntless, fearless, enterprising, bold, venturesome, undauntedadj. willing to take risks and to try new methods 勇于冒险的,敢于创新的For the more adventurous tourists, there are trips into the mountains with a local guide.adverse [ˈædvɜːrs]● unfavorable, harmfuladj. contrary to your interests or welfare 不利的,有害的The improper use of medicine could lead to severe adverse reactions.advisor [ədˈvaɪzər]n. an expert who gives advice 顾问He integrated his advisor's suggestions into his plan.aerobic [eˈroʊbɪk]adj. based on or using the principles of aerobics 有氧健身的Aerobic exercise helps to build up stamina.aerodynamic [ˌeroʊdaɪˈnæmɪk]adj. of or relating to the way in which objects move through the air 空气动力的The newspaperman summarized the crux of the aerodynamic phenomenon.aesthetically [esˈθetɪkli]adv. in an artistic way that is beautiful to look at 审美地,美学观点上地All isolation techniques may be aesthetically unacceptable.afar [əˈfɑːr]adv. a long way away 在远处,从远处Is it not delightful to have friends coming from afar?affective [əˈfektɪv]● emotionaladj. characterized by emotion 情感的,表达感情的Affective factors play a significant role in language learning.affinity [əˈfɪnəti]n. a close connection marked by community of interests or similarity in nature or character 亲近He has a close affinity with the landscape in his hometown.affordable [əˈfɔːrdəbl]adj. cheap enough that people can afford to buy it or pay it 付得起的There are few affordable apartments in big cities.afloat [əˈfloʊt]● adriftadj. remaining partly above the surface of water and not sinking 漂浮着的Somehow we kept the boat afloat.aggravate [ˈæɡrəveɪt]v. to make a situation worse 使恶化,加重,加剧Stress and lack of sleep can aggravate the situation.aggregation [ˌæɡrɪˈɡeɪʃn]n. the act of gathering something together 聚集Economic statistics largely consists of the aggregation and tabulation of facts relating to economic life.agreeable [əˈɡriːəbl]● happy, glad, cheerful, joyful, merry, delightful, pleasant, nice, jollyadj. pleasant and enjoyable 令人愉快的,惬意的We spent a most agreeable day together.agribusiness [ˈæɡrɪbɪznəs]n. the various businesses that produce, sell, and distribute farm products, especially on a large scale 农业综合经营Many of the old agricultural collectives are now being turned into agribusiness corporations.alarming [əˈlɑːrmɪŋ]● horrible, terrifying, shocking, dreadful, startling, frightfuladj. making you feel afraid or anxious that something unpleasant or dangerous might happen 使人惊恐的,令人忧虑的Crimes of various types have been increasing at an alarming rate.alienation [ˌeɪliəˈneɪʃn]n. the feeling of being alienated from other people 疏离感Alcoholism often leads to the alienation of family and friends.align [əˈlaɪn]v. to support a particular group because you have the same political aim 与…联合,与…结盟He has attempted to align the Socialists with the environmental movement.alike [əˈlaɪk]● similarlyadv. in a similar way 相同地,相似地They even dressed alike.alluvial [əˈluːviəl]adj. left behind on land which has been flooded or where a river once flowed 冲积的,淤积的Alluvial soils usually grow the best crops.ally [ˈælaɪ]n. another country that has an agreement to support a country, especially in war 同盟国When any large operation is undertaken, it is usually a surprise attack against an ally.analyst [ˈænəlɪst]n. a person whose job is to analyze a subject and give opinions about it 分析者,分析家The latter studies are extremely useful to the analyst.analytical [ˌænəˈlɪtɪkl]● interpretative, explanatory, investigative, criticaladj. involving the use of logical reasoning 分析的,分析法的He lacked profundity and analytical precision.analyze [ˈænəlaɪz]● investigate, reviewv. to consider something carefully or use statistical methods in order to fully understand it 细察,分析The coach tried to analyze the cause of our defeat.anatomy [əˈnætəmi]n. the study of the structure of the bodies of people or animals 解剖学Physiology and anatomy are basic to medical science.ancestry [ˈænsestri]● lineage, descentn. the family or the race of people that you come from 世系,血统The family has traced its ancestry to the Norman invaders.anecdotal [ˌænɪkˈdoʊtl]adj. based on individual accounts, rather than on reliable research or statistics 传闻的,轶事的Their research was based largely on anecdotal evidence.annum [ˈænəm]n. year 年,岁Interest is paid at the rate of 1% per annum.antagonism [ænˈtæɡənɪzəm]n. hatred or dislike between people 对抗,敌对With urbanization the antagonism between rich and poor sharpened.antecedent [ˌæntɪˈsiːdnt]n. a preceding occurrence or cause or event 前事,先例This is an antecedent of the war.anthropomorphism [ˌænθrəpəˈmɔːrfɪzəm]n. the idea that an animal, a god, or an object has feelings or characteristics like those of a human being 拟人论,拟人观One uses the language of anthropomorphism in saying that God sees, hears, knows, and loves.antibiotic [ˌæntibaɪˈɑːtɪk]n. medical drugs used to kill bacteria and treat infections 抗生素,抗菌素The most efficient antibiotic cannot compensate for inadequate surgical technique.anticipation [ænˌtɪsɪˈpeɪʃn]● expectation, prospectn. the fact of seeing that something might happen in the future and perhaps doing something about it now 预期,预料,期望He bought extra food in anticipation of more people coming than he'd invited.antidote [ˈæntidoʊt]n. a chemical substance that stops or controls the effect of a poison 解毒药,解毒剂There is no known antidote to the poison.anxiety [æŋˈzaɪəti]● worry, concern, uneasiness, nervousnessn. a feeling of nervousness or worry 忧虑,焦虑,不安Reports of this kind are guaranteed to cause anxiety.apex [ˈeɪpeks]● peak, acme, summit, zenithn. the highest point of something 尖端,顶点You have reached the apex of earthly honor.aphid [ˈeɪfɪd]n. small insects which live on plants and suck their juices 蚜虫An aphid cannot identify its host at a distance.apiece [əˈpiːs]adv. to or from every one of two or more 每个,每件,每人He gave the boys a shilling apiece.appeasement [əˈpiːzmənt]n. giving people what they want to prevent them from harming you or being angry with you 平息,安抚They have already been accused of appeasement by more militant organizations.apportion [əˈpɔːrʃn]● allot, allocate, assignv. to decide how much of something different people deserve or should be given 分摊,分派The allowable deduction is apportioned between the estate and the beneficiaries.appreciably [əˈpriːʃəbli]adv. to a noticeable degree 相当大地,明显地The index adds appreciably to the usefulness of the book.apprentice [əˈprentɪs]● beginner, learner, amateur, novicen. a young person who works for someone in order to learn their skill 学徒,徒弟He was an apprentice to a master craftsman.aptitude [ˈæptɪtuːd]● ability, capacity, capability, genius, talent, competence, faculty, giftn. the ability to learn something quickly and to do it well 天资,天赋,才能That student has an aptitude for mathematics.aquarium [əˈkweriəm]n. a building, often in a zoo, where fish and underwater animals are kept 水族馆The occasion begins well with a visit to the local aquarium.aqueduct [ˈækwɪdʌkt]n. a long bridge with many arches, which carries a water supply or a canal over a valley 高架渠The ancient aqueduct stood out against the clear sky.archipelago [ˌɑːrkɪˈpeləɡoʊ]n. a group of islands, especially small islands 群岛,列岛Indonesia is the largest archipelago in the world.architectural [ˌɑːrkɪˈtektʃərəl]adj. relating to the design and construction of buildings 建筑学的,建筑上的The architectural structure of the Temple of Heaven is unique.arrow [ˈæroʊ]n. a long thin weapon which is sharp and pointed at one end and which often has feathers at the other end 箭,矢The archer strung his bow and aimed an arrow at the target.arteriosclerosis [ɑːrˌtɪrioʊskləˈroʊsis]n. a medical condition in which the walls of your arteries become hard and thick, so your blood cannot flow through them properly 动脉硬化However, the amino acids in fish can prevent arteriosclerosis.

Word List 02

artistically [ɑːrˈtɪstɪkli]adv. in an artistic manner 有艺术地,在艺术上The room is artistically decorated.artwork [ˈɑːrtwɜːrk]n. paintings or sculptures which are of high quality 艺术作品The artwork is worth more than one million dollars.ascribe [əˈskraɪb]● attributev. to say or consider that something was caused by another thing 把…归因于,把…归咎于He ascribes his low mark to the noisy study environment.asphalt [ˈæsfɔːlt]n. a black substance used to make the surfaces of things such as roads and playgrounds 沥青,柏油Most streets are laid with asphalt.aspiration [ˌæspəˈreɪʃn]● ambitionn. the desire to achieve things 抱负,志向,渴望Man's aspiration should be as lofty as the stars.assemble [əˈsembl]● gather, congregatev. to come together in a group, usually for a particular purpose such as a meeting (使)集合,(使)聚集All the students were asked to assemble in the main hall.assertion [əˈsɜːrʃn]● declaration, contentionn. the act of affirming or asserting or stating something 坚称,断言He attempts to rebut the assertion made by the prosecution witness.assortment [əˈsɔːrtmənt]● varietyn. a group of similar things that are of different sizes or colors or have different qualities 各式各样This shop has a good assortment of goods to choose from.asthma [ˈæzmə]n. a lung condition which causes difficulty in breathing 气喘,哮喘Most people do not have to be hospitalized for asthma or pneumonia.asymmetrical [ˌeɪsɪˈmetrɪkl]adj. having two sides or halves that are different in shape, size, or style 不对称的Most people's faces are asymmetrical.attainable [əˈteɪnəbl]● achievable, obtainable, accessible, accomplishable, reachableadj. capable of being attained or accomplished 可达到的,可得到的The goal of eliminating hunger by the turn of the century is attainable.attest [əˈtest]● certify, testify, provev. to say, show, or prove that something is true 说明,表示,证明Contemporary accounts attest to his courage and determination.audit [ˈɔːdɪt]● check, scrutinize, inspect, examine, investigatev. to examine the accounts officially in order to make sure that they have been done correctly 审计,查账Each year they audit our accounts.auditorium [ˌɔːdɪˈtɔːriəm]● concert, theater, playhouse, galleryn. a large room, hall, or building which is used for events such as meetings and concerts 会堂,礼堂,音乐厅The auditorium has comfortable seating and modern acoustics.authoritarian [əˌθɑːrəˈteriən]● dictatorialadj. characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule 专制的,独裁的His speech provides further evidence of his authoritarian approach.autism [ˈɔːtɪzəm]n. a mental disorder that affects children 孤独症,自闭症The cause of autism is unknown.autistic [ɔːˈtɪstɪk]adj. characteristic of or suffering from autism 患孤独症的,患自闭症的Autistic children may have special talents.automobile [ˈɔːtəməbiːl]● car, bus, truck, lorryn. a 4-wheeled motor vehicle 汽车You must obtain a new automobile license when your old one expires.avalanche [ˈævəlæntʃ]n. a very large quantity of things that all arrive or happen at the same time 纷至沓来,蜂拥而至Headquarters was swamped by an avalanche of applications for battle assignments.avant-garde [ˌævɑː̃ ˈɡɑːrd]● progressive, advancedadj. very modern and experimental 先锋派的,前卫的Where the show really excites is in the display of avant-garde photography.awaken [əˈweɪkən]● stimulate, excite, incite, arouse, kindlev. to cause a person to start having a feeling 唤起,激起Nothing can awaken his sympathy towards the matter.backing [ˈbækɪŋ]● assistancen. the act of providing approval and support 支持,帮助,资助I eventually got financial backing.backpack [ˈbækpæk]n. a bag carried by a strap on your back or shoulder 背包,背囊She found a seat, stowed her backpack and sat down.backwater [ˈbækwɔːtər]n. a place that is isolated 闭塞的地方,与世隔绝的地方I find this town too much of a backwater.bacterial [bækˈtɪriəl]adj. relating to or caused by bacteria 细菌的,细菌引起的Brain lesions can be caused by bacterial infections.baker [ˈbeɪkər]n. a person whose job is to bake and sell bread, pastries, and cakes 面包师,糕饼师The bakers specialize in catering for large parties.bandwidth [ˈbændwɪdθ]n. the range of frequencies used for a particular telecommunications signal, radio transmission, or computer network 带宽The information content is then proportional to the bandwidth of the imposed variation.bang [bæŋ]n. a sudden loud noise such as the noise of an explosion 突然的巨响She slammed the door with a bang.barb [bɑːrb]n. a sharp curved point near the end of an arrow or fish-hook





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