
发布时间:2020-06-07 20:10:06











三、疑难词、关键词注释、朗读。每周听力训练前都安排有“Word Box”一栏,读者可先跟读其中的生词,熟悉其发音。这样,在听后面的材料时,就能得心应手,应对自如了。


本丛书的出版离不开华东理工大学出版社编辑们的策划和支持,正是由于他们专业的建议和严谨的敬业精神,这套书才得以以更佳的面貌呈现,在此,我们深表谢意。编者Term 1上学期第1周FamilyWord Boxactress/☆æktrəs/n.女演员Japanese/★dʒæpə☆niːz/n.日本人bow/baʊ/v.鞠躬piano/pɪ☆ænəʊ/n.钢琴cousin/☆kʌzn/n.堂(或表)兄弟姐妹postman/☆pəʊstmən/n.邮递员handsome/☆hænsəm/adj.英俊的stick/stɪk/n.小树枝MondayListen to the sentence and choose the right word.(听句子,选出你所听到的单词。)( )1. A. fat

B. thin

C. tall

D. short( )2. A. boy

B. girl

C. baby

D. teacher( )3. A. ride

B. sing

C. swim

D. bow( )4. A. hair

B. ear

C. nose

D. eye( )5. A. brown

B. grey

C. pink

D. purpleTuesdayListen to the sentence and choose the best answer.(听句子,选择正确的答语。)( )1. A. He is fine, thanks.

B. He is handsome.

C. He is a doctor.

D. He is tall and fat.( )2. A. She is my younger sister.

B. She is a nurse.

C. She is short and thin.

D. She likes playing ping-pong.( )3. A. I have three sisters.

B. I don' t like my brothers.

C. I can skate on the ice.

D. I have only one brother.( )4. A. They are drivers.

B. They are very cute.

C. They like eating bananas.

D. They are my cousins.( )5. A. His eyes are small.

B. He is a postman.

C. He loves singing.

D. He is forty-five.WednesdayListen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案。)( )1. A. Five people.

B. Seven people.

C. Three people.

D. Six people.( )2. A. He is a teacher.

B. He is a policeman.

C. He is a farmer.

D. He is a waiter.( )3. A. She is a singer.

B. She is a cook.

C. She is a nurse.

D. She is an actress.( )4. A. She is Mary.

B. He is Sandy.

C. He is Mary' s younger brother.

D. He is Jack.( )5. A. He is three years old.

B. He is four years old.

C. He is five years old.

D. He is ten years old.ThursdayListen to the sentence and fill in the blank.(听句子填空,每空限填一词。)

1. Look! This is my grandmother. She likes eating______.

2. Look! This is my cousin. He likes playing the______.

3. Look! This is my younger sister. She can______to______.

4. Look! This is my cat. It likes______ ______.

5. Look! This is my dog. It likes______with______.FridayListen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false.(听短文,判断下列句子是否符合听到的内容。符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示。)( )1. Dick and his friends go to the garden.( )2. It is a cool day.( )3. They run and run.( )4. They get something to drink.第2周SchoolWord Boxborrow/☆bɒrəʊ/v.借(入)office/☆ɒfɪs/n.办公室hall/hɔːl/n.礼堂plant/plɑːnt/n.植物MondayListen to the sentence and number the picture.(听句子,按照听到的先后顺序给图片排序。)TuesdayListen to the sentence and choose the right word.(听句子,选出你所听到的单词。)( )1. A. hall

B. classroom( )2. A. toilet

C. library

D. playground

B. dining room

C. music room

D. office( )3. A. draw

B. colour

C. cut

D. stick( )4. A. open

B. close

C. clean

D. fold( )5. A. door

B. blackboard

C. card

D. crayonWednesdayListen to the sentence and choose the best answer.(听句子,选择正确的答语。)( )1. A. It' s purple.

B. It' s my school.

C. It' s long.

D. It' s small and brown.( )2. A. Yes, it is.

B. You' re welcome.

C. It' s the toilet.

D. It' s big and nice.( )3. A. This is your classroom.

B. We can read in it.

C. Here you are.

D. No. It' s the hall.( )4. A. My name' s Peter.

B. Good morning, Mr. Zhang.

C. OK, Miss Fang.

D. Thank you.( )5. A. They are tall.

B. They can sing.

C. They are in the rain.

D. Thirty-six.ThursdayListen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案。)( )1. A. She is five years old.

B. She is six years old.

C. She is seven years old.

D. She is eight years old.( )2. A. It' s on the chair.

B. It' s under the chair.

C. It' s in the pencil case.

D. It' s on the desk.( )3. A. She can swim.

B. She can write.

C. She can read.

D. She can skate.( )4. A. They are in the toilet.

B. They are in the classroom.

C. They are in the hall.

D. They are in the playground.( )5. A. There are four boys in the room.

B. There are five boys in the room.

C. There are six boys in the room.

D. There are seven boys in the room.FridayListen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false.(听短文,判断下列句子是否符合听到的内容。符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示。)( )1. The children make a big pie.( )2. The children work for twenty-three days.( )3. The picture has a watch in it.( )4. The picture has plants and animals.第3周ShoppingWord Boxbaseball/☆beɪsbɔːl/n.棒球plum/plʌm/n.李子,梅子cheap/tʃiːp/adj.便宜的volleyball/☆vɒlibɔːl/n.排球homework/☆həʊmwɜːk/n.家庭作业MondayListen to the sentence and choose the right word.(听句子,选出你所听到的单词。)( )1. A. pineapple

B. peach

C. pear

D. plum( )2. A. toy

B. doll

C. ball

D. balloon( )3. A. shop

B. super

C. store

D. some( )4. A. banana

B. bike

C. buy

D. boy( )5. A. water

B. want

C. what

D. shortTuesdayListen to the sentence and choose the best answer.(听句子,选择正确的答语。)( )1. A. Yes, I like plums.

B. Here you are.

C. Twenty dollars.

D. Thank you.( )2. A. Goodbye.

B. It' s a toy pig.

C. Sure.

D. It' s green.( )3. A. It' s very cheap.

B. I' m looking for a shirt.

C. Yes, it is.

D. Fifteen dollars.( )4. A. Twelve dollars.

B. Five apples.

C. OK. You can have it.

D. Seven, please.( )5. A. Yes, it is.

B. Yes, I do.

C. Yes, I' m Susie.

D. Nice to meet you.WednesdayListen to the dialogues and tell whether the following statements are true or false.(听对话,判断下列句子是否符合听到的内容。符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示。)( )1. The shoes are 50 dollars.( )2. The milk is 5 dollars.( )3. The book is very cheap.( )4. The woman wants a hamburger and a coke.( )5. The blue dress is very cheap.ThursdayListen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the questionyou hear.(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案。)( )1. A.7 dollars.

B.17 dollars.

C.70 dollars.

D.60 dollars.( )2. A.80 dollars.

B.100 dollars.

C.90 dollars.

D.70 dollars.( )3. A. Footballs.

B. Volleyballs.

C. Baseballs.

D. Basketballs.( )4. A.19 pears.

B.90 pears.

C.9 pears.

D. No pears.( )5. A.20 dollars.

B.13 dollars.

C.12 dollars.

D.30 dollars.FridayListen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false.(听短文,判断下列句子是否符合听到的内容。符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示。)( )1. Tom wants to go to the park.( )2. Mary can not go to the park.( )3. Mary has too much homework to do.( )4. Mary goes home to do her homework.第4周In the ParkWord Boxhide-and-seek/★haɪd n☆siːk/n.捉迷藏museum/mjuː☆ziəm/n.博物馆round/raʊnd/adj.圆的seesaw/☆siːsɔː/n.跷跷板slide/slaɪd/n.滑梯swing/swɪŋ/n.秋千vegetable/☆vedʒtəbl/n.蔬菜yo-yo/☆jəʊjəʊ/n.溜溜球MondayListen to the sentence and choose the right word.(听句子,选出你所听到的单词。)( )1. A. kite

B. car

C. card

D. kind( )2. A. boat

B. boy

C. balloon

D. ball( )3. A. flower

B. fly

C. four

D. fold( )4. A. colour

B. can

C. close

D. count( )5. A. what

B. white

C. write

D. withTuesdayListen to the sentence and choose the best answer(.听句子,选择正确的答语。)( )1. A. I can hear a frog.

B. It' s yellow.

C. I can see some balloons.

D. I don' t know.( )2. A. They are round.

B. They are purple.

C. They are swings.

D. They are hard and smooth.( )3. A. Five dollars.

B. They are soft.

C. I like playing ball.

D. Three balls.( )4. A. I can hear a fish.

B. There is a boat in the water.

C. I like swimming in the water.

D. The water is green.( )5. A. It' s under the tree.

B. It' s black and white.

C. It' s hard.

D. It' s rough.WednesdayListen to the sentence and fill in the blank.(听句子填空,每空限填一词。)

1. Danny and his brother are going to the______.

They want to______their bicycles.

2. Harry and his mother are going to the______.

They want to see the______.

3. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are going to the______.

They want to______some vegetables.

4. Jack and his mother are going to the______.

Jack' s grandfather is______.

5. Mary and her father are going to the museum.

They want to see some______there.ThursdayListen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案。)( )1. A. Three butterflies.

B. Four butterflies.

C. Five butterflies.

D. Two butterflies.( )2. A. She likes playing yo-yo.

B. She likes playing hide-and-seek.

C. She likes playing cards.

D. She likes playing at seesaw.( )3. A. She is picking the flowers.

B. She is crying.

C. She is running.

D. She is climbing the tree.( )4. A. It' s red.

B. It' s purple.

C. It' s pink.

D. It' s orange.( )5. A. Her father.

B. Her mother.

C. Her brother.

D. Her sister.FridayListen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false.(听短文,判断下列句子是否符合听到的内容。符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示。)( )1. Fred works a long time.( )2. Fred wants to sleep.( )3. Fred goes to bed.( )4. Fred sleeps for a short time.第5周InsectsWord Boxbite/baɪt/v.咬dragonfly/☆dræɡənflaɪ/n.蜻蜓fly/flaɪ/n.苍蝇let go 放开,释放mosquito/mə☆skiːtəʊ/n.蚊子spider/☆spaɪdə/n.蜘蛛MondayListen to the sentence and choose the right word.(听句子,选出你所听到的单词。)( )1. A. ant

B. bee( )2. A. ladybird

B. fly

C. butterfly

D. dragonfly

C. mosquito

D. spider( )3. A. black

B. butterfly

C. beautiful

D. baby( )4. A. fly

B. sky

C. flower

D. fine( )5. A. sister

B. insect

C. short

D. stickTuesdayListen to the sentence and number the picture.(听句子,按照听到的先后顺序给图片排序。)WednesdayListen to the sentence and choose the best answer.(听句子,选择正确的答语。)( )1. A. They are ladybirds.

B. They are red and black.

C. They are small.

D. They can fly.( )2. A. It' s ugly.

B. It likes to fly.

C. It likes eating mosquitos.

D. It' s blue and green.( )3. A. Yes, it' s small.

B. No. It' s nice.

C. Yes, it is.

D. No, it can' t fly.( )4. A. It' s on a leaf.

B. There are five bees.

C. They are dragonflies.

D. Count the bees.( )5. A. I can see a spider.

B. Six ants.

C. It' s smooth.

D. I can hear a fly.ThursdayListen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案。)( )1. A. It' s black.

B. It' s brown.

C. It' s red.

D. It' s green.( )2. A. It' s on the window.

B. It' s on a flower.

C. It' s on the bed.

D. It' s on a leaf.( )3. A. Three spiders.

B. Four spiders.

C. Five spiders.

D. Six spiders.( )4. A. She likes butterflies.

B. She likes ladybirds.

C. She likes bees.

D. She likes dragonflies.( )5. A. No, she isn' t.

B. No, she doesn' t.

C. No, she can' t.

D. Yes, she does.FridayListen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false.(听短文,判断下列句子是否符合听到的内容。符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示。)( )1. The cats are running.( )2. The cats are on the grass.( )3. Danny watches the cats for a short time.( )4. The cats stop playing.第6周See and HearWord Boxaround/ə☆raʊnd/prep.在……周围,环绕着buzz/bʌz/v.嗡嗡叫circle/☆sɜːkl/n.圆,圆圈else/els/adj.其他的,别的net/net/n.网sofa/☆səʊfə/n.沙发together/tə☆ɡeðə/adv.共同,一起MondayListen to the sentence and choose the right word.(听句子,选出你所听到的单词。)( )1. A. arm

B. angry

C. autumn

D. aeroplane( )2. A. thirsty

B. circle

C. thirty

D. thirteen( )3. A. children

B. child

C. chair

D. try( )4. A. fall

B. fifth

C. feet

D. fruit( )5. A. tall

B. together

C. toy

D. touchTuesdayListen to the sentence and choose the best answer.(听句子,选择正确的答语。)( )1. A. I can see a fly.

B. The fly is green.

C. There is a van.

D. I can hear a mosquito.( )2. A. I can hear some children.

B. I can see some children.

C. There are three boys.( )3. A. I can see red and blue.

D. I can hear butterflies.

B. They are brown.

C. My favourite colour is pink.

D. It' s rough.( )4. A. They' re pigs.

B. They are grey.

C. They are beautiful.

D. One, two, three. Three hens.( )5. A. Eleven dragonflies.

B. Fourteen mosquitos.

C. Twelve seeds.

D. Seven ships.WednesdayListen to the sentence and fill in the blank.(听句子填空,每空限填一词。)

1. I can hear______falling down.

2. We can hear the______singing.

3. Alice can hear a______buzzing.

4. I can see Charlie and his dog______on the______.

5. We can see him______in the______.ThursdayListen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案。)( )1. A. A cat.

B. A dog.

C. A donkey.

D. A cow.( )2. A. On the table.

B. In the net.

C. In the basket.

D. Under the chair.( )3. A. A motorcycle and an aeroplane.

B. A bicycle and a boat.

C. A motorcycle and a bicycle.

D. A bicycle and a bus.( )4. A. Five boys.

B. Fifteen boys.

C. Fourteen boys.

D. Six boys.( )5. A. On the chair.

B. In the street.

C. In the shop.

D. On the road.FridayListen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false.(听短文,判断下列句子是否符合听到的内容。符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示。)( )1. Betty' s sister can walk.( )2. Jim goes to see Betty.( )3. The baby is little.( )4. The baby is running around the house.第7周Touch and FeelWord Boxfeed/fiːd/v.喂养finger/☆fɪŋɡə/n.手指guess/ɡes/v.猜测pair/peə/n.一双(对)picnic/☆pɪknɪk/n.野餐ring/rɪŋ/n.戒指stone/stəʊn/n.石头each other 互相,彼此MondayListen to the sentence and choose the right word.(听句子,选出你所听到的单词。)( )1. A. hear

B. hair

C. head

D. hard( )2. A. glass

B. class

C. grass

D. guess( )3. A. singer

B. hungry

C. finger

D. fine( )4. A. shop

B. ship

C. sheep

D. shape( )5. A. pie

B. pair

C. hear

D. earTuesdayListen to the sentence and choose the best answer.(听句子,选择正确的答语。)( )1. A. Here you are.

B. Yes, it is.

C. I like the hat.

D. Ten dollars.( )2. A. Yes, it' s hard.

B. No. It' s rough.

C. Yes, it' s green.

D. No. It' s hot.( )3. A. It' s a glass.

B. It' s sweet.

C. It' s round.

D. It' s smooth and hard.( )4. A. They are soft.

B. They are sour.

C. They are purple.

D. I don' t like plums.( )5. A. It' s too soft.

B. It' s hungry.

C. It' s a box.

D. I like the bag.WednesdayListen to the sentence and fill in the blank.(听句子填空,每空限填一词。)

1. I can______with my______.

2. He can______with his______.

3. She can______with her______.

4. Danny can______with his______.

5. Judy can the______birthday cake with a______.ThursdayListen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案。)( )1. A. It' s soft.

B. It' s hard.

C. It' s smooth.

D. It' s rough.( )2. A. It' s soft.

B. It' s soft and rough.

C. It' s rough.

D. It' s hard and smooth.( )3. A. She is having a picnic with her friends.

B. She is making a snowman.

C. She is touching the animals.

D. She is feeding the birds.( )4. A. It' s rough.

B. It' s cold.

C. It' s smooth.

D. It' s warm.( )5. A. Yes, he does.

B. No, he doesn' t.

C. Yes, it is.

D. No, it isn' t.FridayListen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false.(听短文,判断下列句子是否符合听到的内容。符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示。)( )1. Fred and Mother go for a walk.( )2. Fred and Father like to run.( )3. Fred talks about school.( )4. Fred and Father like to talk to each other.第8周Taste and SmellWord Boxbeach/biːtʃ/n.海滩bitter/☆bɪtə/adj.苦的durian/☆dʊəriən/n.榴莲terrible/☆terəbl/adj.可怕的;糟糕的salty/☆sɔːlti/adj.咸的sour/☆saʊə/adj.酸的sweet/swiːt/adj.甜的MondayListen to the sentence and choose the right word.(听句子,选出你所听到的单词。)( )1. A. sell

B. salt

C. soft

D. sour( )2. A. sour

B. shoe

C. sock

D. short( )3. A. big

B. better

C. beach

D. bitter( )4. A. short

B. super

C. salty

D. sorry( )5. A. think

B. drink

C. pink

D. thinTuesdayListen to the sentence and choose the best answer.(听句子,选择正确的答语。)( )1. A. It' s hard.

B. It' s yellow.

C. It' s nice.

D. It' s a clock.( )2. A. It' s black.

B. It' s very sour.

C. I like oranges.

D. Yes, it is.( )3. A. Yes, it is.

B. It' s bitter.

C. Ten dollars.

D. It' s too hard.( )4. A. They' re brown.

B. They' re rough.

C. They' re biscuits.

D. They' re salty.( )5. A. It' s bitter.

B. Oh dear! I forgot to put in salt!

C. Here you are.

D. That' s all right.WednesdayListen to the sentence and fill in the blank.(听句子填空,每空限填一词。)

1. Sometimes it' s______.Sometimes it' s sweet.

It' s______.

2. Sometimes it' s______.Sometimes it' s sweet.

It' s a______.

3. Sometimes it' s______.Sometimes it' s yellow.

It' s a______.

4. Sometimes it' s______.Sometimes it' s white.

It' s a______.

5. Sometimes it' s in______.Sometimes it' s on land.

It' s a______.ThursdayListen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案。)( )1. A. It' s bitter.

B. It' s sweet.

C. It' s sour.

D. It' s salty.( )2. A. It' s salty.

B. It' s terrible.

C. It' s nice.

D. It' s green.( )3. A. They are nice.

B. They are terrible.

C. They are yellow.

D. They are sour.( )4. A. It' s sour.

B. It' s sweet.

C. It' s salty.

D. It' s nice.( )5. A. It' s sweet.

B. It' s salty.

C. It' s blue.

D. It' s funny.FridayListen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false.(听短文,判断下列句子是否符合听到的内容。符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示。)( )1. Tom wants to catch a big fish.( )2. He puts on his coat.( )3. He goes out to the hill.( )4. Soon he catches a big fish.第9周PlantsWord Boxbud/bʌd/n.叶芽,花蕾branch/brɑːntʃ/n.树枝carnation/kɑː☆neɪʃn/n.康乃馨corner/☆kɔːnə/n.角落French/frentʃ/n.法语heart-shaped/☆hɑːtʃeɪpt/adj.心形的lily/☆lɪli/n.百合root/ruːt/n.根sad/sæd/adj.伤心的seed/siːd/n.种子tiny/☆taɪni/adj.极小的trick/trɪk/n.恶作剧trunk/trʌŋk/n.树干MondayListen to the sentence and choose the right word.(听句子,选出你所听到的单词。)( )1. A. foot

B. root

C. read

D. road( )2. A. truck

B. trunk

C. tree

D. trick( )3. A. bread

B. bridge

C. French

D. branch( )4. A. sad

B. sit

C. seed

D. stick( )5. A. bud

B. bad

C. bed

D. butTuesdayListen to the sentence and choose the best answer.(听句子,选择正确的答语。)( )1. A. It' s a bud.

B. It' s green.

C. It' s round.

D. It' s snowy.( )2. A. Two birds.

B. Ten seeds.

C. A big tree.

D. Five leaves.( )3. A. They are thin.

B. They are brown.

C. They are long.

D. They are branches.( )4. A. It' s sweet.

B. It' s hard.

C. It' s rough.

D. It' s soft.( )5. A. It' s beautiful.

B. It' s sour.

C. It' s hard.

D. It' s lovely.WednesdayListen to the sentence and fill in the blank.(听句子填空,每空限填一词。)

1. B:Look at the plant. It has______.

G:Yes. They are______and heart-shaped.

2. B:Look at the plant. It has______.

G:Yes. They are______and long.

3. B:Look at the plant. It has______.

G:Yes. They are______and beautiful.

4. B:Look at the plant. It has______.

G:Yes. They are______and tiny.

5. B:Look at the plant. It has______.

G:Yes. They are______and large.ThursdayListen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案。)( )1. A. She likes sunflowers.

B. She likes carnations.

C. She likes lilies.

D. She likes roses.( )2. A. Some flowers.

B. Some branches.

C. Some leaves.

D. Some seeds.( )3. A. It has leaves.

B. It has roots.

C. It has buds.

D. It has seeds.( )4. A. Yes, they do.

B. No, they don' t.

C. Yes, they are.

D. No, they aren' t.( )5. A. Twelve plants.

B. Twenty plants.

C. Two plants.

D. Twenty-two plants.FridayListen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false.(听短文,判断下列句子是否符合听到的内容。符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示。)( )1. It' s a warm day.( )2. Dick wants to go home.( )3. Jim doesn' t want to go home.( )4. They can watch the game on TV.第10周AnimalsWord Boxbull/bʊl/n.公牛January/☆dʒænjuəri/n.一月photograph/☆fəʊtəɡrɑːf/n.照片rest/rest/n.休息roar/rɔː/v.吼叫robot/☆rəʊbɒt/n.机器人whale/weɪl/n.鲸MondayListen to the sentence and choose the right word.(听句子,选出你所听到的单词。)( )1. A. class

B. clever

C. clock

D. clothes( )2. A. song

B. sun

C. strong

D. star( )3. A. rest

B. right

C. river

D. robot( )4. A. hungry

B. orange

C. January

D. angry( )5. A. cool

B. boil

C. bull

D. pullTuesdayListen to the sentence and choose the best answer.(听句子,选择正确的答语。)( )1. A. No, I don' t.

B. They are strong.

C. They are brown.

D. Yes, I can.( )2. A. She is clever.

B. She likes tigers and lions.

C. Yes, she likes pandas.

D. Twenty monkeys.( )3. A. They are sitting on a rock.

B. They are hungry.

C. They can swing.

D. They like eating fruit.( )4. A. It has a long tail.

B. I can see a whale.

C. It' s sleeping under a tree.

D. It' s so hot.( )5. A. It' s time to go home.

B. Let' s take a picture of the panda.

C. It' s climbing the tree.

D. They are running.WednesdayListen to the sentence and fill in the blank.(听句子填空,每空限填一词。)

1. Look at the monkeys. They can______.

They are______.

2. Look at the elephants. They can______for us.

They are______.

3. Look at the zebras. They can______very fast.

They are______.

4. Look at the giraffes. They can______leaves from the tree.

They are______.

5. Look at the hippos. They can______.

They are______.ThursdayListen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.(根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案。)( )1. A. She can hear the tigers.

B. She can hear the lions.

C. She can hear the snakes.

D. She can hear the monkeys.( )2. A. They are eating bamboo.

B. They are sleeping on the grass.

C. They are fighting each other.

D. They are climbing up the tree.( )3. A. She likes foxes.





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