
发布时间:2020-06-08 03:28:27







第1章 考研英语(二)完形填空考试指南

1.1 大纲要求



1.2 命题特点





词汇在这里分为两个级别,分别是单词和词组。其中以单词为主,词组为辅。单词级别的考查内容包括名词、动词、形容词、副词等的词义辨析,其中又以实词为主,虚词为辅。词组级别的题目考查词组的意思辨析、搭配和习惯用法等,如介词与名词,介词与形容词,介词与动词,动词与副词,动词和名词的搭配。这些题目旨在考查学生词汇量,考生不仅需要掌握词汇意义,而且要了解其可以与哪些词语搭配,各有什么意义、适用于什么场合等。  例:2012年全国硕士研究生招生考试英语(二)第一部分第二段

His name isn’t much. G. I. is just a military abbreviation  7   Government Issue, and it was on all of the articles  8   to soldiers. And Joe? A common name for a guy who never  9   it to the top. Joe Blow, Joe Palooka, Joe Magrac…a working class name. The United States has  10   had a president or vice-president or secretary of state Joe.

7. [A] meaning    [B] implying    [C] symbolizing    [D] claiming

8. [A] handed out  [B] turned over     [C] brought back  [D] passed down

9. [A] pushed    [B] got     [C] made     [D] managed

10. [A] ever     [B] never     [C] either    [D] n.ither

分析:第7题属于词汇题单词级别中对动词的考查。该空所在小句指:GI在军事上是Government Issue 的缩略语。因此,GI这个符号就象征着全称Government Issue。所以选C项。第10题属于对词汇题单词级别中对副词的考查。

第8题属于词汇题词组级别中对词组意思的考查。根据空格前的the articles(物品)和之后的to solders(给士兵)可推断,空格中需要填入表示“发放,配发”等类似语义的词组。A项hand out意为“分发,发给”,符合语境。其它选项turn over(移交),bring back(带回),pass down(传承,把…一代又一代传下来)均不合适,因此答案选A。

第9题属于词汇题词组级别中对习惯用法和搭配的考查。本句意为:Joe是个普通名词,一个从未爬到社会顶层的人的名字。make it是短语,意为“成功;设法到达”。故选C。

(2) 语法题



●主谓一致,包括就近原则、就远原则、总体原则、A and B结构、单数原则、定语从句的一致性





下面是一个语法题的例子:  2012年全国硕士研究生招生考试英语(二)第一部分第三段节选部分

...  19   Egypt, France, and a dozen more countries, G. I. Joe was American soldiers...

19. [A] With  

[B] To   

[C] Among   

[D] Beyond

分析:第19题考查介词的用法。句意:______印度,法国,以及其他国家,G.I. Joe可以是任何美国士兵。上文提到的二战时期,在美国士兵战斗过的很多国家的人们心中,G.I. Joe就代表着当年拯救他们的美国军队。可知此处指出的是,对于这些人而言…。因而,应用介词to,表示“对…来说”。

(3) 逻辑题


下面是一个逻辑题的例子:  2012年全国硕士研究生招生考试英语(二)第一部分第一段节选部分

...This was not a volunteer soldier, not someone well paid,  5   an average guy, up  6   the best trained, best equipped, fiercest, most brutal enemies in centuries...

5.[A] and   

[B] nor   

[C] but  

[D] hence

分析:本题考查对上下文逻辑关系的理解和判断能力。本句中前两个并列关系是否定句中的not a volunteer soldier和not someone well paid,紧跟其后的an average guy与二者为对比关系,指:这不是一个志愿兵,也不是能得到丰厚报酬的人,而是一个普通人。因此应该用表示句间对比或转折的连接词but。


1.3 答题攻略









1.4 应试技巧

1.关注重点位置,提示全文  重点位置的句子包括文章首句、第一段最后一句、第二段第一句以及文章最后一句。一般来讲,文章首句起到让考生熟悉语言环境的作用,往往是全文中心。考生可依据首句判断文章体裁、推测文章主旨,首句有时能为全文做题提供重要依据。第一段最后一句、第二段第一句以及文章最后一句往往是作者放置文章主题的地方。文章最后一句通常是作者对自己观点的总结、对文章所讨论问题的结论或提出的建议、对事情发展结果、后果或影响的描述。总之,考生如首先阅读和重点理解这些重点位置的句子,做题往往事半功倍。







(1) 词汇线索



...a “voluntary trusted identity” system that would be the high-tech  5   of a physical key, a fingerprint and a photo ID card, all rolled  6   one...

6.[A] by   

[B] into   

[C] from   

[D] over

分析:all roll into one是固定搭配,意思是“集于一身,融为一体”,在不用对句子意思进行分析的情况下,也能得出正确答案为B项。roll 卷起,缠绕。

(2) 语法线索


The rats develop bacterial infections of the blood, ______their immune systems——the self-protecting mechanism against diseases——had crashed.

[A] if  

[B] as if  

[C] only if  

[D] if only

分析:主从句时态不一致,主句为一般现在时,从句是过去完成时,可看出从句用的虚拟语气。as if(好像)可用来引导虚拟语气的条件句,表示对真实情况的假设。if虽也可用于虚拟语气,但表达“如果”的意思,与语境不符。only if一般引导真实条件句,意为“除非;只有”。if only引导虚拟语气表示愿望,意为“…就好了”。因此,根据虚拟语气这一语法知识,可判断答案为B项。

(3) 语义线索



To some extend our intelligence is given to us  2   , and no amount of special education can make a genius out of a child born  3   low intelligence.…Thus, the limits of a person’s intelligence are fixed at birth…

2.[A] so far  

[B] by chance 

[C] at birth  

[D] before long

分析:后文中“fixed at birth”,暗示第二空应该填入at birth,指:在某种程度上来说,我们的才智是与生俱来的,故答案选C。

(4) 逻辑线索



Can privacy be preserved  2   bringing safety and security to a world that seems increasingly  3  ?


第2章 文化教育类高分特训25篇


Test 1

Today, there are many avenues open to those who wish to continue their education. However, nearly all require some  1   in one’s career in order to attend school full time. Part-time education tends to drag the process out  2   time and puts the completion of a degree program  3   of many people.  4  , such program require a fixed time  5   which can also impact negatively  6   one’s career and family time.

Of the many approaches to teaching and learning, however, perhaps the most  7   and accommodating is that called distance learning. Distance learning allows the students the flexibility to study at his or her own  8   to achieve the academic goals which are  9    necessary in today’s world. The time required to study may be  10   at the students’ convenience with due  11   to all life’s other requirements. The students may  12   in distance learning courses from virtually any place in the world,  13   continuing to pursue their chosen career. Tutorial assistance may be available  14   regular communication media, teleconferencing and over the Internet.

Good distance learning programs are  15   by the inclusion of a subject evaluation tool with every subject, which enables students to take a test without traveling away from home.  16   characteristic of a good distance learning program is the  17   of the distance learning course with the same subject materials as those students taking the course on the home campus. And the resultant diploma or degree should also be the same  18   distance learning or on-campus study is employed.  Lastly,  19   distance learning programs for their employees by the corporations can give the business the advantage of  20   career-minded people while contributing to their personal and professional growth through education.

1. A. gap       B. disturbance     C. break     D. interval

2. A. with      B. over    C. for     D. at

3. A. at all costs   B. for the sake      C. out of reach      D. on the impulse

4. A. Additionally    B. Nevertheless    C. Consequently   D. Incidentally

5. A. target     B. ambition    C. commitment    D. endurance

6. A. in   B. to     C. with    D. on

7. A. flexible   B. valid   C. tolerable     D. pertinent

8. A. acceleration    B. speed     C. velocity   D. pace

9. A. such    B. so   C. also    D. more

10. A. put away    B. held off   C. set aside     D. drawn upon

11. A. regard    B. consideration   C. thought   D. correspondence

12. A. engage   B. enroll     C. entail     D. entitle

13. A. after     B. before       C. while     D. whereas

14. A. upon    B. in     C. via     D. with

15. A. witnessed   B. justified     C. displayed    D. characterized

16. A. Other    B. Either       C. Another   D. One else

17. A. equivalence    B. analogy      C. comparison     D. similarity

18. A. Since    B. as   C. whether   D. because

19. A. sponsoring    B. initiating    C. employing   D. advertising

20. A. obtaining   B. detaining       C. attaining     D. retaining




avenue [5Avinju:] n. 方法,途径;林荫道,大街

flexibility [7fleksE5biliti] n. 灵活性;弹性;适应性

virtually [5v\:tjJElI] adv. 事实上,实质上

drag out拖延

tutorial [tju:5tC:riEl] adj. 辅导的;家庭教师的,个别指导的 n. 个别指导

inclusion [in5klu:VEn] n. 包含;内含物

distance learning远程教育;函授学习


1.C  句意:几乎所有的课程都需要中断自己的事业已便能全时上学。interval和break都有“中止,停止”之意。但interval指一出戏在幕与幕之间,音乐会上下串场之间或演出中预先安排的休息;也可泛指事件之间的一段时间。break则指突然的或短时间的中止,如工作或活动期间短暂休息。这里强调的是为上学而中断事业,应选break。gap“差距;缺口”。disturbance“干扰;骚乱”。

2.B  短语over time意为“长时间地”。drag out over time把时间拖得很长。

3.C  put sth. out of reach of sb.意为“使某人无法够着某物;使某事对某人来说遥不可及”。此句意思是:业余时间接受教育往往会把课程拖得很长,使许多人完成学位的学习像水中月般遥不可及。

4.A  前文提到函授教育会拖很长时间,此处又提到它会impact negatively,也就是函授教育的另一个不足。由此看出,两句话之间是递进的关系,所以用additionally。

5.C  从已有句子可以看出,文中是要表达函授教育需要固定的时间投入。commitment(献身,投身)可以引申为“投入”的意思。本题答案为C项。target“靶子;目标”。ambition“野心;抱负”。endurance“忍耐;持久”。

6.D  impact on“对…产生影响”。

7.A  由本段第二句对Distance learning的解释allows the students the flexibility to study at his or her own...可知,Distance learning这种学习方式很灵活,选项中单词与“灵活”相关或相近且与accommodating“能通融的”感情色彩一致的是flexible“灵活的”。valid“有效的”。tolerable“可容忍的”。relational“相关的”。

8.D  句意:远程教育允许学生根据自己的进度灵活变通地进行学习,直到达到教学要求的目标。选项中speed, velocity和pace都有“速度”的意思,但用法不同。speed指单位时间内行进的固定速度或速率,也指可能达到的最高速度。velocity技术用词,指物体沿着一定方向运动时的速率。pace指步行的速度,常引申指活动的进度或生产率。因此选D项。acceleration“加速;加速度”。

9.B  空格处需填入一个副词修饰necessary,结合语义,只有so符合,表示在当今世界是如此有必要的。

10.C  句意:学习时间可以在学生方便的时候…。结合选项:put away“放好,储存”。hold off“拖延,不接近”。set aside“留出”。set off“出发“。只有set aside符合该处语境。

11.A  with due regard to意为“适当考虑”。

12.B  由in distance learning courses from virtually any place可推断该处的意思是,学生在任何地方都能参加远程教育。选项中可与in搭配且表达该含义的是enroll。enroll in“参加,选课”。engage in“从事于”。entail“使承担”。entitle“给称号;使有权利”。

13.C  连词while+-ing形式,表示“在…时侯”。

14.C  空格后的regular communication media, teleconferencing and over the Internet都是媒介形式,用介词via表示“通过,经由”。with表伴随。

15.D  本句先是提到对象Good distance learning programs,即好的远程教育项目,随后就提出它应该包括a subject evaluation tool,这个工具使学生不出家门就能测试。言外之意,这样的工具给学生带来了便利,而“便利”就是good的一个体现。be characterized by“具有…的特性;以…为特征”。符合句意。witness“目击”。justify“证明…是正当的”。display“显示”。

16.C  由characteristic以及后文的解释可知这里讲的是远程教育的另一个特征,故用another。

17.A  词义辨析题。with the same subject materials以及后文的should also be the same表明作者在这里强调的是远程教育与在校生学习的同等性。equivalence“相等,等值”。符合语境。analogy“类比”。comparison“比较”。similarity“类似,相似点”。

18.C  whether引导让步状语从句。句意:无论是采用远程教育还是校内学习,所得的毕业文凭或学位也应是一样的。

19.A  分析最后一段句意可知,该处是表达:资助自己公司的员工接受远程教育。sponsor“赞助,发起”。initiate“开始,创始”。employ“使用,采用”。advertise“做广告”。

20.D  the advantage提示后文描述的是给公司带来好处的事,结合语法,detain和remaining可首先排除。因为这里讲的就是公司的员工,故obtain排除。本题答案为D项。retain“保留”。该处意思是:留下那些事业心强的人。

Test 2

We know the kiss as a form of expressing affection. But long before it became  1  , it was the custom in many parts of the world to use the kiss as a(n)  2   of respect.

In many African tribes the natives  3   the ground over which a chief has walked. Kissing the hand and foot has been a mark of respect from the  4   times. The early Romans kissed the mouth or eyes  5   a form of dignified greeting. One Roman emperor allowed his important nobles to kiss his lips, but the  6   important ones had to kiss his hands, and the  7   important ones were  8   allowed to kiss his feet!

It is quite probable that the kiss as a form of affection can be traced back to primitive times when a mother  9   fondle her child, just as a mother  10   today. It only remained for society to  11   this as a custom for expressing affection between adults.

We have evidence that this was already the  12   by the time of the sixth century, but we can only assume it was  13   long before that. The first  14   where the kiss became accepted in courtship and love was in France. When dancing became popular, almost every dance figure ended  15   a kiss.

From France the kiss spread rapidly all over Europe Russia, which loved to  16   the customs of France, adopted the kiss and it spread there through all the upper  17  . A kiss from the Tsar became  18   of the highest forms of recognition from the Crown.

In time, the kiss became a part of courtship.  19   marriage customs developed, the kiss became a part of the wedding ceremony. Today, of course, we regard the kiss as an expression of love and tenderness. But there are still many places in the world where the kiss is  20   of formal ceremonies and is intended to convey respect.

1. A. it B. one    C. this    D. itself

2. A. custom B. tradition     C. affection    D. expression

3. A. watch  B. kiss    C. touch     D. greet

4. A. latest   B. earliest    C. longest    D. eldest

5. A. of   B. in     C. for     D. as

6. A. not  B. less    C. little   D. least

7. A. last  B. less    C. most   D. least

8. A. too  B. only    C. also    D. ever

9. A. could  B. would    C. should    D. will

10. A. does  B. has    C. doing     D. would

11. A. accept B. allow     C. kiss       D. express

12. A. history   B. event     C. case      D. evidence

13. A. expressed   B. discovered   C. kissed    D. practiced

14. A. city   B. tribe   C. country   D. society

15. A. by  B. without   C. in     D. with

16. A. copy  B. allow     C. spread       D. quote

17. A. governments  B. countries    C. cities      D. classes

18. A. it  B. one    C. this       D. that

19. A. As  B. Once   C. While       D. Since

20. A. bit  B. some   C. part    D. any

「文章大意」  本文主要介绍了亲吻所代表的意义以及起源。现在亲吻是表示爱情的方式,以前亲吻是表达尊敬的方式。亲吻表达爱意的方式起源于远古时期母亲爱抚自己的孩子,法国是第一个国家接受亲吻作为求爱的方式。


affection [E5fekFEn] n. 爱情;友爱;影响

dignified [5di^nifaid] adj. 有威严的;有品格的

probable [5prCbEbl] adj. 很可能的;大概的

courtship [5kC:tFIp] n. 求爱;求爱时期

tenderness n. 亲切;柔软;柔和;敏感;棘手


1.C  this在本文中指代“亲吻表示爱情方式”,符合文意。it在此指代不明;one一个(任何)人,本人,这一个;itself是反身代词,均不符合原文意思。

2.D  expression意思是“表达,情感”,与第一段第一句话we know the kiss a form of expressing affection相呼应。custom“习惯,风俗”;tradition“传统,传说”;affection “爱情,爱”,均不符合文意。

3.B  根据上下文的意思和题目中的kiss,可知B为正确选项。其余三项的词义与本题不符。

4.B  earliest意思是“早期的,早先的,古时的”,earliest times表示“最早的年代”。latest“最近,最新,最迟”;longest “最长的”;eldest“最老的,最年长的”。

5.D  as 意思是“作为”,短语as a form of…表示“作为…的一种形式”,与前文相应。其余三项均不能与a form of搭配。

6.B  less为比较级,根据前文中提到:在罗马帝国中人是有等级的,所以亲吻方式也不同,所以B为正确选择。本题重在考察联系上下文的能力。

7.D  least 为最高级,上题中选择了less,本句与上一句相呼应,故应选D。

8.B  only意为“仅仅,只”,是表强调的副词,too also 表示并列关系;ever 副词表示“永远,不断地”,不符合题意。

9.B  选项中只有would符合句中语法。

10.A  does用来代替上文出现的实义动词fondle,是一种常用的以do来代替上述动词的用法。

11.A  accept意为“承认、接受”,accept…as“接受…作为…”,根据文章得知本句的意思为被接受为成年人间表达爱意的习惯。故应选A, allow “充许,准许”,常用于短语allow sb to do sth 。

12.C  此题意在表达情况、事实这样一个意思。各选项中只有case 表示“情况,状况,事实,实情”,故选C。 history “历史”;event“事件,指具体的事情”;evidence “证据”。

13.D  此题要选择一个与主语动词assume 呼应的词,选项中practiced “实践、实地、进行”符合。其余选项词义与句意不符。

14.A  句中in France 指明在法国,给定了范围,所以country与tribe均不合适; society 一般不与first 等序数词连用。

15.D  通过文章得知此句意思为“几乎每一位舞者都会以一个吻来结束”。with“以……”,在此表示行为方式,为习惯用法。

16.A  分析可知文意“俄国喜欢模仿法国的风俗”。只有选项A. copy 有“模仿、抄袭”的意思,spread“传播、散布”;quote “引述、引证、复述”。

17.D  classes “等级、种类”,与upper搭配表示上层阶级,与文意相符A、 B、 C项不与upper 搭配。

18.B  此句的意思为得到沙皇的亲吻是待到皇家认可的最高形式之一。one与最高级搭配,one of the highest即可以表达出这样的意思。其余各项都没有这种用法。

19.A  As表示时间,作为连词表示“随着,当…时”,符合句意。once “一旦…就…”;while 表示条件;作连词表示“当…时,和…同时;since 然而,尽管,只要”;表示“从…以来,因为,鉴于”。

20.C  part“部分、一部分”,根据文章最后一段第一句the kiss became apart of courtship需要part“部分、一部分”与之相呼应。因此,应选C。

Test 3

Humor doesn’t travel well. Jokes rarely translate.  1   there are many similarities  2   the universal dimensions of humor there are important cross-cultural differences as well. Humor is one of the most culturally rooted forms of communication,  3   no matter how universal or  4   of movement a joke may be thought to be, the advice commonly given is that it needs to be discussed in  5   of its use with full trusted interpreter who will be frank about its appropriateness. One anthropologist who has studied humor has stressed it is culturally  6   and has argued that its success  7   shared cultural knowledge, shared rules for  8   it, and agreement about its cultural appropriateness. Generally, these are tall orders for people  9   with others whose cultural background is very different and  10   which they have only limited knowledge.

The difficulty with jokes crossing cultures is  11   where the joke has to be translated, as is often the case if it’s  12   in a speech, address or presentation. In this situation the joke teller is somewhat  13   the translator. A misunderstanding can quickly  14   a harmless joke into a(n)  15   one because the language of humor is not universal and there may be social   16   on some of its genres. In Japan, constant joking is regarded as a lower social class way of speaking and is judged poorly.  17  , jokes with sexual connotations(内涵), even in relatively open Japanese society, are judged poorly in everyday conversation.

Australians used to making jokes  18   others, and even themselves, need to be particularly  19   in light hearted interactions with people with Asian cultural backgrounds. Because of the emphasis upon face that is almost universal in Asia, humor directed at individuals is particularly  20   because of its ready capacity to offend.

1. A. Since  B. If     C. When     D. While

2. A. in terms of   B. in the course of C. in line with     D. in relation to

3. A. so that  B. in that    C. such that  D. except that

4. A. capable B. characteristic   C. tolerant   D. integral

5. A. favor   B. advance   C. case D. reference

6. A. forged  B. devised   C. shaped   D. figured

7. A. falls back on B. resorts to  C. revolves around   D. depends upon

8. A. illustrating   B. interpreting    C. illuminating  D. elaborating

9. A. integrating   B. reckoning C. interfering   D. interacting

10. A. in  B. for  C. with D. about

11. A. compounded   B. magnified C. enhanced  D. punched

12. A. incorporated   B. immersed C. assimilated     D. embodied

13. A. for the sake of B. at the mercy of C. in the light of  D. in place of

14. A. degenerate  B. condense  C. transmit  D. transform

15. A. offensive   B. courteous C. illiterate  D. intact

16. A. limitations  B. constraints   C. compulsion     D. enforcement

17. A. Indeed   B. Hence    C. Likewise  D. Incidentally

18. A. for the benefit of B. on behalf of    C. in honor of     D. at the expense of

19. A. affirmative  B. cautious  C. considerate     D. negligent

20. A. risky  B. vicious C. excitable  D. weary

「文章大意」  本文围绕幽默存在的跨文化差异展开论述的。幽默是文化根基最深的交流方式之一。因为幽默的语言不是普遍的,并且类型方面也许存在着社会制约,所以一个误解很快就可以把一个无害的笑话变得令人不快。随后文章列举了一些不同文化背景下,笑话可能会带来的一些误解。


dimension [di5menFEn] n. 方面; [数] 维;尺寸

anthropologist [7AnWrE5pClEdVist] n. 人类学者,人类学家

genre [VB:Nr] n. 类型;流派


1.D  从句提到there are many similarities,主句则是there are important cross-cultural differences,主从句之间有转折关系,因此选D项,其他选项不合逻辑。句意:虽然幽默在普遍性方面有很多共同之处,但也存在着重要的跨文化差异。

2.A  in terms of意为“在…方面”, ,这里指“关于幽默的通用性方面”。in the course of“在…过程中,在…期间”。in line with“与…一致,按照”。in relation to“有关,关于,涉及”。

3.A  主从句间有因果关系,所以选so that“以致”,其他选项不合逻辑或用法。in that“由于、既然”。such that“如此…以致…”,不能连接两个完整的句子。except that“除了”。句意:幽默是文化根基最深的交流方式之一,因此无论一个笑话可能被认为是多么具有普遍性或多么具有传播性,通常给的建议是,在使用这个玩笑前需要向一位信得过的、愿意开诚布公告知玩笑适应性的解释者咨询。

4.A  选项A、B、C都可以与of搭配,但capable of movement“能够迁移”最合文意。characteristic of“是…的特征/特色”。tolerant of“容忍”。integral“完整的、构成整体所必需的”,常与to搭配。句意见3题。

5.B  in advance of its use“在使用笑话之前”,in advance of“在…之前”,其他选项不合文意。in favor of“有利于,赞成”。in case of“假使,万一”。in/with reference to“关于,就…而论”。句意见3题。

6.C  一位人类学家强调说幽默是由文化形成的,shape“形成,塑造,体现”。forged“锻造,伪造”。devised“设计,发明”。figured“算计,推算”。句意:一位研究幽默的人类学家强调说幽默是由文化形成的,他认为,成功的幽默取决于共同的文化知识、共同的理解幽默的准则和对幽默文化适应性的一致看法。

7.D  depends upon意为“依赖、取决于”,其他选项不合文意。fall back on“转而依靠,求助于”。resort to“求助,诉诸”。revolve around“围绕”。

8.B  interpret意为“解释,说明”,其他选项不合文意。illustrating“举例说明,图解”。illuminating“照亮,照明”。elaborating“精心制作,详细说明”,常用搭配:elaborate on“详述”。

9.D  interact with“与…相互作用/影响”,在句中强调与人相互交往,其他选项不合文意。 integrate with“使成为整体,使结合”。reckon with“估计到,预料到;处理,对付”。interfere with“干扰,妨碍”。句意:一般来说,一些人跟文化背景迥异的人们交往,并且





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