
发布时间:2020-06-08 12:29:00


作者:Michael A. Putlack,Stephen Poirier,Will Link






®A. Information on the TOEFL iBT®

1. TOEFL iBT 结构®

2. TOEFL iBT 特点

■ 世界指定考场通过网络同时进行考试。®

TOEFL iBT的iBT是指网上考试,即Internet-based Test的首字母。考试只在有网络系统的指定考场进行,并且世界各地在同一天之内进行考试,防止因时差泄露考题。总考试时间为4~4小时30分钟,阅读和听力部分考试结束后有10分钟休息时间。

■ 对读、听、说、写综合评价。®

TOEFL iBT考四个部分不能只申请其中的一部分考试。尤其说和写作部分除了单纯的说和写之外还对读+听+说、听+说、读+听+写等方面进行综合评价。语法没有单独的考试,通过上述四个部分的考题间接进行评价。

■ 考试全过程允许做记录。®

TOEFL iBT整体上每个部分的文章都比以前长,故入考场时分给考生铅笔和纸。读、听、说、写作部分考试可以边读、听边记录重要的内容,以备写答案时参考。做记录的纸、铅笔考试结束时连同试卷一并上交。

■ 听力部分允许美式、加拿大、英国、澳大利亚式发音。®

TOEFL iBT听力部分,有一个讲义可能不是美式发音,是其他国家的发音。但在实际考试中半数以上为美式发音,考生不用为多国发音担忧。

■ 写作部分用电脑完成答案。®

TOEFL iBT写作部分须用电脑完成所有答案。与TOEFLOR CBT考试不同,写答案不会再用手写方式,需平时熟悉英文打字。

■ 可在网上确认考试结果。®

TOEFL iBT是考试15天后网上公布成绩。申请考试时选择网上确认成绩和邮件方式,可以收邮件成绩单。B. Information on the Reading Section®

TOEFL iBT的阅读部分评价大学水平学术文章的理解能力。阅读部分由3~5篇文章构成,每篇文章约700个单词。有些文章偶尔有划蓝线的词汇或语句,可看到该词汇或语句的定义解释。每篇文章有12~14道考题,考生须在60~100分钟(包括读文章回答问题)之内完成阅读部分考试。

1. 文章类型

■ 说明文(Exposition)对特定主题解释或说明的文章

■ 论述文(Argumentation)对特定主题的特定观点进行论证的文章。

■ 历史叙事(Historical narrative)陈述过去的历史事件或人物的生涯的文章。

2. 题型

1 Vocabulary(每篇文章有3~5道题)

推测文章中出现的特定词汇的意思或语句的语境。对一词多意的词,正确把握该词汇在具体文章中的词意并勾选正确答案。• The word/phrase __________ in the passage is closest in meaning to• In stating that __________, the author means that• Based on the information in paragraph X, which of the following best explains the term ___________?

2 Reference (每篇文章有0~2道题)

找出指定代词在文章中的指代关系,是较为容易的题型。题目中出现的主要代词为it,its,they, their,them等,偶尔也有which,this,one,the former,the latter等。• The word/phrase __________ in the passage refers to

3 Factual Information(每篇有3~6道题)

对文章中明确谈到的事实或细节提出疑问。该信息一般在一两个特定段落中能找到,快速阅读找出答案是关键。该题型在阅读部分出现比率最高。• According to the passage, which of the following is true of ____________?• According to paragraph X, who [when/ where/ what/ how/ why] ____________?• According to the passage, X did Y because ____________.• The author's description of X mentions which of the following?

4 Negative Factual Information(每篇文章有0~2道题)

该题型为在选项中找出不符合文章之意的信息。关键还是快速阅读,因需要阅读的部分较多些,会感觉难度较大。答题时注意不要落入选项中的部分跟文章的内容不一致的陷阱。• According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true of ____________?• All of the following are mentioned in the paragraph X as ____________ EXCEPT:• The author's description of ____________ mentions all of the following EXCEPT:

5 Sentence Simplification (每篇文章有0~1道题)

是找出最佳概括原文的中心内容的选项。关键在于正确分辨文章中的重要信息和次要信息,以及正确把握包括选项中内容的段落或文章全文的主旨。• Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

6 Inference (每篇有0~2道题)

是以文章中出现的信息为基础,推断出隐藏内容的题型。需根据信息逻辑关系导出合理的结论,不能因某一选项为在文章中出现的内容而轻率选择。• Which of the following can be inferred about X?• Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph ____________ about X?• According to the passage, it can be inferred that ~• The author of the passage implies that ~

7 Rhetorical Purpose(每篇有0~2道题)

是对于作者在文章中将特定信息以特定方式使用的修饰功能的理解问题。答此类题关键在于搞清楚特定句子和段落之间的联接。熟练掌握选项中常见的to illustrate, to criticize, to compare, to note等惯用语,有助于解答此类题型。• The author discusses X in paragraph ____________ in order to ~• Why does the author mention X?• The author uses X as an example of ~

8 Insert Text (每篇有0~1道题)

是考察被提示句子应插入到特定段落的哪个部分最为适当的题型。把被提示句子插入到文章中指定的几处,注意连接词和代词,观察插入句子后段落内容是否通顺。Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.[A sentence to be inserted into the passage]Where would the sentence best fit?

9 Prose Summary (每篇有1道题)

是文章中最后出现的题型,要求在6个被指定选项中挑选3个按照引文的内容完成概要。错误的选项是指虽然在文章中出现过,但是无关紧要的内容或者只有一部分是正确的内容,因此需要分辨出整篇文章的主旨和重要的信息与引文的联系。此类题型占2分,答对2道题只能得1分。Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.[An introductory sentence]•••Answer Choices1. XXXXXXXXXXXXXX2. XXXXXXXXXXXXXX3. XXXXXXXXXXXXXX4. XXXXXXXXXXXXXX5. XXXXXXXXXXXXXX6. XXXXXXXXXXXXXX

10 Fill a Table (每篇文章有1道题)

是在多个选项中选出属于同一范畴内容的题型。通常是以对比、对照、因果关系、问题-解决方法等结构句子的最后一道题来出现,但在同一文章中不会跟Prose Summary题型一起出现。选择5个正确选项的给3分,选择7个正确选项的给4分,最终按照正确答案的数量给分。Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 3 points.Answer Category 1Choices1. XXXXXXXXX•XXXXX2. XXXXXXXXX•XXXXX3. XXXXXXXXX•XXXXX4. XXXXXXXXXXXXXX5. Category 2XXXXXXXXXXXXXX6. XXXXXXXXX•XXXXX7. XXXXXXXXX•XXXXXC. Information on Registration

■ 考试信息来源


■ 申请考试手续

首先在ETS亚洲太平洋网站(korea.etsasiapac.org)确认考试登记时间。在登记有效期间内访问该网站的注册网站(toefl-registration.ets.org/TOEFLWeb)加入会员,然后按提示注册考试申请。或者拨打韩美教育委员团(02-3211-1233)专用电话申请注册,®或者下载ETS托福网站提供的TOEFL Ibt Registration and Information Bulletin中的注册申请表填写后邮寄。但网上申请最为简单便利。发传真或直接访问地区事务所不能注册。

■ 注册费和结算方式

注册费是170美金,根据不同情况会有变动。在美国本土以外地区须用信用卡结算注册费,如在美国本土内有银行帐户,可用电子支票或美国美金支票结算。考试申请注册后要想变更应试日期须补交40美金,成绩单除了指定学校4处免费送递之外,其他地区每件加收17美元。®D. TOEFL Score Comparison Table®

以下TOEFL iBT和CBT(Computer-based Test),还有PBT(Paper-based Test)分数的对照表。过去考过CBT或PBT的考生可以通过此表大体上测量自己的iBT分数。

Actual Test 01

Reading Section DirectionsThis section measures your ability to understand academic passages in English.The Reading section is divided into 2 separately timed parts.Most questions are worth one point, but the last question in each set is worth more than one point. The directions indicate how many points you may receive.Some passages include a word or phrase that is underlined in blue. Click on the word or phrase to see a definition or an explanation.Within each part, you can go to the next questions by clicking Next. You may skip questions and go back to them later. If you want to return to previous questions, click on Back. You can click on Review at any time and the review screen will show you which questions you have answered and which you have not answered. From this review screen, you may go directly to any question you have already seen in the Reading section.You may now begin the Reading section. In this part you will read 1 passage. You will have 20 minutes to read the passage and answer the questions.Click on Continue to go on.Part 1Ecology【答案链接】The Chimpanzee

The groundbreaking work of primatologists Louis Leakey and Jane Goodall has shown that the chimpanzee is not just another monkey. On the contrary, their astonishing research reveals that these primates exhibit numerous highly developed physical as well as mental characteristics that were previously thought only to be innate in humans. Goodall herself was one of the first people to recognize or realize the chimpanzee's ability to use tools, which, at the time, caused near pandemonium in the scientific world because experts believed only humans were able to do this. It is also now known due to recent hi-tech research that the chimpanzee's DNA makeup mirrors the genetic mapping of Homo sapiens to within a few chromosomes or so of being exactly identical. Regardless of their similarities, the chimpanzee's entire existence is being seriously threatened by its more complex peer: man.

Critical and fundamental to any living organisms on the planet is their habitats, and chimpanzees are no exception. When it comes to the chimpanzee, trees are key, and without them, they are, for the most part, headed for sure extinction. Chimpanzees are indigenous to Africa, where the tree canopy provides them with shelter, food, and protection. For example, chimpanzees are omnivorous, which means that they rely on meat, plant life, and fruit for subsistence. They also take refuge in trees when they feel threatened by predators or violent storms and flooding. Without trees, chimpanzees will become vulnerable to nature's forces and will lack the necessary food sources to keep them viable. What is so worrisome is that acre upon acre of the chimpanzee's habitat is being hacked to the ground every single day.

The deforestation of the jungle in Africa for profit and space is the single biggest threat to the chimpanzee's immediate and future livelihood. Because of skyrocketing populations and the paucity of housing in many regions of Africa, developers are cutting back the jungle to make room for new communities while simultaneously uprooting and displacing the chimpanzee. It seems that they have no regard at all for their primate neighbors, who eventually become isolated from one another in separate, tiny patchworks of trees. When groups of chimpanzees become fragmented and isolated from each other, their own genetic makeup is placed in jeopardy because they are not able to share genetic information. This isolation can have a very profound effect on future generations of chimpanzees if they even make it that far. Some experts are even predicting that, within twenty years, over eighty percent of the chimpanzee's habitat could be lost to development and brutal clear-cutting tactics.

The domino effect continues from the threat of deforestation to that of disease. As human populations begin to tread on the chimpanzee's habitat, man and primate come into closer contact with one another, exposing the chimpanzee to all kinds of human diseases ranging from the common cold to pneumonia to AIDS. The problem is that chimpanzees have no natural immunity against human-born diseases, so what may be just a sore throat and cough to a human could prove fatal for the chimpanzee. As populations in Africa explode and encroach on chimpanzee societies, they begin to become infected with disease, suffer, and die. If something is not done to protect the chimpanzee's habitat and separate chimpanzees from human populations, their fate is all but sealed.

One final factor which threatens the existence of the chimpanzee is the thriving live animal trade in Africa as well as demand for them throughout the world. To many people, chimpanzees are simply cute, furry, exotic animals—the perfect addition to a home. Infant chimpanzees are taken from their mothers and sold on the black market, which further decreases their numbers in the wild. A The truth is that while chimpanzees should never be stripped from the jungle, they are, after all, wild animals and do not make obedient, domesticated pets. B The live animal trade only puts money in the pockets of senseless individuals interested in nothing more than their own gains. C Without continual pressure of governmental and environmental groups and the implementation of stricter guidelines, which regulate and thwart the destruction of the chimpanzee's habitat, they may soon be another animal lost for eternity to human greed. DGlossarypandemonium: a situation in which there is a lot of noise and confusion

1. The word innate in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. extrinsic

B. relevant

C. found

D. inborn

2. According to paragraph 1, chimpanzees are unique because

A. the primatologist Jane Goodall was able to dedicate her life to

their study

B. they display many abilities reminiscent of certain traits of

human beings

C. their genetic makeup is a perfect match to that of Homo sapiens

D. they have been able to avoid extinction, unlike many of their

cousin primates

3. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 2 about habitats?

A. Chimpanzees are very adaptable to different habitats

depending on their needs.

B. The tree canopy in the jungle is the basis of the chimpanzee's


C. They do not change but force animal species to adapt to them.

D. They will disappear once the animals living in them become


4. The author discusses trees in paragraph 2 in order to

A. emphasize the dire need to reform timber-clearing tactics

threatening the chimpanzee

B. show how violent flooding will increase with the further

reduction of trees in the wild

C. tell how many trees are being cut down in the chimpanzee's

habitat in Africa

D. point out that because of clear-cutting tactics, chimpanzee will

become more isolated isolated

5. The word them in the passage refers to

A. trees

B. chimpanzees

C. forces

D. sources

6. The word paucity in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. surplus

B. insufficiency

C. development

D. boom

7. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect answer choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.

A. The isolation of chimpanzees reduces diversity in their genetic

pool, which can be detrimental.

B. As chimpanzees become fragmented from one another, they

begin to lose their genetic identity.

C. Genetic information is passed on to isolated groups of

chimpanzees from roaming individuals.

D. Jeopardizing genetics will result in chimpanzees becoming

more isolated and fragmented.

8. According to paragraph 4, disease is affecting chimpanzees because

A. their immune systems are suffering from an unhealthy diet

B. their natural immunities against diseases are being


C. their habitats are getting occupied by various groups of people

D. the AIDS virus is fatal to them as much as it is for human


9. The phrase encroach on in the passage is closest in meaning to

A. invade

B. dominate

C. tempt

D. surround

10. According to paragraph 5, the live animal trade of the chimpanzee occurs because

A. the temperaments of baby chimpanzees makes them become

excellent pets

B. buying and selling chimpanzees is more lucrative than the

trade of other animals

C. there is a high demand for chimpanzees by certain ignorant

and careless people

D. there are large populations of baby chimpanzees taken from

their mothers

11. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.

Furthermore, once these young chimpanzees get older and the novelty of owning them wears off, they are abandoned by their owners.

Where would the sentence best fit?Click on a square [■] to add the sentence to the passage.

12. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below.

Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some answer choices do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.

The livelihood of the chimpanzee is being placed in jeopardy for a number of important reasons.

Answer Choices

A. Trees are the main source of food as well as a form of

protection for the chimpanzee.

B. Chimpanzees are cute and furry and are considered by many

to be exotic animals.

C. The chimpanzee is native to many different areas on the

African continent.

D. Because they are favored as pets, the population of

chimpanzees is being compromised.

E. Chimpanzees are the only animal other than humans that are

known to use tools.

F. The development of industry is destroying chimpanzees'

habitats at an alarming rate.Drag your answer choices to the spaces where they belong.To remove an answer choice, click on it. To review the passage, click on View Text.Part 2Astronomy【答案链接】Space Settlements

The United States government is currently taking a serious look at the moon and Mars as potential places for future human settlement for a number of reasons. First, they could be a future source of natural resources desperately needed on Earth. Second, the moon could serve as a training ground or a kind of stepping stone for later journeys to Mars. Therefore, the moon is already on NASA's docket for further exploration within the next couple of decades, which, at least to some experts, is completely unnecessary mainly due to the needless risks involved. With Mars looming as the eventual long-term goal, serious questions exist as to whether the dangers and difficulties of a lunar settlement are too extreme and unnecessary. The moon's relatively harsh environment and the greater potential of natural resources on Mars are major reasons that make lunar settlements too great a liability and why the moon should be bypassed.

One major reason a lunar settlement is too hazardous is the contrast between the environments of the moon and the red planet. Numerous scientists believe the moon is too difficult for human settlement as compared to Mars. The fact that the moon has no atmosphere poses the greatest threat to human beings. Atmosphere is crucial because it protects humans and all other life from continuous bombardment of cosmic radiation caused by sources such as the sun. This radiation is especially dangerous to humans because it increases the risk of cancer and can negatively alter and mutate DNA. On the other hand, while Mars's atmosphere is significantly thinner than Earth's, at least it has one and would create some sort of protective barrier for humans.

Another important characteristic necessary for sustainable human settlement is water, of which the moon is believed to have none. A If lunar settlements are to be successful, water will be a key component and must be brought with the colonists and continually supplied by further expeditions from Earth, which means they will have a limited capacity of it. B Conversely, Mars contains vast quantities of water ice, dry ice, and also snow. C There is also ample evidence that water once existed at the surface of Mars and might return in the future if the planet warms. D With increased technological advances in conversion capabilities, the potential for settlers to remain on Mars indefinitely by being increasingly self-sufficient makes Mars a much more attractive goal as a space colony than the moon.

Future colonists will not only benefit from potential water sources on Mars; the planet is also rich in other basic elements vital to sustained life. These resources include nitrogen, oxygen, and hydrogen. Mars also contains many minerals that contain iron, silicon, and magnesium, which can be used in productive ways. For example, silicon can be used to make solar cells to store energy and create electricity. Hydrogen can be extracted from water sources and used as fuel. Moreover, it can be combined with nitrogen to form fertilizing materials necessary to a sustainable colony. Due to these factors, Mars would be a more successful candidate for exploration and settlement because it contains the basic resources necessary for humans to survive more independently of aid from Earth than they would on the moon.

Clearly, any future settlements on Mars or the moon will be monumental efforts for the space agencies and astronauts involved. The expenses incurred will be extreme and are a further reason why plans and implementation should focus on the project, which has the greater potential of long-term success. While the moon may serve as a temporary training ground for Mars, it could end up becoming a major diversion from Mars and place humans in too great a risk with too little benefit. Because the environment of Mars is more similar to that of Earth and it contains important resources necessary to sustain life, it should be the one and only option for any kind of long-term human settlement. Furthermore, the moon has been eclipsed by mankind, and it is only natural that Mars be the next step for space exploration. Finally, the habitation of Mars would not only be a milestone in space but also an excellent opportunity for mankind to redeem itself from past exploits on Earth and preserve and make the best use of the natural resources Mars has to offer.Glossarydocket: a list of things to be done; an agenda

13. According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true of space settlements?

A. They should have already been instigated by NASA many

years ago.

B. They must first incorporate the moon as a practice arena for

Mars exploration.





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