
发布时间:2020-06-08 14:12:15








Unit1 名词 一、专有名词和普通名词二、可数名词与不可数名词三、名词的所有格Unit2 冠词 一、不定冠词二、定冠词Unit3 代词 一、人称代词二、物主代词三、反身代词四、指示代词五、疑问代词六、不定代词Unit4 数词 一、基数词二、序数词三、数词的用法Unit5 介词 一、时间介词二、空间介词三、方式介词四、其他介词Unit6 形容词 一、形容词的位置二、形容词的比较级Unit7 副词 一、副词的种类二、副词的位置三、副词的比较级Unit8 动词 一、动词的种类二、动词的基本形式Unit9 动词的时态 一、一般现在时二、现在进行时三、一般将来时四、一般过去时Unit10 句子 一、句子的成分二、简单句和并列句三、并列句Unit11 陈述句 一、陈述句的肯定式二、陈述句的否定式Unit12 疑问句 一、一般疑问句二、特殊疑问句三、选择疑问句四、反意疑问句Unit13 祈使句 一、祈使句的肯定结构二、祈使句的否定结构Unit14 感叹句 一、由what引导的感叹句二、由how引导的感叹句三、由what引导的感叹句可与“how+形容词”的句型互换Unit15 There be结构 一、There be的肯定结构二、There be的否定结构和疑问结构三、There be的其他用法参考答案附录1 不规则动词变化表附录2 构词法 一、合成法:由两个或更多的词合成一个词。二、派生法:通过在词根上加后缀或前缀构成新词。三、转化法:由一种词类转化为另一种或几种词类。二、首字母缩略附录3 常用交际英语 一、Daily expression日常用语一、To show others your feelings,opinions,etc.向别人表达你的感情、观点等二、To let others know what you want them to do 让别人知道你想让他们做什么附录4 我的学习记录表返回总目录前言


近年来,越来越多的家长开始重视孩子的英语学习,市场上也有琳琅满目的英语语法书,但是真正适合小学生学习的很少。为此,我们约请熟悉小学英语教学的老师编写了这本《全新英语语法 小学篇》。本书特点如下:









因时间仓促,书中难免有些许错误,也请广大读者不吝赐教,我们不胜感激。Unit1 名词


Tom 汤姆

boy 男孩

daughter 女儿

teacher 教师

worker 工人动物

pig 猪

tiger 老虎

bird 小鸟

fish 鱼

butterfly 蝴蝶地点

park 公园

forest 森林

school 学校

beach 沙滩

house 房子物品

desk 书桌

kite 风筝

bicycle 自行车

water 水

bread 面包抽象

life 生活

idea 想法

health 健康

interest 兴趣

truth 真理一、专有名词和普通名词(一)表示特定的人、事物、地点或机构名称的词叫作专有名词。人名

Tom 汤姆

Ma Yun 马云

Shakespeare 莎士比亚星期、月份、节日

Sunday 星期天

June 六月份

Children's Day 儿童节

the Spring Festival 春节建筑、道路

the Great Wall 长城

the Eiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔

Nanjing Road 南京路国家、城市

China 中国

Germany 德国

Shanghai 上海

London 伦敦

Zurich 苏黎世


1.专有名词的首字母一定要大写,但其中的冠词(a,an,the)、介词(in,of)等的首字母一般不大写。如:the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国。

2.由普通名词构成的专有名词,一般要加the。如:the Spring Festival 春节,the United States 美国



student 学生 flower 花 piano 钢琴 supermarket 超市


police 全体警察 class 一个班级的学生 group 组

family 家人 people 人民

集体名词people作“人民”讲时,一般只有单数形式,但作“民族”的意思时,可以作为个体名词。a people 一个民族,two peoples 两个民族


air 空气 water 水 butter 黄油 cloth 布 ice 冰



health 健康 happiness 幸福 beatuty 美丽 love 爱



1.1 Read and write (请给下列名词分类)


1.2 Think and write (写出十个你去过的或想去的地点)

____ ____ ____ ____

____ ____ ____ ____

____ ____ ____ ____二、可数名词与不可数名词



可数名词有单数和复数两种形式。表示一个的,就是单数形式,如a pencil(一支铅笔),an apple(一个苹果)。 表示两个或两个以上的,就要用复数形式,如two kites(两只风筝),four books(四本书)。



以“o” 结尾的名词,复数时 +es



this man➡these men   a woman➡some women

that sheep➡those sheep a fish➡a lot of fish

a goose➡some geese   one foot➡two feet

a child➡many children  a mouse➡some mice

a person➡two people/some people/many people

例:The city of Hamelin is full of mice.

The people of Hamelin do not want to give the piper his gold.(1)fish:作鱼的“条数”的意思时,其复数形式为fish,如two fish,作鱼的“种类”的意思时,复数为fishes,如:two different fishes 两种不同的鱼。(2)people和person的区别:people是集体名词,作复数用。“一个人”的表达法为“a person”,不可以说“a people”,“两个人”可表达为two people,two persons。


a people 一个民族 two peoples 两个民族


例:It's shining outside.Do you need sun glasses?

I need a pair of glasses/a pair of scissors/a pair of trousers/two pairs of trousers.

I need a pair of new shorts/some new shorts.






例: The sky is blue.天空是蓝的。

The bread in the kitchen is for you.厨房里的面包是给你的。


air 空气 chalk 粉笔 cloth 布 change 零钱

coffee 咖啡 fire 火 food 食品 fun 乐趣

furniture 家具 fruit 水果 glass 玻璃 grass 草

hair 头发 homework 家庭作业 ink 墨水 luck 运气

knowledge 知识 luggage 行李 money 钱 meat 肉

music 音乐 tea 茶 rain 雨 sand 沙

rice 米 smoke 烟 snow 雪 sugar 糖

traffic 交通 water 水 weather 天气 wind 风

2.在不可数名词前加上单位词,表示具体的数量;如果表示不确切的数量则可以用some,much,a little,a lot of等。

例:a bag of rice 一袋米 two bags of rice 两袋米

a bar of chocolate 一块巧克力 four bars of chocolate 四块巧克力

a piece of bread 一片面包 some pieces of bread 几片面包

a cup of tea 一杯茶 two cups of tea 两杯茶

a glass of water 一杯水 three glasses of water 三杯水

some milk 一些牛奶 much money 许多钱


例: Water is important.水很重要。

Meat and fish are in the fridge.鱼和肉在冰箱里。




1.3 Write the plural (写出下列名词的复数形式)

week ____ shop ____ monkey ____

dish ____ box ____ knife ____

plane ____ sandwich ____ tooth ____

sheep ____ child ____ leaf ____

1.4 Read and choose (读一读,选择恰当的词)

1.I brush my ____ every morning.(tooth,teeth)

2.Look!There ____ a lot of fish in the river.(is,are)

3.My father goes to work on ____ every morning.(foot,feet)

4.There ____ some good news today.(is,are)

5.There are some ____ on the playground.(child,children)

6.Oh,there are some ____ behind the door.(mouse,mice)

7.The ____ over there is my new English teacher.(man,men)

8.I need my scissors,but I can find ____.(it,them)

9.Mary has got short black ____.(hair,hairs)

10.We're going to buy some new ____.(furniture,furnitures)三、名词的所有格


名词所有格有两种形式,一种是直接在名词后加's,表示有生命的东西的所有格,如:Andy's clothes(安迪的衣服)。另一种是在介词of后加名词,表示没有生命的东西的所有格,如:the top of the mountain(山的顶部)。(一)名词后加's,构成所有格的方法


Tom's camera 汤姆的照相机 my sister's house 我姐姐的房子

a girl's name 一个女孩的名字 the boy's kite 男孩的风筝

the woman's bag 那个女士的包 the children's toys 孩子们的玩具


the teachers' office 老师们的办公室 the kids' books 孩子们的书


my father and my mother's car 我父母的小汽车

my father's bike and my mother's bike 我父亲的自行车和我母亲的自行车


时间:today's newspaper 今天的报纸

距离:ten minutes' walk 十分钟的步行

国家:China's weather 中国的天气

地点:Shanghai's parks 上海的公园

自然现象:the moon's light 月光(二)of所有格:of+名词


the beginning of the story 故事的开始 a map of China 中国地图

the walls of the house 房子的墙壁

the back of the classroom 教室的后面

有生命的名词的's所有格和of所有格可以互换。如:the boy's name=the name of the boy男孩的名字



Whose book is this?It's Tim's.(Tim's=Tim's book)

Linda's bag is bigger than Susan's.(Susan's=Susan's bag)

2.名词所有格修饰的名词,表示某人的家、商店、学校等时,被所有格修饰的名词常不出现。We are having dinner at my grandparents' tonight.(my grandparents'=my grandparents' house)

3.a photo of my mother与a photo of my mother's的区别

It is a photo of my mother.这是我母亲的一张照片。(照片里是我母亲本人)

It is a photo of my mother's.这是我母亲收集的照片中的一张。(指照片里不一定是我母亲本人)


1.5 Read and choose (选择合适的单词完成句子)

1.That tall man is my uncle.He's my ____ (father's,father)brother.

2.My grandmother is my ____ (father's,sister's)mother.

3.The lady in the long red skirt is my aunt.She's my ____ (mother's,mother)sister.

4.My cousin is my ____ (aunt's,mother's)son.

5.Emily is ____ (Anne and Paul's,Anne's and Paul's)daughter.

6.____ (Jill,Jill's)friends held a big celebration party to welcome her back.

1.6 True of False (判断下列划线部分是否正确?如错的请写出正确的表达)

1.What is the name of the book?


2.I went to the house of my grandpa last Sunday?

F  my grandpa's house       

3.Do you like the color of the coat?


4.Write your name at the top of the page.


5.When is the birthday of your mother?


6.Our school is at the end of the street.


7.The country chicken stayed at the side of the tour bus last night.


8.The film's name is Zootopia.

____________________________________Unit2 冠词



a book 一本书 a monkey 一只猴子

a window 一扇窗 an hour 一个小时

a university 一所大学 an animal 一种动物

an old teacher 一位老教师 a new airport 一个新机场



There are four seasons in a year.一年有四个季节。

There's a girl in the children's garden.儿童乐园里有一个女孩。

What does Tom's father do?He's an engineer.汤姆的父亲做什么工作?他是名工程师。


Take an umbrella.It's raining.带把伞,下雨了。

I want to ask a question.我要提个问题。

I'm going to buy a cup of coffee and a cake.我去买杯咖啡和一块蛋糕。


A horse has four legs.马有四条腿。

Football is a game.足球是种游戏。

An owl can see in the dark.猫头鹰在黑暗中能看到东西。

A teacher works in a school.教师在学校工作。


twice a day 每天两次 5 yuan a kilo 五元一千克

He goes to the swimming club twice a week.他每周两次去游泳俱乐部。


anorange 一只橘子 a big orange 一只大橘子

a book 一本书 an English book 一本英语书

anisland 一个岛 a small island 一个小岛



I would like a coffee. 我想要一杯咖啡。

There was a heavy rain yesterday.昨天下了一场大雨。


have a toothache 牙疼 have a walk 散步

have a rest 休息 have a lesson 上课

have a look 看一看 have a good time 过得愉快

have a cold 感冒 have a fever 发烧

have a party 有个聚会 have a cup of coffee 喝杯咖啡

take a bath 洗澡 make a plan 制订计划

make a face 做鬼脸 make a living 谋生

make an effort 努力 make a mistake 犯错误

a little 一点,一些 a lot of 许多


after a time 一段时间之后 after a while 一会儿后

half an hour 半个小时 with a smile 微笑着

in a hurry 匆忙地 in a word 总之

in a loud voice 大声地 as a rule 通常


2.1 Write “a” or “an” (在空格内填入a或an)

1.____ old city 2.____ airport 3.____ hour

4.____ honest boy 5.____ knife 6.____ island

7.____ apple pie 8.____ student 9.____ actor

10.____ umbrella 11.____ tall man 12.____ good idea

2.2 Read and complete (完成下列句子) musical instrument flower vegetable river

supermarket class party famous painter fruit bicycle

1.A parrot is  a bird  .

2.An orange is ________.

3.A rose is ________.

4.I can't ride ________.

5.Mary works in ________.

6.A piano is ________.

7.On Children's Day they are going to have________.

8.Picasso was ________.二、定冠词



The girl in blue is my sister.穿蓝色衣服的女孩是我妹妹。

The children come out of school at four o'clock.那些孩子四点走出学校。

Please open the window.请打开窗子。(双方都明白指哪扇窗)


I have a bag.The bag is in the desk.我有一只书包。书包在课桌内。

There is an apple tree in our garden.Under the apple tree there is a chair.院子里有棵苹果树,苹果树下有把椅子。

3.定冠词the用于独一无二的事物前,如:the sun,the moon,the world,the sea,the country。

The chick is looking for the sun for her dad.小鸡为她的父亲寻找太阳。

I can see the moon in the sky.我能看到空中的月亮。

Peter lives in the country.皮特住在农村。


My grandparents live in the country.我的祖父母住在农村。

在表示季节的名词前不用冠词。in spring 在春天 in winter 在冬天

但如果指具体某年的某个季节,需要冠词。如in the winter of the year 2017在2017年的冬天


Langlang can play the piano very well.郎朗钢琴弹得很好。

My English teacher can play the violin.我的英语老师能拉小提琴。


The Browns all live in Shanghai.布朗一家全住在上海。


the People's Republic of China 中华人民共和国

the UK 英国 the UN 联合国

the USA 美国 the WTO 世界贸易组织

the West Lake 西湖 the Palace Museum 故宫博物馆

the Summer Palace 颐和园 the Great Wall 长城


the first 第一 the second 第二

the best 最好


all the time 一直 at the age of 在……岁时

at the same time 同时 at the beginning/end of 在……开始/结束时

in the morning 在上午 the next day 第二天

in the middle of 在……的中间 at the foot of 在……脚下

in the sky 在天空中 on the way to 在去……的路上

by the way 顺便问一下 just the same 完全一样

with the help of 在……的帮助下 tell the truth 说实话

make the bed 整理床铺 go to the cinema 去看电影



have breakfast 吃早餐 have supper 吃晚餐

play football 踢足球 play basketball 打篮球

play chess 下象棋 play bridge 打桥牌

但是:I have a basketball.The basketball is new.我有一个篮球,球是新的。


Children's Day is coming soon.儿童节快到了。

Spring is the best season in Shanghai.春季是上海最好的季节。


at night 在晚上 at noon 在中午

at home 在家里 at table 在吃饭

after school 放学后 at first 开始

at last 最终 ask for trouble 自找麻烦

ask for help 寻求帮助 by bike 骑自行车

by bus (train,plane)乘公共汽车(火车、飞机)

catch fire 着火 for example 例如

go to school 上学 in hospital 住院

in surprise 惊讶 in time 及时

in danger 在危险中 in fact 事实上

in trouble 处于麻烦中 on foot 步行

watch television 看电视 last month 上个月

last week 上周 next year 明年


2.3 Put in “a”,“an”,“the” or “/” (在需要的地方填入a,an,the或/)

1.Turn off ____ light and close ____ door.

2.Where's Dad?In ____ kitchen.

3.It's ____ nice morning.Let's go for ____ walk.

4.Beijing is ____ capital of China.

5.Is there ____ bookshop near your home?

6.Paul can play ____ piano.

7.Write your name at ____ top of the page.

8.Jack usually goes to ____ bed at ten o'clock.

9.I'm going to buy ____ hat and ____ umbrella.

10.Let's play ____ football after school.

2.4 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences (看图完成下列句子)

1.The sun is shining.

2.It's seven in the morning.They are having ________.

3.He is going to ________ in the morning.

4.The boy is flying ________.

5.They are watching ________.

6.The boy ________________.Unit3 代词






1.Look at the dog under the chair. It's looking at the girl.看椅子下的那只狗,它一直看着那位女孩。 (it指前面句子中的 dog)

2.Mary has a bowl of soup.She likes it.玛丽喝了一碗汤。她喜欢喝汤。(it指前面句中提到的a bowl of soup)

3.The children are making a snowman. They are happy.孩子们在堆雪人,他们很高兴。(they指前面句子中提到的the children)

4.I don't want these books.You can have them.这些书我不要了,你可以拿去。(them指前一句提到的these books)



This book is for you.这本书是给你的。

Would you go the teachers' office with me?你和我一起去老师办公室好吗?

We are going to the museum.Do you want to go with us?我们要去博物馆,你想和我们一起去吗?

2.在英语中如果出现多个人称代词,单数并列为you,he/she (him/her)and I (me);you and I(me);复数并列为we(us),you and they (them).

He and I are good fridends.他和我是好朋友。

You,she and I all enjoy music.你、她和我都喜欢音乐。

3.it用作无人称的主语,不具体指物,而表示天气、季节、时间、距离等,it 没有实际意思。

What time is it now?现在几点了?(指时间)

Is it going to be snowy tomorrow?明天会下雪吗?(指天气)


3.1 Read and choose (请用me/you/him/her/us/it/them填空)

1.I don't know that girl.Do you know ____?

2.I don't know that little boy.Do you know ____?

3.This is my new bike.Do you like ____?

4.—Will you go alone?

—No,my friend will go with ____.

5.Where are the books?I can't find ____.

6.I know the new teacher.Does the new teacher know ____?

7.I don't know Jill's parents.Do you know ____?

8.You know the film star.But the film star doesn't know ____.

3.2 Read and complete (完成下列句子)

1.This picture is very nice.I like ____.

2.I don't eat potatoes.I don't like ____.

3.The dog is very clever.I like ____.

4.Tom goes to school on foot every morning.____ puts the books in the bag.

5.Look!There's a seesaw.Let ____ play together.

6.I'm talking to you.Please listen to ____.

7.I want to see the students but they don't want to see ____.

8.Today is Father's Day.This present is for ____.二、物主代词



I➡my I love   my mother.

you➡your  You love your mother.

he➡his  He loves his daughter.

she➡her  She loves her father.

we➡our  We love our school.

they➡their  They love their parents.(二)名词性物主代词


It's my book.  It's mine.

They are our books.  They are ours.

It's his book.  It's his.

It's her book.  It's hers.

They are your books.  They are yours.

They are their books.  They are theirs.


1.a friend of mine/his/yours 我的/他的/你的一个朋友

2.Whose book is this?It's his/mine.这是谁的书?是他的/我的。


3.3 Complete the sentences (请用“mine,his,hers,yours,ours”等完成句子)

1.This is my bag.This bag is ____.

2.This is her guitar.This guitar is ____.

3.It's our classroom.It's ____.

4.It's his hat.It's ____.

5.It's their car.It's ____.

6.They are your books.They are ____.

7.They are their cups.They are ____.

8.They are our flowers.They are ____.

3.4 Choose the right words (选择合适的词填空)

1.This is a nice hat.Is it ____?(your,yours)

2.I like playing football.It's ____ (my,mine)favorite sport.

3.Whose pencil box is this?Is it ____ (your,yours)?

4.Is this ____ (your,yours)umbrella?

No,it's ____ (his,her).____ (my,mine)is red.

5.Whose cake is this?It's ____.(my,mine)

6.Whose gloves are these?They are ____.(her,hers)

7.Tom is a friend of ____.(my,mine)

8.We ride our bicycles and they ride ____.(their,theirs)

9.Jill has a brother and a sister.____ (Her,Hers)brother is seven and ____ (her,hers)sister is five.

10.This is a beautiful plant.____ leaves are colorful.(It,Its)三、反身代词


I looked at myself in the mirror.我看着镜子里的自己。

They had a good time.They enjoyed themselves.他们度过了一段快乐的时间,他们玩得很开心。

Please help yourself.请自便。(对方是一个人)

Please help yourselves.请自便。(对方是二个或两个以上的人)

I usually go to school by myself.我通常自己去上学。

John went to the movies by himself. 约翰独自去看电影。



by oneself 独自地,单独地 come to oneself 恢复知觉

enjoy oneself 玩得很快乐 dress oneself 自己穿衣

help oneself to 随便吃(招待客人用语)

speak to oneself 自言自语

teach oneself 自学 lose oneself 迷路


3.5 Think and complete (请用myself,yourself,yourselves,himself,herself,ourselves,themselves等填空)

1.You should take care of ____.

2.The knife is sharp.Be careful.Don't hurt ____.

3.Help ____,Amy.

4.Jill cooked breakfast ____.

5.Bill goes to school by ____.

6.We had a good time.We enjoyed ____.

7.Children,you should do the homework ____.

8.They painted the room by ____.

3.6 Read and complete (朗读句子,填入适当的单词)

1.Do you know that tall boy?Yes,I know ____.

2.Is this your umbrella?Yes,it's ____.

3.What is ____ father,Tim?____ is a taxi driver.

4.Where are my keys?I can't find ____.

5.I go to school by ____.

6.They made a robot.They enjoyed ____.

7.Thanks for teaching ____ English.

8.____ love ice cream.____ tastes good.四、指示代词



This is a picture.This picture is nice.这是图片,这张图片很漂亮。

That is a school.That school is very big.那是学校,那所学校很大。

Did you know that?那个你知道吗?


These are apples.These red apples are sweet.这些是苹果。这些红苹果是甜的。

Those are oranges.Those green oranges are sour.那是橘子。那些青的橘子是酸的。(二)指示代词this,these是指离自己比较近的人或物,that,those 是指离自己较远的人或物。



1.—I'm sorry.I'm late.抱歉,我迟到了。

— That's all right.没关系。

2.—I'm going to visit Shanghai Museum next week.我下周要去上海博物馆参观。

— That's nice!太好了!(四)This is ...(介绍用语)这是……

Hello! This is my sister.Her name is May.你好!这是我的妹妹,她叫梅。


我们在打电话时,通常用This is ...或Is that ...?

Hello,this is Tom.你好!这是汤姆。(指打电话的人)

Is that Mark's mother?你是马克的妈妈吗?(指接电话的人)


3.7 Read and complete (选择括号内的单词完成句子)

1.This bicycle is fast,but ____ bicycle is slow.(this,that)

2.____ picture is ugly,but that picture is nice.(This,That)

3.I'm sorry I'm late.____ all right.(That,That's)

4.—Tom,____ is May.—Hello,May.(This,That)

5.—____ flowers are for you.—Thank you.(This,These)

6.—Are ____ your keys?—Yes.(that,those)

7.Look at ____ shoes.I love them!(this,these)

8.—Who are ____ people?





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