雅思听力 (雅思综合训练系列 1)(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

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雅思听力 (雅思综合训练系列 1)

雅思听力 (雅思综合训练系列 1)试读:


Dear Student,Thank you for choosing to study for the IELTS with New Oriental.This book is the long anticipated result of a close cooperation between New Oriental and international IELTS experts to develop our own IELTS training materials. We believe it offers a different approach, with the following features:First of all, the language used is likely what you will encounter in a real classroom or work setting while living abroad. The setting of each dialogue is also consistent with how you might encounter English as used by native speakers in their own country.Also, under the guidance of renowned professor Rod Ellis, our partner international research team has delivered a proven methodology for ensuring the intended acquisition of needed skills for IELTS test takers in speaking, listening, reading and writing.And most importantly, this book incorporates ten years of IELTS training experience by the very best teachers at New Oriental, and therefore has been customized to suit the needs of Chinese students.I sincerely hope that together with these materials New Oriental teachers can make your IELTS classroom fruitful and rewarding. Enjoy your learning time with New Oriental!周成刚新东方教育科技集团常务副总裁新东方教育科技集团雅思研究院院长


This book covers the following points:Strategies and Practice for Answering the IELTS Listening Question Types● using the question sheet to predict the kind of information you will

need to listen for● listening for factual information, including times, dates, places and

names● listening for detail / description● listening for main ideas● listening for opinionsFour Sections of the IELTS Listening TestEach section of the IELTS listening test has a different kind of listening.You will practice listening to:● dialogues between two people - Section 1● monologues (where one person is speaking by themselves) -

Section 2● conversations between three or more people - Section 3● lectures from a course of study - Section 4Common Listening TopicsYou will hear topics which are often used in the IELTS listening test. For example:● social needs such as asking for directions, prices or information

(Sections 1 and 2)● education topics such as courses of study, or common academic

topics (Sections 3 and 4)VocabularyEach unit contains exercises to help you to recognise and learn useful vocabulary for the listening texts.There are lists of useful phrases which are common in the IELTS listening test.You will practice:● recognising sounds● recognising words● homonyms - e.g. their and there● synonyms - e.g. clever, smart, intelligent, bright● paraphrases - phrases with the same or similar meaningsAll four sections of the IELTS listening test are covered and practised in this book.We hope you will enjoy using this book, and that you will learn useful language and skills to help you to pass the IELTS listening test.Work hard, take every opportunity to practice, enjoy your study and succeed in the IELTS listening test!UNIT 1MusicThis Unit and IELTS Section 1 of the IELTS Listening test, you listen to a conversation. You are often required to listen for factual information and then Incomplete a form, notes, table, flow-chart or summary. There is no chance to listen a second time. In this unit, you will listen for information about music exams and complete forms.Introducing the topicMany students take exams for different subjects. Many exams are national or local, but there are also important international exams for some subjects, including music and languages.1(答案链接) Discuss these questions with a partner.

a. What was the last exam you took?

b. What was it for?

c. Where did you take it?

d. Have you ever sat an international exam?

e. Have you ever sat an exam for language or music?Vocabulary2(答案链接) Pay attention to how the words sound.examsurnamepracticalsit an examprimary schoolpreferreceptionfeeassumepracticemistakeexaminer

Check the meaning of the words in your dictionary. Use an English-English dictionary and note whether the dictionary provides a pronunciation guide.Music-related vocabularygradeviolinviolapianoinstrumentspiece (of music)accuracyscalesfluency3(答案链接) Write the words to complete each sentence.

a. In most countries, children go to ____________ at the age of five or six.

b. I don't like coffee very much. I ____________ tea.

c. When you enrol at a language school, you may have to ____________ a placement test.

d. At my son's music club, the ____________ for a year is $400.

e. The double bass and cello are stringed ____________.

f. My given name is Irene. My ____________ is Wilson.

g. I try to ____________ on the viola for at least 30 minutes each day.


Understanding numbers is very important in IELTS Listening. You

need to practise listening to numbers and identifying them then

writing them accurately. Also, remember to write numbers very

clearly; if the marker cannot decide, for example, whether you

have written 1 or 7, you will not get a mark.4(答案链接) Write the numbers as words and numbers.

a. _______________________

b. _______________________

c. _______________________

d. _______________________

e. _______________________

f. _______________________

g. _______________________

h. _______________________

i. _______________________

j. _______________________Task type: Form/Notes/Table/Flow-chart/Summary Completion


For summary completion in the IELTS Listening test, usually more

words than required are given in a box. For table completion, you

are not usually given the words in writing. You may see an


NUMBER’. The number of words may vary from ONE to THREE,

so check carefully.Predicting the type of answer

Look carefully at the question sheet. You can often predict what type of answers is required.5(答案链接) Predict the type of answers required. Circle the type of answer.number / word / 2+ wordsa. $ _________b. _________ Roadnumber / word / 2+ wordsc. _________ kgnumber / word / 2+ wordsd. _________ Williamsnumber / word / 2+ wordse. Specific learning goals: number / word / 2+ words_________Practising writing numbers, proper nouns, time and dates6(答案链接) Write the names, numbers and dates that you hear. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND /OR A NUMBER.

a. Grade _______________

b. _______________ Rd

c. July _______________

d. _______________ School

e. Meeting to be held: _______________


In the IELTS Listening exam, units of measurement and amounts

are usually written for you, and you are normally required to write

a number or words, rather than symbols. For example, you may

see $ ______ or ______ kg. Proper names are usually spelled

out. For example, you may hear‘I live in Seddon St. That's S-E-D-

D-O-N…’.Language focus – Homonyms (words that sound the same)


There are many words in English that have exactly the same

sound but quite different meanings. For example,‘there’and‘their’

are pronounced identically. These words are easier to understand

if you hear them in a particular context.7(答案链接) Match the words in the box to the homonyms below. Saying the words will help you.aisleforthmourningcitethereheelpeargreyedreadsymbolweighthannedyourhealhaseallowedhiresite

a. aloud ________________

b. band ________________

c. bass ________________

d. fourth ________________

e. grade ________________

f. higher ________________

g. I'll ________________

h. pair ________________

i. reed ________________

j. sight ________________

k. their ________________

l. he'll ________________

m. wait ________________

n. you're ________________Getting ready to listen – Prediction8(答案链接) You will hear the introduction to Listening 1. First, try to answer the following questions. Write ONE word or A NUMBER in the gap.

a. The audio will be a conversation between ____________________ people.

b. The conversation is about a Grade 7 viola ____________________.

c. The people are speaking on the ____________________.9(答案链接) Check your answers.Listening 1(答案链接)

Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer.Listening 1 – check

Check your answers.Listening 2(答案链接)

Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer.John Kepler's Memo11 Exam at ____________________ Primary School12 Arrive at the school by ____________________13 Tuning: four strings C, G, __________, A14 Take: a spare bow / a cleaning cloth / a ____________________15 Also, take own music ____________________16 Order of three-part examFirst part: sight-readingSecond part: ____________________ prepared pieces of musicThird part: ____________________17 Marking of first and third part is out of ____________________ %18 Examiner looking for ____________________ and fluency19 Results made available on the Woodlands ____________________ and through the mail20 Aim for 2009: Grade ____________Final activityA Do a survey of your friends or family.

a. Find out if anyone has sat a music exam.

b. Find out if anyone has sat a language exam.

c. If so, ask them about it.

d. If not, ask them about the last test or exam they sat at work or

at school.

e. Ask them:‘What do you need to do to be successful in any


f. Do they have any tips or advice for exam candidates for the day

of their exam?B With a partner, discuss how you go about sitting the IELTS exam in your area.

a. Can you sit the exam in your city?

b. Do you have to travel to another city?

c. Who do you have to phone or talk to initially to book a place to

sit the exam?C Share the information with your classmates in your next English class.UNIT 2Eating HealthilyThis Unit and IELTS Section 2 of the IELTS Listening test, you listen to a monologue, which consists of one person speaking. You will often hear factual Ininformation and need to answer multiple choice type questions. There is no chance to listen a second time. In this unit, you will listen for information about eating healthily and answer multiple choice questions.Introducing the topic1(答案链接) Discuss these questions with a partner.

a. Which of the pictures shows a doughnut, a filled roll, a sausage roll?

b. Would you eat these foods for lunch?

c. Do you think they are healthy or unhealthy?

d. What would you prefer to eat for lunch?Vocabulary2(答案链接) Write the word or words to complete each sentence.

a. In order to stay healthy, we should eat __________________ foods, such as fruit, vegetables and whole grains.

b. A person who is __________________ is extremely overweight, and in danger of becoming ill because of it.

c. Schools are __________________ teaching pupils subjects such as maths, science and geography.

d. We go to school and university in order to gain a good __________________.

e. People who have an unhealthy __________________ are generally unfit and get sick more often.

f. At school we have __________________ classes outside, where we run and learn to play different kinds of sports.

g. A __________________ is someone who specialises in the areas of food and diet.

h. People who are __________________ spend a lot more time moving around and doing things than people who are not.

i. Doing something in __________________ means not doing it too much.

j. __________________ methods are methods that have been used for a long time and passed from one generation to another.

k. The school __________________ is the place where you can go to buy snacks and light meals.

l. An __________________ is someone who knows a lot about a particular subject area.

m. The term __________________ refers to young people—usually children and teenagers.


A useful method for learning the meaning of new vocabulary items

is to write a sentence for each word. This way, you can remember

how to use the word in context.

If you are unsure of the meaning of any of the words you wrote above, check your dictionary. If possible, check them in an English - English dictionary as well as a translation dictionary.3(答案链接) Pay attention to how these words sound.Food-related vocabularyhigh-fatwholegrainservingceleryhigh-sugarbreadportionricelow-fatjunk foodbananato steammeat piechipscerealto boilsugarysausage rollfried chickento bakecream doughnutfilled rollappleto stir-frypearfruityoghurtoilrawsaladvegetableskiwi fruitsandwichgraincarrotdressing

Check the meaning of the words above in your dictionary. If possible, check them in a picture dictionary as well as a translation dictionary.4(答案链接) Classify the words you hear. Write them in the order that you hear them.


Another useful method for learning new vocabulary items is to

group them according to categories.Types of fruitTypes of vegetablesGrainsPrepared food (healthy)Prepared food (unhealthy)Food preparation (verbs)Adjectives to describe foodTask type: Multiple choice questions

Here are the first two multiple choice questions for Listening 1.5(答案链接) In pairs, quickly discuss the following questions.

a. How many possible answers are given for each question?

b. Which letters are written beside the answer options?1. What are they doing in school tuck shops?A. selling more healthy foodB. selling more junk foodC. offering more meat pies and sausage rolls2. What do most adults think about this?A. It's a bad idea.B. It's a good idea.C. Tuck shops should sell more cream doughnuts.6(答案链接) Can you hear the answer to question 1?


In the IELTS Listening test, you will usually have to answer

multiple choice questions. A multiple choice question is a question

with three or more possible answers. You need to listen to the

audio and decide the correct answer. You need to circle the letter

of the correct answer on your question sheet.


Before the audio is played, you will have some time to read the

questions and possible answers. Say the key words in the

questions and answer options silently to yourself. This way, you

will‘fix’them in your head and better be able to recognise them

when you hear them.Language focus – Synonyms7(答案链接) Write the words you hear next to their synonyms.__________________a. good__________________b. principal__________________c. greater amounts__________________d. tired__________________e. advertisements__________________f. overweight__________________g. to choose__________________h. tuck shop__________________i. fast food__________________j. sport__________________k. healthy__________________l. help__________________m. to suggest__________________n. uncooked__________________o. specialist__________________p. serving

Now read the pairs of words out loud to yourself to help‘fix’the sounds in your head.


Often in the IELTS test, the answer options for the multiple choice

questions will not contain the exact words that you hear. In many

cases, synonyms are used. Synonyms are words or phrases that

have a similar meaning.Getting ready to listen – Prediction8(答案链接) You will hear the introduction to Listening 1. First, try to answer the following questions.

a. What type of text do you think this will be?

A. a conversation between two people

B. a conversation between more than two people

C. a monologue (just one person talking)

b. What is the main topic?

A. supermarkets

B. school food shops

C. food markets

c. What changes do you think they might be talking about?

A. new types of food

B. increasing prices

C. increasing numbers of shoppers9(答案链接) Check your answers.Listening 1(答案链接)

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

1. What are they doing in school tuck shops?

A. selling more wholesome food

B. selling more junk food

C. offering more meat pies and sausage rolls

2. What do most adults think about this?

A. It's a bad idea.

B. It's a good idea.

C. Tuck shops should sell more cream doughnuts.

3. Which opinion is NOT expressed?

A. Children should be free to decide what they eat.

B. There should be more sport at school.

C. The school is responsible for teaching healthy eating to


4. What will some of the children do?

A. bring healthy food from home

B. buy junk food on the way to school

C. bring junk food from home

5. How much does it cost for chicken and chips?

A. $4.00

B. $4.50

C. $2.50

6. How could parents be educated about healthy eating?

A. magazine advertisements

B. public meetings

C. advertisements on television

7. How can schools help children eat healthily?

A. check children's lunchboxes

B. sell mainly healthy food

C. ban junk food in schoolListening 1 – check

Check your answers.Listening 2(答案链接)

Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

8. Mr White is a

A. nutritionist.

B. school principal.

C. health expert.

9. The children will be happier and healthier by

A. eating less fruit and vegetables.

B. eating greater amounts of fast food.

C. eating great amounts of fruit and vegetables.

10. How many servings of vegetables per day do health specialists recommend?

A. five

B. two

C. three

11. What happens to people when they don't eat breakfast?

A. They feel tired.

B. They usually eat a banana late in the morning.

C. They don't feel hungry at lunch time.

12. Which food item is NOT suggested for lunch?

A. a wholesome sandwich

B. steamed vegetables

C. fried chicken

13. What recommendations does the speaker make for summer?

A. select green, white and purple vegetables

B. make a salad with uncooked vegetables

C. use a high-fat cooking method

14. How much exercise per day does she recommend for young people?

A. 30 minutes

B. 13 minutes

C. 20 minutes

15. What should children do if they can't walk or bike to school?

A. take a taxi

B. play sports with friends

C. join a chess clubFinal activityA Do a survey of the people in your class.

• First, work with a partner in class to write questions about what food people eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

• Do they eat snacks between meals?

• Do they prefer junk food or healthy food?B Next, carry out your survey. Talk to your classmates, and write down their answers as you listen.C Finally, discuss with the whole class whether most people eat healthily or unhealthily.UNIT 3SportThis Unit and IELTS Section 1 of the IELTS Listening test, you listen to a conversation. You are often required to match a list of items from the audio to a Inset of items in a box. In this unit, you will listen for information about sports competitions and complete matching exercises.Introducing the topicAthletics is an important part of sports events such as the Olympic Games, and this includes running events, from 100 metre sprints to the marathon. In a relay race, teams of runners take turns to complete part of the race.1(答案链接) Discuss the following questions with your partner.

a. Do you prefer to watch sprinting (fast, short distance) or long distance races? Why?

b. Have you ever watched relay running events live or on television?

c. In a relay running event, are all the runners equally important?

d. If you were in a relay race with four people, which runner would you like to be—the first, second, third or fourth?

e. What is cross-country running?Vocabulary


A useful method for learning vocabulary for listening is to say the

words out loud as you read them. Check your pronunciation with

your teacher or a native speaker, or use a dictionary that gives

pronunciation guidance. Also, check the meanings of the words.2(答案链接) Pay attention to how these words sound.readyfavouriteankleschedulesuccessfulorganisechallengingturn upregistrationFirst AidquestionaccidentSport-related vocabulary





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