
发布时间:2020-06-09 14:56:55









目前,各国已普遍采用托福网考的新模式,即大家所熟知的TOEFL iBT(internet-Based Test),考试结构与考试内容也随着考试模式的变化而有所改变。新托福改革了旧托福的试题框架,新增了口语测试,同时也加强了写作的测试力度,更注重考查应试者的英语综合能力。留学生若想在纯英文环境下完成艰巨的学习任务,扎实的语言功底是必须具备的能力,而托福考试成绩能够比较客观地反映留学生的英语水平,所以受到美、欧、澳、亚各类学校的普遍重视,因而取得傲人的托福高分是考生的共同梦想。

















诚然,写作能力的培养绝非易事,但拥有一本优秀的范文书,就如同拥有一位好老师,莘莘学子会在她的指引下,找到开启成功之门的钥匙,进而为快速、有效地提高自己的写作水平奠定稳固的基础,《托福高分范文大全》无疑就是这样一位好老师。衷心祝愿广大考生能够跟随她的脚步,在托福写作备考过程中不断积累、不懈奋斗,并最终在考场上取得梦寐以求的优异成绩!编 者

第一章 托福写作简介

托福写作由两部分组成,第一部分为综合写作(The Integrated Writing Task),第二部分为独立写作(The Independent Writing Task)。一、独立写作简介


◆ Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide. Use specific reasons and details to support you answer.




◆ HOW WELL YOU USE LANGUAGE OR EXPRESS YOUR IDEAS(语言运用与观点表达是否恰当准确)3.满分(5分)作文评分标准

◆ effectively addresses the writing topic and task(有效地阐明了主题)

◆ is well developed and well organized, using clearly appropriate explanations, exemplifications, and / or details(运用了明确恰当的论据使论点充分展开,结构有条理)

◆ displays unity, progression, and coherence(文章保持统一性、渐进性和连贯性)

◆ displays consistent facility in the use of the language, demonstrating syntactic variety, appropriate word choice, and idiomaticity(语言流畅,句法多样,用词恰当、地道)二、独立写作“四步走”战略1.第一步,审题并确定立场


◆ 友谊

◆ 教育、学习

◆ 个人成功

◆ 人生观、价值观

◆ 家庭、社会

◆ 科技、环保

◆ 经济、文化

◆ 传媒(2)与常考主题相关的表达、论点、论据(以“个人成功”为例)

① 常用表达包括:achieve one's goal(实现目标),make good efforts(努力),the stepping stone toward success(通往成功之路的垫脚石),...pave the way for one's personal success(……为个人成功铺路),never give up(永不放弃),try one's best to...(尽全力争取……),sense of honor(荣誉感),sense of achievement(成就感)等。

② 备选的论点包括:成功可以带来财富;成功源于自信;竞争激励人们努力拼搏;潜力预示成功;失败是成功的动力;压力可转化为动力;团结协作有助于成功;谦虚使人进步等。

③ 备选的论据包括:

名言警句:Success often depends upon knowing how long it will take to succeed. (Charles Montesquieu,法国思想家孟德斯鸠);There is only one success—to be able to spend your life in your own way. (Christopher Morley,美国作家克里斯托弗·莫利);Self-trust is the first secret of success. (Emerson,美国作家爱默生)等。



First of all, there is no denying that paying a visit to a museum ①teaches people a great deal about a nation's past.

Secondly, visiting museums can also ②supply people with ample knowledge about the present magnificence of a country.

As a matter of fact, in addition to museum visits, there are also ③other ways to learn about a country.3.第三步,详细展开论证(1)开头段


Today, a number of college students choose to live off-campus by renting an apartment in a community. They may have their own reasons to justify this choice. However, in spite of the freedom and comfort gained from living outside the university, most students still prefer to live in dormitories. From my standpoint, dormitory life is more meaningful and suitable for students who are pursuing higher education.(2)主体段


① 用词地道准确,语言灵活多变


extremely, highly, amazingly, astonishingly, surprisingly, shockingly, overwhelmingly, strikingly, awfully, exceedingly, dramatically, strongly

② 尽可能多变换句式,避免表达单一

◆ 可将正常语序转化为倒装句,例如:

People seldom use pens and paper to write articles or letters now.→ Seldom do people use pens and paper to write articles or letters now.

◆ 也可将陈述句转化为疑问句,以加强语气,例如:

It is necessary to carry out this plan.→ Isn't it necessary to carry out this plan?

③ 论证方法的多样性

◆ 例证法:提出论点→列举例证→分析例证→得出结论,例如:

In addition, some educational computer games familiarize children with practical skills or useful knowledge. A popular game named RichMan, for example, guides players to plan and arrange incomes and investments intelligently. Young children can obtain a primary understanding of what financial transactions mean.

◆ 因果论证法:提出论点→提出原因→分析条件→得出结果,例如:

Besides, TV is also an effective teaching tool that helps enhance learning efficiency. The large variety of education programs are specially designed to make study time more enjoyable. Follow me, a popular English learning program, is a perfect example. The superior visual and sound effects help leave a deeper impression on the viewers and improve their learning effectiveness. Therefore, TV does not merely serve for delight but also for education.

④ 多种论据全方位有力支撑,切忌空泛之谈


Having an intelligent partner by our side is just like receiving charcoal when the snow falls. He is competent enough to offer sincere and applicable suggestions that could drag us out of troubled waters. By making full use of our combined wisdom, problems can be solved easily. Take my cousin as an example: He has just set up his own company. At the very beginning, he was faced with a series of problems in business administration. After consulting his best friend, an MBA student in Harvard, he smoothly tackled those problems. As an old Chinese saying goes, 'he who gets in contact with vermillion will become red'. A friend's wisdom and accomplishments can directly influence us in positive ways.(3)结尾段


In sum, the mobile and diversified functions of telephones have considerably extended their impact on people's lives in the modern world. Comparatively speaking, the position of TV is no longer as important as it was in the last century. Judging from the reasons listed above, we can easily draw the conclusion that the modern telephone has greater influence than TV.4.第四步,检查纠错,及时修改





◆ 时态错误:Before we leave school, she told us that she was the happiest person on earth.

应改为:Before we left school, she told us that she was the happiest person on earth.

◆ 主谓不一致:The distinct side effects incurred through advertising is being intensified in this information age.

应改为:The distinct side effects incurred through advertising are being intensified in this information age.

◆ 关联词语重复:Although all members are playing different roles in a match, but they are embracing the same dream to win.

应改为:Although all members are playing different roles in a match, they are embracing the same dream to win.


例如:Because I passed the test, I had been working hard.

应改为:Because I had been working hard, I passed the test.

再如:Money isn't everything, and humans can never do without it

应该为:Money isn't everything, but humans can never do without it.三、托福写作技巧1.句法技巧


It is the harmful remarks or actions that prove fatal and dangerous.(2)倒装句。例如:

Not only will it help one keep a good balance between work and rest, but it can also further benefit him both spiritually and physically.

Good medicine tastes bitter but cures diseases and saves life, so does honest advice.

Never can distance hinder the stable friendship between people who live apart.(3)并列结构。例如:

Tremendous investments are being made to construct more roads, build more overpasses and develop new bus and subway lines.(5)修辞问句。例如:

How could a person show pure friendliness to others while wearing a smiling mask?

Isn't it a better idea to…?(6)虚拟语气。例如:

But for his iron determination and golden spirit, he could never have become such a respected international icon.(7)插入语。例如:

Nowadays, however, nuclear families are taking up the greatest ratio of social build-up.2.重点句型


Cell phones manufactured today, for instance, have been made as smart as a micro-computer or a versatile portable device.

Take politics as an example.

History is full of similar examples for us to learn from.(2)数字的表达句型。例如:

According to the statistics conducted by the authority, these fees could bring traffic volumes down by between 10 to 20 percent, and increase the speed of traffic flow by up to 20 percent.(3)表示比较与分析的句型。例如:

Unfortunately, contrary to the past, more and more adults today have begun to neglect keeping frequent ties with family members.(4)表示原因的句型。例如:

First of all, residents can experience different lifestyles owing to the diversity of climate.

Grades contribute much to stimulating a student's passion for learning.

Health is a determinant factor in sustaining life and allowing it to continue.四、灵活运用多种论证技巧1.例证法


例如,在本书的范文中,有一篇是关于政府对基础教育资金投入问题的,为了给段落主题论点寻找支撑,作者以“希望工程”在中国的成功实施为例,试图证明基础教育的确更需要官方支援:The prestigious Hope Project initiated by... So far this project has financed millions of poor rural students.



例如,在论述体育教给人们的道理时,作者引用了法国大思想家伏尔泰的“生命在于运动”理论:Above all, playing sports shows us an important truth that life is always in motion. This famous notion was first brought up by a French thinker named Voltaire. 从而加强了文章的感召力与可信度。3.拆分论证法








Secondly, traveling expenditures may be cut down and much money can be saved. Regarding the accommodation on the journey, companions can share a double room in a hotel. Thus, each of them only has to pay half of the room price. The same is true with eating. It is a most popular choice for travelers to go dutch when having meals in restaurants. In this way, not only can they enjoy more dishes, but they can also spend less money than people who dine alone. In addition, on the trip, there might be the necessity to rent vehicles. Likewise, transportation costs can be shared equally between them as well.4.因果论证法


No one wishes to fall behind. Thus, once a competition is started among the classmates, learning efficiency might be enhanced.5.对比论证法


When facing a certain problem, people of the same age may have similar views. Conversely, older friends may contribute totally fresh ideas that win the heart and mind of the person needing support.“冰冻三尺,非一日之寒;水滴石穿,非一日之功。”大家平时应注意积累,勤于实践;考试时认真执行“四步走”战略,灵活运用各种论证技巧,合理分配30分钟内的每一秒,沉着冷静地应对写作题目带来的挑战,那么获得高分乃至满分的梦想就不再是幻想。

第二章 独立写作高分范文

1.Movies: serious or entertaining?

The world's movie industry has witnessed unprecedented boom in recent years. Delighted with an ample supply of excellent motion pictures, global audiences are thankful for the combined efforts made by film crews. Among these popular productions, serious movies and entertaining movies are the most influential. Some viewers are in favor of the former, saying serious ones evoke deeper thoughts, while other fans support the latter due to their humor. According to my preference, I would express my appreciation for serious movies.

To begin with, one of the most essential goals in movie-making is to enrich people's inner world. To some extent, serious movies are playing the role of pilots that can guide people psychologically. Books can provide humans with food for thought and so can serious movies. An outstanding serious movie encourages the audience to make full use of their imaginations and common sense to think logically. Normally, mysteries are hidden in these movies so as to arouse people's curiosity. With a burning desire to find the answer, the viewers try hard to find the answer before the movie concludes. One example is a classic movie entitled Murder on the Orient Express. The plot is so thought-provoking that viewers are turned into detectives themselves. In the movie, a murder is committed on the train and a number of passengers are brought under suspicion. Motivated to discover the real murderer, viewers are willing to make their own judgment. Needless to say, watching such a movie is just like going on an unforgettable inner journey.

In addition, the social and historical background of serious movies provides people with an opportunity to comprehend a vast amount of knowledge. The complicated social reality as well as what is lying deeper inside can also be sensed. Gone with the Wind, a most popular movie starring Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh, presents a story during the Civil War. The social realities during that special period in history were vividly shown in the plots. Another example is Tom Hank's master work Forrest Gump. A series of historic events are also included inside the movie. The legendary life of Forest Gump leaves a profound impression on all audiences. His frequent encounters of epoch-making events, his unique way of thinking and his attitude toward life along with his loving heart have made him a forever hero in people's minds.

Even though movies for amusement help people feel relaxed and happy for a while, they might soon be forgotten. By contrast, the influences of serious movies last longer and are more easily treasured as memories. After all, the best art is to be remembered, not to be forgotten. As a matter of fact, seldom do I watch funny movies more than once. After a temporary laugh, nothing meaningful is left, whereas serious movies are cherished as treasures which are appreciated as often as possible. Each viewing will bring about fresh thoughts or deeper comprehension.

Therefore, the merits encompassed within serious movies far outweigh those of funny movies. No matter which feature attracts the largest audience, all producers of serious movies, the directors and the actors, continue their efforts of creating more memorable works. As long as the film industry advances toward further development, fans of serious movies are always ready to render their support.1.








unprecedented adj. 空前的,史无前例的

boom n. 繁荣

an ample supply of 充足的供应

in favor of 支持;赞同

to begin with 首先

to some extent 在某种程度上,在一定程度上

...provide humans with food for thought 为人类提供精神食粮(此句中provide...with...为固定搭配,表示“为……提供……”。)

Murder on the Orient Express 《东方快车谋杀案》(此电影根据英国侦探小说女王阿加莎·克里斯蒂(Agatha Christie)同名小说改编。)

commit vt. 犯罪;做错事

bring...under suspicion 使……遭到猜疑

needless to say 毫无疑问,不用说

go on a journey 去旅行;启程

in addition 此外,另外

Gone with the Wind 《飘》

Forrest Gump《阿甘正传》(根据同名小说改编的美国电影,小说作者为温斯顿·格卢姆(Winston Groom)。电影荣获1995年最佳影片奖、最佳男主角奖、最佳导演奖等6项奥斯卡大奖。)

a series of 一系列的;一连串的

leave a profound impression on... 给……留下深刻的印象

epoch-making adj. 划时代的;开创新纪元的;意义重大的

along with 连同……一起;与……一道

bring about 引起,导致

encompass vt. 包含;包围,环绕

far outweigh 远远超过

memorable adj. 难忘的;值得纪念的

as long as 只要

render vt. 给予

2.Is relating well to others more important than studying hard?

Robinson Crusoe is only a dream hero existing in people's fancy world of imagination. As social beings, humans can never do without the help and support from others. Isolation is the strongest enemy in one's career life. It has been widely acknowledged that relating well to others paves the way for people to achieve professional success. However, that does not mean what has been learned in class is not worthwhile. In my opinion, building good relationship with others is as important as studying hard at school.

Above all, knowledge is power, just as Thomas Jefferson once expressed. To some extent, the essences contained within all school subjects simply resemble the concrete frames of architecture. Without them, the building would soon collapse. In order to achieve success in one's future career life, it is imperative for students to study hard at school. Therefore, there is no excuse for any student to shun the most fundamental task of studying. The "No pains, no gains" concept should be deeply rooted in the mind. Diligence is the premise of a bright future. In this regard, we may refer to Madam Curie, a Polish physicist and chemist famous for her pioneering research on radioactivity. She studied hard at school and earned her higher degrees. The subsequent scientific research made her the first person honored with two Nobel Prizes—in physics and in chemistry. She was the first female professor at the University of Paris. Evidently, these unprecedented achievements owed much to Madame Curie's untiring efforts at school.

Secondly, the modern world values teamwork, which is a key to career success. Only through interactions with partners can one master the art of cooperation. This vividly demonstrates the significance of relating well to others. At school, there are many projects or group work assigned to students. The participation in any project requires the united efforts of all group members. During the course of a group task, each individual has to work together with their partners. Bearing in mind their common goal, all members are devoted to their assigned part of the task. Just like different components of an engine, everyone is interrelated. If a single part refuses to function, the whole engine may suddenly stop or even break down. It is such a dramatic effect that depicts the value of working harmoniously and resolving any conflicts.

Nevertheless, even though we have ascertained the value of diligence at school and also testified to the importance of building good relationships with others, there is still one point that must be especially emphasized. To illustrate, it is not wise to become bookworms and spend all one's school time reading textbooks. By no means could one succeed if he or she is only good at reciting theories and cannot put what has been learned into practice. Therefore, a practical study plan ought to be made. After all, every student is entitled to spend some time with their friends.

To sum up, working diligently at school is a fundamental task on the part of students. On the other hand, learning how to relate well to others before entering employment is also important. Every single day spent on campus ought to be made full use of, as this crucial period in life definitely constitutes a stepping stone to a brighter future.2.











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