
发布时间:2020-06-09 15:00:40









I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that best completes the statement and blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (30%)

1. Which of the following does NOT belong to the characteristics of the basic word stock?

A. All national character.

B. Productivity.

C. Stability.

D. Terminology.【答案】D【解析】基本词汇的特征有:All national character,Stability,Productivity,Polysemy,Collocability。故选D项。

2. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Words may fall into the basic word stock and nonbasic vocabulary by use frequency.

B. Words may fall into content words and functional words by notion.

C. Words may fall into loan-words and notional words by the degree of assimilation.

D. Words may fall into native words and borrowed words by origin.【答案】C【解析】同化程度(the degree of assimilation)是进一步划分借词(loan-words)的依据,而非将词划分为借词与实意词(notional words)的依据。故选C项。

3. Which of the following is NOT true about the description of the relationship between sound and meaning?

A. There is intrinsic relationship between sound and meaning.

B. The symbolic connection of a sound and its meaning is almost always arbitrary.

C. The relationship between sound and meaning is conventional.

D. In different languages the same concept can be represented by different sounds.【答案】A【解析】词的音与形之间并不存在逻辑关系。A项表述为“音与形之间存在着内在联系”,表述错误,符合题意,故选A项。

4. In the Western set, _____ is the modern language derived from Hellenic.

A. Latin

B. Greek

C. Russian

D. Spanish【答案】B【解析】在西方体系中,希腊语(Greek)是由希腊语族(Hellenic)演变而来的现代语言。故选B项。

5. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the English vocabulary?

A. English is more closely related to German than French.

B. Scandinavian languages refer to Icelandic, Norwegian, Danish and Swedish.

C. Modern English is considered to be an analytic language.

D. In Early Middle English period, English, Latin and Celtic existed side by side.【答案】D【解析】在中世纪英语早期,出现了英语、拉丁语和法语三语并存的现象。故选D项。

6. From the historical overview of the English vocabulary, the period of Old English is _____.

A. from 55 B.C. to 410

B. from 450 to 1150

C. from 1150 to 1500

D. from 1500, then up to now【答案】B【解析】古代英语时期为450~1150年。故选B项。

7. Which of the following words does NOT have inflectional affixes?

A. Happier.

B. Worker.

C. Harder

D. Taller【答案】B【解析】屈折词缀是位于词尾、用于指示语法关系的词缀,包括以-s或-es结尾,表示名词的复数形式或动词的第三人称单数形式;以-’s结尾表示所属关系;在形容词或动词词尾加-er或-est,表示比较级或最高级;-ed结尾表示过去式,-ing结尾表示现在分词或动名词;等等。A、C、D三项均在词尾加-er表示比较级,属于屈折词缀。故选B项。

8. The word “idealistic” comprises _____ morpheme(s).

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4【答案】C【解析】词素是词语构成最小的功能单位。idealist的构成为ideal + ist + ic,共三个词素。故选C项。

9. Which of the following words is NOT a stem?

A. Nation.

B. National.

C. International.

D. Internationalists.【答案】D【解析】词干可以由单独的词根构成,也可以由词根和词缀共同构成。任何词缀都可以添加到干以构成新词。nation既是词根,也可以是词干。national和international都是词根。故选D项。

10. The word “sandwich” now denotes a popular fast food. It originates from John Montague, Fourth Earl of Sandwich in 18th century. This example shows one of the sources of English vocabulary is _____.

A. compound

B. proper nouns

C. back-formation

D. conversion【答案】B【解析】sandwich一词来源于人名,属于英语词汇来源中的专有名词(proper nouns)。故选B项。

11. Which of the following words is the example of blending?

A. Motel.

B. Sandwich.

C. Flu.

D. AIDS.【答案】A【解析】将两个词部分结合在一起,或者将一个词与另一个词的部分结合在一起构成新词的方法为拼缀法(blending)。motel是将motel中的mo和hotel中的tel组合在一起构成的新词,属于拼缀法。故选A项。sandwich来源于专有名词。flu是influenza通过首尾部截短法构成的新词。AIDS是acquired immune deficiency syndrome通过首字母拼音法构成的新词。

12. Which of the following words is NOT a noun compound?

A. Moon walk.

B. Ten-storey.

C. Outbreak.

D. Up-bringing.【答案】B【解析】Ten-storey是由数词和名词构成的复合形容词。故选B项。

13. The meanings of many words often relate directly to their origins. In other words the history of the word explains the meaning of the word. This is called _____.

A. onomatopoeic motivation

B. morphological motivation

C. semantic motivation

D. etymological motivation【答案】D【解析】词的意思与其来源有关,为词源理据(etymological motivation)。故选D项。

14. a) They chucked a stone at the cops, and then did a bunk with the loot.

b) After casting a stone at the police, they absconded with the money.

The above two sentences have the same conceptual meaning, but differ in _____ meaning.

A. connotative

B. affective

C. stylistic

D. collocative【答案】C【解析】句子a)中用到chuck,cop,do a bunk,比较随意,而句子b)中用cast,police,  abscond,显然比较正式,可见二者文体意义(stylistic meaning)不同。故选C项。

15. _____ meaning indicates the speaker’s attitude towards the person or thing in questions.

A. Conceptual

B. Stylistic

C. Affective

D. Denotative【答案】C【解析】感情意义(affective meaning)表达的是说话者对人或事物的态度。故选C项。

16. Words identical both in sound and spelling, but different in meaning are _____.

A. homographs

B. homophones

C. perfect homonyms

D. hyponyms【答案】C【解析】读音和拼写相同但意义不同的词是同形同音异义词(perfect homonyms)。故选C项。

17.Words “change”, “alter”, and “vary” are similar in denotation, but embrace different shades of

meaning. They are _____.

A. absolute synonyms

B. complete synonyms

C. full synonyms

D. relative synonyms【答案】D【解析】change,alter和vary意思相近,但是有细微的差别,是相对形容词(relative synonyms)。故选D项。

18. Words like “red, orange, yellow, green, black, etc.” make up the _____ of “colors”.

A. synonyms

B. hyponyms

C. sense relations

D. semantic field【答案】D【解析】red,orange,yellow,green,black等都表示颜色,它们共同构成colors的语义场(semantic field)。故选D项。

19. Vocabulary is the most unstable element of a language as it is undergoing constant changes both in form and _____.

A. pronunciation

B. content

C. spelling

D. use【答案】B【解析】词的形式(form)和内容(content)一直在发生变化,因此是语言中最不稳定的因素。故选B项。

20. The meaning of the word “criticize” has changed from “appraise” to “find fault with”, such change is called _____.

A. elevation

B. generalization

C. extension

D. degradation【答案】D【解析】criticize的词义由最初的appraise(评价)变为现在的find fault with(批评;挑剔),可见其意义由中性变为贬义,这一过程是词义的降格(degradation of meaning)。故选D项。

21. The word “meat” originally meant “food”, but now has come to mean “flesh of animals”. This is an example to illustrate _____ of meaning.

A. generalization

B. narrowing

C. degradation

D. elevation【答案】B【解析】meat的词义由最初指food(食物)变为现在的flesh of animals(肉),可见词义有泛指变为特指,这一过程是词义的缩小(narrowing of meaning)。故选B项。

22. In grammatical context, the meaning of a word may be influenced by the _____, in which it occurs.

A. structure

B. sentence

C. phrase

D. clause【答案】A【解析】在语法语境中,词语出现在不同的结构中,意义也会有所不同,即词义受到结构的影响。故选A项。

23. The word “do” means “brush” in “do one’s teeth”, while it means “arrange” in “do the flowers”. The above example shows that _____ affects the meaning of a word.

A. lexical context

B. grammatical context

C. non-linguistic context

D. structural context【答案】A【解析】do在do one’s teeth中表示brush,在do the flowers中表示arrange,说明其词义受到与其搭配的词的影响,这反映了词汇语境(lexical context)对词义的影响。故选A项。

24. Which of the following is NOT one of the major functions of context?

A. Elimination of ambiguity.

B. Indication of referents.

C. Formation of ambiguity.

D. Provision of clues for inferring word-meaning.【答案】C【解析】语境的三大主要作用是:Elimination of ambiguity,Indication of referents和Provision of clues for inferring word-meaning。故选C项。

25. Which of the following is NOT one of the variations of idioms?

A. Repetition.

B. Dismembering,

C. Addition.

D. Shortening.【答案】A【解析】repetition属于习语的修辞特征,而非习语变体。故选A项。

26. “Through thick and thin” is a(n) _____.

A. verbal idiom in nature

B. nominal idiom in nature

C. sentence idiom

D. adverbial idiom in nature【答案】D【解析】through thick and thin属于副词性质的习语。故选D项。

27. There is a _____ in the idiom “by hook and by crook” as far as rhetorical features of idioms are concerned.

A. simile

B. reiteration

C. repetition

D. rhyme【答案】【解析】从修辞特征角度而言,习语by hook and by crook中hook和crook都有发音/ʊ/,使用了押韵(rhyme)。故选D项。

28. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary is the best-known _____ dictionary.

A. unabridged

B. desk

C. pocket

D. encyclopedia【答案】A【解析】Webster’s Third New International Dictionary是最著名的非节略词典(unabridged dictionary)。故选A项。

29. When we choose a dictionary, we should pay attention to the following aspects EXCEPT ____.

A. unabridged or abridged

B. British or American

C. early or late

D. monolingual or bilingual【答案】A【解析】选择词典时需要考虑的因素有:Monolingual or bilingual,General or specialized,British or American,Early or late。故选A项。

30. Which of the following is NOT true about a Chinese-English Dictionary (Revised Edition) (CED) (1995)?

A. The new edition cut off the previous alphabetical order of entries.

B. The new edition revised some old entries.

C. The new edition has more single character entries and more multi-character entries.

D. The dictionary boasts of the quality of the English equivalents.【答案】A【解析】Chinese-English Dictionary (Revised Edition) (CED) (1995)保留了先前词条的字母顺序,使字典方便使用。故选A项。非选择题部分

II. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book. (15%)

31. Archaisms are words no longer _____ in use or obsolete in use.【答案】common【解析】古词语现在已经不常使用或者不再使用了。故答案为common。

32. Modern English vocabulary develops through three channels: creation, semantic _____ and borrowing.【答案】change【解析】现代英语词汇的发展主要有三种途径:创造(creation)、语义变化(semantic change)和借词(borrowing)。故答案为change。

33. Most morphemes are realized by _____ morphs like bird, tree, green, etc. Words of this kind are called monomorphemic words.【答案】single【解析】大部分词素都是由单个形素,比如bird,tree,green等实现的,这样的词是单语素词。故答案为single。

34. “A green hand” means an “ inexperienced person”, not “a hand that is green in color”. This example illustrates that compounds are different from free phrases in _____ unity.【答案】semantic【解析】a green hand表示“经验不足的人”,而不是“绿色的手”,这个例子表明复合词在语意的统一性(semantic unity)上与自由词组不同。故答案为semantic。

35. Tables, men and potatoes are all plural nouns, so we can say they have the same _____meaning【答案】plural【解析】在语法意义上,复数名词有着相同的复数意义(plural meaning)。故答案为plural。

36. The development of word-meaning from monosemy to polysemy follows two courses, traditionally known as _____ and concatenation.【答案】radiation【解析】词义由单义发展为多义通常通过两种途径:辐射(radiation)和连锁(concatenation)。故答案为radiation。

37. The change of the meaning in the word “butcher”, which originally denoted “one who kills goats”, but has come to mean “one who kills animals” reflects _____ in the sense of word-meaning change.【答案】extension【解析】butcher一词最初专指“杀羊的人”,现在指“杀动物的人”,即“屠夫”。这一词义由特指变为泛指的过程,称为词义的扩大(extension of meaning)。故答案为extension。

38. Linguistic context can be subdivided into _____ context and grammatical context.【答案】lexical【解析】语言语境可以分为词汇语境(lexical context)和语法语境(grammatical context)。故答案为lexical。

39. Idioms consist of set phrases and short _____, which are peculiar to the language in question and loaded with the native cultures and ideas.【答案】sentences【解析】英语习语有固定词组和短句构成,通常是英语独有的表达方式,体现了当地的文化和观念。故答案为sentences。

40. Bilingual dictionaries are written in _____ languages.【答案】two【解析】双语词典使用两种语言编纂而成的。故答案为two。

III. Define the following terms. (15% )


答案:Creation refers to the formation of new words by using the existing materials, namely roots, affixes and other elements.


答案:Clipping is a common way of making a word, which is to shorten a longer word by cutting a part of the original and using what remains instead.


答案:Antonymy is used for “oppositeness of meaning”; words that are oppositein meaning are antonyms.

44. extra-linguistic context

答案:Extra-linguistic is also called non-linguistic context, which embraces the people, time, place, and even the whole cultural background.

45. idioms nominal in nature

答案:Idioms nominal in nature is a kind of idioms which have a noun as the key word in each and function as a noun in sentences.

IV. Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short. Write your answers in the space given below. (20%)

46. What is the difference between root and stem?

答案:(1) A root is the basic form of a word which cannot be further analyzed without total loss of identity. A stem can be defined as a form to which affixes of any kind can be added.

(2) A stem may consist of a single root morpheme or of two root morphemes. It can be a root morpheme plus one or more affixational morphemes.Stem can replace root and refer to any form which is larger than a root.

47. Please explain the difference between the following two examples from the viewpoint of word formation.

(1) single ( adjective) — single (verb)

(2) simple ( adjective) — simplify (verb)

答案:Both single and simple are adjectives, but single can be used as a verb without changing the form, e.g. “She singled him out at once as a possible victim.” In contrast, simple cannot function as a verb without adding an affix, e.g. “Continental quilts simplify (not simple) bed-making.” The first instance is a case of zero-derivation or conversion whereas the second is one of suffixation as the suffix -ify is added to make simple a verb.

48. What are the major sources of English synonyms?

答案:The major sources of English synonyms are:

(1) Borrowing.

(2) Dialects and regional English.

(3) Figurative and euphemistic use of words.

(4) Coincidence with idiomatic expressions.

49.What does the underlined word mean and what contextual clue is used in the following sentence?“It is undesirable to write with too many parentheses, a pair of brackets round words or phrases.”

答案:The underlined word parentheses means a pair of brackets round words or phrases. The contextual clue used here is definition.

V. Analyze and comment on the following. Write your answers in the space given below. (20%)

50. Take “The dog is chasing a cat” as an example to explain its grammatical meaning.

答案:The words “dog” and “cat” are nouns and both are singular used as subject and object in the sentence respectively; “is chasing” is the predicate verb in present continuous tense, and the and a are determiners, restricting the referent and indicating number.

51. Comment on the following piece of discourse in terms of superordinates andsubordinates, so far as hyponymy is concerned.“There was a fine rocking-chair that his father used to sit in, a desk where he wrote letters, a nest of small tables and a dark, imposing bookcase. Now all this furniture was to be sold, and with it his own past. ”

答案:In this piece of discourse, the general word furniture is the superordinate term, and the more specific ones rocking-chair, desk, table, bookcase are the subordinate terms. The writer uses a set of hyponyms under furniture, which gives the writing coherence and provides the key to understanding the text.



I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that best completes the statement and blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (30%)

1. Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics of the basic word stock?

A. All national character.

B. Validity.

C. Stability.

D. Productivity.【答案】B【解析】基础词汇有三个特点:全民性、稳定性和创造性,B项不是基础词汇的特点,故选B项。

2. The following are the translation-loans EXCEPT _____.

A. Long time no see.

B. Masterpiece.

C. Mother tongue.

D. Bazaar.【答案】D【解析】long time no see、masterpiece和mother tongue都是译借词,其语言形式分别来自汉语、德语和拉丁语。bazaar为非同化词,故选D项。

3. The differences between sound and form are NOT due to _____.

A. the fact of more phonemes than letters in English

B. stabilization of spelling by printing

C. innovations made by linguists

D. influence of the work of scribes【答案】C【解析】英语发音和书写不同的原因在于:英语中的音素多于字母,需要多个字母组合来完成发音工作;印刷技术使英语的书写形式逐渐固定下来,而发音则一直在变化;抄写员作品的影响。C项“语言学家做出的革新”不是发音和书写不同的原因,故选C项。

4. The language used between 450 and _____ is called Old English.




D. 1700【答案】B【解析】公元450年到1150年是古英语时期,故选B项。

5. Which of the following is NOT one of the main sources of English new words?

A. The borrowing of Latin words into English.

B. Social, economic and political changes.

C. The influence of other cultures and language.

D. The rapid development of modern science and technology.【答案】A【解析】英语新词主要来源于:社会、经济和政治的变革、其他文化和语言的影响以及现代科技的迅速发展,A项“从拉丁语中借词”是旧词的来源,不是新词的来源。故选A项。

6. Which of the following words does NOT belong to the words of Scandinavian origin?

A. Skirt.

B. Skill.

C. Roast.

D. Birth.【答案】C【解析】skirt、skill和birth都源自斯堪的纳维亚语,roast源自法语,故选C项。

7. The word “denaturalization” can be broken down into “de-”, “nature”, “-al”, “-ize”, “-ation”, each having meaning of its own. These minimal meaningful units are known as _____.

A. morphemes

B. allomorphs

C. root

D. stem【答案】A【解析】de-、nature、-al、-ize和-ation都是词素,其中nature是自由词素,de-、-al、-ize和-ation是粘着词素,de-是派生词缀,-al、-ize和-ation是曲折词素,故选A项。

8. Which of the following parts is the root of the word “internationalists”?

A. inter

B. nation

C. -ist

D. -tion【答案】B【解析】词根是无法进一步分析的部分,通常是单词的主要意思来源,internationalists中的词根是nation,其余是词缀。故选B项。

9. Which of the following words is an example of free morphemes?

A. Bored.

B. Teeth.

C. Worker.

D. Wind.【答案】D【解析】wind是自由词缀,可以作为单词独立存在,故选D项。其余三个单词均是自由词素和粘着词素的组合。

10. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Prefixation is the formation of new words by adding suffixes to stems.

B. Prefixes do not generally change the word-class of the stem.

C. Prefixes only modify the meaning of the stem.

D. The chief function of prefixes is to change meanings of the stems.【答案】A【解析】前缀法是在词干的基础上添加前缀从而构成新词的方法,故A项错误,因此选A。

11. The word that contains a prefix of degree is _____.

A. abnormal

B. misunderstand

C. antiwar

D. overweight【答案】D【解析】ab-、mis-和anti表示否定意义,over-表示程度,故选D项。

12. “A hot dog” is by no means a dog that is hot, but a typical American sausage in between two pieces of bread. This example illustrates the _____ features of compounds.

A. phonetic

B. semantic

C. linguistic

D. grammatical【答案】B【解析】复合词的意思不是两词意思相加的结果,这是复合词的语义特征,故选B项。

13. “Many” and “much”, both have the same concept, but collocate with different words, such as “much time, much money”, but “many books, many people”, not vice versa. This example illustrates _____.

A. concept is beyond language

B. concept is the result of human cognition

C. concept is universal to all men alike regardless of culture, race, language and so on

D. even in the same language, the same concept can be expressed in different words【答案】D【解析】many和much的搭配区别表示即使在一种语言内部,也可以用不同的词语来表达相似的概念。故选D项。其余三项均为错误说法。

14. When we use the “foot of the mountain”, we are comparing the lower part of the mountain to the foot of a human being. In this sense, the word “foot” conveys _____.

A. onomatopoeic motivation

B. morphological motivation

C. semantic motivation

D. etymological motivation【答案】C【解析】“山脚”是将山的底部比喻成人的脚,“脚”表达了语义理据,故选C项。

15. The group of words which has the same grammatical meaning is “_____”.

A. forget, forgets, forgot

B. tables, men, people

C. sit, sitting, sat

D. fast, quick, quickly【答案】B【解析】tables、men和people都表示复数的语法意义,故选B项。

16. Words are arbitrary symbols and are _____ identities so far as their outer facet—spelling and pronunciation, is concerned.

A. independent

B. reliable

C. stable

D. unsteady【答案】A【解析】就单词的外部特征拼写和发音而言,单词是任意的符号和独立的整体。故A项正确。

17. From the diachronic point of view, _____ is assumed to be the result of growth and development of the semantic structure of one and same word.

A. homonymy

B. polysemy

C. synonymy

D. hyponymy【答案】B【解析】从共时的角度来看,一词多义现象是同一单词语义结构发展和变化的结果。故选B项。

18. “Dear”, and “deer” are words identical in sound but different in spelling and meaning. They are _____.

A. perfect homonyms

B. homographs

C. homophones

D. hyponyms【答案】C【解析】dear和deer同音异形异义,故选C项。perfect homonym同音同形异义词。homograph同形异义词。hyponym下义词。

19. Which of the following is NOT one of the types of changes in word-meaning?

A. Extension.

B. Degradation.

C. Elevation.

D. Reduction.【答案】D【解析】extension(词义变大),degradation(词义的降格)和elevation(词义的升华)都是词义变化的种类,deduction不是词义变化的种类,故选D项。

20. When a common word is turned into a proper noun, the meaning is _____ accordingly such as “the City” which means the “business centre of London”.

A. generalized

B. narrowed

C. extended

D. elevated【答案】B【解析】当一个普通单词变成专有名词时,其词义变小了,故选B项。

21. The extra-linguistic factors that cause changes in word-meaning include the following EXCEPT _____.

A. historical reason

B. psychological reason

C. geographic reason

D. class reason【答案】C【解析】造成词义变化的非语言因素包括历史原因、心理原因和阶级原因,故选C项。

22. Lexical context refers to the cases in which the meaning of a word is affected and defined by the _____.

A. neighbouring words

B. sentence structure

C. cultural background

D. non-linguistic situation【答案】A【解析】词汇语境指单词的意思受其邻近的单词影响,故选A项。

23. When a word with multiple meanings is used in inadequate context, it creates _____.

A. irrelevance

B. ambiguity

C. disconnection

D. opposition【答案】B【解析】当一个一词多义的单词用于不合适的语境中就产生了歧义,故选B项。





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