
发布时间:2020-06-09 15:03:15








ACT(American College Test)即“美国大学入学考试”,与SAT考试一样被视为“美国高考”。它们既是美国大学的入学条件之一,又是大学发放奖学金的主要依据之一。

ACT考试直接测试考生分析问题、解决问题和批判性评价书面材料等高校学习所必需的能力与技能。考试分为四个部分:英语(English)、数学(Math)、阅读(Reading)和科学推理(Science Reasoning)。总时长为2小时55分钟,共计215道题目。另外,作文为选考。除去选考的作文,对考生来说,2小时55分钟的考试时间内完成215道题目无疑是一个挑战,一是要求考生的词汇量要大,二是要求考生对词汇的熟识度要高。为此我们为ACT考生策划了这本《ACT词汇词根+联想记忆法》,更有针对性地帮助ACT考生攻克词汇这一关。









词根:vok=to call(喊叫)










除文字助记方法外,本书为单词配了约260幅生动有趣的漫画式插图,为考生开启轻松记忆之旅。有时一张幽默的插图可以抵得上千言万语,能够帮助考生变抽象记忆为形象记忆,在轻松愉悦的氛围下学习单词。例如:mingle [ˈmɪŋɡl]

v. (使)混合;使联结;(使)与…结合;(尤指在社交场所)相互往来,混杂其中记 联想记忆:铃铛声(jingle)混合(mingle)在一起形成噪音例 The air was full of the smell of the soil mingled with the faint scent of the grass after rain. 雨后空气中到处弥漫着泥土混杂淡淡青草的香味儿。




各位正在积极备考的同学,也许今天你们还是人们眼里长不大的00后,但相信经历了备考、模考、实战、出国留学等一系列历练之后,你们将展现更为坚强、独立的一面,你们的人生也将从此改变。衷心希望本书能够成为大家备考ACT的得力助手,并祝大家能克服前行路上的困难,最终收获精彩!编者使用说明ACT核心词汇Word List 1音频abandon [əˈbændən]

vt. 放弃;抛弃;放纵,沉湎于记 联想记忆:a+band(乐队)+on→一个乐队在台上激情演出→放纵考 vt. 抛弃 (2016.6 Form 72F)

Suddenly, he was calling all the time, anxious about the details of this new deal, which seemed like it might mark a tentative re-entry into the world he'd abandoned 30 years earlier.搭 abandon oneself to 纵情于,沉溺于派 abandoned(a. 被抛弃的,废置的);abandonment(n. 放弃;抛弃)abase [əˈbeɪs]

vt. 降低自己或某人的身份,使卑下记 词根记忆:a(表加强)+bas(降低)+e→使卑下例 The knight abased himself before the cruel king. 这名骑士在残忍的国王面前卑躬屈膝。abash [əˈbæʃ]

vt. 使局促不安,使困窘,使尴尬记 联想记忆:ab+ash(灰)→灰头灰脸→使尴尬例 He had never blushed in his life; no humiliation could abash him. 他一生中从未红过脸;任何羞辱都不能使他感到羞愧。abate [əˈbeɪt]

v. 减少;减轻;减弱记 词根记忆:a(不)+bat(打,击)+e→不再打击→减轻例 About three o'clock in the afternoon the wind abated and Tom continued his journey. 下午三点左右,风减弱了,汤姆继续他的旅程。abbreviate [əˈbriːvieɪt]

vt. 缩写;缩短;简化记 词根记忆:ab(表加强)+brev(短)+iate(使…)→使变短→缩短例 Some senators urged to abbreviate the constitutional reform process. 一些参议员强烈要求简化修改宪法的程序。派 abbreviation(n. 缩短;缩写)同 shortenaberrant [æˈberənt]

a. 违反常规的;越轨的;异常的记 联想记忆:ab+err(错误)+ant(蚂蚁)→一只蚂蚁犯错误了→违反常规的例 aberrant behavior 反常行为abet [əˈbet]

vt. 教唆;煽动;怂恿记 联想记忆:a+bet(打赌)→你敢打赌吗?→教唆,煽动例 He was abetted in the deception by his wife. 他被妻子唆使进行欺骗。abhor [əbˈhɔːr]

v. 憎恨,厌恶记 词根记忆:ab+hor(发抖)→恨得全身发抖→憎恨,厌恶例 Most decent people abhor corruption in government. 大多数正派人士痛恨政府腐败。abiding [əˈbaɪdɪŋ]

a. (感情或信念)持久的,长久的;始终不渝的记 来自abide(v. 停留;容忍)考 a. (感情或信念)持久的 (2010.4 Form 68G)

In this woman who raised seven children during the day and wrote at night, her prolific output fueled by an abiding passion for justice, Gornick finds the archetype of the feminist movement she knew in the 1970s, with its creative energy, its excitement at having identified the problem to be solved.abnormality [ˌæbnɔːrˈmæləti]

n. 反常,异常;变异;变态;畸形记 来自abnormal(a. 不正常的;反常的;畸形的)例 congenital abnormality 先天性畸形abolish [əˈbɑːlɪʃ]

vt. 废除,废止;取消记 联想记忆:ab(相反)+olish(看作polish,优雅)→不优雅的东西就应该废除→废止,废除考 vt. 废除 (2015.6 Form 73C)

In fact, historians estimate that the sailmaker invested over half of his fortune in work to abolish slavery.派 abolition(n. 废除,废止)同 annulabominable [əˈbɑːmɪnəbl]

a. 讨厌的,令人憎恶的;糟透的同 appalling, disgustingabound [əˈbaʊnd]

vi. 大量存在;充满,富于记 词根记忆:ab(表加强)+ound(=und,溢出)→溢出→充满例 The state abounds in colonial architecture. 这个州有很多殖民时期的建筑。aboveground [əˈbʌvˌgraʊnd]

a. 在地面上的考 a. 在地面上的 (2013.6 Form 71C)

Interest declined when aboveground bomb testing was banned in 1963 as part of the Limited Test Ban Treaty.abridge [əˈbrɪdʒ]

vt. 删节,节选;削减,精简记 词根记忆:a(表加强)+bridg(缩短)+e→一再缩短→削减例 an abridged edition 删节版abrogate [ˈæbrəɡeɪt]

vt. 废除,取消记 词根记忆:ab(离去)+rog(要求)+ate→要求离去→废除例 The two countries intend to abrogate the Mutual Defense Treaty. 两国打算废除《共同防御条约》。同 nullify, negate, annul, invalidateabsolve [əbˈzɑːlv]

vt. 免除(责任);赦免…罪;谅解记 词根记忆:ab+solv(松开)+e→松开使脱离责任→免除(责任)例 According to Bankruptcy Law, the companies are absolved of all their debts. 依照《破产法》,这些公司被免除所有的债务。abstain [əbˈsteɪn]

vi. 戒除;放弃,弃权(不投票)记 词根记忆:abs(不)+tain(拿住)→不拿住→放弃例 Lucia persuaded her husband to abstain from drinking and smoking. 露西娅说服丈夫把烟酒都戒了。abstraction [æbˈstrækʃn]

n. 抽象,抽象概念;出神,心神专注;提取,分离记 词根记忆:abs(离去)+tract(拉)+ion(表动作)→拉出→提取例 Logic, rationality and abstraction have their origins in the left hemisphere. 逻辑、推理和抽象思维都源自大脑左半球。abstruse [əbˈstruːs]

a. 难懂的,深奥的,复杂的记 词根记忆:abs(离去)+trus(推,冲)+e→(思维)冲不进去→难懂的例 an abstruse argument 一种玄妙的理论absurd [əbˈsɜːrd]

a. 荒唐的,荒谬的记 联想记忆:ab+surd(没有道理的)→荒谬的例 an absurd play 一部荒诞派戏剧派 absurdity(n. 荒谬)同 ridiculousabundance [əˈbʌndəns]

n. 丰富,充裕记 来自abundant(a. 丰富的,充裕的)考 in abundance 大量,丰富 (2016.4 Form 73E)

American optimism has its root in abundance and in the vastness of the land that Oklahoma! celebrates.同 profusion, affluence, wealthabyss [əˈbɪs]

n. 深渊;深坑;无底洞记 词根记忆:a(无)+ byss(底)→没有底 →深渊例 abyss of loneliness 无尽的孤寂accede [əkˈsiːd]

vi. 同意,答应;继任,就职,(尤指君主)即位记 词根记忆:ac(表加强)+ced(走) +e→走到一起→同意考 vi. 同意,答应 (1296 ACT Practice Questions)

Although my plans had not included being herded through a rambling old house, I acceded and the tickets were duly purchased.accelerate [əkˈseləreɪt]

v. 加速;促进记 词根记忆:ac(表加强)+celer(快速的)+ate(使…)→加速例 Environmental problems may accelerate the pace of the car's development. 环境问题可能会加快汽车行业发展的步伐。派 acceleration(n. 加速);accelerating(a. 加速的)accentuate [əkˈsentʃueɪt]

vt. 着重强调;重读记 联想记忆:靠重音(accent)强调(accentuate)同 accent, emphasizeacclimate [ˈækləmeɪt]

v. (使)适应记 词根记忆:ac(表加强)+clim(倾斜)+ate→倾斜以适应→(使)适应例 The flowers and grasses have not yet acclimated to this climate. 这些花草还没有适应这种气候。accommodate [əˈkɑːmədeɪt]

vt. 招待,留宿,收容;供应,供给;迎合,适应;容纳记 词根记忆:ac(表加强)+com(一起)+mod(适合)+ate(使…)→使一起适合→迎合,适应考 vt. 容纳 (1296 ACT Practice Questions)

The diameter of the Sun could accommodate over 100 Earths.派 accommodation(n. 住宿)accomplish [əˈkɑːmplɪʃ]

vt. 完成,达到;实现记 词根记忆:ac(表加强)+com(共同)+pl(=ple,填满)+ish(使…)→使圆满→完成,达到例 Edward has a willingness to take career and business risks to accomplish his goals. 为了达到目标,爱德华甘愿冒事业上和生意上的风险。派 accomplishment(n. 成就,完成);accomplished(a. 完成了的;有技巧的;熟练的)accredit [əˈkredɪt]

vt. 信任,认可;授权,委托;归功于,归因于记 联想记忆:因为信任(accredit)才发给你信用卡(credit)例 The dean in our department will accredit you as his assistant soon. 我们的系主任将很快授权你当他的助理。accumulate [əˈkjuːmjəleɪt]

v. 积累,堆积,积聚记 词根记忆:ac(表加强)+cumul(堆积)+ate(使…)→使堆积起来→积累考 v. 积累,积聚 (2014.12 Form 72G)

In organisms, the genetic code changes haphazardly, or mutates, at random intervals as a result of chemical reactions or other insults, and the resulting mutations in DNA accumulate over time.派 accumulation(n. 积累,堆积物);accumulated(a. 积聚的,积累的)accusation [ˌækjuˈzeɪʃn]

n. 谴责;指控记 来自accuse(v. 谴责;控告)accusatory [əˈkjuːzətɔːri]

a. 谴责的;指责的;控告的记 来自accuse(v. 谴责;控告)accustom [əˈkʌstəm]

vt. 使习惯于记 联想记忆:ac(表加强)+custom(习惯)→使习惯于派 accustomed(a. 惯常的;习惯的)acknowledge [əkˈnɑːlɪdʒ]

vt. 认可,承认;致谢记 联想记忆:ac+know(知道)+ledge→大家都知道了,所以不得不承认→承认例 Henry's novels have been acknowledged as major contributions to American literature. 亨利的小说被认为是对美国文学的重大贡献。派 acknowledgement(n. 承认)acquaint [əˈkweɪnt]

vt. 使认识,使了解记 词根记忆:ac(表加强)+quaint(知道)→使知道得很清楚→使认识例 I had no problem getting acquainted with the girls, but the guys were a little harder. 我结识女孩是不成问题的,但结识男孩就有点儿困难。搭 acquaint sb./yourself with 使认识,使了解,使熟悉同 informacquiesce [ˌækwiˈes]

vi. 默许;默然接受;默认记 词根记忆:ac(表加强)+qui(安静)+esce(表动词)→保持沉默→默许例 After thinking for a long time, Bill finally acquiesced to his nephew's wishes. 想了很久以后,比尔最终勉强同意了外甥的请求。acquisitive [əˈkwɪzətɪv]

a. 渴望得到的,贪得无厌的,一味追求的(尤指在物质方面)记 词根记忆:ac(表加强)+quis(寻求)+itive→不断寻求的→贪得无厌的派 acquisitively(ad. 可得到地,贪得无厌地); acquisitiveness(n. 占有欲;贪婪)acrid [ˈækrɪd]

a. (气味)辛辣的,难闻的,刺激的;(言语或语调)刻薄的,尖酸的;尖锐的记 词根记忆:acr(尖的)+id→尖的→尖锐的例 acrid smell 刺鼻的气味actuate [ˈæktʃueɪt]

vt. 开动(机器等);促使,激励记 词根记忆:act(行动)+uate(使…)→使行动→促使例 When accidents happen, we can actuate the rescue at any time. 如有事故发生,我们可以随时开始营救。acuity [əˈkjuːəti]

n. (尤指思想或感官的)敏锐;尖锐记 词根记忆:acu(锐利的)+ity(表性质)→锐利→敏锐例 visual acuity 视觉灵敏度acumen [ˈækjəmən]

n. 敏锐,聪明记 词根记忆:acu(尖的,锐利的)+men(表名词)→敏锐例 financial acumen 精于理财adaptable [əˈdæptəbl]

a. 能适应的,适应性强的;可改编的记 词根记忆:ad(表加强)+apt(适应)+able(能…的)→能适应的addict [ˈædɪkt]

vt. 使沉溺,热衷于;使上瘾 n. 有瘾的人;入迷的人,热衷者记 词根记忆:ad(表加强)+dict(说)→说了又说→使上瘾派 addicted[a. 沉溺于某种(尤指不良的)嗜好的;入了迷的,上了瘾的];addiction(n. 沉溺,上瘾;癖嗜);addictive(a. 使人上瘾的)adhere [ədˈhɪr]

v. 坚持;黏附,胶着记 词根记忆:ad(表加强)+her(黏附)+e→黏附例 Jane adhered to her resolution that she would not marry the man. 简坚持自己的决定,她不会嫁给那个人。搭 adhere to 黏附,附着;遵守;坚持派 adhesion(n. 黏附;坚持,忠于);adherence(n. 黏着;坚持)同 stickadjacent [əˈdʒeɪsnt]

a. 邻近的;毗邻的记 词根记忆:ad(表加强)+jac(躺)+ent→躺在一起的→邻近的例 The hotel is adjacent to a railway which makes great noise. 这家酒店挨着一条铁路,非常吵。搭 be adjacent to 与…邻近,毗连同 adjoining, contiguousadjoin [əˈdʒɔɪn]

v. (与…)贴近,(与…)毗连记 联想记忆:ad(表加强)+join(连接)→连到一起→毗连,贴近例 In his house, the bedroom adjoins the sitting room and the kitchen. 在他家里,卧室紧挨着客厅和厨房。administer [ədˈmɪnɪstər]

v. 管理,处理记 联想记忆:ad+minister(大臣)→大臣要精于管理→管理派 administrable(a. 可管理的,可处理的);administrant(n. 管理人;行政官员);administrator(n. 管理者;行政人员)adorn [əˈdɔːrn]

vt. 装饰;使生色记 词根记忆:ad+orn(装饰)→装饰考 adorn with 用…装饰 (2012.6 Form 70C)

The walls were adorned with heartwarming messages in frames.同 decorate, beautifyadroit [əˈdrɔɪt]

a. (尤指待人接物)精明的,干练的,机敏的;熟练的,有技巧的记 联想记忆:a+droit(权利)→善于争得权利的→精明的,干练的例 an adroit negotiator 谈判老手adverse [ˈædvɜːrs]

a. 不利的;有害的记 词根记忆:ad(表加强)+vers(转)+e→向(不好的)方向转→不利的;有害的例 adverse circumstances 逆境派 adversely(ad. 不利地,有害地);adversity(n. 逆境)同 unfavorable, harmfuladvocate[ˈædvəkət]

n. 提倡者,拥护者 [ˈædvəkeɪt] vt. 提倡,支持记 词根记忆:ad+voc(叫喊)+ate→一再呼吁→提倡,支持考 vt. 提倡 (2014.4 Form 71H)

Mink used her passionate political voice to advocate equality for all citizens.派 advocacy(n. 拥护,支持)同 proponentaesthetic [esˈθetɪk]

a. 美学的,审美的;美观的,雅致的 n. 美感,审美观记 词根记忆:aesthet(感觉)+ic→关于美的感觉的→美学的,审美的考 n. 审美观 (2014.6 Form 72C)

Patrons credit the handsome Beaux Arts aesthetic with adding enhancement to their theatergoing experience.例 aesthetic value 美学价值派 aesthetically(ad. 审美地);aesthetics(n. 美学);unaesthetic(a. 缺乏美感的)affable [ˈæfəbl]

a. 和蔼可亲的,平易近人的;慈祥的,友善的记 联想记忆:和蔼可亲的(affable)老人给孩子们讲寓言(fable)故事例 affable smile 慈祥的微笑affectionate [əˈfekʃənət]

a. 表示关爱的记 来自affection(n. 喜爱;钟爱;爱情)affiliate [əˈfɪlɪət]

n. 附属机构,分公司 [əˈfɪlieɪt] vt. 使隶属(或附属)于;加入记 词根记忆:af(表加强)+fili(子女)+ate→成为子女关系→分公司例 The hospital is affiliated with the local university. 这家医院附属于当地大学。搭 affiliate sb./sth. with/to 附属于affiliation [əˌfɪliˈeɪʃn]

n. 隶属关系;加入;从属记 来自affiliate(vt. 加入)例 democrats with no party affiliation 无党派民主人士affinity [əˈfɪnəti]

n. 构造相似;特点相近;密切关系;亲缘关系记 词根记忆:af(表加强)+fin(界限)+ity→进入范围内→密切关系例 The scientist recognized the affinity between sound and light in the end. 那位科学家最终找到了声和光之间的密切关系。affirmative [əˈfɜːrmətɪv]

a. 表示同意的;肯定的;积极的记 联想记忆:af(表加强)+firm(坚定的)+ative→肯定的afflict [əˈflɪkt]

vt. 使痛苦,折磨记 词根记忆:af(表加强)+flict(打击)→一再打击→折磨affliction [əˈflɪkʃn]

n. 折磨,痛苦;疼痛;造成痛苦的事物记 词根记忆:af(表加强)+flict(打击)+ion→一再打击→折磨考 n. 痛苦 (1296 ACT Practice Questions)

In the world of linguistics, slang is often viewed condescendingly as an affliction of vulgar speech, its users condemned for their intellectual laziness.affluence [ˈæfluəns]

n. 富裕,富足;大量,丰富;财富记 词根记忆:af(表加强)+flu(流)+ence(表状态)→富得流油→富裕例 Human spiritual needs should match material affluence. 人类的精神需求应该与丰富的物质相匹配。同 profusionaggrandize [ˈæɡrənˌdaɪz]

vt. 增加,加强,夸大记 词根记忆:ag(表加强)+grand(大的)+ize(使…)→使增大→增加例 A person shall not aggrandize himself at the expense of other people. 一个人不应该靠牺牲别人来强化自己。aggravate [ˈæɡrəveɪt]

vt. 恶化,加重,加剧;激怒,惹恼记 词根记忆:ag(表加强)+grav(重的)+ate→使加重→恶化,加重例 Pollution can aggravate asthma. 污染会加重哮喘。派 aggravation(n. 恶化;激怒;恼人的事物)同 burden, increaseaggregate[ˈæɡrɪɡeɪt]

v. 收集,集合;聚集;合计,总计 [ˈæɡrɪɡət] n. 总数,合计记 词根记忆:ag+greg(团体,聚集)+ate(使…)→使成为团体→聚集,集合考 in the aggregate 作为总体 (2009.4 Form 66F)

A landscape may be handsome in the aggregate, but this book led to the particulars, and that's what I wanted.搭 in (the) aggregate 总共,作为总体同 collective, totalaggressive [əˈɡresɪv]

a. 侵略的,好斗的;敢作敢为的,积极进取的;强有力的记 来自aggress (v. 攻击,侵犯)例 aggressive weapons 攻击性武器//aggressive reaction 积极的反应派 aggressively(ad. 强劲地;侵略地;放肆地);aggressiveness(n. 争斗;进取精神)同 enterprising, militantagility [əˈdʒɪləti]

n. 敏捷,活泼记 来自agile (a. 敏捷的,灵活的)考 n. 敏捷 (1296 ACT Practice Questions)

Dog's agility and sense of smell still, to this day, help hunters to capture their prey.例 agility of mind 头脑敏捷同 dexterityagitate [ˈædʒɪteɪt]

v. 鼓动,煽动;搅动,搅拌;使激动,使不安;激怒,打扰记 词根记忆:ag(引导,做)+it+ate→不断地引导→鼓动例 The economist has been trying to agitate for tax reform. 这位经济学家一直极力鼓吹税制改革。搭 agitate against 反对;agitate for 鼓动派 agitation(n. 煽动;搅动;不安);agitator(n. 液体搅拌器;煽动者,鼓动者)同 disturbalbeit [ˌɔːlˈbiːɪt]

conj. 虽然;尽管例 A program for low-carbon energy finally got through this month, albeit in substantially scaled-down form. 一项低碳能源的计划本月最终获得通过,尽管其规模大大缩小。alienate [ˈeɪliəneɪt]

vt. 疏远,孤立,树敌记 词根记忆:alien(陌生的)+ate(使…)→使陌生→疏远例 Tony didn't want to alienate the people he worked with. 托尼不想疏远那些和他共事的人。派 alienated(a. 疏远的,被隔开的);alienation(n. 疏远,离间)同 estrangealign [əˈlaɪn]

v. 成一条直线;排整齐;使一致记 联想记忆:a(看作at,在)+lign(看作line,线)→在一条线上→成一条直线;排整齐例 Joseph neatly aligned those books on the shelf. 约瑟夫把那些书整齐地码在书架上。搭 align oneself with sb. 与某人结盟;与某人一致allay [əˈleɪ]

vt. 减轻,减少;使冷静下来记 联想记忆:al(看作all,全都)+lay(放置)→放下所有的担子→减轻例 The inquiry has done little to allay suspicion. 这项调查对减少疑虑没有起到什么作用。同 alleviate, calmallege [əˈledʒ]

vt. 断言,宣称记 词根记忆:al(表加强)+leg(讲,读)+e→大声读→断言,宣称例 The prosecution alleges that she was driving carelessly. 控方指控她开车不小心。allegiance [əˈliːdʒəns]

n. 拥护;忠诚,效忠记 词根记忆:al(表加强)+leg(法律)+iance→法律规定的→拥护考 n. 效忠 (1296 ACT Practice Questions)

They belong to each other, like pirates who share a common destiny but no longer pledge allegiance to any sovereign entity.allergic [əˈlɜːrdʒɪk]

a. 过敏的;由过敏引起的;有强烈反感的记 联想记忆:aller(看作alert,警报)+gic→皮肤发出警报→过敏的搭 be allergic to sth. 对…过敏;反感,厌烦alleviate [əˈliːvieɪt]

vt. 减轻,缓和,缓解;解脱,释放记 词根记忆:al(表加强)+levi(轻的)+ate(使…)→使…轻→减轻例 The representatives' opinion is to strengthen public transportation to alleviate traffic jams. 代表们主张加强公共交通以缓解交通拥挤状况。同 relieve, lessenalliance [əˈlaɪəns]

n. 结盟;联盟;联姻;联合记 来自ally(v. 结盟)例 The firm is in alliance with a national lab to explore the problem. 这家公司和一家国家实验室联手研究该问题。搭 in alliance with 与…联盟;与…联合allied [ˈælaɪd]

a. 联合的;结盟的,同盟的;有亲缘关系的allocate [ˈæləkeɪt]

vt. 分配,分派,指定,把…拨给记 词根记忆:al(表加强)+loc(地方)+ate→不断往地方送→分配,分派例 The Senate has allocated funds for the history museum project. 参议院已经给历史博物馆工程拨款。派 allocation(n. 配给,分配;安置)同 distributeallot [əˈlɑːt]

vt. 分配,拨给记 词根记忆:al(=ad,表加强)+lot(地方)→分配例 I completed the test within the time allotted. 我在规定的时间内完成了考试。allude [əˈluːd]

vi. 暗指,影射,间接提到记 词根记忆:al+lud(嬉笑)+e→笑里藏刀,含沙射影→影射例 Joe did not allude to the growing event in his speech. 乔在发言中并没有提及这桩正闹得沸沸扬扬的事件。派 allusive(a. 含典故的;暗指的)同 referallure [əˈlʊr]

v. 诱惑,吸引 n. 诱惑力,魅力记 联想记忆:a(一个)+llure(=lure,诱惑物)→一个诱惑物→诱惑,吸引例 Paris's allure lies in its fashion and romance. 巴黎的魅力在于它的时尚和浪漫。派 alluring(a. 吸引人的,迷人的)同 charm, attractallusion [əˈluːʒn]

n. 典故,引用典故;暗指,暗示;间接提到记 来自allude(vi. 间接提到,暗指)考 n. 典故 (2005.4 Form 60E)

We also find allusions to Shakespeare's words in film.例 literary allusion 文学典故ally[ˈælaɪ]

n. 同盟国,同盟者;助手,支持者 [əˈlaɪ] v. 联合,结盟记 联想记忆:all(所有)+y→所有人站在一起→结盟aloof [əˈluːf]

a. 冷淡的;孤零零的 ad. 远离地;冷漠超然地记 联想记忆:a(…的)+loof(看作roof,屋顶)→战争过后,只剩一个孤零零的屋顶→孤零零的例 an aloof church 一座孤零零的教堂alter [ˈɔːltər]

v. 改变,变更记 本身为词根,表示“改变状态;其他的”例 Whether you like it or not, you're going to have to alter your lifestyle. 无论你是否愿意,你都要改变自己的生活方式。派 alteration(n. 改变,变更);unaltered(a. 未被改变的,不变的)alternate[ˈɔːltərneɪt]

v. 交替,轮流 [ˈɔːltərnət] a. 交替的,轮流的记 词根记忆:alter(改变)+n+ate(…的)→交替改变位置的→交替的例 I alternated between running and riding in my spare time. 闲暇时,我时而跑步,时而骑马。搭 alternate with/between 交替,轮流派 alternation(n. 交替;轮流)altitude [ˈæltɪtjuːd]

n. 高度,海拔记 词根记忆:alt(高的)+itude(表状态)→高度,海拔例 altitude difference 高度差amass [əˈmæs]

vt. 收集,积累,积聚(尤指财富)记 来自 mass(n. 堆,大量)例 He amassed a fortune from silver mining. 他从银矿开采中积聚了一笔财富。同 accumulateamateur [ˈæmətər]

n. 外行;业余爱好者 a. 业余的记 词根记忆:amat(爱)+eur(表人)→有业余爱好的人→业余爱好者例 an amateur performance 一场业余演出派 amateurish(a. 业余的;不熟练的)Word List 2音频ambiguity [ˌæmbɪˈɡjuːəti]

n. 歧义;模棱两可;模糊,不清楚考 n. 模糊 (2015.4 Form 73G)

His paintings explore the ambiguity of space, the energy of movement, and the coming together of unlikely elements.ambiguous [æmˈbɪɡjuəs]

a. 不明确的,意向不明的;模棱两可的,有歧义的记 词根记忆:amb(两边)+ig(驱动)+uous(…的)→往两边都可以驱动的→不明确的,意向不明的例 an ambiguous word 一个模棱两可的词同 obscure, inexplicableambivalent [æmˈbɪvələnt]

a. 有矛盾情绪的记 词根记忆:ambi(两边)+val(价值)+ent(…的)→双方的价值观不同→ 有矛盾情绪的例 People often keep an ambivalent attitude towards white lies. 人们通常对善意谎言的态度很矛盾。amble [ˈæmbl]

n. /vi. 漫步,缓行记 发音记忆:“安步”→安心地漫步→漫步例 I feel that my world is full of happiness when I am ambling along the beach with my family. 和家人一起在海边散步的时候,我感到我的世界充满了幸福。ameliorate [əˈmiːliəreɪt]

v. 改善,改进;提高记 词根记忆:a+melior(=better,更好)+ate(使…)→使更好→改善,改进例 The reform aimed at ameliorating the economic and social environment. 这次改革旨在改善经济和社会环境。amenity [əˈmenəti]

n. (环境等)舒适宜人;[pl.]生活福利设施,便利设施记 联想记忆:amen(阿门,祈祷结束语)+ity→人祈祷完一般很适意、愉快→舒适宜人例 public amenities 公共设施amiable [ˈeɪmiəbl]

a. 和蔼可亲的,友好的,可爱的,亲切的记 词根记忆:ami(=am,爱)+able(能…的)→能爱(别人)的→和蔼可亲的例 an amiable tone of voice 一种亲切的语调amicable [ˈæmɪkəbl]

a. 友善的,友好的;心平气和的,温和的例 an amicable relationship 一种和睦的关系同 peaceableamity [ˈæməti]

n. 友好,亲善关系,友谊记 词根记忆:am(爱)+ity→友爱→友好例 Alfred's parents hoped to see some sign of amity between him and his brother. 艾尔弗雷德的父母希望他们兄弟之间能和睦相处。amorous [ˈæmərəs]

a. 多情的,表示爱情的;性爱的,色情的记 词根记忆:amor(爱)+ous→多情的,表示爱情的例 an amorous poem 一首情诗amplify [ˈæmplɪfaɪ]

v. 放大(声音等);增强,扩大;详述,进一步阐述记 词根记忆:ampl(大)+ify(使…)→放大;增强考 v. 增强,扩大 (1296 ACT Practice Questions)

Needless to say, my joy at having rediscovered this long lost friend was overwhelming, but it was amplified when I had returned to my own place and began to ride the bike around town.同 expand, increaseamplitude [ˈæmplɪtuːd]

n. 振幅;波幅;幅度;丰富;广大;广阔记 词根记忆:ampl(大)+it+ude(表状态)→广大analogous [əˈnæləɡəs]

a. 类似的,相似的;可比拟的记 来自analogy(n. 类似)考 a. 类似的,相似的 (2016.4 Form 73E)

Ward compared building the Min to putting together a jigsaw puzzle because the two processes are analogous.例 analogous element 类似元素analogue [ˈænəlɔːɡ]

n. 相似物,类似物派 analogy(n. 类似;类比)anecdote [ˈænɪkdoʊt]

n. 奇闻,轶事,逸闻(关于真人真事的短小有趣的故事)记 词根记忆:an(表否定)+ec(出)+dot(给)+e→不给外人说的故事→轶事,逸闻例 an amusing anecdote 趣闻逸事//He told us some anecdotes about our uncle. 他告诉我们几件关于叔叔的轶事。派 anecdotal(a. 轶事的,趣闻的;道听途说的)anguish [ˈæŋɡwɪʃ]

n. 极度痛苦记 词根记忆:angu(痛苦)+ish→极度痛苦例 Recalling her anguish in those terrible days, Emma bursts into tears again. 回想起那些可怕的日子里经历的痛苦,艾玛再次泪流满面。animated [ˈænɪmeɪtɪd]





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