2017年SAT I Reasoning Test阅读高分特训500题【命题分析+答题攻略+强化训练】(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

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2017年SAT I Reasoning Test阅读高分特训500题【命题分析+答题攻略+强化训练】

2017年SAT I Reasoning Test阅读高分特训500题【命题分析+答题攻略+强化训练】试读:

第1章 SAT I Reasoning Test分析性阅读部分考试指南


1.1 SAT考试简介

SAT考试,全称Scholastic Assessment Test(学术能力评估测试),由College Board(美国大学理事会)运营,ETS(Educational Testing Service)所监管。SAT考试分为SAT I(SAT Reasoning Test)和SAT II(SAT Subject Tests),前者主要测试考生的语文和数学推理能力,而后者侧重对考生某一专业知识的考查。SAT考试最近一次改革在2005年3月。

1.2 SATI Reasoning Test试卷结构

SAT I Reasoning Test的测试内容主要体现在三个方面:写作、数学和阅读,共包括10个部分(section),其中有一个不计分的试验性部分,其可能是数学、阅读或写作部分。由于试验性部分与其他25分钟部分的格式相同,无法得知具体哪一部分是试验性部分,因此每一部分都应尽力做好。SAT I Reasoning Test考试时间为3小时45分钟,除试验部分,SAT I Reasoning Test具体内容如下:

SAT I Reasoning Test每部分的原始分会被转换为200~800分的标准分。

1.3 SATI Reasoning Test分析性阅读部分命题分析和解题技巧

SAT I Reasoning Test分析性阅读部分包括两种题目类型:句子填空题和篇章阅读理解题。共有67道小题,其中包括19个句子填空题和48个篇章阅读题。


SAT I Reasoning Test句子填空题主要对考生把握句子结构、分析句子逻辑关系和准确理解词汇意思三面综合能力的考查。


SAT I Reasoning Test句子填空题的命题过程中会刻意设置一些句子结构方面的障碍,如使用插入结构分割句子成分,而这些障碍会对考生的解题思路造成干扰,使得很多考生不能准确把握句子结构,或忽略了传递核心信息的主干结构,从而导致因读不懂句子而影响过到解题速度和做题准确率。

为快速把握句子结构,最简单有效的方法为获取句子主干,忽略如插入语、定语、同位语等的附加成分。由于SAT I Reasoning Test句子填空题中与所填内容相关的大多为句子的核心信息,因此通过分析句子主干来把握空格所填内容是一种有效的解题方法。


除把握句子结构外,对于SAT I Reasoning Test句子填空题来说,分析句子逻辑关系也十分重要。首先考生应对基本语法有一个总体认识,能够清楚划分句子成分;其次,应注意对一些提示逻辑关系的关键词的把握,如if, then, therefore, also, never, always等。

一般情况下,SAT I Reasoning Test句子填空题对逻辑关系的考查较为直接和简单,并且可从明显的词汇中看出逻辑关系。考查的逻辑关系主要包括因果关系、对比关系、递进关系、复指关系和修饰解释关系,其中前两种关系所占比例最高。



此外,对于SAT I Reasoning Test句子填空题考生还需注意以下几方面的解题技巧:








一套SAT I Reasoning Test的篇章阅读理解题包括2篇短阅读、3篇长阅读和2篇对比阅读。阅读题材包括社会科学、人文科学和自然科学等,并且每次考试中都会有一篇小说阅读。


由于阅读理解题在整个试卷中所占分数比重很大,并且对这一部分(连同单词),美国的许多名牌大学都有最低分数要求,因而认真备考SAT I Reasoning Test的篇章阅读理解题十分重要。其中有几个方面需要注意:






段落是文章的基本组成部分,因此考生在阅读SAT I Reasoning Test的文章时,应注意抓住文章每段主题,并描绘出文章大致框架结构,从而加快解题速度和提高解题准确度。

SAT I Reasoning Test篇章阅读理解题主要考查单词在上下文中意思、句子含义、句间关系、态度语气、修辞手法和修辞效果等。因此考生在备考SAT I Reasoning Test篇章阅读理解题时,应注意:





第2章 SAT I Reasoning Test句子填空高分特训150题

对于SAT I Reasoning Test句子填空题,按照题目中所给空格的数量分为Single-blank questions和Double-blank questions。



◆Single-blank questions

1.The work of Max Weber, an early social theorist, was _____ by a student who aided in collecting and organizing a plethora of data.

(A) prevented 

(B) compromised 

(C) limited

(D) facilitated 

(E) created【答案】D【解析】根据句意我们得知D项正确。此应填一个表示“帮助”意思的词语。facilitate帮助,促进。compromise妥协。

2.A painter’s ability to render a likeness is both _____ and acquired; the artist blends natural abilities with worldly experience in the creation of his or her art.

(A) anticipated

(B) overt

(C) aesthetic

(D) ubiquitous

(E) innate【答案】E【解析】在艺术创作中,作家将自身能力与个人经历相结合。个人经历可以acquired(获得),而能力则是“与生俱来的”。故此处应添加一个表示“与生俱来”的意思的词。innate天生的。anticipated预期的。overt公开的。aesthetic美学的。ubiquitous无处不在的。

3.In East field, the conductor of the town’s orchestra is a very _____ citizen, even more renowned than the mayor or the police chief.

(A) dictatorial 

(B) prominent 

(C) fastidious

(D) rebellious 

(E) duplicitous【答案】B【解析】这个镇的管弦乐队的指挥者甚至比市长或警察局长还有名望。所以可推测空缺部分的单词表示的意思应和“有名望的”意思相近。prominent突出的;杰出的。fastidious挑剔的;难取悦的。dictatorial独裁的;专横傲慢的。rebellious反抗的;难控制的。duplicitous奸诈的;搞两面派的。

4.When _____ animals are removed from their wile habitats and kept as pets, the pet owners are likely, to incur injuries.

(A) feral

(B) vivacious

(C) docile

(D) benign

(E) lethargic【答案】A【解析】因为动物的主人很可能会受伤,故选A。feral野生的;凶猛的。vivacious活泼的;快活的。docile温顺的;驯服的。benign良性的;和蔼的。lethargic昏睡的;无生气的。

5.Arthur made the _____ decision to drink plenty of water at the very beginning of the daylong hike, an thus was able to avoid dehydration.

(A) crepuscular

(B) irrevocable

(C) ponder

(D) canny

(E) irreverent【答案】D【解析】在一整天的徒步旅行开始前,亚瑟喝了很多水以避免脱水。因此他的这个决定是精明的。crepuscular黄昏的;朦胧的。irrevocable不能改变的;不能挽回的。canny精明的;谨慎的;节约的。ponder仔细考虑;衡量。irreverent不敬的;无礼的。

6.The evidence found by the private investigator was instrumental in _____ the defendant, who had been wrongfully charged with fraud based on the false statement of the accountant.

(A) alienating

(B) mollifying

(C) compelling

(D) acquitting

(E) enlightening【答案】D【解析】根据“wrongfully charged with fraud”,私人侦探发现的证据很重要,可知空缺的单词的意思应为“使免罪”的意思,故选D项。acquit无罪释放;清偿。alienate使疏远;让与。mollify平息;缓和。

7.The scientist’s hypothesis was finally _____ when researchers showed that the new census data contradicted his original findings.

(A) tabulated

(B) ratified

(C) applied

(D) debunked

(E) emphasized【答案】D【解析】因为新的人口普查数据与这个科学家之前的调查结果相矛盾,所以科学家的假设被证明是虚假的。debunk揭穿;暴露;批判。tabulate把制成表格。ratify批准;认可。

8.The medieval monk lived _____ life, living alone or with few others, in spartan conditions.

(A) an inspired

(B) an anachronistic

(C) an eclectic

(D) a gregarious

(E) an ascetic【答案】E【解析】“in spartan conditions”(在艰苦的条件下)暗含空缺部分的意思应为“ascetic”(苦行的;禁欲的)。anachronistic时代错误的;落伍的。eclectic折中的;选择的。gregarious社交的;群居的。因此本题答案选E。

9.Jim was dismissed from his position as a bank teller because of _____ his attitude toward financial accuracy.

(A) gullible 

(B) vicarious

(C) monetary

(D) cavalier

(E) reproachful【答案】D【解析】Jim因为计算不精确被解雇了,可推测出Jim的工作态度是“马虎的”。cavalier傲慢的;漫不经心的。vicarious代理的;发同感的。gullible易受骗的;轻信的。reproachful责备的;非难的。

10.Mickey carefully _____ equal amounts of her property to each of her children in order to prevent any altercations between them.

(A) contended

(B) explicated

(C) analyzed

(D) beheld

(E) allocated【答案】E【解析】为避免孩子发生口角,Mickey将他的财产分成等份。allocate分配;拨出。contend竞争;奋斗。explicate说明;解释。behold看;注视。

11.Not surprisingly, Joan’s gossiping was more _____ to her own reputation than to that of the person she was maligning.

(A) advantageous

(B) injurious

(C) skittish

(D) flagrant

(E) puerile【答案】B【解析】根据“malign”是“诽谤,污蔑”的意思,所以空缺部分的意思应是贬义的,故选B项。injurious有害的。

12.The lawyers did not have time to consider the contract in great detail; rather, they were able to give it only a _____ reading before they had to make their presentation on its merits.

(A) verbatim

(B) meandering

(C) tormented

(D) cursory

(E) substantial【答案】D【解析】句中使用了表示转折的rather,可知句中空缺的单词表示的意思与“in great detail”相反,故选D。cursory粗略的;草率的。verbatim逐字的。torment折磨;使痛苦。cursory粗略的;匆忙的。substantial大量的;实质的。

13.In the middle of the heat wave, Maria had a heavy cold and was so full of _____ that she could hardly get out of bed.

(A) perplexity

(B) insight

(C) conceit

(D) lethargy

(E) stamina【答案】D【解析】“a heavy cold”,“could hardly get out of bed”表明句子空缺部分表达的意思应和“疲倦”意思相近,故选D项。lethargy昏睡;无精打采;冷漠。

14.In low-pressure air systems, clouds can contain large amounts of moisture which allow them to _____ enough precipitation to make for damp and weather.

(A) produce; sunny

(B) generate; inclement

(C) advance; humid

(D) agitate; chilly

(E) evaporate; foggy【答案】B【解析】根据“enough precipitation to make for”可知第一个空的意思应为“to make”或“to create”,所以C,D,E项可排除。根据“damp”可知第二个空的意思应和与“damp weather”的意思是相关的,故可排除A项。

15.Professional critics derided the actor’s performance as lacking subtlety and depth, and predicted that his fame would be _____.

(A) esoteric

(B) ephemeral

(C) dramatic

(D) lucrative

(E) pejorative【答案】B【解析】因为这个演员的表演受到了批评,所以这些评论者会认为他的名声不会持续很久,故选B项。ephemeral短暂的;朝生暮死的。

16.The evidence strongly suggested the suspect was guilty, but the jury found no such _____.

(A) exoneration

(B) juxtaposition

(C) acquittal

(D) manifestation

(E) culpability【答案】E【解析】“but”表明句子前后的意思形成对比,所以空句子后半部分的意思应和“guilty”意思相反,故选E项。culpability有过失;有罪。

17.To show them how to recognize when a thunderstorm was _____ and would soon strike, Mrs. Hauser taught her sixth-grade science students to spot cumulonimbus clouds, or thunderheads.

(A) voluble

(B) imminent

(C) saturating

(D) mercurial

(E) perilous【答案】B【解析】根据“would soon strike”可知这种现象暗示一场暴风雨即将来临,故选B项。imminent即将来临的;迫近的。

18.When Helena won the Worst Dressed Award at the Halloween party, she was utterly _____, because she hadn’t even worn a costume.

(A) attired

(B) incompetent

(C) obscured

(D) mortified

(E) rambunctious【答案】D【解析】“the Worst Dressed Award” “hadn’t even worn a costume”表明空缺部分的意思应和“embarrassed”的意思相近,故选D项。mortified窘迫的;受辱的。

19.Despite mounting evidence that the researcher’s findings were faked, the researcher himself staunchly _____ such claims.

(A) verified

(B) repudiated

(C) disseminated

(D) embellished

(E) insinuated【答案】B【解析】因为有很多证据可以证明这些研究结果是不真实的,“despite”表明研究员反对这种指控,故选B项。

20.Recent studies have demonstrated that even birds are capable of making and using tools, but scientists disagree as to whether such behavior is learned or _____.

(A) intelligent   

(B) impassive   

(C) innate

(D) pragmatic 

(E) suspect【答案】C【解析】科学家就鸟会制造和使用机器的研究有不同意见。一些科学家认为这些行为是鸟先天后天学习的,相反地意见可推测知鸟使用并制造机器的行为是天生地,故选C。innate生来就有的。

21.Although Ian’s argument seemed plausible at first, his opponent in the debate dismissed it as mere _____ and refuted it thoroughly.

(A) sophistry

(B) solicitousness

(C) acumen

(D) substantiation

(E) resolution【答案】A【解析】尽管Ian的论证最初看起来合理,但是他的对手完全反驳了他。sophistry诡辩。solicitous关切;担忧。acumen敏锐。substantiation证实。resolution决定。故选A。

22.The establishment of international phone service in 1964 appeased those citizens of the tiny island who bemoaned the _____ of their community and longed for a greater connection to the world outside.

(A) obstinacy

(B) precociousness

(C) obsequiousness

(D) insularity

(E) insinuation【答案】 D【解析】那些缺少与外部世界联系的人很可能为他们小岛生活的偏狭状况而惋惜。国际电话服务的建立很可能会平息岛民们的担忧。根据句意,D选项合适。obstinacy固执。precociousness早熟。obsequiousness奉承。insularity与外界隔绝的状态。insinuation暗讽。

23.Even his friends believed that Yuri was too submissive to his superiors in the office, and told him that such _____ behavior might even harm his chances of promotion.

(A) headstrong

(B) tolerable

(C) complaisant

(D) truculent

(E) tactless【答案】 C【解析】他的朋友认为Yuri太顺从了。即他们指责他太殷勤,太彬彬有礼了。complaisant彬彬有礼的,殷勤的。headstrong任性的。truculent好斗的,野蛮的。tactless笨拙的。

24.As _____ the value of free trade, Bennett was often called upon to give speeches around the world extolling the virtues of unencumbered commerce.

(A) an antagonist to

(B) a stalwart of

(C) a caviler about

(D) a diviner of

(E) a skeptic of【答案】B【解析】因为Bennet赞美不受阻碍的贸易的好处,那么天一定是自由贸易额的坚定拥护者。stalwart坚定拥护者。antagonist敌人。caviler吹毛求疵者。diviner预言者。skeptic怀疑的。

25.Alana’s _____ scary movies was not shared by her friends, who generally avoided the horror genre entirely

(A) disgust for

(B) affinity for

(C) indifference to

(D) anticipation of

(E) intolerance of【答案】B【解析】因为Alana的朋友不喜欢恐怖电影,而Alana对恐怖电影的感觉与朋友们不一样,可推测知Alana喜欢恐怖电影。affinity吸引力。indifference漠不关心;中立。intolerance不宽容,无法容忍。

26.While the lips of most mammals play a significant role in eating, in horses they are actually _____, permitting them to grasp even very small foods such as grains.

(A) retracted

(B) therapeutic

(C) incongruous

(D) ameliorative

(E) prehensile【答案】E【解析】因为马的嘴能抓东西,因此它们是善于抓的。retract缩回。therapeutic治疗的;有益于健康的。infirm衰弱的;意志不坚定的。ameliorative改善的。prehensile适于抓握的;善于领会的。

27.Some of Professor Davis' students feel that her demonstrations of erudition often go too far, almost to the point of _____.

(A) pedantry

(B) pragmatism

(C) exclusion

(D) evanescence

(E) deprecation【答案】A【解析】教授过多显露自己的学识使得学生们感到他卖弄学问。pedantry卖弄学问。pragmatism实用主义。evanescence消失;消散。deprecation贬低;反对。

28.Because Ted behaved in such a docile manner at school, few of his teachers could believe that he was in fact _____ at home.

(A) altruistic

(B) intractable

(C) taciturn

(D) rational

(E) diffident【答案】B【解析】因为Ted在学校表现得很服从,老师对他在家里却很难管教十分惊讶。altruistic无私的。taciturn沉默寡言的。diffident羞怯的;缺乏自信的

29.The Federal Reserve Board’s decision to lower the prime lending rate had a _____ effect on the economy, for stock prices, consumer confidence, and corporate investment improved in very short order.

(A) detrimental

(B) dubious

(C) conditional

(D) salutary

(E) perverse【答案】D【解析】如果一个举措在很短的时间内增加了消费者信任度和公司投资,那么这个行为一定会对经济产生有利的影响。detrimental有害的;不利的。dubious可疑的;暧昧的。conditional有条件的;假定的。perverse堕落的;倔强的;违反常情的。

30.Although the topic of the lecture fascinated me, the speaker’s presentation style was so _____ that I found it difficult to stay awake.

(A) monotonous

(B) rude

(C) provocative

(D) authoritative

(E) trustworthy【答案】A【解析】如果说话者很难保持清醒,这个演讲一定是十分枯燥的。monotonous单调的;无变化的。provocative刺激的;气人的。authoritative有权威的;当局的。

31.Although racquetball was invented in 1949 in Greenwich, Connecticut, in fact many of its rules were _____ from older, well-established sports like handball and squash.

(A) appropriated

(B) discarded

(C) advocated

(D) elucidated

(E) compensated【答案】A【解析】这个句子表明尽管这项比赛是新的,它的很多方面其实是旧的。如使用了之前的旧规则。appropriate占用;拨出。discard抛弃;放弃。advocate提倡;拥护。elucidate阐明;说明。compensate补偿;弥补。

32.Howard has a reputation for _____; although his self-serving claims always seem plausible, they are rarely true.

(A) genius

(B) prevarication

(C) fervency

(D) contemplation

(E) forthrightness【答案】B【解析】如果他的说法不正确,那么他一定有说谎这个坏名声。prevarication搪塞;支吾。fervency热情;炽热。contemplation沉思;注视;意图。forthrightness直率。

33.In contrast to the other interns who were exhausted by the drudgery of the 60-hour work week, Alynna seemed _____.

(A) petrified

(B) extensive

(C) agitated

(D) indefatigable

(E) corrupted【答案】D【解析】其他的实习生被每周60个小时的工作而耗尽体力,但是Alynna与其他实习生不同,那么可推测Alynna一定是不知疲倦的。petrify使惊呆。agitate骚动;使激动。indefatigable不知疲倦的;有耐性的。corrupted腐败的;崩溃的。

34.Unlike Vanity Fair, which is occasionally didactic, Middlemarch is morally _____, challenging the reader to make his or her own ethical evaluations of the characters' actions.

(A) resolute

(B) corrupt

(C) enervating

(D) pedantic

(E) ambiguous【答案】E【解析】与《名利场》的偶尔的说教性不同,《米德尔马契》要求读者就人物的行为作出他们自己的道德判断,因此应填ambiguous“模糊不清的”。resolute坚决的;果断的。corrupt腐败的。enervating使人衰弱的;令人萎靡不振的。pedantic迂腐的;学究似的。

35.Judge Webster gave her instructions to the jury in such a _____ way that there was no doubt that they were to be obeyed strictly.

(A) loquacious

(B) desultory

(C) phlegmatic

(D) peremptory

(E) torpid【答案】D【解析】空缺的词指的是法官的法律要点说明是如此富有说服力以至于他们必须遵守而没有任何解释的余地。loquacious饶舌的;话多的。desultory断断续续的;散漫的;没有条理的。peremptory强制的;断然的。torpid迟钝的;缓慢的。

36.Julia feared that her 6-month hiatus from playing the piano would cause her musical skills to _____.

(A) atrophy

(B) align

(C) develop

(D) reconcile

(E) disseminate【答案】A【解析】Julia担心6个月没有弹钢琴会使她的音乐能力退化。atrophy萎缩;退化。align排列;排成一行。disseminate传播;散播。

37.Walter’s _____ was beginning to annoy his co-workers; although they appreciated the though the gave to his decisions, his inability to makeup his mind was growing tiresome.

(A) vacillation

(B) solicitation

(C) rejuvenation

(D) admonishment

(E) professionalism【答案】A【解析】空缺的单词指的应该指的是Walter的犹豫不决。vacillation抽搐;不果断。solicitation恳求。rejuvenation返老还童;恢复活力。admonishment训诫;警告。

38.Although direct, forceful stances usually appeal to voters on the campaign trail, candidates usually resort to _____ during debates to avoid alienating any potential supporters.

(A) pontification

(B) circumlocution

(C) logic

(D) exaggeration

(E) brevity【答案】B【解析】因为句子之间用“although”连接,所以空缺的词一定与“直接的,强有力的”的意思相反。pontification武断地发表意见。circumlocution婉转曲折的说法;遁词。brevity简洁。

39.Marullus’ reference to “chimney-tops” during his monologue in Julius Caesar is considered by some historians _____, since such things are unlikely to have existed in Rome in the first century BC.

(A) a miscalculation

(B) an anachronism

(C) an idiom

(D) an interlocutor

(E) a mirage【答案】B【解析】如果一些事情时间错乱,那么就是anachronism“时间错误;不合潮流的人或物”。idiom成语;习语。interlocutor对话者;谈话者。

40.The strange signal detected by the radio telescope, rather than being taken as evidence of a new cosmological phenomenon, was instead treated as merely _____ of the equipment itself.

(A) a malfunction

(B) a bulwark

(C) an anthology

(D) a mutation

(E) a transfer【答案】A【解析】因为无线电天文望远镜测到的这个陌生的信号,后来被证明不是新的宇宙现象,而是天文望远镜出现了故障。malfunction失灵;故障。bulwark壁垒;抵御。anthology选集。mutation基因突变;变化。

41.The ease with which the army’s defenses were breached surprised the opposing general, who expected resistance to be far more _____ than it was.

(A) ephemeral

(B) compatible

(C) egregious

(D) tolerable

(E) imposing【答案】E【解析】如果将军十分惊讶于那么轻松地就冲破了敌军的防御,那么他当初一定认为敌方的抵抗应该更强大一些。ephemeral短暂的;朝生暮死的。egregious惊人的;恶名昭彰的。imposing威风的;吓人的;给人影响深刻的。

42.Those who expected the governor to be inarticulate were surprised by his _____.

(A) intolerance

(B) fatigue

(C) eloquence

(D) endurance

(E) violence【答案】C【解析】那些预计州长口齿不清的人后来却为州长的口才大吃一惊。intolerance不宽容;偏狭。eloquence口才;雄辩。endurance忍耐力;耐久。

43.Many college students are attracted to the _____ life of a journalist; the prospect of exploring the world is very appealing, even if the pay is not.

(A) peripatetic

(B) conventional

(C) tolerant

(D) coordinated

(E) remunerative【答案】A【解析】根据句意,可知句子后面部分是对记者生活的解释。因此空缺处的的单词应和“exploring the world.”的意思差不多。peripatetic走来走去的;漫步的。conventional符合习俗的;常规的。tolerant宽容的。coordinated协调的。remunerative有利可图的;有报酬的。

44.One example of a _____ relationship is provided by the tickbird, which gets protection and a free meal of ticks from the hippopotamus and in turn supplies free pest removal services.

(A) competitive

(B) deteriorating

(C) symbiotic

(D) regressive

(E) vacillating【答案】C【解析】食虱鸟从河马身上得到了食物,而河马摆脱掉自己身上的虱子,因此它们的关是相互的,共生的。deteriorate恶化;变坏。symbiotic共生的;共栖的。regressive回归的;退化的。vacillate犹豫;踌躇。

45.The controversy within the party produced a _____ that broke it into several factions even before the matter could be fully discussed among the members.

(A) unanimity

(B) schism

(C) caucus

(D) commemoration

(E) prognostication【答案】B【解析】一个政党分裂成几个派系就是“schism”。unanimity同意;全体一致。schism分裂。caucus干部会议;核心会议。commemoration纪念;庆典。prognostication预测;预言。

46.Although he purchased his computer only 10 months ago, rapid improvements in technology have left Raúl with _____ machine.

(A) an obsolete

(B) an adjunct

(C) a novel

(D) an automated

(E) an elusive【答案】A【解析】“although”表示句子意思之间形成对比,尽管他的电脑刚买10个月,但是科技的迅速提升使他的电脑变得过时了。obsolete废弃的;老式的。adjunct附属物;助手。elusive难懂的;易忘的。automate使自动化。novel新奇的;异常的。

47.My father is so _____ that he will never even consider another person’s viewpoint to be valid if it is different from his own.

(A) pragmatic

(B) dogmatic

(C) phlegmatic

(D) cordial

(E) curt【答案】B【解析】如果别人与他的意见不同,他就认为别人的观点不是正确的,那么可看出他是一个固执的人。pragmatic实际的;实用主义的。dogmatic教条的;武断的。phlegmatic冷淡的;迟钝的。cordial热忱的;诚恳的;兴奋的。curt简略的;草率的。

48.Julia approaches her homework assignments in such _____ way that it is very difficult to believe that she is at the top of her class.

(A) an adept

(B) a diligent

(C) a fanatical

(D) an extroverted

(E) a laggardly【答案】E【解析】因为很难相信Julia的在班里成绩最好,所以空缺的词表达的应该是消极的意思。adept熟练的;擅长的。diligent勤勉的;用功的。fanatical狂热的。extroverted 性格外向的;喜欢社交的。laggardly缓慢的;落后的。

49.The newest clothing line revealed at the show was an eclectic mix that ranged from the modest and unadorned to the _____ and garish.

(A) austere

(B) prophetic

(C) cordial

(D) ostentatious

(E) solitary【答案】D【解析】因为新的服装系列包含有多种类别,所以服装的特点应形成对比。那么服装有的端庄朴素,有的夸张鲜艳。austere严峻的;简朴的。prophetic预言的;先知的。cordial热忱的;诚恳的的;兴奋的。ostentatious招摇的;卖弄的;夸耀的。

50.If John had not been there to _____ when tensions began to rise at the meeting, a fight would surely have ensued.

(A) intervene

(B) coalesce

(C) harass

(D) intermingle

(E) exacerbate【答案】A【解析】因为会议的紧张气氛没有引起一场争斗,所以John一定是干预调解这件事了。intervene干涉;调停。coalesce合并;联合。intermingle混合;掺杂。exacerbate使加剧;使恶化。

51.Amateur bicyclists who aspire to race competitively at a professional level, but who _____ the demanding training regimen the sport requires, will eventually discover that they are underprepared.

(A) eschew

(B) generate

(C) acclimate

(D) absorb

(E) infuse【答案】A





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