
发布时间:2020-06-10 00:10:32











语言点:提炼出不易掌握的语言、语法难点,条分缕析并配以丰富例句。所选例句均出自牛津词典(Oxford Dictionary)或朗文词典(Longman Dictionary),经典实用。




由于编写者水平所限,书中译文、实例虽都经过反复推敲、实践,但不当之处在所难免,敬请广大读者不吝指正,以便改进。郑家顺(E-mail:zhengjiashunblog@sina. com)

★★★★★欢迎读者光临“郑家顺博客(http://blog. sina. com. cn/zhengjiashun)”与“中国英语考试网(www. zgyyksw. com)”,这里将及时更新英语信息,希望能对你的英语学习有所帮助;同时也希望能借此收到更多学习者的反馈意见。让我们一起进步!★★★★★Unit 1Discovering yourself★★★★★ Active reading(1)一、课文导读

Catching crabs(《抓螃蟹》)是一篇回忆式的记叙文,描写一个即将毕业的大学生与父亲讨论他的职业理想。父亲带他出海抓螃蟹,从小事中引出道理,鼓励他按照自己的兴趣爱好去选择职业。阅读时注意文中多处口语化的习语。【思考】升入大二,你是否开始考虑规划自己将来的职业生涯?二、语言点

1.(Line 5, Para. 1). . . and we all started to get our heads down. . .我们开始埋头学习……【固定搭配】

get one' s head down phr.集中精力,埋头学习。在非正式的英式英语中,get one' s head down还有另一个意思:睡觉。

2.(Lines 10-11, Para. 1)Most important of course were the final exams in April and May in the following year.当然,下一年四五月份的期末考试最为重要。

句子解析 该句是口语省略句式,原句应为The most important things, of course, were the final exams in April and May in the following year.

3.(Lines 11-13, Para. 1)No one wanted the humiliation of finishing last in class, so the peer group pressure to work hard was strong.谁都不想考全班倒数第一而被人耻笑,因此同学们之间的竞争压力特别大。【固定搭配】

finish last phr.在比赛、赛跑中得倒数第一/最后一名。类似表达还有:finish second/ third,其中last/second/third作补语。

4.(Lines 16-18, Para. 1). . . and guys wore the bags under their eyes and their pale, sleepy faces with pride, like medals proving their diligence.小伙子们熬夜熬出了眼袋,他们脸色苍白,睡眼惺忪,却很自豪,好像这些都是表彰他们勤奋好学的奖章。

句子解析 the bags under one' s eyes指因睡眠不足出现眼袋。此句表示男生们很自豪,他们疲惫的样子显示了他们用功学习的程度,眼袋就像是奖章一样。

5.(Lines 7-9, Para. 2)One had landed a job in his brother' s advertising firm in Madison Avenue, another had got a script under provisional acceptance in Hollywood.有位同学在位于麦迪逊大道的他哥哥的广告公司得到了一份工作,另一位同学写的电影脚本已经与好莱坞草签了合约。【固定搭配】

land a job:非正式短语,意为“得到一份想要的工作”。provisional acceptance此处指未确定的、暂时性的工作安排。【词汇难点】

provisional adj.暂时的;临时性的:A provisional government was set up after the war.战后成立了临时政府。

6.(Lines 11-12, Para. 2)We all saw him ending up in the Senate or in Congress one day.我们都预测他最终会当上参议员或国会议员。【固定搭配】

end up somewhere phr. v.指最终到达某个地方,或达到某种状态。此处指想当政党活动家的那位同学最终可能成为国会议员。

I always end up paying the bill.最后总是由我付账。

7.(Para. 14)I kind of wish I' d done that when I was your age.我真有点希望自己在你这个年纪时能做这些事儿。【固定搭配】

kind of:非正式口语,“有一点儿,有几分”,有时相当于a little, rather,但常常不含实际意义。

8.(Lines 1-2, Para. 16)You don' t need to go into a career which pays well just at the moment.你不必急于进入一个暂时报酬高的行业。

句子解析 go into a career指开始从事一份工作、从商或开始职业生涯。

9.(Lines 1-3, Para. 20)There was no surf on the coastal waters at that time of day, so it was a smooth half-hour ride until my father switched off the motor.在这个时候沿海水域没什么风浪,船平稳地航行了半个小时之后父亲关了马达。【词汇难点】


switch sth off phr. v.

①关掉,关上(机器、灯等):Don' t forget to switch off the TV when you go to bed.上床之前别忘了关电视机。

②(非正式)不再听;不再注意:He just switches off when he' s tired.他累了就走神。

10. (Lines 3-5, Para. 22)It wasn' t just that they crawled into such an obvious trap, through a small hole in the lid of the basket, but it seemed as if they couldn' t be bothered to crawl out again even when you took the lid off.不仅仅是因为它们顺着篓盖上的小孔爬进一个再明显不过的陷阱,更因为即便你打开盖子,它们似乎也懒得从里面爬出来……

句子解析 It is/was not just that. . . but. . .不仅仅是……,而且(更是)……

can' t/ couldn' t be bothered to do为英式英语短语,表示“不想费神做某事”:I ought to clean the car, but I can' t bothered.我应该去洗车,但我就是没心思干。三、文化背景

1. 【查尔斯河】位于美国马萨诸塞州,流经布兰迪斯大学、哈佛大学、波士顿大学、麻省理工等众多知名学府,在许多电影、歌曲和小说中都是重要场景。

2. 【麦迪逊大道】是美国纽约市曼哈顿区一条南北走向的大道,得名于麦迪逊广场,麦迪逊是指第四任美国总统詹姆士·麦迪逊。“麦迪逊大道”常常被用作广告业的代名词。在1920年代的繁荣时期,这条大道开始成为广告业中心。

3. 【感恩节】是美国和加拿大共有的节日,原意是为了感谢上天赐予的好收成。在美国,自1941年起,感恩节是在每年11月的第四个星期四,并从这一天起将休假两天;而加拿大与美国的感恩节时间不同,是在10月第二个星期一。像中国的春节一样,在这一天,成千上万的人们不管多忙,都要和自己的家人团聚。四、参考译文抓螃蟹





















我父亲发动了马达,我们返航回家。五、课后答案Active reading(1)1 Match the questions with the answers

1.(j)2.(b)3.(c)4.(e)5.(d)6.(k)7.(g)8.(h)9.(a)10.(i)11.(l)12.(f)Reading and understanding3 Choose the best summary of what happened in the crab cage.

3.4 Choose the best answer to the questions.

1.(b)2.(c)3.(c)4.(d)5.(c)6.(a)Dealing with unfamiliar words5 Match the words in the box with their definitions.

1. productive 2. attendance 3. resistance 5. acceptance 6. script 4. ambitious 7. impressive6 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 5.

1. attendance 2. ambitious 3. productive 4. impressive 5. resistance 6. script 7. acceptance7 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box.

1. mortgage 2. deck 3. surf 4. coastal; defy 5. lengthy8 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.

1.(b)即兴的 2.(a)详细规划 3.(b)为(困难或坏事)做准备 4.(b)停泊 5.(b)生锈的 6.(a)满溢 7.(b)被俘虏的 8.(b)明白,理解

Reading and interpreting

9 Work in pairs. Look at the sentences from the passage and answer the questions.

1. The use of the time expression in the past tense indicates that this is a narrative with a sequence of events about the personal experience of the author.

2. The purpose is to imply that studying for the final exams was not the only worry of the students. It serves as a transition from studying for final exams to the next topic—getting a job after graduation.

3. The writer changes from we to I makes the focus onto himself as an individual. The we paragraphs above are general background to the main narrative about the individual, which is coming.

4. This unfolds a moment-by-moment dialogue begins. Thus the narrative of events is slowed down but readers get a better idea of how the writer found it difficult to say what he wanted to do and how the father responded.

5. The focus shifts from the writer himself to crabs. The sentence also arouses the readers' interest—we expect something fascinating about crabs here. Later, we realize how the topic of crabs, is connected with the son finding a job, and the crabs' behaviour leads the father to give memorable advice.

6. Yes, it is an effective conclusion as it leaves a lot of room for personal interpretation without saying it explicitly. We don' t know what happens next, but the implication is fairly clear that the father would support the son' s idea of travel and of being a writer.

10 Work in pairs and answer the questions.

1. The son seems afraid of being criticized for his ideas about a career and expects resistance from his father. However, the father actually supports what his son wants, but he makes him think about it by watching the crabs. So at the beginning we feel their relationship may not be good, but later it becomes clear that they have a good relationship based on mutual trust and respect.

2. Yes, and the crab-catching event adds to this respect because the father doesn' t simply object his son' s plan, instead, he finds a good way of showing support to his son and making him think more about his future.

3. Yes, because he says, “I kind of wish I' d done that when I was your age. ”Also, his way of teaching his son—through observing crabs—shows that he understands his son very well.

4. He is teaching his son not to follow conventional expectations and peer pressure. He tells his son not to be pulled back by others, and to find out more about himself—what he likes, where his interests and skills are, how he wants to work, because if he doesn' t figure these things out, he will never be happy.

5. It is successful in showing the father-son relationship through catching crabs and it makes readers think about not being pulled back by others.

6. Yes, though he doesn' t say it directly, but through his use of the words, “Interesting idea”,“Interesting choice”, and“We' ve never had a writer in the family”does seem to be positive and show his support.

Developing critical thinking

11 Work in pairs and discuss the questions.

1. It is a complicated question. Yes, it is important to be ambitious, but it depends on exactly what kind of ambition you are thinking of. On the one hand, it seems good to be ambitious because most people want to be successful and having an ambition probably makes you work harder for your goals and that' s good. On the other hand, some people are ambitious to be extremely rich, famous or powerful. We really wonder whether these are the most important things, because some ambitious people seem to work only for themselves, so they work against other people rather than for or with others.

2. Yes, ambition is a positive part of personality as long as you don' t go to extremes. It probably depends on how ambition is related to the rest of your personality. If a person only focuses on ambition it can get out of proportion—too much ambition can lead to all sorts of negative aspects of a personality. But being ambitious can be very positive if it is related to other positive qualities like wanting to make an effort and do your best with honesty and sincerity, and also to help your family, other people and your country.

3. If you don' t spend any time planning a future, it may never happen. But if you spend too much time planning it, it won' t happen either, because you won' t actually be doing anything about it, only thinking. So you need to spend some time thinking about what you enjoy and what interests you, where your skills are, and then plan to try some jobs in those areas in order to discover what you are good at and what makes you happy. As students, this is as much a matter of thinking and planning as of trying out different things, for example, doing part-time jobs and holiday work to get experience.

4. Yes, this is part of a university' s role, a small but important part. Universities are supposed to teach students advanced knowledge and skills within different disciplines, to help them develop their thinking, creativity and awareness of citizenship, cultures and peoples in the world. Of course, helping students choose a career is not the same as getting them work. It is more a matter of helping them identify what they are good at and how their majors may prepare them for different professions. Universities can help us choose a career by providing information about different professions and jobs, and by inviting professionals and employers in different fields to universities to talk to students.★★★★★ Active reading(2)一、课文导读

We are all dying(《我们都在走向死亡》)选自杰夫·汤普森的书《Everything that happens to me is good》,这是一本描写作者生活经历的充满哲思和感悟的书。作者先后从事过很多工作,还曾在伦敦当地酒吧当了九年的保镖,后又经过训练成为一名武术教练,最后实现梦想成为作家,出版了30多本书。本文告诫读者:生命短暂,应该抓紧时间做想做的事情。【思考】你有什么样的梦想,打算什么时候实现?二、语言点

1.(Lines 1-3, Para. 1)I have some good news and some bad news for you(as the joke goes).我给你带来一条好消息,还有一条坏消息(正如笑话所说的)。

句子解析 当谈论到一些含有正反两方面内容的新消息或是最近发生的事件,或者开玩笑时,常将good news和bad news放在一起说,例如:The good news is. . . but the bad news is. . .

2.(Lines 14-15, Para. 1). . . we are all going to be either coffin dwellers or trampled ash in the rose garden of some local cemetery.我们都会躺到棺材里,或者变成某个地方公墓玫瑰园里的灰尘,被人践踏。【词汇难点】

coffin:棺材;coffin dweller是称呼去世之人的幽默说法。

3.(Lines 16-17, Para. 1)After all, we never quite know when the hooded, scythe-carrying, bringer-of-the-last-breath might come-a-calling.毕竟,我们从来就不清楚那位戴着头巾、手持长柄镰刀、命人吐出最后一口气的死神什么时候会来召唤我们。

句子解析 the hooded, scythe-carrying, bringer-of-the-last-breath指the reaper,一个收割谷物的人,在西方,从中世纪开始用这个词来指代死神。死神被拟人化为一个个子高高的、穿着黑色斗篷、以头巾遮脸、拿着镰刀的可怕形象。死神将带走人的最后一丝生气。

4.(Lines 18-20, Para. 1)I have watched death from the sidelines, quite recently in fact, and nothing underlines the uncertainty and absolute frailty of humanity like the untimely exit of a friend.其实我最近就曾经从局外人的角度观察过死亡,没有什么比朋友的早逝更能表明人生的无常和生命的脆弱了。【词汇难点】

untimely adv.过早的,不到时间的,突然的:She met a tragic and untimely death at 25.她于25岁时不幸猝然辞世。

an untimely death:突然辞世或年纪轻轻就去世。exit此处表示离开人世。

5.(Lines 1-3, Para. 3)Knowing that we are all budding crypt-kickers takes away all the uncertainty of life.知道了我们都在走向坟墓,我们就不再有人生无常的感觉了。

句子解析 budding:发展中的,crypt-kickers:踢墓穴的人。此处是幽默的说法,表示我们都有一天会离开人世,被埋进坟墓。

6.(Lines 6-7, Para. 5)There' s only a promissory note that we are often not in a position to cash.只有一张常常无法兑现的期票。

句子解析 a promissory note:期票,是指由债务人对债权人开出的在一定时期内无条件支付款项的债务证书。作者意为明天就像无法兑现的一张期票,我们永远拿不到钱。只有现在就开始行动,正确利用时间,才能获得期票承诺要付的现金。

7.(Lines 11-16, Para. 5)Your time. . . will be gone and you' ll have nothing to show for it but regret and a rear-view mirror full of“could haves”, “should haves”and“would haves”.你的时间会流逝……而你没有取得任何成就来证明它的存在,唯独留下遗憾,留下一面后视镜,上面写满了“本可以做”“本应该做”“本来会做”的事情。

句子解析 a rear-view mirror:汽车后视镜,安装在汽车前车窗旁,能反映汽车后方、侧方和下方的情况,使驾驶者可以间接看清楚这些地方,它起着“第二只眼睛”的作用,扩大了驾驶者的视野范围。此处用后视镜比喻过去,它已经被抛在我们身后。每个人都不想要一面布满了没有完成的遗憾的镜子,而这些遗憾本来是可以做、应该做和会做的。

8.(Lines 6-8, Para. 10)The right time is the cheque that' s permanently in the post, it never arrives.成熟的时机是一张支票,它永远都在邮寄的路上,永远都不会到来。

句子解析 the cheque is in the post表示支票已寄出,正在路上,通常被用作钱晚到的借口。the cheque that' s permanently in the post则表示钱永远到不了。

9.(Lines 8-11, Para. 10)It' s the girl who keeps us standing at the corner of the Co-op looking like a spanner. . . She' s stood us up.它就是那位让我们在合作社旁边像桥墩那样站着傻等的女孩。

句子解析 Co-op:cooperative society合作社;looking like a spanner on the street corner表示看起来很笨拙,站在不该站的地方傻傻地等一个女孩,而这女孩可能永远不会赴约了。stand someone up指和人约好见面却没去,尤其指与恋爱对象约会时让别人空等一场。

10.(Lines 1-3, Para. 13)Act now or your time will elapse and you' ll end up as a sepia-coloured relative that no one can put a name to in a dusty photo album.现在就行动吧,不然你的时间会流逝的,而你最终将成为尘封的相册里的一位谁都叫不上名字的灰头土脸的穷亲戚。

句子解析 you' ll end up as a sepia-coloured relative表示最终你会成为相册里一张被人差不多遗忘的照片。can' t put a name to someone表示仿佛认识某人,但却记不清楚他(她)的名字。

11.(Lines 1-2, Para. 14)Better to leave a biography as thick as a whale omelette than an epitaph.还是给人间留下一本像大煎蛋饼那么厚的传记吧,那可比仅仅留下一块碑铭强。

句子解析 omelette是煎蛋饼,as thick as a whale表示非常厚。作者想表达的是留下一本内容充实的传记比一块碑铭强,也就是说,要生命充实而有意义,值得被书写。三、文化背景

1. 【大峡谷】美国亚利桑那州北部科罗拉多河的大峡谷,是世界著名自然景观之一。

2. 【伦敦西区】是伦敦中心的一处旅游观光和商务办公区,有许多饭店和戏院。四、参考译文我们都在走向死亡














还是给人间留下一本像大煎蛋饼那么厚的传记吧,那可比仅仅留下一块碑铭强。“乔·史密斯……嘿嘿,他没干过什么,对吧?”五、课后答案Active reading(2)2 Work in pairs. Look at the title of the passage and choose the best way to complete the sentences.

1.(c)2.(d)3.(b)Reading and understanding3 Choose the best summary of the passage.

3.Dealing with unfamiliar words4 Match the words in the box with their definitions.

1. triple 2. cemetery 3. rear 4. biography 5. cram 6. budding 7. finite 8. elapse5 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 4.

1. elapsed; cemetery 2. rear; crammed 3. triple 4. budding; biography 5. finite6 Answer the questions about the words.

1.(a)用证据证明 2.(b)踩踏 3.(a)不合时宜的 4.(a)按时间顺序地 5.(b)巧妙地 6.(b)筋疲力尽的 7.(a)显然地 8.(a)(按份额)分配7 Answer the questions about the phrases.

1.(a)证实 2.(b)旁观 3.(b)由某人负责 4.(a)处于次要地位 5.(a)可以做某事 6.(b)(时间)流逝 7.(b)有机会做某事 8.(b)充分利用 9.(a)失约Reading and interpreting8 Find the sentences in the passage and decide what part of the message“life is short; act now”they give.

We may not even last that long.(“life is short”)

It could be sooner than we' d like.(“life is short”)

.. . go out and do them now before it' s too late.(“act now”)

It needs to be brought forward and done now. . .(“act now”)Now look at the rest of the passage and underline more expressions and sentences which convey the message.

The novel. . . the trip. . . your mind' s-eye dream-job. . . the West End play. . . —you have to do them now.

Tomorrow is just another version of now, an empty field that will remain so unless we start planting some seeds.

Fill your bowl. We come this way but once so let' s make the best of the short stay.

Fit as much into the short time there as you can.

And now is the time, not tomorrow. There is no time like the present.

.. . if we are dying and our allotted time is finite, why the hell aren' t we doing all the things we want to do NOW?

So I say stop waiting and meet providence halfway. Start filling your life with the riches on offer. . .

Act now or your time will elapse and you' ll end up as a sepia-coloured relative. . .9 Work in pairs and decide what the underlined images refer to.

1. The image refers to the reaper of death. We never know when death will come to us. The reaper wears a black hood to hide his face, and he carries a scythe which represents cutting people down like corn; he brings our last breath.

2. This refers to the main body of the story, and the main part of our life, like the meat which is between two pieces of bread in a sandwich; the main content of the story is between the prologue and epilogue.

3. This means plans which you decide not to do at once but keep waiting, as if they are simmering gently but not really cooking on the back part of the cooker.

4. This means tomorrow is like a note which has promised a payment of money but by which we can' t actually get the cash. It never really comes unless we act now.





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