
发布时间:2020-06-10 00:23:30







版权信息COPYRIGHT INFORMATION书名:时尚休闲读物:老外最想和你聊的101个英语话题·流行文化篇作者:李清如排版:辛萌哒出版社:武汉出版社出版时间:2013-08-01ISBN:9787543067073本书由北京明天远航文化传播有限公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —前 言Preface


本书包含101个话题。每个话题都包括背景介绍、常用句子、重点词汇以及一段情景对话。对话涵盖生活的方方面面,有校园生活、日常生活和社会热点问题等。语言通俗易懂,话题生动而不失深刻。《老外最想和你聊的101个英语话题》以对话为主,注重口语,不必死记硬背、死啃书本,避免导致“哑巴英语”,在遇到外国人时仍旧张不开嘴的情况。《老外最想和你聊的101个英语话题》每节都有大量地道的、原汁原味的句子,读者可以在与“老外”的日常交流中直接运用。因此,《老外最想和你聊的101个英语话题》可谓是集体智慧的结晶,中西文化交流融合的成果。《老外最想和你聊的101个英语话题》的使用方法多种多样。读者既可以进行角色扮演式学习,找个语伴一起练习,也可以一个人扮演不同的角色,独立自学。《老外最想和你聊的101个英语话题》每个话题都独立成篇,不需要按章节顺序依次学习。当你在排队等候时,可以趁机看一两个话题;当你遇上堵车时,也可以抽空瞄一两眼。每天挤出几分钟的时间进行学习,一段时间之后,你就会惊讶地发现自己的英语已经取得了很大的进步,开口讲英语的信心也随之倍增。遇到“老外”时,你发现自己也可以滔滔不绝、畅所欲言了。《老外最想和你聊的101个英语话题》的特点是:最实用的话题,最地道的表达;101个话题、101篇对话、最实用的词汇,助您突破英语口语瓶颈,实现与老外进行深层次对话和交流;玩转英语口语,见老外不再有口难开;打造沟通高手,说英语也能出口成章;与老外聊天最实用的话题,最原生态的会话场景。《老外最想和你聊的101个英语话题》不同于一般的英语口语学习书,所选取的每一个话题都是从老外的角度出发,找出他们最感兴趣的话题。每个话题都独立成篇,读者可以根据自己的兴趣从中选取最感兴趣的话题进行练习。《老外最想和你聊的101个英语话题》语言生动、简洁,让读者在学习地道英语的同时也能感受到英美国家的世风民情。对话中大量的英语固定表达,使您能够非常准确、得体、幽默地与老外进行深度对话。Part1Introduction of China介绍中国Confucius and Confucianism孔子与儒家

在物质生活极大丰富的今天,现在的人也许过于现实了,我们需要努力寻求物质和灵魂的平衡。所以,我们需要重新审视经典。我们在学习西方先进思想文化的同时,以孔子为代表的儒家思想文化也正在进一步走向世界,并为世界上越来越多的国家、人们所理解和接受。现在,就让我们和老外一起聊聊神秘的孔子以及儒家思想。Part1 Realize Confucius and Confucian classics 认识孔子和儒家经典

1 孔子简介及影响

Confucius, literally “Master Kong” (traditionally 28 September 551 BC–479 BC) , was a Chinese thinker and social philosopher of the Spring and Autumn Period.

The philosophy of Confucius emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity. These values gained prominence in China over other doctrines, such as Legalism or Taoism during the Han Dynasty (206 BC–AD 220). Confucius’ thoughts have been developed into a system of philosophy known as Confucianism.

Because no texts survive that are demonstrably authored by Confucius, and the ideas most closely associated with him were elaborated in writings that accumulated over the period between his death and the foundation of the first Chinese empire in 221 BC, many scholars are very cautious about attributing specific assertions to Confucius himself. His teachings may be found in the Analects of Confucius, a collection of aphorisms, which was compiled many years after his death. For nearly 2,000 years he was thought to be the editor or author of all the Five Classics, such as the Classic of Rites (editor), the Spring and Autumn Annals (author).

Confucius’ principles had a basis in common Chinese tradition and belief. He championed strong familial loyalty, ancestor worship, respect of elders by their children (and, according to later interpreters, of husbands by their wives), and the family as a basis for an ideal government. He expressed the well-known principle, “Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself”, one of the earlier versions of the Golden Rule.

2 儒家经典的表达方式(1)The Four Books 四书

The Four Books is an abbreviation for “the Books of the Four Philosophers” because The Analects of Confucius, The Mencius, The Doctrine of the Golden Mean and The Great Learning are respectively attributed to four great Confucian philosophers, namely Confucius, Mencius, Zisi (the grandson of Confucius), Tsang Shan (a disciple of Confucius). In the Ming and Qing Dynasties the Four Books were made the core of the official curriculum for the civil service examinations, which endowed them with the superior status in China.

The Great Learning         大学

The Doctrine of the Golden Mean  中庸

The Analects of Confucius     论语

The Mencius            孟子(2)The Five Classics 五经

The Five Classics is a corpus of five ancient Chinese books used by Confucianism as the basis of studies. The Five Classics refer to The Book of Songs, The Classic of History, The Classic of Rites, The Book of Changes, and The Spring and Autumn Annals, all of which are said to be compiled or revised by Confucius.

The Book of Songs        诗经

The Classic of History     尚书

The Classic of Rites      礼记

The Book of Changes      周易

The Spring and Autumn Annals  左传


自汉朝“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”以来,儒学一直被历代统治者视作正统学科,以至作为任贤用能的标准,影响绵延数千年至今。每一个中国人,对儒家经典都是耳熟能详的。而孔子的命运,则是大起大落的。盲目地批判与尊崇孔子都是不正确的,科学地对待孔子的思想,冷静理智地分析他的言论,恐怕与这位“圣人”的中庸思想更为接近。Part2 Key words & Sentences 关键词句全知道

Confucius said that harmony was important.


Many basis values of the Chinese are well explained in the Analects of Confucius.


Confucius was not only a great educator but also a well-known thinker.


As Confucius said, “People who do not think far enough ahead inevitably have worries near at hand. ”


All his students he taught patiently and systematically according to their individual innate abilities. In the book Confucius’ Precepts to his Family, there is the story of how he once tried to make his student Zilu see the importance of learning.


Confucius advocated the importance to love other people.


Confucius (Kong Zi) is one of China’s greatest thinkers and educationists.


Confucius is respected by most Chinese as the greatest teacher of all time.


According to Confucius, benevolence means courtesy, loyalty and unselfishness.


The teachings of Confucius tell us to be humble.


The greatest disciple of Confucius, Meng Kb (370 BC-290 BC), better known by his Latinized name, Mencius, expounded Confucianism about 200 years after the death of Confucius.


After Confucius’ death in 479 BC, his students collected his sayings in the Lun Yu ( The Analects).


After the death of Confucius in 479 BC, his fame spread.


Qufu County is Confucius’ home town where the old man ran a school for many years and trained a good number of capable disciples, a fact that is quite well known.


In Chinese, the three are collectively called San Kong wherein san means three and Kong is the surname of Confucius in Chinese.


It was important for a man to study, taught Confucius, not merely to gain knowledge but rather to improve his character.


Innately conservative, Confucius was fascinated by the last of these disciplines.


Confucius said:“Isn’t it a pleasure to study and practice what you have learned? ”


Confucius said:“Reviewing what you have learned and learning anew, you are fit to be a teacher.”


Confucius was a great thinker of the past.


In Confucius’ opinion, teaching could be done either by advice or by example. In particular, a king must set a good example to his people.


Now, more and more Chinese and foreigners start studying Confucian culture.


The thoughts of using rites and music to educate people received plenty of explanation among works of later Confucian scholars.


Mencius was the most famous scholar of the Confucian School after Confucius.


The most obvious feature of the Confucian culture structurally is ethic centrality.


Ancient people—oriented doctrines are often associated with the Confucian School.

一提到古代民本主义,人们往往会把它与儒家联系起来。Part3 Let’s Talk! 开始交流吧!

Emily:How about traditional Chinese culture?


Mike:The 5000-year-long civilization is the source of pride of every Chinese.


Emily:I know Confucius and Dr. Sun Yatsen are the representatives.


Mike:Yes, we can see the traditional Chinese culture presents many precious ideas and qualities.


Emily:They lay stress on the importance of kindness and the idea that the world is for all.


Mike:These thoughts have survived many vicissitudes.


Emily:I’ve been told Confucius was a great philosopher in ancient China!


Mike:Thought of Confucius in Chinese history of great significance, has already affected more than two thousand years in China, Confucius’s position in history is also very high.


Emily:I heard that Confucius was 196.8 cm tall.


Mike:It is rare for such a height in ancient times.


Emily:Are there some historic records?


Mike:There was a history record in Confucius of Sima Qian.


Emily:May be the measuring tools at that time were different.


Mike:In any case, Confucius was a typical strong man of Shangdong.



艾米丽:也许吧。the Imperial Palace 故宫

故宫位于北京市中心,旧称紫禁城。是明、清两代的皇宫,无与伦比的古代建筑杰作,世界现存最大、最完整的木质结构的古建筑群。来到中国怎能不去故宫一游呢,现在就带你走进故宫,畅游一番。Part1 Realize the Imperial Palace 认识故宫

1 故宫简介及影响

The Imperial Palace, popularly known as the Forbidden City, which has witnessed twenty-four emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties ruling China for some 500 years—from1420 to 1911, is the most splendid architectural complex in the world, also the brightest pearl in the human history.

Ancient Chinese people fully displayed their wisdom in building the Forbidden City. The Forbidden City is surrounded by 10-metre high walls and a 52-metre wide moat. Measuring 961 meters from north to south and 753 meters from east to west, it covers an area of 720,000 square meters. Each of the four sides is pierced by a gate, the Meridian Gate (Wu men) on the south and the Gate of Spiritual Valor(Shenwu men) on the north side, being used as the entrance and exit by tourists today. Once inside, visitors will see a succession of halls and palaces spreading out on either side of an invisible central axis. It is a magnificent sight, the buildings with glowing yellow roofs against vermilion walls, not to mention their painted ridges and carved beams, all contributing to the sumptuous effect.

Known as the Outer Court, the southern portion of the Forbidden City centers is on the halls of Supreme Harmony, Central Harmony, and Preserving Harmony. These are flanked by the halls of Literary Glory and Military Eminence. It was here that the emperor held court and conducted his grand audiences.

Mirroring this arrangement is the Inner Court at the northern end of the Forbidden City, with the Palace of Heavenly Purity, the Hall of Union, and the Palace of Earthly Tranquility straddling the central axis, surrounded by the Six Palaces of the East and West and the Imperial Garden to the north. Other major buildings include the halls for Worshipping Ancestors and of Imperial Splendor on the east, and the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and the Palace of Benevolent Tranquility on the west. These contain not only the residences of the emperor and his empress, consorts and concubines but also the venues for religious rites and administrative activities.

In total, the buildings of the two courts account for an area of some 163,000 square meters. These were laid out precisely in accordance with a code of architectural hierarchy, which designated specific features to reflect the paramount authority and status of the emperor. No ordinary mortal would have been allowed or even dared to come within close proximity of these buildings.

Today, the Forbidden Palace is open to the public. Splendid paintings on the royal architecture, grand and deluxe halls, and surprisingly magnificent treasures will be displayed before you.

2 故宫的著名景点(1)the three Harmony

Inside the Hall of Supreme gate, there are the Hall of Supreme Harmong palace, the Hall of Complete Harmony palace and the Hall of Preserving Harmony palace. These three palaces are the maintain architecture of the palace museum.

The Hall of Supreme Harmony      太和殿

The Hall of Complete Harmony     中和殿

The Hall of Preserving Harmony    保和殿(2)the four entrances

There are four entrances into the city. The Meridian Gate to the south, the Shenwu Gate (Gate of Military Prowess) to the north, the Donghua to the east, and the Xihua Gate to the west. The Forbidden City was surrounded by a ten meter high city wall and enclosed by a moat of 52 meters wide. At each corner of the city wall, there is a magnificent watchtower. All of them were used for protecting the emperor and his imperial family.

Wu men    午门   Shenwu men     神武门

Donghua men  东华门  Xihua men      西华门

故宫作为中国历史的代表,有着深刻的封建韵味。它作为建筑的代表,完全体现了中国劳动人民的智慧与勤劳。它经历着中国的兴衰荣辱,伴随着中国走过每一个阶段。所以一提到故宫,每个中国人都会有种骄傲的感情,它在那里展示着曾经的辉煌,却也提醒着当日的没落。Part2 Key words & Sentences 关键词句全知道

The Imperial Palace, also called the Forbidden City, was the home of 24 emperors from the mid-Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty.


A visit to the Forbidden City will enrich the visitors’ knowledge of history, economy, politics, arts as well as architecture in ancient China.


On October 10th 1925, Chinese government arranged a grand ceremony in front of the Palace of Heavenly Purity to announce the inception of the Palace Museum.


The Imperial palace was the grandest and the best preserved ancient architectural complex in our country.


Three harmonies are the Supreme Harmony, the Complete Harmony and the Preserving Harmony.


The Hall of Union lies between the Palace of Heavenly Purity and the Palace of Earthly Tranquility, with the meaning of combination of Heaven and Earth and happiness.


Tian’anmen Square is just in front of the Imperial Palace.


It was built with blood and sweat of the labor people centuries ago.


The Imperial Palace is the biggest national museum in our country.


The Imperial Palace is composed of two parts—the Outer Court and the Inner Palace depending on the institution.


To the north of the Imperial Palace, the WanSui Mountain is the natural cover for defense.


The Hall of Complete Harmony is smaller among the three buildings and is surrounded by windows on all its sides.


The west chamber of the Hall of Union served religious purposes and the east one was the bridal chamber where the newly married emperor and empress spent their first two nights after their wedding.


The river is spanned by five bridges, which were supposed to be symbols of the five virtues preached by Confucius——benevolence, righteousness, rites, intelligence, and fidelity.


The Palace Museum has more than 9000 rooms in it.


The Palace Museum is rectangular in shape, 961 meters long from north to south and 753 meters wide from east to west, covering a space of 720,000 square meters of which 150,000 is building area.


In Ming Dynasty, the Palace of Earthly Tranquility is the living place for empresses.


The Palace Museum was build by Zhu Di, the fourth son of the founding emperor of Ming Dynasty Zhu Yuanzhang.


Shenwumen is a daily access gate. Now this gate is the main entrance.


The Palace Museum is a striking testimony to Chinese civilization during Ming and Qing Dynasty.


In 1988, the Forbidden City was listed by UNESCO as “World Cultural Heritage”.


The Forbidden City is a good place where you can understand Chinese feudalism history well.

故宫能让你很好地读懂中国的封建历史。Part3 Let’s Talk! 开始交流吧!

Tom:Wow, Look, What an inspiring scenery! What is this?


Wang Xi:It is the world-famous Imperial Palace.


Tom:The reputation corresponds to reality .What it is used for?


Wang Xi:The Imperial Palace was also called the Forbidden City. It was the royal palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.


Tom:It has a long history, right? But it seems that the Forbidden City is well-preserved.


Wang Xi:Yeah, it has a history of about 600 years.


Tom:Can I have a visit for it?


Wang Xi:Sure. The Imperial Palace has been open to the public. Thousands of people come and visit it everyday.


Tom:It’s wonderful! I can’t wait to have a look.


Wang Xi:I promise you will never regret your choice.


Tom:Are you sure?


Wang Xi:Of course! When you get into it, you will know the reasons.


Tom:Got it. I’ m going inside, would you come with me?


Wang Xi:My pleasure!

王希:非常愿意!Beijing Opera 京剧

京剧是中国的国粹,是古代人民的经典创作。京剧的艺术理念,表演形态充分体现了中国传统文化的审美观,如中正端庄、典雅温和、善恶分明、空灵婉转。不论它被授予什么名号,京剧绝不逊色于世界其他经典,而且更具个性。想要了解中国的文化,京剧是必不可少的一部分。Part1 Realize Beijing Opera 认识京剧

1 京剧简介及背景

Peking opera or Beijing opera is a form of traditional Chinese theatre which combines music, vocal performance, mime, dance and acrobatics. It arose in the late 18th century and became fully developed and recognized by the mid-19th century. It was extremely popular in Qing Dynasty court and has come to be regarded as one of the cultural treasures of China. Major performance troupes are based in Beijing and Tianjin in the north, and Shanghai in the south. The art form is also preserved in Taiwan, where it is known as Guoju. It has also spread to other countries such as the United States and Japan.

Although it is called Beijing Opera, its origins are not in Beijing but in provinces of Anhui and Hubei. The early Qing Dynasty saw a great development of a plethora of operas. In the middle of the Qing Dynasty, Hui and Han operas were brought into Beijing. They became immensely popular with the imperial family, nobles, officials and the commoners. The marriage of Hui and Han operas became known as the Beijing opera.

Peking opera features four main types of performers. Performing troupes often have several of each variety, as well as numerous secondary and tertiary performers. They utilize the skills of speech, song, dance, and combat in movements which are symbolic and suggestive, rather than realistic. Above all, the skill of performers is evaluated according to the beauty of their movements. Performers also adhere to a variety of stylistic conventions that help audiences navigate the plot of the production. The layers of meaning within each movement must be expressed in time with music. The music of Peking opera can be divided into the Xipi and Erhuang styles. Melodies include arias, fixedtune melodies, and percussion patterns. The repertoire of Peking opera includes over 1,400 works, which are based on Chinese history, folklore, and, increasingly, contemporary life.

Peking opera was denounced as “feudalistic” and “bourgeoise”during the Cultural Revolution, and replaced with the eight revolutionary model operas as a means of propaganda and indoctrination. After the Cultural Revolution, these transformations were largely undone. In recent years, Peking opera has attempted numerous reforms in response to sagging audience numbers. These reforms, which include improving performance quality, adapting new performance elements, and performing new and original plays, have met with mixed success.

2 京剧的特殊表达(1)京剧中的表演手法

Beijing Opera is a comprehensive performing art. That is, sing(singing), read (speak and talk) and do (performance), fight (martial arts) for the integration. Beijing opera features four main types of performers.

sing  唱    read   念

do   做    fight  打(2)京剧中的角色

The traditional features of the masklike makeup and elaborate costumes immediately identify the characters to a knowing audience. It uses different colors and strokes to exaggerate actors’ features, either to beautify them or to make them ugly. They are used to show the personality of the character and to add a touch of drama to the role.





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