
发布时间:2020-06-11 01:58:22














六、可进行看图说话练习。看图作文是小升初热点题型,本书不少文章配有精彩场景图,您可根据图画及英文提示,先用一两句简短的英文描述图画,再阅读文章,检测自己的表达是否正确地道。编者Term 1 上学期第1周 WEEK ONE【答案链接】MondayTrack 01


A bee went to a river to drink. As it was drinking,it was carried away by the running water. A kind bird saw the bee's danger. It picked a leaf off a tree and threw it into the water in front of the bee. The bee was able to climb on to the leaf,and it was brought to the bank. The bee thanked the bird and then flew away.

Several days later,the bird was sitting in a tree. It did not see that a man was aiming his gun at it. But the bee saw what the man was doing. So the bee flew into the man's eye. The man couldn't see the bird clearly and was not able to shoot it. The bird flew away.

In this way,both the bird and the bee saved each other's lives.生词running /rʌnɪŋ/ adj. 流动的:We heard the sound of running water.我们听到了流水声。aim /eɪm/ v. 瞄准:She picked up the gun,aimed,and fired.她拿起枪,瞄准,射击。

①A bee went to a river to drink some water.

②The bee picked up a leaf and threw it into the water.

③The bee was carried away by the running water and died.

④One day a man wanted to shoot the bird.

⑤The bee saved the bird's life because the man had killed the bird.参考译文



就这样,鸟儿和蜜蜂互相挽救了对方的生命。TuesdayTrack 02


A traveler hurried down to the hall of a hotel. He had only 15 minutes to get to the station before the train started. Suddenly he remembered that he left something in his room upstairs.

“Look here,boy,”he said to the young waiter.“Run up to my room and see if I have left a bag on the table there. Be quick,please.”

The boy ran upstairs. Five minutes passed. The traveler was walking up and down in the hall and he was looking at his watch again and again. At last,the boy came.

“Yes,sir,”he reported to the traveler.“You have left the bag there. It's right on the table in your room.”生词hall /hɔːl/ n.(酒店的)大堂,前厅:We waited in the hall at the elevators.我们在大堂的电梯处等你。upstairs /ˌʌpˈsteəz/ adv. 在楼上:She's sleeping upstairs.她在楼上睡觉。up and down前前后后,来来回回,上上下下:She was jumping up and down.她跳上跳下。right /raɪt/ adv. 正好,就:Put it right in the middle.把它放在正中央。

①The traveler lived in a_____.

A. station

B. room downstairs

C. hall

D. hotel

②When the traveler remembered that he had left something in the room,he_____.

A. asked the waiter to run upstairs for it

B. ran downstairs for it himself

C. ran up to his room himself

D. went to look for it with the boy

③After the boy left,the traveler_____.

A. was walking up and down the room

B. was very worried

C. was very happy

D. was waiting quietly in the hall

④The traveler looked at his watch again and again because_____.

A. something was wrong with it

B. he liked it very much

C. he didn't know when the train would start

D. he was afraid that he couldn't catch the train

⑤At last the waiter came back,he_____.

A. brought back the bag

B. didn't find the bag

C. didn't bring back the bag

D. gave the bag to the traveler参考译文


男孩跑上楼。5分钟过去了。这位旅客在大堂里走来走去,不停地看自己的表。终于,男孩下来了。“是的,先生,”他向这位旅客报告说。“你把包落在那里了,就在房间的桌子上。”WednesdayTrack 03


One evening,after work,I got on a train,found a seat and sat down. A man was next to me. He was reading a book. I had nothing to do,so I read the same book with the man.

I read a page and sat back,waiting for him to turn it.After a while,I found he didn't turn the page. He just kept on reading.

There weren't many words on the page to read. There were mostly pictures in the book. So I turned to the man and said,“You know,”I went on,“if you learn to read faster,you can read more.”

He thought about that for a minute or two.“If I read too fast,”he said at last,“my book won't last me to my station.”生词sit back往后靠坐在椅子上,宽舒地休息:When we needed you to help,all you did was sit back.当我们需要你帮助时,你只是袖手旁观。mostly /ˈməʊstli/ adv. 主要地,几乎全部:The guests are mostly friends of the bride.客人主要是新娘的朋友。last /lɑːst/ v. 持续,坚持;够……之用:This pack of cigarette won't last me a week.这包香烟不够我抽一周。

①The story happened_____.

A. in the station

B. on the train

C. in the reading room

D. on the bus

②The writer sat close to_____.

A. a man

B. a woman

C. nobody

D. a boy

③The writer read the same book with the man beside him because_____.

A. he found the book was his

B. he had nothing to do

C. he liked reading picture books

D. he found the book was interesting

④The man read_____.

A. very fast

B. very slowly

C. as fast as the writer

D. as slowly as writer

⑤Why did the man read in this way?

A. Because he was waiting for the writer.

B. Because he enjoyed the pictures very much.

C. Because he wanted his reading to last until he got to his station.

D. Because he was sleeping.参考译文




他想了一两分钟。“如果我读得太快,”他最后说,“这本书就不能让我坚持到下车。”ThursdayTrack 04


A little boy came to a new town. His name was Peter. Of course,he lived with his mother and father. His family was very rich. They had a gardener and a cook and they had a lot of servants.

Peter was going to a new school. On the first day his mother said to him,“Peter,be modest at your new school. Don't say we are rich.”

Peter said,“Yes,Mother.”

So Peter went to school. He met his new teacher. And he sat down with the other children. The teacher said,“Good morning,children. The first exercise today is a composition. The topic of the composition is‘My Family’.”

So every child wrote a composition. This was Peter's composition:“My name is Peter. My family is very poor. My father is very poor. My mother is very poor. The gardener is very poor. The cook is very poor,and all the other servants are very poor...”生词gardener /ˈɡɑːdnə/ n.园丁:A gardener's work is to take care of a garden.园丁的工作就是照料花园。cook /kʊk/ n.厨师:Dinner was delicious!You're a great cook!饭菜味道好极了!你厨艺真好!servant /ˈsɜːvənt/ n.仆人,随从:The king arrived,followed by his servants.国王驾到,后面跟着随从。modest /mɒdɪst/ adj. 谦虚的:You're too modest.你太谦虚了。composition /ˌkɒmpəˈzɪʃn/ n.作文:My composition was six pages long.我的作文长达6页。topic /tɒpɪk/ n.题目:What is the topic of your speech?你演讲的题目是什么?

①Peter was_____at his school in a new town.

A. a new student

B. an old student

C. a new teacher

D. an old teacher

②Peter's mother told him_____.

A. to study hard at school

B. not to play with the other students

C. not to say their family is rich

D. not to say their family is poor

③The teacher asked the students to_____.

A. listen to her carefully

B. write a composition

C. go home after school

D. do their homework in the evening

④The teacher may know_____at last.

A. Peter is a new student

B. Peter's family is very poor

C. Peter's family is very rich

D. Peter's parents are farmers参考译文





于是,每个孩子都写了一篇作文。下面就是彼得的作文:“我叫彼得。我家很穷。我爸爸很穷,我妈妈很穷。园丁很穷,厨师很穷,其他所有仆人都很穷……”FridayTrack 05

将下列选项填入空格,每项只能使用一次,有一项为多余选项。A. city B. young C. while D. asked E. onlyF. rest G. put on H. washed I. busy

Cinderella was a nice girl. Her mother died when she was very 1 . She lived with her stepmother and her two stepsisters. Every day she had to do a lot of housework. She cleaned the floor, 2 the clothes, cooked for her stepmother and stepsisters. They drank milk and help her with clothesate good meals,but Cinderella could 3 eat the things they didn't want to eat and drink what they didn't want to drink.

One day,the King was going to have a birthday party in the 4 for his son,the Prince. All the girls in the city might go to the party. Cinderella's sisters were very happy,and they 5 their beautiful skirts and shoes. One of the stepsisters asked Cinderella to clean her shoes, 6 the other asked Cinderella to help her with clothes. Cinderella had to do all the things for them. She was so 7 .

When her stepmother and sisters had all gone ,Cinderella could have a 8 then.生词Cinderella /ˌsɪndəˈrelə/ n.灰姑娘(童话中的人物,受继母虐待,后得仙女相助,与王子结为夫妇)step- /step/ [前缀] 表示“后”,“继”(指因父或母再婚所产生的关系):stepfather继父/stepbrother同父异母(或同母异父)兄弟prince /prɪns/ n.王子:Prince Charles查尔斯王子参考译文



当继母和两个姐姐都走后,灰姑娘才能休息一会儿。第2周 WEEK TWO【答案链接】MondayTrack 06


A tired traveler came to a hotel in a small town after a whole day's trip. Entering the hotel,he came to the front counter and asked for a room.

“Yes,gentleman,we have many rooms for hire,”said the waiter.“And they have different prices. Rooms on the first floor,$100 one night,the second floor,$80,and the third floor,$60. Which kind of room do you like?”

The traveler said nothing,turned back and walked away from the counter.

“Are they too expensive for you,sir?”asked the waiter.

“No,their prices are not high at all. But your hotel is not tall enough.”生词trip /trɪp/ n.旅行:I enjoyed the trip very much.这次旅行我玩得很愉快。counter /ˈkaʊntə/ n.柜台:The shopkeeper put my things on the counter.店主把我们的东西放在柜台上。floor /flɔː/ n.(楼房的)层:It was all still and quiet on the ground floor.大楼底层一片寂静。

①If the traveler stayed on the third floor for 2 nights,he will have to pay_____.

A. $200

B. $100

C. $120

D. $160

②The last sentence said by the traveler means_____.

A. he liked living high to have a good view

B. he was pleased with the prices

C. he couldn't afford the rooms on any floor

D. he thought the hotel too small to live in

③Which of the following words can best describe the traveler?

A. Rich.

B. Poor.

C. Humorous(幽默的).

D. Kind.参考译文


游客什么也没说,转身离开柜台。“是不是对你来说价格太贵了,先生?”侍者问。“不是,它们的价格一点也不贵。可你们的旅馆不够高。”TuesdayTrack 07


John and Mike were good friends. They did not have much money,so when it was time for their holiday,John said,“Let's take our holiday in a truck,Mike. It's cheaper than a hotel. I can borrow my father's truck.”Mike was very wake John and Mike uphappy. So they got into the truck and began their holiday.

They wanted to get up early the next morning to go fishing,but they did not have an alarm clock.“That's all right,John,”Mike said.“I'll put these small pieces of bread on the roof of the truck tonight and they will wake us up in the morning.”

John was very surprised,but he said nothing. Mike was right. As soon as it began to get light,some small birds came down to eat the bread,and their noise on the roof of the truck woke John and Mike up very quickly.生词alarm /əˈlɑːm/ n.警报;闹铃:There were several alarms during the night but no actual attacks.那天夜里响了好几次警报,但没有发生真正的袭击。‖ alarm clock闹钟:An alarm clock rings(sounds).闹钟响起来。roof /ruːf/ n.屋顶,车顶;顶部:The bus had windows in the roof.这辆公共汽车的顶部有窗户。light /laɪt/ adj. (天)亮的:In summer it's still light at 10 o'clock.在夏天,晚上10点天还是亮的。

①Why did the boys go out for their holiday in a truck?

A. Because John's father lent them his truck.

B. Because they had little money.

C. Because they didn't like to stay in a hotel.

D. Because they wanted to be safe enough.

②What did the boys want to go the next day?

A. They wanted to buy an alarm clock.

B. They wanted to go swimming.

C. They wanted to go back home.

D. They wanted to go fishing somewhere.

③Where did Mike put the small pieces of bread?

A. On the roof of the truck.

B. In the truck.

C. Under the truck.

D. Beside the truck.

④Who woke them up early in the morning the next day?

A. Their parents.

B. The alarm clock.

C. The birds.

D. We don't know.

⑤Which of the following is true?

A. John and Mike were twin brothers.

B. Mike wasn't very happy to take their holiday in the truck.

C. The next day no birds came down to eat the bread.

D. At last,John thought Mike was right.参考译文



约翰非常吃惊,可他什么也没说。迈克是对的。天一放亮,小鸟就飞下来吃面包,它们在卡车顶部的吵闹声很快就把约翰和迈克唤醒了。WednesdayTrack 08


Joe Bloggs always had a cigarette on his lips. He smoked while he read,while he watched television,and while he drank a cup of coffee. He smoked forty cigarettes a day,but he was happy.

Joe's friend,Brown,said to him,“It is very bad to smoke.”

When Joe heard this,he started to worry and became thin. So he did not buy any more cigarettes. He became so thin that he went to Fred for help.

Fred said,“You must eat more.”So Joe did not smoke,but he ate chocolate,and he became very fat. Again he went to Fred for help.

Fred said,“You must not eat chocolate.”So Joe stopped eating chocolate,but he went back to smoking cigarettes. He became thin again but he was not happy,because he still smoked.

Sometimes Joe Bloggs wished Fred Brown was not his friend!生词lip /lɪp/ n.嘴唇:He never opened his lips.他从不开口。

①When Joe became thin the first time it was because_____.

A. he smoked too much

B. he worried too much

C. he stopped smoking

D. he ate too little

②In the end Joe was unhappy with Fred because_____.

A. Fred's advice had brought him no good

B. he never liked being told what to do

C. he in fact had never really trusted Fred

D. Fred had given him the wrong advice on purpose

③What kind of person was Joe?

A. He didn't use his head much.

B. He was satisfied with his friends.

C. He was happy to let others make decisions for him.

D. He seldom changed his mind.

④What is the writer trying to tell us?

A. One should think and decide by oneself.

B. One should ask friends for help and advice.

C. Smoking is bad for one's health.

D. Chocolate is bad for one's health.参考译文






有时候,乔·布洛格斯真希望弗雷德·布朗不是他的朋友。ThursdayTrack 09


One morning Mrs. Brown said to her husband,“Jack,I have a party at Mrs. Young's house at lunch time today,and I'll leave you some food for your lunch. Is that all right?”

“Oh,yes,”her husband answered.“That's quite all right. What are you going to leave for my lunch?”

“This tin of fish,”Mrs. Brown said.“And there are some cold cooked potatoes and some beans here,too.”

“Good,”Mr. Brown answered.“I'll have a good lunch.”

Then Mrs. Brown went out. All the women had lunch at Mrs. Young's house,and at three o'clock Mrs. Brown came home.“Was the fish nice,Jack?”she asked.

“Yes,but my feet are hurt,”he answered.

“Why are they hurt?”Mrs. Brown asked.

“Well,on the tin it was written—Open the tin and stand in hot water for five minutes.”生词tin /tɪn/ n.罐头:a sardine tin一个沙丁鱼罐头cooked /kʊkt/ adj. 熟的:Can I have a 1/4 pound of cooked ham,please?请给我来1/4磅熟火腿,好吗?bean /biːn/ n.豆子:green beans青豆/coffee beans咖啡豆

①Mrs. Brown was Jack's_____.

A. friend

B. wife

C. mother

D. sister

②Mrs. Brown had lunch outside because_____.

A. she didn't like to eat fish

B. she didn't like to cook at home

C. she had a meeting at lunch time

D. there was a party at lunch time

③Mrs. Brown asked Jack to have_____for his lunch.

A. some cold cooked potatoes,some beans and a tin of fish

B. some beans and some potatoes

C. fish and beans

D. chicken and potatoes

④Jack's feet were hurt because_____.

A. that tin of fish hurt his feet

B. he fell down and hurt his feet

C. Mrs. Brown hurt him with that tin of fish

D. he stood in hot water for five minutes

⑤Which of the following is true?

A. Mrs. Brown told her husband to wait for her at home.

B. Mr. Brown didn't know the meaning of the words on the tin.

C. Mrs. Brown is a careful woman.

D. Mr. Brown wanted to stand in hot water for five minutes.参考译文


于是布朗太太参加她的聚会去了。女士们都在扬太太家吃午饭,到了下午三点,布朗太太回到了家。“鱼好吃吗,杰克?”她问。“好吃,可我的脚烫伤了。”他说。“脚怎么会烫伤?”布朗太太问。“是这样,罐头上写着:‘打开罐头,在热水里站5分钟。’”FridayTrack 10


Fanny and Ethel worked in the same office,and they were neighbours at home. Fanny was rather a careless girl,and she often 1 things. Then she usually went to Ethel to 2 more from her.

Ethel was a 3 girl,but she sometimes got tired of lending things to her friend.

One Saturday afternoon Fanny 4 Ethel's front door,and when Ethel came to 5 it,Fanny said to her,“Oh,hello,Ethel. Please lend me a bag. I've lost mine. I'm going to the shops,and I feel very stupid when I haven't got anything in my 6 when I go out in the street.”

Ethel laughed and answered,“Well,Fanny,go down to the end of the garden. You'll 7 a nice wheelbarrow(独轮车)in the shed there. Take that when you go down to the shops. Then you'll have something in both of your hands.”生词rather /ˈrɑːðə/ adv. 相当,颇:The weather was rather cold.天气相当冷。shed /ʃəd/ n.棚,小屋:There is a tool shed in the yard.院子里有一个工具棚。1. A. dropped

B. found

C. lost

D. picked2. A. borrow

B. pay

C. raise

D. save3. A. bad

B. good

C. kind

D. rude4. A. pushed

B. knocked at

C. fixed

D. looked at5. A. open

B. keep

C. move

D. break6. A. hand

B. arm

C. leg

D. eye7. A. meet

B. know

C. find

D. guess参考译文




埃塞尔笑着说:“这样吧,范妮,你走到公园的那头,就会发现那边的棚子里有一辆精巧的独轮车,逛街时推上它,你就不会两手空空了。”第3周 WEEK THREE【答案链接】MondayTrack 11


Hans lives in a small town in England. He used to stay in his own country for his holidays. But last year he thought,“I've never been to any place outside this country. All my friends have been to Spain,and they all said it was nice there. So I'm going there this year.”

So he went to Spain and stayed in a small hotel for a few days. One day,he went out for a walk. In England,people drive on the left, but in Spain they drive on the right. Hans forgot about this. While he was crossing a busy street,a bicycle knocked him down.

Hans lay on the ground for a few seconds,then he sat up and said,“Where am I?”An old man was selling maps at the side of the street,and he ran to Hans at once and said,“Map of the city,sir.”生词knock /nɒk/ v. 撞,碰:Twice she knocked against something.她两次碰到东西上。

①Hans is an Englishman.

②Hans never went outside England before last year.

③Both Englishmen and Spaniards drive on the left side.

④Hans was knocked down by a car.

⑤The old man wanted to sell a map to Hans.参考译文



汉斯在地上躺了几秒,然后坐起来说:“我在哪里?”一位老人正在街边卖地图,他立刻跑向汉斯说:“城市地图,先生。”TuesdayTrack 12


Joe had a holiday,so he decided to go to the seaside for a few days. He got on a train one morning,and an hour later he was in a small town by the sea. A few minutes after he left the station,he saw a small hotel and went in.

He asked the owner how much make the bedit would cost for one night there.“Fifteen dollars,”the owner answered.“That's more than I can really afford to pay,”Joe said sadly.“All right,”the owner answered.“If you make your bed yourself,you can have the room for ten dollars.”

Joe was very happy because he always made his own bed at home.“OK,”he said,“I'll do that.”The owner went into a room at the back,took some things out and came back to Joe.“Here you are,”he said,and gave him a hammer and some nails.生词afford /əˈfɔːd/ v. 花得起,承受得起:I can't afford the time.我耗不起时间。make the bed铺床,整理床铺:He helped me to make the bed.他帮我铺床。hammer /ˈhæmə/ n.锤子,榔头:The only tool in the house is a hammer.家里的工具只有一把锤子。nail /neɪl/ n.钉子:He was driving a nail into a box.他正在往箱子里敲一个钉子。

①Joe decided to spend his holidays_____.

A. in the country

B. in a seaside town





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