
发布时间:2020-06-11 12:05:12







封面人物 陈爱莲





财经作家,曾任《南风窗》高级记者,中国本土最佳商业作者之一。著有《阿里巴巴:让天下没有难做的生意》、中国首富刘永行自述《希望永行——成为首富的短路径》、《汽车“疯子”李书福》、《阳光基业:一家金融保险新锐企业的崛起路径》、《领先的背后:一家港资企业的百年成长经验》、《商学有道:徐万茂与华茂的教育之路》等。[1]序1 掌舵梦想复旦大学管理学院院长 陆雄文

















[1]本文写于2014年,本书初次出版时。——编者注[1]SEQUENCE Dream to steerby Lu Xiongwen, Dean of Fudan University

Ailian was an outstanding student in 2003 Executive MBA Spring Semester Program at Fudan University. She is not only the founder of Wanfeng Auto but also a member of the 17th Communist Party Congress, the only CPC member representing female entrepreneurs from Zhejiang private enterprises, as well as the member of 12th National People's Congress. I have known her and Wanfeng Auto well enough for nearly 12 years and still when she asked me to write a preface to this book, I could not help my curiosity to know more about Wanfeng Auto’s story behind its success.

With a whole night and a morning, I finished reading the book, in which I saw persistent growth gene and inherent logic of her career achievements behind Ailian’s optimism and confidence. I also understand how she maintained her calm and positiveness through those macroeconomic ups and downs in the past decade. Whenever the economy was down and I was concerned about Wanfeng Auto’s situation, she would tell me, "there is a bit difficulty, but we have our strategies, ""our company is still expanding steadily. "She is such a lady full of energy, passion, always wearing a brilliant smile on her face.

Wanfeng Auto’s 20-year venture is a portrait of China's miracle in economic growth; and a portrait of innovation, hard work, as well as the courage and wisdom of a generation of Chinese entrepreneurs to compete. It is about how a business grows from small to large, from weak to strong, from single-product to multi-industry, from domestic market to global market; how this generation of Chinese entrepreneurs transform from"barbaric"growth in their early times with instinctive understanding, hard work, risk-taking to organic growth with learning, reference, innovation and vision, and won respect from their international counterparts.

Wanfeng Auto’s 20 years of continuous growth should be attributed to the following five aspects in its leader’s gene, which are shared by many developed and expanded private Chinese enterprises in the past 20 years:

First, they have a keen, unique vision to capture opportunities, discover and expand the market;

Second, they have strong leadership to lead their team to compete;

Third, they place emphasis on innovation, research and development of technology in particular, continue to accumulate technical basis, core competencies;

Fourth, they value talents and attract talents with career opportunities, incentives and emotion, and are willing to provide those talented with career training and opportunities for growth, which give birth to a benign reserve of human resources;

Fifth, they know how to adapt to economic development cycle, when to advance and retreat, and thus how to avoid traps and wait for the future rising at low tides.

Besides, Ailian possesses two special traits that many other entrepreneurs may not have:

First, she attaches great importance to building up management system and is good at designing management scheme and setting rules and regulations, penalties and rewards with brainstorming and rational decision-making.

Second, she is very studious and eager to learn. She participated in many CEO Seminars, MBA courses, in addition to getting EMBA degree from Fudan University. She goes to universities for further education almost every year and leaves her footprints all over China. She is good at learning not only from her peers, but also from her international counterparts. She puts more emphasis on building a systematic scheme of knowledge, and advancing with the times, constantly upgrading her knowledge reserve.

Moreover, as a woman entrepreneur, she is also good at using her own emotional intelligence to expand, to find business partners, and to cheer up her team’s morale.

Dream Chaser is a vivid portrait of Ailian’s growth, as well as the driving force of her success. She personally would rather attribute her success today to her studious learning in the past decades, especially her learning in the EMBA program at School of Management, Fudan University.

I often ponder, as a School of Management in a university committed to cultivating leaders with both global perspectives and local awareness, how we should evaluate ourselves. Although we already have four EMBA programs and an MBA program ranking top 100 globally by British"Financial Times", I still think that is not enough to demonstrate the fulfillment of our mission. Once I said to my colleagues, I may not care about the wage of our graduates, or the rate of their pay-rise within a few years after graduation; I may not even care about the international ranking of my school; instead, I care more about my students’career achievements and their contribution to the country and the world in the following two or three decades, maybe after my retiring from the post of President. I sincerely hope that Ailian’s career will mount on a new height and Wanfeng will become a more powerful industry leader globally.

Dream Chaser portraits Wanfeng Auto’s 20 years of entrepreneurial struggle in a candid, truthful and open style and Ailian, an open-minded leader with rich fullness. She personally would like to take this book as a summary to her experience. At the same time, Dream Chaser can be a good case of Business Schools, as well a reference for more entrepreneurs, professional managers and business school students.

I always hold that a leading enterprise in the industry is not doing business for business’s sake, they must bear more social responsibility than charity, concerns over environmental protection and caring customers. It should also be about entrepreneurs’spilling corporate boundaries and thus affecting the process of social civilization with their thinking and behaviors. Therefore, a true entrepreneur, not only contributes to the material wealth of society, but also creates social wealth. Luckily, the publishing of Dream Chaser shows that Ailian sees eye to eye with me.

[1]This article was written in 2014, when the book was first published. —editor's note[1]序2 不忘初心,二十年后“再创业”是幸福的上海复星高科技集团董事长 郭广昌









[1]本文写于2014年,本书初次出版时。——编者注SEQUENCE Holding to original dreams and"re-[1]start"after two decadesdGuo Guangchang, chairman of Shanghai Fosun High-Tech Group

I’ve been knowing chairwoman Ailian for many years as both members of the Commerce Chamber of Shanghai and Zhejiang. She is also the chair of Female Entrepreneur Association in the chamber. We have much communication and cooperation and have long become good friends. And, I always respect her as an elder sister who often inspires us.

This year happens to be the 20th anniversary of the foundation of Wanfeng Auto. Dream Chaser is a miniature of Ailian and Wanfeng Auto’s story of 20 years’arduous pioneering journey. The book also aroused my thought and sympathy as an entrepreneur in the same era with her.

Private enterprises are the product of reform and opening-up policy as well as the modernization of China, and Fosun and Wanfeng Auto, have both gone through their first 20 years. In the 20th anniversary of Fosun Group(hereinafter referred to as Fosun), we proposed a"re-start"not because we are ascetic and wanted to be mean to ourselves. On the contrary, we feel happy to be a creator. So, facing the next 20 years, we will choose to start all over again, from the beginning. We have the ability, the confidence and energy to bring our enterprises to a new era.

To start a business is difficult, not to mention restarting. For me and Fosun, for example, after 20 years of continuous development, we finally found a development strategy of“insurance plus investment"which can provide continuous driving force for the next 20 years. However, to employ the strategy, we must still attach great importance to two elements, as were experienced in the past 20 years by Ailian, one being details of products and the other being constant internationalization.

Jack Ma and Ma Huateng are considered as the role models by many Chinese entrepreneurs. Although they two have seemingly very different acting styles, they share in their constant search for a balance between strategies and details. Jack Ma’s strategic thinking is astounding and even difficult to understand to general people, but he has a group of very pragmatic partners to execute and deepen the products. Ma Huateng is not only a very good product manager, but also one with strategic thinking. He wrote articles of profound perspectives recently. I think they will eventually become the same people, since they are both committed to seize the customers’needs, to go for positive customer experiences, to think highly of details and product competitiveness.

The future re-starting is about whether we can carry on. It is not about feeling superior with 20 years accumulation. Ailian diligently pursues product innovation, quality details. And that’s the way to be, to promote the development of an enterprise with an down-to-earth manner. And that’s my opinion of restarting.

Second, Chinese enterprises’greater development in the future depends on the nation’s future as a most powerful economy, a more active player in the global economy and Chinese enterprises being more positive in globalization. We have the world's largest market. In the past, our market used to be integrated by the world, now it’s time we used our market to integrate the global resources. So my point is that we can graft global resources to Chinese engine and take initiatives to integrate global resources, such as the world's best brands, channels, technology and financial resources, etc. So, at the moment I deeply felt the pressure for globalization of Chinese enterprises. We must adapt with a more open and calm attitude of learning and integration.

On this regard, Ailian also makes a good demonstration that it is effective for Chinese enterprises to go stronger and global by merging the global leader in a particular market segment. Of course, I would like to say that, in the process of globalization, Chinese enterprises should co-operate more extensively and China should consider economic development from a perspective of an integrated world economy.

Zhejiang entrepreneurs witnessed Ailian starting her business. What supported her through the 20 years’entrepreneurial process is her courage and determination, which will surely continue to encourage her to“re-start”for the next 20 years. At this moment, I would like to congratulate Ailian once again on her being the happiest creator of her dream and also encourage her not to forget her original determination and restart with a confident pace. May that also be a spur on me.

[1]This article was written in 2014, when the book was first published. —editor's note[1]序3 “隐形冠军”的标本意义著名财经作家、“蓝狮子”出版人吴晓波



1986年,德国管理大师赫尔曼·西蒙通过对德国400多家卓越中小企业的研究,创造性地提出“隐形冠军”(Hidden Champion)的概念。西蒙把他对这些企业的研究成果著成《隐形冠军:全球最佳500名公司的成功之道》一书。在随后的10多年当中,该书被译成20种语言,包括简体中文和繁体中文版,广为传播,成为继柯林斯的《基业长青》之后的又一部管理学经典著作。

















[1]本文写于2014年,本书初次出版时。——编者注[1]SEQUENCE "Hidden champion", a role modelWu Xiaobo, financial writer, publisher of Blue Lion

I was preparing for a course on cases of business failure, which is one side of the coin of business wisdom, the other side being successful cases, when I got the manuscript of Dream Chaser. The development process of Wanfeng Auto immediately grabbed my interest. Thanks goes to Mr. Zheng Zuoshi, financial writer and the creating consultant of Blue Lion for his thorough and painstaking research on such a good company. My impression on Wanfeng is: an industry leader, its international vision, ample cash flow, low-key and vitality.

There is no doubt that it is a real"hidden champion"—in a report on"China's auto industry Top 30in 2013"Wan Feng Auto ranked 22nd as an"auto parts supplier", the list covering competitive vehicle brands including SAIC, FAW, Guangzhou Auto, etc. Today, Wanfeng Auto gets involved in fields including automotive parts, machinery equipment and financial investment, among which, in industry such as aluminum wheels and new material industry of magnesium alloy, it has taken a dominant global position in its market segment. While in the coating technology industry, new energy and hybrid vehicle industry as well as intelligent robot industry, it has achieved a leading role domestically.

In 1986, Hermann Simon, a German management master creatively put forward the concept of"hidden champion"through his study of more than 400 outstanding SMEs in Germany. Simon published his research on these companies in his book,Hidden Champions: Lessons from 500 of the World’s Best Unknown Companies, which was translated into 20 languages in the following decade including simplified Chinese and traditional Chinese version, widely read as another classic in management after Built to Last by Jim Collins and Jerry I. Porras.

Simon pointed out that the world's best companies are industry champions with some of the more"muffled fortune". He summed up the three characteristics of these companies: first, they are industry leaders occupying more market share in the world; second, they have a high degree of specialization, their annual sales volume being generally no more than 1 billion US dollars; and finally, they are very focused, taking world-class enterprise as a benchmark, pouring the largest investment of resources into one particular industry segment and dedicated to be the best. Interestingly, I found Wanfeng Auto’s traits basically fit the Simon’s finding.

In August 2012, I went to Wanfeng Technology Park in Xinchang, eastern Zhejiang and had a talk with Ailian about Wanfeng Auto’s adventure as a new business and her blueprint of Wanfeng's next 10 years. Her forthright and bold character, as well as her vision amazed me as rare even among male entrepreneurs.

After China’s 30 years of reform and opening up, female entrepreneurs as a special branch have gradually entered into the public view. In such a substantially male-dominated community as business, female entrepreneurs who earned their achievements and fame from scratch are even more commendable; Dong Mingzhu, Zhang Lan, Yang Lan, Wang Lifen, and of course, Chen Ailian, to name some of them.

Ailian’s business story has been described in details in this book. What I want to stress is that, Wanfeng Auto is in the wheel manufacturing industry, which is probably one of the worst career choice for a woman, which this woman not only enjoys, and even manages to steer. It’s really amazing! The authors wrote, “She was usually the only girl among a large group of men in numerous photos. Just like‘a single red flower in the midst of thick foliage’, she was outstanding and naturally in the spotlight”.





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