常春藤英语 四级·上(常春藤英语系列)(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

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常春藤英语 四级·上(常春藤英语系列)

常春藤英语 四级·上(常春藤英语系列)试读:



本册是按照《义务教育英语课程标准》4 级要求编写的,适合八年级(初二)学生阅读。

本册作者精心收录了各种经典小文章,其中有大家耳熟能详的安徒生童话The Ugly Duckling,俄国著名作家列夫? 托尔斯泰的童话The Three Bears 等经典文学作品。

其次,本书还收录了多篇契合初中生心理年龄特征的寓言故事、名人童年逸事,比如拟人寓言对话Two Ways,美国著名政治家本杰明? 富兰克林的童年逸事How I Turned the Grindstone,甚至还有在中国广为流传的猴子捞月的故事The Foolish Monkeys。

另外, 本书还包含一些妙趣横生又意义深刻的小故事, 如A Student’s Journal 系列,And the Next Unit Is… 系列,Riddles Along the Way 系列,Wiggles Reappears 等等,这些故事写得生动形象,可以带给读者乐趣和遐想,而且还能使读者学到很多关于火山、农场等方面的知识,以及接受关于团队合作、乐于助人等方面的感染。



为方便教师教学和学生阅读,本书精选15 篇适合诵读的经典文章提供录音,读者可登录中国人民大学出版社外语分社网站www. crup. com.cn/wy 进行下载。

此外,为给学生提供更多的学习方便,本书还特别申请了答疑邮箱,读者可以通过以下邮箱与主编取得联系并提出疑问:cctyyz@126.com,cctyy_4_1@126. com,chengzsh@crup.com.cn。毛筠2014 年6 月于北京市第一〇一中学目录Lesson 1The Rabbits

1、There is George looking at the rabbits. Let us go and see them, too.

2、“Oh, how pretty they are! Can they eat anything?”

3、Yes, Lily. You may give them these green leaves.

4、Now they see the leaves. Oh,how they are feasting! They seem very hungry.

5、Their little mouths go round and round the edgesof the fresh green leaves, and soon they will eat them all up.

6、Wild rabbits go into holes which they make in the ground. There they are safe, and do not fear either dogs or cats; or even men, who would like to catch them.

7、In the evening, they come out of their holes to feed in the fields.

8、They sit very close to the ground, amongst the grass, and you can hardly see the little gray things. But if you clap your hands, they will all run off to their holes, and you may see lots of little white tails bobbing over the field.

9、It is a pretty sight to see wild rabbits running over the fields.

10、On the hills near the sea-shore, where Lily lives, there are hundreds and hundreds of them.

11、There is quite a large rabbit town there, with its streets and houses, all under the ground.

12、Lily must go with me some day, and perhaps we shall see some of the little creatures that live in the rabbit town.(242 words)


Ⅰ. How well did you read?

1. [Note the fact] What do rabbits eat?

A. Fresh meat. B. Green leaves. C. Sea food.

2. [Note the fact] Where do wild rabbits live?

A. Amongst the grass in the trees.

B. Amongst the grass near the rocks.

C. In the houses under the ground.

3. [Draw a conclusion] What can we infer from the passage?

A. It is not difficult for children to see the wild rabbits amongst the grass.

B. It is dangerous for children to feed the rabbits.

C. It is interesting for children to go and see wild rabbits.

4. [Grasp the main idea] The passage is mainly about .

A. what rabbits eat

B. where rabbits live

C. life of the rabbits

Ⅱ. Read for words.

Choose one best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined words or expressions.

1. Now they see the leaves. Oh, how they are feasting! (Para. 4, line 2)

A. They are eating lots of leaves with great enjoyment.

B. They are taking part in a party.

C. They are having a good time.

2. There they are safe, and do not fear either dogs or cats; or even men, who would like to catch them. (Para. 6, line 2)

A. don’t like

B. don’t care about

C. aren’t afraid of

3. They sit very close to the ground, amongst the grass, and you can hardly see the little gray things. (Para. 8, line 1)

A. under B. among C. above

4. But if you clap your hands, they will all run off to their holes, and you may see lots of little white tails bobbing over the field. (Para. 8, line 3)

A. 使上下(或来回)快速摆动

B. 盗窃……中的财物

C. 发出气泡声

Ⅲ. Writing practice.

1. What do rabbits eat?

2. How do they eat them?

3. Where do wild rabbits live?

4. Is it easy to see the wild rabbits in the evening? Why?Lesson 2One Tent, Lots of Stuff


2、“Got it.”

3、“Sleeping bags?”

4、“Got it—both of them.”


6、“Two fat ones.”


8、“Three kinds.”

9、“Three kinds? Great!”

10、Sam and Kent had made a list of all the things they needed for sleeping out in the tent. Now, they were sitting cross-legged in the tent, checking things off the list.

11、“Are you going to bring a bathrobe and slippers?” Kent asked Sam.

12、“Oh, no! We’re camping. Those are just for in the house,” answered Sam, looking as if he knew all about camping.

13、“Oh, right,” said Kent, who had never been camping before. He didn’t think Sam had been camping before either. Still, it was Sam’s dad’s tent, so he must know.

14、“Oh, I almost forgot. Can you bring your baseball glove?” Sam looked very serious.

15、Kent couldn’t figure this one out. “My baseball glove? What do we need that for?”

16、“Well, we just might. You never know,” said Sam with mystery and authority.

17、“Okay,” shrugged Kent, “I’ll bring it when I come after supper. What time do you think you’ll be able to come out?”

18、Sam thought for a moment. “We usually eat at 5:45. Then, I have to clear the table.I should be done by 6:30. What about you?”

19“My dad doesn’t get home until six o’clock,” said Kent, regretfully. “Maybe if I offer to help Mom with supper, things will go quickly.”

20、Sam shrugged, “It’s worth a try. Come out as soon as you can.” Sam looked around the tent. “Okay, I think everything’s ready. I’ll see you later.”

21、“See you later,” said Kent, and the boys both ran home.(287 Words)


Ⅰ. How well did you read?

1. [Check the details] One of the boys usually has the ideas. The other one seems to go along with those ideas. Which boy is the “leader”?

A. Sam. B. Kent. C. Both of them.

2. [Give the reason] Why will the boys take the baseball glove?

A. Because they will play baseball.

B. Because they will use it to make fire.

C. Because they just might need it.

3. [Grasp the main idea] What is the passage mainly about?

A. Two boys want to run away from home.

B. Two boys will go hiking at night.

C. Two boys make preparations for camping.

Ⅱ. Read for words.

Choose one best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined words or expressions.

1. Now, they were sitting cross-legged in the tent, checking things off the list.

(Para. 10, line 2)

A. 抬着双腿 B. 并着双腿 C. 交叉双腿

2. Kent couldn’t figure this one out. (Para. 15, line 1).

A. come up with B. understand C. think about

3. “Well, we just might. You never know,” said Sam with mystery and authority.(Para. 16, line 1)

A. the power or right to give orders or make decisions

B. the feeling of surprise

C. the expression of uncertainty

4. “My dad doesn’t get home until six o’clock,” said Kent, regretfully. “Maybe if I offer to help Mom with supper, things will go quickly.” (Para. 19, line 1)

A. 兴奋地 B. 遗憾地 C. 平静地Lesson 3One Tent…What Next?

1、“Then, there was the time my brother and I nearly got blown away with the tent! Did I tell you about that one?” Sam shook his head and tried not to look impatient. His dad had been telling camping stories for almost an hour. How can I get him to stop without saying anything? thought Sam to himself. He really wanted to get out to the tent.

2、Finally, his dad stopped for a bite of dessert, and Sam asked to be excused. When his mom nodded her okay, it took only four trips to clear the table. Then, he was off and across the backyard.

3、“Caught you!” yelled Sam as he flipped back the tent flap. Kent jumped and turned red. “Ha! I knew it! In the crackers already.” Then, he laughed. “Have you been waiting long?”

4、Kent shook his head because his mouth was full. Finally, he said, “Not long. My dad got home late.”

5、Sam shrugged. “Oh, well. We’re here now. Let’s get ready.”

6、“Ready for what?” asked Kent.

7、“For whatever’s going to happen,” answered Sam. Well, he must know, thought Kent. He helped Sam straighten the sleeping bags and stash stuff in the corners.

They played catch across the tent for a little while. Ah, the baseball glove, thought Kent. They played badminton with crackers, but then Sam discovered crumbs in his sleeping bag, so they stopped.

8、They turned on the lantern and read. After a while, Sam retold some of his dad’s camping stories. Then, Kent turned out the light, and they listened for noises in the dark. They didn’t hear any for a very long time.

9、Finally, Kent heard something at the tent flap. He half crawled and half flew across the tent to warn Sam. Sam yelled when Kent landed on top of him.

10、“Hey, are you guys all right?” It was Sam’s mom. “Breakfast is ready.”

11、Sam and Kent looked at each other in disbelief. They had slept through the whole night, and nothing had happened.(343 words)


Ⅰ. How well did you read?

Ⅲ. Writing practice.

Do you have a pet? Write a short story about you and your pet.

1. [Check the details] What did Sam’s father tell him about before he went out?

A. Scary stories. B. Funny jokes. C. Camping stories.

2. [Check the details] The two boys did all the following things except ______.

A. making breakfast

B. straightening the sleeping bags C. listening for noises

3. [Give the reason] Why did they stop playing badminton with crackers?

A. Because they couldn’t see anything in the dark.

B. Because Ben discovered crumbs in his sleeping bag.

C. Because Kent heard something at the tent flap.

Ⅱ. Read for words.

Choose one best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined words or expressions.

1. Sam shook his head and tried not to look impatient. (Para. 1, line 2)

A. 不骄傲的 B. 不动情的 C. 不耐心的

2. When his mom nodded her okay, it took only four trips to clear the table. (Para. 2,line 2)

A. agreed by nodding her head

B. disagreed by shaking her head

C. said something like “OK”

3. He helped Sam straighten the sleeping bags and stash stuff in the corners. (Para. 7,line 2)

A. put away B. throw away C. take out

4. Sam and Kent looked at each other in disbelief. (Para. 11, line 1)

A. 兴奋地 B. 不相信地 C. 不开心地

Ⅲ. Writing practice.

Do you have any experiences of camping outside? If not, think of some other unforgettable experiences. Write about it in 80 words.

1. When was it?

2. What did you do?

3. How did you feel about it?Lesson 4The Soldier and the Horse

1、A poor soldier was one day passing along a street in London. All at once he was seen to stop, and look for some time at a horse on the other side of the street.

2、“I know him! I know him!”cried he, as he ran across the street.“He is my own old horse. Dear old fellow!”

3、The horse seemed to know the voice. He laid back his ears, and pushed his nose against the hand that stroked him so kindly.

4、After a few moments, the poor soldier put his hand in his pocket; and as he did so he said, “Yes, he shall have it, though it were my last penny! I have enough to buy him a feed of corn.”

5、Away he went to bring it; and in a few minutes he came back with the corn, and stood kindly feeding the horse with his own hand.

6、After staying beside him for some time, he asked where his stable was, that he might go and see him some other day.

7、He then went his way saying to the driver as he left; “Be good to him, poor fellow!and use him well.”

8、It was a beautiful sight; and it was no wonder that some little boys who stood near,cried out, Hurrah! when they saw the poor soldier’s kindness to his old friend.

9、It was a lesson on kindness to animals which they were not likely soon to forget.(250 words)


Ⅰ. How well did you read?

1. [Check the details] Why did the poor soldier look at the horse?

A. Because he was attracted by it.

B. Because it was his old horse.

C. Because he fell in love with it at first sight.

2. [Check the details] What did the soldier buy for the horse?

A. Some corn.

B. He bought nothing because he had only one penny left.

C. Some water.

3. [Understand the main idea] We can learn from the passage that ________.

A. human beings should be kind to animals

B. the horse loved the poor soldier very much

C. the poor soldier wanted to bring back his old horse

Ⅱ. Read for words.

Choose one best Chinese meaning for the underlined words.

1、Away he went to bring it; and in a few minutes he came back with the corn, and stood kindly feeding the horse with his own hand. (Para. 5, line 2)

A. 爱抚 B. 喂养 C. 照看Lesson 5The Hare and the Tortoise

1、A hare, very proud of her speed,once ran a race with a tortoise. In a moment the hare got far before her rival, who, with his heavy shell on his back, could move only at a very slow pace.

2、“Ha! ha!” laughed the hare, as she stopped half-way to glance back at the tortoise creeping on far behind;“if you don’t walk a little faster, my friend, I’ll be half over the country before you reach the end of the field.”

3、The tortoise said not a word, but walked on.

4、“Really,” said the saucy hare, “if I were to hop on three legs I should get on much faster than you do! I think that I’ll take a short nap. If you were but a yard from the goal, I could overtake you with a few bounds.”

5、So the hare lay down on the grass, and soon fell fast asleep. She heard not the little feet of the tortoise, as he came creeping up to the place; she saw him not as he went steadily on, never stopping to look behind.

6、Presently the hare awoke, and sprang up, ready to dart on like the wind. “Where is the tortoise?” cried she.

7“Here,” cried a voice from the end of the field; “slow and steady has won the race!”(225 words)


Ⅰ. How well did you read?

1. [Draw a conclusion] We can learn from the passage that _____ won the race at last.

A. the hare B. the tortoise C. neither

2. [Give the reason] Why did the hare lose the race?

A. Because he fell asleep on the way.

B. Because he looked down upon the slow tortoise.

C. Because he was too sure and proud of himself.

Ⅱ. Read for words.

Choose one best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined words or expressions.

1. In a moment the hare got far before her rival, who, with his heavy shell on his back, could move only at a very slow pace. (Para. 1, line 4)

A. 敌人 B. 朋友 C. 对手

2. “Ha! ha!” laughed the hare, as she stopped half-way to (1)glance back at the tortoise (2) creeping on far behind. (Para. 2, line 2; Para. 2, line 3)

(1) A. look B. turn C. go

(2) A. moving quickly B. moving slowly C. running

3. If you were but a yard from the goal, I could overtake you with a few bounds.(Para. 4, line 3)

A. 超过 B. 追上 C. 陪伴Lesson 6The Children’s Friends

1、When summer comes, Edith and Louise have very happy times.

2、They go to their summer home, miles and miles away.

3、This home is on an island in a beautiful lake. They go to the island in a boat.

4、Here is the island and the steamboat which carries them to their home.

5、When the children reach the island, they run through the woods to their house.How glad they are to get there!

6、The trees grow beside it and lean over the roof.

7、The lake comes almost to the door.

8、The children play in the white sand on the beach, and wade in the water.

9、They watch the boats on the lake, and listen to the splash, splash, splash of the water.

10、Sometimes little fishes swim close to their feet, as if to say, “We are glad you have come. We like to play with you.”

11、Little birds fly down to the beach, and dip their wings in the clear water of the lake. “Here we are! Glad to see you!” they seem to say.

12、Squirrels leap from bough to bough on the tall trees, and call to the children,“Chip, chip, chip!” That means, “So you have come at last. How glad we are!”

13、Then, all at once, a little brown rabbit leaps across the path. He hides under a low bush, but the children see him sitting and watching them. He is a timid little fellow; or he would speak, too, and say, “I am glad you have come.”

14、You see the children have many friends to welcome them back to their summer home. Would you not like to be there?(291 words)

Ⅰ. How well do you read?

1. [Check the details] When do the children have very happy times?

A. In spring. B. In summer. C. In winter.

2. [Check the details] How do they get to the island?

A. In a boat. B. On a bus. C. On their foot.

3. [Check the details] What do the children do by the lake?

A. Play in the sand. B. Leap across the path. C. Talk to the animals.

Ⅱ. Read for words.

Choose one best paraphrase or Chinese meaning for the underlined words or phrases.

1. The children play in the white sand on the beach, and wade in the water. (Para. 8,line 1)

A.( 从水、泥等)蹚 B. 跋涉 C. 走过2. Little birds fly down to the beach, and dip their wings in the clear water of the lake. (Para. 11, line 1)

A. 浸水 B(. 使)下降 C. 投进

3. Squirrels leap from bough to bough on the tall trees, and call to the children. (Para.

12, line 1)

A. jump B. walk C. run

4. He hides under a low bush, but the children see him sitting and watching them.

(Para. 13, line 1)

A. 玩耍 B. 隐藏 C. 覆盖

Ⅲ. Writing practice.

Do you have a good place for your holiday? Write about it.Lesson 7The Two Goats

1、On a wild mountain, two goats met on a ledge just over a high cliff. The ledge was so narrow, that there was neither room for them to pass each other nor to turn round and go back. A steep rock rose straight above them—a deep dark chasm lay below! What do you think the two goats did?

2、One of them with great care laid himself down on the narrow ledge, pressing as close to the rock as he could. Then the other goat gently and softly stepped over his friend, till, safely past him, he could lightly bound away.

3、The goat that had lain down then drew himself up from his lowly place, spring again from rock safe and sound1, free to spring again from rock to rock, and crop the sweet grass on the hills.

4、Two other goats had left the valley, and climbed far up the mountain. At length they met on the banks of a wild, rushing stream. A tree had fallen across the stream, and formed a bridge from the one side to the other.

5、The goats looked at each other, and each wished to pass over first.

6、They stood for a moment with one foot on the tree, each thinking that the other would draw back. But neither of them would give way and they met at last on the middle of the narrow bridge!

7、They then began to push and fight with their horns, till at last their feet slipped,and both the goats fell into the swift flowing stream, and were lost in the waters!

8、Both might have been saved, if either of them had known how to yield at the right time.(289 words)





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