
发布时间:2020-06-12 04:34:45












冠词(Article)是一种虚词,这词本身没有实在的意义,不能独立使用,不能独立的承担句子的成分,只能置于名词前,用来帮助说明名词所指的人或事物。它是英语词性中最小的一类,只有三个,一种是不定冠词(Indefinite Article),一种是定冠词(Definite Article),此外也有些特定场合不用冠词,即通常所称的零冠词(Zero Article)。



冠词是虚词的一种,虚词也称为结构词或封闭类词(Function Word/Structural Word/Empty Word /Closed-class Word)。除冠词外,英语中的虚词还包括:代词、介词、连词、助动词、情态动词和限定词(如this,that等)。虚词有些没有完整的词汇意义,但有语法意义和功能;虚词数量有限,比较稳定,很少增生。相比之下,英语中的实义词/开放类词(Content Word/Open-class Word)数量巨大,且仍在不断增生、扩大,不断产生新词。英语实义词都有完整的词汇意义,包括名词、主动词(如 come,take 等)、形容词和副词。数词和感叹词通常被看作次要词类(Additional Class)。


英语冠词有三种:①定冠词(definite article)→the;②不定冠词(indefinite article)→a,an;③零冠词(zero article)。





There are experts in plenty,but′the[ði(ː)]expert does not exist.专家有很多,但真正的专家却一个也没有。

I don't want′the[ði(ː)]English novel,but just′an[æn]English novel.我不是一定要这本英语小说,只是随便一本英语小说。

Don't mistake Mr.Johnson for′the[ði(ː)]Mr.Johnson.不要把约翰逊先生误认为是那个大名鼎鼎的约翰逊先生。


1 表示独一无二的或被认为是唯一东西的名词前

The setting sun is glowing all over autumn hills.落日满秋山。

The rising sun flushed the green mountain tops.旭日映红了苍翠的山顶。

The sun has been playing a game of hide-and-seek with us all day.太阳整天都在和我们捉迷藏,时而露脸,时而隐没。

The sky is the color of jade.天空清澈如玉。

The moon has filled the field with her gentle,silver light.月亮把她温柔的、银色的光撒满了田野。

At dawn I rise and go weeding the field;shouldering the hoe,I walk home with the moon.晨兴理荒秽,带月荷锄归。

The earth we abuse and the living things we kill will,in the end,take their revenge.我们不善待地球而且我们杀害生物,它们终将进行报复。

Somewhere in the universe there must be another world like ours.在宇宙中的某个地方,一定存在另一个像我们这样的世界。

The world is a stage and every man plays his part.世界是一个舞台,每个人都扮演着自己的角色。

On fine evenings,the Milky Way is ever so bright.在晴朗的夜晚,银河非常明亮。


a new moon新月   a half moon半月   a full moon满月

a crescent moon一钩新月  a red sun一轮红日  a waning moon一弯残月

an enormous moon一轮圆月  a blue sky蔚蓝的天空 a cloudless sky晴朗的天空

a sullen sky阴沉的天空 a cloudy sky多云的天空 in a sky of iron在铁色的天空

a starry sky星光灿烂的夜空 a dark-blue sky深蓝色的天空(幕)

A new moon leads me to the woods of dreams.一轮新月引我去梦中的森林。

There reflected a rosy moon in the water.河水里倒映着一轮玫瑰色的月亮。

Over the valley,a full moon was rising.山谷上,一轮满月冉冉升起。

A round yellow moon is rising above the hilltop.圆圆的、黄澄澄的月亮升起在山顶上。

It was an old and ragged moon.这是一弯下弦残月。

A late November sun was still scorching hot.11月下旬的太阳仍是热辣辣的。

An immense red sun hung low in the western sky.一轮硕大的红日挂在西边的天空。

A red sky at night is a sailor's delight.晚上天空红,水手就高兴。

Pink clouds floated in a pale sky.苍茫的天空中飘着几缕彩云。

It was a perfect day,with a burning sun and a cloudless sky.那是个风和日丽的日子,阳光灿烂,万里无云。

It was a glorious spring night,with a great full moon gleaming in a purple sky.那是春日的一个美好夜晚,圆圆的大月亮照耀在紫色的天空中。【提示】

①再如普通名词sea等的类似表达法:a calm sea平静的海,a rough sea波涛汹涌的海,a long sea长波阔浪的海,a short sea急浪翻腾的海,a strong wind劲风。


The pagoda at the top of the hill caught the last of sun.夕阳的余晖落在山顶的宝塔上。

We have a better world to win.我们获得的将是更好的世界。

The moon is a world that is completely still and where utter silence prevails.月亮是一个声断音绝的世界,是一个万籁俱寂的世界。

It is a world of wonders,a world where anything can happen.这是一个充满奇迹的世界,一个任何事情都可能发生的世界。2 表示特指的人或物的名词前(熟知或心照不宣的人或物)

The snows came.下雪天来临了。

Sophia is in the back garden.索菲娅在后花园里。

Where are the other students?别的学生在哪儿?

It rained heavily during the night.夜里下了暴雨。

She scored high marks in the examination for admission to college.她在高考中获得了高分。

The birds in the trees outside my window began to sing in the early morning.一大早,我窗外树上的鸟儿就开始鸣唱。

When the scenery of the south is most beautiful,I meet you again in showers of falling flowers.正是江南好风景,落花时节又逢君。


She likes the man of no little humour.她喜欢那个幽默风趣的人。(特指)

She likes a man of no little humour.她喜欢幽默风趣的人。(泛指)

Few of the staff came from the local area.工作人员中几乎没有当地人。(few of为固定短语,表示“几乎没有”)

The few who came to the concert enjoyed it.来听音乐会的人虽然不多,却都很欣赏。(the few


The few survivors staggered bleeding back into the camp.那几个为数不多的幸存者身上流着血,踉踉跄跄地走回了营地。(特指)

A few survivors were sent to the hospital at once.几名幸存者被立即送往医院了。(非特指)3 第二次提到的人或物的名词前

We were just preparing to pass the night in the open when an old man came up to us,and insisted that we stay in his house.When we entered the house,the old man asked us to sit down,and began serving us coffee.我们正准备在露天过夜,这时一位老人朝我们走来,坚持要我们住在他的屋子里。我们就进了屋子,老人让我们坐下,端来了咖啡。

He must do something,even though the something is as simple an action as opening the book,closing the door and beginning to read.他得做点事,即使这事十分简单,不过就是动手翻开书本,关上门,然后开始读。4 由短语或从句修饰的名词前

The key to the safe is lost.保险箱的钥匙丢了。

The restaurant where I had my dinner last night is most inconvenient.昨晚我去吃饭的那家餐馆太不方便了。5 与先前提及的事物有某种关系或联系的名词前

The boy was crying for milk,but the bottle was empty.那男孩哭着要喝牛奶,但奶瓶却是空空的。They saw a large flock of sheep grazing on the other side of the river.The herdsman sat under a tree playing the flute.他们看见一大群羊在河对岸吃草。牧羊人坐在一棵树下,吹着长笛。

The policemen came near to a car parked at the end of the lane.The driver was dead drunk.警察来到停在小巷尽头的一辆汽车旁,驾驶员已经醉得不省人事了。

The ship was smashed on the rocks.The passengers fell into water.船在暗礁上撞得粉碎,乘客都纷纷落入水中。6 形容词最高级、副词最高级或序数词前;only,main,sole,same,following,last,next,opposite, present,usual,wrong,ultimate,right,principal修饰名词时,前面也要用定冠词

That's the main point.那就是要点。

He is the sole heir.他是唯一的继承人。

He is the first man to come.他是第一个来的人。

The same causes produce the same effects.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。

The darkest cloud has a silver lining.山重水复处必是柳暗花明时。

This is the only path through the forest.这是穿过森林的唯一的小路。

You came on the wrong day.你来的日期不对。

I'll meet you at the usual time.我会在老时间见你。

I did not read the last section of the book.这本书的最后一章我没有读。

It is definitely the right decision for the company.这对于公司来说肯定是正确决定。

She was sick in the evening,but the following day she was better.她晚上生病了,但第二天就有所好转。

If they win the next election,they have promised to reform the health service.如果他们在下次大选中获胜,他们承诺要改革医疗制度。


at first glance第一眼,on second thoughts再三考虑,first prize头奖,first secretary第一书记

We are first cousins.我们是亲表兄弟。

He is second to none in skill.他的技术比谁都不差。

He went to see her first thing in the morning.他早上首先去看她。

only son(独生儿子),only daughter(独生女儿),only child(独生子女)前可以用不定冠词;其他这类形容词前有些也可用不定冠词;序数词前也可用不定冠词。例如:

You've taken a wrong bus.你乘错车了。

It is likely that a first child is pampered.头胎生的孩子多半会受到娇惯。

Don't worry,there might be a second choice.别担心,可能还有第二种选择。

The couple has an only daughter.这对夫妇有一个独生女儿。

She took a last parting look at her husband.她分手前最后看了丈夫一眼。7 单数名词前表示属类

The rose smells sweet.玫瑰花香。

Who invented the television?电视是谁发明的?

The whale is in danger of becoming extinct.鲸有灭绝的危险。

The fox may grow grey,but never good.狐狸会变老,但不会变好。

Do you know who invented the saw?你知道是谁发明了锯子?

Today's topic will be the bear.今天要谈的题目是熊。

The dog barks at a stranger.狗见了生人汪汪叫。

The philistine is often a snob.庸人往往是势利鬼。

The burnt child dreads the fire.挨过烫的孩子怕火。

The cautious man shouldn't do like that.谨慎的人是不会那样做的。

The computer has changed the world.计算机改变了世界。

The short-tailed monkey is steadily dying out.短尾猴已逐渐濒临灭绝。

The dove is a symbol of peace.鸽子是和平的象征。

The first task of the teacher is to teach.教师的首要任务是教书。

The beggar may sing before the thief.叫花子不怕贼偷。

The yen was undervalued compared with the dollar.日元对美元的比值降低了。

The kilometer is the international standard.千米是国际通用的标准。

The study can be a very suitable place to meet friends.书房是非常适合会见朋友的场所。

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.一鸟在手胜过二鸟在林。

The telephone was invented by Alexander G.Bell.电话是由亚历山大·G.贝尔发明的。

The bicycle is a cheap form of private transportation.自行车是一种便宜的私人交通工具。8 复数名词前表示某类人的总称或集体中的任何一个或多于一个

Once in a while they go to the shops.他们偶尔去商店。(指一个商店或多个商店)

Her countenance is like the flowers and the moon.她有着花容月貌。

What surprises him most is that the government employees are mildly annoyed at the decision.最令他感到吃惊的是,所有政府雇员对这项决定都有些恼火。


The times have changed.时代变了。

The years went by.一年又一年。/光阴荏苒。9 形容词、分词、序数词等前表示同一类人或物或某种抽象概念等


the rich富人 the old老年人/旧的东西 the deceased死者

the fair美人 the brave英雄 the assured被保险人

the condemned死刑犯 the employed雇员 the unusual古怪的东西

the mentally ill精神病患者 the difficult困难的东西 the ordinary寻常的东西

the mystical神秘古怪的东西 the unknown未知的东西 the innocent无辜的人

the impossible不可能的事 the blind盲人 the homeless流浪的人

the living活着的人 the dead死者 the dumb哑巴

the injured受伤者 the deaf聋人 the sick病人

the wicked恶人 the young年轻人 the aged老人

the handicapped残疾人 the wounded伤员 the oppressed被压迫者

the privileged特权阶级 the elderly年长者 the unscrupulous无耻之徒

the dying将死的人 the fittest适者 the sublime高尚(的东西)

the exploited受剥削者 the lonely孤独者 the progressive进步的事物

the obscure默默无闻的人/物 the happy幸福的人 the defeated失败者

the poor and needy贫困的人 the unemployed失业者 the agreeable如意的事

the well-to-do富裕的人 the learned有学问的人 the ridiculous荒谬(的东西)

the inevitable不可避免的事 the rich and famous有钱的名人

the socially gifted具有非凡交际能力的人 the mentally unbalanced精神失常者

the down-trodden受蹂躏的人 the supernatural神奇的/超自然的东西

the unexpected不可预料的东西/事 the sentimental多愁善感的人

the seeing能看见东西的人 the world-famous世界驰名的人/物

the startling令人惊奇的事物 the right and the wrong对与错

the false,the evil and the ugly假、丑、恶 the good and the evil善与恶

the fallen and the missing阵亡与失踪者 take the bitter with the sweet能享乐也能吃苦

the true,the good and the beautiful真、善、美 get rid of the stale and take in the fresh吐故纳新

The young like skiing.年轻人喜欢滑雪。

Heal the wounded and rescue the dying.救死扶伤。

The living mourn for the dead.生者哀悼死者。

The ignorant are suspicious.无知者多疑。

the cherished memory of the loved and lost已故亲人的美好回忆

It is only the ignorant who despise education.只有无知的人才轻视教育。

The learned are most modest.有学问的人总是很谦逊的。

The handicapped need our help.残疾人需要我们的帮助。

The well-to-do have their cares also.富裕的人也有烦恼。

Fortune favors the brave.命运偏爱勇敢的人。

She felt sympathy for the unfortunate.她同情不幸的人。

The wicked always come to bad ends.恶人总会遭报应的。

You can't expect me to do the impossible.你不能指望我做不可能的事。

He was scornful of the privileged.他鄙视特权阶层。

We must take the rough with the smooth.好的坏的我们都得承受。

The departed was a retired bus driver.死者是一位退休的公交车司机。

Education draws out the good in everyone.教育就是要启发人的善良天性。

The unscrupulous often deceive the innocent.无耻之徒总是会欺骗头脑单纯的人。

The old is always opposite to the new.旧的东西总是同新的东西相对立。

The righteous are bold as a lion.正义之士,其勇如狮。

The poet has an ardent yearning for the supernatural.诗人憧憬超自然的东西。

We are apt to accept the obvious too easily.我们容易轻易接受明显的东西。

He had compassion for the helpless.他同情无助者。

The local government provided relief for the destitute.地方政府为贫困者发放救济品。

They dealt out rice to the needy.他们把大米分发给缺粮的人。

The bald need no comb.秃子不需梳头。

The enslaved many worked for the privileged few to make a bare living.广大被奴役者为少数特权者卖力,以维持最低的生活。

Here were the high and low,slaves and masters.这里高低贵贱的人都有,有奴隶,也有主人。

There is no good in arguing about the inevitable.对于无法避免的事,争论是无益的。

The government should take account of the interests of the disabled.政府应当考虑残疾人的利益。

Never put the trivial above the important in doing anything.无论做任何事情切不可本末倒置。

He that spares the bad injures the good.宽容邪恶就是伤害善良。

The law is made to protect the innocent by punishing the guilty.制定法律在于惩罚罪恶,保护无辜。

The injured were taken to hospital.受伤的人被送往了医院。

The strong dominate over the weak.强者支配弱者。

In that case,you are putting the trivial above the vital.那样一来,你就是本末倒置了。

It approaches the impossible.这近乎不可能。

The well-fed have no idea how the starving suffer.饱汉不知饿汉饥。

The seeing see little.能看见东西的人往往所见甚少。

The fittest are the strongest.适者即强者。

Politics is the art of the possible.政治是掌握可能因素的艺术。

The progressive triumphs over the obsolete.进步的事情总是战胜陈旧的事物。

The few exploited the many.少数人剥削多数人。

The aged are well taken care of here.老人在这里得到了很好的照顾。

They are the young at heart.他们人老心不老。

There were the ill,the desperate,and the overwhelmed.这里有病人、绝望者和被压垮的人。

The God sends rain on the just and on the unjust.上帝把雨水洒给正义的人们,也洒给不义之人。

The dog has a nose for the unusual.狗能闻出不寻常的东西。

The absent are always in the wrong.不在场的总有错。

The lonely long for care and companion.孤独的人渴望关心,渴望陪伴。

Come on now,that's asking for the impossible.得了吧,那是强人所难。

The youngest are the most likely to be ill.最小的婴儿最易得病。

At that moment the incredible happened.就在此时此刻,偏偏出了不可思议的事。

The time shall come when the oppressed shall rise against the oppressor.受压迫者反抗压迫者的那一天必定要到来。

There are various orders of beauty,causing men to make fools of themselves in various styles,from the desperate to the sheepish.美有各种不同的种类,致使男人纷纷出丑而表现各异,从绝望之徒到唯唯诺诺的人。

Why should I serve the high and mighty with lowered eyes and on bent knees?Such things can never make my heart rejoice!安能摧眉折腰事权贵,使我不得开心颜!

The jealous are troublesome to others,but a torment to themselves.嫉妒者对他人是烦恼,对他们自己却是折磨。

On buses there are a few seats reserved for senior citizens and the pregnant.公共汽车上设有一些老人和孕妇专座。

The power of fortune is acknowledged by the unhappy,for the happy owe all their success to their merits.命运的力量为不幸者所承认,因为幸福的人把他们一切的成功都归因于自己的实力。

When the old saw the trees laden with fruit,he smiled with self-satisfaction.那位老人看到树上果实累累时,满意地笑了。

Sometimes the wronged forgets more easily than the wrongdoer.有时候,冤枉人的人比被冤枉的人记得还清楚。

Thirty percent of the medicated became depressed again within 10 months.30%的药物治疗者在10个月内再度变得抑郁。

The stage points out the selfish and depraved to our detest,and the amiable and generous to our admiration.舞台表演表现出我们厌恶的自私和道德败坏以及我们钦佩的友爱和宽厚品质。

The most beautiful emotion we can experience is the mystical.我们能够体验到最美好的情感是妙不可言的情感。

It is the weak and the sick that realize the value of good health.只有体弱生病的人才能理解健康的可贵。

Hate causes man to describe the beautiful as ugly and the ugly as beautiful.仇恨使人把美说成丑,把丑说成美。

The unfortunate deserve our sympathy.不幸的人值得我们同情。

Almost every woman,but the very young,can produce tales of this sort.除了非常幼小的女孩子,几乎每个女人都能编出这种故事。

He has a taste for the exotic.他喜欢奇异的东西。

Peter is interested in the supernatural and looking for UFOs.彼得对超自然的东西感兴趣,正在寻找飞碟。

We are all faced with the inevitable:death.我们都面对着不可避免的结局,那就是死亡。

The latest is that the unemployed are losing hope.最新消息说失业者越来越没有信心。

We want to learn to laugh in the face of the inevitable,to smile at the looming of the death.我们需要学会对不可避免的事情报以大笑,甚至以微笑面对死亡的威胁。

The best is oftentimes the enemy of the good.过犹不及。

That's the long and the short of it.总而言之,就是这样。

The unknown is yet to come.天有不测风云。(指未知之事)

The beautiful is not always the good,and the good is not always the true.美不一定是善,善不一定是真。(指性质)

There is but one step from the sublime to the ridiculous.高尚和荒谬相去只一步。

The latest is that he has walked across the desert.最新消息说,他已徒步穿越了沙漠。(某一具体事物)

The inevitable was not long in coming.不可避免的事不久就发生了。(某一具体事物)

The faulty stands on the guard.犯错的人需时时警惕。

It merely states the obvious.它只是陈述了显而易见的道理。

I'm always ready to do the little I can for the country.我总是愿意为国家尽我微薄的力量。(little也可看作指量代词)

She was among the first to recognize a writer of merit in the author.她是最早发现这位作者是个优秀作家的人之一。(序数词)“the+形容词、分词等”也可以表示“确指”。例如:

The departed was a retired worker.死者是一名退休工人。

The little I have is not worth giving.我所拥有的这一点点不值得送人。

There is good in everyone,and education draws out the good.人人内心都有善良的天性,教育就是要启发这善良的天性。

The accused was acquitted.被告被宣判无罪。(确指,一人)

Several of the accused were acquitted.几个被告被宣判无罪。(确指,几人)

表示单数概念的这类词还有:the unreal,the lovely,the foreign,the exciting等。


The seriously wounded were sent to the hospital at once.重伤者被立即送往医院。

The old in this country are taken good care of.这个国家的老人受到了很好的照顾。

The very best is yet to come.最好的还在后头。

The extremely old are sent there.特别年长的被送到那里。

The emotionally disturbed are to be well treated.精神失常者要给予精心医治。

The very wise are still modest.才高八斗的人仍然很谦虚。

The physically and mentally handicapped need looking after.有生理和心理缺陷的人需要照顾。

The young in spirit enjoy life.心理上年轻的人享受生活。

The old who resist changes are few and far between.抵制变革的老年人非常少。

He didn't want to disturb the quiet that was needed by the old professor.他不想打扰这位老教授需要的安静环境。

The information society should serve all of its citizens,not just the technically sophisticated and the economically privileged.信息社会应当为全体公民服务,而不是专门为掌握高新技术和拥有经济优势的人服务。

The seriously ill are still under treatment in hospital.重病患者依然在医院接受治疗。

The houses and cars of the new rich are huge but vulgar.那个暴发户的房子和车子都很大,却也俗不可耐。【提示】其他如:the patriotic dead爱国烈士们,the busy many忙碌的多数人,the idle few无所事事的少数人,the recently rich暴发户。


Even the humblest have their rights in the world.即使最卑贱的人在世界上也有自己的权利。

Victory belongs to the most preserving.胜利总是属于坚韧不拔的人。

The greatest are not always the noblest.最伟大的人并非总是最高尚的人。

The wise seeks advice from the wiser.聪明人寻求比自己更高明人的指教。


Your sick will be nursed and your young will be fed.你们的患病者将得到护理,年幼者将得到抚养。

May I present my intended?我介绍一下我的未婚夫/妻吧!

We poor have become rich now.我们穷人现在也富起来了。

the haves表示“富人,富国”,the have-nots表示“穷人,穷国”,the not-so-poor表示“次贫民”,the


Information technology allows the haves to increase their control on global market—with destructive impact on the have-nots.信息技术增强了富人对全球市场的控制,却给穷人带来了毁灭性的打击。


Mary is a dear.玛丽是个招人喜爱的孩子。

A better will be sent to you.将给你寄去一个更好的。

He is such a silly.他真是一个大傻瓜。【提示】有些形容词可用零冠词,直接用作名词。例如:

The country lacks capital,energy and food and has large numbers of unemployed.这个国家缺少资金、能源和食品,而且有大量的失业人口。

Some kids don't seem to know the difference between right and wrong.有些孩子似乎不能分辨是非。10 表示海洋、河流、山脉、群岛、某些国名、某些组织机构、建筑、报纸、杂志、书籍、会议、条约、信仰等名词前

the Atlantic大西洋 the Thames泰晤士河

the Sahara撒哈拉沙漠 the Alps阿尔卑斯山

the Americas南北美洲或两洲各国 the Highlands山区(苏格兰)

the Lowlands平原区(苏格兰) the East Indies东印度群岛

the Persian Gulf波斯湾 the U.S.A.美国

the Grand Canal大运河 the Warsaw Pact华沙条约

the Taiwan Strait台湾海峡 the Philippines菲律宾群岛

the Saar萨尔省 the Nansha Isles南沙群岛

the Yellow Sea黄海 the Netherlands荷兰

the Antarctic Circle南极圈 the Ukraine乌克兰

the West/East End伦敦西/东区 the Sudan苏丹

the Crimea克里米亚 the Senate参议院(美国)

the House of Representatives众议院(美国) the Diet国会(日本、丹麦)

the Duma国家杜马(俄罗斯议会下院) the House of Lords上议院(英国)

the House of Commons下议院(英国) the Treaty of Nanjing南京条约

the Tass塔斯社 the Louvre(Palace)卢浮宫

the Ganlu Temple甘露寺 the Imperial Palace故宫

the Kremlin克里姆林宫 the Pentagon五角大楼

the Spectator《观察家》 the Atlantic《大西洋》杂志

the Daily Telegraph《每日电讯报》 the Quarterly Review《评论季刊》

the Book of Poetry《诗经》 the Odyssey《奥德赛》

the True Story of Ah Q《阿Q正传》 the Iliad《伊利亚特》

the Three Gorges三峡 the Arch of Triumph凯旋门

the Huanghe/the Yellow River黄河 the Buick Auto Company别克汽车公司

the Capital Airport首都机场 the Cape of Good Hope好望角

the World Health Organization世界卫生组织 the Tian Shan天山山脉

the City of Fog雾都 the Country of Cherries樱花国(日本)

the Yangtze/the Yangtze River/the Changjiang River长江

the Industrial Revolution工业革命(指18世纪后半期英国工业革命)

the World Table Tennis Championship世界乒乓球锦标赛

the Rockefeller Foundation洛克菲勒基金会【提示】


Life《生活周刊》 Time《时代周刊》 News Week《新闻周刊》

Punch《笨拙周刊》 Congress国会 Parliament议会


Lake Baikal贝加尔湖,Hainan Island海南岛,Mount Fuji富士山,Mount Ali阿里山,Lake

Michigan密歇根湖,Mount Jomolangma珠穆朗玛峰,Silver Lake银湖,Mount Blanc勃朗峰,

Christian Island圣诞岛,Sicily Island西西里岛,Easter Island复活节岛,the Dongting Lake洞庭湖,the Taihu(Lake)太湖(也可说Lake Tongting,Lake Taihu)。

例外情况:the Great Salt Lake大盐湖,the Lake of Geneva/Lake Geneva日内瓦湖,the Isle of Man马恩岛。

③除the Hague(海牙)、the Ginza(银座)外,都市名称前用零冠词,如:London,New York,Nanjing等。

④下面几个专有名词前,用定冠词或用零冠词:(the)Cape Comorin科摩林角 (the)Mount Everest埃佛勒斯峰(the)Castle Wildenstein威尔登斯坦城堡 (the)Fort St.George圣·乔治要塞(the)Hurricane Eileen飓风艾琳


Manila Bay马尼拉湾 Jiaozhou Bay胶州湾

San Francisco Bay圣弗兰西斯科湾

例外情况:the Bay of Biscay比斯开湾。


the“Song of Youth”《青春之歌》(小说) the East Today《今日东方》(杂志)

the Last Supper《最后的晚餐》(名画)


the Bird's Nest鸟巢(北京一处著名建筑)

bird's nest鸟巢(鸟筑的巢)11 姓氏的复数形式前,表示“一家人(两人或两人以上),某一家族”,有时也指特定兄弟、姐妹、父子、夫妻等

The Smiths often go downtown on Sundays.史密斯一家星期天常到商业街去。

The Schuylers are really crude.斯凯勒一家真的很粗俗。

All the Forsytes were present at the ceremony.福赛特家族的所有成员都出席了仪式。

The Wrights made the first flying machine in the world.莱特兄弟制造了世界上第一架飞机。





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