
发布时间:2020-06-13 04:10:28









Fill in blanks with appropriate prepositions or adverbs.

1. You can’t just dig a hole, plant the tree, and let it go _____ that.【答案】at【解析】let it go at that为固定搭配,意为“就此罢休”。句意:你不能就挖个洞,把树栽进去然后就不管了。

2. The deer suddenly pricked_______ its ears and leapt to its feet.【答案】up【解析】prick up ears意为“竖起耳朵”。句意:那只鹿突然竖起耳朵,跳了起来。

3. The total expense added ______ to about 5000 dollars.【答案】up【解析】add up to意为“合计达”。句意:总花销合计达5000元左右。

4. The mountain air obviously agreed ______me. All my aches and pains were gone.【答案】with【解析】agree with sb意为“适合某人(的健康或者胃口)”。根据句子后半部分“我所有的疼痛都消失了”可知山顶的空气应该是很适合我的。

5. We’ll set out an hour earlier to allow ______ possible traffic jams.【答案】for【解析】allow for意为“考虑到”。句意:考虑到交通可能会堵塞,我们会提前一个小时出发。

6. You are not alone, we’ll back you ______.【答案】up【解析】back sb up意为“支持某人”。句意:你并不是一个人,我们会支持你的。

7. We need you. You can’t back out now. We must stick ______ it together until it’s finished.【答案】to【解析】stick to坚持。句意:我们需要你,你不能现在离开,我们必须一起坚持直到事情完成。

8. His theory, the theory that was once condemned, has now been borne ______ by facts.【答案】out【解析】be borne out被证实。句意:他的理论,曾经一度被谴责,现在被事实证明是正确的。

9. That day we received the order to repair the bridge that had been blown ______ the previous night by the enemy.【答案】up【解析】blow up爆炸。句意:那天我们收到一条命令,要我们去修几天前的晚上被敌人炸毁的桥。

10. You can always count ______ her. She is very reliable.【答案】on【解析】由句子后半部分“她很可靠”,可知此处应是指“你可以依靠她”。count on依靠。


Which of the words listed is the most likely answer to the following sentences.

1. They had to leave quietly ______ be seen by the plainclothes men

A. as so not to

B .so as not to

C .not so as to

D. so not as to【答案】B【解析】so as not to do sth以便不做某事。没有A、C和D项的搭配。句意:他们不得不悄悄离开以免被便衣警察们发现。

2. If you had done as I told you to do this ______.

A. should have not happened

B. did not happen

C. would not have happened

D. had not happened【答案】C【解析】考查虚拟语气。句意:如果你按照我说的去做了,这件事情本不会发生。因为事情已经发生了,所以排除非虚拟语气的B、D两项。虚拟语气构成时,not应该放在have done之前,因此A项也不正确。

3. _______ the road, and you will come to the post office.

A. If you were to turn off

B. Turn off

C. Turning off

D. Having turned off【答案】B【解析】考查祈使句。第二人称祈使句通常用来向听话者发出命令,提出要求或建议。这种祈使句以动词原形开头。句意:沿这条路拐弯,你就会到邮局。

4. _______ your own private feelings may be, its best to take his advice.

A. Whatever

B. What

C. However

D. How【答案】A【解析】句意:无论你的私人感情是什么,最好采取他的意见。B、D两项不表示让步,因此排除。however在句中作状语。whatever在句中作宾语。而该句缺少宾语。因此此题应选A。

5. Only then did he _______ the situation he and his fellow soldiers were in.

A. aware of

B. aware

C. become aware of

D. become aware【答案】C【解析】句意:只有到了那个时候,他才意识到他和他的士兵们现在的情况。be aware of为固定搭配,意为“认识到,意识到”。B、D两项缺少介词of。A项缺少系动词,因此排除。正确答案为C。

6. According to a medical report, _______75 percent of the current violent crime is drug-related.

A. so many as

B. as many as

C. so much as

D. as much as【答案】D【解析】中心词是crime,是不可数名词,应用much修饰。因此排除A、B两项。as much as意为“差不多……,多达……”。so much as多用于否定句,与not连用表示“甚至不……,甚至都没有……”。句意:根据一份医学报告,差不多有75%的暴力犯罪与毒品有关。

7. I don’t regret ________ her what I thought of her husband, even though it might have upset her.

A. telling

B. to tell

C. that I will tell

D. to have to tell【答案】A【解析】regret doing sth后悔做某事。regret to do sth很遗憾要做某事。根据句子后半部分“即使这可能让她伤心了”可知我应该是已经告诉她了。因此B、C、D项均可排除。

8 The more time you waste, the easier it is to go on ______ time.

A. waste

B. to waste

C. wasting

D. wasted【答案】C【解析】go on to do sth接着做另一件事。go on doing sth继续做同一件事。因为句子始终提到的只有“浪费时间”这一件事,因此可知应该选用“go on doing sth”这一词组。句意:你浪费时间浪费的越多,你越是容易继续浪费时间。

9. ______ two hours daily made considerable difference to my physical condition.

A. Walking

B. To walk

C. I walked

D. Having walked【答案】A【解析】句子缺少主语,因此用动名词作主语。因此排除B、C两项。D项为现在完成时,但“走两个小时对我的身体大有好处”这一件事应该是一般情况下的事情,因此不必用现在完成时。因此正确答案为A。

10. It won’t be long ______ China launches her space shuttle with men in it.

A. when

B. until

C. before

D. after【答案】C【解析】not be long before为固定搭配,表示“在某事发生之前不会过很久”。句意:不用多久,中国就会发射自己的载人航天飞机。


Translate the following into Chinese.

1. If you are a patient who is fed up with pills and injections, you can try taking up learning to alleviate your condition. Many inspirational stories have confirmed that learning can benefit a patient’s physical and mental well-being. Once a patient gets involved in some kind of learning, he will dwell less on his disease and be less depressed. He tends to be more active in life, more confident and optimistic about his future, and thus stands a better chance of recovering.【参考译文】如果你是一个厌倦了打针吃药的病人,你可以尝试通过学习来缓解病情。很多令人鼓舞的故事已经证实,学习有利于病人的身心健康。当病人参加某种学习活动时,他不再老想着自己的病,不再消沉,他在生活中往往会变得更加活跃,对未来更有信心,更为乐观,因此也更有希望康复。

2. Switzerland is a small country situated in the centre of Europe. In spite of its size, it is undoubtedly one of the most affluent countries in the world. It owns much of its prosperity to its distinctive natural scenery. The spectacular Alps extend from east to west, which qualifies Switzerland as one of the best ski resorts in the world. Every year, hundreds and thousands of tourists come from all over the world to appreciate its beautiful landscape and bring with them abundant wealth.【参考译文】瑞士是位于欧洲中部的一个小国家,面积虽小,却无疑是世界上最富裕的国家之一。瑞士的富裕在很大程度上归功于他独特的自然风光。壮观的阿尔卑斯山脉自东向西横贯该国,使得瑞士成为世界上最好的滑雪圣地之一。每年,成千上万的旅游者来到这里欣赏它的美景,也给瑞士带来滚滚财富。

3. People used to think environment protection was secondary to economic development. In order to develop agriculture and industry, many tropical forests were cut down to make room for farm lands, and supreme grasslands were damaged in search for mines. Water and air pollution has transformed the earth dramatically. Nowhere in the world is exempt from its impact. Faced with all these, people have finally realized the importance of sustainable development, which means striking a balance between economic development and environment protections.【参考译文】人们曾经认为和发展经济相比,环境保护是次要的。为了发展工业和农业,大片的森林被砍伐,来腾出空地作农田。为了开矿,优良的草场遭到破坏。而水和大气污染则使整个地球的面貌发生了巨大的改变。世界上没有一个角落能够幸免。面对这一切,人们终于认识到可持续发展的重要性,即经济发展和环境保护必须保持平衡。

4. Fire, along with floods and earthquakes, is considered a serious natural disaster. Fires not only burn houses to ashes, but also pose a big threat to the life of human beings. Each year, there are many outbreaks of fire in the world, some are started by arsonists while others are simply caused by a still burning cigarette end. The best way to prevent fires from happening is to publicize fire-prevention knowledge and education.【参考译文】火灾、洪水和地震被认为是严重的自然灾害。火灾不仅使房子燃烧成灰烬,而且对人的生命造成很大的威胁。世界上每年都有很多火灾发生,有些是由纵火犯发动的,有些则是由一个小小的仍然燃烧的烟头造成的。预防火灾的最好办法是宣传防火知识和教育。


Translate the following into English.

1. 她当时处境十分困难。她既无法忍受他,又不能离开他。【答案】She was then in a terrible fix. She could neither bear him nor leave him.

2. 这些花花绿绿的衣服是为非洲市场制作的。【答案】These colorful clothes are intended for the African market.

3. 为了住得接近大自然,越来越多的城市居民在搬往郊区。【答案】To live close to nature, more and more citizens are moving to suburbs.

4. 正如一句中国俗话所说,他们这是搬起石头砸自己的脚。【答案】As a Chinese saying goes, they lifted a rock only to drop it on their own feet.

5. 我当时很想批驳他的观点,但我克制住了,因为我觉得这个场合不太合适。【答案】I really wanted to refute his arguments at that time, but I checked myself because I thought it was not the right occasion.


Reading comprehension

Directions: In this part, there is a short passage with five questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions.The bee’s knees

The bee is one of the world’s busiest creatures: no wonder that in English we have expressions like “as busy as a bee” and “he’s the bee’s knees” (meaning “he is a very impressive person”). Bees not only collect honey, they make wax for their hives (and for us to use as furniture-polish), they also pollinate the plants they visit, and are therefore indispensable to farmers.

Now a group of scientists at Cornell University in New York State have designed a new way to use bees. The group, led by Joseph Kovach, reports in the current issue of Biological Control how it has created and patented a bee “footbath” that uses the insects for pest-control.

Strawberries, along with many other soft fruits, suffer from grey mould, a troublesome disease that causes fruit to rot. Although the fungus mainly damages the fruit, infection actually starts in the flowers. One effective treatment is to spray these flowers with another fungus, Try choderma harzanium T1295-22. This eliminates the grey mould before the berries form, but causes no harm to them.

Dr. Kovach’s system works by putting the Trychoderma into a specially designed tray that is fixed to the entrance to a hive. The tray can be as easily moved and replaced as the tray of a photocopier. The bees pick up the Trychoderma on their legs as they walk out of the hive onto the tray, and deposit it on the flowers they visit as they search for honey.

The researchers say that bee-delivery is nearly twice as effective as spraying, and uses a fraction of the Trychoderma, because the insects deliver it directly to the flowers rather than wasting them on other parts of the plant. This means that bee-delivered Trychoderma offers as much protection as conventional spraying methods. An added bonus is that simply adding a beehive to a strawberry field improves yields by 20—30% because of better pollination, Dr. Kovach has high hopes of extending the use of his system to other fruit.

Bee-lovers need not worry: the actual increased pay-load carried by the bees is very small, and Trychoderma in no way damages their health. Honey lovers need not worry, either: Trychoderma is found naturally in strawberry flowers. In any case, the honey produced during strawberry bloom time is eaten by the bees themselves, the stuff harvested for human consumption is made much later in the year.

The system does have a couple of drawbacks. Bees only fly about in good weather, so if you crop blooms on a rainy day, too bad. And bees are unpredictable: although they can be trained to feed on a particular crop, if they find a sweeter, more attractive flower nearby, they may be tempted away—and your fruit may suffer. A good idea, then, but clearly not the bee all and end all.

1. Why are bees indispensable to farmers?

2. What kind of treatment strawberry farmers use to eliminates the grey mould?

3. What is Dr. Kovach’s new system?

4. What benefits can farmers get from Dr. Kovach’s system?

5. What kind of problem does the new system has not been solved?【答案与解析】

1. Because they collect honey, make wax for their hives and pollinate the plants they visit.(由第一段最后一句“Bees not only collect honey, they make wax for their hives (and for us to use as furniture-polish) they also pollinate the plants they visit, and are therefore indispensable to farmers”可知由于蜜蜂不仅采蜜,还给巢打蜡,给植物授花粉,因此对农民来说不可或缺。)

2. To spray these flowers with another fungus, try choderma harzanium T1295-22.(由第三段最后一句“One effective treatment is to spray these flowers with another fungus,  Try choderma harzanium T1295-22”可知为了防止灰霉,农民们给花朵喷洒了另一种名叫“choderma harzanium T1295-22”的真菌。)

3. Put the Trychoderma into a specially designed tray that is fixed to the entrance to a hive.(由第四段第一句“Put the Trychoderma into a specially designed tray that is fixed to the entrance to a hive”可知Dr. Kovach的新系统就是把胰岛素放入一个专门设计的托盘,固定在蜂房的入口处。)

4. The efficiency got twice higher.(由第五段第一句“bee-delivery is nearly twice as effective as spraying”可知这种靠蜜蜂运输的新系统比传统的喷洒提高了两倍的效率。)

5. It is strained by the weather and bees are unpredictable.(由最后一段可知,蜜蜂只在好天气时才出来,而雨天则不会出来授粉,而且蜜蜂不稳定,如果遇到了对它们来说更有诱惑的含糖的物品,它们会飞到那里去。因此可知天气还有蜜蜂的不稳定性是限制这个系统发展的原因。)


Write a composition on the subject Climatic conditions in my part of China. You should write at least 200 words, and you should base your composition on the outline below.

Climatic conditions in my part of China.

1. Problems caused by the weather.

2. Measures taken to reduce the problems.【参考范文】

I live in a city which is located in the south of China—Shanghai. The climate of Shanghai can be divided into four seasons, and each of them has its own beauties and problems. As a city lying in the southern part of China, Shanghai is usually very hot.

In spring, the weather is changeable. Sometimes it’s very cold, and sometimes it’s warm. It is easy for people to get cold in this kind of weather so we have to rely on the air conditioner and do more exercise to protect our health. In summer, it becomes hotter and hotter. The highest temperature is over 40℃. Therefore, we try our best to keep cool, like wear clothes with short sleeves, drink cold drinks and eat ice cream. Air conditioner has become a family member of us whom we cannot live apart from. The autumn in Shanghai is very nice. It’s neither cold nor hot. And the winter in Shanghai isn’t very cold. But at the same time, it seldom snows. While most of us look forward to a white Christmas.

We don’t have to take many measures to fight against the weather in the whole year, but it’s a difficult thing to handle with spring and summer, while in winter, we expect it to be colder so that we may have snow fall.【范文点评】



Part Ⅰ Cloze (10 points)

Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

In many ways, the history of women and men in higher education is the history of the education of White men, and 1______ only those thof substantial means. Since the mid-19 century women and people of color have become players in the higher education arena through coeducation and 2______ and through the development of separate institutions.

3______ in the United States began in 1636 with the founding of Harvard, which 4______ the English university of Oxford and Cambridge. In the years after the Revolutionary War, 5______ states primarily in the South established 6______ colleges, moving toward non-sectarianism. The forerunner of women’s higher education was also 7______ during this period 8______ of the Young Ladies’ Academy in Philadelphia; and Emma Willard’s female seminary in Troy, New York.

The years 9______ 1790 and 1850, characterized by the Enlightenment and the second Great Awakening, 10______the foundation for the 11______ of women’s higher education in the United States through the reform impetus from these 12______ ideologies. These two movements combined to make a strong case 13______ women’s education. During this period the 14______ normal schools appeared. 15______ teaching is often associated with women and 16______ one of the first professions women entered and eventually dominated, the development of normal schools and the roles 17______ by women in them is complicated. Women often taught at the elementary or secondary level 18______ what would currently be considered a college degree. The earliest normal schools 19______ single-sex institutions considered part of a secondary school to distinct institutions to an academic track within 20______ university.

1. A. beginning

B. at the first

C. initially

D. normally

2. A. integration

B. independence

C. participation

D. function

3. A. Elementary education

B. Secondary education

C. Higher education

D. Postgraduate education

4. A. is based on

B. was modeled on

C. would be due to

D. resulted in

5. A. the number of

B. a number of

C. the numbers of

D. a lot of number

6. A. its

B. own

C. whose own

D. their own

7. A. sets up

B. found

C. established

D. had built

8. A. because the foundation

B. for the reason that

C. since the result

D. with the creation

9. A. between

B. among

C. during

D. in

10. A. lay

B. lie

C. laid

D. lying

11. A. revolution

B. evolution

C. realization

D. organization

12. A. prevailing

B. previewing

C. producing

D. progressing

13. A. by means of

B. making use of

C. with necessary reasons

D. for the necessity of

14. A. first

B. second

C. third

D. fourth

15. A. In spite of

B. Despite

C. While

D. As

16. A. is

B. was

C. are

D. were

17. A. made

B. done

C. had

D. played

18. A. with

B. without

C. having

D. not giving

19. A. arranged for

B. arranged on

C. ranged in

D. ranged from

20. A. an

B. a

C. some

D. the【答案与解析】

1. C  由后文及选项可以推测,此处应该指的是“最初,也只教导那些有实质意义的内容”。因此可首先排除D项。beginning为名词,但此处应填入的是副词,因此排除。at the first意为“在……的开始”,后面通常接介词of。initially指起先,刚开始的时候。句意:在许多方面,高等教育史就是白人的教育史,并且最初,也只教导那些有实质意义的内容。

2. B  integration集合,综合。independence独立。participation参与。function功能。coeducation意为“男女同校”。1862年,美国颁布《解放黑人奴隶宣言》,所以此处指的应该是19世纪中叶以来黑人的独立。因此正确答案为B。句意:由于男女同校教育和独立,还有独立机构的发展。自十九世纪中叶以来,女性和有色人种已经成为高等教育舞台上的一员。

3. C  Elementary education初等教育,一般指小学。Secondary education中等教育,一般指中学。Higher education高等教育,一般指大学。Postgraduate education研究生教育。哈佛大学属于高等教育范畴,因此本题应选C。句意:美国高等教育开始于1636年,以哈佛大学的建立为标志。

4. B  base on以……为基础。model on以……为范本。be due to由于……,起因于……。result in导致……。牛津大学和剑桥大学是英国最古老的两所大学之一,甚至比美国的建立还要早。因此不可能是哈佛大学的建立导致这两所大学的建立。首先排除D项。哈佛大学也不是因为这两所大学才建立的,因此C项也可排除。哈佛大学的建立发生在过去,而A项用的却是一般现在时,因此也可排除。答案为B。句意:哈佛大学以牛津和剑桥大学为范本。

5. B  the number of是指“……的数量”。a number of指“若干,一些”。根据后文可知,此处是指独立战争之后,南部有一些州率先建立了他们自己的大学。因此答案为B。

6. D  由于前面提到a number of states,因此此处应用复数。

7. B  由于事情发生在过去,因此使用一般现在时的A项排除。挖空处前有系动词be,后面不需要再跟上助动词,因此D项排除。组织的建立一般用found,且观察前后文也可发现,谈到大学的建立时,使用的是found。因此答案为B。句意:指向妇女教育的大学也在这个时期建立起来了。

8. C  首先看A项,because 后面接句子,because of后面才可接名词。因此A项排除;然后看B项,for the reason that后面应该接从句,因此B项也排除;最后看D项,creation意为发明,学校的成立一般不用creation,因此D项也排除。答案为C。

9. A  根据后文可知,此处指的是在1790年到1850年这个时间段,发生了启蒙运动和第二次大觉醒,而不是指在这两年发生了这两场运动。因此D项排除。during后面接时间段,而1790和1850是两个时间节点,因此C项也排除。among指“在……中”,后面一般不接时间,因此B项也排除。答案为A。between 1790 and 1850指的是“在1790年到1850年间”。

10. C  该句描述过去的事情,应用一般过去时,因此选C。

11. A  revolution革命。evolution进化。realization实现。organization组织。后面提到改革的动力,可知此处应表示美国女子高等教育革命。

12. A  prevailing盛行的。previewing提前察看,预习。producing生产。progressing进展。前文提到启蒙运动和第二次觉醒产生了新的思想,因此可以推测该句是想表达:美国女子高等教育的革命是通过这些流行的思想改革推动的。因此答案为A。

13. D  by means of用,依靠。make use of利用。for the necessity of意为“……的必要性”。根据前后文可以推断,这两个运动结合起来,有力地说明了女性教育是必要的。即这两个运动为女性教育的必要性提供了强有力的理由。因此答案为D。

14. A  normal school师范学校。前文描述了女性教育被人重视之前所经过的重重努力。因此可以推断,在此之前,女性的师范学校应该是没有的,是在这一时期才出现了世界上第一批师范学校。因此答案为A。

15. C  后句说,师范的发展和妇女在这方面的作用却是复杂的,而该句说,教学经常与女性相关联,而且是女性进入并最终占据主导地位的第一批职业之一。因此可以推测该句与后句是转折关系,即虽然教学经常与女性相关联,而且是女性进入并最终占据主导地位的第一批职业之一,但是师范的发展和妇女在这方面的作 用却是复杂的。因此用表示转折的while引导。

16. A  and连接的句子前后时态应该保持一致,and前面用的是一般现在时,那么and之后也应该用一般现在时。并且主语是teaching,是单数,因此系动词也应该用单数。因此答案为A。

17. D  play the role是固定搭配,表示“扮演……的角色”。

18. A  根据前文可知,现在能被视为相当于大学教育水平的文凭,当时却只能够供女子在中小学教书。with和have虽然都可以表示拥有某物,但是with是介词而have是动词,此句不缺主谓宾中任何一个成分,因此用with引导伴随状语。

19. D  该句前半部分谈到最早的师范学校,然后又提到了“单一性别就读的中学的一部分”和“不同的独立机构”,“大学的学术机构”,并且在“不同的独立机构”,“大学的学术机构”前有介词to的出现。因此可以推测该句讲的是师范学校的发展历程。arrange for为……安排。range from...to...范围从……到……。句意:最早的师范学校从被视为单一性别就读的中学的一部分,到不同的独立机构,再到一些大学的学术机构。

20. B  由于university是单数,且没有特指出是哪间大学,因此C和D选项排除。而university是以辅音音标开头,因此前面的冠词应该用“a”,答案为B。

Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension

Section A (40 points)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and write the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.

According to a survey, which was based on the responses of over 188,000 students, today’s traditional-age college freshmen are “more materialistic and less altruistic(利他主义的)” than at any time in the 17 years of the poll.

Not surprising in these hard times, the student’s major objective “is to be financially well off. Less important than ever is developing a meaningful philosophy of life.” It follows then that today the most popular course is not literature or history but accounting.

Interest in teaching, social service and the “altruistic” fields is at a low. On the other hand, enrollment in business programs, engineering and computer science is way up.

That’s no surprise either. A friend of mine (a sales representative for a chemical company) was making twice the salary of her college instructors her first year on the job—even before she completed her two-year associate degree.

While it’s true that we all need a career, it is equally true that our civilization has accumulated an incredible amount of knowledge in fields far removed from our own and that we are better for our understanding of these other contributions—be they scientific or artistic. It is equally true that, in studying the diverse wisdom of others, we learn how to think. More important, perhaps, education teaches us to see the connections between things, as well as to see beyond our immediate needs.

Weekly we read of unions who went on strike for higher wages, only to drive their employer out of business. No company: no job. How shortsighted in the long run!

But the most important argument for a broad education is that in studying the accumulated wisdom of the ages, we improve our moral sense. I saw a cartoon recently which shows a group of businessmen looking puzzled as they sit around a conference table; one of them is talking on the intercom(对讲机): “Miss Baxter,” he says, “could you please send in someone who can distinguish right from wrong?”

From the long-term point of view, that’s wheat education really ought to be about.

21. According to the author’s observation, college students ______.

A. have never been so interested in the arts

B. have never been so financially well off as today

C. have never been so materialistic as today

D. have never attached so much importance to moral sense





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