
发布时间:2020-06-13 05:38:10








Winter Scene 冬景

◎By Archie Randolph Ammons译·赏析/辛献云

There is now not a single

leaf on the cherry tree:

except when the jay

plummetsin, lights, and,

in pure clarity, squalls:

then every branch

quivers and

breaks out in blue leaves.









阿奇·伦道夫·阿蒙斯(Archie Randolph Ammons, 1926~2001),美国著名诗人,康奈尔大学教授,一生著有近30部诗集,擅长交替使用滑稽和严肃的语调来描述人与自然的关系,曾两度获得美国国家图书奖(诗歌类)以及众多其他奖项。其代表作有诗集《树之海岸》(A Coast of Trees)、《垃圾》(Garbage)等。《冬景》以简洁的笔触描绘了一幅充满情趣的冬日图景:光秃秃的樱桃树上不见一片树叶,突然,一只松鸦飞了过来,停在枝头,扑打着蓝色的羽翅,霎时,原本空无一物的枝头仿佛绽放出片片蓝色的树叶,给万物肃杀的严冬注入生命的灵动。诗人从纷繁芜杂的冬日图景中择取这一幅洁净的画面,进行放大和特写,空无一物的樱桃树和蓝色羽毛幻化而成的片片树叶形成鲜明的意象对比,给人以深刻印象。




Josh Hutcherson:Keep Moving On 乔什·哈切森:不断前行◎By KaleemAftab译/阿诺


During his downtimefrom shooting The Hunger Games in Atlanta, Georgia, Josh Hutcherson would go to the park and join in with games of football, or soccer as the American calls it."I always think if I was in their position, how weird it would be.You know? Just in the park playing a normal soccer game in Atlanta, and all of a sudden, like, 'Wait, is that Peeta, coming to play? What the hell is he doing here?'"

The 22-year-old Chelsea fan laughs, before adding, "That would be so weird.Sometimes me and Woody Harrelsonwould go and play pick-upgames—Woody loves to play soccer too—and it's just a weird thing to be a part of it."

It's a typical gesture from the actor, who seems determined to make the ordinary out of the extraordinary.Indeed, he's so mild-mannered and down-to-earth, that it's hard to think of him as being the star of the biggest franchise to hit our screens this year.As soon as he's recognised on the field, and it doesn't take long, he says he has to work twice as hard to prove himself: "You've got a target on your back, that's for sure.'I wanna try to take him down.' You have to be careful."



这是哈切森典型的姿态,他似乎一心想化不凡为平凡。确实,他是如此温文尔雅、朴实谦逊,让人很难相信他是今年上映的最热门的系列电影中的明星。他说一旦在球场上被人认出来,而且那一般用不了多久,他就必须加倍努力证明自己。“你就成了别人的靶子,这是肯定的。‘我想设法把他放倒。’你必须得小心点才行。”A Hollywood Celebrity Working Hard to Prove Himself一个努力要证明自己的好莱坞名人

He should be used to coming under attack by now.Peeta Mellark, his character in The Hunger Games, is a contestant in a game in which the victor is whoever doesn't get killed.Although he and Katniss, played by Jennifer Lawrence, at the end of the first film both survive after a rule change works to their benefit.They fake a love story and must endear themselves to television viewers.It's easy to imagine that, were Hutcherson to subject himself to a reality show, such as I'm a Celebrity ...Get Me Out of Here, he would have no problems with winning over voters.He's incredibly likeable with seemingly no airs and graces.

As with the final book of the Harry Potter franchise, the final episode of The Hunger Games trilogy has been split into two films: Mockingjay, Part 1 and Part 2.The splitting of the book into two films has met with Hutcherson's approval.Hutcherson is extremely adeptat saying all the right things when necessary, but he doesn't hide the fact that he'd rather just concentrate on talking about himself, and the film at hand."I'm not a PRperson.I'm an actor.I want to make movies and tell stories and all the auxiliarythings that come from The Hunger Games can be frustrating at times, but I think the good far outweigh the bad."


如同《哈利·波特》系列的终结篇一样,《饥饿游戏》三部曲的最后一部也被分成了两部影片——《嘲笑鸟(上)》和《嘲笑鸟(下)》。将原著拆分成两部影片得到了哈切森的赞同。哈切森非常擅长在必要的时候说正确的话,但他并不隐瞒他宁可只谈跟他本人和即将上映的电影有关的话题这一事实。“我又不是公关人员,我是个演员。我只想拍电影,把故事讲好。所有那些伴随《饥饿游戏》而来的事情有时真的挺让人恼火的,不过我觉得利还是远远大于弊。”An Icon Pursuing Progress 一个追求进步的偶像

The actor has been put right into the middle of fan culture.He is an icon.Yet he finds some of the reactions bizarre."It's weird when people cry.Tears falling down their cheeks and you're like 'I'm sorry.I don't want to make you cry.Shall I go now?' I don't know what to do.It's uncomfortable."

He hopes that the tears will dry as he graduates from young adult films.It's a natural process that as actors get older they don't want to be stuck doing teen movies.Yet Hutcherson is still young, and looks younger and could get away withplaying teenagers for some time yet, but it's with some relishthat he says, "I think I've had my share of young adult movies.It's been great in many ways, but it's time to move on."

And what Hutcherson wants he usually gets.He was only four years old when the Kentucky native announced to his parents that he wanted to be an actor.Initially, his flight attendant mother, and his father, an analyst at an environmental agency, didn't want him to act.Nonetheless, aged nine, he was on the phone to an agent in Los Angeles trying to get an acting gig.

He was an immediate success, winning roles on television, before the character Hero Boy was created using motion capturefrom his facial expressions and body movements in The Polar Express.More prominent film roles in Little Manhattan, Bridge to Terabithia and 2008 remake of Journey to the Centre of the Earth followed.But it was his nuancedrole playing the son of a same sex couple searching for his biological father in The Kids Are All Right that demonstrated that he was more than just another flash in the panchild actor.

He's already made his first inroadsinto more adult fare.He stars in Escobar: Paradise Lost, in which Benicio del Toroplays the Colombian drug baronEscobar and Hutcherson plays an American named Nick who dates Escobar's daughter and becomes part of his inner circle.

"I was nervous," says Hutcherson about playing Nick."It was the most pressure I've had in a film to perform and execute at a high level.A lot of the plot rides onmy character and if I sucked it was going to be so bad.The director Andrea was the biggest help, he had so much confidence in me."

It was also a chance for him to act alongside del Toro.The Academy Award winner had cast Hutcherson in a short film that he made as part of the 7 Days in Havana project.

As for drugs in Hollywood, Hutcherson says, "I'm aware of it definitely.It's something that is all around, but you can choose to be in it or not and it's all about surrounding yourself with the right kind of people.For me I want to live and experience life and have a good time and everything but all in moderation."

His conversation is pepperedwith irony, which he uses to create humour whenever the opportunity presents itself.Asked how he copes with the pressure of being the star of a Hollywood franchise he quips, "A lot of drugs." Before adding, "I don't feel pressure, everybody is talking about it so maybe I should.I feel really comfortable and relaxed, and where my career goes, it goes, and if people stop hiring me then I'll find a way to stay happy and do something else I love.I want to produce and direct."

He's already created a production company with his mother to achieve that goal and judging by how everything else has gone in his career, it'll be no surprise if it's soon flying high.










为了实现这一目标,他已经和妈妈一起开办了一家制片公司。以他此前事业的发展状况来判断,如果这家公司很快就大获成功,那也不足为奇。A Young Actor Grateful of Companions and Opportunities一个对同伴和机会感恩的年轻演员

Unlike the stars of that other popular YA franchise, Twilight, Hutcherson is grateful that the young cast of The Hunger Games series isn't seen by the public as being inextricablylinked to the property, which affords him the opportunity to dive into edgierprojects like Escobar.That, he says, is because of Jennifer Lawrence.

"We got lucky!" he says."I think it helps so much that Jennifer is who she is, and has done the work that she's done.It gives us more credibility that we're associated with her, since she's been nominated for multiple Oscars and won one.Also, The Hunger Games didn't create us.The makers brought all the cast members onto the project and helped create it.I think that's a big reason why we're not tied to it in a negative way."

Things weren't always so peachyfor Hutcherson.The young actor, who's been in the business since the age of 9 when he landed a role on the TV pilot House Blend, was one of three finalists for the role of Spider-Man in the reboot The Amazing Spider-Man.The role eventually went to the limber Andrew Garfield.

"That was one of the biggest heartbreaks in the world where I didn't get Spider-Man," he says."I wanted it so bad.But then, I got The Hunger Games a few months later, and was like, Fuck yeah! It all worked out."

The two-part finale to The Hunger Games franchise, Mockingjay, finished filming in June.According to Hutcherson, wrappingwas "bittersweet", and as a result, the cast didn't have a massive celebration at the end of it.


哈切森的事业也并非总是一帆风顺。这位年轻演员九岁时就凭借电视试播剧《House Blend》中的角色出道,还曾是重拍的《超凡蜘蛛侠》一片中蜘蛛侠一角最终的三名人选之一——这个角色最终落到了身手灵活的英国演员安德鲁·加菲尔德手里。“没能得到蜘蛛侠的角色是我在世上最伤心的事之一,”他说,“我太希望得到这个角色了,不过,几个月之后我就拿到了《饥饿游戏》的片约,我当时想,太棒了!努力总算没白费。”《饥饿游戏》系列的终结篇《嘲笑鸟》上下两部已于6月拍摄完毕。据哈切森说,影片杀青时感觉“苦乐参半”,因此全体演员并没有在杀青后大肆庆祝。

Things You Never Knew About Josh Hutcherson 你所不知道的乔什·哈切森

◎From celebs.answers.com译/阿诺He Likes to Cook他喜欢做饭

Hutcherson is no stranger to the kitchen, and he told InStyle magazine that he makes "a meanapple pie".He prepares the entire pie, including the crust, from scratch.This skill came in handyfor his role as the baker's son, Peeta, in the Hunger Games movies.

哈切森可不是厨房里的稀客,他告诉《造型》杂志说,他做的“苹果派好极了”。他能从头开始完成整个派的制作,包括制作苹果派的皮。在《饥饿游戏》系列电影中扮演面包师之子皮塔这个角色时,他的这门手艺派上了用场。His Mother Homeschooled Him他的母亲在家教他读书

Hutcherson attended New Haven Elementary School in his hometown until he decided to pursue an acting career.His mother then quit her job with an airline to assist her son with his dream.Teaching him at home was one of her duties.

哈切森曾就读于家乡的纽黑文小学,直到他决定从事演艺事业。他的母亲就辞去了航空公司的工作,以帮助儿子实现梦想。在家教他读书正是她的职责之一。Kristen StewartGave Him a Pet Turtle克里斯汀·斯图尔特送过他一只宠物龟

Hutcherson and Kristen Stewart met on the set of the film Zathura in 2005.That same year, Kristen gave Hutcherson a turtle for his 13th birthday.He named the turtle Bob.

哈切森跟克里斯汀·斯图尔特是2005年在电影《勇敢者的游戏2》的片场认识的。就在那一年,克里斯汀送给哈切森一只乌龟作为他的13岁生日礼物。哈切森给这只乌龟起名叫鲍勃。He Is a Fan of Some Popular Idols他是一些流行偶像的粉丝

Hutcherson frequently cites Jake Gyllenhaalas his professional inspiration.He has also looked up to Justin Timberlakefor most of his life.As a child, he once dyed the tips of his hair to match Timberlake's platinum blondelocks.When he was nine years old, Hutcherson performed onstage with his childhood idol Timberlake.



An Open Letter to All of My Friends Who Take Selfies 致所有喜欢自拍的朋友们◎By Annabelle译/廉冰

Dear Friends Who Take Selfies,

I want you to know that I love it when you post pictures of yourself.I know selfies get a lot of bad press, but I think they're rad.They give me a little window into your life, and you'd be amazed at how much I can get out of one little photo.

I love your pictures because I love seeing what you're wearing—the outfitsyou build give me ideas about how to mix it up with my own wardrobe, and seeing you work your shitgives me courage to try clothing that I otherwise might have thought was too outlandishor revealing.

I love seeing how you do your hair and makeup.You look like a hot babeand I wish you would make YouTube tutorialsexplaining how you get your eyelinerjust so.I want you to post pictures every time you change your hair, because seeing you cycle through all those neon colours gives me great ideas about what to do next with my own hair.

I love when you take selfies in your house.It's neatto see where you live.When your place is cluttered, it makes me feel better about my own messyapartment.When your house is neat, it encourages me to get my shit togetherand do the damn dishes already.I like seeing the things you own and the art you put on your walls, because those things tell me so much about who you are and what you care about.

I love when you take selfies while on vacation.I don't get to travel often, so your pictures allow me to live vicariouslythrough you.The excitement on your face when you take a selfie at the Trevi Fountain or by the Arc de Triomphe is perfect and beautiful.I've seen a thousand pictures of the Louvre Pyramid, but the most interesting ones are the ones with you in it.If I wanted to see a picture of the Great Wall of China all on its own, I could just google it.You're what makes those pictures special.

Mostly I love your selfies because I love seeing you feel good about yourself.I love how your face glows when you look like a million bucksand you know it.I love when you celebrate yourself.You deserve to be celebrated.

It's easy for people to roll their eyesat selfies and make jokes about girls who just want attention, but the truth is that for lots of girls posting pictures of themselves is a way of challenging our culture's narrow beauty standards.

Selfies are a way of saying, "I love myself, and I will fight anyone who tries to change that fact."

Selfies are not a question.They're not asking, "Do you think I'm pretty?"

Selfies are a statement: "I am here."

I see you.

I love you.

You matter.

Your selfies are inspirational.That might sound corny, but it's true.When I see you love yourself, it helps me love myself.I suspect the same is true for lots of other people who see your pictures.

So please keep taking selfies.Please fill my Facebook and Twitter feedswith your wonderfulface.Every picture you post fills me with so much joy.I love seeing you.
















所以请继续自拍吧。请用你们美丽的容颜填满我的Facebook和推特消息列表吧。你们发的每一张照片都让我内心无比喜悦,我喜欢看见你们的样子!Selfie Obsession 我们为啥爱自拍?◎By Melissa Walker译/古娟

It's easy: flipthe viewon your phone and hold it at a high angle, making your eyes look bigger and your cheekbones more defined.Position your thumb over the button, turn to your best side and click.

The art of the selfie is one that lots of people have practiced and perfected in recent years.Seriously, lots.According to a study, more than 90% of teens have posted a photo of themselves online.You're not alone: celebrities like Miley Cyrus, Rihanna and Justin Bieber are perpetualselfie posters, as you've likely noticed.And when even the Mars roveris programmed to be able to take photos of itself, you know selfies are more than just a trend.They're here to stay.



Part of the reason for their popularity? "The cultof the selfie celebratesregular people," says Pamela Rutledge, Ph.D., faculty director of the media psychology program at the Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology."There are many more photographs available now of real people than models." And posting selfies is an empowering act for another reason: it allows you to control your image online."I am painfully self-consciousabout photos of myself," admits Samantha, 19, from Missouri."I like having the power to choose how I look, even if I'm making a funny face."

But let's be real: the most common selfie is the one where you look cute, partially because it's a quick way to get positive comments about your appearance."If I feel pretty, I take one," says Maryland, native Paris, 23."When other people Likeit, it's a mini boostof confidence."



Sure, showing off a new outfit or that you're at a cool event is fun, but it can be a slippery slope.Psychologist Jill Weber, Ph.D., says there's a danger that your self-esteemmay start to be tied to the comments and Likes you get when you post a selfie, and they aren't based on who you are—they're based on what you look like.On one hand, seeking validationis totally normal, Dr.Weber explains: "It's a healthy way for teenagers to develop their identity." But with social networks, where it's easy to get quick hits of approval almost constantly, the selfie thing can quickly spiralout of control.It may even start to feel like an addiction: when you get a "GORGE", you're up, but when you get nothing—or a "get over yourself"—your confidence can plummet.Girls in particular are socialized toward seeing themselves as lovable and worthwhile only if others value them, Dr.Weber notes, and "selfie culture is a way for this tendency to go into overdrive".


That could be one explanation for total selfie overload."My friends and I joke about people who have selfies as their cell phone backgrounds," says Cora, 17, from Massachusetts."It seems like they have nothing important in their lives other than the way they look, which is pretty shallow." But according to Dr.Weber, there's more to it than that."In my experience, girls who repeatedly post selfies struggle with low self-esteem," she says.





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