
发布时间:2020-06-13 11:05:52







版权信息COPYRIGHT INFORMATION书名:黑骏马(轻松英语名作欣赏-小学版)(第3级)作者:西维尔排版:燕子出版社:外语教学与研究出版社出版时间:2009-07-01ISBN:9787560087450本书由外语教学与研究出版社有限责任公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —Chapter 01/第1章Black Beauty's Early Years黑骏马的幼年生活

I was born on a farm. It had lots of green grass.

I lived on my mother's milk when I was young.

As I got older, I ate grass.

I ran around the field all day long.

I had lots of fun with my friends!

Sometimes we bit and kicked each other.

One day, my mother said to me,

"I hope you will grow up to be gentle and good.

Never bite or kick, even just in play."

Words Up 你认识吗?

bear 出生(bear-bore-born)

farm 农场

grass 草

field 牧场

bite 咬(bite-bit-bit)

kick 踢

grow up 长大

gentle 温和的grass

Expressions Up 你知道吗?

I lived on my mother's milk.


▶live on:以……为生

As I got older, I ate grass.



I hope you will grow up to be gentle and good.


▶grow up to be:长成……

Quiz Quiz 考考你

T □ F □

Black Beauty had no friends on the farm.

As I grew, I became handsome. My coat became blacker.

I had a star on my forehead and one of my feet was white.

One day, a man named Squire Gordon came to look at me.

"I like this one. I want to have him," he said to my master.

"OK. I will train him as a good horse," my master answered.

I had to wear a saddle on my back and horseshoes on my feet.

Then I was trained to carry someone and pull a carriage.

The time came to say goodbye to my mother.

She looked at me for a long time and said,

"Remember, do your best whatever happens and keep up your good name."

Words Up 你认识吗?

coat 皮毛

forehead 前额

master 主人

train 训练

wear 戴(wear-wore-worn)

saddle 马鞍

back 脊背

horseshoe 马蹄铁

carriage 马车saddlehorseshoecarriage

Expressions Up 你知道吗?

do your best whatever happens


▶do one's best:尽……所能

keep up your good name


▶keep up:保持

▶good name:好名声

Quiz Quiz 考考你

What did Black Beauty wear on his back? □ □

Mr. Gordon's farm was very beautiful.

There were lots of big trees and nice grass.

I was taken into a large stable.

There was a horse called Ginger.

She was a very beautiful brown horse.

Soon Ginger and I became good friends.

I met a coachman named John and a stable boy named James.

John brushed my coat. Then he took me to Mr. Gordon and his wife.

"Oh, he is really beautiful!" cried Mrs. Gordon.

They decided to call me "Black Beauty".

I thought that was a nice name for me.

Words Up 你认识吗?

stable 马厩

brown 棕色的

coachman 马夫

brush 刷

decide 决定stable

Expressions Up 你知道吗?

Then he took me to Mr. Gordon and his wife.



a coachman named John


▶name:给……取名。例如:a garden named Eden 一座名叫伊甸园的花园

They decided to call me "Black Beauty".


▶decide + to + 动词原形:决定做……

Quiz Quiz 考考你

Who brushed Black Beauty's coat?

□ Mr. Gordon.

□ John.

Sometimes Ginger and I pulled the carriage together. Ginger had a bad temper, but worked very hard.

She was the best partner.

One day, Ginger and I were resting under a tree.

Ginger said, "No one has ever been kind to me.

I was often beaten and treated very badly.

So I bite and kick people."

I was very sad to hear her story. It was different from mine.

"Mr. Gordon and John are nice. They will be good to you," I said.

After that, Ginger changed slowly.

She became gentle and happy.

Words Up 你认识吗?

pull 拉

temper 脾气

best 最好的

partner 搭档

rest 休息

kind 友善的

beat 打(beat-beat-beaten)

treat 对待

hear 听说(hear-heard-heard)

Expressions Up 你知道吗?

No one has ever been kind to me.


▶has ever been:have/has + 动词过去分词,构成现在完成时,表示一个过去发生的动作或完成的状态,并且这个动作或状态对现在有影响。例如:I have never heard of it. 我从没听说过这件事。

It was different from mine.


▶be different from:与……不同

▶mine 在此处指my story。

Quiz Quiz 考考你

T □ F □

Ginger's life was happy and nice.

It was raining very hard but Mr. Gordon and John had to go on a business trip.

I went back home late in the afternoon with Mr. Gordon and John.

When we got to the bridge, it was nearly dark.

I was a little afraid, but I didn't stop.

But just as I was putting my feet on the bridge,

I felt something was wrong.

I could not go forward so I stopped.

"Come on, Beauty!" John said to me.

Just then, a man ran out to us.

"Stop," the man cried,

"the bridge is broken in the middle!"

"Oh, thank God!" said my master.

Words Up 你认识吗?

bridge 桥

dark 黑暗的

afraid 担心的

wrong 不对劲的

break 断(break-broke-broken)

middle 中间bridge

Expressions Up 你知道吗?

Mr. Gordon and John had to go on a business trip


▶business trip:出差(因生意上的事)

When we got to the bridge, it was nearly dark.


▶get to:到达……

▶nearly:几乎,将近。例如:It's nearly one o'clock. 将近一点钟了。

Quiz Quiz 考考你

Black Beauty stopped because the __________ was broken in the middle. □ □

In the middle of the night, we arrived at home finally.

Mrs. Gordon ran out of the door and cried,

"Oh, are you all right? I heard the bridge was broken. I was so worried!"

"Beauty saved us, my dear," said my master.

"Yes. Beauty was wiser than we were," said John.

Then John took me to the stable.

Oh, what a nice supper he gave me that night!

He made such a thick bed of straw for me as well.

Words Up 你认识吗?

arrive 到达

save 救

supper 晚餐

thick 厚的

bed (床铺似的)一层

straw 稻草straw

Expressions Up 你知道吗?

Beauty was wiser than we were.


▶wiser: wise 的比较级,意为“更聪明”

▶形容词/副词比较级+ than:比……更……

Oh, what a nice supper he gave me that night!


▶what a nice supper: what + a/an + adj./adv. + n. 构成感叹句,= how + adj./adv. + a/an + n.

He made such a thick bed of straw for me as well.



▶as well:此外

Quiz Quiz 考考你

John said, "Black Beauty was __________ than we were."

□ wiser

□ strongerWords & Sentences 1练练看

A 根据图形选择字母补全单词,写两遍。

B 选择适当的词填空并连线。

C 仿照例句,用所给的词造句。



➞ I had a star on my forehead.


➞ __________________________________.


➞ __________________________________.Chapter 02/第2章Leaving the Happy Home离开快乐的家

Mr. Gordon and Mrs. Gordon decided to visit some friends.

James, the stable boy, drove the carriage that Ginger and I pulled.

He was leaving us soon to go to a better job.

When we arrived at the town, it was dark.

Mr. Gordon and Mrs. Gordon went to a hotel.

James brought Ginger and me to the stable at the hotel. We had to stay there for the night.

It wasn't as comfortable as home, but I fell asleep.

Words Up 你认识吗?

visit 拜访

drive 驾驶(drive-drove-driven)

leave 离开(leave-left-left)

job 工作

stay 暂住

comfortable 舒服的

Expressions Up 你知道吗?

He was leaving us soon to go to a better job.


▶was leaving soon:不久就要离开be + go/come/leave/arrive 的现在分词= be going to go/come/leave/arrive,表示“即将……”

It wasn't as comfortable as home, but I fell asleep.


▶as + 形容词+ as + 名词:像……一样……,否定式为not as + 形容词+ as + 名词。

▶fall asleep:睡着

Quiz Quiz 考考你

T □ F □

Mr. Gordon drove the carriage to visit some friends.

In the middle of the night, I woke up and smelled something. There was a fire in the stable.

At that time I heard James calling my name.

"Come, Beauty! Don't be afraid!"

He tied his scarf lightly over my eyes, and led me out of the stable. Then he went back for Ginger. James was coming through the smoke, leading Ginger.

Everyone talked about the fire. Last night a man left his pipe in the stable.

Because of the pipe, the dry straw caught fire. Pipes were never allowed in the stable at Mr. Gordon's farm.

I thought it should be the rule everywhere.

Words Up 你认识吗?

fire 火

tie 绑

scarf 围巾

lead 牵引(lead-led-led)

smoke 烟

leave 落下(leave-left-left)

pipe 烟斗

catch 着火(catch-caught-caught)

allow 允许

rule 规矩firepipe

Expressions Up 你知道吗?

Because of the pipe, the dry straw caught fire.


▶catch fire:着火

I thought it should be the rule everywhere.



Quiz Quiz 考考你

Because of the __________ , the dry straw caught fire. □ □

We were all very sad when James left for his new job.

"I'll miss James a lot," Ginger said.

"Me too. This place won't be the same without him," I said.

A few days later, a little boy named Joe Green came as a stable boy.

Joe was too small to take care of Ginger and me, but he worked very hard.

He learned to clean the stable and bring the horses new straw. He was nice and always very kind to us.

We called him "Little Joe".

Soon everyone on the farm liked Little Joe.

Words Up 你认识吗?

miss 想念

place 地方

learn 学习

clean 打扫

bring 拿来(bring-brought-brought)





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