
发布时间:2020-06-14 15:18:07








第一部分 大作文必背范文01 环保类:过度开发02 环保类:濒危物种03 环保类:低碳生活04 文化类:文化遗产05 文化类:文化自信06 科技类:网购07 科技类:信息泄露08 科技类:共享单车09 家庭伦理类:空巢10 家庭伦理类:啃老11 品质类:意志力12 品质类:自控力13 品质类:行动力14 品质类:诚信15 教育类:作弊16 教育类:学位与能力17 交通类:私家车18 交通类:交通堵塞19 健康类:全民健身20 健康类:压力第二部分 小作文必背范文01 感谢信02 道歉信03 求学信04 求职信05 投诉信06 推荐信07 祝贺信08 邀请信09 拒绝信10 慰问信11 建议信12 订购信13 倡议信14 询问信15 告示16 备忘录17 报告18 寻物启事19 招领启事20 请假条序言|preface















因此,本书可用于考生进行深度学习,提高自身的写作能力。另外,本书也适合在考前进行背诵,俗话说“熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟”,说的就是这个道理。头脑中积累20篇大作文和20篇小作文之后,考场上必能思如泉涌,写出的文章也一定能具有很强的可读性。考研之路漫漫长,需要考生上下而求索。科学地研习和背诵本书中的文章,是考生在考研路上顺利通过的有力保障!愿所有考生锲而不舍,梦想成真!第一部分 大作文必背范文01 环保类:过度开发Directions:

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the picture below. In your essay, you should

1) describe the picture briefly,

2) interpret the meaning, and

3) give your comments.经典范文

As is vividly portrayed in the cartoon, three men are running down a hill in panic, because they see that the fierce flood is rushing out of the valley. It is shocking that almost all the trees on the hill have been cut down.

The idea conveyed by the photo is apparent: insatiable and excessive exploitation by human beings has brought about destructive effects on the earth. Driven by greed, some people exploit mineral resources at will, without considering their exhaustion, and some people are inclined to overfish to maximize their short-term gains. There is no denying that, if this disturbing situation goes on as it is, the consequences will be disastrous. The ecological balance will be further destroyed. More forest resources will be lost to desertification. More wild species will also lose their last habitats and head for extinct. Sooner or later, we human beings will fall victims to our own short-sighted behaviors.

In conclusion, it is high time that due attention should be paid to the destructive behaviors of human beings on nature. To avoid revenge from nature and prevent things from becoming worse, we should enhance the public's awareness of resource conservation. Meanwhile, legal control should be tightened. Only in this way can we expect to achieve sustainable development.参考译文




insatiable 贪婪的

excessive exploitation 过度开发

destructive effect 灾难性影响

exhaustion 枯竭

be inclined to 倾向于

ecological balance 生态平衡

desertification 沙漠化

habitat 栖息地

short-sighted 目光短浅的

awareness of resource conservation 资源保护意识

sustainable development 可持续发展02 环保类:濒危物种Directions:

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the picture below. In your essay, you should

1) describe the picture briefly,

2) interpret the meaning, and

3) give your comments.经典范文

As is shown in the picture above, a man proudly tells the woman beside him that he has tasted most of the species on display when they walk out of an endangered animals’ exhibition. Hearing this, the woman is obviously shocked, sweating and not knowing what to say.

The scene in the picture indicates that due attention should be paid to the issue of wildlife extinction. There are many factors causing wildlife extinction. First, the main one is that human beings lack the awareness of wildlife protection, hunting and killing wildlife illegally for the sake of profits, which leads to the decrease of wildlife. What's more, the destruction of ecological environment also plays a role. With less forest and pasture coverage as well as more pollution and soil erosion, it becomes increasingly difficult for the wildlife to survive. Last but not least, the growing population brings about greater demand for lands, which, inevitably, will continue to deprive many animals’ last habitats. Thus, a growing number of wild species will become homeless and extinct.

It is advisable for us to make joint efforts and take some effective actions to protect wildlife. First, we should enhance people's awareness of wildlife protection. Second, to address the urgent problem, we have to set aside lands for more nature reserves, for it is never too late to mend.参考译文




on display 展览

endangered animal 濒危动物

wildlife extinction 野生动物灭绝

illegally 非法的

for the sake of 为了

profit 利益

decrease 下降

what's more 另外

ecological environment 生态环境

play a role 起作用

soil erosion 水土流失

survive 存活

growing population 不断增长的人口

deprive 剥夺

advisable 明智的

make efforts 做出努力

take actions 采取行动

wildlife protection 保护野生动物

it is never too late to mend 亡羊补牢,为时未晚03 环保类:低碳生活Directions:

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the picture below. In your essay, you should

1) describe the picture briefly,

2) interpret the meaning, and

3) give your comments.经典范文

As is depicted in the picture above, a tree is thriving with luxuriant foliage, whose trunk is designed in the shape of a bulb. The caption reads, "Are you ‘low-carbon’ today?” Obviously, the picture is trying to advocate a low-carbon life.

A low-carbon lifestyle represents a healthier, safer and more environmental-friendly life, as well as low-cost and low-consumption. Nowadays leading a low-carbon life becomes a trend and even fashion. I think there are some factors accounting for it. First, people gradually realize that resources on the earth are not inexhaustible and the shortage of resources has already caused trouble to people's daily life and hindered social and economic development. Second, population explosion and industrialization during the past few decades have not only exerted great pressure on environment but also caused some irreversible destruction. If we let it continue as it is, our descendants would not be living on a habitable earth.

All in all, to protect the environment and achieve sustainable development, a low-carbon life would be a good start. We can go to work by public transportation instead of driving private cars. And we can also use environmental-friendly bags instead of plastic bags which lead to the white pollution. In a word, no matter how small what we do in our daily life for low carbon, these things will make a difference.参考译文




thriving 茂盛的

low-carbon life 低碳生活

environmental-friendly 环保的

trend 趋势

fashion 时尚

account for 说明……的原因

shortage of resources 资源短缺

hinder 阻碍

social and economic development 社会和经济发展

industrialization 工业化

exerted pressure on 对……施加压力

irreversible 不可逆转的

descendant 后代

lead to 导致

make a difference 有作用04 文化类:文化遗产Directions:

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the picture below. In your essay, you should

1) describe the picture briefly,

2) interpret the meaning, and

3) give your comments.经典范文

The cartoon vividly depicts that a bell connected with a line is being pulled hard and repeatedly to sound the alarm. There are some words on the bell, which reads "conservation of cultural heritage" .

The purpose of the picture is to draw our attention to the protection of cultural heritage. I firmly believe that cultural heritage is an important indicator of national development. Unfortunately, destruction of cultural relics is not hard to find and many cultural treasures are gradually disappearing as time goes on. Wars, natural disasters, modern city plannings all play a part in the process. If we let it continue as it is, these treasures of human civilization, tangible and intangible, will be at greater risk.

In short, it is time for us to act together and make concerted efforts to protect cultural heritages. First, it is advisable for cultural heritage protection institutions to actively repair and restore the damaged heritages of human civilization. Second, every one of us has the responsibility to make our contribution to ensure that the wisdom and fruits of our ancestors are well preserved and passed on.参考译文




depict 描述

conservation of cultural heritage 文化遗产保护

indicator 标志

cultural relic 文物

cultural treasure 文化瑰宝

human civilization 人类文明

tangible 有形的

intangible 无形的

in short 简言之

institution 机构

restore 恢复

make contribution to 为……做贡献

wisdom 智慧

ancestor 祖先

preserve 保护

pass on 传承05 文化类:文化自信Directions:

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the picture below. In your essay, you should

1) describe the picture briefly,

2) interpret the meaning, and

3) give your comments.经典范文

In the picture,wearing a traditional costume, a Peking Opera artist sheds tears for worrying about the possibility that the opera may fail to be inherited in the modern world. Simple as the picture is, it is thought-provoking.

Obviously, the picture aims to remind people that traditional Chinese culture that has been ignored is in desperate need of protection and inheritance. With western cultural elements flooding into China, foreign songs, dramas and festivals are labeled as fashionable, but traditional ones as something "out of date" . In reality, it is not hard to find some youngsters who are crazy about everything from abroad while turning a blind eye to anything related with Chinese tradition. However, traditional Chinese culture, as the crystallization of wisdoms from ancient people, is great treasures left for us. As Chinese people, there is no excuse for us to shun the responsibility to protect and pass on traditional Chinese culture.

To sum up, traditional culture should never be abandoned at any time although western culture influences us to some degree. Instead, it is our bounden duty to carry forward our own splendid culture and make it endure forever.参考译文




traditional costume 传统服饰

Peking Opera 京剧

shed tears 潸然泪下

inherit 传承

ignore 忽视

be in desperate need of 急需

flood into 涌入

be labeled as 被视为

be crazy about 疯狂喜爱

turn a blind eye to 对……视而不见

crystallization of wisdom 智慧的结晶

there is no excuse to do sth. 没有借口做某事

shun the responsibility 躲避责任

bounden duty 应尽的责任

carry forward 发扬

splendid culture 灿烂的文化

endure forever 经久不衰06 科技类:网购Directions:

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the picture below. In your essay, you should

1) describe the picture briefly,

2) interpret the meaning, and

3) give your comments.经典范文:

Just as the picture depicts, an elderly couple sitting in front of a computer are selecting products they would like to buy and they appear to be extremely satisfied with shopping online. Obviously, online shopping has enjoyed wide popularity among the people and experienced an unprecedented boom in recent years.

The cartoon vividly reveals that shopping online, as a prevalent means of buying stuff, becomes a fashion and plays an indispensable role in people's daily life. Undoubtedly, the rise of shopping online has brought people great convenience. Since its appearance, people don’t have to queue up to pay bills or go to different shops on a hot summer day to buy a desirable skirt. Instead, just a click on the mouse is enough for people to get what they want. Nevertheless, sometimes the products people received are different from the photos offered by the sellers and the quality of goods is far from satisfaction. In addition, when scanning false websites accidently, consumers are likely to fall into the trap of Internet fraud set by immoral people. Thus, the safety of personal property will be threatened.

According to the analysis mentioned above, there is much room for online shopping to improve in spite of its great convenience. Therefore, it is advisable for consumers to enhance their self-protection awareness when purchasing goods online. Meanwhile, strict supervision is a must to guarantee a sound environment for shopping online.参考译文:




be extremely satisfied with 对……非常满意

shopping online 网购

enjoy wide popularity 广受欢迎

experience an unprecedented boom 经历了前所未有的繁荣

prevalent 流行的

play an indispensable role 发挥着不可或缺的作用

queue up 排队

pay bills 缴费

desirable 心仪的

nevertheless 然而

be far from satisfaction 不尽人意

false website 虚假网站

be likely to 有可能

fall into the trap 落入陷阱

Internet fraud 网络诈骗

the safety of personal property 个人财产的安全

in spite of 尽管

enhance self-protection awareness 提升自我保护意识

guarantee 保证

sound environment 良好的环境07 科技类:信息泄露Directions:

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the picture below. In your essay, you should

1) describe the picture briefly,

2) interpret the meaning, and

3) give your comments.经典范文

As is depicted in the cartoon, a woman has unconsciously leaked her personal information to a criminal when surfing online. With a mobile phone in hand, the woman considers digital life convenient while ignoring the underlying threat posed by the leakage of information.

The cartoon mirrors a common social phenomenon: leakage of private information. When scanning websites or shopping online, people are sometimes forced to fill in personal information, such as phone numbers, national identity numbers and bank account. Coupled with imperfect online supervision and management, privacy of netizens is easily exposed to criminals who gain illegal profits by gathering and selling others’ information. Consequently, junk mails, spam messages and crank calls become frequent visitors, which disturbs people's daily life to a large degree. More seriously, the safety of personal property will also be threatened once the bank account information is stolen.

Considering all the negative influences brought by the leakage of information, I strongly suggest that people should enhance their self-protection awareness when enjoying digital life. Besides, those immoral people who steal others’ information should be severely punished and relevant laws must be enacted by the government to stop the illegal dealing of personal information.参考译文




unconsciously 无意识地

personal information 个人信息

underlying threat 潜在威胁

leakage of information 信息泄漏

fill in 填写

bank account 银行账户

supervision and management 监管

be exposed to 暴露于

gain illegal profits 获取非法利润

consequently 因此

junk mail 垃圾邮件

spam message 垃圾短信

crank call 骚扰电话

to a large degree 在很大程度上

negative 负面的

self-protection awareness 自我保护意识08 科技类:共享单车Directions:

Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the picture below. In your essay, you should

1) describe the picture briefly,

2) interpret the meaning, and

3) give your comments.经典范文

As is shown in the picture above, when numerous private cars and buses are getting stuck in the traffic congestion, a young man successfully gets rid of the trouble by riding a shared bike. With both hands above his head, the young man says excitedly that it is convenient to ride shared bikes because it can save time, avoid traffic jam and keep fit.

Apparently, the purpose of the cartoon is to show us that bike sharing has enjoyed wide popularity and to some degree changed the way people travel. Without doubt, much time can be saved by riding shared bikes, especially during rush hours. Furthermore, shared bikes also play an important role in keeping people physically healthy because many youngsters who are busy with work have no time to take exercise. More importantly, among popular vehicles, shared bikes are commonly recognized as the most environmental-friendly way to commute. Compared with cars and buses, shared bikes do not give off harmful gases, thus alleviating air pollution to a certain extent.

To conclude, riding shared bikes is not merely a convenient means to travel, but it can also exert a positive influence on people's health and environment. These merits justify the point that people benefit considerably from bike sharing and thus this traveling means should be strongly advocated in the present-day society.参考译文




numerous 大量的

get stuck 被困住

traffic congestion 交通拥堵

get rid of trouble 摆脱困境





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