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词汇辨析主要出现在模拟试题的解析中,通过试题的语境说明四个选项的差异。《2011年GCT英语核心词汇精解》一方面给考生提供了系统性有效记单词的平台,同时兼顾了对GCT英语测试三个部分词汇题答题技巧和规律的总结,新增了历年词汇真题汇总,为考生取得一个较好的成绩创造了条件。编 者2011年4月于清华园词汇复习综述







和汉语一样,英语中也有许多固定的搭配及习惯用法。在固定搭配中,尤其是在短语动词或惯用语中,同义词虽然词义相近,但却是不能互换使用的。只有平时多积累,掌握丰富的习惯搭配才能提高认词能力,找出最符合英语习惯用法的搭配。第一章GCT英语词汇题型综述CHAPTER 1

根据《硕士学位研究生入学资格考试指南》的要求,除了用于各部分理解的基本词汇之外,直接的词汇考点有三个部分:第一部分的词汇题;第二部分阅读理解中的词汇题;以及第三部分完形填空中的词汇题。考生需要有一定的词汇量,一方面用于整体地理解,另一方面用于直接解答以上三个部分的词汇题。以下,我们对2003年以来历年的英语词汇真题逐项进行分析,对各部分词汇题的规律进行总结,并提供详尽的答题注释,以期考生熟悉并掌握词汇题的要点。1.1 第一部分词汇题型分类解析

GCT词汇题基本上分为近义词词汇题和近型词词汇题两个类型。其内容包含单词和词组两种形式,单词和词组比例相当。此外还需注意单词的上下文搭配问题。特别要留意句子的语境及其包含的信号词信息。以下分别举例说明。1.1.1 近义词题型


例1:(2008 GCT-1)

E-commerce has witnessed a _____ growth these years.

A. fixed

B. stable

C. steady

D. regular

注释:fixed意思为“固定的”;stable意思为“稳定的”;steady意思为“持续稳固的”;regular意思为“有规律的”。这些选择项意思相近,只能进行细致的分析,找出最好的答案。steady一般指速度,特别与句子中的时间these years相对应,所以C项选择最符合本句话的语境,全句意思为:电子商务在近些年里持续稳固增长。

例2:(2008 GCT-3)

It was _____ me to interpret the thoughts swimming behind his eyes.

A. below

B. beyond

C. past

D. above

注释:本句话的关键是正确处理固定搭配be beyond someone意思为“超出了某人的能力”。其他选择项的单词都没有这样的句型搭配。全句的意思为:我不能理解在他眼神后面闪烁不定的想法。

例3:(2008 GCT-7)

Rock singers, hip-hop dancers, and hippies all have distinct hair style, _____ to their group.

A. peculiar

B. especial

C. special

D. particular


例4:(2004 GCT-2)

People who walk on the grass are _____ to a fine of $5.

A. possible

B. likely

C. liable

D. reliable

注释:本句的意思是“践踏草地者要罚款5美元”。本题的考点是固定搭配词组的应用。be liable to后面跟名词,为一个固定词组,意思为“极有可能要面临”。possible和likely为同义词,但其句型有所不同:“It is possible for sb. to do sth.”和“Somebody is likely to do something”,意思都是“某人可能做某事”。Reliable意思为“可靠的”,不符合本句的意思。1.1.2 近形词题型


例1:(2005 GCT-10)

There is going to be _____ time for people to assess whether or not we have made the right decision in this time of urgency.

A. sufficient

B. additional

C. efficient

D. consequent


例2:(2006 GCT-8)

Magicians _____ use techniques from science and the arts to deceive the mind and eye.

A. generously

B. genetically

C. cleverly

D. subsequently


例3:(2003 GCT-1)

The new currency will get into _____ soon.

A. circuit

B. circulation

C. circular

D. circle

注释:此题属于固定搭配词组考点。get/go into circulation意思是“进入流通,进入市场”。其他的选项属于近型词迷惑选项,在此句中的意思都不对。1.1.3 固定词组题型

例1:(2004 GCT-6)

John Smith, being a diligent student, never refuses to _____ more responsibilities that are assigned to him.

A. take up

B. take in

C. take off

D. take on

注释:应该区分四个词组的意思和用法:take up意思为“占”,宾语一般为“时间”;take in意思为“接受,容纳,了解”,宾语一般为较为抽象的概念,其被动语态形式be taken in意思为“上当,受骗”;take off一般指“(飞机)起飞”;take on意思为“承担”,后面一般跟“任务,工作”等。全句意思为:约翰·斯密斯是个用功的学生,给他再多的任务他也不会拒绝。

例2:(2004 GCT-10)

Becoming aware of our mother's age, not just in numbers of years but _____ her psychological and physical state, often helps us to understand her better.

A. in spite of

B. on account of

C. in terms of

D. by means of

注释:四个词组的意思不同:in spite of意思为“尽管”,on account of意思为“由于”,in terms of“就……来说,在……方面”,by means of意思为“通过,以……的方式”。应该正确理解整个句子,只有C项选择最适合本句的意义。全句意思为:清楚母亲的年龄,不光是具体的岁数,还有她精神和身体方面的状况,通常有助于我们更好地了解她。

例3:(2005 GCT-9)

Today's popular clothing chains _____ teenagers, who can be counted upon to change their tastes every 30 days.

A. resort to

B. attend to

C. appeal to

D. apply to

注释:应注意不同单词与介词“to”搭配的意思区别:A项选择resort to的意思为“利用”;B项选择attend to的意思为“关心,在意”;C项选择“appeal to”的意思为“有吸引力”;D项选择“apply to”的意思为“适用于”。全句的意思为:现在的流行服装连锁店对青少年很有吸引力,他们可以依赖这些商店每30天就改变一下自己的穿戴风格。1.1.4 固定搭配题型

例1:(2005 GCT-1)

To speed _____ your entry, please bring your Admission Card with you.

A. up

B. on

C. cut

D. down

注释:speed up为固定搭配词组,意思为“加快”。本句话的意思为:为了快点进来,请带上你的出入证。其他搭配或者意思不符合上下文或者在英语中不存在。

例2:(2004 GCT-5)

Dr. Hawking has made much contribution to the theories of modern physics at the _____ of his health.

A. cost

B. disposal

C. mercy

D. expenditure

注释:本题的重点是固定搭配词组的应用。at the cost of意思为“以……为代价”;at the disposal of意思为“舍弃……”;at the mercy of意思为“受……的影响(控制)”;at the expenditure of为错误搭配,应该是at the expense of,与at the cost of为同义词词组。全句意思为:霍金博士以他的健康为代价,在现代物理理论方面做出了巨大的贡献。

例3:(2003 GCT-4)

Many old people in the cities find themselves unable to get used to the rapid _____ of city life.

A. rate

B. speed

C. step

D. pace

注释:pace of life意思是“生活节奏”,属于固定词组搭配的考点。此项选择的关键是要知道和熟悉pace of life这个词组,与life搭配的只能是pace。其他同义词选项的用法在此处都错误。1.1.5 语境信息题型

例1:(2006 GCT-5)

You should use _____ and natural language when you write a personal letter.

A. formal

B. political

C. magic

D. plain


例2:(2007 GCT-3)

In space, _____ and equipment need many forms of protection.

A. pilots

B. engineers

C. astronauts

D. scientists

注释:本句话的关键是正确理解语境信息In space(在太空),只有C项选择的astronauts(航天员)与前面的语境(在太空)有直接联系。

例3:(2006 GCT-10)

Chocolate manufacturers blend many types of beans to yield _____ and color desired in the final product.

A. the shape

B. the flavor

C. the function

D. the brand

注释:本题的关键是正确理解全句话的意思。只有B项the flavor(口味)和连词and后面的color(颜色)为并列相对关系。其他选择项的内容都会使句子的前半句失去意义。1.1.6 历年词汇真题汇总2010年真题1.I cannot _____ your plan, for I see no money return for the pursuit.

A. argue with

B. approve of

C. turn down

D. give up2.The thief was so _____ by the bright lights and barking dogs that he left hastily.

A. frightened

B. annoyed

C. puzzled

D. disappointed7.Since any answer may bring _____ to his government, the spokesman tried to avoid the question.

A. embarrassment

B. commitment

D. failure

D. benefit8.It is possible for a person to _____ negative attitudes and gain healthy confidence needed to realize his or her dreams.

A. get away with

B. get rid of

C. get out of

D. get along with10.If you miss the cultural references _____ a word, you're very likely to miss its meaning.

A. below

B. before

C. behind

D. beyond2010年真题答案1.B  2.A  7.A  8.B  10.D2009年真题1.He added that the state government has made _____ arrangements for the conference.

A. accurate

B. absolute

C. adequate

D. active2.This video may be freely reproduced _____ commercial promotion or sale.

A. as for

B. except for

C. thanks to

D. up to6.Saffron returned to London to _____ her acting career after four years of modeling.

A. follow

B. chase

C. seek

D. pursue7.He has fancy dreams about his life, and nothing ever quite _____ his expectations.

A. matches

B. makes

C. reaches

D. realizes9.When I worked as a bank clerk, I had the opportunity to meet a rich _____ of people: students, soldiers and factory workers.

A. diversity

B. kind

C. range

D. variety2009年真题答案1.A  2.B  6.D  7.A  9.D2008年真题1.E-commerce has witnessed a _____ growth these years.

A. fixed

B. stable

C. steady

D. regular2.The researchers have come up with numerous explanations to _____ their failures.

A. excuse

B. justify

C. admit

D. avoid3.It was _____ me to interpret the thoughts swimming behind his eyes.

A. below

B. beyond

C. past

D. above7.Rock singers, hip-hop dancers, and hippies all have distinct hair style, _____ to their group.

A. peculiar

B. especial

C. special

D. particular8.He was _____ knowing everything about the courses he was to take at the university.

A. lost in

B. attentive to

C. clear of

D. keen on2008年真题答案1.C  2.B  3.B  7.A  8.D2007年真题1.Living things can sense and _____ changes in their surroundings.

A. decide on

B. make up

C. lead to

D. respond to2.Some persons _____ fishing simply for fun.

A. make

B. enjoy

C. seek

D. feel3.In space, _____ and equipment need many forms of protection.

A. pilots

B. engineers

C. astronauts

D. scientists4.Sometimes, artists paint _____ for their own enjoyment or self-expression, choosing their own subjects.

A. primarily

B. occasionally

C. reluctantly

D. generously5.Minimum wage is the _____ amount of money per hour that an employer may legally pay a worker.

A. smallest

B. few

C. least

D. little2007年真题答案1.D  2.B  3.C  4.A  5.C2006年真题1.Every plant, animal, and human being needs water to _____ alive.

A. stay

B. make

C. run

D. glow3.Changes in climate _____ slowly through the years.

A. make progress

B. take place

C. keep pace

D. set sail5.You should use _____ and natural language when you write a personal letter.

A. formal

B. political

C. magic

D. plain8.Magicians _____ use techniques from science and the arts to deceive the mind and eye.

A. generously

B. genetically

C. cleverly

D. subsequently10.Chocolate manufacturers blend many types of beans to yield _____ and color desired in the final product.

A. the shape

B. the flavor

C. the function

D. the brand2006年真题答案1.A  3.B  5.D  8.C  10.B2005年真题1.To speed _____ your entry, please bring your Admission Card with you.

A. up

B. on

C. cut

D. down5.Children don't _____ understand what are reciting, but gradually it will have an impact on thinking.

A. necessarily

B. profitably

C. unnecessarily

D. unprofitably6.Every year, thousands of college students apply for the CCTV Cup English Speech _____ .

A. Argument

B. Quarrel

C. Debate

D. Contest9.Today's popular clothing chains _____ teenagers, who can be counted upon to change their tastes every 30 days.

A. resort to

B. attend to

C. appeal to

D. apply to10.There is going to be _____ time for people to assess whether or not we have made the right decision in this time of urgency.

A. sufficient

B. additional

C. efficient

D. consequent2005年真题答案1.A  5.A  6.D  9.C  10.A2004年真题1.The bird flew upward and dropped the shellfish onto the rock to _____ it open.

A. cut

B. press

C. break

D. shake2.People who walk on the grass are _____ to a fine of $5.

A. possible

B. likely

C. liable

D. reliable5.Dr. Hawking has made much contribution to the theories of modern physics at the _____ of his health.

A. cost

B. disposal

C. mercy

D. expenditure6.John Smith, being a diligent student, never refuses to _____ more responsibilities that are assigned to him.

A. take up

B. take in

C. take off

D. take on10.Becoming aware of our mother's age, not just in numbers of years but _____ her psychological and physical state, often helps us to understand her better.

A. in spite of

B. on account of

C. in terms of

D. by means of2004年真题答案1.C  2.C  5.A  6.D  10.C2003年真题1.The new currency will get into _____ soon.

A. circuit

B. circulation

C. circular

D. circle2.Shortage of capital is the main factor that _____ economic development.

A. holds out

B. holds on to

C. holds back

D. holds on3.The captain of the ship _____ the passengers that there was no danger.

A. assured

B. ensured

C. secured

D. insured4.Many old people in the cities find themselves unable to get used to the rapid _____ of city life.

A. rate

B. speed

C. step

D. pace5.The first Olympiad is said to have consisted _____ of a 200-yard foot race near the small city of Olympia.

A. nearly

B. completely

C. merely

D. identically2003年真题答案1.B  2.C  3.A  4.D  5.C1.2 第二部分阅读理解词汇题解析


例1:(2008 GCT-21)

The word "drawbacks" in the first paragraph probably means _____.

A. benefits

B. interests

C. effects

D. problems答案:D


例2:(2008 GCT-28)

What does "GSOH" possibly mean ?

A. gentle, sensible, obedient and honest

B. generous, sincere, open and handsome

C. good sense of humor

D. great source of honor答案:C

注释:注意,本段中“GSOH”出现的两个表达法:with a GSOH,have a GSOH。从语法判断,A和B项选择的词性明显不符合规格。从意思和常理判断,C项选择“幽默感”说明一个人的性格,最可能出现在征婚广告中。D项选择内容不合常理。

例3:(2005 GCT-21)

What does the phrase "white stuff" in the first paragraph refer to ?

A. wood

B. snow

C. ice

D. rock答案:B


例4:(2004 GCT-15)

What did Marty Dettling mean when she said "It's going to be big" ?

A. Green buildings have a great potential.

B. People expect bigger green buildings.

C. Green buildings will be larger in size.

D. People prefer to live in bigger buildings.答案:A

注释:首先应找到文章的倒数第2个句子(Despite this,Dettling hopes that green buildings will become common in the future.),分析句子中的支持信息和线索。可以判断,green buildings will become common in the future与it's going to be big为同义句。所以,A项选择的“绿色建筑具有很大潜力”最接近依据句的意思。其他选项的信息在文章中没有出现。

例5:(2007 GCT-15)

In the last paragraph, "that's just the way the ball bounces" probably means _____.

A. tradition offers the best choice

B. the NBA made a mistake

C. the ball bounces as best it can

D. the ball bounces perfectly答案:A

注释:…that's just the way the ball bounces含义为“球弹起后会落下”。与该段的第一句话(In January,the NBA went back to use the traditional leather ball.)相呼应。这句话的意思是说“他们又回到了原点(采用原来的皮球)”。A项选择的意思“传统的就是最好的”最为接近原句意思。其他选择项意思有误。1.3 第三部分完型填空词汇题解析

在完型填空题型中,词汇题的比重很大,其要求不仅仅体现在对单词词义的正确把握,更重要的是对词语用法的熟练掌握,熟悉常用的英语词组和搭配。如:名词与形容词的搭配,动词与名词的搭配,动词、名词、形容词与介词的搭配,动词与副词的搭配等。其题型主要有以下几种。1.3.1 句型搭配题

例1:(2008 GCT-38)

There are, of course, many salespeople who are genuinely interested in assisting you and in  38  you reasonable products and prices.

A. giving

B. providing

C. offering

D. making答案:C

注释:本题的重点为同义词用法区别。A项选择giving有不花钱白送的意思,不符合上下文的概念;B项选择的正确表达法为provide someone with something,由于后面没有介词with,所以此选择错误;D项选择making在此处意思讲不通。

例2:(2007 GCT-33)

Much of the best jazz is still written and  33  in the United States.

A. spoken

B. shown

C. understood

D. performed答案:D


例3:(2005 GCT-33)

A survey conducted recently in Beijing by a market survey company  33  that about 3.3 percent of 1,300 surveyed families in Beijing said they have  34  plans to have children.

A. directed

B. induced

C. indicated

D. dictated答案:C


例4:(2004 GCT-33)

The HR manager's first decision is  33  to recruit internal applicants or advertise the vacancy outside the company.

A. where

B. if

C. which

D. whether答案:D


例5:(2004 GCT-37)

If the company decides to advertise the vacancy directly, it has to decide where to place the  37  .

A. advertisement

B. job

C. agency

D. company答案:A

注释:本题的考点是固定搭配词组,place an advertisement意思为“刊登广告”。在这里,其他选择项中的名词不能够与前面的动词place搭配,作其宾语。1.3.2 固定短语题

例1:(2008 GCT-36)

You can walk  36  from a salesperson without a polite end to the conversation.

A. away

B. round

C. out

D. down答案:A

注释:walk away from意思为“走开”。其他选择项不符合此语境意思和搭配。

例2:(2007 GCT-34)

But musicians from many other countries are  34  major contributions to jazz.

A. providing

B. seeking

C. making

D. remembering答案:C

注释:此处是一个用词搭配问题。make contributions意思为“做贡献”。其他选择项的用词不能与宾语contributions搭配。

例3:(2005 GCT-39)

So childless couples will suffer discrimination  39  family members and neighbors.

A. into

B. to

C. at

D. from答案:D


例4:(2004 GCT-32)

And, as every HR (Human Resource) manager knows, it is much more difficult to get rid of someone than it is to  32  them.

A. fire

B. apply

C. employ

D. dismiss答案:C

注释:本题上下文的线索非常明显,连词than前后的不定式短语to get rid of(解雇)与to employ(雇用)相互对应,最符合上下文的概念。A和D项选择是同义词,都是“解雇”的意思,两者可以互换使用,不可能是正确答案。B项选择的apply应与介词for搭配使用,意思为“申请”。

例5:(2004 GCT-40)

However, with the Internet there is a risk  40  receiving unsuitable applications from all over the world.

A. at

B. in

C. over

D. of答案:D

注释:固定搭配词组考点。there is a risk of doing something意思为:做某事要冒一定的危险。1.3.3 上下文信息题

例1:(2008 GCT-40)

If you are in  39  about the wisdom of a particular purchase, you might want to  40  another person who has had experience with the product or the service that interests you.

A. consult with

B. concern about

C. infer from

D. go after答案:A

注释:注意这四个词组的意思区别。consult with意思为“请教”;concern about意思为“关心”;infer from意思为“推断”;go after意思为“追寻”。在本句话中,A项选择意思最符合上下文,意思为“请教另一位有经验的人”。

例2:(2007 GCT-32)

The music grew from a  32  of influences, including black American music, African rhythms, American band traditions and instruments, and European harmonies and forms.

A. selection

B. combination

C. assurance

D. emphasis答案:B


例3:(2007 GCT-37)

The earliest jazz was performed by black Americans who had little or no training in Western music. These musicians drew on a strong musical culture from  37  life.

A. white

B. black

C. yellow

D. red答案:B

注释:此处的关键要看上个句子中的用词“black Americans”。这两个句子为对应关系,答案只能为B。其他选择项的用词在文章中根本没有出现,不可能为正确答案。

例4:(2006 GCT-36)

They may mistake other kinds of signatures for  36  handwritten signatures

A. false

B. indirect

C. open

D. genuine答案:D


例5:(2006 GCT-39)

All autopen autographs are  39  , but no two handwritten autographs are  40  alike.

A. genuine

B. false

C. different

D. identical答案:D

注释:注意本句话结构中连词but的作用,它体现一种对比关系。也就是说,正确选择项应该是后面alike一词的同义词。identical意思为“一模一样”,最能体现句子的实际意义。其他选择项的意思或用法都与语境不符。1.3.4 排除法推断题

例1:(2008 GCT-31)

You ought to buy only those things you really need or want and can  31  .

A. afford

B. find

C. possess

D. gain答案:A


例2:(2007 GCT-39)

As jazz grew  38  popularity, its sound was influenced by  39  with formal training and classical backgrounds.

A. musicians

B. audience

C. judges

D. artists答案:A


例3:(2005 GCT-35)

Why they choose such a lifestyle is concluded in  35  reasons. Some are showing great worry for the rapid growth of population; some are indulged in building a more well-off family; some are showing sharp  36  to get themselves free from the obligation of raising children.

A. elegant

B. abundant

C. similar





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