
发布时间:2020-06-15 11:29:40






版权信息书名:开口说英语(社交篇)作者:新东方英语研究中心排版:KingStar出版时间:2016-11-01本书由北京新东方大愚文化传播有限公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —第一节社交Topic 01 见面问候音频巧问 | 开口超简单● Hi, Rose. I haven’t seen you for ages!嗨,露丝,好久不见啦!● How’s your family?家里人可好?● Long time no see. How is your summer vacation?好久不见了,暑假过得怎么样?● You look under the weather today. Are you OK?你看起来不太舒服。你还好吗?● What have you been up to?你最近忙什么呢?● Where did you go over the weekend?你在哪里过的周末?● Fancy meeting you here.想不到在这儿遇见你。● Good morning, do you still remember me?早上好,你还记得我吗?● Where are you headed now?你现在要去哪儿?● How is your business these days?你最近工作怎么样?拓展 | 多学一点常用语greet v. 问候;迎接pleased a. 高兴的regards n. 问候;祝愿special a. 特别的wave n. & v. 挥手lately ad. 最近allow v. 允许hospital n. 医院office n. 办公室concern n. & v. 关心,挂念pretty ad. 相当,很 a. 漂亮的fancy n. & v. 幻想,想象a. 异想天开的妙答 | 回答很坦然● Hi, Lisa. How is everything?嗨,丽莎。一切都好吗?● They’re fine. Thank you.他们都很好,谢谢。● Pretty good. We went to see the beautiful waterfall.很好。我们去看了美丽的瀑布。● I think I caught cold last night.我觉得我昨天晚上着凉了。● I am preparing for the final exam.我在准备期末考试。● I visited my aunt in the downtown.我去拜访了住在市区的姨母。● Right. What are you doing here?是呀。你在这里做什么呢?● Of course. But your name just doesn’t come to me right now.记得,但现在我就是想不起你的名字了。● I am on the way to hospital. My mother is ill.我去医院,我妈妈生病了。● To tell you the truth, I am tired of sitting in the office all day long.说实话,我厌倦了整天坐在办公室里。实战 | 情景会话看这里A: Hello, Tom. 你好,汤姆。B: Oh, hello, Jim. Haven’t seen you for some time. How is everything? 哦,你好,吉姆。好久未见你了,一切都好吗?A: Fine. What about you? 很好。你呢?B: Same as ever. 还是老样子。Topic 02 相互介绍音频巧问 | 开口超简单● Hello, I am John. What’s your name?你好,我是约翰。你叫什么名字?● Hi! You’re Sarah, then?嗨!那么你是莎拉喽?● May I take the liberty of introducing myself to you? I’m Yao Lan.我可以冒昧地自我介绍吗?我叫姚兰。● Please let me introduce myself. My name is Wang Li.请容我介绍一下自己。我叫王莉。● Mr. Bush, I’d like to introduce a friend of mine, Mr. Anderson.布什先生,我来介绍一下我的朋友安德森先生。● Who’s that boy over there?那边的那个男孩是谁?● Let me introduce you both. Mrs. White, this is Peter Brown.我给你们介绍一下。怀特太太,这是彼得·布朗。● Come to meet my sister Jane. Jane, this is my best friend, Lily.来见见我的妹妹简。简,这是我的好朋友,莉莉。● Mary, have you met John?玛丽,你以前见过约翰吗?● May I introduce you to my friend?我能把你介绍给我的朋友吗?拓展 | 多学一点常用语introduce v. 介绍sociable a. 好交际的humorous a. 幽默的friend n. 朋友personality n. 性格chance n. 机会outgoing a. 外向的conversation n. 交谈active a. 活泼的university n. 大学honour n. 荣幸modest a. 谦虚的妙答 | 回答很坦然● Hello, John. My name is Hanson.你好,约翰。我叫汉森。● Yes, and you must be Tom.是的,你一定是汤姆吧。● Pleased to meet you. I’m Yang Min.很高兴认识你。我是杨敏。● Nice to meet you. I am Liu Xin.很高兴见到你,我是刘欣。● Nice to meet you.很高兴见到你。● Oh, his name is Wang Tao. He’s one of my best friends.噢,他叫王涛。他是我的一个好朋友。● How do you do? Nice to meet you.你好!认识你很高兴。● I’m glad to meet you.很高兴见到你。● Yes, I think I have.是的,我想我见过。● Yes, of course. It’s my pleasure.当然,这是我的荣幸。实战 | 情景会话看这里A: I didn’t expect to see you here, Sam. 我没想到在这儿见到你,萨姆。B: Me, too. Allow me to introduce my girlfriend, Emily. She works in a middle school. 我也是。请允许我向你介绍我的女朋友艾米丽。她在一所中学工作。A: How do you do, Emily? Nice to meet you. 你好,艾米丽。很高兴认识你。C:How do you do? Nice to meet you, too. 你好,很高兴认识你。Topic 03 祝贺恭喜音频巧问 | 开口超简单● Hope every success in your business!祝你事业顺利!● Many, many congratulations on your marriage.恭贺你们喜结良缘。● Congratulations on your success in the match.祝贺你在比赛中获得胜利。● You are so great. You did very well in the exam.你真棒。你考试考得很好。● I congratulate you beforehand on your further success.预祝你取得进一步的成功!● Congratulations on your complete recovery.祝贺你完全康复。● Let me propose a toast to Mr. Smith.我提议为史密斯先生干杯。● I’d like to congratulate on your success.我对你的成功表示祝贺。● Today is my grandfather’s birthday. Let’s wish him live long and prosper.今天是外公的生日。让我们祝福他多福多寿。● I got the first prize in the contest.我比赛得了第一名。拓展 | 多学一点常用语success n. 成功best wishes 最美好的祝愿birthday n. 生日congratulation n. 祝贺have a good day 玩得开心recovery n. 康复heartiest a. 最衷心的promotion n. 提升,升职beforehand ad. 提前sincere a. 真挚的,诚恳的toast n. 吐司 v. 向……祝酒,为……干杯hospitality n. 盛情款待,热情妙答 | 回答很坦然● The same to you.你也一样。● Thank you. Welcome to our wedding.谢谢。欢迎你参加我们的婚礼。● Thank you. I was lucky this time.谢谢你。这次是我运气好。● Thank you. I feel flattered.谢谢。过奖了。● Thank you for your words. I will do it better.谢谢你的祝福。我会做得更好的。● Thank you for your concern all the time.谢谢你一直以来的关心照顾。● Thank you for your hospitality.感谢你们的盛情款待。● Thank you for your help and support.感谢您的帮助和支持。● Thank you.谢谢。● That’s great! Congratulations!太棒了!祝贺你!实战 | 情景会话看这里A: They had my book published quickly. 他们很快出版了我的书。B: Really? It’s great! You finally have had your own book. 真的吗?太好了,你终于出了自己的书了。A: You know how I expect it. I can’t say how delightful it was to hear that. 你知道这是我盼望已久的事。听到这个消息,我说不出有多高兴。B: Come on! 加油吧!Topic 04 感谢致歉音频巧问 | 开口超简单● Thank you for your support.谢谢你的支持。● I’d appreciate it if you can help us.如果你能帮我们,我将不胜感激。● Thank you, Mr. Smith, for helping me at school.史密斯先生,谢谢您在学校对我的帮助。● You’ve been a great help.你真是帮了大忙了。● Thanks for helping me last night.谢谢你昨晚帮我忙。● I do appreciate your timely help.非常感激你的及时相助。● I must apologize for being so careless.我必须为自己的粗心道歉。● I’m sorry to keep you waiting.很抱歉让你久等了。● Don’t worry about it. You shouldn’t blame yourself.别放在心上。你不要太自责了。● I’m so sorry to give you so much trouble.很抱歉给你添了这么多麻烦。拓展 | 多学一点常用语appreciate v. 感激;欣赏forgive v. 原谅grateful a. 感激的kindness n. 关心careless a. 粗心的apologize v. 抱歉repay v. 偿还;报答;报复return n. & v. 回报;返回understanding n. 理解unintentional a. 无意的blame v. 责备trouble n. 麻烦;困扰 v. 使苦恼;打乱妙答 | 回答很坦然● I’m glad I could help.能帮助你,我非常高兴。● I am glad to.我很乐意。● You’re welcome.别客气。● Glad to be of help.我很高兴能帮上忙。● Don’t mention it.不客气。● It’s my pleasure.这是我的荣幸。● Don’t blame all on yourself.不要都怪罪在自己身上。● It doesn’t matter. Come on. Let’s get started.不要紧,走吧,咱们出发吧。● I’ve been worried sick about it.我一直担心得要命。● That’s quite all right.没有关系。实战 | 情景会话看这里A: You should make a hearty apology to your teacher. 你应该给老师诚恳地道歉。B: I have done it, but my teacher seems still angry. 我已经道歉了,但是老师似乎还是很生气。A: It doesn’t matter. I think your teacher will not blame you. 没关系的,我想老师不会责怪你的。B: I hope so. 希望如此。Topic 05 心情愉悦音频巧问 | 开口超简单● You look happy today.你今天看上去很高兴。● I hit the jackpot!我中头彩了!● Nothing could be more wonderful.没有比这更让人高兴的了。● You look cheerful today. What’s the good news?你今天看上去很高兴。有什么好事?● I heard that you were promoted, not Trish.我听说是你被提拔了,不是翠西。● We were ecstatic to be together again.能重新相聚,我们真是欣喜若狂。● I can’t say how pleased I am to have you accompany me.有你陪着我,我说不出有多高兴。● We’re extremely delighted at your success.我们太为你的成功感到高兴了。● I was pleased beyond description that I got this job.得到了这份工作让我喜不胜言。● You won the championship, congratulations.你赢得了冠军,祝贺。拓展 | 多学一点常用语mood n. 情绪lucky a. 幸运的celebrate v. 庆祝happy a. 幸福的rejoice v. 欣喜,高兴delight n. 高兴 v. 使高兴cheerful a. 欢乐的overjoyed a. 喜出望外的pleased a. 高兴的excited a. 兴奋的dream n. & v. 梦想championship n. 冠军妙答 | 回答很坦然● Yeah, I got a reward this morning.是的,我今天早上得到了一个奖励。● Really? Congratulations!真的吗?祝贺你。● Yes, let’s have a party to celebrate it.是啊,我们办个派对庆祝一下吧。● Our class won the competition.我们班赢得了比赛。● Yes. Now, I’m on top of the world.是呀。现在我高兴极了。● Right. It’s like a dream.是啊,像做梦一样。● No trouble at all.这没什么。● My dream finally came true.我终于梦想成真了。● You must seize this precious opportunity.你一定要抓住这次宝贵的机会。● I’m too excited to say one word.我兴奋得说不出一句话了。实战 | 情景会话看这里A: Are you coming to my birthday party? 你来参加我的生日聚会吗?B: I wouldn’t miss it for the world! 我绝不会错过!A: Good. And are you going to bring lots of gifts? 太好了,你会带许多礼物来吧?B: Ha-ha. You bet! 哈哈,那还用说!Topic 06 赞美表扬音频巧问 | 开口超简单● Your dress is very pretty.你的连衣裙真漂亮。● You’re too humble.你太谦虚了。● You are the most beautiful lady I’ve ever met in Beijing.你是我在北京见过的最漂亮的女士。● You have good taste, so I wonder if you can choose a formal dress for me.你的品位很好,所以我想知道你能否帮我挑一件礼服。● He’s a walking dictionary.他就是本活字典。● You always know the right thing to say.你说话总是那么得体。● There is no error in her essay.她的文章没有一点儿错误。● You did a good job on that. We’re so proud of you.你干得非常好,我们十分为你骄傲。● I really must express my admiration for your competence.我真的必须对您的能力表示钦佩。● You’re the only one who dares to admit mistakes.你是唯一一个敢于承认错误的人。拓展 | 多学一点常用语admire v. 钦佩handsome a. 英俊的humble a. 谦虚的compliment n. 表扬be proud of 为……骄傲perfect a. 完美的complimentary a. 赞美的shortage n. 缺点flattered a. 过分夸赞的smart a. 聪明的;帅气的competence n. 能力flatter v. 奉承,阿谀妙答 | 回答很坦然● Thank you.谢谢。● Thank you for your praise.谢谢你的夸奖。● Oh, I’m so flattered.哦,您过奖了。● Of course. What’s your size?当然。你的穿衣尺寸是?● Yes, he knows quite a lot.是的,他确实知识渊博。● Thank you for your compliment.谢谢您的夸奖。● She is always prudent.她总是很谨慎。● I just perform my duty.我只是履行我的职责。● You have overpraised me.您过奖了。● I just don’t want to feel guilty for ever.我只是不想一直感到内疚罢了。实战 | 情景会话看这里A: Wow, what a necklace! It goes so well with your blouse. 哇,好漂亮的项链!它和你这件上衣很配。B: I’m glad you like it. I think it’s beautiful, too. 我很高兴你喜欢。我也认为它很漂亮。A: What occasion? Wedding? 你要在什么场合上戴?婚礼吗?B: Actually I don’t have an idea. 实际上我也没有什么想法。Topic 07 临行道别音频巧问 | 开口超简单● I’ve come here to say goodbye to you all.我来向大家告别。● Say hello to your family for me.替我向你的家人问好。● I guess I should be leaving.我想我该走了。● I’ve come to say goodbye specially.我是特意来和你道别的。● Goodbye and be sure to drop me a line if ever you’re in London.再见了,如果你来伦敦一定要给我消息。● At the parting of the ways we took leave of each other.在三岔路口我们就互相告别了。● We’ll miss you. Hope to see you again someday.我们会惦念你的。希望有一天能再见到你。● I hope you’ll keep in touch with me.我希望你能与我保持联系。● Thank you for seeing me off at the airport.谢谢你到机场来送我。● Well, I must be going now. I have other fish to fry.恩,我现在得走了。我还有别的事情要办。拓展 | 多学一点常用语miss n. & v. 想念flight n. 飞行;航班airport n. 飞机场stay n. & v. 留下receive v. 接待farewell n. 再见;告别appreciate v. 感激train n. 火车depart v. 离开take off 飞机起飞see off送行take care 保重妙答 | 回答很坦然● Hope to see you soon.希望很快能够再见到你。● I sure will. Thank you.我会的,谢谢。● Must you go so soon?那么快就走?● You’re leaving so soon?你这么快就要走了?● I am looking forward to meeting you soon.希望很快就能见到你。● Then you must be very sad.你们一定很伤心。● I hope so, too.我也这样希望。● Promise.一定。● Have a nice flight.飞行愉快。● In that case, I won’t keep you.那样的话,我就不留你了。实战 | 情景会话看这里A: Actually, we’ll have to be thinking of going. 我们真的该准备走了。B: Oh, not yet, surely? 哦,还早吧?A: I’m afraid we’ll have to. And it is 11: 30. 恐怕我们得走了。现在已经11点半了。B: Goodness, is that the time? 天呐,都这么晚啦?Topic 08 谈论天气音频巧问 | 开口超简单● Lovely day, isn’t it?天气真好,是吧?● How’s the weather today?今天天气怎样?● I hope it won’t be too hot. I can’t stand the heat.我希望天气不要太热,我不能忍受酷热的。● It is a very good day, isn’t it?今天天气真好,不是吗?● Nice day, isn’t it?很好的天气,是吧?● Do you often have low temperature?这儿的气温经常很低吗?● What will the weather be like there when we arrive?我们到那里时,天气会是怎样的呢?● It looks like rainy today.看样子今天要下雨了。● The weatherman predicts rain tomorrow.气象预报员预告明天有雨。● How long does the rainy season last?雨季要持续多久?拓展 | 多学一点常用语predict v. 预报warm a. 暖和的forecast n. & v. 预测fresh a. 新鲜的weather n. 天气downpour n. 瓢泼大雨temperature n. 温度drizzle n. 毛毛雨changeable a. 变化无常的humid a. 潮湿的degree n. 度数sunshine n. 阳光妙答 | 回答很坦然● Oh, yes. Very beautiful.哦,是的,非常宜人。● Well, it’s very cold.嗯,相当冷。● Me too.我也一样。● Yes, it is. It’s wonderful after the terrible downpour last night.是的,一点没错。昨晚一场瓢泼大雨之后,天就变好了。● Yes, it’s much better than yesterday.是的,比昨天好多了。● Yes, so you need to prepare some warm clothes.是的,所以你需要准备一些暖和的衣服。● The weather forecast says there may be some rain.天气预报说可能会有雨。● We should collect our clothes right now.我们得马上把衣服收起来。● You’d better take an umbrella when you go to work.你上班时最好带着雨伞。● It usually lasts for one month or longer.通常会持续一个月或更长。实战 | 情景会话看这里A: Tom, what’s the weather forecast for tomorrow? 汤姆,天气预报说明天天气怎么样?B: It says a storm may come tomorrow. 预报说明天可能会有一场暴风雨。A: Oh, god. 哦,天哪。B: I hate rainy days, either. I’m always in low spirits when it rains. 我也讨厌下雨天,一下雨我的心情就不好。Topic 09 兴趣爱好音频巧问 | 开口超简单● Jenny, you know how much I love music.詹妮,你知道我多么热爱音乐。● I wish I could play a musical instrument.我要是能演奏一件乐器就好了。● My other hobbies include cooking and reading.我还有烹饪和阅读的爱好。● We often play chess, swim and play table-tennis together.我们经常一起下棋,游泳和打乒乓球。● What do you usually do at leisure time?你业余时间都做什么?● Boxing is a brutal sport. It should be banned.拳击是一项野蛮的运动,应被禁止。● I like collecting stamps. But it’s an expensive hobby.我喜欢集邮,不过这个爱好太费钱了。● My favorite books are those about detectives.我最喜欢侦探方面的书。● I enjoy playing the flute very much, but it is just an avocation with me.我非常喜欢吹笛子,但这只是我的业余爱好而已。● I spent most of my spare time to accompany my grandfather.我大部分的业余时间都用来陪我爷爷。拓展 | 多学一点常用语gift n. 天赋drawing n. 绘图hobby n. 爱好cooking n. 烹饪swim n. & v. 游泳instrument n. 乐器chess n. 下棋photography n. 摄影piano n. 钢琴diversion n. 消遣boxing n. 拳击collection n. 收藏品妙答 | 回答很坦然● Yes. You have a gift for music.是的。你很有音乐天赋。● You can pick up an instrument from now on. It’s never too late.你可以从现在开始学习,永远不会太晚。● You are a man of many interests, I must say.不得不说你是一个兴趣广泛的人。● That’s to say, you have a lot in common?这就是说,你们有许多共同爱好喽?● I am crazy about taking photos.我对摄影很痴迷。● I wish I could agree with you. It’s a very good competitive sport.恐怕我不认同你的观点。拳击是项竞技性很强的好运动。● But it’s worth spending money on your hobby.但是为爱好花钱是值得的。● I like romantic novels.我喜欢言情小说。● I think it can relieve your stress.我觉得这能减轻你的压力。● You are such a filial boy.你真是一个孝顺的孩子。实战 | 情景会话看这里A: What do you often do in your spare time? 你在空闲时间常做些什么?B: Oh, nothing special. I read, watch TV and go to see the movies. 噢,没有什么特别的。读书、看电视、看电影。A: Don’t you have any hobbies, like stamp collecting or things like that? 你有什么爱好吗?像集邮之类的爱好。B: No, I don’t have any special hobbies. 没有,我没有什么特别的爱好。Topic 10 邀请做客音频巧问 | 开口超简单● Would you like another Whisky?你要不要再来杯威士忌?● We are throwing a surprise birthday party for Amy next week. Can you come?下周我们想给艾米办一个生日惊喜派对。你能来吗?● I’m looking forward to seeing you again. It’s been a long time.我盼望再次见到你,我们有很长时间没见了。● Would you like to come with us for a dinner?和我们一起去吃饭吧?● Mr. Brooks, thank you for the dinner and the flowers.布鲁克斯先生,谢谢你请我吃饭,还送我鲜花。● Thank you for the invitation.感谢你的邀请。● Will you be free tomorrow? Stop by my house.你明天有空吗?来我家玩吧。● Come over for supper tonight with us, say at seven, OK?今晚到我家来吃饭,7点怎么样?● Would you like to come to the party at my home?你愿意来参加在我家举办的聚会吗?● We are having a party. I am wondering if you could come.我们将要举办一个派对,不知道你是否能来。拓展 | 多学一点常用语invite v. 邀请mention v. 提及invitation n. 邀请enjoy v. 享受join v. 参加attend v. 出席receive v. 收到party n. 聚会plan n. & v. 计划treat v. 款待accept v. 接受join v. 加入妙答 | 回答很坦然● I’ve had enough. Thank you.我已经够了。谢谢。● Yes, I can. What time will it be?没问题,我能去。什么时间?● Yes, it has. We all miss you much. Don’t forget the party.是的。我们都很想念你,别忘了聚会。● I’d love to, but I’ve already had plans.我很想去,但我已经有安排了。● They are nothing, so long as you are happy.小意思,只要你高兴。● It’s my pleasure.这是我的荣幸。● That would be very nice.那太好了。● It would be very nice to have dinner with you.能和你共进晚餐真好。● I’ll be glad to come, but I might be a little late.我很乐意,但我可能会晚来一会儿。● I’m really sorry. My calendar is full.真的很抱歉,我的日程已经排满了。实战 | 情景会话看这里A: Mr. Brooks, thank you for your kind invitation. 布鲁克斯先生,谢谢您的盛情邀请。B: They are nothing, so long as you are happy. 小意思,只要你高兴。A: I’m more than pleased. Thank you for everything. 我太高兴了。感谢你做的一切。B: Don’t mention it. It’s my pleasure. 不必客气。这是我的荣幸。Topic 11 邻里关系音频巧问 | 开口超简单● Hello, I’m your new neighbour. My name is Andy.你好,我是你的新邻居,我叫安迪。● Is Billy in?比利在家吗?● I moved in only yesterday. My name is Alice.我昨天刚搬来。我叫艾莉丝。● I shouldn’t have barged in like this.我本不应该这样贸然登门拜访的。● Did you just move in next door?你刚搬来隔壁吗?● Have you lived here long?你在这里住很久了?● If there’s anything you want, don’t hesitate to ask me.如果你需要什么,尽管说好了。● My new neighbour is boring. She always makes loud noise at night.我的新邻居很让我心烦,她经常在晚上弄出很大的噪音。● May I please borrow some sugar from you?我可以向你借一点糖吗?● I’ve just moved here. I have to move things about a bit.我刚搬到这里,需要把屋里的东西搬动一下。拓展 | 多学一点常用语neighbour n. 邻居barge in闯入;干涉shower n. 淋浴next door隔壁appearance n. 外貌drop in 拜访noise n. 噪音wake v. 吵醒help n. & v. 帮忙knock on 敲门move in 搬来drop by 走访妙答 | 回答很坦然● Hello, Andy, I’m Judy. It’s nice meeting you.你好,安迪。我叫朱迪,很高兴认识你。● Who is it? Oh, Linda, come in.是谁呀?哦,琳达,进来吧。● Welcome. Please tell me if you need some help.欢迎你。需要什么帮助就告诉我。● That’s OK. Have a seat and make yourself comfortable.不要紧。坐吧,不要拘束。● Yes, I just moved here two days ago.是的,我两天前刚搬来。● I’ve lived here for about ten years now.我住在这里大概有十年了。● I will. Thank you.我会的,谢谢你。● You can talk with her properly.你可以适当跟她聊一下。● Of course. Come in.当然可以,进来吧。● I can do you a favor.我可以帮你。实战 | 情景会话看这里A: I dropped in for a talk. 我过来聊聊天。B: You are welcome at any time. Would you care for a Coke? 随时欢迎你来。要不要喝点可乐?A: Yes, thanks. 好啊,谢谢。B: Here you are. Please make yourself at home. 给你。请别客气。Topic 12 佳节赠礼音频巧问 | 开口超简单● Happy New Year!新年好!● Thank you for your present. How nice of you! May I open it now?非常感谢你的礼物。你太好了!我可以现在打开吗?● Mom, can you make some Chinese food for her?妈妈,你能为她做点中国的食物吗?● This is just what I want. What a beautiful hat!这正是我想要的,多漂亮的帽子啊!● Here is a New Year gift for you.这是给你的新年礼物。● It’s the most beautiful gift I’ve received this year.这是我今年收到的最漂亮的礼物。● This gift is too expensive. How can I take it?这件礼物太昂贵了,我怎么能收下呢?● I am wondering what gift I should bring to you.我正在想应该给你带什么礼物。● Lavish gifts were bestowed on the visitors.已经向来宾赠送了厚礼。● I’m looking for a present for my friend.我想为我的朋友买份礼物。拓展 | 多学一点常用语gift n. 礼物appreciation n. 感谢,感激present n. 礼物precious a. 珍贵的accept v. 接受special a. 特别的exquisite a. 精巧的delightful a. 可爱的lovely a. 可爱的friendship n. 友谊receive v. 收到exchange v. 交换妙答 | 回答很坦然● Same wishes to you. Here’s a little gift for you.新年好。这是送你的一份小礼物。● Certainly.当然可以。● OK. It is a good idea.好。这是个好主意。● I’m glad you like it.我很高兴你喜欢它。● It’s too precious. I wouldn’t think of accepting it.这太珍贵了。我不能要。● I’m glad you like it.我很高兴你喜欢它。● Do take it. It’s just a little something to remember me by.拿着吧,只是个小东西,当做纪念。● You needn’t bring a gift. Just bring yourself.不必带礼物,人来了就行。● Really? I am so excited.真的吗?我太激动了。● Why not buy a silk scarf? It’s simple and nice.为什么不买条丝绸围巾呢?简单又漂亮。实战 | 情景会话看这里A: Tomorrow is my friend’s birthday. I don’t know what I should buy for her. 明天是我朋友的生日,我不知道要给她买什么礼物。B: It’s unnecessary to buy anything. 没必要买什么礼物。A: How can I go empty-handed to her birthday party? 我怎么能空手去参加她的生日聚会呢?B: If you really want to bring something, it should be a small item for your regard. 如果你真的要买,就买个小东西表达你的心意就行了。Topic 13 欢乐聚会音频巧问 | 开口超简单● Time flies! Thursday is the Thanksgiving Day.时间过得真快呀!星期四就是感恩节了。● The party will be held at seven in my house this evening.派对于今天晚上7点钟在我家举办。● I really like the way this party is set up.我很喜欢这个宴会的布置。● Welcome to our dinner party, Anna.安娜,欢迎你参加我们的晚宴。● Mr. Qi, would you like to attend the dinner party this evening?齐先生,您今天晚上愿意来参加晚宴吗?● Do you know anybody at this party?在这个聚会上,你认识什么人吗?● I enjoyed every minute of the party.整个派对我都玩得很愉快。● I have two tickets for an art exhibition. Would you like to go with me?我有两张艺术展的票,你愿意和我一起去吗?● We’re throwing a party on Friday. Would you like to come?星期五我们有个聚会,你来不来?● What party is it?是什么派对?拓展 | 多学一点常用语invite v. 邀请set up布置attend v. 出席company v. 陪伴





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