
发布时间:2020-06-16 13:23:00







Preface 前言





相信本书将有效帮助你应对生活和工作中需要使用英语的场合,全面提高你的口语表达能力。无论何时何地,轻松掌握最地道的英语!我们相信你在读完这本书之后,一定会迅速掌握如何在生活和工作中灵活运用英语口语,做个真正的英语达人!编者2017年1月Chapter 1家庭生活 Family LifeSection 1 家庭起居·乐无穷 Living


寝具;(建筑)基床;(家畜)草垫 bedding

懒鬼;贪睡者 sleepyhead

穿衣 dress

被子;棉被 quilt

睡懒觉 sleep late

折叠;合拢 fold

起床 rise and shine

床罩;床单 bedspread

被子;盖被 comforter

床垫 bedpad

被单 flat sheets1 该起床了Getting up

起床! Get up!

快起床。 Get up soon!

快点儿! Hurry up!

hurry 赶紧

把被褥叠好。 Fold up your bedding.

醒一醒! Wake up!

现在起床太早了。 It’s too early to get up.

我还很困。 I’m still sleepy.

sleepy 欲睡的;困乏的

把衣服穿上。 Get dressed.

你听到闹钟响了吗? Did you hear the alarm?

穿上裤子。 Put on your pants.

别忘了扣扣子。 Do not forget to button up.

button up 扣住

不要把鞋子穿错了。 Do not wear your shoes on the wrong feet.2 现在就去洗漱 Go Washing

打开窗户透透气。 Open the window and air the room.

看看领子翻好了没有。 Be sure to flip down your collar.

卷好袖子。 Roll up your sleeves.

sleeve 袖子

照照镜子。 Look in the mirror.

把头发梳一下。 Comb your hair.

comb 梳头发

用肥皂洗。 Use some soap.

挂好毛巾。 Put up the towel.

现在该刷牙了。 It’s time to brush your teeth now.

漱漱口,不要把水吞了。 Rinse your mouth and don’t swallow the water.

rinse 漱

swallow 吞下,咽下

洗一下脸、眼睛、鼻子,耳朵和脖子。 Wash your face,your eyes,nose,ears and your neck.

不要把衣服弄湿了。 Don’t get your clothes wet.

用完毛巾后,把它拧干。 Wring out your towel after you use it.

wring out 拧干

towel 毛巾

把东西有顺序地放好。 Put everything in order.

用完厕所,不要忘了冲水。 Don’t forget to flush the toilet after use.

flush the toilet 冲厕所3 早餐很重要 Breakfast

该吃饭了! It’s time to eat.

现在该吃早饭了。 It’s time to have breakfast.

breakfast 早餐,早饭

晚饭准备好了。 Dinner is ready.

吃些什么? What’s to eat?

你去摆餐桌好吗? Would you set the table?

甜点吃些什么? What’s for dessert?

dessert 甜点

尝起来不错。 It tastes great.

再来一点吗? Some more?

每一样都很好吃。 Everything is absolutely delicious.

absolutely 绝对地,完全地

请给我添点菜行吗? Could I have seconds,please?

擦擦嘴。 Wipe your mouth.4 养成早睡的好习惯 Sleeping Early

该睡觉了。 Time for bed.

到睡觉时间了。 It’s bed time.

你定好闹钟了吗? Have you set the alarm clock?

我要去睡觉了。 I’m going to bed.

我要上床去了。 I’m off to bed.

现在你们该去睡觉了。 Now you have to go to sleep.

我困了。 I’m sleepy.

我太累了,一会就睡着了。 I’m so tired that I’m going to fall asleep soon.fall asleep 入睡,睡着

fall asleep 入睡,睡着

把你的床铺好。 Make your bed.

晚安! Good night!

好好睡觉! Sleep well!

祝你好梦。 Sweet dreams.

dream 梦,做梦


______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Section 2 生活点滴·琐碎多 Daily Triviality


天气预报 weather forecast

脱口秀 talk show

动画片 animation/cartoon

智力竞答节目 quiz show

音乐纪录片 music documentary

烹饪节目 cooking

娱乐节目 entertainment

新闻 news

广告 commercial/advert

预告片 trailer

电影 film

情景喜剧 sitcom(situation comedy)

电视系列片 TV Series

肥皂剧 soap opera

科幻片 science fiction

专题片 feature program

纪录片 documentary

文艺晚会 variety show

戏剧 drama

动物世界 animal world1 匆匆去上学 Going to School

我上学从不迟到。 I never come to school late.

我一周上学5天。 I attend school five days a week.

attend school 上学,去上学

你怎么去上学的? How do you go to school?

我穿过田野抄近路去上学。 I took a short cut across the field to get to school.

我每天搭公交车去上学。 I go to school by bus every morning.

by bus 乘公共汽车

我厌倦每天上学。 I’m tired of going to school day after day.

这是我上学的第一天。 It’s my first day of school.

我明天一早就去上学。 I’ll go to school tomorrow morning.

我们每天都去上学。 We go to school every day.

我有时走路去上学。 I sometimes go to school on foot.

sometimes 有时

我今天不能去上学了。 I can’t go to school today.

你是说我们只能步行去上学了吗? Do you mean we have to walk to school?2 喜欢看电视 Watching TV

你整天看电视。 You’re a couch potato.

couch potato 沙发土豆,成天看电视的人

你喜欢这个节目主持人吗? Do you like the host of that show?

host 节目主持人

我们最好换个频道。 We’d better change turn to another channel.

你昨晚看的是几频道? What channel did you watch last night?

节目开始播出了。 The show is on.

你最喜欢的电视节目是什么? What are your favorite TV shows?

favorite 最喜爱的

接下来播出的是夜间新闻。 The late night news is coming up.

我昨晚没有看电视。 I didn’t watch TV last night.

我受不了这些电视节目。 I can not stick the TV program.

stick 坚持

我喜欢的肥皂剧要上演了。 My favorite soap opera will be on.

我最喜欢的节目是卡通片。 Cartoon is my favorite program.

program 节目3 去市场买菜 Buying Vegetables

这个海鲜有点儿太贵了。 The seafood is a little too expensive.

seafood 海鲜,海味

你想要多少红辣椒? How many red peppers would you like?

这个西蓝花一点儿也不新鲜。 The broccoli isn’t fresh at all.

芹菜怎么卖? How much is the celery?

celery 芹菜

刚好10美元。 That’s exactly ten dollars.

你这儿有猪肉吗? Do you have any pork?

鸡胸怎么卖? What’s the price for chicken chest?

虾是当季的吗? Are shrimps in season at this moment?

这是羊的哪一部分? What part of the lamb is this?

我可以要一袋花生吗? Can I have a bag of peanuts?

a bag of 一袋

我想买些西红柿。 I want some potatoes.4 做饭很辛苦 Making Dinner

你喜欢做饭吗? Do you like cooking?

你会做菜吗? Do you know how to cook?

你通常都做什么菜呢? What kind of dishes do you usually make?

只要放一点点油就行。 Just use a very small amount of oil.

small amount 小额,一点

我择菜,你切。 I’ll peel the vegetables and you chop them.

你喜欢吃白米饭还是炒饭? Do you prefer plain boiled rice or fried rice?

你最好用叉子把马铃薯捣碎成泥。 You’d better mash the potatoes with a fork.

请把糖、辣椒和酱油倒在一个碗里调匀。 Please mix the sugar,spices and soy sauce in a bowl.

soy sauce 酱油,豆豉

你觉得买中餐的材料麻烦吗? Do you find it hard to get ingredients for Chinese food?

ingredient 配料5 换个发色 Coloring Hair

我的头发需要焗油吗? Do I need hair treatment?

hair treatment 焗油膏

染发后需要注意些什么? Are there any tips for my dyed hair?

有好牌子的染法剂吗? Have you got a good brand of hair dye?

hair dye 染发剂

我能把头发染一下吗? Could I have my hair dyed?

做个染发怎么样? How about doing hair coloring?

您想染什么颜色? Which color would you like to dye it?

会褪色吗? Will it fade?

fade 褪色

我想染头发。 I’d like to dye my hair.

dye 染色

给我看看颜色表。 Show me a color chart,please.

我想把颜色染成棕色。 I’d like my hair dyed brown.6 换个发型 Perming

你想要大卷、中卷还是自然卷? Do you want a wavy,medium,or naturally curly perm?

我能做那种发型吗? Can I have the style like that?

你想要冷烫还是热烫? Do you want a cold wave or an ordinary perm?

cold wave(头发的)冷烫

我想要烫发。 I’d like a perm.

我想把头发做成卷发 I’d like my hair crimped.

我想重新烫一下头发 I’d like to have a new permanent.

permanent=permanent wave 烫发

你们有没有发型图片让我看一看。 Do you have pictures of hairdos to show me?

hairdo 发型,发式

看起来很适合我。 That looks just fine to me.

我想烫小卷的发型。 I’d like to get a tight curly permanent.

curly 卷曲的

你烫了头发会更有魅力。 You’ll look more attractive with curly hair.7 让指甲更漂亮 Having a Manicure

我们去买一些漂亮的指甲贴吧。 Let’s go shopping for some beautiful nail stickers.

nail sticker 指甲贴

我怎么才能让指甲油保持时间长一些? How can I keep my nail polish lasting longer?

你们这里有没有针对干裂指甲的特殊治疗? Do you offer a special treatment for dry and cracked nails?

把指甲弄干需要多长时间? How long will it take to make my nails dry?

请帮我修剪一下指甲周围的表皮。 I want my cuticles cut,please.

我想修理脚部的指甲。 I’d like to get a pedicure.

pedicure 修脚,修脚趾甲

我想把指甲修成圆形的。 I’d like to manicure my nails round.

你喜欢什么颜色的指甲油? What color do you like for your nail polishing?

请用浅色的指甲油。 Use a light nail varnish,please.

nail varnish 指甲油

我忘了用洗甲水除掉指甲油。 I forget to take off my nail polish with remover.

你可以试试把指甲修成方形的。 You can try manicuring your nails into square.

manicure 修指甲,修剪

涂指甲油和剪脚趾甲。 Paint my fingernails and cut my toenails.

oenail 脚趾甲8 安检很重要 Security Check

我能查看一下你的包吗? Could I look through your bag?

请把所有的金属物件都拿开。 Please remove all metal items.

把你的物件放到托盘上传过来给我。 Place your items in the tray and send them through to me.

tray 托盘

等通过我们的X光机后你就可以取回你的物件了。 You may retrieve your items after they’ve passed through our X-ray machine.

retrieve 取回

你包里携带金属类的东西了吗? Have you carried anything metallic in your bag?

metallic 金属的,含金属的

你可以告诉我怎样通过安检吗? Could you tell me how I can go through customs?

把行李箱放在X光扫描机上。 Put that suitcase onto the X-ray scanner.

scanner 扫描器

包里是什么? What’s in your bag,please?9 谁帮我分担家务 Who Can Help Me to Do Housework?

你每天花多少时间做家务? How long do you spend every day on doing housework?

every day 每天,天天

你能帮我清打扫间吗? Could you help me clean the room?

完成不了任务是不能玩的。 No playing until the work is done.

我的周末全用在做家务上了。 My weekend was dominated by housework.

我喜欢做家务。 I like to do house chores.

我不喜欢做家务。 I don’t like doing housework.

你经常帮你妈妈做饭吗? Do you often help your mother to cook?

我经常在下班后和妻子一起做家务。 I often do housework with my wife after work.

他一做家务就装成舍生取义的样子。 He always acts the martyr when he has to do the housework.

martyr 烈士,殉道者10 超市购物 Shopping


Where can I find the seafood section?


Is this ice cream on sale today?


When is the sale over?


Which brand is more popular?


It looks good but a little expensive.

expensive 贵的


Do you have any pasta here?

pasta 意大利面


Can you tell me where the frozen foods aisle is?


Do you accept credit card?


How would you like to pay for this?


I will pay by cash.

by cash 现金支付


Isn't this on sale?


Can I use coupons?

coupon 优惠券


Do you offer paper bags?11 家人团聚欢乐多 Reunite

你和家人住在一起吗?Do you live with your parents?

你女儿毕业了吗?Has your daughter finished school?

我走后发生什么事了?What happened while I was away?

有人在家等着见我吗? Is anyone waiting at home to see me?

坐飞机到这里一路都挺好的。 The flight here was okay.

你能帮我拿一下行李吗? Can you help me carry my luggage?

我到了的时候有人会在那里等我吗? Will anyone be waiting for me when I get there?

我有好多话想跟你说!我一安顿好咱们就好好说说。 I have a lot to tell you!Once I get settled in we can talk about it.

talk about 谈论某事

这个节日是家人团聚的时刻。 The holiday is a time of family reunion.

family reunion 全家团圆

每个人都回家与家人团聚。 Everyone returns home for a family reunion.

他的家人在战争中失散了。 His family was severed in the war.

sever 分开,分离

我做饭给我的家人吃。 I cooked for my family.

代我问候你的家人。 Remember me to your family.12 教育子女需耐心 Educating Children

你怎么就不能规矩点呢? Why can’t you behave yourself?

behave yourself 检点一点,行为规矩些

听见了没有? Do you hear?

写完作业才能到外面玩。 You can’t go outside until you finish your homework.

走路时不要弯腰。 Don’t walk all bent over.

不要嘴里含着饭讲话。 Don’t talk with your mouth full.

离电视远点。 Move back from the TV.

按我告诉你的去做。 Do as I tell you.

去洗手。 Go wash your hands.

好孩子! Good boy!

好孩子! Good girl!

乖点儿。 Be good.

够了! That’s enough of that!

不要和陌生人讲话。 Don’t talk to strangers.

stranger 陌生人

别出声。 Be quiet.

嘘! Hush!

停下来! Stop that!

别碰它。 Leave that alone.

站直。 Stand up straight.

straight 直的,笔直的

坐直。 Sit up straight.


_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Section 3 居家日用·分主次 Daily Expenses


庭院,院子 courtyard

车库;汽车修理厂 garage

阳台 balcony

走廊 corridor

栅栏;围墙 fence

喷泉,泉水;源泉 fountain

起居室 living room

厨房 kitchen

厕所,盥洗室 toilet

浴室 bathroom

餐厅 dining room

卧室 bedroom1 城市生活纷繁复杂 City Life

我一点儿也不喜欢城市生活。 I didn’t like city life.

我发现在城市生活压力很大。 I find living in the city quite stressful.

stressful 紧张的,有压力的

我们必须在我们大城市中消除噪声。 We must abate the noise in our big cities.

abate 减轻,减少

便利是城市生活主要的吸引人的因素之一。 The convenience of city life is one of its main attractions.

城市生活节奏太快。 The pace of city life is too fast.

pace 步伐,节奏

城市生活的质量已被过度的噪声所破坏。 The quality of city life has been damaged by excessive noise.

城市里有很多大型超市。 There are a lot of large supermarkets in the city.

这是一个现代化城市。 This is a modern city.

这个城市污染得太严 This city is far too polluted.

重了。一般来说,城镇人口比农村人口生活富裕。 In general,urban populations are better off than their rural counterparts.

better off 富裕的,状况好的

城市里有很多人。 There are many people in the city.

城市生活压力更大。 Life in the city is more stressful.

农村居民都向往城市的生活。 People in rural areas long for life in the city.

大都市的花花世界使他感到眼花缭乱。 He was dazzled by the gaiety and splendor of the metropolis.

dazzled 眼花缭乱的2 乡村生活朴实简单 Country Life

我喜欢住在乡村。 I’d like to live in a village.

他告诉我,和城市生活相比,他更喜欢乡村生活。 He told me he preferred the country life to the city life.

一些人被乡村的美景所吸引。 Some people are attracted by the beauty of the country.

这个村庄被一条河防护着。 The village was defended by a river.

defend 防守,保卫

阳光照耀着那个宁静的村庄。 The sun beamed down upon the peaceful village.

我的确想在宁静的村庄里换换环境。 I do hope for change in a quiet village.

我发现在偏僻的村庄里生活很宁静。 I found that life in a remote village was very serene.

那是我们的果园。 That’s our orchard.

我们在菜园里自己种菜。 We grow our own vegetables in the garden.

她经常下田干活。 She always works in the field.

你们的房子比城市的房子宽敞多了。 Your rooms are more vacant than the rooms in the city.

在乡村,你能够享受阳光和新鲜的空气。 You can get sunlight and fresh air in the country.

fresh air 新鲜空气

这个小村庄仅有一所学校。 There is only one school in the small village.

我厌倦了城市的生活,向往着乡村和树林! I’m tired of the city and long for the woods and the country.

tired of 厌烦3 租房辛酸谁知道 Renting a House

这幢楼里还有空房间吗? Are there any vacant rooms in this building?

房租多少钱? How much is the rent?

押金多少钱? How much is the deposit?

有家具吗? Is it furnished?

你是房东吗? Are you the landlord?

landlord 房东

请问这里有公寓要出租吗? Are there any apartments to let?

我可以看看这间公寓吗? May I take a look around this apartment?

take a look around 环顾四周

这里一共几间房间? How many rooms are there in this apartment?

这房子你想租多久? How long do you want to rent the house?

什么时候可以搬进来? When can I move in here?

如果可能的话,我想找一间向阳的相对安静的房间。 I’d like a rather quiet room on the sunny side,if possible.

房间的照明如何? Is the property well lighted?

打扰一下,你们有什么样的公寓出租? Excuse me,what kinds of apartments do you have for renting?

你须预付一个月的房租。 You have your deposit one month rent in advance.

房子里家具齐全。 The house is fully furnished.

租金里面包括水电煤气费吗? Are the utilities included in the rent?

你是想合租还是想一个人住? Do you want roommates or to live alone?

live alone 独自生活,一个人住4 买房要问清 Buying a House

你喜欢什么样的房子? What kind of apartment do you prefer?

你觉得我们能付得起贷款吗? Do you think we can afford the mortgage?

你们有什么样的待售房? What kinds of apartments do you have for sale?

房价一直在上涨。 The real-estate is always on the rise.

我想按揭贷款买房。 I want to buy a house on mortgage.

你可以向银行贷款,只需要首付就行。 You can get a loan from the bank and you only need the down payment.

down payment(分期付款中的)头期款

我对这套房子很满意。 I’m satisfied with the apartment.

我很喜欢这套房子。我要买下它。 I’d like the house and I’ll buy it.

最近几年房价涨了很多。 The price of the houses has risen a lot in the past years.

我将要用二十年还清所有的钱。 It will take us twenty years to pay off all the money.

pay off 付清

应该是一套三居室的房子。 It should be just three bedrooms.

我想要一套近海的房子。 I would like an apartment by the sea.

by the sea 在海边5 粉刷要专业 Rendering

把大厅刷成白色的怎样? What about painting the hall white?

我的房子需要粉刷。 My house needed painting.

我们的房子需要修补。 Our house needs patching.

必须安装供暖系统。 The heating system has to be installed.

heating system 供暖系统

我们可以在墙上挂几幅画。 We may hang some pictures on the wall.

hang 悬挂

油漆脱落了。 The paint is going to come off.

come off 脱离

我打算修理房顶。 I am going to fix up the top of the house.

fix up 修理

我们的起居室被布置得很完美。 My sitting room is decorated perfectly.

sitting room 客厅,起居室

我们必须在两个月内粉刷完。 We must have it painted in two months.

我们应该把墙粉刷得更白些这样看起来更加明亮。 We should paint the wall whiter so that it looks brighter.

我想把起居室刷成粉色的。 I’d like to paint the living room pink.

我们应该把浴室涂成白色的。 We should paint the bath room white.6 装修要合理 Decorating

我想装修一下我的新房子。 I’d like to have my new house decorated.

你想怎样装修你的房子? How do you want to decorate your house?

decorate 装修

你们什么时候动工? When will you start?

我在装修的时候选择材料非常用心。 I think a lot of the material when decorating.

我一直忙着装修房子。 I’ve been fixing the house.

你们已经确定好怎么装修房子了吗? Have you decided how you’re going to decorate your room?

我装修房子的时候保留了原本的外墙。 I retained the original exterior wall while decorating the house.

retain 保留

装修公司会给你解决好所有问题。 The decoration company can do everything for you.

decoration company 装修公司

我一点都不懂装修。 I have no idea about decoration.

很宽敞也很明亮。 It’s very large and bright.

窗户大些可以让空气更好的流通。 Large windows may help air in and out.7 搬家繁琐事 Making a Move

周日能帮我们来搬家吗? Could you help us with moving on Sunday?

你什么时候搬家? When will you move?

你家有多少东西? How many things do you have?

这周末我答应帮我姐姐搬家。 I promised to help my sister move her house this weekend.

你们搬进新房了吗? Have you moved into your new house yet?

确切地说,我们是昨天刚刚搬进去的。 We just moved in yesterday,actually.

你们究竟有没有想过搬家? Have you thought of moving at all?

你们的新家怎么样? How is your new house going?

你的新房子很舒适啊。 Your new house is very comfortable.

我很着急搬新家。 I’m anxious to get into the new place.

anxious to 渴望,急于想要

恭喜你乔迁新居! Congratulations on your move.8 计划购车 Buying a Car

你能告诉我一下车型吗? Could you tell me the shape of the car?

这车你想要多少钱? How much do you want for the car?

我在哪里买车比较合算? Where can I find a good deal on a vehicle?

哪种车比较安全? What kind of car is safe?

为什么不试试这辆车? Why not try this car?

最安全的车是哪种? What’s the safest car out there?

一万美元买辆车很合算吗? Is$10000 a good price for a car?

这车每加仑油能跑多少英里? What are the miles per gallon like on this car?

gallon 加仑(容量单位)

你知道这辆车每加仑跑得多远吗? Do you know how far this car runs per gallon?

你们现在有什么折扣吗? Will you offer any discount right now?

你能告诉我更多有关这车的标准配置吗? Could you tell me more about its standard features?

我们买不起这辆车。 We can’t afford this one.9 家具家电最实用 Furniture and House Appliances

有什么样式的家具? What style furniture do you have?

你喜欢什么样的家具? What kind of furniture do you like?

您能示范一下怎么用吗? Can you show me how it works,please?

我一定要买些家具。 I must buy some furniture.

这台冰箱和橱柜很配。 The refrigerator matches the cabinets.

我想买一个微波炉。 I want to buy a microwave oven.

microwave oven 微波炉

它操作起来很简单。 It’s really easy and simple to operate.

我的冰箱昨晚突然出了故障。 My refrigerator suddenly started kicking up yesterday.

为什么不给你的孩子们选择一个双层床呢? Why don’t you choose a bunk bed for your children?

你应该简化一下你的衣橱。 You should simplify your closet.

simplify 简化,使简易

我有一个很大的衣橱。 I have a large wardrobe.

我们需要一台洗衣机。 We need a washing machine


______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Section 4 家庭理财·要平衡 Family Finances


信用卡 credit card

认同卡 affinity card

白金卡 platinum card

学生卡 student card

金卡 preferred card/gold card

储值卡 value card

普卡 classic card

联名卡 co-branded card

附属卡 supplementary card

转账卡 debit card

金融卡 ATM card

签账卡 charge card

现金卡 cash advance card

商务卡 corporate card1 日常收入 Income

今天要发工资了! Today is payday!

又到了发薪日了! It’s pay day again!

你钱一定挣得不少喽? You must be earning decently,don’t you?

decently 体面地

能不能问一下你的薪水是多少? What’s your salary then,may I ask?

我每月的工资是6000美元。 My monthly pay is$6,000.

你知道你的家庭月总收入吗? Do you know the total income per month of your family?

per month 每月

我的收入无法养活家庭。 My income can’t support the whole family.

support 供养

你的年收入是多少? What is your annual income?

我没有固定的收入。 I don’t have fixed income.

fixed income 固定收入

这是一笔额外的收入。 It’s an additional salary.

additional 额外的,附加的2 日常开支 Expend

我已经是赤字了。 I’m in the red.

你们计算过你们的全年开支吗? Do you know your total expenditure of the whole year?

expenditure 支出

我们得留意我们的开支。 We have to watch our spending.

我们得缩减开支。 We have to cut back on expenses.

cut back 缩减,削减

这得花掉我们多少钱啊? How much is this going to set me back?

我现在钱不够用。 I’m a little short of money now.

我想更好地控制我的开销。 I want to control my spending better.

control 控制

你花起钱来毫无节制 You spend money as if it were going out of style.

我在拆东墙补西墙。 I’m robbing Peter to pay Paul.

我付不起这个费用。 I can’t afford that.

afford 买得起

我得养家糊口。 I have a family to feed.

房租截止到几号? When is the rent due?

他仅能勉强维持日常开支。 He can only maintain the daily expenditure reluctantly.3 节省开支有方法 Draw Rein

他把每一笔收入和支出都记录下来。 He records his every income and expense.

income and expense 收入与支出

我一直在攒钱。 I’ve been saving my pennies.

我们得控制支出。 We have to control our spending.

你得留意你的开支。 You have to watch your spending.

省一文等于挣一文。 A penny saved is a penny earned.

你认为我们该在哪些方面省钱? Where do you think we should save more money?

多浪费呀! How wasteful!

wasteful 浪费的,大手大脚的

不要再为不必要的东西浪费钱。 Stop wasting money for not necessary.

那完全是浪费钱。 That’s waste of money.

你这么快就把钱都花完了? You’ve gone through all your money so quickly?

你空调用得太多了。 You have been using the air conditioner too much.

她是个节省的家庭主妇。 She is a price-conscious homemaker.

我们应节省不必要的开支。 We should save unnecessary expenses.

unnecessary 不必要的,无用的

日常开支太高了。 The overhead costs are ridiculously expensive.

购置衣物的开支很大。 The expenditure of money on clothing is very large.

这个月我们需要做个预算。 This month we need to make a budget.

budget 预算

我们打算削减旅行开支。 We intend to cut expenditure on travelling.4 水费电费 Water and Electric Charge

我们平分煤气费、电费和水费。 We pay a share of the gas,electricity and water bills.

这是电话费通知单。 Here is the phone bill.

我什么时候缴费? When should I pay the bill?

缴费截止到什么时候? When is the due?





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