
发布时间:2020-06-16 19:27:06













As our learning and working conditions evolve and our pace of life hastens with the development of the society, today we’re likely to enter the sub-healthy stage at a younger age.And above all, acute injuries and chronic strains at the neck, shoulder and waist areas tremendously affect our life quality and working efficiency.

Being one of the oldest treatment approaches of mankind, Tuina has formed distinguishing features through its development for thousands of years, including its great user-friendliness, notable curative effect, zero side-effect, comfortable treatment process, and high acceptability.Derived from the therapeutic approach of Tuina, Traditional Chinese Tuina Exercises could play an important part in health promotion as well as prevention of diseases.Under the guidance of the healing mechanism of Tuina and the physiological characteristics and movement modes of neck, shoulder and waist, a Chinese version of Traditional Chinese Tuina Exercises was published in 2016 based on years of training experience and clinical practice of acupuncture, moxibustion and Tuina.Hence, there were many inheritances and innovations, deliberations and practices, as well as experiments and improvements involved in the making of the book, which earned great popularity among readers.In response to the request of the readers, the rising awareness of traditional Chinese approach of life cultivation and health preservation home and abroad, and the increased needs in today’s international exchanges, we make this book bilingual based on the Chinese version, in order to keep with the trend of the time and to reach a wider audience.

This book contains guidance on how to conduct Traditional Chinese Tuina Exercises for neck, shoulder and waist, introductions to all acupoints related, as well as cautions and precautions of conduct.With the help of model demonstration and verbal elaboration, carefully selected movements in these exercises become easy to understand, follow and master.Therefore, we’re confident to say that being highly accessible, practical and effective, this book could serve as a reference for educators and practitioners in the field of rehabilitation and health promotion, and as a guidebook for everyone to keep fit, prevent diseases, and treat pains.In a nutshell, it’s a must-have for every office and household.

Last but not least, we sincerely welcome your comments and opinions on this book.Liu MingjunMarch 1, 2017一 常用穴位Ⅰ Frequently Used Acupoints大椎穴【定位】


正坐位低头时,颈后隆起最高点下方凹陷处取穴。图1-1 大椎穴GV14 (Dazhui)【Location】

Acupoint GV14 (Dazhui) is located at the hollow part under the seventh crest of cervical vertebrae along the median line at the nape of the neck.【Positioning Method】

Sit up, lower the head, and the acupoint could be found at the hollow part under the highest crest at the back of the neck.Fig 1.1 GV14 (Dazhui)风池【定位】


俯卧位或者正坐位,项后枕骨下两侧凹陷处,当斜方肌上部与胸锁乳突肌上端之间取穴。图1-2 风池穴GB20 (Fengchi)【Location】

Acupoint GB20 (Fengchi) is located at the hollow parts between the sternocleidomastoid and the upper parts of trapezius under the occipital bone at the nape of the neck.【Positioning Method】

Lie prostrate or sit up, and the acupoint could be found at the hollow parts on both sides under the occipital bone between the upper ends of trapezius and the upper parts of the nutators at the back of the neck.Fig 1.2 GB20 (Fengchi)肾俞【定位】


俯卧位,与脐相平处为第二腰椎。在第二腰椎旁1.5寸处取穴。图1-3 肾俞穴BL23 (Shenshu)【Location】

Acupoint BL23 (Shenshu) is located at both sides of the second crest of lumbar vertebrae at the waist, 1.5 cun (the width of the index finger and the middle finger) away from the crest.【Positioning Method】

Lie prostrate.The second crest of lumbar vertebrae on the back is opposite to the navel.Then the acupoint could be found at both the left and right sides of the crest using the index finger and the middle finger to get the right range.Fig 1.3 BL23 (Shenshu)二 常用手法Ⅱ Frequently Adopted Techniques搓法【定义】


以双手掌面夹住施术部位,受术者肢体放松。以肘关节和肩关节为支点,前臂与上臂部主动施力,做相反方向的较快速搓动,并同时做上下往返移动。图2-1 搓法Twisting【What’s twisting?】

Twisting is to press on the body with both palms, focusing the pressing force on the treatment area, and to massage backand-forth or alternately.【How to conduct twisting?】

Press on the treatment area with both hands and rapidly knead while moving upward and downward.Movements shall be driven by the forearms and upper arms, while the elbow joints and shoulder joints shall serve as the pivots.The Tuina accepter shall keep relaxed at all times.Fig.2.1 Twisting按揉法【定义】


中指伸直,食指搭于中指远端指间关节背侧,腕关节微屈,用中指罗纹面着力于一定的治疗部位。以肘关节为支点,前臂做主动运动, 带动腕关节和中指罗纹面在施术部位做节律性按压揉动,频率每分钟120~160次。

按揉法宜按揉并重,将按法和揉法有机结合,做到按中含揉,揉中寓按。图2-2 按揉法Pressing & Kneading【What’s pressing & kneading?】

This is a combination of two basic Tuina techniques as the name suggests, namely pressing and kneading.【How to conduct pressing & kneading?】

Straighten the middle finger, place the index finger onto it, bend the wrist a bit, and press on the treatment area with the fingertip.Movements shall be driven by the forearm, while the elbow joint shall serve as the pivot, in order to put the wrist and the fingertip in motion to press and knead rhythmically at 120 to 160 times per minute.

Pressing and kneading share equal importance and shall be conducted as an integrated therapeutic approach.Fig.2.2 Pressing & kneading端提法【定义】


坐位,以双手拇指端和罗纹面分别顶按住两侧枕骨下方风池穴处,两掌分置于两侧下颌部,以托挟助力。然后掌指及臂部同时协调用力,拇指上顶,双掌上托,缓慢地向上端提,使颈椎在较短时间内得到持续牵引。图2-3(1) 端提法(正面观)Lifting【What’s lifting?】

Lifting is to put forth the force with both hands simultaneously to lift the head upward.【How to conduct lifting?】

The Tuina patient shall sit up.Press acupoint GB20 (Fengchi) with fingertips of both thumbs, and hold the head by the lower jaw as a support.This should be a coordinated move of the palms, fingers and arms, of which the thumbs shall push upward and the hands shall support from under, slowly lifting in order to provide sustained traction for the cervical vertebrae during a short period of time.Fig.2.3(1) Front View of Lifting图2-3(2) 端提法(侧面观)Fig.2.3(2) Lateral View of Lifting抹法【定义】


以手指或手掌面置于一定的部位上。肘关节和肩关节为双重支点,前臂主动施力,腕关节放松,做上下或左右直线的往返抹动。图2-4(1) 抹前额(正面观)Wiping【What’s wiping?】

Wiping is to massage with fingertips or the palm back and forth horizontally, vertically or along a certain curve line.【How to conduct wiping?】

Place the fingertips or the palm at the treatment area and wipe back and forth accordingly.Movements shall be driven by the forearm(s), while the elbow joint(s) and the shoulder joint(s) shall serve as the pivot.Fig.2.4(1) Wiping Forehead图2-4(2) 抹颈部(侧面观)Fig.2.4(2) Wiping Neck摩法【定义】


手掌自然伸直,腕关节略背伸,将手掌平放于体表施术部位上。以肘关节为支点,前臂主动运动,使手掌随同腕关节连同前臂做环旋或直线往返摩动。图2-5 摩法Rubbing【What’s rubbing?】

Rubbing is to massage the body with the hand in circular motion.【How to conduct rubbing?】

Straighten the fingers but bend the wrist a bit.Place the hand on the treatment area and rub in circular motion or back and forth.Movements shall be driven by the forearm, while the elbow joint shall serve as the pivot.Fig.2.5 Rubbing点按法【定义】


拇指伸直,其余四指置于相应位置以助力。以拇指端着力于穴位上,前臂与拇指主动发力,进行持续性垂直向下的点按。图2-6 点按法Pointing & Pressing【What’s pointing & pressing?】

This is a combination of two basic Tuina techniques as the name suggests, namely pointing and pressing.【How to conduct point & pressing?】

Straighten the thumbs to press vertically on the acupoints for continuous pointing and pressing, while the other fingers shall support accordingly.Movements shall be driven by the forearms and the thumbs.Fig.2.6 Pointing & Pressing叩法【定义】


手握空拳,腕关节略背伸。前臂部主动运动,以拳的小鱼际部和小指部节律性击打施术部位。操作熟练者,可发出“空空”的声响。图2-7 叩法Tapping【What’s tapping?】

Tapping is to knock repeatedly with the bottom of hollow fists or the thenar eminences of hands.【How to conduct tapping?】

Bend the wrist a bit and rhythmically tap the treatment area with the thenars and the phalangeal joints of the little fingers.Movements shall be driven by the forearms.And there’d be pit-apat sound when skillful practitioners adopt this technique.





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