每天5分钟 听透CNN(txt+pdf+epub+mobi电子书下载)

发布时间:2020-06-16 20:45:35





每天5分钟 听透CNN

每天5分钟 听透CNN试读:

前 言


CNN是美国有线电视新闻网(Cable News Network)的英文缩写,由特纳广播公司(TBS)董事长特德•特纳于1980年6月创办,通过卫星向有线电视网和卫星电视用户提供全天候的新闻节目。








由于编者的水平有限,书中难免存在疏漏或不妥之处,恳请广大读者批评指正,以便我们再版时进一步改进,在此表示衷心感谢。编 者振宇英语中心专题一    美国大选CNN News  1奥巴马总统连任后首次演讲称愿妥协解决财政问题新 闻最背景

财政悬崖(Fiscal Cliff):因美国在2012年底、2013年初的一系列法律调整将使美国政府面临财政支出大幅减少、税收收入大幅增加的现象,其后果十分严重,或将导致经济增速放缓,甚至是陷入二次衰退,因此被称为财政悬崖。听 力最练习


Listen to the whole passage and fill in the blanks with the words you have heard.

1.  First up, we are looking at President Obama’s first _______________ since he was reelected to a second term.

2.  One topic that came up, the so-called “ _______________ ”.

3.  The president and _______________ are considering ways to avoid that cliff.

4.  I’m not going to just _______________ the door in their face.


Listen and fill in the blanks with the right sentences you have heard in the passage.

1.  ________________________________________________________ that could go into effect soon.

2.  President Obama was set to meet with business leaders __________________________________________________________.


Listen to the whole passage once again and choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

1.  According to the news, what will Obama Administration do?

  A.  Cut spending and increase tax.  

  B.  Encourage export.

  C.  Reduce military expenditure. 

  D.  Prevent inflation.

2.  How long did the news conference take at the White House yesterday afternoon?

  A.  Two hours.

  B.  One and half hours.

  C.  About one hour.

  D.  Half an hour.答案与解析


1.  news conference  2.  fiscal cliff

3.  congressional leaders  4.  slam


1.  It’s a set of spending cuts and tax increases

2.  after yesterday’s news conference to talk about the issue


1  A 短文中提及,It’s a set of spending cuts and tax increases that could go into effect soon. 这是将很快生效的一套削减开支并增加税收的法案。因此,答案为A。

2  C 从短文中得知,The president took questions from the media for about an hour at the White House yesterday afternoon. 总统昨天下午在白宫用了约一小时回答媒体的问题。因此,答案为C。新 闻最正文President Obama’s First News Conference to Talk About Compromise to the Fiscal Cliff

First up, we are looking at President Obama’s first news conference since he was reelected to a second term.

The president took questions from the media for about an hour at the White House yesterday afternoon.

One topic that came up, the so-called “fiscal cliff.”

It’s a set of spending cuts and tax increases that could go into effect soon.

The president and congressional leaders are considering ways to avoid that cliff.

(1) President Obama was set to meet with business leaders after yesterday’s news conference to talk about the issue.

He said he wants input from everyone.

“(2) I’m open to new ideas, if Republican counterparts or some Democrats have a great idea for us to raise revenue, maintain progress already, make sure the middle class isn’t getting hit, reduces our deficit, encourages growth, I’m not going to just slam the door in their face. I want to hear idea—I want to hear ideas from everybody.”新 闻最译文奥巴马总统连任后首次演讲称愿妥协解决财政问题







总统表示他希望每个人都参与进来。“对于新的想法我非常欢迎,如果共和党人或一些民主党人有好的想法,能够让我们提高收入,保持现在的进展速度,确保中产阶级不受重创,减少赤字,鼓励增长,我不会拒绝他们。我想听听他们的想法——我想听听大家的想法。”听 力最破解

1  President Obama was set to meet with business leaders after yesterday’s news conference to talk about the issue.


  在昨天的新闻发布会之后,奥巴马总统会见了商界领袖们来讨论这个问题。set sb. to do sth. 意思是“安排某人做某事”,本句用了被动语态,意思是“某人被安排做某事”。


I set some people to work on the problem.

2  I’m open to mew ideas, if Republican counterparts or some Democrats have a great idea for us to raise revenue, maintain progress already, make sure the middle class isn’t getting hit, reduces our deficit , encourages growth, I’m not going to just slam the door in their face.


  对于新的想法我非常欢迎,如果共和党人或一些民主党人有好的想法,能够让我们提高收入,保持现在的进展速度,确保中产阶级不受重创,减少赤字,鼓励增长,我不会拒绝他们。本句中第二个to所带的五个动宾短语作idea的后置定语。slam the door in one’s face直意为“在某人脸上猛摔门”,引申为“拒绝某人”。  对于新的想法我非常欢迎,如果共和党人或一些民主党人有好的想法,能够让我们提高收入,保持现在的进展速度,确保中产阶级不受重创,减少赤字,鼓励增长,我不会拒绝他们。本句中第二个to所带的五个动宾短语作idea的后置定语。slam the door in one’s face直意为“在某人脸上猛摔门”,引申为“拒绝某人”。  对于新的想法我非常欢迎,如果共和党人或一些民主党人有好的想法,能够让我们提高收入,保持现在的进展速度,确保中产阶级不受重创,减少赤字,鼓励增长,我不会拒绝他们。本句中第二个to所带的五个动宾短语作idea的后置定语。slam the door in one’s face直意为“在某人脸上猛摔门”,引申为“拒绝某人”。CNN News  2选民四部曲新 闻最背景

美国共和党(Republican Party),又常被简称为GOP (Grand Old Party,大老党)是美国的两大主要政党之一。自创党以来,共和党在38届总统选举中赢得了23届。共和党创立于1854年7月6日,迎合了当时反对奴隶制度扩张的政治势力。在现代美国政党中,共和党则被视为是社会保守主义和经济古典自由主义的政党。2001年出任美国总统的乔治·沃克·布什就是共和党人。听 力最练习


Listen to the whole passage and fill in the blanks with the words you have heard.

1.  When the Democrats do it, there is debate, _______________, a real raucous caucus.

2.  Step one, show up. Any voter can take part as long as he or she is already a _______________ Republican or willing to become one at the door.

3.  After the _______________ of Allegiance, caucus goers hear speeches from people representing the candidates.

4.  Pieces of paper are passed out, _______________ write down a cand-idate’s name and the ballots are collected.


Listen and fill in the blanks with the right sentences you have heard in the passage.

1.  They can be from in-state or out, __________________________________________________________.

2.  Delegates to the national conventional will be chosen later, and ___________________________________________________________.


Listen to the whole passage once again and choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

1.  In the first step, who can not be the voters of Republican?

  A.  Anyone who has already been a registered Republican.

  B.  Anyone who is willing to become a registered Republican at the door.

  C.  Anyone who has listened the speeches from the people representing the candidates.

  D.  Anyone who has already been a registered Republican or is willing to become a registered Republican at the door.

2.   In the third step, whether the vote is more or less secret, depending on ______.

  A.  whether the ballots are collected

  B.  whether they write down every candidate’s names

  C.  whether they mark it up

  D.  the formality of that caucus site答案与解析


1.  horse trading  2.  registered

3.  Pledge   4.  attendees


1.  big names or small town folks

2.  they’re not bound to the results of the caucus


1  C 文章第二段提到 “Any voter can take part as long as he or she is already a registered Republican or willing to be one at the door.” 即“任何选民都能参加,只要他或她已经注册成为共和党党员或者愿意现场加入共和党。”

2  D 根据文章提到 “It is more or less a secret vote, depending on the formality of that caucus site.” 即“这或多或少是一个秘密投票,取决于当时核心成员会议的形式。”新 闻最正文Four Steps for Voters

When the Democrats do it, there is debate, horse trading, a real raucous caucus. But the Republican caucuses all around the state are much more low-key.

Step one, show up. Any voter can take part as long as he or she is already a registered Republican or willing to become one at the door.

Step two, listen up. After the Pledge of Allegiance, caucus goers hear speeches from people representing the candidates. They can be from in-state or out, big names or small town folks. (1) They make a quick pitch for their pick.

Step three, mark it up. Pieces of paper are passed out, attendees write down a candidate’s name and the ballots are collected. It is more or less a secret vote, depending on the formality of that caucus site.

And step four, count them up. The votes are added and a winner is declared.

(2) That’s about it. Delegates to the national conventional will be chosen later, and they’re not bound to the results of the caucus. So it’s really more like a high-powered poll. And yet many political analysts say it really does matter.新 闻最译文选民四部曲






情况就是这样。稍后全国大会的代表将会被选出。他们也许并不一定要按党内核心成员会议的结果,所以更像是有很多种可能的投票,虽然许多政治分析家说这真的很重要。听 力最破解

1  They make a quick pitch for their pick.


  他们会为自己的选择发表一段简短的讲话。make a pitch for意思是“为……说好话”。pick在这里是名词,指代“the chosen candidate”。

2  That’s about it.


  情况就是这样。相当于“That’s all”,意思是“我要说的就是这些”。  情况就是这样。相当于“That’s all”,意思是“我要说的就是这些”。  情况就是这样。相当于“That’s all”,意思是“我要说的就是这些”。CNN News  3米特·罗姆尼会赢得佛罗里达州初选新 闻最背景

威拉德·米特·罗姆尼(Willard Mitt Romney,1947年3月12日——),美国共和党总统候选人。他出生在密歇根州底特律市,原是一名成功的商人,后弃商从政。他是第70任马萨诸塞州州长,曾角逐2008年美国总统选举的共和党提名,初选得票不尽人意,于2008年2月7日退出。2011年6月2日,正式宣布参加2012年总统竞选。听 力最练习


Listen to the whole passage and fill in the blanks with the words you have heard.

1.  Officials think it could be the closest finish ever in an Iowa Republican _______________ contest.

2.  But Romney had those eight _______________ votes, so he is the winner.

3.  Senator John McCain, who was the Republican Party’s presidential _______________ four years ago _______________ Mitt Romney.

4.  It’s not unusual to see some of the candidates who finish lower in these early contests _______________ the race for the White House.


Listen and fill in the blanks with the right sentences you have heard in the passage.

1.  Starting from the left, ________________________________________________________ Mitt Romney, and in the center, ________________________________________________________ Rick Santorum.

2.  US Representative Michele Bachmann, who came in sixth place in Iowa, ________________________________________________________.


Listen to the whole passage once again and choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

1. The first place for the Republican presidential candidate had _____ more votes than the second.

  A.  one  B.  eight  C.  four  D.  three

2.  Who got about 25 percent of the vote?

  A.  Mitt Romney.

  B.  Rick Santorum.

  C.  Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum.

  D.  Ron Paul.答案与解析


1.  presidential  2.  additional

3.  nominee, endorsed  4.  drop out of


1.  you have former governor, former senator

2.  announced that she’s suspending her campaign


1  B 根据文章开篇“Eight votes—that was the difference between first and second place for the Republican presidential candidates on Tuesday. Officials think it could be the closest finish ever in an Iowa Republican presidential contest.” 8 票——这就是星期二共和党总统候选人第1 名和第2 名的差距。官员们认为这可能是爱荷华州共和党总统竞选中票数最接近的选举结果。

2  C 由文章得知,“These were the top three candidates. Starting from the left, you have former governor Mitt Romney, and in the center, former senator Rick Santorum. Both of them got about 25 percent of the vote.” 这是前三名的候选人。从左边开始首先是前州长米特•罗姆尼,在中间的是前参议员瑞克•桑托姆。他们两个都拿到了大约25% 的选票。新 闻最正文Mitt Romney Expected to Win Florida Primaries

Eight votes—that was the difference between first and second place for the Republican presidential candidates on Tuesday. Officials think it could be the closest finish ever in an Iowa Republican presidential contest.

These were the top three candidates. (1) Starting from the left, you have former governor Mitt Romney, and in the center, former senator Rick Santorum. Both of them got about 25 percent of the vote. But Romney had those eight additional votes, so he is the winner. US Representative Ron Paul, on the right, came in third with 21 percent.

(2) The reactions to the Iowa results started coming in yesterday. Senator John McCain, who was the Republican Party’s presidential nominee four years ago endorsed Mitt Romney.

US Representative Michele Bachmann, who came in sixth place in Iowa, announced that she’s suspending her campaign. It’s not unusual to see some of the candidates who finish lower in these early contests drop out of the race for the White House.新 闻最译文米特·罗姆尼会赢得佛罗里达州初选




在爱荷华州排在第6位的美国众议员米歇尔•巴曼宣布退出竞选。早期选票少的候选人退出入主白宫的竞选并不稀奇。听 力最破解

1  Starting from the left, you have former governor Mitt Romney, and in the center, former senator Rick Santorum.


  从左开始首先是前州长米特•罗姆尼,在中间的是前参议员瑞克•桑托姆。这句话我们可以叫它“有”字句,它可以成为“是”字句的孪生姐妹句。在很多情况下可以相互转化。如We had a serious drought this spring.→There was a serious drought this spring.都译成“今年春天干旱严重”。那么听力原文中的这句话就可以转变成:Starting from the left is former governor Mitt Romney, and in the center, former senator Rick Santorum.  从左开始首先是前州长米特•罗姆尼,在中间的是前参议员瑞克•桑托姆。这句话我们可以叫它“有”字句,它可以成为“是”字句的孪生姐妹句。在很多情况下可以相互转化。如We had a serious drought this spring.→There was a serious drought this spring.都译成“今年春天干旱严重”。那么听力原文中的这句话就可以转变成:Starting from the left is former governor Mitt Romney, and in the center, former senator Rick Santorum.  从左开始首先是前州长米特•罗姆尼,在中间的是前参议员瑞克•桑托姆。这句话我们可以叫它“有”字句,它可以成为“是”字句的孪生姐妹句。在很多情况下可以相互转化。如We had a serious drought this spring.→There was a serious drought this spring.都译成“今年春天干旱严重”。那么听力原文中的这句话就可以转变成:Starting from the left is former governor Mitt Romney, and in the center, former senator Rick Santorum.

2  The reactions to the Iowa results started coming in yesterday.


  昨天开始出现对爱荷华州的选举结果的反应。reactions原本为无生命的词,却发出了coming in的动作,很明显用到了拟人的手法。类似的句子还有My watch says twelve. 按照我的手表,现在是12点。His failure suggests his carelessness. 他的失败说明他太大意了。拟人的句子使整句话更生动,也使文章更富有变化。  昨天开始出现对爱荷华州的选举结果的反应。reactions原本为无生命的词,却发出了coming in的动作,很明显用到了拟人的手法。类似的句子还有My watch says twelve. 按照我的手表,现在是12点。His failure suggests his carelessness. 他的失败说明他太大意了。拟人的句子使整句话更生动,也使文章更富有变化。CNN News 4奥巴马拟在总统选举中重演历史新 闻最背景

奥巴马,全名为贝拉克·侯赛因·奥巴马(1961年8月4日——),美国第44任总统,出生于美国夏威夷州火奴鲁鲁。奥巴马是首位拥有黑人血统,并且童年在亚洲度过的美国总统,与在不同地方、具有不同文化背景的人共同生活过。2011年4月4日,奥巴马宣布竞选2012年美国总统。听 力最练习


Listen to the whole passage and fill in the blanks with the words you have heard.

1. The only state named after a president held its Republican presidential _______________ on Saturday.

2. Tens of thousands of _______________ had been expected to take part in the caucus meetings this weekend.

3. Washington’s caucuses award those delegates _______________.

4. The Republican candidate who wins his party’s ______________ will face off in the general election against President Obama, the likely Democratic nominee.


Listen and fill in the blanks with the right sentences you have heard in the passage.

1. We’ve talked about _________________________________________________________.

2. When he was elected in 2008, Obama had overwhelming ________________________________________________________.


Listen to the whole passage once again and choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

1. How does the Washington’s caucuses award those delegates?

A. By voting. B. In proportionate.

C. By nomination. D. None of them.

2. Who will face off in the general election against President Obama?

A. Any candidate from the Republic.

B. Only the candidate from the Democratic.

C. The Republican candidate who wins his party’s nomination.

D. Any candidate from the Democratic.答案与解析


1. caucuses 2. Washingtonians

3. proportionately 4. nomination


1. candidates winning delegates in primaries and caucuses

2. support from one group of Americans


1 B 根据文章“Washington’s caucuses award those delegates proportionately.”华盛顿的核心成员会议按比例确定代表。

2 C 根据文章“The Republican candidate who wins his party’s nomination will face off in the general election against President Obama, the likely Democratic nominee.”赢得了党内提名的共和党候选人在总统大选中将与可能成为民主党提名人的奥巴马成为对手。新 闻最正文Obama Might Repeat History in Presidential Contest

The only state named after a president held its Republican presidential caucuses on Saturday. Former Governor Mitt Romney came away with the win. (1) He also got some momentum heading into this week’s Super Tuesday contest. We’ll have more on those for you tomorrow.

Tens of thousands of Washingtonians had been expected to take part in the caucus meetings this weekend. We’ve talked about candidates winning delegates in primaries and caucuses. Washington’s caucuses award those delegates proportionately. So since Governor Romney got the most votes, he also won the most delegates, but he didn’t win all of them.

The Republican candidate who wins his party’s nomination will face off in the general election against President Obama, the likely Democratic nominee. When he was elected in 2008, Obama had overwhelming support from one group of Americans. (2) Suzanne Malveaux looks at whether history might repeat itself in this year’s election and the possible reasons why or why not.新 闻最译文奥巴马拟在总统选举中重演历史



赢得了党内提名的共和党候选人在总统大选中将与可能成为民主党提名人的奥巴马成为对手。当他在2008年当选总统时,奥巴马获得了一群美国人压倒性的支持。历史是否可能在今年的选举中重演,其中的原因是什么,苏珊•马沃斯拭目以待。听 力最破解

1 He also got some momentum heading into this week’s Super Tuesday contest.


本句的意思是“他也获得了参加本周超级星期二竞赛的一些动力”。head into表示即“即使有困难仍然前行”。在这句话中它的现在分词形式heading into做momentum的后置定语。 本句的意思是“他也获得了参加本周超级星期二竞赛的一些动力”。head into表示即“即使有困难仍然前行”。在这句话中它的现在分词形式heading into做momentum的后置定语。 本句的意思是“他也获得了参加本周超级星期二竞赛的一些动力”。head into表示即“即使有困难仍然前行”。在这句话中它的现在分词形式heading into做momentum的后置定语。

2 Suzanne Malveaux looks at whether history might repeat itself in this year’s election, and the possible reasons why or why not.


本句的意思是“历史是否可能在今年的选举中重演,其中的原因是什么,苏珊•马沃斯拭目以待”。look at后面接whether引导的宾语从句。在这句话里repeat意为“重新上演”,把history拟人化,所以说history might repeat itself。possible reason后面的定语从句应为“why or why not history repeat itself in this year’s election”。由于前面提到这句话,所以后面省略,直接加引导词why or why not。 本句的意思是“历史是否可能在今年的选举中重演,其中的原因是什么,苏珊•马沃斯拭目以待”。look at后面接whether引导的宾语从句。在这句话里repeat意为“重新上演”,把history拟人化,所以说history might repeat itself。possible reason后面的定语从句应为“why or why not history repeat itself in this year’s election”。由于前面提到这句话,所以后面省略,直接加引导词why or why not。 本句的意思是“历史是否可能在今年的选举中重演,其中的原因是什么,苏珊•马沃斯拭目以待”。look at后面接whether引导的宾语从句。在这句话里repeat意为“重新上演”,把history拟人化,所以说history might repeat itself。possible reason后面的定语从句应为“why or why not history repeat itself in this year’s election”。由于前面提到这句话,所以后面省略,直接加引导词why or why not。 本句的意思是“历史是否可能在今年的选举中重演,其中的原因是什么,苏珊•马沃斯拭目以待”。look at后面接whether引导的宾语从句。在这句话里repeat意为“重新上演”,把history拟人化,所以说history might repeat itself。possible reason后面的定语从句应为“why or why not history repeat itself in this year’s election”。由于前面提到这句话,所以后面省略,直接加引导词why or why not。CNN News  5超级星期二新 闻最背景

超级星期二是美国一个大规模的总统候选人初选活动,通常在每个总统选举年的二月或三月的一个星期二举行。在那一天,多个州会同时选出民主与共和两党的候选人。由于当天的结果往往决定最终的候选人人选,各候选人特别注重这一天的表现,因此被称为“超级星期二”。听 力最练习


Listen to the whole passage and fill in the blanks with the words you have heard.

1.  Four Republican candidates, 10 states, more than 400 delegates up for _______________.

2.  A bunch of states all hold their _______________ contests on the same day.

3.  One of the _______________ getting a lot of attention today is Ohio.

4.  It’s also expected to be a _______________ state in the general election in November.


Listen and fill in the blanks with the right sentences you have heard in the passage.

1. In Super Tuesday this year, you can see that voters in the north, south, east and west _________________________________________________________.

2.  It takes 1,144 delegates to _________________________________________________________.


Listen to the whole passage once again and choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

1.  What is the goal for the candidate?

  A.  To win delegates.

  B.  To win the vote.

  C.  To become the candidate of the Republic.

  D.  All of the above.

2.  How many delegates you should get if you want to win the Republican Party’s nomination for president?

  A.  1144.    B.  1114.

  C.  1410.    D.  1414.答案与解析


1.  grabs  2.  presidential 

3.  attention  4.  battleground






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