
发布时间:2020-06-18 00:29:08







Unit 1


※ Text A

acquaint [E5kweint] v.. (with)使认识,使了解,使熟悉

例句Please acquaint him with my arrival. 请通知他我到了。

词组acquaint with 熟悉;使认识,使了解

be acquainted with 知道,相识

acquaint oneself with 熟悉,通晓,摸清


派生acquaintance n. 熟人;相识;了解;知道

humanity [hju(:)5mAniti] n. 人性,人类,人情;博爱,仁慈;人文科学

例句This new discovery will contribute to all humanity. 这个新发现将对全人类作出贡献。


zoom [zu:m] n. 急速上升,陡直上升;(价格、费用等)猛增;嗡嗡声

vi. (飞机)陡升

例句A red signal light zoomed to the sky. 一枚红色信号腾空而起。

词组zoom in放大

reference [5refrEns] n. 提及;参考(书目);证明书(人);介绍信;参考书目

v. 引用

例句My careful writing results from many references to a dictionary. 我文思缜密是因为我经常查字典。

词组by reference to参照

with reference to关于,就…而论

in reference to 关于

expert [5ekspE:t] n. 专家,能手

adj. 熟练的,内行的,有经验的;专门的

vt. 当专家;在…中当行家

例句All the young men are expert drivers. 所有这些年轻人都是驾驶能手。

词组expert in/at 熟于;在…方面是行家

助记excerpt(n. & vt. 摘录)只有专家才能干的事。

派生expertise n. 专门知识;专门技术;专家的意见

equivalent [i5kwivElEnt] adj. 相等的,相当的,等价的

n. 等价物,相等物

例句Some American words have no British equivalent. 美国英语的一些单词在英国英语中没有对等的词。

词组the equivalent of …的等同物


派生equivalence n. 等值;相等

vice versa 反之亦然

例句A man of high birth may be of low worth and vice versa. 


intonation [7intE5neiFEn] n. 说话时声音的语调,声调,抑扬,升降

例句Russian-born American violinist noted for his pure intonation and interpretive sense.


corresponding [kRri5spRndiN] adj. 相应的,对应的;符合的,一致的

例句All rights carry with them corresponding responsibilities. 所有的权利都带有相应的义务。

搭配corresponding period 同期

派生correspondingly adv. 相应地,相对地

behaviorist [bi5heivjErIst] n. <美>行动主义者

parrot [5pArEt] n. 鹦鹉,学舌者

例句Mary is as sick as a parrot about losing her watch. 玛丽丢了表之后非常不高兴。

搭配become the parrot of other men’s thinking变成人云亦云而不知所云者

sick as a parrot憎恶的


learn/repeat sth parrot-fashion 机械地学习[重复]某事物

formula [5fC:mjulE] n. (pl. formulae)公式;规则;分子式;药方

例句The chemical formula for water is HO. 水的化学分子式是2HO。2


派生formulation n. 构想,规划;公式化;简洁陈述

※ Text B

particularly [pE5tIkjJlElI] adv. 独特地,显著地

例句The boss is in a particularly bad mood. 老板今天情绪特别不好。

furthermore [f\:TE5mC:(r)] adv. 此外,而且

例句The house is too small,and furthermore,It’s too far from the office. 这座房子太小,而且离办公地点也太远。

stunned [stQnd] adj. 受惊的

v. 使震惊;使不知所措(stun的过去式及过去分词形式)

例句We were stunned with [by] the sudden news. 这突然的消息使我们为之愕然。

搭配be stunned to doing 因…而震惊

solemn [5sRlEm] adj. 严肃的;庄重的,神圣的;郑重的;阴沉的;隆重的

例句We entered into a solemn bond. 我们缔结了一项正式协定。

派生solemnly adv. 庄严地;严肃地

solemnity n. 严肃;庄严

solemnly [5sRlEmli] adv. 庄严地;严肃地;隆重地

例句On Saturday morning my father solemnly dispensed pocket money to each of the children. 


tentative [5tentEtiv] adj. 试探(性)的,试验(性)的;暂定的;犹豫不决的

例句Just a tentative schedule. 仅仅是个试验性的计划。

助记tent(n 帐篷),ative-住帐篷是因为房子还末完全完工的-测试性的。

astonish [Es5tCniF] v.. 使惊讶,使吃惊

例句I was astonished when I heard the hospital had burnt down. 当听到那所医院被烧毁时,我大为惊讶。

词组be astonished at/to do/that被(因)…惊吓


派生astonishing adj. 惊人的;令人惊讶的

astonishment n. 惊讶;令人惊讶的事物

illustration [7ilEs5treiFEn] n. 说明,例证;插图,图解

例句It’s not a very good novel,but I like the illustrations. 这本小说不是很精彩,但我喜欢里面的插图。

scrap [skrAp] n. 碎片,屑;废料

v. 扔弃,报废;争夺 ;吵架

adj. 废弃的;零碎的

例句The scrap merchant has a machine which crushes cars. 那个废品商有个压碎汽车的机器。




1. According to these advertisements, with very little effort on the student’s part…按照这些广告的说法,学生不用下什么功夫……。

according to有以下几种用法:


They both played the game according to the rules.他们俩都依章行事。


Philip stayed at the hotel, according to Mr. Hemming.据亨明先生所说,菲利普住在旅馆里。


If all goes according to plan, the first concert will be Tuesday evening.如果一切都按计划进行的话,第一场音乐会将在星期二晚上举行。

on one’s part


There shall be no enmity on my part.我没有什么可怨恨的。


I consider this a gross oversight on your part.我认为这是你严重疏忽造成的。

2. There is often a reference to William Shakespeare or Charles Dickens to encourage him even more.广告中还常常提及威廉•莎士比亚和查尔斯•狄更斯等英语文学大师的名字来鼓励学生报名学英语。

reference作名词时,意为“参考;引语;推荐信”,句中reference to意为“提及;谈到”。例:

He made no reference to any agreement.他没有提到什么协议。

短语with reference to和in reference to意为“关于”,例:

I am writing with reference to your job application.敬覆者,关于您申请工作一事。

3. If it were as easy to learn English as they say, I would have to look for another job, because very few qualified teachers would be needed. 如果学英语真像这些广告所说的那么容易,我恐怕得另谋他就了,因为不需要那么多合格的英语教师了。

本句使用了虚拟语气,与现在事实相反,所以if条件句用过去式were,主句用would have done结构,because引导原因状语从句,且because从句中也同样使用了虚拟语气。very few表示否定,修饰qualified teachers。

4. …and it is no use pretending that anyone has discovered a perfect way of teaching English in every possible situation.……而且装模作样地声称某人已经找到了一个能适用于所有场合的教学法也是没用的。

句中使用it is no use doing sth.结构,其中use为名词,后接动名词,意为“做…是没用的、无益的”,例:

It’s no use crying over spilt milk.(谚)覆水难收。

5. No doubt this is true to a certain extent, but it is not very helpful to students.这种说法无疑有一定的道理,但对学生来说并没有多少帮助。

no doubt有两个含义:①多半,很可能。例:

No doubt you are wrong.我想你是错的。


The contract for this will no doubt be widely advertised.关于这个的合约无疑会受到广泛宣传。

与doubt相关的其他词组:①beyond/without doubt无疑地,确实地。例:

She is right, beyond doubt.她无疑是对的。

②in doubt不能肯定的,可怀疑的。例:

His inclusion in the team is in doubt.他是否能被选入这个队还未定案。

6. But it is wrong to assume that each word in English has a precise equivalent in another language and vice versa.如果你认为英语中的每一个词在另一语言中都有完全对等的词(或反之亦然),那就错了。

句子的主干为:it is wrong to assume that…,assume后接that宾语从句;其中,it为形式主语,真正主语是不定式to assume that…。

assume that假设;以为。例:

Many daughters assume that their mothers are invulnerable.很多女儿都认为她们的母亲无比坚强。

vice versa为拉丁语,意为“反之亦然”。例:

A man of high birth may be of low worth and vice versa.出身高贵的人可能价值低,出身微贱的人可能价值高。

7.…let alone produce good pronunciation and intonation.……更不要说做到语音、语调地道了。

let alone意为“更别提”,相当于not to mention,常用于否定句中,后可接名词、动词原形或分词形式。例:

We can’t afford a bicycle, let alone a car.我们连自行车也买不起,更不用说汽车了。

8. Behaviorists are fond of making students repeat phrases and making them do exercises where they continually have to change one word in a sentence.行为主义者喜欢让学生复述短语,让他们不断做一些只需更换句中某个词汇的练习。

句中making students repeat…and making them do…并列作介词of的宾语,where引导定语从句,修饰exercises。

make为使役动词,常用make sb. do sth.结构,意为“让某人做某事”。例:

You can’t make me do anything.你不能强迫我做任何事。

be fond of喜欢;喜爱。例:

She is fond of collecting rare carpets.她喜欢收集稀罕少见的地毯。

9. Human beings, unlike parrots and chimpanzees, do not like making noises unless they understand what the noises mean and can relate them to their own lives:人类与鹦鹉或黑猩猩不同,不会无缘无故地发出噪音,除非他们明白这些声音的意思,并能将其与自己的生活联系起来。

句子的主干为:Human beings…do not like making noises…;unlike parrots and chimpanzees为插入语;unless引导让步状语从句,they为主语,指代human beings;understand…and can relate…作they的并列谓语。


It is difficult to relate his argument to the facts.很难把他的论证同事实联系起来。

10. It is worth remembering that language is a means of communication.值得牢记的是:语言是一种交际手段。

be worth (doing) sth.值得(做)某事的。例:

It’s an idea that may be worth revisiting at a later date.这个观点值得以后进一步探讨。

注意:表示“值得…的”还可以用worthy和worthwhile,但是worthy常用于be worthy of sth. /to do sth结构中,例:

This book is worthy of being read /to be read.这本书值得一读。

而worthwhile常用语It is worthwhile doing /to do sth.结构中,例:

It is worthwhile to note that both suffered persecution.值得注意的是,双方都受到过迫害。


1. In one of my classes were many children who had had great trouble with schoolwork, particularly reading:我曾经任教的一个班上有许多孩子做功课很吃力,尤其是阅读。

句中have trouble with意为“做…有困难”,此外,该词组还有“有病痛”之意。例:

She is having trouble with her teeth.她牙齿痛。


①in trouble处于困境;惹麻烦;将受惩罚。例:

The old lady often comforts those who are in trouble.这位老妇人经常安慰处于困境的人。

②take the trouble to do sth.费力、费神做某事。例:

It’s very kind of you to take the trouble to help me.你真好,不嫌麻烦地来帮助我。

2. I decided to try at all costs to rid them of their fear and dislike of books, and to get them to read oftener and more adventurously.我决定不惜任何代价帮助他们摆脱对书本的恐惧和厌恶,让他们读更多的书,更勇于尝试。

句子的主干为I decided to try…,后接两个不定式短语作try的宾语。

at all costs意为“不惜任何代价”,相当于by all means。例:

We are determined to defend our motherland at all costs.我们决心不惜任何代价保卫祖国。

表示“以…为代价”用at the cost of,例:

He rescued the boy from drowning at the cost of his own life.他救这小孩免于淹死却牺牲了自己的生命。

句中rid为动词,意为“摆脱;消除”,rid sb. of...表示“使摆脱…”,例:

You must learn to rid yourself of such troublesome thoughts.你必须学会使自己摆脱如此令人烦恼的想法。

rid还可作形容词,意为“得到解脱的”,常用于短语get rid of,表示“丢弃,扔掉;摆脱,除去”。例:

It is difficult to get rid of deep-rooted habits.积习难除。

3. One girl, who had just come to us from a school where she had had a very hard time, and who proved to be one of the most interesting, lively, and intelligent children I have ever known, looked at me steadily for a long time after I had finished. 其中一个女孩,因功课不好刚从外校转学进来,我后来发现她是个非常有趣、活泼、聪明的孩子,在我接触的孩子当中算是很不错的了。在我讲完之后,她盯着我看了很久。

本句主干为One girl…looked at me steadily for a long time…;其中who had just…,and who proved to…为两个并列的定语从句,修饰先行词one girl;由who引导的定语从句中又包含有定语从句,where引导的定语从句修饰先行词a school;I have ever known修饰children;句末的after I had finished为时间状语从句。

prove to be证明是…;显示是…。例:

We have been accused of exaggerating before, but unfortunately all our reports proved to be true.以前一直有人指责我们夸大事实,但遗憾的是,我们所有的报道都证明是真实的。

4. Perhaps she was clearing up some confusion about reading that her teachers, in their hurry to get her up to “grade level,” had never given her enough time to clear up.可能她在消除对阅读的一些困惑,而以前她的老师总是催着她读她这个年级该读的书,没有给她足够的时间去消除这些困惑。

句子的主干为:she was clearing up some confusion about reading…;that引导当语从句,修饰some confusion about reading。

句中clear up意为“解决(问题);消除(困惑、谜团)”,除此之外,clear up还有以下几种含义:


I cleared up my room.我把我的房间整理了一下。


This herbal medicine will soon clear up your cold.这种草药能很快治好你的感冒。


The weather won’t clear up until the rainy season is over.雨季不结束天不会放晴。

5. I made my sell as soft as possible, saying only that it was about a girl who loved and rode horses, and that if she didn’t like it, she could put it back.我尽可能说得委婉,只告诉她那是一本关于一个爱马并喜欢骑马的女孩的故事;如果她不喜欢,把书放回去不看就是了。

句子的主干为:I made my sell as soft as possible…;saying only that…为现在分词结构充当伴随状语;say后跟两个由that引导的宾语从句,第一个宾语从句中,由who引导的定语从句修饰先行词a girl,第二个宾语从句中含if条件句。


6. Don’t you find parts of it rather heavy going?你不觉得书中有些地方很难懂吗?


I like John but I don’t find him attractive physically.我喜欢约翰,不过我认为他长得并不英俊。

句中heavy going表示“阅读理解过程艰难”。





1 我每天都会在报纸、公交车上看到各种各样的广告,声称学英语很容易。按照这些广告的说法,学生不用下什么功夫就能在三个月甚至十天的时间里说一口流利的英语。广告中还常常提及威廉•莎士比亚和查尔斯•狄更斯等英语文学大师的名字来鼓励学生报名学英语。每当看到此类广告,我都哭笑不得:如果学英语真像这些广告所说的那么容易,我恐怕得另谋出路了,因为不需要那么多合格的英语教师了。但是,肯定有很多人相信这些可笑的噱头,否则这些广告就不会出现了。

2 学生们被这些实惠的速成学习法所吸引也在情理之中。但要用浅显易懂的语言解释为什么某一方法比另一方法更好并不容易,而且装模作样地声称某人已经找到了一个能适用于所有场合的教学法也是没用的。一些专家甚至认为,有多少个好老师就有多少种好的教学方法,因为每一个老师都有其自身的特点。这种说法无疑有一定的道理,但对学生来说并没有多少帮助。

3 曾经有很长一段时间,人们认为要学好一门语言,唯一的方法是到讲那种语言的国家待上一段时间。当然,那些去英国、美国、或者澳大利亚等国家学习英语的学生会比那些不能去的学生更具优势,但是很多学生支付不起这笔费用。有些学生走向另一个极端:认为可以借助于词典在家自学。但是,如果你认为英语中的每一个词在另一语言中都有完全对等的词(或反之亦然)的话,那你就错了。通过任何一种翻译法来向学生讲解口语的自然形式是不可能的,更不要说做到语音、语调地道了。

4 现在大量的教学活动还是建立在行为主义心理学之上的。行为主义者喜欢让学生复述短语,让他们不断做一些只需更换句中某个词汇的练习。假如我们是鹦鹉或者是黑猩猩的话,这些方法或许能奏效。但我们不是,这似乎让很多理论家对此感到遗憾,否则他们提出的那些方法就很容易使用了。

5 我个人认为,假如没有兴趣的话,任何人都不可能说好英语或其他任何语言。人类不像鹦鹉或黑猩猩,不会无缘无故地发出噪音,除非他们明白这些声音的意思,并能将其与自己的生活联系起来。值得牢记的是:语言是一种交际手段。人们在母语中怎么说怎么写,用另一种语言表达时也大同小异。因此,人们所听所读的绝不会是程式化的东西,听的读的材料必须真实自然。

6 还有一个相关的观点值得在此一提:在交际时我们需要有倾诉或倾听的对象。当所学的东西对我们来说较生疏时,如果有其他学生和我们在一起学习和练习那些陌生的语言形式,用真实的语言去谈论真实的生活,一定会受益匪浅的。




1 我曾经任教的一个班上有许多孩子做功课很吃力,尤其是阅读。因此我决定不惜任何代价帮他们摆脱对书本的恐惧和厌恶,让他们读更多的书,更勇于尝试。

2 开学不久的一天,我对他们说:“我要说说关于读书的事情,你们以前也许没有听到哪个老师这样说过。今年我想让你们多读些书,但我希望你们是为了寻求乐趣而读书。我不会问你们问题,不会以此检查你们读懂了没有。如果你读懂了,觉得喜欢读,并且想继续把它读完,这就够了。而且我不会考你们词汇的意义。”

3 “最后,”我继续说道,“我不希望你们感觉一旦开始读一本书,就得把它读完。先读三四十页,看看故事情节如何发展。如果你不喜欢书中的人物,不关心他们都经历了什么,那就合上书,放在一边,再看另一本。你们所读的书是晦涩难懂还是易于理解,篇幅是长还是短,我都不介意,只要你们喜欢就行。另外,我还会写信把我的打算告诉你们的父母,这样他们就知道没有必要在家里提问或检查你们的阅读情况了。”

4 孩子们都愣住了,坐着一言不发。这真的是老师在说话吗?其中一个女孩。因功课不好刚从外校转学进来,我后来发现她是个非常有趣、活泼、聪明的孩子,在我接触的孩子当中算是突出的。在我讲完之后,她盯着我看了很久。然后,她一边盯着我一边缓慢而严肃地问道:“霍尔特先生,你说的话是真的吗?”我也同样严肃地回答说:“字字当真,一点不假。”

5 很显然,她打算照我的话去做。她读的第一本书是索伊斯博士写的《格林奇偷走圣诞节》,这本书对大多数三年级的学生来说都不难,更不用说她这个年级的学生了。有一阵子,她读了很多这一阅读水平的读物。可能她在消除对阅读的一些困惑,而以前她的老师总是催着她读她这个年级该读的书,所以没有给她足够的时间去消除这些困惑。她在这个班级学习了大约六个星期后,我们成了好朋友。我试探性地建议:既然她是个好骑手,又喜欢马,她可能会喜欢读《玉女神驹》。我尽可能说得委婉,只告诉她那是一本关于一个爱马并喜欢骑马的女孩的故事;如果她不喜欢,把书放回去不看就是了。她去读了。尽管她也许发现这本书比她之前读的书要难一点,她还是看完了,而且很喜欢。

6 春季的这个学期,她确实令我大吃一惊。一天,在一节自习课上,我看到她坐在课桌前读书。我瞥了一眼书中的插图,就知道她在看什么书了。我心里想着:“不可能吧。”然后走过去仔细一看,果然,她在读《白鲸》,这个版本配有罗克威尔·肯特的木刻画。当我走近她的课桌时,她抬起头来。我问道:“你真的在看这本书吗?”她说,是的。我又问:“你喜欢这本书吗?”她说:“嗯,是的,这本书很好。”我接着问道:“你不觉得书中有些地方很难懂吗?”“哦,当然有啊,但是我看不懂的地方就跳过去,接着看下面有意思的地方。”她这样回答。

7 真正的阅读就应该这样。但是上学时,阅读并不总是一个令人兴奋、充满乐趣的过程。找一本书,钻进去,读有趣的部分,跳过看不懂的地方,尽可能从书中得到些收获,然后再去读其他的书。我们为什么要坚持让每个孩子都读一样的书,作出同样的“理解”呢?


Listen and Respond【听力原文】

Hello, I’m Alberto. I’m a student of English, French, Portuguese and Italian. I would also love to learn Chinese and German in the near future. My mother tongue is Spanish and I have a degree in Political Science. I love to learn new languages, because I think it broadens my mind. Even though I still have some difficulty with verb tenses, I’m confident that with time and practice I’ll cope with them.

I believe learning a new language besides your mother tongue can be useful, especially in a world where distances are shortened and people from different countries communicate with each other more frequently.

Learning a new language can be a good experience, but only if you keep in mind that nothing is obtained without some effort. In my opinion, the best way to learn a language is to read a lot. It doesn’t matter what you read, but that you do it. Even if you don’t understand everything, your reading comprehension skill will improve remarkably. Also, if possible, watch a lot of television in that language, or listen to CDs. Maybe at first you won’t understand a word, but later you’d catch on to the rhythm of the language.

Good dictionaries are necessary, and books regarding vocabulary can be a plus. The Internet is also a useful tool.

The language you choose to learn might seem a little difficult at first, or even totally strange, but you’ll get accustomed to it. Remember that the learning process is long, and that it never ends. However, it is also highly enjoyable.

Task One

1. In this monologue, Alberto tells us he likes to learn new languages and the reasons. He also provides us some useful tips to learn a new language.

2. Yes, he is. Because he thinks learning a new languages can broaden his mind.

3. Yes, he does. He thinks if one keeps reading a lot, his/her reading comprehension skill will improve remarkably.

Task Two

1.English; French; Italian; Chinese; German

2.his mind

3.mother tongue; are shortened; more frequently

4.read a lot; listen to CDs

5.good dictionaries; the Internet

6.difficult at first; never ends; highly enjoyable


Task One


1) No, he doesn’t think so. He says that in fact English is not easy to learn; otherwise, he would have to look for another job instead of an English teacher, because very few qualified teachers would be needed.

2) Yes, he does.

3) Behaviorists are fond of making students repeat phrases and do exercises where they continually have to change one word in a sentence. They think people learn language is in the same way as parrots and chimpanzees do.

4) Pidcroft thinks interest is of great improtance to language learning. No one can ever learn to speak English or any other language unless he is interested in it.

5) Parrots and chimpanzees make noises that are meaningless, however, human beings do not like making noises unless they understand what the noises mean and can relate them to their own lives. They use the language to communicate.


1) Advertisements often give the false impression on people that learning English is easy and it does not take much effort to master it.

2) There isn’t a universal method that suits all students in every situation.

3) People are in two extremes to learn a language. One is that people used to believe the only way to learn a language was to spend a lot of time in a country where it was spoken. The other extreme is that some think that they can learn a foreign language at home with dictionaries.

4) Teaching methods based on the behaviorist theory does not work, because human beings are not parrots or chimpanzees.

5) Interest is the key to learning a language, and language is a tool for communication.

6) It is important that we have other people to talk to and listen to in communication in order to master a language.

Task Two

1.T T F T F F


1) There are many ways of learning and teaching English, but no way is perfect in every situation. Therefore, it is useless to pretend that someone has discovered a perfect way of teaching English.

2) Human beings do-not learn to speak in the way parrots or chimpanzees do. But many behaviorist theorists wish that we were parrots or chimpanzees, so that they could use their teaching methods with ease.

3) Human beings are not like animals. They talk meaningfully and the speech sounds they make are relevant to their lives.

Task Three


2) Yes. Language learning is not an easy job, no matter what language it is. But if the language belongs to the same language family as the learners’ mother tongue, or if the learner has some aptitude for learning languages, things may become easier to some extent.

3) Yes, it is. Motivation is always an important factor in learning a foreign language.

4) Open. No, I don’t believe it. Driven by profits, the advertisers often exaggerate, and sometimes provide false messages. It takes time and effort to learn a foreign language.


Checking Your Vocabulary


l) care    2) astonish    3) adventure  4) confusion

5) glimpse  6) illustration     7) edition     8) intelligent


1) had some trouble with  2) at all costs   3) to rid myself of

4) I mean every word of it.  5) cleared up     6) sure enough    7) dived into it

Checking Your Comprehension


1) According to the information in Para. 5 (not a hard book even for most third graders), we can conclude that the children must be in the fourth or some upper grade.

2) Three. How the Grinch Stole Christmas → National Velvet → Moby Dick


2.stunned/surprised; doubtful/questioning; relieved/pleased

3. After hearing what John Holt said, the girl decided to believe him and follow his advice. She started with some easier books like How the Grinch Stole Christmas and remained on this lower level for a while. About six weeks later, as John Holt advised National Velvet, she tried to read it. Then, surprisingly, John Holt found she was reading Moby Dick, which is a more difficult book. Although some parts difficult, she enjoyed the book very much. Actually, she got the nature of reading should be---taking the good parts, skipping the bad parts and reading for pleasure.

Optional Classroom Activities


a. being nice but strict, and treat every student equally

b. having a good command of his subject

c. being enthusiastic teaching

d. available to the students when they need assistance …


a. Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice(《傲慢与偏见》), Sense and Sensibility(《理智与感情》)

b. Charlotte Brontë: Jane Eyre(《简•爱》)

c. Emily Brontë: Wuthering Heights(《呼啸山庄》)

d. Thomas Hardy: Tess of the D’Urbervilles(《苔丝》)

e. D. H. Lawrence: Sons and Lovers(《子与情人》)

f. Jonathan Swift: Gullfier’s Travels(《格列佛游记》)

Words In Action

Working with Words and Expressions


1) obtain    2) confident    3) communicate    4) advantage  5) relevant

6) helpful  7) extreme     8) enjoyable  9) means    10) process

11) particularly  12) characters    13) astonished    14) apparently


1) fond of     2) is…related to    3) according to  4) To a certain extent    5) vice versa

6) no doubt    7) rid…of    8) cleared up     9) or else  10) at all costs     11) sure enough  12) let alone     13) based on  14) It’s no use    15) in my view     16) was worth

Increasing Your Word Power

1.c d b b b d

2.  1)highly/very   2)quite/very  3)quite/very/increasingly  4)quite/simply/very


Adverbs → Adjectives:

efficiently → efficient  

adventurously → adventurous  

probably → probable

quickly → quick  

really → real

solemnly → solemn

steadily → steady 

fluently→ fluent 

particularly → particular

apparently → apparent 

cheaply → cheap    

continually → continual





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