
发布时间:2020-06-18 17:46:51








★If All the Skies Were Sunshine如果满天都是阳光◎ By Henry van Dyke 译·赏析 / 朱敏琦

If all the skies were sunshine,

Our faces would be fain

To feel once more upon them

The cooling splash of rain.

If all the world were music,

Our hearts would often long

For one sweet strainof silence

To break the endless song.

If life were always merry,

Our souls would seek relief,

And rest from weary laughter

In the quiet arms of grief.













亨利·范戴克(Henry van Dyke,1852~1933),美国作家、教育家、牧师,曾任普林斯顿大学英语文学教授和巴黎大学讲师,是美国艺术和文学学会(American Academy of Arts and Letters)的成员。

往期我们介绍给大家的诗歌大多是正面的、积极的,但本期这首诗的立足点有所不同,带我们换一个视角看待世界和生活。如果梦想都能成真,如果世界只剩美好,如果生活只有欢乐,那么我们便可能审美疲劳。阳光之下总有阴影,但正是它的存在才更突显出太阳的光辉。经过奋斗和努力、克服艰难和险阻之后获得的成功,或许比一帆风顺的坦途更有价值、更令人珍惜。★What's Hot特别推荐★回眸奥运Once upon a Time, at the 2012 London Olympics ...很久很久以前,在伦敦奥运会上◎ By Jim Caple 译 / 辛献云

每一届奥运会都留下了很多振奋人心的故事,每一个奥运英雄都书写了鼓舞人心的传奇。刚刚落幕不久的伦敦奥运会的口号是“鼓舞一代人(Inspire a Generation)”,而它也真的做到了。它让我们看到,奥运关乎的不只是金牌和荣誉,更是平等、坚持和团结的精神。它让我们在多年以后,仍能忆起那一张张坚毅的面孔,那一个个动人的瞬间,那一滴滴苦涩的汗珠与欢欣的泪水……

Great Britain is the source of some of our most cherished stories, from King Arthur and Robin Hood, to Oliver Twist and David Copperfield, to Winnie the Pooh and Harry Potter. Fittingly, the 2012 London Olympics provided us with more astounding stories, beginning with the Queen parachutinginto the stadium next to James Bond.

And on their final afternoon, the 2012 Games gave us one last story, a tale of Dickensian strifeand Shakespearean inspiration. As America's basketball players were adding gold to combined salaries exceeding $100 million, 25-year-old Adrien Niyonshuti of Rwanda was gasping for air and pedaling his mountain bike furiouslyup the final dusty hill of the Hadleigh Farm course.



Niyonshuti lost 40 family members in the 1994 genocide, including six brothers and sisters. He began riding six years ago on a borrowed bike and soon came in contact with Jock Boyer, the first American to ride in the Tour de France. Under Boyer's coaching, Niyonshuti steadily improved as a cyclist and qualified for these Olympics. He carried the Rwanda flag during the opening ceremonies and waved it proudly again for all the world to see during the closing ceremonies.

Niyonshuti said he rides to forget, and if he goes more than three days without riding, he suffers disabling headaches from the memories. He may ride to forget, but this time he rode to tell another story to the world.



"Rwanda is known for something that happened many years ago," he said at the mountain bike course as the familiar Chariots of Firetheme played over the venue speakers. "Now I think everyone representing Rwanda here in athletics and showing the flag [can] change some of the history from past times.... When I carried that flag, I was happy for it to be seen around the world, to show that Rwanda is here."

London Olympic Committee chairman Sebastian Coe said during the closing ceremonies, "To all the Olympians who came to London to compete, thank you. Those of us who came to watch witnessed moments of heroism and heartache that will live long in the memory."“卢旺达为世人所知是因为许多年前发生的一些事,”赛场的扬声器里传来了《烈火战车》那熟悉的旋律,尼扬舒提站在山地自行车赛道上说,“现在我认为,每一个代表卢旺达在这里参加比赛并向世人展示卢旺达国旗的人都能够改变它过去的某些历史……当我举起国旗,我很高兴全世界的人都能看到它,也很高兴它能够向世人表明卢旺达的存在。”


Indeed. We will look back on these London Olympics and say, "Once upon a time ..."

There was a young man named Michael who swam like a porpoiseand competed like a shark. Michael was such a great swimmer that he competed at four Olympics, from age 15 to 27, and won 22 medals, including 18 golds. He was so good that when he won six medals—four gold!—at the 2012 Olympics, it was considered no big deal. He inspired a young swimmer from South Africa named Chad le Clos, who grew up to swim against his hero in London. And when he did, le Clos said he walked onto the pool deck thinking, "I want to make Michael proud." He did, beating Michael in the 200-meter butterfly and promptinghis hero's eyes to get misty as he thought about his legacy.



There once was a young girl named Gabby, who could leap like a deer and soar like Peter Pan. She wasn't yet old enough to drive a car in 2012, but she was experienced, confident and athletic enough to lift her team to a gold medal, win one for herself as the best gymnast in the world and add to the 29 golds won by American women (compared to 17 by the men). And while spinning on the bars, she made people briefly believe a girl could fly.

There once was a young man named Usain, who ran like a flash and roared like a lion. In the entire history of the world, there never had been a man who ran so fast. He won three gold medals at the 2008 Olympics, then won three more in 2012. He celebrated by leading an entire stadium of fans in the wave and declaring himself a living legend. "It isn't even a question," he said. "I've done something no one else has ever done."



And once upon a time, there was a young man named Manteo, who was so driven to compete, he ran with a broken leg so his teammates could race for a medal another day. "Every step that I took was like Jell-Oon my left leg," Manteo said while leaning on crutchesthe next day. "I don't know whether you can call it God or adrenalineor just the spirit of USA in my heart. I just didn't want to quit, and I just kept going."

And then there was a young man named Oscar, who had no legs at all below the knees, but this would not stop him from running like the wind and reaching the Olympics. Cynics said he had an unfair advantage because he ran on "magic legs", but everyone else was so inspired that after he raced at the 2012 Olympics, Kirani James, the champion of the world walked up and asked him for his bib number. "Oscar is a great person, a God-fearing person and a great individual, and I think we should see him like that and nothing else," Kirani said. "It's an honor just to compete against him."



As for those supposedly magic legs? Scientists researched them and declared they provided no unfair advantage. As Oscar said, "I didn't grow up thinking I had a disability. I grew up thinking I had different shoes."

And that really is the moral of this incredible 2012 Olympic story. We all enter the world with the same Olympic possibilities. We may lose our legs. We may lose our family. We may lose a race that leaves us crushed. But the one thing we must never lose is our spirit. Like Niyonshuti, we must show we are here.

We make our own legends. We create our own magic. We write our own stories.

See you in Rio.




里约见!Blade Runner: Born to Run“刀锋战士”:生而为跑◎ By Alison Kervin 译 / 赵青奇

他拥有一个比常人不幸的童年,却有着超出常人的自信;他自幼双腿截肢,却热衷于各种体育运动还创造了奥运历史;他从未把自己当做残疾人,因为他深知真正的能力不在于身体是否健全而在于是否发挥了自己的天赋;他面对人们的争议毅然奋起反抗,用自己的坚持不懈和勤奋努力换来了奇迹般的人生。他说:“我希望此生能不负天赋,然后死而无憾。”他就是人称“刀锋战士(Blade Runner)”的传奇人物奥斯卡·皮斯托瑞斯。

Oscar Pistorius is relaxing in the midday sun. He has had a tough training session that has left him "only just able to speak", but he is not ready to leave the track just yet. He sits with his notebook in hand and scribblesaway, writing everything down. He does this every time he trains, and particularly after every race. "I do it so that when it comes to a race in the future, if I'm not feeling great or haven't eaten well, I can look back and know that the last time I ate badly, I still managed to win the race. Every race is won or lost in the head, so you have to get the contents of your head right. Writing things down helps you to control your thoughts," he says.

奥斯卡·皮斯托瑞斯此刻正在正午的太阳下休息。虽然刚才的一段艰苦训练让他累得“只剩下说话的力气”,但他还不想就此离开跑道。他坐在那里,一手托着笔记本,一手草草地写下所有的一切。每次训练他都要做记录,尤其是在每场比赛之后。“我写下所有这些东西,这样将来比赛时如果我感觉不太好或是饮食不佳,我可以回过头来看看,就会知道自己上一次胃口不好的时候仍旧努力赢得了比赛。每场比赛的输赢全在你的心态,所以你必须要把心态摆正。做记录能帮助你调控自己的心态。”他说。Growing up with Pain and Love

Pistorius is 25. He was born in Johannesburg, South African, into a middle-class family. He came into the world without a fibulain either of his legs. His parents were strongly advised that their son should have both of his legs amputatedwhile he was very young and before he got used to life with them.

As a result, Pistorius became a double-amputee before his first birthday, and he doesn't remember a time when he did have legs. When he thinks about his childhood, he remembers a happy time, full of games, fun and a lot of sport. "I won a trophy for Greco-Romanwrestling when I was six," he says. "I remember taking upboxing when I was around nine. It felt like nothing was off-limits."

Pistorius's parents divorced when he was six years old and his father moved out, leaving him to spend seven years in the company of his mother and two siblings, before going away to board at the highly respected Pretoria Boys High School at 13.

The thing he remembers most about his school was the sporty environment. Despite his disability, he competed in triathlons, water polo, cricket and tennis, playing against able-bodied children. He says he never felt different from the other children, and certainly never felt inferior.

Pistorius says it was his mother's love, coupled with her "no-nonsenseattitude" and her refusal to see him as in any way different to anyone else that gave him the confidence to live his life to the full. He tells a story about her saying to his brother: "Put your shoes on." then saying to him: "And you, put your legs on."

But when Pistorius was 15, his mother died suddenly from disease. It was a devastating time for him. He says his mother is still with him every day, and in everything he does. He says she taught him to believe in himself.成长路上的痛与爱






然而,皮斯托瑞斯15岁时,母亲突然因病去世,这对他来说是灾难性的时刻。他说他觉得母亲现在每天仍旧陪伴在他身边,不论他做什么事情都陪着他。他说是母亲教会了他要相信自己。Making Olympic History

Pistorius threw himself into school life after his mother's death, and enjoyed all the sports on offer. He loved rugby, but when he shatteredhis knee playing the sport in 2004, he was told to stop playing until fully recovered and advised to take up track running to recuperate. He did so, and entered a school race in the process. He ran the 100 m in 11.72 secs. When his father looked up this time, he established that his 17-year-old son was faster than the current Paralympic record.

His father spoke to the school coach, who referred Pistorius to an athletic club. Just six months after starting to train as an athlete, he won gold in the Athens Paralympic Games at 200 m, breaking the world record. But it wasn't enough. Pistorius, who had been used to competing against able-bodied runners, wanted to continue doing so, and in March 2005, at the South African Championships, he finished sixth in the 400 m final. He went on to win golds in the 100 m, 200 m and 400 m in the Paralympics in Beijing, in 2008, the first athlete ever to do that. Last year, in South Korea, he became the first Paralympian to win an able-bodied medal—a silver—at the IAAF World Athletics Championships. This year, Pistorius ran in the men's 400-meter race in London, making history as the first double amputee to compete in the Olympic Games. Although he failed to qualify for the 400 m final, but for disabled people worldwide the historic performance of Pistorius has redefined the possible. "I believe I'll be at my peak in Rio. It's already beckoningme," he says.创造奥运历史


皮斯托瑞斯的父亲和学校的教练谈了谈,教练遂介绍皮斯托瑞斯加入了一家体育俱乐部。接受职业运动员训练仅半年后,皮斯托瑞斯便在雅典残奥会上夺得了200米比赛的金牌,并打破了世界纪录。但这还不够。皮斯托瑞斯过去一直与身体健全的田径运动员同场竞技,他希望能继续与健全人站在同一起跑线上。2005年3月,在南非田径锦标赛上,他取得了400米决赛第六名的成绩。2008年北京残奥会上,他在100米、200米和400米这三个项目中斩获了三枚金牌,成为首位创造该纪录的运动员。去年,在韩国举办的国际田联世界田径锦标赛上,他摘得一枚银牌,成为首位在健全人田径比赛上赢得奖牌的残奥会运动员。今年,皮斯托瑞斯又亮相伦敦奥运会男子400米比赛,成为历史上首位双腿截肢的奥运会选手。虽然他没能晋级400米决赛,但对全世界的残疾人来说,皮斯托瑞斯历史性的表现已重新诠释了可能。“我相信我会在里约热内卢的奥运会上迎来我的巅峰,那一刻已经在向我招手。”他说。Fighting Back Controversy

Along the way, Pistorius has courteda great deal of controversy. He runs on carbon-fiber prostheticscalled Flex-Foot Cheetahs. They are J-shaped, and though very difficult to walk on—it is hard to balance while wearing them—he has found them extremely effective for running. The reason the prosthetics work so well is that they are very agile, and have been designed to mimic the running characteristics of the cheetah.

The Flex-Foot prosthetics are perfectly legal in Paralympics sport, but in 2007 his use of them in able-bodied races was challenged. The IAAF filmed him running in races over the summer. Scientists watched the tapes and decided they conferredsome advantage to him. Competition rules were changed banning "any technical device that incorporates springs, wheels or any other element that provides a user with an advantage over another athlete not using such a device". Pistorius was, effectively, banned from able-bodied sport. He went on to take part in a number of scientific tests at the end of the year and they appeared to convince the scientists further that Pistorius had an advantage. It was decided that his limbs used 25 per cent less energy than runners with natural legs running at the same speed, and that they led to less vertical motion combined with 30 per cent less mechanical work for lifting the body.

But Pistorius decided to fight back. He hired lawyers and his own scientists and challenged the ruling. At the Court of Arbitration for Sport at the end of April 2008, the decision was revokedwith immediate effect. The main reason was that the original tests had looked only at Pistorius when he was running, but hadn't taken into account how much more complicated starting and accelerating were for him. "It was a difficult time and a frustrating time, but I had to do it," he says. "I'd always competed against able-bodied runners and wanted to be able to do so again. I also knew that it was important for me to take a standnow for other athletes in the future."

It's certainly true that Pistorius has always competed in able-bodied races and doesn't want always to be judged on his strengths as a disabled athlete. "You're not disabled by the disabilities you have, you are able by the abilities you have," he says.

When asked what he wants most in the world, he goes silent for a while. Then: "I'd like to have a career without regrets." There's a pause again and he corrects himself. "No, what I really mean is that I'd like a life without regrets. I'd like a life in which I made the most of my God-given talents and died without regrets."为梦想力排众议





当问及在这个世上最想拥有什么时,皮斯托瑞斯沉默了一阵,然后说:“我想拥有一份无悔的事业。”随后又顿了顿,改口说:“不,我真正想说的是,我希望能没有遗憾地活着。我希望此生能不负天赋,然后死而无憾。”Twins Competing in the 2012 London Olympics角逐2012伦敦奥运会的双胞胎运动员◎ By Pamela Prindle Fierro 译 / 赵越


The 2012 Olympic Games took place from July 27 to August 12 in London, England. Among thousands of athletes competing in over two dozen sports, there were more than a dozen sets of twins. In some cases, the twins were competing together as partners, such as in synchronized swimmingor tennis doubles. But in others the twins competed in the same event, but in different classes. And one set of twins even competed against each other in their questfor gold.

2012年奥运会于7月27日到8月12日在英国伦敦举行。数千名运动员在20多项赛事中展开角逐,他们当中便有十几对双胞胎选手。在某些项目(如花样游泳或网球双打)中,一对双胞胎选手作为搭档通力协作;而在别的一些项目中,一对双胞胎选手虽参加同一比赛项目,却分属不同的级别。还有一对双胞胎选手甚至以对手的身份一同向金牌发起了冲击。Bob & Mike BryanCountry: United StatesSport: Tennis, Men's Doubles鲍勃·布赖恩和迈克·布赖恩国籍:美国参赛项目:网球男双

After winning bronze in Beijing in 2008, this tennis dynamicduo took the gold in London. In addition, Mike Bryan won a bronze medal in mixed doubles. They are one of the highest ranked tennis doubles teams in history, winning more than 700 matches together.

在2008年北京奥运会上夺得铜牌以后,这一网球界的活力双打组合在伦敦奥运会上斩获了金牌。此外,迈克·布赖恩还在网球混双比赛中夺得一枚铜牌。他们是历史上排名最靠前的网球双打组合之一,曾一起打赢过700多场比赛。Jiang Wenwen & Jiang TingtingCountry: ChinaSport: Synchronized Swimming, Team蒋文文和蒋婷婷国籍:中国参赛项目:花样游泳团体项目

Synchronized swimming seems to be a sport ideal for twins. The twin sisters competed in the 2008 Beijing Olympics, placing fourth as a duet, and earning a bronze medal for their team performance. In 2012, they competed in the team event, and won the silver medal.

花样游泳似乎是双胞胎们的理想项目。这对双胞胎姐妹花曾共同征战2008年的北京奥运会,在花样游泳双人项目中取得了第四名的成绩,并在团体项目中获得了一枚铜牌。2012年,她们参加了花样游泳团体比赛并获得了银牌。Pavol & Peter HochschornerCountry: SlovakiaSport: Canoe Slalom, Men's C2 Slalom帕沃尔·霍奇舒纳尔和彼得·霍奇舒纳尔国籍:斯洛伐克参赛项目:皮划艇激流回旋男子双人划艇

Competing together in a 2-man canoe slalom, the most decoratedathletes in Olympic canoeing history came into the London games with three previous gold medals from Sydney (2000), Athens (2004) and Beijing (2008). But in London, they lost out to hometown favoritesGreat Britain, taking the bronze.

这对一同参加男子双人划艇比赛的双胞胎兄弟是奥运会划艇项目史上得奖最多的运动员。在参加伦敦奥运会之前,他们曾在过去的2000年悉尼奥运会、2004年雅典奥运会和2008年北京奥运会上勇夺三金。然而,在伦敦奥运会上,他们却不敌英国本土的夺冠热门选手,仅获得铜牌。Lucija & Ana ZaninovicCountry: CroatiaSport: Taekwondo露茜佳·扎尼诺维奇和安娜·扎尼诺维奇国籍:克罗地亚参赛项目:跆拳道

The twin sisters compete in taekwondo, but in different weight categories. Ana competes in the bantamweightcategory (-57 kg) while Lucija is a flyweight(-49 kg). Lucija earned a bronze medal in her category in London.

虽然参加的都是跆拳道比赛,这对双胞胎姐妹却分属于不同的重量级别。安娜参加的是最轻量级(即57公斤以下)比赛,而露茜佳参加的则是次最轻量级(即49公斤以下)比赛。露茜佳在伦敦奥运会上夺得了49公斤级的铜牌。Jonathan & Kévin BorléeCountry: BelgiumSport: Track & Field乔纳森·博莱和凯文·博莱





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