
发布时间:2020-06-18 19:42:09


作者:(美)埃德加·爱伦·坡(Edgar Allan Poe)











A man is lying in a prison in Toledo. He is afraid – no,he is more than afraid,he is full of terror,because he knows that the Inquisition has many surprises in its prisons. Very soon he will look down into the pit...

And he is not the only person in these stories to be full of terror. When Fortunato meets his old friend Montresor,he is a happy man,on his way to a carnival party. But Montresor wants to talk about some Amontillado,and Fortunato finds himself in the cold damp vaults below Montresor's house. Terror soon follows...

The man who fears burial alive is never free from terror;a meeting of young lovers brings terror to many people;and the beautiful young wife of a painter sits smiling,smiling,smiling – but with terror in her heart.

Death and Terror,Terror and Death,walk hand in hand through these stories. Read them by daylight,in a bright sunny room,with friends around you!

The Pit and the Pendulum

will not open my eyes. Not yet. I lie on my back,very still,and Iremember...

The black clothes of the judges... their voices,their words. You must die... I watched the judges' mouths – mouths speaking my name,ordering my death. You must die... Cold hands of terror closed round my heart. Then came a sweet thought – what wonderful rest there will be in the grave!After that,I fainted,and saw and heard nothing for a long while.

But I knew when they took me away from that room. They were tall men,moving silently. Down... down they carried me,down into darkness and terror.

I have not opened my eyes yet. I lie on my back,and put out my hand. It falls heavily on something wet and hard. Where am I?Am I still in the prisons at Toledo?Why am I still alive?The Spanish Inquisition kills by fire. Why have they not burnt me to death?

And now I remember other stories of the prisons at Toledo,stories of other kinds of death...

I am afraid to open my eyes. Not afraid of seeing something terrible,but afraid that there is nothing to see. And when at last I do open them,I am right. The blackness of the blackest night is around me. Am I already dead?No!A terrible thought comes to me. I am in a tomb – they have buried me alive in a tomb!A terrible thought comes to me. I am in a tomb...

I jump up,moving my arms around me. I can feel and see nothing. This place is too big to be a tomb.

I walk on,slowly,until my fingers touch a wall. It is wet and cold. I begin to follow it round,but then stop. How big is my prison?I must know. I tear off a small piece of my long prison shirt and put it on the floor,next to the wall. I move on again,counting my steps.

Walking is not easy. My feet often slip on the wet floor,and suddenly I fall down. I lie there,with my eyes closed. I want to get up,but I am tired... so tired...

I sleep for some time. When I wake up,I put out my arm and find bread and a bottle of water next to me. I eat hungrily and drink from the bottle. After a time,I get up and follow the wall again,counting my steps.

When I find the piece of my shirt on the floor,I stop and think. My prison is about fifty steps around – so about thirty metres. Does it help me to know this?Perhaps not,but now I want to know more.

I start to move across the room,away from the wall. After six or seven steps,my feet slip on the wet floor again,and I fall heavily on my face.

And yet... there is nothing under my head. My body lies on the floor,but under my head there is... nothing. And I can feel on my face a little soft wind,bringing with it a smell,a warm wet smell – the smell of things that have been dead for a long time.

I put out my arm,and find that I am on the edge of a pit. How deep is it?I feel around the floor with my fingers and find a small stone. I drop it into the pit,and listen. After a long time,it falls into water.

At the same moment,a door opens and closes high above me. For a second there is light in my prison,and then it is gone again. But in that second I see I was just one step away from death in that terrible pit.

Shaking,I move slowly back to the wall. I have heard stories about the prison pits of the Inquisition,and they do not give you a quick,clean death.

Dear God,I am going to die in this prison – a slow and terrible death. Every second of every hour of every day I will wait for it,and the waiting will be as terrible as the death itself.

My fear keeps me from sleep for many long hours,but at last my eyes close. When I wake up,there is bread and water beside me again. So... they are watching me all the time,and come in while I am asleep.

I am very thirsty and I drink the water quickly. They have put something in it because at once I feel very sleepy,and I fall into a long,deep sleep. For how long,I do not know. But when I wake up,it is not so dark. A yellow light is coming from somewhere,and I can see my prison at last.

The room is square,and the walls are not made of stone but of metal. There are pictures on them,pictures of faces with wild-looking eyes – the eyes of devils. In the centre of the stone floor is the pit.

I cannot stand up!Why?

Now I see. I am lying on my back,and am tied to a low wooden bed,with many ropes around my body. I can move my head a little,and my right arm,and I can just get a hand to the plate of food on the floor next to me. But there is no bottle of water... and I am so thirsty. The food this time is meat,dry salty meat,which makes me even thirstier than I was before.

I look up at the metal ceiling above me. On one square of it there is a picture of old Father Time. He is holding a pendulum... No,wait!The pendulum is real – it is moving from side to side.

I watch it for a while,a little afraid. Then I hear a noise. Nine or ten large rats have come up from the pit. They can smell the meat,and are running to it across the floor. I make them go away again,but it is hard work.

Because of the rats it is about an hour before I look up at the ceiling again. The pendulum is still moving from side to side,but more strongly now,and... yes!It is getting lower!Then I go cold with terror. I see that the bottom of the pendulum is made of a great piece of metal,bright and sharp – sharper than the blade of any knife. It is right above my heart,and when it moves from side to side through the air,the blade makes a terrible hissing noise.





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