
发布时间:2020-06-19 12:13:55







作者:李清如排版:昷一本书由北京明天远航文化传播有限公司授权北京当当科文电子商务有限公司制作与发行。— · 版权所有 侵权必究 · —和外国人谈职场那点事儿




Gender Discrimination性别歧视


What is gender discrimination


Gender discrimination, also known as sexual discrimination, is the practice of letting a person’s sex unfairly become a factor when deciding who receives a job, promotion, or other employment benefit. It most often affects women who feel they have been unfairly discriminated against in favor of a man. But there have also been cases where males have claimed that reverse discrimination has occurred―that is, the woman received unfairly favorable treatment at the expense of the man.

Court rulings handed down through the years have determined that a company’s responsibility not to discriminate based on sex begins even before an individual is hired. Companies can be held liable if pre-employment screening or testing is determined to be discriminatory, if applications ask unacceptable questions designed to screen for sex, or if the overall selection process is deemed to be unfair. One of the main indicators that gender discrimination has occurred in the hiring process involves the qualifications of the job applicants. While a slight difference in qualifications between a female and a male candidate does not automatically indicate gender bias (if a lesser qualified male candidate is hired instead of a female candidate, that is), a drastic difference in qualifications has almost always been upheld by the courts as a sure sign of gender discrimination. For example, if a male who dropped out of high school without receiving a diploma is hired in an administrative position over a female who had obtained her master’s degree, then it is likely bias was a factor.

In addition to gender discrimination in hiring and other circumstances, there is a particular form of sexual discrimination called sexual harassment. This form of discrimination involves inappropriate words or actions of a sexual nature directed at an employe by employees of the opposite sex. To meet the criteria for harassment, the behavior in question must be both unwanted and sexual in nature. The U.S. legal system has determined that there are two main types of sexual harassment. “Quid pro quo”, or “this for that”, occurs when one employer offers another employee a job or benefit, or threatens to deny that job or benefit, unless sexual favors are granted. A “hostile work environment” occurs when an employee, or a group of employees, repeatedly make lewd comments or suggestive noises, make unwanted sexual advances, or otherwise use sex to such a degree that the behavior interferes with another employee’s ability to perform her job, or she feels intimidated or threatened on the job.

自20世纪80年代以来,中国的出生人口性别比例(male-female birth ratio)逐渐升高,在部分省份男女性别比达到130:100。据研究,按现在的性别比例(sex ratio),20年后将有数千万男子成为光棍(bachelor)。男性过剩会造成婚姻挤压,导致May-December 老夫少妻婚姻(marriage)的增加。要让男女性别比逐渐实现均衡,就要在各方面实现性别平等(gender equality),消除性别歧视(gender discrimination),严格限制产前性别选择(prenatal gender selection)的行为。

Key words & Sentences


The sex discrimination act defines two kinds of sex discrimination, direct and indirect.《反性别歧视法》阐释了直接歧视和间接歧视。

Is there sex discrimination in your company?


Gender equity education refers to eliminate gender discrimination and promote substantive gender equality through education.


She was offended at/by his sexist remarks.


The government is waging a campaign against sex discrimination in industry.


They prefer to skate around the issue of sex discrimination.


At a deeper level, it has a sexist component.


She filed a suit against the college for sex discrimination.


Experienced observers used to insist that outright sexual discrimination is not common.


There is no sex discrimination here and people get equal pay for equal work.


Conversion of sexist English into nonsexist English is not a quick fix-it is anything but mechanical.


The examples chosen are carefully non-sexist.


Gender discrimination is an important aspect of social inequality in the United States.


Gender discrimination commonly exists in the process of job hunting.


The male-female birth ratio is imbalance because of gender discrimination.


Let’s Talk!


Amanda: You look unhappy, what happened to you?


Rachael: I just had a quarrel with my boss.


Amanda: What’s the matter?


Rachael: Because I have been denied a chance to go abroad for a training course.


Amanda: Really? Are you a qualified candidate?


Rachael: Well, by qualification I am the ideal choice--a college degree, a working knowledge of English.


Amanda: So, what’s the final choice then?


Rachael: The final choice fell on a young man inferior to me in every respect. So, I’m very upset and want to know why.


Amanda: What did your boss explain?


Rachael: He said that they did think of sending me but decided against it, just because I’m a girl.


Amanda: Why couldn’t a girl go abroad?


Rachael: My boss just said it couldn’t be convenient for a girl to be on here own in a foreign country as there was only one vacancy.


Amanda: The gender discrimination commonly exists everywhere.


Rachael: That’s unfair.


Amanda: But we cannot change it in the short term. Maybe gender equality can be realized some day in the future.


Rachael: I really hope so.


Slack Birds倦鸟族

这类人患上了我们通称的“职业倦怠”,最常见的表现是:工作时常感到精疲力竭、容易情绪波动,经常妄自菲薄,服务质量下降,工作欠缺主动性,频繁跳槽,工作效率低等。 与过去相比,现在的年轻人似乎更容易出现职业倦怠。

What is slack birds


In modern society, people are divided into different groups according to their features, such as the “thumb tribe”, the “moonlight clan”, the “strawberry generation”, the “rush-to-get-pregnant tribe”, the “quirky alone” and the “ant tribe”. Now there is another group of people named the “slack birds”. “Slack” means “sluggish” and “indolence” in addition to “tired” while the word “bird” can be used as the popular name of human beings.

These “slack birds” suffer from an illness of “business tiredness” with its common performance of frequently feeling exhausted while working, easy to get emotional swing, always thinking lightly of themselves, suffering a decrease of working quality, lacking working activity, frequent job-hopping and low working efficiency.

Many young people don’t have an obvious career planning. They don’t know what they want and change jobs again and again without any goals. Because lacking the enthusiasm on work, they are unwilling to devote themselves to their job or feel frustrated while working. Their negative attitude towards working not only prevents their own development, but cause severe effect on the companies, which suffer the decrease of service quality and instability of employment.

Apart from the reason of employees themselves, the employers are another aspect that should be responsible for this situation. High threshold and low salary hinders people from finding a satisfying job that they are interested in. In order to survive in this high competitive society, many people, especially graduate students chose the jobs that they don’t like or even not familiar with. They work just for making live rather than for fun, the result of which is obvious.

For the purpose of resoling this problem, the government should offer more opportunities for people. Working in the field that they are interest in can fully explore their potential capacity and make more contribution to the whole society.

倦鸟族 (slack birds ),倦鸟中的“倦”除指包含疲倦之意外,还有懈怠、懒散、低迷的意思,因此疲倦(tired)一词难以表达出该词的全部信息。考虑到“倦鸟”之“倦”的特定含义,不妨以“slack”一词译之。另外,在英语中,“bird”(鸟)一词也可用做“人”的俗称,因此,综合以上分析,“倦鸟族”可译为“slack birds”。

Key words & Sentences


Have you ever heard about “slack birds”?


Now there are a group of people who are named as “slack birds”.


Are you a “slack birds”?


The “slack birds” always feel frustrated while working.“倦鸟族”在工作是经常感到精疲力竭。

The “slack birds” are another group of people apart from the “thumb tribe” and the “moonlight clan”.“倦鸟族”是除了“拇指族”,“月光族”之外的另一类人群。

The “slack birds” always look down upon themselves and believe that they cannot handle anything well.“倦鸟族”常常妄自菲薄,认为自己什么也做不好。

In order to find a satisfying job, the “slack birds” frequently change their jobs.


The “slack birds” have negative effect on both themselves and the companies.“倦鸟族”对于其自身和公司的发展都有消极的影响。

My friend is a “slack bird” whose working efficiency is very low and lack activity.


The government and society should offer more occupation for graduate students for the purpose of the generation of “slack birds”.


The generation of the “slack birds” is partly due to their own factors and partly by force of society.“倦鸟族”的形成一部分归因于其自身的原因,另一方面也是迫于社会的压力。

The “slack birds” always lack obvious career planning.“倦鸟族”通常没有明确的职业规划。

For avoiding becoming “slack birds”, people should firstly increase their professional quality and set up their career targets.


The formation of “slack birds” is closely connected with the social environment they’re in.“倦鸟族”的形成与他们所处的社会环境紧密相关。

The “slack birds” should arouse social comprehensive attention.“倦鸟族”应当引起社会的广泛关注。

Let’s Talk!


Bob: Justin, you look languish, what’s the matter?


Justin: I don’t want to work and feel boring.


Bob: You’ve just change a job for one month, still unsatisfied?


Justin: There are huge differences from my ideal job.


Bob: Do you refer to the major or income?


Justin: Both. I was major in computer, while this job is selling. There are huge amount of work with low salary.


Bob: Why not to find a computer-related job?


Justin: There are too many people who specialize in computer. I have no any advantages.


Bob: Since you’ve chosen this selling job, you should spare no efforts to do it well. Maybe you can be interested in this job gradually.


Justin: To be frank, I’d like to change another job.


Bob: You are really a “slack birds”.


Justin: What is “slack birds”?


Bob: “Slack bird” refers to those who lack enthusiasm to their job with low efficiency and frequently change their jobs.


Justin: It seems that there are many people who face the same problem as me.


Bob: You should change your attitude towards job, work actively and enjoy it.


Justin: Maybe you’re right. Continuously changing job is not a good choice.


Bob: Come on, I believe that you must be succeed in this field.


Justin: Thank you for your remind and encouragement.


Part-time Job兼职





What is part-time job


There is an issue which discuss about whether part-time job is advisable for a student to have. An increasing number of college coordinators realize that part-time job will exert positive influences on college study. On the contrary, there is also a growing opposition among scholastic who complain that part-time job pulls students’ focus out of college curriculum. In the following discussion, I would like to unfold evidences favoring my eyes.

Students are able to learn knowledge superior in university from part-time job. For practical purpose, a part-time job related to their major gives students an exalted opportunity to apply the theories that they have learned in school. For instance, a student who takes a part-time job in a medical research lab may discover the significant sense, which means studying chemistry is for saving people’s lives. Actually, using the due time on their part-time, students prefect and relax themselves in the meanwhile. That is to say, students’ leisure time is not occupied with a decent part-time job. As a matter of fact, it is unhealthy for students to spare all time on their curriculum. As an old saying goes: all work and no play makes jack a dull boy. Besides, students can learn how to get along with people and know the society better by taking a part-time job. Finally, students can make some money, which helps to unload their families’ financial burden.

Of course, it may be true that part-time jobs disturb students’ focus on study in some conditions. Firstly, some students spend too much time doing part-time jobs while neglecting their studies. Secondly, when taking part-time jobs, the students may be distracted from their studies by the colorful lives in the society. Thirdly, some students may be cheated or hurt by their employers, because they don’t know how to protect themselves. However, these negatives do not constitute of a sufficient support to ban part-time job in terms of students. Obviously, compare the advantage and disadvantage of both edges, the most striking conclusion is distinct.

Given the reasons discussed above, some affect though part-time jobs do have, it cannot conceal the herculean positive in the opposition. only by taking a part-time job can students gain knowledge preferably, only by taking a part-time job can students apply their major’s theories practically and only by taking a part-time job can students relax themselves effectually.

中国一般不实行兼职(part-time job)的政策,但在经济体制改革(the reform of economic system) 中, 允许职工在完成8小时工作任务外,利用业余时间从事第二职业(secondary occupation),允许教师、科技人员(scientific worker)、律师(lawyer)在不影响本职工作的前提下兼职,并取得一定的报酬(reward)。此外,中国还有些兼职是不宜领取报酬的,如行政人员(clerical staff)兼教学,教师兼行政职务等。

Key words & Sentences


I’ve been doing a part-time job to earn some extra cash.


For college students to do a part-time job will broaden their outlook.


She got a part-time job to supplement the family income.


I once took a part-time job delivering the Evening Post.


She’s looking for a part-time job.


“Bob, you should learn from you brother. He’s found a part-time job already.”


By doing a part-time job, I can learn more.


I have an interview for a part-time job.


Do you think the working experience of the part-time job is very important?


I have a part-time job.


Many students take a part-time job.


What do you think of part-time job?


Have you found a part-time job yet?


My parents all encourage me to find a part-time job.


The students should find a part-time job on the assumption of not influencing their study.


Let’s Talk!


Elbert: Hello, I’m Albert. I read in the poster that you’re looking for a student to work as a language assistant.


Alice: Yes, we are. Are you interested in the job?


Elbert: I think so. But before I apply, could you tell me more about the work?


Alice: Have you ever worked with tape recorders before?


Elbert: I used cassette recorders a lot when I studied Japanese in senior middle school.


Alice: Why do you want to work here as a part-timer?


Elbert: First, I want to earn some money to support my study. Besides, I want to improve my language skills.


Alice: Good. If you decide to take the job, I’ll explain how to operate the system. Are you sure?


Elbert: Yes. How many hours should I work?


Alice: Ten hours a week. 4 to 6 p.m. everyday from Monday to Friday with 150 Yuan per week.


Elbert: OK, I’ll take the job.


Alice: Are you sure you can do the job well?


Elbert: Yes, I’ll try my best to finish this job well.


Alice: Ok, Please fill out this application form.


Elbert: Thank you very much for giving me a chance.


Career Planning职业规划


What is career planning


There are hundreds of career options out there. How do you make a career choice when you don’t really know what you want to do? Does it seem like an insurmountable task? It’s not. Yes, you will have to put some time and energy into making your decision, but your effort will be well worth it in the end.

There is great variety in the world of work. The task of selecting the right work from the thousands of available choices takes vocational planning. How do you make a career choice when you don’t really know what you want to do? Does it seem like an insurmountable task? It’s not. Individuals need to know many things about themselves and many things about the world of work. Although you will have to put some time and energy into making your decision, your effort will be well worth it in the end.

There are several factors to be considered when choosing a vocation. Each is essential to making a good vocational choice.

Aptitudes: What kinds of aptitudes do the individual have? What does one do well and enjoy doing? Is working with plants or animals, for example, or dealing with people a pleasant experience? Some people prefer to work alone. What seems easy for some may be difficult for others.

Interests: Another factor to consider is the individual’s interests. What school subjects does one like? What hobbies does a person have? These factors are clues to knowing the type of job to consider education and training.

Wages and salaries: Some jobs pay more than others. The more training a position requires, the more likely it is to pay a higher salary. Occupations that have a labor shortage tend to pay higher salaries than those for which there are many able candidates.

Physical demands: Choosing a vocation should also be done with a realistic attitude toward its physical demands in relation to one’s own physical attributes. The pursuit of a vocation is no time for wishful thinking or trying to reach far beyond one’s range of talents, experiences, and aptitudes. Vocational choice, however, is an opportunity to grow, improve oneself, and make a contribution to society.

职业规划(career planning),是职业生涯规划的简称,就是对职业生涯乃至人生进行持续的系统的计划过程,它包括职业定位(position fixation)、目标设定(target setting)、通道设计(channel design)三部分内容。通常所说的职业生涯设计实际上是指对职业通道的设计。职业规划的主要特征包括:可行性(feasibility),适时性(timeliness),适应性(adaptability)和持续性(continuity)。

Key words & Sentences


It’s called Career Planning and Computer Applications, or CPCA for short.


This position will suit a person currently living in the Suzhou area with a stable work history, who wants to work for a professional Company and grow their long term career.


He pointed out the direction of life to students of the university: let them walk fewer detours and view personal career planning sensible.


Based on your career plan, equip yourself with the qualifications you need. You don’t have to leave work to do this. There are many courses you can take outside work hours. Select the ones that will benefit you in the portfolio of jobs you will most likely be doing to which I referred previously.





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