
发布时间:2020-06-19 16:05:41








abandon [E5bAndEn] vt. 遗弃,放弃;抛弃【试题】John had to ______ the journey because his father was ill.

A. quit


. abandon


. desert


. abuse【答案】B【解析】abandon放弃(指因外界压力或影响而完全或永久地放弃)。quit放弃,停止(强调突然或出其不意地弃去)。desert遗弃(强调违背誓言、命令、责任、义务等)。abuse滥用;虐待。

abate [


5beit] v. (指风势,疼痛,数量,程度等)减弱,减轻,缓和【试题】Human relations seem stubbornly set. Wars have not been abolished, labor troubles have not ______ , and racial tensions are still with us.

A. limited

B. abated

C. solved

D. reduced【答案】B【解析】句意:人类关系似乎极其稳定。战争没有消失,劳工问题没有减少,种族偏见仍和我们形影不离。limit限定。abate降低,减弱,通常指“风,暴风雨、声音、痛苦等减弱”。solve常与problem搭配,表示“解决问题”。reduce常指“尺寸、数量、价格、程度的降低”。

abdomen [5AbdEmEn] n. 腹,腹部【例句】Acute inflammation of the vermiform appendix is the most common surgical lesion within the abdomen.【译文】阑尾的急性炎症,是最常见的外科腹部病变。

aberrant [A5berEnt] adj. 畸变的;异常的;脱离常轨的【试题】Correction of the student’s aberrant pronunciation is a continual, on-going process, not something reserved for lessons or exercises in pronunciation.

A. habitual

B. familiar

C. conventional

D. nonstandard【答案】D【解析】aberrant异常的。nonstandard不标准的,(语言)不规范的。habitual习惯的,惯常的。familiar熟悉的。conventional惯例的,传统的。

abide [E5baid] vi. 坚持,遵守

vt. 忍受,容忍,承受【试题】The biggest challenge facing the police is to do everything to make the law- ______ people feel safe.

A. sliding

B. abiding

C. bidding

D. kidding【答案】B【解析】law-abiding守法的。slide滑动。bid出价,投标。kid开玩笑。

ablate [Ab5leit] vt. 烧蚀(腐蚀,风化,切开)【试题】The laser would ______ part of the junk’s surface, creating a bit of thrust to move the piece out of the way.

A. ablate

B. accumulate

C. assimilate

D. coagulate【答案】A【解析】句意:雷射会使废弃物表面部份脱落,产生的些许推力可以使该废弃物偏离原来的轨道。ablate融化。accumulate积累,积蓄。assimilate吸收;同化。coagulate凝结,凝固。

abnormality [7AbnC:5mAliti] n. 反常(的行为),变态,畸形【试题】His ______ aroused his neigbour’s suspicion, at the end the police confirmed that he was the person committing the robbery.

A. abnormality

B. formality

C. unusual

D. irregularity【答案】A【解析】句意:他的不正常举止引起了邻居的怀疑,最终警方确定他就是那个抢劫犯。abnormality反常(的行为),变态,畸形。formality拘泥形式;正常礼节。unusual不寻常的;别具一格的。irregularity不规则;不规律。

abolish [E5bCli


] vt. 取消,废除(法律、制度、习俗等)【试题】There are many bad customs and unconstitutional law that ought to be ______ .

A. eliminated

B. cancelled

C. abolished

D. refused【答案】C【解析】abolish废除(法律、制度等)。

abortion [E5bC:F(E)n] n. 流产,堕胎;失败;夭折;中止【试题】Many women took to the street to join the demonstration to make ______ legal.

A. adaptation

B. adoption

C. abortion

D. addiction【答案】C【解析】句意:许多妇女走上街头,加入使堕胎合法化的游行示威活动。abortion堕胎。adaptation适应。adoption采用;收养。addiction沉溺,上瘾。

abound [E5baund] vi. 多;充足,充满,大量存在【试题】The area ______ in natural beauty--a variety of plants, animals, and other types of wildlife.

A. booms

B. promulgates

C. abounds

D. remains【答案】C【解析】句意:这个地区充满了自然美——有各种植物、动物,还有其他种类的野生动植物。abound in…(地区)有许多的…。boom突然兴隆,日趋繁荣。promulgate颁布(法令);传播。remain保持;残存。

abrade [E5breid] v. 擦伤;磨损【试题】Floats in satin and sateen fabrics tend to snag and ______ easily, thus, such fabrics are not as durable as plain or twill weave fabrics.

A. abrade

B. barricade

C. parade

D. upgrade【答案】A【解析】句意:缎纹织物中的浮长线容易磨损、起毛或纤维被勾出。因此,这类织物不如平纹织物和斜纹织物耐穿。abrade磨损。barricade设路障于。parade游行。upgrade提升;使升级。

abreast [E5brest] adv. 并肩地,并排地;最新;赶得上【试题】Read the newspapers every day if you want to ______ the times.

A. come up with

B. put up with

C. keep abreast of

D. part company with【答案】C【解析】句意:如果你想与时俱进,就要每天读报。keep abreast of与…并进,跟上,不落后于。come up with提出,拿出。put up with忍受,容忍。part company with分离,有分歧。

abrupt [E5brQpt] adj. 突然的;粗鲁的;唐突的;生硬的【试题】The bus came to a(n) ______ stop, making many passengers fall off their seats.

A. absolute

B. abrasive

C. disrupt

D. abrupt【答案】D【解析】abrupt意外的,突然的。absolute完全的,绝对的。abrasive研磨的。disrupt混乱的,中断的。

abscess [5Absis] n. 脓肿,砂眼,脓肿【例句】


think I have an abscess on my gums and it could be serious.【译文】我想我的牙床上有个脓疮,这可能是严重的。

absorb [Eb5sC:b] vt. 吸收,消除;理解;占用【试题】We are all overwhelmed with more facts and information than we can possibly ______ . (FATMD-2001)

A. feed

B. maintain

C. absorb

D. consume【答案】C【解析】句意:我们淹没在难以吸收的大量事实和信息中。absorb消化,吸收。feed饲养,喂养。maintain维持,维修。consume消耗,消费。

absorbed [Eb5sC:bd] adj. 全神贯注的,一心一意的【试题】I was so absorbed in my work that I completely forgot the time. (FATMD-2006)

A. engraved

B. engrossed

C. enforced

D. enveloped【答案】B【解析】absorbed全神贯注的,一心一意的。be engraved in铭刻。enforced强迫的。envelop包封,遮盖。

abstain [Eb5stein] vi. 弃权;(有意)戒绝;节制【试题】The doctor suggests that anyone who has a sore throat should ______ from alcohol and smoking.

A. abstain

B. detain

C. retain

D. sustain【答案】A【解析】句意:医生建议任何一个嗓子疼的人戒除烟酒。abstain禁绝,戒除。detain拘留。retain维持,保留。sustain供养。

abstemious [Ab5sti:mjEs] adj. 有节制的,节约的【试题】Not content with being ______ himself, he openly ______ the prohibition of the sale of intoxicating beverages so that all could be sober.

A. monastic ; urged

B. ascetic ; proposed

C. abstemious ; advocated

D. sober ; rejected【答案】C【解析】句意:不满足于自己一人饮食有节制;他公开提倡禁止销售能让人酒醉的饮料,以使大家都能保持清醒。abstemious饮食有度的,有节制的。advocate倡导。monastic隐士的。urge催促。ascetic苦行的,过简朴生活的。propose提议,建议。sober未醉的,清醒的。reject拒绝,抛弃。

abstract [5AbstrAkt] n. 摘要,概要,抽象

adj. 抽象的;非具体的;非实在的

vt. 摘要,提炼;抽取,提走【试题】Pure mathematics differs from applied mathematics in that the former is more ______ .

A. vague

B. abstract

C. concrete

D. academic【答案】B【解析】句意:纯粹数学和应用数学不同,因为前者更抽象。abstract抽象的,理论的。vague含糊的,不清楚的。concrete具体的,有形的。academic学院的,学会的。

absurd [Eb5sE:d] adj. 荒谬的,无理的,荒唐可笑的,愚蠢的【试题】The very idea of her winning the beauty competition is quite ______ .

A. absurd

B. abrupt

C. abnormal

D. futile【答案】A【解析】句意:幻想她会赢得选美比赛的想法是十分荒谬的。absurd荒谬的,荒唐的,可笑的。abrupt突然的。abnormal反常的,不正常的。futile无用的,无效果的。

abuse [E5bju:z] n. / v. 滥用;虐待;辱骂;弊端【试题】They should never be allowed to ______ their authority and position.

A. abuse

B. abase

C. clarify

D. clamp【答案】A【解析】abuse滥用。abase使谦卑。clarify澄清,阐明。clamp夹紧。

academic [AkE5demik] adj. 学院的,理论的;不切实际的

n. 大学教师,学者【试题】High school students in China are judged mainly in terms of ______ performance.

A. accurate

B. adequate

C. academic

D. accidental【答案】C【解析】academic performance学习成绩。accurate精确的。adequate适当的。accidental意外的。

accelerate [Ek5selEreit] v. 加速,促进,催促【试题】The secret to turning a daily stroll into a meaningful form of exercise is to pick up the pace. (FATMD-2001)

A. dilate

B. multiply

C. accelerate

D. enlarge【答案】C【解析】句意:把每天的漫步变成一种有意义的锻炼形式的秘诀是加快速度。pick up加快,加速。accelerate加速。dilate扩大,膨胀。multiply繁殖,增加。enlarge扩大,放大。

accent [5AksEnt] vt. 重读;加重音符号;强调

n. 重音,口音;强调;重音符【试题】He spoke in a thick


erman ______ .

A. accent

B. pronounce

C. tone

D. pronunciation【答案】A【解析】accent常指“某一地区语言的发音特征”;tone一般指“说话人的口气或声音的高低、轻重”等;pronunciation指“发音”,不涉及语言的腔调和语气。accent还具有强调“重点”的抽象意义。例如,In all our products the accent is on quality.在我们一切产品中,最重视的就是质量。

access [5Akses] n. 通道,入口;访问

vt. 接近,存取【试题】Students have ______ to the library during the vacation.

A. entrance

B. way

C. access

D. admission【答案】C【解析】句意:学生假期可以使用图书馆。entrance入口,它与to搭配时,意为“…的入口”;way道路,方式;have access to进入,可利用;admission准许加入某机构或组织,通常不与have搭配。

accessory [Ak5sesEri] n. 附件,零件;从犯,同谋者

adj. 附属的,补充的,同谋的,副的【试题】All the _______ to her costume, hat, gloves, shoes, and purse were perfectly matched.

A. implements

B. accessories

C. supplements

D. acquisitions【答案】B【解析】accessory配件,装饰品。implement工具,器具。supplement补充,附录,增刊。acquisition获得,获得物。

accidental [7Aksi5dentl] adj. 意外的,非主要的,附属的

n. 非本质属性,次要方面【试题】While shopping in a department store, I _______ left my purse lying on a counter of handbags.

A. initially

B. fortunately

C. frustratedly

D. accidentally【答案】D【解析】句意:在商场购物时,我将钱包意外的落在一个手提包柜台上。accidentally偶然地,意外地。initially最初,开始。frustratedly受挫折地。

acclaim [E5kleim] vt. 欢呼,喝彩

n. 喝彩,欢呼【试题】


e received world-wide ______ for landing on the moon.

A. appreciating

B. award

C. acclaim

D. discrimination【答案】C【解析】acclaim喝彩,欢呼。appreciating欣赏;感激。award奖,奖品。discrimination辨别(力),歧视。

accommodate [E5kCmEdeit] vt. 为…安排食宿,收容;容纳,接受

vi. 适应【试题】The new dormitory built a few months ago is large enough to ______ over three hundred students.

A. exempt

B. include

C. contain

D. accommodate【答案】D【解析】accommodate向…提供住处,容纳(指宽松的容纳能力)。exempt免除,豁免。include包括,包含。contain包含,容纳(包含或拥有某物以作为一部分)。

accomplice [E5kCmplis] n. 帮凶,同伙【试题】He was arrested, but his ______ got away.

A. ally

B. partner

C. assistant

D. accomplice【答案】D【解析】accomplice共犯,同谋者,帮凶。ally盟友。partner合伙人。assistant助手。

accomplish [E5kCmpliF] vt. 完成,达到,实现【试题】Though this task was difficult, they managed to ______ it in time.

A. accomplish

B. demolish

C. establish

D. publish【答案】A【解析】句意:虽然这个任务困难,他们还是设法按时完成了。accomplish完成。demolish拆毁,毁坏。establish建立,创办。publish发表,公布,出版。

account [E5kaunt] n. 计算,账目,说明,估计,报道

vi. 说明,总计有,认为,得分

vt. 认为【试题】The cashier was asked to ______ every penny of the money that he took care of.

A. account to

B. use up

C. amount to

D. account for【答案】D【解析】句意:出纳员被要求讲明他所负责的每一笔资金的用途。account for说明(原因等);说出(钱等的)用途。use up用光,耗尽。amount to总计。account to无此搭配。

accumulate [E5kju:mjuleit] v. 积聚,堆积【试题】He gradually ______ an impressive collection of paintings.

A. accumulate

B. amass

C. collect

D. hoard【答案】A【解析】句意:他渐渐积累起可观的绘画收藏品。accumulate指“逐渐有规律地增加或积蓄”;amass指“积累到很大数量”并通常含有“价值很大”的意思(尤其指财富);collect指“集中到一组或某一地点”,还含有“加以挑选”的意思,如collect stamps集邮;hoard通常指“永久地保存或囤积”。

accurate [5Akjurit] adj. 正确的,精确的【试题】It took a week of investigation to get an even reasonably ______ account of the accident.

A. correct

B. exact

C. precise

D. accurate【答案】D【解析】句意:为了对这个事故做出合理精确的解释,花了一星期时间调查。correct指没有差错或谬误的;exact强调数量与质量方面的极度精确;precise强调有关细节方面的高度精确;accurate指十分符合标准,并强调忠于事实或真理。

accustomed [E5kQstEmd] adj. 惯常的,通常的,习惯的,按照风俗习惯的【试题】The machine operators are so ______ to the noise that they don’t even notice it.

A. associated

B. subjected

C. accustomed

D. familiar【答案】C【解析】accustomed通常的,习惯的,be accustomed to习惯于…。associate使联合,联系,常用于associate with结构。subject使遭受,使服从。familiar熟悉的,be familiar with通晓的。

acellular [ei5seljulE] adj. 无细胞的;非细胞的【例句】A homogenous, acellular material similar to fibrin, is found normally in the placenta and formed in connective tissue and in the walls of blood vessels in certain disease states.【译文】类纤维蛋白,一种均质、非细胞组成、类似于纤维蛋白的物质,通常在胎盘中可见,在连接的组织及某些疾病状态下的血管壁内形成。

achromatopsia [E7krEumE5tCpsiE] n. 色盲【例句】My brother suffered from achromatopsia and can not discern between red and green.【译文】我兄弟患色盲症,分不清红色与绿色。

acidosis [7Asi5dEusis] n. 酸液过多症,酸毒症【例句】A number of intoxicants are associated with metabolic acidosis.【译文】许多毒性物质可引起代谢性酸中毒。

acknowledge [Ek5nClidV] vt. 承认;感谢;告知收到【试题】Indeed, the crucial role of vigorous physical activity has been poorly acknowledged as a major factor in the causes and cure of obesity, particularly the problem of being overfat. (FATMD-1999)

A. recognized

B. documented

C. appraised

D. administered【答案】A【解析】acknowledge公认,承认。appraise评价。document证明。administer管理,执行。

acknowledgement [Ek5nClidVmEnt] n. 承认,确认,感谢【试题】He was given a laptop computer in acknowledgement of his work for the company. (FATMD-2005)

A. accomplishment

B. recognition

C. apprehension

D. commitment【答案】B【解析】acknowledgement承认,感谢。in recognition of承认…而,为酬答…而。accomplishment成就,完成。apprehension理解,明了。commitment许诺,承担义务。

acoustic [E5ku:stik] adj. 有关声音的,声学的,音响学的【例句】The standard view is that these tasks are segregated so that organs for balance, for instance, do not have an acoustic function. (FATMD-2005, Reading Comprehension)【译文】标准的观点是这些任务是分开的,所以,举例来说,掌握平衡的器官是没有听力功能的。

acquaint [E5kweint] vt. 使熟识;使认识【试题】Tom has been living in the town for ten months, yet he seems to be ______ with everyone who comes to the cinema.

A. admired

B. acquire

C. known

D. acquainted【答案】D【解析】句意:汤姆在这个镇上住了10个月,但好像每一个来过电影院的人都认识他。acquaint with sb.认识…某人。admire钦佩。acquire获得。know了解。

acquit [E5kwit] vt. 宣告无罪;无罪释放;还清(债务)【试题】The jury was convinced that she was guilty. However, because of some false information, she was later ______ of crime.

A. acquitted

B. accused

C. charged

D. released【答案】A【解析】acquit宣判无罪。accuse指控。release释放。

activation [7Akti5veiFEn] n. 活化,激活;[化]活化作用【例句】None of the words was emotionally charged, so even when Thai speakers could understand them, there was no right-side activation. (FATMD-2002, Reading Comprehension)【译文】所有词语都是不带感情地说出来的,因此即使当讲泰语的人可以理解这些词时,这也没有激活右脑。

acupuncture [5AkjupQNktFE(r)] n. 针灸,针灸疗法【例句】Thanks to acupuncture therapy, the patient is getting along very well.【译文】幸亏用了针灸疗法,病人大有起色。

acute [E5kju:t] adj. 灵敏的,敏锐的;尖锐的,突出的;急性的【试题】Growing awareness of the ______ problems in many US schools has placed them high on the lists of philanthropic individuals and foundations.

A. acute

B. ascendant

C. ascribable

D. armistice【答案】A【解析】acute严重的,深刻的。ascendant上升的,优越的。ascribable可归于…的。armistice停战,休战。

adapt [E5dApt] vt. 使适应;改编,改写【试题】The shrewd politician ______ his speech to suit the interest of the audience.

A. adopts

B. adapts

C. adjusts

D. bases【答案】B【解析】句意:这个精明的政客改编他的演讲来迎合大众的兴趣。adapt改编,改写。adopt采用,收养。adjust调节,调整。base以…作基础,基于…。

addicted [E5diktid] adj. 沉溺于某种嗜好中的【例句】People can be addicted to different things--e.g., alcohol, drugs, certain foods, or even television. (FATMD-2000, Reading Comprehension)【译文】人们可能会沉溺于各种事情中——例如,酒精,毒品,某种食物,甚至电视。

addiction [E5dikFEn] n. 沉溺,上瘾【例句】Clock addiction is tough to break. Learning a new pace of life is like mastering a foreign language. (FATMD-1998, Reading Comprehension)【译文】很难打破人们对于钟表的热衷。学习一种新的生活节奏就像掌握一门外语一样。

additive [5Aditiv] adj. 附加的

n. 添加剂【例句】Some food additive are regarded as beneficial by the manufacturer.【译文】生产者认为有些食品添加物是有用的。

adduce [E5dju:s] vt. 引证,举出(例证、理由、证据)【试题】When you ______ evidence of this nature, you must be sure of your sources.

A. adduce

B. deduce

C. induce

D. reduce【答案】A【解析】句意:在你提供实质性的证据时,你必须确知它的来源。adduce引证。deduce演绎,推演。induce引诱,劝使。reduce缩小,减低。

adenocarcinoma [5AdinEu7kB:si5nEumE] n. [医]腺癌【例句】Over time, there is a risk for adenocarcinoma with ulcerative colitis.【译文】随着时间的推移,溃疡性结肠炎病人有患腺癌的危险。

adept [5Adept, E5dept] adj. 熟练的,拿手的

n. 老手,擅长者【试题】My parents are convinced that children are more ______ at playing the piano and encourage me to practice hard.

A. adopt

B. adapt

C. adept

D. acute【答案】C【解析】句意:我的父母相信孩子更善于弹钢琴,鼓励我刻苦练习。adept熟练的,擅长的。adopt采取;收养。adapt使适应;改编。acute尖锐的,剧烈的,急性的。

adequate [5Adikwit] adj. 适当的,足够的,充分的【试题】By law, when one makes a large purchase, he should have ______ opportunity to change his mind.

A. accurate

B. urgent

C. excessive

D. adequate【答案】D【解析】句意:根据法律,当一个人购买一大宗商品的时候,他应该有足够的机会改变主意。adequate适当的,足够的。accurate正确的,准确的。urgent急迫的,紧急的。excessive过多的,过分的。

adhere [Ed5hiE] v. 粘附,胶着;坚持,遵守【试题】He resolutely ______ what he had said at the meeting: he had not changed his mind in any way.

A. adhered to

B. adhered with

C. cohered to

D. cohered with【答案】A【解析】句意:他毅然坚持自己在会议上所发表的观点,一点也没有改变主意。adhere to与stick to, cling to同义,意为“坚持”;B与C是错误搭配;cohere with与…凝结,和…连贯。

adiposis [7Adi5pEusis] n. 肥胖症【例句】The paper summarized the study progress in treatment of adiposis hepatica with Chinese crude drugs to dissipate phlegm and remove blood stasis.【译文】文章对近年有关化痰祛瘀中药治疗肝性肥胖病方面的研究进展文献资料进行了综述。

adjacent [E5dVeisEnt] adj. 邻近的,接近的【试题】The toy business in Los Angeles is proving so successful that toy companies have begun to sprawl into neighborhood.

A. glossy

B. adjacent

C. dizzy

D. abrupt【答案】B【解析】adjacent邻近的。glossy有光泽的,平滑的。dizzy头晕的。abrupt突然的。

adjust [E5dVQst] vt. 调节(整),校准,使适合【试题】These desks and chairs can be ______ to the height of any child.

A. appointed

B. adjusted

C. addressed

D. adopted【答案】B【解析】adjust调节,调整。appoint任命。address向…作(正式)讲话,从事。adopt采纳。

administer [Ed5ministE] v. 掌管;实施,执行;给予,提供【试题】In many Chinese homes, the funds are ______ by the wife.

A. administered

B. donated

C. restrained

D. admitted【答案】A【解析】administer掌管,管理。donate捐赠。restrain抑制。admit容许,承认。

admit [Ed5mit] v. 容许,承认,接纳【试题】When all his experiments fail, a bright child can even ______ to himself and others that for the time being he is not going to get an answer.

A. inform

B. admit

C. permit

D. conform【答案】B【解析】句意:如果所有的试验都失败了,聪明的孩子会向自己和别人承认他暂时还不能得到答案。admit承认。inform通知。permit允许。conform(to) 遵守,符合。

admonish [Ed5mRniF] vt. 告诫;警告【试题】The witness was ______ by the judge for failing to answer the question. (FATMD-2006)

A. sentenced

B. threatened

C. admonished

D. jailed【答案】C【解析】句意:证人由于回答不出问题,而受到法官的训斥。admonish训诫,警告。sentence宣判,判决。threaten恐吓,威胁。jail监禁。

adolescence [7AdE5lesns] n. 青春期,青少年时期【试题】Accounts of conflict between ______ and their parents date back virtually as far as recorded history.

A. alien

B. descendant

C. destiny

D. adolescent【答案】D【解析】句意:父母与处于青春期的孩子之间的冲突可以上溯至有史实记载的年代。adolescent青少年。alien外国人,外族人。descendant后裔,后代。destiny命运。

adopt [E5dCpt] vt. 采用,收养;通过【试题】If the volleyball team ______ the scheme you suggest, they are more likely to be successful in the international competition.

A. decide

B. command

C. vote

D. adopt.【答案】D【解析】句意:如果排球队采用你所建议的计划方案,那么他们将更有可能在国际比赛中获得成功。adopt采用,这里指“采用计划”,用adopt the scheme (plan)。command命令,指挥。vote投票,选举。

adore [E5dC:] v. 崇拜,爱慕,喜欢【试题】In that time, Mr. White enjoyed tremendous popularity. He was ______ by poor and rich.

A. adorned

B. administered

C. adjoined

D. adored【答案】D【解析】句意:那时候,怀特先生享有盛名,他受到了所有穷人和富人的崇拜。adore崇拜,爱慕,敬重。adorn装饰。administer掌管,管理。adjoin邻接,毗连。

advent [5AdvEnt] n. 出现,到来【试题】Up to now, historians have assumed that calendars came into being with the advent of agriculture. (FATMD-1999)

A. development

B. arrival

C. movement

D. advance【答案】B【解析】句意:到目前为止,史学家已经设想日历是随着农业的出现而产生的。advent出现,到来。arrival到来。movement运动,动作。advance前进,提前。

adversary [5AdvEsEri] n. 敌手;对手【试题】To those nations who would make themselves our adversary, we offer not a pledge but a request: that both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction.

A. friends

B. civilians

C. sages

D. foes【答案】D【解析】句意:对于那些想与我们为敌的国家,我们提出一个要求而并不是做出一份保证:在由科学掌控的黑暗破坏力有计划地或无意间自我毁灭地吞噬掉全部人性之前,双方再次开始寻求和平。adversary敌手,对手。foe反对者,敌人。civilian平民。sage贤人,圣人。

advisable [Ed5vaizEbl] adj. 可取的,明智的【试题】If the test taker finds an item to which an answer is not known, it may be ______ to leave it blank and go on with the test.

A. valuable

B. advisable

C. considerable

D. considerate【答案】B【解析】advisable明智的。valuable贵重的。considerable大量的。considerate体谅人的,考虑周到的。

advocate [5AdvEkit] n. 提倡者,鼓吹者

vt. 提倡,鼓吹【试题】Some experts ______ modifying the Red List criteria to include local human population density.

A. insist

B. advocate

C. simulate

D. determine【答案】B【解析】句意:有些专家提倡修改濒危物种红色名录标准,使之包含当地的人口密度。advocate doing提倡做…。insist on doing坚持做…。simulate模仿。determine to do决心做…。

aerobic [7eiE5rEubik] adj. 需氧的【例句】If you want to decrease body fat, you must do aerobic exercises.【译文】如果你想减少脂肪,你必须要做有氧运动。

aesthetics [i:s5Wetiks] n. 美术理论,审美学【例句】This is disturbing not only for aesthetic reasons; it will also decrease the value of our houses if we are ever to sell them. (FATMD-1999, Reading Comprehension)【译文】这样会令人困扰,不仅仅是出于审美原因,在我们出售时还会降低我们房子的价值。

affection [E5fekFEn] n. 友爱,爱情;影响,疾病;倾向【试题】But when it comes to Ms.Yale, the speaker softens his criticisms with ______ and forgiveness.

A. affection

B. affirmation

C. argumentation

D. association【答案】A【解析】句意:当批评到耶鲁先生时,说话人的语气和缓了,带着挚爱和谅解的态度。affection钟爱,挚爱。affirmation断言,主张。argumentation争论,论证。association联合,结交。

afferent [5AfErEnt] adj. 传入的【例句】The majority of the sensory or, afferent impulses from muscle do not reach the level of conscious ness.【译文】来自肌肉的绝大部分感觉或传入神经冲动不会被人所意识到。

affiliate [E5filieit] vt. 使加入,使隶属于

n. 成员,分支机构【试题】The two clubs did not have the same members, but they were ______ with each other.

A. affected

B. afflicted

C. affiliated

D. influenced【答案】C【解析】affiliate使隶属于,be affiliated with与…有关系。influence影响。afflict折磨。

affinity [E5finiti] n. 密切关系,姻亲关系;吸引力,亲合力【试题】Many people in Wales have an affinity with music.

A. reputation for

B. solubility in

C. tincture in

D. attraction to【答案】D【解析】affinity情投意合,喜爱。attraction to对…有吸引力。reputation for有…名声。solubility in在…里可溶解。tincture与of搭配,意为“带有…颜色、气味等”。

afflict [E5flikt] vt. 使痛苦,使苦恼,折磨【例句】In this way the name “hospital” became connected with caring for the afflicted. (FATMD-1999, Close Test)【译文】这样“医院”这个词就开始与照顾痛苦受折磨的人有关联。

affluent [5AfluEnt] adj. 富裕的【试题】Having come from an affluent society,


im found it difficult to adjust to a small country town.

A. an affable

B. a wealthy

C. an overpopulated

D. a large【答案】B【解析】affluent富裕的。wealthy与之同义。affable友善的,和蔼的。overpopulated人口过密的。

afoot [E5fut] adj. 在准备[进行,酝酿,计划]中;进行中的

adv. 在准备中,在进行中【例句】And there are positive changes afoot higher up the scientific career ladder too. (FATMD-2004, Reading Comprehension)【译文】而且也有比职位提升更好的积极的转变在酝酿。

aftercare [5B:ftEkeE(r)] n. 调养【例句】She firmly believes that advice and counselling are critical in aftercare and the road to recovery.【译文】她坚信建议与忠告对病后调养具有决定意义并引导其走向康复。

aftosa [Af5tEusE] n. 口蹄疫【例句】Improved vaccines for aftosa, malaria and other tropical animal diseases are also on the horizon.【译文】预防口蹄疫、疟疾和其它热带动物疾病的高效疫苗也已经出现。

agenesis [E5dVenisis] n. 发育不全【例句】Severe tooth agenesis will affect the development of mandible and maxillary bones.【译文】多数牙齿先天性缺失会影响上下颌骨的发育。

aggravate [5A^rEveit] vt. 加剧,使恶化,激怒【试题】These photo studios have to cut prices to win back their customers. In fact it ______ their already worsening financial situation.

A. irritates

B. annoys

C. aggravates

D. enhance【答案】C【解析】句意:为了重新赢得顾客,这些照相馆不得不降价,事实上这加剧了他们正日益恶化的经济局势。aggravate加剧。irritate激怒。annoy使苦恼。enhance提高。

aggregate [5A^ri^eit] n. 总数;合计

v. 使聚集;共计达【试题】Because some resources must be allocated at the national level, we have created policies which reflect the aggregated attributes of our society.

A. annoyed

B. worsened





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