
发布时间:2020-06-19 18:32:26









既然学习语言应该从听说练习开始,那么想学好英语的你又能找到多少可以训练听和说的素材呢?总结一下,比如英文有声书、英语电视节目、英文对白的电影、英语广播和网站上提供的其他音、视频资料等,这些都是非常好的学习材料,但是各有利弊。一般书店销售的英语学习类图书大多都配有音频光盘,使之成为有声材料,但是大多数出版者在图书音频录制过程中对录音者要求不高,导致所录材料中的语言缺乏感情,缺少相关场景的配合,显得很生硬,自然很难让学习者提起学习的兴趣;国内目前电视平台提供的英语节目不是很多,你可以选择网络或卫星电视来观看国外的英语电视节目,但是由于这些素材并未照顾到语言学习者的水平,普遍语速太快,而且没有字幕,让我们这些外语或二外学习者理解起来有不小的难度,只能单纯用来“磨耳朵”;看英文对白电影是个比较好的学习方式,既有趣又发音准确,在网上也能找到很多,大多还配有字幕,但是不少由志愿者提供的字幕翻译水平参差不齐,有可能误导观众,带有字幕也会让人产生依赖性。另外英文对白的电影长度太长,如果只是从头到尾泛泛地看,无法从学习语言的角度切入,效果也不理想;收音机和网络电台中的英语广播只能听不能看,并不直观,同样速度较快,没有文本,不适合反复学习;最后说说来自Youtube, megavideo, HuIu等网站上的视频资料,我们在这些网站中发现了大量的、很受欢迎的英语视频资料,这些资料短小精悍、题材包罗万象、非常贴近生活,大多数趣味性、实用性和学习性都很强,难度不高,非常适合普通英语学习者观看学习。因此我们特地收集和整理了一些,集合成册,分门别类,制作成适合中国读者的英语学习类图书,并且由经验丰富的作者为其配备了英、中双语文稿,从内容和语言学习的双重角度加以解说,让读者学习语言的同时还可以拓展百科知识,一举两得。


本书视频资料摘自互联网,仅供学习使用。由于来源众多,无法一一联络,原作者可自行联系本书作者或出版者索取版权使用费。本书出版的过程中,受到中国纺织出版社的编辑老师的大力协助,深表感谢。同时还要感谢袁金萍等几位好友的鼎力协助。由于时间仓促,水平有限,如有疏漏和不当之处,请读者朋友们批评指正。编者2015年2月第一篇 咖啡 Coffee

当你走进星巴克的时候,面对五花八门的咖啡饮料,是否曾为如何选择而困扰?当你匆匆而过,需要一杯符合自己口味的咖啡的时候,是否会觉得点餐程序过于复杂,有些浪费时间?那现在,就看看来自星巴克的Jeff给我们提供的点餐技巧吧。原文 ScriptStarbucks Language:How to Order Your Drink at Starbucks

Hi, I'm Jeff from the Starbucks in the JW Marriott,and today I'm gonna talk to you about how to order your drink quickly and efficiently.The first thing that we need to know is whether or not your drink is hot or iced.The next thing that we need to know is what size of beverages you like—tall, which is 12 ounces;grande, which is 16 ounces;and venti,which is 20 ounces.The next step is all about customizing your drink, and the boxes on the side of the cup help you do that.The first box is decaf, and you can choose how many shots you like the decaf, or if you just like it regular.The next box is the shots box.And you can decide how many shots of espresso you want in it.Next is syrup box.We have 15 different kinds of syrups.After that, you can choose your kind of milk.We have five different kinds.And the last thing we need to know is what kind of drink you like, a latte, a mocha, a cappuccino.And those are my tips to help you order your drink quickly and efficiently, and get you on your way.译文 Translation星巴克点餐技巧

嗨,我是从万豪酒店里的星巴克来的Jeff,今天我要和你们谈谈如何快速又有效率地点饮料。我们需要知道的第一件事是你的饮品是要热的还是冰的。下一件我们需要知道的事是你想要多大杯的饮料——中杯是十二盎司(约350c.c.);大杯是16盎司(约480c.c.);还有特大杯,是二十盎司(约600c.c.)。下一步是如何个性化调配你喜欢的饮料,杯子侧边的格子可以帮你进行定制。第一格是低咖啡因,你可以选择你想要几份的低咖啡因咖啡,或是一般的咖啡。下一个格子是份数的格子,在此处你可以决定你想要几份的浓缩咖啡。接下来是糖浆的格子。我们有十五种不同的糖浆供你选择。之后,你可以选择牛奶的种类。我们有五种不同的牛奶。最后一件我们需要知道的事是你想要哪种饮料,拿铁、摩卡、还是卡布奇诺。以上这些就是我为你提供的快速又有效率地点饮料的小技巧,这些技巧能让你们很快上手。词汇短语 Words and Phrases

customize vt.定做,定制

decaf n.无咖啡因咖啡;脱因咖啡

espresso n.浓咖啡

syrup n.糖浆补充知识



Espresso(Solo Espresso&Duppio Espresso)意式浓缩咖啡

Caffe Americano 美式咖啡

Cappuccino 卡布奇诺

Caffe Latte 拿铁咖啡

Vanilla Latte 香草拿铁

Caffe Mocha 摩卡咖啡

White Chocolate Mocha 白巧克力摩卡咖啡

Caramel Macchiato 焦糖玛奇朵

Caramel Coffee Jelly 焦糖吉利

Espresso Con Panna 浓缩康宝蓝

Espresso Macchiato 浓缩玛奇朵冰饮系列

Iced Caffé Latte 冰拿铁

Iced Vanilla Latte 冰香草拿铁

Iced Caffe Mocha 冰摩卡

Iced Caramel Macchiato 冰焦糖玛奇朵星冰乐

coffee Frappuccino 咖啡星冰乐

mocha Frappuccino 摩卡星冰乐

Caramel Coffee Frappuccino 焦糖咖啡星冰乐

Espresso Frappuccino 浓缩咖啡星冰乐

Caramel Frappuccino 焦糖星冰乐

Green Tea Frappuccino 抹茶星冰乐

Chocolate Frappuccino 巧克力星冰乐

Vanilla Frappuccino 香草星冰乐

Mango Passion Fruit Frappuccino 芒果西番莲果茶星冰乐第二篇 夏季 Summer

夏天来了,这个季节如此美好——新鲜的水果,凉爽的棒冰,野外烧烤,海边游泳。但是,困扰也随之而来,新鲜水果吸引了大量的果蝇,棒冰融化弄得孩子满手黏答答,野外烧烤时调料太多而桌子太小,海边游泳时贵重物品无处存放……看看这些生活小窍门能不能帮我们解决这些困扰呢?原文 ScriptTen Life Hacks You Need To Know For Summer!

The next time you eat a giant hamburger, don't do it like this. The bottoms get soggy and fall apart.Instead, try turning your sandwich upside down.The tops are nearly twice as thick as the bottoms, and a lot more durable.So be smart, and eat your hamburgers upside down.

Have you ever noticed that when you put a straw in a can of soda, it doesn't want to stay?Try bending the tab of the can over the hole and slide your straw down through the tab. No more floating straws because, now, it's held in place.

Grab yourself a mango and try this little trick. Carefully cut off the two sides of the fruit, and hold one piece in your hand.You can gently cut a few lines vertically and a few more across until the pattern resembles a checkerboard.

Now take it with both hands and gently push from the back. You'll see bite-sized pieces pop right up.You can use a spoon to scrape them into a bowl, or just eat them right off the peel.It's fast, easy, and they won't get stuck in your teeth.

If you've got ants and you're looking for a natural form of pest control, try measuring out a cup of popcorn kernels, put them in a blender on high speed for about 30 seconds, and you'll end up with a batch of fresh, homemade cornmeal. Just make a few piles around the ant trails and within a few days, your ant problems will literally disappear.

The next time you're at a party and someone has bags of chips lying around, impress your friends by making them into custom snack bowls.You can fold the top edge inside the bag first, then begin rolling the bottom corners up into the base of the bag, pushing the chips up as you go.You'll end up with a custom snack bowl, with chips overflowing.

It's the season for fruit flies. So before they take over your kitchen, slice a few pieces of banana and mix them with some of your leftover mango peels.Find yourself a couple of small containers and add the fruit.Now just stretch a piece of plastic wrap over the top, and use something like the tip of a chopstick to poke a small hole in the center that's just bigger than the fly.Now you can set it and forget it.

Within a few minutes, the flies will be checking things out.And once one goes in, you can be sure his friends will follow.Within a couple of days, they'll all be having a rocking fruit party.And now you can simply take the lid of the container and press it on, sealing them inside.Now you are the lord of the flies.

Summer means popsicles, and popsicles mean your kids are going to get sticky fingers.Grab a small paper cup, and carefully poke a hole in the bottom about the size of a popsicle stick.Now when you push a popsicle inside, you've got an instant drip catcher and no more sticky fingers.By the way, this works great with cupcake liners as well!

You've probably been to a BBQ where the condiments take up half the table, and the lineups for using them take forever. Solve the problem with a muffin pan.This way your condiments are easy to access and your lines will move along quickly.You'll also dramatically increase your table space and cut down the things to clean up afterward.

When you are at the beach, reduce the chances of things getting stolen by making a covert container. Just take your old shampoo bottle and twist the top so that it pops right off.Clean it out and cut a hole in the top that's just big enough to stash your valuable items inside.

Now you can snap the top back on, and your items are perfectly concealed. Anyone who sees this will just think it's a shampoo bottle, and chances are, nobody's wants to steal your shampoo.

When you need a drink to cool down, hot water can taste disgusting.Try filling your water bottles a quarter of the way, so that when they're on their sides, the water settles just below the bottleneck.Now stick your bottles in the freezer and go on with your day.

When the water is frozen, it will make an ice block on the side of the bottle, but doesn't block the opening.Now when you need to cool off,just take a bottle from the freezer,fill it up with your favorite drink, and you've got an instant, icy cold beverage ready to go.

Well, there are a few tricks to make your summer a little easier.If you liked these projects, perhaps you'll like some of my others.Check them out at thekingofrandom.com.译文 Translation夏日大作战!十个实用生活小技巧















好吧,这就是几个让你的夏日过得轻松些的小秘诀。如果你喜欢的话,也许你也会喜欢我的其他小窍门。到thekingofrandom.com去看看吧。词汇短语 Words and Phrases

soggy adj.浸水的;透湿的

vertically adj.垂直的,直立的

checkerboard n.棋盘

kernel n.谷粒,果核;核心,要点

literally adv.确实地,准确地;照字面地,逐字地

leftover adj.残余的;吃剩的

condiments n.调味品;佐料

lineup n.阵容;一组人

muffin pan 玛芬蛋糕烤盘

covert adj.隐蔽的;隐秘的

stash vt.隐藏,贮藏;藏匿微信互动

以上的生活小技巧会不会让你的这个夏天更加精彩?你是否还有一些其他的小技巧小窍门想与我们分享?请关注本书专用微信公众号,参与互动,也许你会获得额外的惊喜哟!第三篇 游泳 Swimming

游泳是一项非常好的体育运动,对强筋健骨以及锻炼心肺功能都很有帮助。但是,游泳同样也是一种高风险的运动,游泳时最常见的危险就是溺水,搞不好甚至有死亡的可能。那么如何辨别一个人在水中是不是溺水了呢?这对那些带孩子去海边或者游泳池游泳的家长们来说特别重要。原文 ScriptKnow The Signs Of Drowning

Before you head to the pool or the beach this summer, you should know what an actual drowning looks like. The experts say it's not what most people think, but if you know the signs to look for, you could prevent a tragic accident.

I thought there would be some sort of warning and some sort of cry for help, but it was silent and it was straight down like an anchor. There was nothing.

Frank Pia was a lifeguard for 20 years and has made a lifelong study of drowning.

To a parent, it may look as though the child is dog paddling.

Pia says if the movement is only up-and-down, that's a signal. As a part of his research, he would set up a video camera at the beach.This is video of two kids drowning.That lifeguard dashing in to save them is a young Frank Pia.And those are the children's parents right next to them, completely unaware.A quarter of all drownings happen with other people present.

They were expecting that, whether it was a child or an adult, would call out or wave for help.

Pia says when a person starts to drown, their body goes into survival mode, making deliberate actions like yelling or waving their arms over their head nearly impossible.

You should watch for other signs, like their head is low in the water and may be tilted back and their mouth open, and they may look like they're climbing an invisible ladder. Small children may appear like they're trying to roll onto their back.

I felt so lucky. If I had looked around one more time or just said,“Oh, I'll check him in a second,”it could have been too late.

If you see these signs, you don't have long to act.

And drowning can happen as quickly as 20 seconds. Now Frank Pia says if you take your kids to the beach or the pool, even if there are lifeguards present, you have to keep an eye on them, too.译文 Translation了解溺水迹象











溺水可以快到在20秒钟内发生。现在弗兰克·皮阿表示,如果你带你的孩子到海滩或是泳池,即使有救生员在场,你还是要仔细看好他们。词汇短语 Words and Phrases

tragic accident 悲剧性的事故 意外

lifeguard n.救生员

lifelong adj.毕生的;终身的

paddle vi.涉水;趟水;用桨划船

deliberate adj.故意的;刻意的学习小贴士




读书笔记____________________________________________________________________________________________第四篇 拍照 Taking Photos

智能手机开启了移动互联的新时代,集合了照相机、社交媒介、录音机和手机等多种功能于一身,让年轻人玩得很过瘾,尤其是拍照,随时随地都能照。每个人都想在镜头面前留下自己最美好的瞬间,其实除了照相工具和修图软件之外,自然的拍照技巧也是很有用的,也就是采用什么样的方式让自己更“上相”。原文 ScriptHow to look great in photographs?

How to look great in photographs?Sure, a beautiful photograph takes some skill behind the lens, but it takes a little skill in front of it, too.You will need:a photographer and a camera with flash.

Step one:When choosing your clothes, leave bright colors, crazy patterns and horizontal stripes in the closet.Neutral colors look best.

Step two:Check your face in the mirror. Do you have any blemishes you could cover, or greasy skin that needs powdering?Could your eyes use some drops to clear up redness?Are your eyebrows trim and neat?If you wear makeup, remember that colors will look more intense in photos, especially on black and white film.

Step three:Try to have the pictures taken outside, in the morning or before sunset, the light is soft and flattering at these times.Whereas high noon, a flash photography can illuminate a little too much.

Step four:Make sure the camera lens is at eye level or just slightly higher. Any lower, and you'll look like you have a double chin.

Step five:To appear more natural when standing for a photo, lean slightly back with your weight on your rear foot, and angle one hip forward. Keep your posture erect, but not overly posed.Think Greek statue, not William Shatner.

Step six:Turn your head two thirds to one side or the other for slimming effect on your face. Avoid wide-angle lenses, which will widen the appearance of your face.

Step seven:Look at a light source, like a lamp or light for a few moments. It reduces the size of your pupils and the possibility of red eye.However, never look directly at the sun.

Step eight:Just before the picture is taken, close your eyes and have the photographer count to three, then open your eyes as he begins shooting.This is the best way to prevent blinking from ruining shots.

Step nine:The last and most important part of the picture is the smile. Saying kitschy things like cheese forces a fake grin and makes you look like a newscaster or a local politician.Instead, think of a funny memory which will bring out a naturally happy look.

Did you know:The first commercially available color film was offered in France in 1907.译文 Translation如何让自己上相?











你知道吗:第一个商业彩色影片是1907年在法国出现的。词汇短语 Words and Phrases

horizontal stripe 横条;水平条纹

blemish n.瑕疵;疤痕

flattering adj.讨人喜欢的;奉承的

illuminate vt.照亮,照明

kitschy adj.技巧娴熟的;矫揉造作的小贴士




1.Express, not impress.


2.Simple sentences work best.


3.Active, rather than passive.


4.Know who your target audience is.


5.Read it aloud.


6.Avoid using jargon as much as possible.


7.In terms of words, size matters.


8.Being positive is better than being negative-even in writing!


9.Set aside time for revising and rewriting-after you've written the whole content.


10.Write.All the time.

写下来。每时每刻。第五篇 发型 Hair Styles

现实生活中,人的精气神往往给人的感觉不同,具体体现在精神面貌、穿着打扮,甚至发型上面。女生往往喜欢美发,比如飘然的长发,简洁的短发,丝瀑般卷发等等,都能够给人以不同的印象。与此相反,如果发型一成不变,审美疲劳之余,会给人单调且死板的感觉,不够清新。本段就教你如何做一个与众不同的发型。原文 ScriptBack-to-School Hairstyles

Hey guys, I was requested by a few of you to do some back-to-school hairstyles that require no heat, no hairspray, and no complicated braids. So here four quick styles you can try out in the morning that will definitely spice up your day and this might even make your crush notice you, or not.I can't guarantee anything.So if you guys wanna learn how to do these easy hairstyles, keep on watching.

The Twisted Headbands favor people who want hair out of their face and it also works on curly hair. So what you wanna do first is section your hair of the top and divide it to two equal strands.Then you are going to take these strands and twist them together counterclockwise once.Then with the next strand, you are gonna pick up hair close to your face and then corporate it into the twist.So as you can see, I'm always picking up hair and then twisting it.When you reach the area where your ears are, just continue to twist the two strands together without picking up any hair.When you're done twisting all your hair, just grab a clip, and pin it at the back for now.Then do the exact thing:twist to the other side of your head.When that's done, grab an elastic band and gather it to the back,finding your other twist and then combining them together and tying it.When you are done, it should look like this.If this is your first time, it may be a little loose.So it does take practice, but it's super quick and easy to do.

This one looks nice and is also super easy to do. All you have to do is part your hair in half.I'd like to start with where my ears are.Grab a hair tie, and tie off that section.Now about the hair tie, I'm going to make a little loop, and I'm going to loop the ponytail right inside that hole.And that's about it.Add here accessories if you want to.Here it is all done.If you have straight hair, this will look really nice.And if you have curly hair, you might have to straighten your hair first, because I've never tried this on curly hair before.

This is another cute hairstyle that is extremely easy to do. First, I'm going to create a little pompadour above my head by just grabbing some hair and adding as much as I want to it.So I'm just going to grab some more from each side.Then I'm going to push my hair forward to create a little bump, and with bobby pins, I'm going to pin that part down.I'd like to use two bobby pins and cross them together to keep the bump in place.Now I'm going to gather my hair all to one side, and braid this section into a regular three-strand braid.You can even do a fishtail braid, but if you are really pressed for time, then a regular three-strand braid will suffice.Now I'm going to use my small elastic band and tie the ends off.Then I'm just going to stretch out the braid to make it look fuller and bigger.So I'm just going to tug on each strand.If you have a layer hair like I do, all you have to do is just pin the strands back so that everything will look neat.I'm also going to use a flower pin to just pin my front layer away.And that's the completed look.I used to wear my hair like this all the time, especially when the pompadour was really in.But I haven't done it for a while so it was nice to do it again.

And lastly we have the Messy High Bun. If you prefer low buns, just tie your hair lower.But for me, I'm going to do a higher bun.So I'm going to just make the really high ponytail, and since I like it on the side, I'm going to position the ponytail on the side.To add more buns into my hair, I'm going to back comb the ponytail with just a regular comb.And you don't need any hairspray, because this is gonna go into a bun later.When that's done, just grab the ponytail, and twist it around





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