
发布时间:2020-06-20 21:45:46








I. Translate the following passages into Chinese and write your translation on the answer sheet. (50 points, 25points each)

Passage 1

It is the unanimous view of our committee that America today faces a serious and intensifying challenge with regard to its future competitiveness and standard of living. Further we appear to be on a losing path. We are here today hoping both to elevate the nation’s awareness of this developing situation and to propose constructive solutions.

The thrust of our findings is straightforward. The standard of living of Americans in the years ahead will depend to a very large degree on the quality of the jobs that they are able to hold. Without quality jobs our citizens will not have the purchasing power to support the standard of living which they seek, and to which many have become accustomed; tax revenues will not be generated to provide for strong national security and healthcare; and the lack of a vibrant domestic consumer market will provide a disincentive for either U.S. or foreign companies to invest in jobs in America.

What has brought about the current situation? The answer is that the prosperity equation has a new ingredient, an ingredient that some have referred to as “The Death of Distance”. In the last century, breakthroughs in aviation created the opportunity to move people and goods rapidly and efficiently over very great distances. Bill Gates has referred to aviation as the “World Wide Web of the twentieth century”. In the early part of the present century, we are approaching the point where the communication, storage and processing of information are nearly free. That is, we can now move not only physical items efficiently over great distances, and we can also transport information in large volumes and at little cost. (276 words, Rising Above the Gathering Storms)【参考译文】




Passage 2

Germany as a whole is underemployed. Germans in work put in an average of 1,430 hours in 2006, the third-lowest rate in the OECD. Even after the labour-market reforms, long-term unemployment remains well above the OECD average. More than half a million immigrants cannot do the jobs for which they trained because Germany does not recognize their qualifications, a case of credentialism gone wild. A country in demographic decline cannot afford such waste. By 2035 Germany’s GDP per person will fall by 8-15% relative to that in other rich European countries and in America.

To head off such relative decline, Germany needs to re-engineer not only the welfare state but its attitudes towards immigrants, women and people over 60. Against its conservative instincts it has made a start. In the past ten years it had done more to integrate minorities than in the previous 40. When “guest workers” from Turkey, Italy and Greece flooded in to alleviate labor shortages in the 1950s and 60s, Germans thought they would eventually leave again; during the 1980s the government tried to pay them to go. Now it accepts that Germany is an “immigration country”. A citizenship law passed in 2000 which said that people not born German could become so was followed in 2005 by an immigration law that inched open the doors for skilled foreigners.

The government has maintained a cautious momentum, balancing welcome with a demand that immigrants adapt to German ways. Under a “national integration plan” orchestrated by the grand coalition, language training for immigrants and their children is being expanded and businesses have promised to create extra training places for migrants. The coalition set up a standing “Islam Conference” to negotiate relations between the religion and the state. Its main successes were to establish that Muslims see no contradiction between their faith and Germany’s constitution, and to agree in principle to teach Islam in state schools, as Judaism and Christianity already are. (323 words)【参考译文】




II. Translate the following passages into English and write your translation on the answer sheet. (50 points, 25 points each)

Passage 1



Wages system for American civil servants, in fact, depends on market; all sorts of laws about wages are based on the changes in market. Since such civil servant position as American president, governor, congressmen and so on have someone who is willing to do the job, the wages system is acceptable by them, for no one forces them to be a civil servant. Thus, in reality, we cannot hear the civil servants complaining the lowness of their wages. This is like a sports game; once the sportsman has attended the game, they should obey all the regulated rules, and they cannot ask for changing the rules after coming to the game by just saying the rules is not good for them.

Although the civil servants have no such high wages than in the private company, they can get incomparable benefits that a worker in the private company cannot obtain, such as reputation, good personal connections, various vacations, ease in work, small work pressure, relatively stability and low unemployment rate.

Passage 2


Buddhist scriptures come from India. The pronunciation of India’s language is different from Chinese, thus, we regard the scriptures and the language they use as the books and the language in heaven. With different events and names, to express the original meaning through translation is very difficult.… The beginner Wei Zhinan, who was from India, in the third year of Huang Wu emperor, came to Wu Chang. From him I received five hundred Buddhist scriptures, so I invited his companion Zhu Jiangyan to translate these scriptures with me. Jiangyan is good at India’s language, but his Chinese is not good enough. When he interpreted the scriptures, sometimes he used Hu language (a kind of language used by some north minority nation in China) or some sounds which are created according to the meaning, which made his interpretation very straight in meaning. At first, I complained that his use of words was not graceful.

Wei Zhinan said, “The translation of Buddhist scriptures should express their real meaning without modification, and also should observe the philosophy of Buddhism strictly. A good translator should ensure that the translation is not only understood by others, but also conforms to the original meaning.” Then all the people on the seat also said, “Lao Zi ever said, ‘Beautiful words are not believable, the real believable words are not beautiful.’ We also have Confucius saying ‘the book cannot say everything; if can, it will lose its original meaning.’ These wise scholars’ words are deep and profound in meaning. Now Wei Zhinan expresses the real meaning in Hu. He in fact has had an access to the Buddhist scriptures.” From then on, when I listen to the interpretation of Buddhist scriptures by others, I will observe to the original meaning without modification in words.

III. Essay-writing: (50 points, 25 points each).

1.English writing: Please read the passage and write all essay (no less than 300 words) based on the following questions:

1) What is the issue discussed in this passage?

2) Give one more example to illustrate the author’s point of view.

3) How to resolve the loss in translation? Why?

Once the principle is accepted that sameness cannot exist between two languages, it becomes possible to approach the question of loss and gain in the translation process. It is again an indication of the low status of translation that so much time should have been spent on discussing what is lost in the transfer of a text from SL to TL whilst ignoring what can also be gained, for the translator can at times enrich or clarify the SL text as a direct result of the translation process. Moreover, what is often seen as ‘lost’ from the SL context may be replaced in the TL context, as in the case of Wyatt and Surrey’s translations of Petrarch.

Eugene Nida is a rich source of information about the problems of loss in translation, in particular about the difficulties encountered by the translator when faced with terms or concepts in the SL that do not exist in the TL. He cites the case of Guaica, a language of southern Venezuela, where there is little trouble in finding satisfactory terms for the English murder, stealing, lying, etc., but where the terms for good, bad, ugly and beautiful cover a very different area of meaning. As an example, he points out that Guaica does not follow a dichotomous classification of good and bad, but a trichotomous one as follows:

(1) Good includes desirable food, killing enemies, chewing dope in moderation, putting fire to one’s wife to teach her to obey, and stealing from anyone not belonging to the same band.

(2) Bad includes rotten fruit, any object with a blemish, murdering a person of the same band, stealing from a member of the extended family and lying to anyone.

(3) Violating taboo includes incest, being too close to one’s mother-in-law, a married woman’s eating tapir before the birth of the first child, and a child’s eating rodents. Nor is it necessary to look so far beyond Europe for examples of this kind of differentiation. The large number of terms in Finnish for variations of snow, in Arabic for aspects of camel behaviour, in English for light and water, in French for types of bread, all present the translator with, on one level, an untranslatable problem. Bible translators have documented the additional difficulties involved in, for example, the concept of the Trinity or the social significance of the parables in certain cultures. In addition to the lexical problems, there are of course languages that do not have tense systems or concepts of time that in any way correspond to Indo-European systems. Whorf’s comparison (which may not be reliable, but is cited here as a theoretical example) between a ‘temporal language’ (English) and a ‘timeless language’ (Hopi) serves to illustrate this aspect.【答案】

In this passage, the issue of loss and gain in the translation process is introduced and discussed. According to the author, due to the fact that some terms or concepts in the SL do not have corresponding ones in the TL, or vice versa, it is inevitable that some sense in the SL will be lost. However, on the other hand, there will be also some gains when there are more expressions of one term or concept in the TL than those in the SL. Take the terms of cooking in Chinese and English as an example. In English, there is only one term for “fry”. However, in Chinese, there are different terms for it: pan-frying, stir-frying, quick-frying and deep-frying. If a Chinese cooking book is translated into English, some meanings will be unavoidably lost. Of course, when something about English cooking is translated into Chinese, then the ST will give a more detailed interpretation.

From this case, we can see that loss of meaning always occurs in the translation process. Then how should we address this problem? Nida says that translator should strive for functional as well as formal equivalence between the source text and the target text. Therefore, the solution to addressing the problem of loss of meaning is that the target text should be as close as the source test as much as possible. In many cases, these two equivalences cannot be achieved at the same time. However, as long as what the source text wants to convey is expressed, then the loss produced in the translation process can be allowed. For instance, there are plenty of four-character idioms in Chinese which are hard to translate perfectly. When translating them, translators have to abandon some form or sense while conveying the underlying meaning. In conclusion, translators should make the target text close to the source text to the maximum extent. For a good translation work, the unavoidable loss of meaning is allowed on the premise that all the translatable information is delivered


This list identifies three words useful in comparative culture studies whose obvious or habitual translations in either direction (Chinese to English or vice versa) are seriously misleading.【参考范文】

在汉语和英语翻译中,我们常会碰到这样的问题:如果把汉语词汇字对字的翻译成英语,那么翻译过来的单词已经脱离了原文语义,造成误解。如“唯物主义”,若翻译成“materialism”,则把汉语中表示一种基本哲学概念的词偷换成了英语里令人鄙视的生活态度词汇。所以,看似翻译准确,实则不然。其实,在汉英或英汉翻译过程中这样的情况比比皆是。这种翻译属于望文生义,是由于译者并未对这两种语言的词汇含义真正理解所导致的误译。再举一例,如中国菜“四喜丸子”,如果翻译成“four happy balls”,则变成了“四个开心球”,完全不符原义,会贻笑大方。



I. Translate the following passages into Chinese and write your translation on the answer sheet. (50 points, 25 points each)

Passage 1

Tower of Power: Miracle or Mirage?

In China, one doesn’t have to look far to see the country’s commitment to renewable energy. In cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, rooftops are now covered with solar water heaters. On the grasslands of Inner Mongolia, towering white wind turbines are popping up where only cattle, sheep and herders on horseback once roamed. While coal consumption is expected to climb more than 3% annually for the next two decades, the government has also required that electrical companies add a significant amount of alternative energy to their portfolios.

Yet, some overseas firms insist that China is simply repeating an economic development strategy that has propelled the country’s rapid progress in many other manufacturing sectors. The country has been able to use the lure of huge potential markets to entice foreign companies to hand over technology and know-how in exchange for lucrative deals, later using that knowledge to produce competitive products cheaper than those of overseas originators. Foreign companies built the generators for the first stage of the massive Three Gorges hydroelectric dam, but the generator contracts required the foreign makers to transfer technology to Chinese partners, who took the lead in later phases of construction. A similar pattern appears to be playing out in alternative energy. Foreign wind-turbine manufacturers held nearly 60% of the Chinese market in 2006. By last year that position was reversed, with Chinese firms taking 74% of new installations, says Jun Ying, chief China representative for the consulting firm New Energy Finance. In fact, the number of Chinese turbine manufacturers has expanded so rapidly that the government, fearing a glut, warned in that applications for new factories might not be approved. (275 words)【参考译文】




Passage 2

What is Liberal Education?

As education aims to perfect gentlemanship, to human excellence, liberal education consists in reminding oneself of human excellence, of human greatness. In what way, by what means does liberal education remind us of human greatness? We cannot think highly enough of what liberal education is meant to be. We have heard Plato’s suggestion that education in the highest sense is philosophy. Philosophy is quest for wisdom or quest for knowledge regarding the most important, the highest, or the most comprehensive things. Such knowledge, he suggested, is virtue and is happiness. But wisdom is inaccessible to man and hence virtue and happiness will always be imperfect. In spite of this, the philosopher, who, as such, is not simply wise, is declared to be the only true king; he is declared to possess all the excellences of which man’s mind is capable to the highest degree. From this we must draw the conclusion that we cannot be philosophers—that we cannot acquire the highest form of education. We must not be deceived by the fact that we meet many people who say that they are philosophers. For those people employ a loose expression which is perhaps necessitated by administrative convenience. Often they mean merely that they are members of philosophy departments. And it is as absurd to expect members of philosophy departments to be philosophers as it is to expect members of art departments to be artists. We cannot be philosophers but we can love philosophy; we can try to philosophize. (250 words)【参考译文】



II. Translate the following passages into English and write your translation on the answer sheet. (50 points, 25 points each)

Passage l








Creating disturbance

Creating disturbance occurs in both the Eastern society and the Western society. But people in different societies do it differently.

Compared with the people in the Western society, people in the Eastern society are more likely to create disturbance.

If this is true, the real happiness is to be obtained by allowing people to live their lives according to their own ideas under the constraint of the legal principle and social ethnics in the society; whatever they need, they will strive for it; after their needs are satisfied, stop making a fuss.

Of course to realize this, everybody is expected to be in possession of some cultural cultivation and certain ability to think independently. In addition, they need to be responsible for their own life and no longer interfere in other people’s business.

It is not easy to do as what is said, but the only hope lies in it.





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