
发布时间:2020-06-21 11:47:17











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Chapter 1 Unique Treasure of North America — Tour the Peculiar Cultural Landscape of North America 第一章 北美特有的世界瑰宝——游览北美奇特的人文景观


1. Washington Monument:A Symbol of Liberty 华盛顿纪念碑:独立的标志

The Washington Monument is an obelisk on the National Mall in Washington,D.C.,built to commemorate the first U.S. president,George Washington. The monument,made of marble,granite,and bluestone gneiss,is both the world's tallest stone structure and the world's tallest obelisk,standing 555 feet 5+1/8 inches(169.294 m).

位于华盛顿特区国家广场上的方尖碑——华盛顿纪念碑,是为了纪念美国第一任总统乔治·华盛顿而建立的。该纪念碑是世界上最高的方尖碑,高555英尺5又1/8英寸(169.294米),建设材料包括大理石、花岗岩、青石质片麻岩。● History of Washington Monument 华盛顿纪念碑的历史沿革

Construction of the monument began in 1848,but was halted from 1854 to 1877,and finally completed in 1884. The hiatus in construction happened because of co-option by the Know Nothing party,a lack of funds,and the intervention of the American Civil War. A difference in shading of the marble,visible approximately 150 feet(46 m)or 27% up,shows where construction was halted.

Its original design was by Robert Mills,an architect of the 1840s,but his design was modified significantly when construction resumed. The cornerstone was laid on July 4,1848;the capstone was set on December 6,1884,and the completed monument was dedicated on February 21,1885. It officially opened October 9,1888. Upon completion,it became the world's tallest structure,a title previously held by the Cologne Cathedral. The monument held this designation until 1889,when the Eiffel Tower was completed in Paris,France. The monument stands due east of the Reflecting Pool and the Lincoln Memorial. Monument is locate in east of the reflection pool and Linked Memorial.

The monument was damaged during the Virginia earthquake of August 23,2011;it remains closed to the public while the structure is assessed and repaired.



纪念碑在2011年8月23日的弗吉尼亚州地震中遭到损坏,至今尚未对外开放,因为要对其建筑结构进行重新评估和修理。纪念碑顶的观景台外部● Interior inscriptions 美轮美奂的石雕

On the interior of the monument are 193 commemorative stones,donated by numerous governments and organizations from all over the world. A stone at the 240-foot level of the monument is inscribed in Welsh:My language,my land,my nation of Wales-Wales for ever. The stone,imported from Wales,was donated by Welsh citizens of New York.

Another inscription,this one sent by the Ottoman government,combines the works of two eminent calligraphers:an imperial tughra by Mustafa Rakım's student Has im Efendi,and an inscription in jalī ta‘līq script by Kadıasker Mustafa zzet Efendi,the calligrapher who wrote the giant medallions at Hagia Sophia in Istanbul.


另一由奥斯曼土耳其帝国所赠送的石雕上面的铭文是由两位著名书法家共同创作的:他们分别是穆斯塔法的学生哈瑟姆·芬迪所创作的《帝国宰相阿齐兹》和创作过伊斯坦布尔圣索菲亚大教堂内巨型画作的穆斯塔法·伊捷芬迪所创作的《贾利·塔里克》。● Observation Deck at the top of the Monument 纪念碑顶上的观景台

Washington Monument has stairs and elevator;we can reach the top of monument by those. 8 view finders on the top of the Washington Monument,which offer sweep panoramic views of the national lawn.

It opened in early 1888,898 steps inside the monument,leaving many hearts and revered footsteps of the American people,the steps now almost no one walking,but the elevator hosted visitors from around the world,it have not been changed for the monument master's reverence for centuries.


1888年年初开放时,碑身内的898级台阶上,留下了许多心怀崇敬的美国民众的脚步,尽管现在的台阶几乎已无人行走,但电梯中承载的来自世界各地的游客,对于这座纪念碑主人的崇敬之心,百年来并无更改。● Inscription on the Monument:Immortalizing 纪念碑上的碑文:名垂千古

The four faces of the aluminum apex all bear inscriptions in cursive letters

纪念塔的顶部、观览阶四面墙上刻了下列纪念文字:● The“Father of Our Country”:George Washington 美国国父:乔治·华盛顿

George Washington(1732—1799)was a founding father and the commander of the Continental Army in the American Revolutionary War from 1775 to 1783. He was elected as the first president of the United States of America—the only president ever to win a unanimous vote in the Electoral College,and served two terms before retiring. Because of his significant role in the revolution and in the formation of the United States,he is often revered by Americans as the“Father of Our Country”.

Born in Westmoreland County,Virginia,George Washington was a son of a colonial plantation owner. As a youth,Washington worked as a surveyorand in 1752 he joined the British army and served as a lieutenant in the French and Indian War.

The Continental Congress appointed Washington commander-in-chief of the American revolutionary forces in 1775. Part of his success in the Revolutionary War was due to his shrewd use of what was then considered the“ungentlemanly,”but effective,tactic of“guerrilla”warfare,in which stealthy“hit-and-run”attacks foiled British armies.

In Washington's first term,an opposition began to make itself heard,and in his second term,the outlines of the first party system,composed of the Democratic-Republican and Federalist parties,became clear. Fatigued and somewhat discouraged,he retired to Mount Vernon after he left the presidency.

On December 12,1799,he rode out into the freezing sleet to survey business affairs on his estate. He returned home late for a dinner engagement and refused to take the time to change out of his wet clothes. On December 13,he developed a severe respiratory infection. On December 14,1799,George Washington dies at his Mount Vernon estate in Virginia. His last words were“It's well.”The nation plunged into a state of mourning. He was described by fellow soldier Henry Lee as“first in war,first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen”.华盛顿纪念碑英文碑文






2. Statue of Liberty:Gift of Frenchman 自由女神像:法国人的礼物

The Statue of Liberty(Liberty Enlightening the World)is a colossal neoclassical sculpture on Liberty Island in New York Harbor,designed by Frédéric Bartholdi and dedicated on October 28,1886. The statue,a gift to the United States from the people of France. A broken chain lies at her feet. The statue is an icon of freedom and of the United States:a welcoming signal to immigrants arriving from abroad.

自由女神像是位于纽约港自由岛一座巨大的新古典主义雕塑,由法国设计师弗雷德里克·巴托尔迪设计,并于1886年10月28日完成。自由女神像是法国人民送给美国建国100周年的礼物。自由女神像的脚下是打碎的手铐、脚镣和锁链。这座雕像是自由的符号,是美国的象征:欢迎海外移民来到美国。● Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World 自由女神照耀全世界

New York City harbor in the United States has a free island,the island stands a huge statue,called the“Statue of Liberty statue International Monument”. The official name is“Liberty Enlightening the World”,the local Chinese called her“Lady Liberty”.

Statue of Liberty by the famous French sculptor Bartholdi completed the arduous 10-year sculpture,France presented to the United States in 1876 as a gift to commemorate the United States from British rule,and achieved victory in the 100th anniversary of the War of Independence.

Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor is a big attraction. Statue is holding a torch aloft in the air,straight ahead,and graceful. At this point,some passengers waved to her,and some visitors to her photo. Especially at night,the lights inside the brightly lit torch,plus ground-fired from the island Colossus searchlight to make the Statue of Liberty is more clear and spectacular.

Statue of Liberty is a symbol of the United States,a symbol of friendship between the people of United States and France and the American people the lofty ideals of freedom,but also a symbol of the American people and the pursuit of a better life.




自由女神是美国的象征,象征着美法人民的友谊和美国人民争取自由的崇高理想,也象征着美国人民对美好生活的向往与追求。● Watch the Goddess and Read The Free Verse 游览女神像,畅读自由诗

Ancient Rome Statue of Liberty wearing a robe,wearing a radiant crown,a symbol of the world's seven sharp radiances as seven continents. Goddess is friendly in nature. Right hand holding the torch symbolizes freedom,the torch can stand on the edge of 12 people. Left hand is holding a carved“American Declaration of Independence.”The foot is broken handcuffs,leg irons and chains,symbolizing the break the constraints of tyranny and freedom.

Elevator has been installed in recent years. People take the elevator to enter the statue head. Statue head which can accommodate 30 visitors,the top window has opened. Visitors can glance from the inside from the surrounding beautiful scenery.

For visitors' convenience,every three ladder set some rest on the seat,can not breath for the climb to the top of the tourist rest. Crown can accommodate 40 people at Ferris. Visitors can also be boarded from the crown of the statue at the right side to the torch at the bottom of the right arm,can accommodate 12 people here look at the crystal afar. On the base of the statue engraved with the American poet Ruth's widely circulated poem:

The New Colossus Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,

With conquering limbs astride from land to land;

Here at our sea-washed,sunset gates shall stand

A mighty woman with a torch whose flame

Is imprisoned lightning,and her name

Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand

Glows world-wide welcome;her mild eyes command

The air-bridged harbor that twin cities.

“Keep ancient lands your storied pomp!”cries she with silent


“Give me your tired your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these,the homeless,tempest-tossed to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”远观自由女神像



为了方便游人,每隔三节旋梯就设置一些休息座,供不能一口气登顶的游客小憩。冠冕处可同时容纳40人观览。从冠冕处向右还可登上铜像右臂高处的火炬底部,这里可容纳12人凭窗远望。塑像的基座上镌刻着美国女诗人拉扎露丝广为流传的一首诗:不似希腊伟岸铜塑雕像拥有征服疆域的臂膀,红霞落波之门你巍然屹立高举灯盏喷薄光芒您凝聚流光的名字——放逐者之母把广袤大地照亮凝视中宽柔撒满长桥 海港“扼守你们旷古虚华的土地与功勋吧!”她呼喊战栗着缄默双唇:把你那劳瘁贫贱的流民那向往自由呼吸,又被无情抛弃那拥挤于彼岸悲惨哀吟那骤雨暴风中翻覆的惊魂全都给我!我高举灯盏伫立金门!● Statue of Liberty“Disappear” 自由女神像“消失了”

In 1983,the famous magician David Copperfield,through the magic means of“the Statue of Liberty disappear”. In the illusion,David Copperfield raises a giant curtain on Liberty Island before lowering it again a few seconds later to reveal that the space where the statue once stood is now empty.

To prove that it is really gone,Copperfield then passes two searchlights through the space where the statue stood,to show there is nothing blocking the way. A live audience sits in an enclosed viewing area,and most of the camera shots are from the same area.


为了证明神像确实消失,科波菲尔之后让两个探照灯去照射神像,从而证明这里确实没有任何东西。现场的观众坐在一个封闭的观赏区内,而大部分的照相机镜头取材于同一区域。遭雷击的自由女神像● The Father of Goddess 女神之父巴托尔迪

Bartholdi is a talented sculptor in late 19th century.

In 1834,Bartholdi was born in France,an Italian family. Since from a young age he was fond of sculpture,the image of the Statue of Liberty has long had existence in his mind.

In 1851,Louis Bonaparte staged a coup to overthrow the Second Republic the day after,a group of Republicans in the streets,build strong fortifications,the deepening twilight,a young girl holding a burning torch,jump across the barrier,shouting“Forward”slogan rushed to the enemy,Bonaparte molecules gun sounds,the girl fell in a pool of blood.

Bartholdi heard the fact that feeling a long time can not be calm. From the climb up the torch of the brave girl has become a symbol of freedom in his mind.

In 1865,Bartholdi decided to create the statue as a symbol of freedom,as the French government gave the U.S. government to celebrate the 100th anniversary of American independence gift.

Soon after that,Bartholdi encountered at a wedding on a beautiful and dignified girl Jeanne,Jeanne to do so he chose the Statue of Liberty models. In the sculpture process,they had a pure love between,and finally married.

In 1876,Bartholdi participated in the celebration of Independence in Philadelphia at the 100th anniversary of Expo,the Statue of Liberty put the torch run on display at the fair hand,caused a sensation. Statue of Liberty has become the art treasures all Americans desire to enjoy.







1876年巴托尔迪参加在费城举行的庆祝独立100周年博览会时,便把自由女神像的一部分——执火炬的手在博览会上展出,引起一场轰动。自由女神成为美国人渴望欣赏的艺术珍品。● Statue of Liberty set to reopen “自由女神”重新开放

Visitors will be able to enter the base of the Statue of Liberty again the summer of 2005,but they'll need a reservation,and they won't be able to go where they'd probably like to—the crown.大卫·科波菲尔

Interior Secretary Gale Norton said that the statue,closed since the 9/11 attacks,will reopen in July after completion of work to make the pedestal secure for visitors.

But an international tradition—the long steep climb from the ground to the crown's observation deck—apparently has become a victim of terrorism fears.

“Safety of our citizens and preservation of the statue are our main goals,”said Norton,who called the statue“an attractive terrorist target.”巴托尔迪像

There is none more attractive,according to security experts:The statue is a relatively fragile,world—famous symbol in the middle of New York Harbor.

The statue is the only major national landmark that has remained closed since 9/11.

Norton said the statue has remained closed because it had too many potential fire and security problems and too few exits. New exits,additional screening procedures and a reservation system to shorten waits will be implemented once the 118-year-old monument reopens.

The observation area atop the statue's pedestal will reopen,but not the crown,which is reachable only by spiral staircases inside the statue that cannot be evacuated easily or quickly.

Visitors will be able to see the interior of the statue through the pedestal's new glass ceiling.

Liberty Island,the statue's home,reopened three months after 9/11. Visitors are screened by metal detectors before they board ferries to the island from Lower Manhattan. Visits are down at least 40%. Tourism analysts agree that's largely because people want to go inside the statue.

While many visitors were happy to hear the statue was partly reopening,others lamented the loss of access to the crown.











3. Lincoln Memorial:The Ancestral Temple 林肯纪念堂:王者祠堂

The Lincoln Memorial is an American national monument built to honor the 16th President of the United States,Abraham Lincoln. It is located on the National Mall in Washington,D.C. across from the Washington Monument. The architect was Henry Bacon,the sculptor of the primary statue was Daniel Chester French,and the painter of the interior murals was Jules Guerin. It is one of several monuments built to honor an American president.

林肯纪念堂是为了纪念美国第16任总统亚伯拉罕·林肯而建成的美国国家纪念馆,坐落于华盛顿特区的国家广场上,在华盛顿纪念碑的正对面。建筑师是亨利·培根,而负责雕塑亚伯拉罕·林肯雕像的是法国雕塑家丹尼尔·切斯特,室内壁画画家是朱尔斯·古瑞恩,林肯纪念堂是为了纪念美国总统而建成的几个纪念建筑之一。● Structured Lincoln Memorial 错落有致的林肯纪念堂

The exterior of the Memorial echoes a classic Greek temple and features Yule marble from Colorado. The structure measures 57.8 by 36.1 m and is 30 m tall. It is surrounded by a peristyle of 36 fluted Doric columns,one for each of the 36 states in the Union at the time of Lincoln's death.

The interior of the Memorial is divided into three chambers by two rows of Ionic columns. These columns,four in each row,are 50 feet tall and 5.5 feet in diameter at their base. The north and south side chambers contain carved inscriptions of Lincoln's second inaugural address and his Gettysburg Address. Bordering these inscriptions are pilasters ornamented with fasces,eagles,and wreaths. The inscriptions and adjoining ornamentation were done by Evelyn Beatrice Longman.


纪念馆内部被两行爱奥尼亚柱式划分为三个区域。这些爱奥尼亚柱式每行4根,每根高50英尺,底部直径5.5英尺。南北两面镌刻着林肯的第二次总统就职演说和他在葛底斯堡演说中的铭文。这些铭文旁边镶有束棒、鹰和花环装饰的壁柱,铭文和纹饰均由伊夫林·比阿特丽斯朗文制作。● Decorated Lincoln Memorial 雕梁画栋的林肯纪念堂

The Memorial is filled with symbolism:the 36 columns represent the states in the union at the time of Lincoln's death,the 48 stone festoons on the attic above the columns represent the 俯瞰林肯纪念堂48 states in 1922. Above each of the inscriptions is a 60-by-12-foot(18 by 3.7 m)mural painted by Jules Guerin graphically portraying governing principles evident in Lincoln's life. On the south wall mural,Freedom,Liberty,Immortality,Justice,and the Law are pictured,while the north wall portrays Unity,Fraternity,and Charity. Both scenes contain a background of cypress trees,the emblem of Eternity. The murals were crafted with a special mixture of paint which included elements of kerosene and wax to protect the exposed artwork from fluctuations in temperature and moisture conditions.

The ceiling of the Memorial,60 feet(18 m)above the floor,is composed of bronze girders,ornamented with laurel and oak leaves. Between the girders are panels of Alabama marble,saturated with paraffin to increase their translucency. Despite the increased light from this device,Bacon and French felt the statue required even more light. They decided upon an artificial lighting system in which a louvered lighting panel would be set in the ceiling with metal slats to conceal the great floodlights. Custodians could adjust the lights from a control room,varying them according to the outside light. Funds for this expensive system were appropriated by Congress in 1926,and in 1929,seven years after the dedication,the statue was properly lighted. Since that time,only one major alteration has taken place in the Memorial's design. This was the addition of an elevator within the structure to aid handicapped visitors,which was installed in the mid-1970s.林荫环绕的林肯纪念堂


天花板距离地面60英尺(18米),大梁由青铜制成,并用月桂树和橡树叶装饰。主梁之间镶嵌上阿拉巴马州大理石,以饱和的石蜡装饰其版面,从而增加他们的半透明性。尽管其提高了光的林肯纪念堂通透性,但培根和法国人还是觉得这座雕像需要更多的光线。他们决定将百叶窗式面板设置在天花板的金属板条上,以掩盖巨大的泛光灯,从而使用人工照明系统。管理者在灯光控制室中可根据外界光线的变化调节室内光度。这种昂贵系统的资金来源于1926年和1929年美国国会的拨款,在接受捐献的7年后,雕像适当增加了照明。自那时起,在纪念馆的设计上只发生过一次大的改动:为了帮助残疾人的游客,在20世纪70年代中期在馆内安装了电梯。● Depictions on U.S. Currency 货币上的纪念堂

From 1959 to 2008,the Lincoln Memorial was shown on the reverse of the United States one cent coin,which bears Lincoln's portrait bust on the front. This was done to mark the 150th 林肯纪念堂近景图anniversary of Lincoln's birth.

The memorial also appears on the back of the U.S. five dollar bill,the front of which bears Lincoln's portrait.


另外,5美元纸币正面为林肯头像,背面亦为林肯纪念堂。● The Great Man of the Century——Abraham Lincoln 世纪伟人:亚伯拉罕·林肯

Today,Abraham Lincoln(1809—1865),sixteenth president of the United States,is remembered as a visionary leader,a gifted orator and one of America's greatest presidents. In his time,however,he faced harsh criticism for his handling of the Civil War and his expansion of executive power. Lincoln was the first president to be assassinated—he was shot by actor John Wilkes Booth on April 14,1865,just six days after Robert E. Lee's surrender at Appomattox,and died the next morning.

Abraham Lincoln was born in Kentucky in 1809,and died in Washington in 1865,the day after he had been shot by a Southern sympathizer. He is classed with Washington in greatness of deeds,but is nearer the hearts of all Americans because he sprang from the ranks of the common people,and rose from the log hut of birth to the White House. Because his family was pioneers in the newly settled West,he had practically no regular education,but he held firmly to his purpose to secure knowledge in every possible way. Stories are told of how he walked miles to secure a book,and studied by the light of the hearth fire at night after a hard day at farm work. After a hard struggle as clerk,village postmaster,and surveyor,he succeeded in passing the bar examinations,and became a lawyer in Springfield,Illinois. In 1846. he was elected to Congress. In1858,he might have gained his place in the United States Senate had he not taken his stand against slavery in the famous debates which he entered with Stephen A. Douglas. These debates spread his fame throughout the country and led the way for his election to the presidency in1860. Very shortly after his election the secession of certain Southern states led to the Civil War,which in turn induced Lincoln to free the slaves on January 1,1863,by the Emancipation Proclamation. His second inaugural speech gives his plan for building up the peace of the nation,but he did not live to accomplish his desire. Many comparisons have been made of Washington and Lincoln. Each was in the highest sense a providential man raised up for his era,and filled with those eminent qualities that enabled him to do the great work of the hour.



4. Golden Gate Bridge—A Symbol of San Francisco 金门大桥——旧金山的象征

The bridge opened to vehicle traffic on May 28,1937. This is One of the longest suspension bridge in the world,as many as one hundred twelve thousand cars make the trip each day.

金门大桥是世界上最长的悬索桥之一,它于1937年5月28日通车,每天的车流量大约有11.2万辆。●The detail of Golden Gate Bridge 金门大桥的点点滴滴

The Golden Gate Bridge had the longest suspension span in the world,at the time it was built. The suspended roadway stretches one thousand two hundred eighty meters between the bridge's two tall towers. Today it still rates among the top ten longest bridge spans in existence.

The Golden Gate Bridge is named after the Golden Gate Strait. That narrow passage of water connects the San Francisco Bay to the Pacific Ocean. Joseph Strauss was the chief engineer of the Golden Gate Bridge project. Work began in 1933. The project took four years to complete.

The bridge is 2788m long from one end to the other. It is 27m wide. Two large cables pass over the top of the bridge's towers. These structures stand 227m above water and 152m above the road. Each cable holds more than 27500 strands of wire.

250 pairs of vertical suspender ropes connect the support cables to the suspension bridge. This is part of what enables the bridge to move up and down by nearly five meters.

The Golden Gate Bridge weighed 81.15 million tons when it was completed in 1937. The San Francisco Chronicle newspaper called the finished project,“a 35 million dollar steel harp!”林肯纪念堂中林肯像

Architect Irving Morrow gets credit for the bridge's bright orange color. The Navy wanted the bridge painted in yellow and black. The Air Force had suggested red and white.






建筑师欧文·莫罗因为大桥的亮橙色广受赞誉。海军曾希望这座大桥涂成黄色和黑色,空军则曾建议涂成红色和白色。跨越天际的金门大桥远眺金门大桥● Aesthetics of the Golden Gate Bridge 金门大桥的建筑美学

The color of the bridge is officially an orange vermillion called international orange. The color was selected by consulting architect Irving Morrow because it complements the natural surroundings and enhances the bridge's visibility in fog.高耸入云的金门大桥

Aesthetics was the foremost reason why the first design of Joseph Strauss was rejected. Upon resubmission of his bridge construction plan,he added details,such as lighting,to outline the bridge's cables and towers. In 1999,it was ranked fifth on the List of America's Favorite Architecture by the American Institute of Architects.金门海峡的位置


约瑟夫·施特劳斯的设计方案因为美感问题被否决后,他又重新提交了新的方案,他补充了一些细节如照明,以描绘大桥的电缆和桥塔等。1999年,金门大桥被美国建筑工程师协会评为美国最受欢迎的大桥第五位。● Fort Point 尖兵堡

Fort Point is located at the southern side of the Golden Gate at the entrance to San Francisco Bay. This fort was completed just before the American Civil War,to defend San Francisco Bay against hostile warships.

The fort is now protected as Fort Point National Historic Site,a United States National Historic Site administered by the National Park Service as a unit of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area.


尖兵堡目前是被美国国家官方保护的国家历史遗迹,而该遗迹现由美国国家公园管理局管辖,目前是金门大桥国家旅游区的一部分。● Golden Gate in“2012” 电影《2012》中的金门大桥

The bridge can be seen in the background when the cruise ship Genesis surges against the pier from an earthquake,although it is in the location of the San Francisco Bay Bridge.

虽然金门大桥在电影中位于旧金山湾大桥,但是可以在大背景中看到游船在地震中被冲到金门大桥桥墩上的景象。● Golden Gate Bridge's 50th Birthday 金门大桥50华诞

It was San Francisco's biggest event ever. As many as 800,000 people crowded together on the Golden Gate Bridge.

They wanted to be a part of the history of the bridge.

The crowd broke all the records. There were many more people than anyone had expected.

The party was for the 50th anniversary of the bridge opening.

The Golden Gate Bridge was famous when it was built.

Today,it is a beautiful landmark of San Francisco.

The party began with a walk across the bridge that started at sunrise.

One woman said,“This is the greatest day in the history of San Francisco. There's no better day to walk the bridge.”

The bridge walk lasted four hours.

Many people felt the bridge move in the wind as the crowd walked across.

The sunrise walk was just the beginning of a full day of games,concerts and a parade of old cars.

Some of the people and cars crossed the bridge on the opening day fifty years ago.

Many of the older folks walked across the bridge when it opened in 1937.

Some came back with their grandchildren. Endless Love.

This is a very beautiful statue. What's it called?

It's called“Endless Love”.

It was a gift from a sister city in Australia for the 100th anniversary of the city.

100th anniversary? When was that?

Just two months ago. There were very big celebrations and there was a spectacular fireworks display.

I took part in the great parade myself.

Sounds real good. It's a pity that I missed that.

Yes. We all loved the celebration of our city's birthday.

It made the people feel so proud of our city.金门大桥桥身

















它是城市百年华诞的时候,澳大利亚的一个友好城市赠送的礼物。● Golden Gate:Dangerous Beauty 金门大桥:危险的美景

KEVIN HINES,a manic-depressive,was 19 and in one of his weekly downswings on an overcast monday morning in 2000. He went to the nearby Golden Gate Bridge to kill himself mostly because,with only a four-foot(1.2-metre)railing to leap,“I figured it was the easiest way.”He dived over,but flipped and hit the water at 75mph with his feet first. His legs were crushed,but he somehow stayed conscious and started paddling with his upper body until the Coast Guard fished him out.

Mr. Hines is one of 26 people who have survived suicide attempts at the bridge,but 1,223 are known to have succeeded(i.e.,were seen jumping or found floating). People are throwing themselves off the bridge at the rate of two a month,which makes it the most popular place in the world for suicides. One book on the subject says that the Golden Gate is“to suicide what Niagara Falls is to honeymooners”.

Many San Franciscans think that the solution is to emulate the Empire State Building,the Sydney Harbor Bridge,the Eiffel Tower,St Peter's basilica and other such places and put up a simple barrier. This,however,is a decision for the 19 board members of the Golden Gate Bridge,Highway and Transportation District,an entity that oversees the bridge itself and the buses and ferries that operate in the area. Most of its revenues come from tolls and fares,and the district loses money. A barrier would cost between$15m and $25m.电影《2012》中的金门大桥

So the Psychiatric Foundation of Northern California,which has adopted the barrier as its cause,considers it a success that the board has merely allowed a feasibility study,for which various private and public donors have raised $2m. Mel Blaustein,a director at the foundation,has heard several arguments against a barrier over the years—too ugly,too expensive,and so forth—but the most persistent has been that people would simply kill themselves somewhere else,so why bother? This is nonsense,he says;“Most suicides are impulsive and preventable.”A bridge without a barrier,adds Pat Hines,Kevin's father,is“like leaving a loaded gun in the psychiatric ward.”





5. Central Park:“The Garden”of New York 中央公园:纽约的“后花园”

Central Park is a public park at the center of Manhattan in New York City,New York,United States. The park initially opened in 1857,on 843 acres(3.41 km2)of city-owned land.

In 1858,Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux won a design competition to improve and expand the park with a plan they entitled the Greensward Plan. Construction began the same year,continued during the 中央公园与高楼大厦相邻的奇妙景色American Civil War,and was completed in 1873.Designated a National Historic Landmark in 1962.


1858年,弗雷德里克·劳·奥姆斯特德及卡尔弗特·沃克斯的设计方案得到了认可,提出了扩大园区的计划。公园于当年开始了扩大,并于1873年完工,中央公园在1962年被评选为全国历史遗迹。● Past and Present of Central Park 中央公园的前世今生Early time 早期

Central Park was not a part of the Commissioners' Plan of 1811;however,between 1821 and 1855,New York City nearly quadrupled in population. As the city expanded,people were drawn to the few existing open spaces,mainly cemeteries,to get away from the noise and chaotic life in the city.

New York City's need for a great public park was voiced by the poet and editor of the Evening Post(now the New York Post),William Cullen Bryant,and by the first American landscape architect,Andrew Jackson Downing,who began to publicize the city's need for a public park in 1844. A stylish place for open-air driving,similar to the Bois de Boulogne in Paris or London's Hyde Park,in 1853 the New York legislature settled upon a 700-acre(280 ha)area from 59th to 106th Streets for the creation of the park.

The state appointed a Central Park Commission to oversee the development of the park,and in 1857 the commission held a landscape design contest. Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux developed what came to be known as the Greensward Plan,which was selected as the winning design.

Before the construction of the park could start,the area had to be cleared of its inhabitants,most of whom were quite poor and either free African Americans or residents of English or Irish origin. Most of them lived in small villages,such as Seneca Village. Around 1,600 residents occupying the area at the time were evicted under the rule of eminent domain during 1857. Seneca Village and parts of the other communities were razed to make room for the park.

In 1860,Olmsted was replaced by Andrew. Haas Will. Green,who becomes Chairman of the Committee and manage the Central Park. He still managed to accelerate the construction,as well as to finalize the negotiations for the purchase between 106th and 110th Streets.

Between 1860 and 1873,most of the major hurdles to construction were overcome,and the park was substantially 3completed. During this period,more than 14,000 m of topsoil had been transported in from New Jersey,because the original soil was not fertile or substantial enough to sustain the various trees,shrubs,when the park was officially completed in 1873.






1860~1873年,中央公园的工程取得极大的进展,而很多困难亦已经解决了。期间,在新泽西州有超过14000立方米的表土被运送过来作为支撑树木及各种植物。最后,中央公园终于在1873正式完工。● 20 Century 20世纪

Following completion,the park quickly slipped into decline. One of the main reasons for this was the lack of interest of the Tammany Hall political machine,which was the largest political force in New York at the time.

Around the turn of the 20th century,the park faced several new challenges. Cars were becoming commonplace,bringing with them their burden of pollution,and people's attitudes were beginning to change. No longer were parks to be used only for walks and picnics in an idyllic environment,but now also for sports,and similar recreation.

Following the dissolution of the Central Park Commission in 1870 and Andrew Green's departure from the project,and the death of Vaux in 1895,the maintenance effort gradually declined,and there were few,if any,attempts to replace dead trees,bushes and plants,or worn-out lawn. For several decades,authorities did little or nothing to prevent vandalism and the littering of the park.

All of this changed in 1934,when Republican Fiorello La Guardia was elected mayor of New York City and unified the five park-related departments then in existence.

In a single year,Moses managed to clean up Central Park and other parks in New York City. Lawns and flowers were replanted,dead trees and bushes were replaced,walls were sandblasted,and bridges repaired. The Greensward Plan's purpose of creating an idyllic landscape was combined with Moses' vision of a park to be used for recreational purposes—19 playgrounds,12 ball fields,and handball courts were constructed. Moses also managed to secure funds from the New Deal program,as well as donations from the public.

The 1960s marked the beginning of an“Events Era”in Central Park that reflected the widespread cultural and political trends of the period. Increasingly through the 1970s,the park became a venue for events of unprecedented scale,including political rallies and demonstrations,festivals,and massive concerts. New York City was experiencing economic and social upheaval. Residents were fleeing the city and moving to the suburbs. Morale was low,and crime was high. The Parks Department,suffering from budget cuts and a lack of skilled management that rendered its workforce virtually ineffective.中央公园航拍照,远处可见帝国大厦






20世纪60年代标志着中央公园的“大时代”,它反映着当时广泛的文化及政治潮流。从1970年起,中央公园就成为各大小规模活动的举办地点,包括政治集会、示威活动、庆祝活动及大型音乐会等。与此同时,纽约市正经历著经济及社会危机,居民纷纷离开纽约市,移居到郊区。道德滑坡,犯罪率升高。而公园也面临经费被削减及极具缺乏经验的管理等问题。● Good Place of Central Park 中央公园的好去处Delacorte Theater 戴拉寇特剧院

The Delacorte Theater,established in 1962,is an open-air theater located in Manhattan's Central Park and has a seating capacity of 1,800. The Delacorte is owned by the City of New York and operated by The Public Theater. It is an open-air amphitheater,with the Turtle Pond and Belvedere Castle as its backdrop. It primarily serves as the venue for The Public Theater's annual Shakespeare in the Park summer series.

戴拉寇特剧院创建于1962年,是一个位于曼哈顿中央公园内的露天剧场,有1800个座位,同时,它也是属纽约市所有和经营的公共剧院,以龟池和丽城城堡为依托,作为公共剧院,在每年夏季都会进行莎士比亚系列戏剧的演出。Central Park Zoo 中央公园动物园

The Central Park Zoo is a small 6.5-acre(2.6 ha)zoo located on Central Park in New York City. The zoo began in the 1860s as a menagerie,making it the first official zoo to open in New York.

The zoo was modified in 1934,with the addition of many new buildings ranged in a quadrangle around the sea lion pool. Finally,the zoo was renovated in the mid-1980s and reopened in 1988,replacing the old-fashioned cages with 游客参观中央公园动物园naturalistic environments.


该动物园于1934年进行了整修,在海狮池的周围修建了许多新的建筑。最后,动物园经过20世纪80年代中期的整修,以模拟自然环境的设施取代了老式的笼子,并于1988年重新开放。Bethesda Fountain 毕士达喷泉中央公园动物园中的水中之鹅

Bethesda Fountain is centered by a fountain sculpture designed by Emma Stebbins in 1868 and unveiled in 1873. Stebbins was the first woman to receive a public commission for a major work of art in New York City. The bronze,eight-foot statue depicts a female winged angel touching down upon the top of the fountain,where water spouts and cascades into an upper basin and into the surrounding pool. It was the only statue in the park called for in the original design. Beneath her are four four-foot cherubs representing Temperance,Purity,Health,and Peace. Also called the Angel of the Waters,the statue refers to the Gospel of John,Chapter 5 where there is a description of an angel blessing the Pool of Bethesda,giving it healing powers.毕士达喷泉全景

毕士达喷泉是由艾玛·斯特宾斯设计的喷泉。喷泉在1868年落成,并于1873年正式开放。斯特宾斯是美国第一位负责城市艺术设计工作的女性。这个铜制的八足雕像展现了一个位于喷泉上方的女性翼天使,水流从上流到水池中。这是仅有的被要求尊崇原始设计的雕像。而围在喷泉旁的四座雕像分别代表“节制”、“纯净”、“健康”与“和平”。雕像被称为毕士达之名则是取自圣经的故事,内容是叙述在耶路撒冷的一个水池因天使赋予的力量,而具有治病的功效。Interesting Activities of Central Park 中央公园的趣味活动

Birding:A wooded section of the park called“The Ramble”is popular among birders. Many species of woodland birds,especially warblers,may be seen in The Ramble in Spring and Fall.

Boating:Rowboats and kayaks are rented on an hourly basis at the Loeb Boathouse,which also houses a restaurant overlooking the Lake. As early as 1922,model power boating was popular on park waters.毕士达喷泉广场

Carriage horses:the carriage horse industry,revived in New York City in 1935,has been featured in various films;the first female carriage driver,Maggie Cogan,appeared in a newsreel in 1967. The ethics of this tradition and the effects on horse health and well being have been questioned by various animal rights activists.毕士达喷泉的中央雕塑

Pedicabs:Pedicabs operate mostly in the southern part of the park,the same part as horse carriages.

Ice Skating:Central Park has two ice skating rinks,Wollman Rink and Lasker Rink,which converts to an outdoor swimming pool in summer.

Theatre:Each summer,the Public Theater presents free open-air theatre productions,often starring well-known stage and screen actors. The Delacorte Theater is the summer performing venue of the New York Shakespeare Festival. Most,although not all,of the plays presented are by William Shakespeare,and the performances are generally regarded as being of high quality since its founding by Joseph Papp in 1962.







6. National Gallery of Art:The Collection of Empire 美国国家艺术馆:帝国收藏

The National Gallery of Art and its Sculpture Garden is a national art museum in Washington,D.C.,where collect rich art collection,you will feel the shock of the visual and spiritual after tour.

国家艺术馆及其雕塑园是一座坐落在华盛顿的国家艺术博物馆,这里收藏了丰富的艺术藏品,游览之后,你会感受到视觉和心灵的震撼。● National Gallery of Art of Rich Collection 包罗万象的美国国家艺术馆

The National Gallery of Art and its Sculpture Garden is a national art museum in Washington,D.C.,located on the National Mall between 3rd and 9th Streets at Constitution Avenue NW. Open to the public and free of charge,the museum was established in 1937 for the people of the United States of America by a joint resolution of the United States Congress,with funds for construction and a substantial art collection donated by Andrew W. Mellon. The core collection also includes major works of art donated by Paul Mellon,Ailsa Mellon Bruce,Lessing J. Rosenwald,Samuel Henry Kress,Rush Harrison Kress,Peter Brown Widener,Joseph E. Widener and Chester Dale. The Gallery's collection of paintings,drawings,prints,photographs,sculpture,medals,and decorative arts traces the development of Western Art from the Middle Ages to the present,including the only painting by Leonardo da Vinci in the Americas.复古风格的国际艺术馆国际艺术馆的作品

The Gallery's campus includes the original neoclassical West Building designed by John Russell Pope,which is linked underground to the modern East Building designed by I. M. Pei,and the 6.1-acre(25,000 m2)Sculpture Garden. Temporary special exhibitions spanning the world and the history of art are presented frequently.国际艺术馆的中国瓷器


国家艺术馆馆区,包括由约翰·罗素教宗设计的新古典主义的西楼,通过地下通道连接着由贝聿铭设计的现代风格的东楼和6.1英亩(25000平方米)的雕塑园。这里也经常举行跨越世界和历史的艺术特展。● The West Building:Show classical art 展现古典艺术的西楼

The West Building has an extensive collection of paintings and sculptures by European masters from the medieval period through the late 19th century,as well as pre-20th century works by American artists. Highlights of the collection include many paintings by Jan Vermeer,Rembrandt van Rijn,Claude Monet,Vincent van Gogh,and Leonardo da Vinci.

西楼主要搜集了从中世纪到19世纪晚期的欧洲艺术家绘画和雕塑的作品,以及20世纪前期美国艺术家的作品。藏品主要包括杨·维、伦勃朗、莫奈、梵高、达·芬奇等人的许多作品。Small Cowper Madonna 圣母子

It is thought that Raphael painted this as a wedding present for someone. Religious artworks,such as the Madonna and Child made popular gifts on special occasions around the time of the Renaissance as people had a new appreciation of art.

Sitting in the center of the work in a bright red dress is the Madonna. She is fair skinned with blonde hair. She sits comfortably on a wooden bench. Interestingly,there appears to be a sheer translucent ribbon elegantly flowing across the top of her dress and behind her head. The faintest golden halo miraculously surrounds her head. In her left hand she holds the baby Christ,who embraces her with one arm around her back,the other around her neck. He,an undeniably precious child,looks back over his shoulder with a coy smile. Behind them,a beautifully clear and bright day unfolds. A large and very impressing structure stands at the end of a long path,which one could presume to be a Catholic church. Its dome and other structural elements common of Catholic architecture add to the already omnipresent atmosphere of religious divinity and grace.国际艺术馆的展品


在这幅画中,坐在画中央穿着红裙的人就是圣母。她皮肤白皙,发色金黄。舒适地坐在板凳上。有趣的是,她的头发像一条半透明的丝带一样优雅的盘过上身的衣服和脑后,奇迹般微弱的金色光环围绕着她的头。她的左手抱着婴儿基督,他搂着她的脖子。无可否认他是蜷缩在圣母的肩膀上露出腼腆的笑容的孩子。在他们身后,美丽清澈明亮的一天开始了。在画中的远方是一座天主教教堂,教堂的形象令人印象深刻。它吸收了其他常见的天主教建筑的结构元素,并加之宗教的神性和优雅的气氛。Ginevra de' Benci 吉内夫拉·德本奇像

Ginevra de' Benci was an aristocrat from 15th century Florence,admired for her intelligence by Florentine contemporaries. She is the subject of a portrait painting by Leonardo da Vinci. The oil-on-wood portrait was acquired by the National Gallery of Art in Washington,D.C.,in 1967,for US$5 million. It is the only painting by Leonardo on public view in the Americas.

吉内夫拉·德本奇是15世纪的佛罗伦萨贵族,受到了同时代佛罗伦萨人的敬仰,也成为达·芬奇的肖像画的主题。这幅油画在1967年被位于华盛顿特区的国家美术馆以500万美元收购。这是美洲大陆仅有的达·芬奇作品。● The Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries 皇帝拿破仑在他杜伊勒里宫的书房中

The Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries is an 1812 painting by Jacques-Louis David. It shows French Emperor Napoleon I in uniform in his study at the Tuileries Palace. Despite the detail,it is unlikely that Napoleon posed for the portrait.

It was a private commission from the Scottish nobleman and admirer of Napoleon,Alexander Hamilton,10th Duke of Hamilton in 1811 and completed in 1812. Originally shown at Hamilton Palace,it was sold to Archibald Primrose,5th Earl of Rosebery in 1882,from whom it was bought by the Samuel H. Kress Foundation in 1954,which deposited it in Washington DC's National Gallery of Art,where it now hangs.《皇帝拿破仑在他杜伊勒里宫的书房中》这部作品是由雅克·路易·大卫在1812年所作。在这幅画中,可以看到身穿制服的拿破仑在他杜伊勒里宫的书房中学习的画面。这幅画的细节充实,更难得的是好像并不是拿破仑为肖像画刻意摆出的造型。

这幅画是苏格兰名流、拿破仑的仰慕者亚历山大·汉密尔顿公爵十世在1811年到1812年期间收藏的。最早展出于汉密尔顿宫,后来被出售给阿奇博尔德·皮尔鲁斯,罗斯伯里伯爵五世于1882年从他们那里购买,1954年由塞缪尔·克雷斯基金会购买,至今存放在华盛顿的美国国家艺术馆。● The East Building:Gather Place of Modern Art 东楼:现代艺术的聚集地

The East Building focuses on modern and contemporary art,with a collection including works by Pablo Picasso,Henri Matisse,Jackson Pollock,Andy Warhol,Roy Lichtenstein and Alexander Calder. The East Building also contains the main offices of the NGA and a large research facility,Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts(CASVA).大卫的《皇帝拿破仑在他杜伊勒里宫的书房中》

东楼侧重于现代和当代艺术,包括毕加索、马蒂斯、杰克逊·波洛克、安迪·沃霍尔、李奇登斯坦和亚历山大·考尔德等人的作品。东楼还设有艺术馆的主要办公室以及一个大型研究设施,是视觉艺术高级研究中心的主要办事处。现代风格的国家艺术馆东楼● Family of Saltimbanques 马戏演员之家

From late 1904 to the beginning of 1906,Picasso's work centered on a single theme:the saltimbanque,or itinerant circus performer. The theme of the circus and the circus performer had a long tradition in art and in literature,and had become especially prominent in French art of the late nineteenth century. A more immediate inspiration for Picasso came from performances of the Cirque Médrano,a circus that the artist attended frequently near his residence and studio in Montmartre.充满现代主义风采的国家艺术馆东楼

Circus performers were regarded as social outsiders,poor but independent. As such,they provided a telling symbol for the alienation of avant-garde artists such as Picasso. Indeed,it has been suggested that the Family of Saltimbanques serves as an autobiographical statement,a covert group portrait of Picasso and his circle.毕加索的《马戏演员之家》


被视为社会的边缘人和穷人,马戏表演者是不容于上层和主流社会的。正因为如此,他们为前卫艺术家提供了一个显著的象征,如毕加索的异化作品。事实上,《马戏演员之家》更像是一部自述,是一个隐蔽的对毕加索他自己的精神上的马戏团的自述。● Van Gogh Self Portrait 梵高自画像

The dozens of self-portraits by Vincent van Gogh were an important part of his oeuvre as a painter. Vincent van Gogh created many self-portraits during his lifetime. Most probably,Van Gogh's self portraits are depicting the face as it appeared in the mirror he used to reproduce his face,i.e. his right side in the image is in reality the left side of his face.巧夺天工的国家艺术馆雕塑园

数十个版本的自画像是凡高作品的重要组成部分。梵高在他的一生中创作了许多自画像,最有可能的解释是,梵高的自画像中所描绘的脸,因为出现在镜子里,所以梵高在画布上重现他的脸时,现实中他脸的右侧就变成了画像中他脸的左侧。● The Sculpture Garden 国家艺术馆雕塑园

The Sculpture Garden was completed in 1999 after more than 30 years of planning. To the west of the West Building,across Seventh 2Street,the 6.1 acres(25,000 m)Sculpture Garden was designed by landscape architect Laurie Olin as an outdoor gallery for monumental modern sculpture and includes plantings of native American species of canopy trees,flowering trees,shrubs,ground covers,and perennials. A circular reflecting pool and fountain form the center of its design,complemented by great arching pathways of granite and crushed stone.(The pool is transformed into an ice-skating rink during the winter)The exhibited sculptures in the surrounding landscaped area include pieces by Roy Lichtenstein,Sol LeWitt,Roxy Paine,Joan Miró,Louise Bourgeois,and Hector.


7. Mount Rushmore:Holy Place of President 拉什莫尔山:总统胜地

The Mount Rushmore National Memorial is a sculpture carved into the granite face of Mount Rushmore near Keystone,South Dakota,in the United States. Mount Rushmore features 60-foot(18 m)sculptures of the heads of 空军一号正在飞越拉什莫尔山former United States presidents(in order from left to right)George Washington,Thomas Jefferson,Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. The entire memorial covers 1,278.45 acres(5.17 km2)and is 5,725 feet(1,745 m)above sea level.

拉什莫尔山国家纪念公园是一座座落于美国南达科他州基斯通附近的美利坚合众国总统纪念公园。公园内有四座高达60英尺(约合18米)的美国历史上著名的前总统头像,他们分别是华盛顿、杰斐逊、老罗斯福和林肯(从左到右拉什莫尔山的入口排列)。整个公园占地面积1278.45英亩(5.17平方公里),海拔5725英尺(1745米)。● Mount Rushmore:Drilled So Far 开凿至今的拉什莫尔山

Historian Doane Robinson conceived the idea for Mount Rushmore in 1923 to promote tourism in South Dakota. In 1924,Robinson persuaded sculptor Gutzon Borglum to travel to the Black Hills region to ensure the carving could be accomplished. Borglum had been involved in sculpting the Confederate Memorial Carving,a massive bas—relief memorial to Confederate leaders on Stone Mountain in Georgia,but was in disagreement with the officials there. The original plan was to perform the carvings in granite pillars known as the Needles. However,Borglum realized that the eroded Needles were too thin to support sculpting. He chose Mount Rushmore,a grander location,partly because it faced southeast and enjoyed maximum exposure to the sun.

Borglum said upon seeing Mount Rushmore,“America will march along that skyline.”Congress authorized the Mount Rushmore National Memorial Commission on March 3,1925.President Coolidge insisted along with Washington,two Republicans and one Democrat be portrayed.

Between October 4,1927,and October 31,1941,Gutzon Borglum and 400 workers sculpted the colossal 60 foot(18 m)high carvings of U.S. presidents George Washington,Thomas Jefferson,Theodore Roosevelt,and Abraham Lincoln to represent the first 150 years of American history. These presidents were selected by Borglum because of their role in preserving the Republic and expanding its territory.

In 1933,the National Park Service took Mount Rushmore under its jurisdiction. Engineer Julian Spotts helped with the project by improving its infrastructure. For example,he had the tram upgraded so it could reach the top of Mount Rushmore for the ease of workers. By July 4,1934,Washington's face had been completed and was dedicated. The face of Thomas Jefferson was dedicated in 1936,and the face of Abraham Lincoln was dedicated on September 17,1937. In 1937,a bill was introduced in Congress to add the head of civil-rights leader Susan B. Anthony,but a rider was passed on an appropriations bill requiring federal funds be used to finish only those heads that had already been started at that time. In 1939,the face of Theodore Roosevelt was dedicated.

The Sculptor's Studio—a display of unique plaster models and tools related to the sculpting—was built in 1939 under the direction of Borglum. Borglum died from an embolism in March 1941. His 国家艺术馆的雕塑园的精美雕塑son,Lincoln Borglum,continued the project. Originally,it was planned that the figures would be carved from head to waist,but insufficient funding forced the carving to end. Borglum had also planned a massive panel in the shape of the Louisiana Purchase commemorating in eight-foot-tall gilded letters the Declaration of Independence,U.S. Constitution,Louisiana Purchase,and seven other territorial acquisitions from Alaska to Texas to the Panama Canal Zone.The entire project cost US$989,992.32. Notable for a project of such size,no workers died during the carving.

On October 15,1966,Mount Rushmore was listed on the National Register of Historic Places. In 1991,President George H. W. Bush officially dedicated Mount Rushmore.

Ten years of redevelopment work culminated with the completion of extensive visitor facilities and sidewalks in 1998,such as a Visitor Center,the Lincoln Borglum Museum,and the Presidential Trail. Maintenance of the memorial requires mountain climbers to monitor and seal cracks annually. Due to budget constraints,the memorial is not regularly cleaned to remove lichens. However,on July 8,2005,Alfred Kärcher GmbH,a German manufacturer of pressure washing and steam cleaning machines,conducted a free cleanup operation which lasted several weeks,using pressurized water at over 200°F(93°C).







1998年,历时十年的拉什莫尔山整修工程告一段落。工程中最后完工的部分包括游客中心、林肯·博格勒姆博物馆、总统之路以及人行便道等便利游客游览的设施。整个公园(特别是主要的雕刻部分)的日常维护工作相当复杂和烦琐,其中以清除雕像上的苔藓并对雕像进行清洗最为艰巨,而这项工作需要经常进行。2005年7月8日,德国的清洗机器制造商凯驰为总统雕像的面部进行了一次免费清洁。清洁过程中使用的高压水温度高达200华氏度(约合93摄氏度)。● Lincoln Borglum Museum 林肯·博格勒姆博物馆

The Lincoln Borglum Museum is located in the Mount Rushmore National Memorial near Keystone,South Dakota. It features two 125-seat theaters that show a 13-minute movie about Mount Rushmore. One of the best viewpoints is located at Grandview Terrace,above the Museum.

The Presidential Trail,a walking trail and boardwalk,starts at Grandview Terrace and winds through the Ponderosa pine forests to the Sculptor's Studio,providing close-up views of the memorial. The Sculptor's studio was built by Gutzon Borglum,and features discussion about the construction of the monument as well as the tools used. The amphitheater also has a 30-minute program at dusk that describes the construction of the memorial. Following that,the mountain is illuminated for two hours.


总统之路,是指一条从大观景台开始并穿过黄松林最终到达雕刻家工作室的小径,它为人们更近距离地接触纪念公园提供了很好的机会。雕刻家工作室由林肯·博格勒姆的父亲格曾·博格勒姆建造,内有对于整个雕塑建造过程以及所使用的工具的简介。临近黄昏时,电影院还将播放一部长度为30分钟的介绍纪念公园建造的节目。随后,整座拉什莫尔山将会被灯光所照亮,灯光照明每天持续2小时。● Crazy Horse Memorial 疯马纪念雕像

Mount Rushmore is controversial among Native Americans because the United States seized the area from the Lakota tribe after the Great Sioux War of 1876. The Treaty of Fort Laramie from 1868 had previously granted the Black Hills to the Lakota in perpetuity. Among the participants were young activists,grandparents,children and Lakota holy man John Fire Lame Deer,who planted a prayer staff atop the mountain. Lame Deer said the staff formed a symbolic shroud over the presidents' faces“which shall remain dirty until the treaties concerning the Black Hills are fulfilled.”

In 2004,the first Native American superintendent of the park 疯马纪念雕像的远景图并未完工的疯马纪念雕像was appointed. Gerard Baker has stated that he will open up more“avenues of interpretation”,and that the four presidents are“only one avenue and only one focus.”The Crazy Horse Memorial is being constructed elsewhere in the Black Hills to commemorate the famous Native American leader and as a response to Mount Rushmore. It is intended to be larger than Mount Rushmore and has the support of Lakota chiefs;the Crazy Horse Memorial Foundation has rejected offers of federal funds. However,this memorial is likewise the subject of controversy,even within the Native American community.


即便是在2004年有关当局任命了拉什莫尔山国家公园历史上第一位印第安裔负责人杰勒德·贝克之后,这样的批评仍然没有停止。作为对于总统山工程的回应,拉科塔人在布拉克山区的另外一个地方,建造了美国历史上著名的拉科塔酋长疯马的疯马纪念雕像。疯马作为一个印第安头目,曾经反抗白人统治,以3000名部众起义,打败美军著名的卡士达将军且将他猎首了。虽然疯马纪念雕像工程,只得到了来自美国政府的一小笔预算,不过由于得到了疯马生前所属的拉科塔部落的酋长的大力支持,这座比总统山整体还略大些的雕像最终还是顺利动工了。● The Family of Flora and Fauna of Mount Rushmore 拉什莫尔山的动植物大家庭

The flora and fauna of Mount Rushmore are similar to those of the rest of the Black Hills region of South Dakota. Birds including the turkey vulture,bald eagle,hawk,and meadowlark fly around Mount Rushmore,occasionally making nesting spots in the ledges of the mountain. Smaller birds,including songbirds,nuthatches,and woodpeckers,inhabit the surrounding pine forests. Terrestrial mammals include the mouse,chipmunk,squirrel,skunk,porcupine,raccoon,beaver,badger,coyote,bighorn sheep,and bobcat. In addition,several species of frogs and snakes inhabit the region. The two streams in the memorial,the Grizzly Bear and Starling Basin brooks,support fish such as the longnose dace and the brook trout. Mountain goats are not indigenous to the area but can also be found here. They are descended from goats which were a gift from Canada to Custer State Park in 1924 but later escaped.

At lower elevations,coniferous trees,mainly the Ponderosa pine,surround most of the monument,providing shade from the sun. Other trees include the bur oak,the Black Hills spruce,and the cottonwood. Nine species of shrubs live near Mount Rushmore. There is also a wide variety of wildflowers,including especially the snapdragon,sunflower,and violet. Towards higher elevations,plant life becomes sparser. However,only approximately five percent of the plant species found in the Black Hills are indigenous to the region.

The area receives about 18 inches(460 mm)of precipitation on average per year,enough to support abundant animal and plant life. Trees and other plants help to control surface runoff. Dikes,seeps,and springs help to dam up water that is flowing downhill,providing watering spots for animals. In addition,stones like sandstone and limestone help to hold groundwater,creating aquifers.疯马纪念雕像的石刻文字

Forest fires occur in the Ponderosa forests surrounding Mount Rushmore around every 27 years. This was determined from fire scars in tree core samples. These help to clean forest debris located on the ground. Large conflagrations are rare,but have occurred in the past.拉什莫尔山壮丽的美景




通过对树木年轮抽样调查时发现的因火烧而留下的伤疤分析得知,拉什莫尔山附近的黄松林大约每27年发生一次森林火灾,这有助于清除长期堆积在地表上的残枝败叶,维持生态的自然循环。不过大规模的山林火灾却非常罕见,但可以确信的是,在这一地区的历史上一定发生过这样规模的大火。● To Explore“Stones”of Mount Rushmore 来探究拉什莫尔山的“石块”

Mount Rushmore is largely composed of granite. The memorial is carved on the northwest margin of the Harney Peak granite batholith in the Black Hills of South Dakota,so the geologic formations of the heart of the Black Hills region are also evident at Mount Rushmore. The batholith magma intruded into the pre-existing mica schist rocks during the Precambrian period about 1.6 billion years ago. Very coarse grained pegmatite is associated with the granite of Harney Peak. The light-colored streaks in the presidents' foreheads are due to these dikes.《国家宝藏2:神秘书》海报《西北偏北》海报

The Black Hills granites were exposed to erosion during the late Precambrian,but were buried by sandstones and other sediments during the Cambrian Period. The area remained buried throughout the Paleozoic Era,but was exposed again to erosion during the tectonic uplift about 70 million years ago. The Black Hills area was uplifted as an elongated geologic dome. The subsequent natural erosion of this mountain range allowed the carvings by stripping the granite of the overlying sediments and the softer adjacent schists. The contact between the granite and darker schist is viewable just below the sculpture of Washington.

Borglum selected Mount Rushmore as the site for several reasons. The rock of the mountain is composed of smooth,fine-grained granite. The durable granite erodes only 1 inch(25 mm)every 10,000 years,indicating that it was sturdy enough to support sculpting. The mountain's height of 5,725 feet(1,745 m)above sea level made it suitable,and because it faces the southeast,the workers also had the advantage of sunlight for most of the day.



博格勒姆之所以选择拉什莫尔山作为雕塑的建造地主要是基于以下几点考虑:首先,拉什莫尔山主要由平整的、纹理细密的花岗岩构成。花岗岩非常坚固,且其化学性质也非常稳定,每一万年的自然侵蚀仅有1英寸(2.5厘米),这就使其足够坚固以支撑整个雕塑;另外,5725英尺(1745米)的海拔也使其成为这一地区的最高峰;同时这座山的花岗岩裸露部分恰好朝向东南方向,这可以使雕像在一天的大部分时间内都沐浴在阳光下,从而呈现出更好的观赏效果。● Mount Rushmore In Popular Culture 流行文化中的拉什莫尔山

Due to its fame as a monument,Mount Rushmore is frequently discussed or depicted in media,film and popular culture.

The memorial 从路边看加拿大战争博物馆was iconically used as the 美丽的加拿大战争博物馆location of the climactic chase scene in Alfred Hitchcock's 1959 movie North by Northwest. Scriptwriter Ernest Lehman recalled that in the course of screenwriting,Hitchcock“murmured wistfully,‘I always wanted to do a chase across the faces of Mount Rushmore.’”The scene was not actually filmed at the monument,since permission to shoot an attempted killing on the face of a national monument was refused by the National Park Service. In the movie,the villain's house is located on a fictitious forested plateau above the monument.

Mt. Rushmore was also featured in National Treasure:Book of Secrets. In the movie,the monument was constructed to hide the City of Gold.




8. Canadian War Museum:Bystander 加拿大战争博物馆:旁观者

The Canadian War Museum is Canada's national museum of military history. Located in Ottawa,Ontario,here is possession of a wealth of art,which is a place worth to go.

加拿大战争博物馆是加拿大展示国家军事历史的博物馆,该博物馆坐落在安大略省的渥太华市。藏有丰富的艺术品,是值得去的地方。● The Precious of Canadian War Museum 加拿大战争博物馆的丰富典藏

The museum covers all facets of Canada's military past,from the first recorded instances of death by armed violence in Canadian history several hundred years ago to the country's most recent involvement in conflicts. It includes major permanent exhibitions on wars that have been fought on Canadian soil,the total wars of the twentieth century,the Cold War and peace support operations abroad,and Canada's history of honoring and remembrance. There is also an open storage area displaying large objects from the Museum's collection,from naval guns to tanks,from motorcycles to jet aircraft. The exhibits depict Canada's military past in its personal,national and international dimensions,with special emphasis on the human experience of war and the manner in which war has affected,and been affected by,Canadians' participation.加拿大战争博物馆的战士雕塑

Much of the Museum's public exhibition space is devoted to its Canadian Experience Galleries. These displays underline the profound effect that war has had on Canada's development and the significant role Canadians have played in international conflicts. Their content is a rich mixture of some 2,500 objects from war art to armored vehicles,as well as scores of audio-visual displays and many hands-on activities. A changing program of temporary or special exhibitions,plus public programs and special events,complement the experience offered in the permanent galleries. The CWM also houses the Military History Research Centre,a leading library and archival research facility,and a large collection of some 500,000 artifacts,including uniforms,medals,weapons,war art,aircraft,military vehicles and artillery.加拿大战争博物馆的军服展览

The CWM originated in 1880. Its current building opened in May 2005 and is located less than 2 km west of Canada's Parliament Buildings. The building's architecture has received professional and public acclaim. The CWM is part of the Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation,which also operates the Canadian Museum of Civilization,the Canadian Children's Museum,the Canadian Postal Museum,and the Virtual Museum of New France.



加拿大战争博物馆的历史可以追溯到1880年。其目前的展区于2005年5月开放,博物馆西距加拿大的议会大厦不到2公里。博物馆的建筑风格受到公众的一致好评。加拿大战争博物馆是加拿大文明博物馆的子公司,该公司还经营着加拿大的文明博物馆,加拿大儿童博物馆,加拿大邮政博物馆以及法国新虚拟博物馆的一部分。● Canadian War Museum:Visit one by one 加拿大战争博物馆:展厅挨个逛

The gallery of Battleground in earliest times:Wars on Our Soil,from earliest times to 1885.

This gallery explores the history of war on Canadian soil and the way in which armed conflict affected the evolution of the country and its peoples. It includes First Peoples warfare,the alliances and conflicts that marked the relationship between First Peoples and Europeans,and the imperial rivalries that marked most of North America's early history. Content includes the Seven Years' War,the American Revolution,the War of 1812,and conflicts in the Canadian West in 1870 and 1885.加拿大战争博物馆的展品

The gallery of for Crown and Country:The South African and First World Wars,1885—1931

Canadian forces went abroad in 1899 and again in 1914 to fight in wars as part of the British Empire. This gallery covers the South African War and the First World War,and ends with the 展示加拿大早期历史的展厅Statute of Westminster(1931),which granted Canada and the other dominions political autonomy within the Empire. The gallery covers the battles and campaigns of both wars,but especially the trench warfare in France and Belgium from 1915 to 1918,and battles such as the Somme,Vimy,and the Hundred Days. It also covers the home front,air and naval warfare,military medicine,artillery,the plight of enemy aliens,and strategy and tactics.

The gallery of forged in Fire:The Second World War,1931—1945

This gallery starts with the rise of aggressive dictatorships in Germany,Italy,and Japan in the 1930s and follows “二战”展厅Canada's role in the ensuing world war until it ended in 1945. Early displays cover Adolf Hitler and the rise of fascism including an infamous Mercedes limousine used by Hitler at Nazi rallies. The main exhibits cover Canada's initial land,sea and air responses to the fighting in Europe,the costly Battle of the Atlantic,and the gradual mobilization of the Canadian home front for a total war effort. Later displays include Dieppe,the air war,the fighting in Italy,Normandy,and the Netherlands,and the eventual surrender of the Axis powers and the cost of war. Homecoming is the final exhibit in the gallery.

The gallery of a Violent Peace:The Cold War,Peacekeeping and Recent Conflicts,1945 to the present

This gallery covers the period from the immediate onset of the Cold War following the end of the Second World War to the present,detailing Canadian defence efforts at home and abroad,including those in NATO,NORAD,and the United Nations;wars in Korea,the Persian Gulf,Kosovo,and Afghanistan;espionage,domestic security,civil liberties,and popular culture;and Canadian involvement in wars since the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. The material in this gallery ranges from Cold War comic books and board games to peace signs and the story of Nobel Prize winner Lester Pearson,and includes an interactive space for visitors to leave their own reflections on war,peace,and remembrance.“早期的战场”展厅:战争在我们的土地上,从最早的时期至1885年




这个展厅主要的内容是有关从第二次世界大战结束冷战开始一直到现在的历史,并详细介绍了加拿大军队在国内外的战绩,展示了其在北约内的作用和在朝鲜战争、海湾战争、科索沃冲突和阿富汗战争中的表现以及加拿大国内安全、公民自由和军事领域的流行文化。也有从冷战漫画书籍、棋盘游戏、和平标志到诺贝尔经济学奖获得者莱斯特·皮尔逊的遗物等等各种展品。在这个展厅内还拥有一个互动空间,让游客留下自己对于战争与和平的想法。皇家安大略博物馆的外景● Military History Research Centre 军事历史研究中心

The Military History Research Centre(MHRC)houses the George Metcalf Archival Collection and the Hartland Molson Library. These extensive national collections of primary and secondary research material document Canada's military history from the pre-contact period to the present.

The Archival Collection contains unique documents including original letters,diaries,scrapbooks,maps,blueprints,sound recordings,oral history tapes and 65,000 photographic materials in a variety of formats. The Library Collection includes regimental histories,personal memoirs,wartime pamphlets,and military and technical field manuals.



9. Royal Ontario Museum:The Maple of“Leaf” 皇家安大略博物馆:“枫叶”收藏

The Royal Ontario Museum(ROM)is Canada's largest museum of world culture and natural history located in Toronto,Ontario. It is one of the largest museums in North America,welcoming over a million visitors every year. The museum is located north of Queen's Park in the University of Toronto,with its main entrance facing Bloor Street.

皇家安大略博物馆是加拿大最大的以世界文化和自然历史为主题的博物馆,位于加拿大安大略省多伦多市。是北美最大的博物馆之一,每年迎接游客超过100万人次。该博物馆位于加拿大多伦多大学北部的女王公园,对面就是布鲁尔街的主入口。● Royal Ontario Museum:Search for World 搜罗天下的皇家安大略博物馆皇家安大略博物馆的现代风格建筑

Founded in 1912,the museum has maintained close relations with the University of Toronto throughout its history,often sharing expertise and resources. The museum was originally under the direct control and management of the University of Toronto,until 1968,when it became an independent institution. Today,the museum is Canada's largest field-research institution,with research and conservation activities that span the globe.自然史展厅





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